Marketing meatloaf evauluation

MARKETING MEATLOAF Analysis of a documentary.

Transcript of Marketing meatloaf evauluation

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Analysis of a documentary.

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Type of documentary:

Marketing Meatloaf is an mixed documentary as it includes; Archive footage, Interviews, Narration, all of this supports the evidence for exposition.

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Themes within this documentary is; music, as well as marketing techniques used by the music industry.

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Narrative Structure:

Beginning: Opens at the Brits and shows artists receiving awards and praising them self's. It also shows how Meatloaf views him self and how he markets him self.

Middle: Through out the middle of the documentary it shows how the music industry wants to rebrand Meatloaf. It also how's how they are worried about the competition from; Take That, The Village People and Mr Blobby.

End: Towards the end of the documentary we see how Meatloaf's marketing technique was successful and how The Village People failed. It also shows Meatloaf being Christmas number 1.

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Camera Work:

Close ups of Meatloaf and other interviewees during the interview which show him looking into space. Tell us he’s the subject of the interview.

Panning shots are also used showing the crowds at the music, they are also used to show full rooms during the behind the scenes shots of the awards ceremony's.

A low angle is used when Meatloaf is performing at the awards ceremony which makes him look powerful.

A long shot is used of the music executives around a table, this shows how many people are involved in rebranding Meatloaf.

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Blue screen is heavily used during the interview footage during this documentary.

During this interview they have also flipped one of the interviewees on the screen, this changed the continuity of the documentary as they have already shown the interviewee before flipping the footage.

Slow motion is used during concert footage of Meatloaf which show how he performs.

Simple straight cuts are used throughout the documentary.

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Interviews with Meatloaf are recorded behind the scenes of him shooting his music video.

Also other interviews are filmed in recording studios which are relevant to the themes of the documentary.

We also follow Meatloaf on set, meeting fans, concerts and at awards ceremonies.

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Non-diegetic sound of the song ‘Id do anything for love’ is played though out the documentary. Non-diegetic music of Top of the Pops theme is played when talking about chart positions.

Diegetic dialogue of sound played from the interviews.

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Archive Material:

Archive footage of the Brit Awards is used as well as footage from the Grammys.

Footage of Meatloaf in concert and clips of his music video is used during the documentary.

An montage of peoples acceptance speeches is added in the documentary as well as clips of people walking to the stage to accept their awards.

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The graphics in this documentary are fancy compared to the graphics used in ‘The Devil made me do it.’

A graphic at the bottom of the screen tells the audience the interviewees name as well as their position in the business.