Media evaluation question 7

Media Evaluation Q7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Transcript of Media evaluation question 7

Media Evaluation Q7Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

What Brief were you working to?

Our main aim of the preliminary task was continuity and to make the clip run smooth.

The objectives of the task were to create these three shots; Match on Action, Shot Reverse Shot, 180 degree rule.

To do this we had to film a short continuous conversation of two people starting from one person walking in through a door, sitting down and engaging into a conversation.

Film Project

For our project, we had to come up with a story line for a new film and the aim was to develop the opening two minutes.

We had to use our skills from the shots in the preliminary task and develop these further in our film.

Match On Action

In the Preliminary exercise, the match on action shot we did was where the character was walking towards the door to open it and then a close up of his hand opening the door which was a simple way of showing the match on action shot in this task.

Match On Action Compared to the preliminary exercise we used our skills from the first

attempt at this shot and produced a better match on action shot with a better camera position and lighting on the shot. This shot was where the characters are walking towards a lift and the shots flick from them to the button being pressed then quickly back to them walking into the lift.

Compared to the preliminary exercise the shots flow easier and are smooth as each shot lines up with each other. For example in the practise shots they were in line but weren’t perfectly a line with each other due to the filming the actor front on rather than behind showing the approach to the door. From our mistakes we developed our shots in the main project and made them look more effective.

180 Degree Line Rule

The preliminary exercise 180 degree line rule was shown in a simple way where we didn’t cross the line for example over the characters left shoulder then over the others right never swapping over the line. As well as this the two shot also shows this for the background never changes.

180 Degree Line Rule

In our project we developed this type of shot by not crossing the line on a moving shot. For example the camera is facing over the left shoulder of the male character then over the right of the female character which shows we kept to the rule.

We also developed this shot in the three shot by never crossing the line therefore there is no mistakes because the background never alternates.

Shot Reverse Shot

In the preliminary exercise the shot reverse shot is simply shown in the conversation swapping from each character as an over the shoulder shot of each character speaking. This shot was effective and made the conversation smooth and showed each character equally throughout the conversation.

Shot Reverse Shot

In our film we tried to make this shot less obvious to spot but good enough to be suitable to make it look more professional so for example we shot two characters walking then switched to a close up of one of the characters face then to a shot from behind hitting three angles of the character producing the shot reverse shot.

This type of shot was more developed than the exercise version of this shot because we adapted what we knew from the first practise and moved the cameras around to produce a better shot reverse shot.

What did I get better at?

After the preliminary exercise the things which I got better at were firstly camera angles. I had learnt from the exercise that when producing the key shots moving the camera into different angles on these shots produced a much more effective shot for the opening of a new film.

The shot I feel I developed the most would be the Match on Action as it helped produce flowing shots at different angles suitable to open a film for example, a shot of a character pushing a bucket and at the same time swap to the other character walking towards the reception at the same time. Which then allowed us to place a pan up shot developing the types of shots further.