MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

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  • 8/14/2019 MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem


    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    48 sec(s)

    Question # 1 of 25 ( Start time: 08:48:41 PM)

    Total Marks: 1

    The important characteristics that affect pricing are ____________, distinctiveness, and the stage in theproduct lifecycle.

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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    88 sec(s)

    Question # 2 of 25 ( Start time: 08:49:44 PM)

    Total Marks: 1

    Publics including workers, managers, volunteers and the board of directors show which of thefollowing publics?

    Select correct option:

    Citizen-action publics

    Local publics

  • 8/14/2019 MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem


    General publics

    Internal Publics

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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    82 sec(s)

    Question # 3 of 25 ( Start time: 08:50:27 PM)

    Total Marks: 1

    What is the initial stage in the development of an advertising campaign?

    Select correct option:

    Setting the budget for advertising

    Identifying and analyzing the target audience

    Defining the advertising objectives

    Creating the advertising platform

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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    71 sec(s)

    Question # 4 of 25 ( Start time: 08:51:12 PM)

    Total Marks: 1

    Which of the following product is MOST likely be purchased through routine decision making?

    Select correct option:

  • 8/14/2019 MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem




    Soft drink

    Television set

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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    57 sec(s)

    Question # 5 of 25 ( Start time: 08:51:34 PM)

    Total Marks: 1

    Which one of the following is designated as a runner-up firm that chooses not to rock the boat (usuallyout of fear that it stands to lose more than it might gain)?

    Select correct option:

    Market leader

    Market challenger

    Market follower

    Market niche

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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    72 sec(s)

  • 8/14/2019 MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem


    Question # 6 of 25 ( Start time: 08:52:14 PM)

    Total Marks: 1

    Which one of the following factor relates to family that influences consumer behavior?

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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem Start Time: 08:48 PM


    68 sec(s)

    Question # 7 of 25 ( Start time: 08:52:35 PM)

    Total Marks: 1

    Which of the following is a synonym name of Echo boomers?

    Select correct option:

    Baby boomlets

    Baby boomers



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  • 8/14/2019 MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem


    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    66 sec(s)

    Question # 8 of 25 ( Start time: 08:52:58 PM)

    Total Marks: 1

    Which one of the following factors such as the buyers age, life-cycle stage, occupation, economicsituation, lifestyle, personality and self-concept influences buyers decisions?

    Select correct option:

    Personal characteristics

    Psychological Factors

    Habitual buying behavior

    Variety-seeking buying behavior

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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    53 sec(s)

    Question # 9 of 25 ( Start time: 08:53:24 PM)

    Total Marks: 1

    In establishing sales promotion objectives, what does a marketer should always do?

    Select correct option:

    Concentrate on activities that will increase consumer demand.

    Focus on consumers.

  • 8/14/2019 MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem


    Be defensive in the methods used.

    Align objectives with the organization's overall objectives.

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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    57 sec(s)

    Question # 10 of 25 ( Start time: 08:54:03PM )

    Total Marks: 1

    In an ad, what is the second thing the reader notices?

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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    53 sec(s)

    Question # 11 of 25 ( Start time: 08:54:41PM )

    Total Marks: 1

    Which one of the following is a first step of the marketing process?

    Select correct option:

  • 8/14/2019 MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem


    Selecting target markets

    Analyzing marketing opportunities

    Managing the marketing effort

    Developing the marketing mix

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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    69 sec(s)

    Question # 12 of 25 ( Start time: 08:55:23PM )

    Total Marks: 1

    Competitor price increases are more likely to be followed when they are due to:

    Select correct option:

    Falling sales

    General rising costs

    Increased advertising

    Price wars

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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    47 sec(s)

  • 8/14/2019 MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem


    Question # 13 of 25 ( Start time: 08:55:48PM )

    Total Marks: 1

    What can we say about the size of the business market compared to consumer markets?

    Select correct option:

    It is same

    It is smaller

    It is huge

    No need to compare

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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    51 sec(s)

    Question # 14 of 25 ( Start time: 08:56:35PM )

    Total Marks: 1

    The total market approach to finding a target market will probably be UNSUCCESSFUL when:

    Select correct option:

    Product differentiation is used

    The firm defines the total market as its target market

    People within the market have heterogeneous needs

    People within the market have homogeneous needs

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  • 8/14/2019 MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem


    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    89 sec(s)

    Question # 15 of 25 ( Start time: 08:57:21PM )

    Total Marks: 1

    There are major steps in media selection. Which is NOT one of these steps?

    Select correct option:

    Deciding on reach, frequency, and impact

    Choosing among major media types

    Selecting specific media vehicles

    Deciding on format elements

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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    89 sec(s)

    Question # 16 of 25 ( Start time: 08:58:02PM )

    Total Marks: 1

    Products that are relatively inexpensive and are purchased frequently with minimal effort can beclassified as which one of the following products?

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  • 8/14/2019 MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem




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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    89 sec(s)

    Question # 17 of 25 ( Start time: 08:58:58PM )

    Total Marks: 1

    A company division, a product line within a division, or sometimes a single product or brand refers towhich one of the following concepts?

    Select correct option:

    A market

    The BCG

    An SBU

    An initiator

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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    52 sec(s)

    Question # 18 of 25 ( Start time: 08:59:22PM )

    Total Marks: 1

    Which one of the following is NOT a product attribute?

    Select correct option:

  • 8/14/2019 MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem


  • 8/14/2019 MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem


    Question # 20 of 25 ( Start time: 09:01:34PM )

    Total Marks: 1

    The type of salesperson that usually requires training in physical science or engineering refers towhich one of the following salespersons?

    Select correct option:

    Trade salesperson

    Missionary salesperson

    Technical salesperson

    Sales assistants

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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    68 sec(s)

    Question # 21 of 25 ( Start time: 09:02:26PM ) Total Marks: 1

    Which one of the following is the fastest growing form of marketing that reach more customers andsave money?

    Select correct option:

    Personal selling


    Direct marketing

    Public relations

  • 8/14/2019 MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem


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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    68 sec(


    Question # 22 of 25 ( Start time: 09:02:54PM )

    Total Marks: 1

    Which of the following method is the most logical budget-setting and deals more with specificpromotion goals and accomplishments?

    Select correct option:




    Exponential smoothing

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    MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem

    Quiz Start Time: 08:48 PM


    86 sec(s)

    Question # 23 of 25 ( Start time: 09:03:22PM )

    Total Marks: 1

    Which of the following communication and promotion tools involve direct connections with customersaimed toward building customer-unique value and lasting relationships?

    Select correct option:

    Personal selling and direct marketing

  • 8/14/2019 MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem


  • 8/14/2019 MC090201273 : Muhammad Nasir Azeem


    Select correct option:

    Information base on which to develop the campaign

    Location and geographic distribution of persons

    Group of people toward whom the advertisements are directed

    Overall goal of the advertising campaign

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