
PRODUCT AND SERVICES Dairy Buffalo Module Dairy Buffalo Module (Program on the 25-Dairy Buffalo Module under the Modified “Paiwi” System) As PCC has limited female buffaloes at the moment, this service/program is available to qualified farmer-cooperative members on a “first-come-first serve” basis and subject to the availability of the animals. The 25 dairy buffalo module is a facility whereby PCC entrust 25 head purebred dairy buffaloes to qualified farmer-trustees (one buffalo per farmer-trustee to new cooperatives or its members) who belong to a duly registered cooperative or association. The entrustment follows a Trusteeship or Modified “Paiwi” Scheme wherein the farmer-trustee is expected to take care of the animal, maintain animal and production records, provide necessary inputs and other obligations stipulated in the modified “Paiwi” contract; and continuously engage in dairy business following approved practices and technology provided by PCC. Modified “Paiwi” or Trusteeship scheme (Dairy Buffalo Module): The original animal remain a property of PCC. The farmer-trustee takes ownership of the first offspring as his share and equally co-owns with PCC the succeeding calves. Farmer-trustee may opt to buy the PCC’s share in each succeeding offspring or the other way around. Dairy buffalo module can be availed in two ways: (A) Cooperative Dairy Module, and (B) Family Dairy Module. A. Cooperative Dairy Module



Transcript of Marketing

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Dairy Buffalo Module

Dairy Buffalo Module (Program on the 25-Dairy Buffalo Module under the Modified “Paiwi” System)

As PCC has limited female buffaloes at the moment, this service/program is available to qualified farmer-cooperative members on a “first-come-first serve” basis and subject to the availability of the animals.

The 25 dairy buffalo module is a facility whereby PCC entrust 25 head purebred dairy buffaloes to qualified farmer-trustees (one buffalo per farmer-trustee to new cooperatives or its members) who belong to a duly registered cooperative or association. The entrustment follows a Trusteeship or Modified “Paiwi” Scheme wherein the farmer-trustee is expected to take care of the animal, maintain animal and production records, provide necessary inputs and other obligations stipulated in the modified “Paiwi” contract; and continuously engage in dairy business following approved practices and technology provided by PCC.

Modified “Paiwi” or Trusteeship scheme (Dairy Buffalo Module): The original animal remain a property of PCC. The farmer-trustee takes ownership of the first offspring as his share and equally co-owns with PCC the succeeding calves. Farmer-trustee may opt to buy the PCC’s share in each succeeding offspring or the other way around.

Dairy buffalo module can be availed in two ways: (A) Cooperative Dairy Module, and (B) Family Dairy Module.

A. Cooperative Dairy Module

1. As follows are the initial requirements to avail of the breeding stocks, which shall be accomplished by the Cooperative:

a. Letter or resolution requesting for 25 head buffalo dairy module addressed to PCC Executive Directorb. Master list of the Cooperative Membersc. List of members endorsed by the Officers of the Cooperative/ Association to avail of the dairy buffalo moduled. Certificate of being a legal entity (CDA/DOLE/SEC registration)e. Certificate of Good Standing (if registered with the CDA)f. Accomplishment Report, preferably for the last two (2) years

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g. Current inventory of carabaos in the area where the association or cooperative is operatingh. List of schools and student populationi. History of the Barangay where the Cooperative is locatedj. Socio-economic profile of the community/town

2. After complying to the requirements, the following activities shall be conducted as the next procedure to determine if the association or cooperative and its members are qualified to be awarded of the trusteeship:2.1 Schedule visit to association/cooperative for ocular inspection, field visit and validation of identity2.2 Orientation meeting with the Officers and Members2.3 Social Preparation Training: Issuance of Training Certificate by the SPT Team2.4 Technical Training Issuance of Training Certificate by the Technical Training Team2.5 Evaluation of the farmer on the following:a. Photocopy (certified true copy) of the Guarantee Fund Bank Depositb. Total amount of the Guarantee Fundc. Photocopy (certified true copy) of the resolution regarding Guarantee Fund between the Cooperative and the PCC Representatived. Availability of the animal shede. Availability of the forage production area/forage resourcef. Availability of clean and safe source of drinking waterg. Availability of electricity in the area

3. If the two abovementioned processes (1.1 and 1.2) are complied, the farmer becomes a farmer-trustee, as declared by the PCC Evaluation Team, eligible for the trusteeship and the association or cooperative ready for entrustment of the breeding animals under the Modified “Paiwi” scheme. Then, schedule of animal release to the association or cooperative shall be set provided the following documents are duly accomplished: 

a. Signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Cooperative, LGU and PCC b. Signed Modified Paiwi Contract with the Farmer-Trustee, Cooperative and the PCC c. Issuance of individual animal record 

4. Monitoring and Evaluation (shall be done as part of the evaluation and post-evaluation processes)

B. Family Dairy Module

Qualified family or families may avail of 5 to10 head dairy buffaloes in case they are already into dairying activity using crossbred or native carabaos for around five years or more. This is prioritized in areas with at least 100 breedable animals and where a dairy cooperative does not

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exist yet. Moreover, these farmer-trustees have to agree first to later organize themselves into a dairy association or cooperative. The implementing guidelines follow the Cooperative Dairy Module with the exclusion of the requirements, which are exclusively to be accomplished by a dairy cooperative.

Analysis of Feed Sample Services

The PCC as a research and development institution extends its full support in terms of technical (extension and training) and laboratory services to its clients. The nutrition section is one of the organic units of the PCC that develops technologies for enhancing the productivity of the dairy buffaloes through improved nutrition with sustainable forage/feed production, conservation and utilization. It also develops practical and least-cost buffalo rations that are based on nutritional standards. Service Standard

The Nutrition Laboratory supports the research and development activities of the agency and it provides services to the whole PCC network, farmers, researchers and students in assessing the nutritive values of feed and forage samples such as the proximate analysis, detergent fiber determination, Calcium and Phosphorous analysis. The laboratory activities are teamed by competent nutritionist, chemist and analyst. The measuring devices used in the laboratory are regularly maintained and calibrated to ensure the accuracy and acceptability of the results. Once the request is approved, results of the analysis can be released after 4.5 to 8 days working days.

Analysis of Milk Sample Services

The Dairy Laboratory provides service for analysis of milk components in support to the Genetic Improvement Program of PCC. Service is mainly for dairy herds that are participating in milk recording and performance testing including PCC-assisted cooperatives among others. Milk samples are rapidly analyzed for milk fat percentage, milk protein percentage, lactose, total solids, and somatic cell count (SCC). The facility is presently available at the PCC National Headquarters.

Animal Health Laboratory Services

To maintain a disease-free environment and control possible disease outbreaks, PCC established its own animal health laboratory. This facility caters to the National Impact Zone clientele, National Gene Pool and PCCenters nationwide. It will also provide assistance to researchers and academicians involved in animal health and biological sciences, and conduct collaborative researches. At present, the laboratory performs fecalysis, blood parasite examination, serological testing (BPT-Brucella Test), bacterial isolation and antibiotic sensitivity testing. The laboratory also commenced the use of molecular (PCR) assays for detection of microbial pathogens.

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Artificial Insemination (AI) Services

AI is used to produce animals with better productivity for milk and meat, without disregard for draft power through harnessing superior genetic materials of dairy buffalo breed. The strategy is to cross the native swamp buffaloes with the dairy breed and to follow sustained backcrossing to at least four generations to produce animals with milk and meat producing potentials equivalent to the purebred dairy parents.

Artificial Insemination (AI) is one of the agency’s banner services rendered nationwide in villages by trained private village-based AI technicians (VBAITs) as well as technicians of local government units, DA-Regional Field Units (DA-RFUs), PCC regional centers and other interested agencies.

PCC trains VBAITs to provide AI services in the community with a fee, which is based on the existing price acceptable in the locality (ranges from Php300 to Php1,000). In places, where there is no trained VBAIT or LGU AI technician, the conduct of AI in the villages is usually based on the schedules arrived at during the annual planning activities of PCC and the LGUs.

However, there are cases when requests outside of the annual plan come in. For those coming from the LGUs, processing of request is completed within two weeks. For “on-call AI” (usually in areas that are at close proximity to the centers) that is based on natural heat, processing of request usually takes only 30 minutes to one hour. The actual conduct of AI takes around 1 to 2 hours, including travel time (for natural estrus), and 3 to 4 days (for synchronized estrus). Take note that estrus synchronization/artificial insemination (ES/ AI) scheme is conducted only on a case to case basis and not a regular activity of the center.

Bull Loan

One of the major services of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) is the Bull Loan Program which is an important component of the genetic improvement program. It provides individual farmers and farm cooperatives with bulls of superior quality that could be utilized to upgrade their native carabaos to produce offsprings with improved milk production and growth performance. The center has loaned out bulls to qualified recipients in its service areas where Artificial Insemination (AI) services are not available.

After years of implementation, the PCC has experienced several problems. Reports revealed that bull recipients still lack the knowledge and skills on management practices of the animal, expressed little concern on the animal’s welfare and were unaware of the significance of the program. These problems were attributed to various cases such as death, loss and or selling of the animals and the inactive participation of the recipients during the scheduled monitoring activities and submission of reports; thus, training course on bull management was conceptualized.

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The training aimed at providing the beneficiaries knowledge on appropriate management practices in handling the animals covering copies such as health, breeding, feeding and record keeping. Further, the training served as avenue for orienting farmer cooperators on the mandate of the Carabao Bull Loan Program and for them to realize their functions, responsibilities and contributions in improving the carabao industry in the region.

Purebred dairy-type Murrah bulls are loaned to qualified farmers for natural mating with native or crossbred carabaos in areas where AI services are not available. This service is an integral part of the genetic improvement program aimed at producing animals with improved productivity for milk and meat.

Repayment Scheme

A junior bull (2.5 years old and below) is considered paid in full when it has produced 25 calves. This is subject to proper proof and certification from the Municipal Agriculturist, Veterinarian or Livestock Inspector. A fertility-tested bull that is three years old and above, and socialized, is considered paid when it has produced 50 calves.

Frozen Semen Distribution

PCC maintains a Semen Processing Laboratory in Carranglan, Nueva Ecija, managed by PCC-CLSU, and in Los Baños, Laguna, managed by PCC-UPLB). These laboratories produce frozen semen from genetically superior bulls to be used for upgrading the native carabaos through artificial insemination. The frozen semen are kept in liquid nitrogen tanks and are stored in Semen Bank at PCC National Headquarters and Gene Pool for distribution. Each straw approximately contains 50 million sperm cells with at least 30% post-thaw motility. Frozen semen is available to qualified AI technicians nationwide through systematized semen distribution system linked with AI technicians, cooperatives, DA-RFUs and LGUs.

Program Support Services

The agency provides technical assistance, free of charge, to its farmer-clientele in the areas of animal reproduction, animal nutrition, animal health, forage production and improved feeding system, cooperative development, and dairy production and processing. Experts on these areas are regularly sent to the villages to respond to the farmers’ specific needs.

Farmers, private individuals or organizations who need technical assistance from PCC may visit any of the PCC Centers and they will be attended by the agency’s technical staff. The length of discussion varies depending on the subject matter and how the clients respond. If the service

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requires an on-site assessment or field visit, a schedule is agreed upon. Again, the duration of the technical service varies depending on the situation on-site.

PCC consistently ensures that farmers and its partner-implementers are capacitated to effectively carry out the agency’s various programs through the provision of relevant trainings. Areas of training include animal reproduction, animal nutrition, animal health, forage production, cooperative development, and dairy production and processing and marketing. Service Standard When all requirements are met, the applicant shall receive notice of acceptance to the training course within 6 days from the date of receipt of application.

Visitors Assistance

As part of its information dissemination activities, PCC has created the Visitor’s Assistance Office (VAO) at the Office of the Executive Director (OED), manned by staff of the Information and training Division (ITD). VAO’s main function is to receive the various sectors that visit the facilities of the agency. Orientation of the programs and services is being done through a 15 minute film showing, followed by a brief tour to the gene pool and milking parlor.

Information materials about the PCC’s programs and services and prepared for the visitors/group of visitors whose visit is pre-arranged. Unexpected/ walk-in visitors, however, are also being extended appropriate assistance and/or necessary orientation. The whole orientation process which includes tour of facilities lasts about 47 minutes.

Information and Library Services

PCC, through its Applied Communication Section (ACS), disseminates relevant knowledge and information about its program and services using information, education, and communication (IEC) materials complemented with multimedia materials. IEC about PCC, its stakeholders and other beneficiaries of the program are published in various formats to suit the specific needs of its readers.

Likewise, to help various researchers like students, professionals, and other groups, PCC established a Library with references pertaining to buffaloes/carabaos and either related fields. All Library materials are for room use only except for employees and affiliates who may wish to borrow and take out the materials.

Depending on the availability of IEC/multimedia materials, interested individuals or organizations may send their letter of request or visit PCC to have copies of the PCC information materials. These materials can also be readily accessed or borrowed from the PCC Library.

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Everybody who wishes to use library would be attended to according to their needs from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Mondays to Fridays.

Provision of superior breeding animals

Due to very limited number of breeding animals, this service is provided only on a case-to-case basis and on a “first come, first serve” basis subject to availability of animals. Priority is given to interested parties who have funds to purchase and provide the requirements of maintaining the breeding animals. Other means are via the soft loan (Bull Loan Program and Dairy Buffalo Module under Modified “Paiwi” Scheme).

Assuming animals are available and all requirements are met, coordination and other activities including processing of related documents from the day of receipt of the request to the release of breeding animals can be completed within 10.5 working days.

Direct PurchaseAn interested individual can directly purchase breeding animals from the PCC Gene Pools, provided these animals are available. The PCC has a standard pricing set for breeding animals, which is subject to change depending on the genetic quality of the breeding stocks and current market prices, as follows:

1. All animals/stocks identified for sale shall have Authority to Release (ATR) from PCC National Headquarters upon recommendation of concerned Center Director, National Gene Pool Coordinator and National GIP Coordinator prior to sale.

2. Heifers and bulls, Riverine Buffaloes2.1. Minimum price for sale is Php30, Additional Php3,000.00 is added to the minimum price for sale for every six (6)

months increment in age beyond 24 months up to a maximum of 60 months (5 years).2.3. Premium is added for dam’s best 305D milk production record equal to or more than 2,000 liters, as follows:

2.3.1. 2,000-2,500 li. : Php3, 2,600-3,000 li. : Php6, >3,000 li. : Php9,000.00

2.4. Pregnant heifer minimum price for sale is Php40,000.00. Increase in price due to age and milk production (when it falls into cow classification) is the same as in items 2.2 and 2.3, respectively.

3. Heifers and Bulls, American Murrah buffaloes (available at PCC at Ubay Stock Farm)3.1. Minimum price for sale is Php25, Additional Php1,500.00 is added to the minimum price for sale for every six (6)

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months, increment in age beyond 24 months up to a maximum of 60 months (5 years).3.3. Pregnant heifer minimum price for sale is Php35,000.00. Increase in price due to age (when it falls into cow classification) is the same as in item 3.2.

4. Heifers and Bulls, Swamp Buffaloes and Crossbreds (F1)4.1. Minimum price for sale (24-47 months) is Php22, Age 48-60 months is Php30, Pregnant heifer is Php35,000.00.


One of the areas in a business organization that greatly affects the success or failure of its strategy implementation is marketing. It includes issues like choosing the most suitable advertising medium or distribution channel, choosing between being a price leader or a price follower or where to locate a store in order to stimulate sales from operation.

The marketing function of PCC aims to promote the value of carabaos in the Philippines especially to farmers through research and development projects including the Carabao Development Program (CDP) and to promote a carabao-based enterprise considering the number of carabaos owned by small-scale farmers.


The Philippine Carabao Center sells its products and services to clients through the National Impact Zone (NIZ) which is one of the development processes that propelled the implementation of the Carabao Development Program (CDP) of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC). National Impact Zone (NIZ) was developed for the purpose of improving the socio-economic situation of carabao farmers who are into dairy production from production, processing and marketing activities supported by technical and financial services.

The Philippine Carabao Center is implementing the NIZ by incorporating critical elements of development to establish a productive, profitable, stable, and sustainable carabao enterprise development. The NIZ template is basically anchored on PCC's “25 dairy buffalo module” which offers 25 purebred Bulgarian buffaloes to 25 qualified farmers who are members of a primary cooperative. In return, one farmer-cooperative receives and takes care of one dairy buffalo cow under a five-year contact with PCC. Through this scheme, expansion activities are done to involve more people in the Carabao Development program (CDP).

To date, NIZ is interactive in its activites to showcase the viability of the carabao production for greater benefit of the smallholder farmers and rural farming communities. Through PCC's programs, the success of the NIZ will depend on balanced, well-coordinated and timely delivery of services and most importantly the responsibility of ownership by the people and community on the program and projects on carabao development.

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Through the efforts of PCC specifically the National Impact Zone, the Nueva Ecija Federation of Dairy Carabao Cooperative (NEFEDCCO) was made possible. NEFEDCCO was established by farmers who are also recipients of products and services as well as of the trainings and seminars provided by the agency.

The PCC's 13 regional carabao centers in the country Are implementing its own version of NIZ, the RIZ or Regional Impact Zone in order that all efforts on carabao development in the country will be localized and address the technology needs and requirements of the people. With the strong technical support and people's determination, the NIZ is seen as a nationwide modality for development projects not only for carabao but other livestock commodities was well.


The Philippines is one of the biggest importers of milk in the world. It is approximated that 98% of milk consumption in the country is imported milk products and only the remaining 2% accounts for the locally produced milk.

Addressing this concern, the Philippine Carabao Center targets to reduce the importation of milk products by means of training and educating all possible and willing clients to undergo training to learn the benefits from milk that can be extracted from buffaloes. As part of their campaign, PCC is creating demand for buffalo-derived products. Incident to this, PCC also finds opportunities in engaging in to market development because they are able to take advantage of all the opportunities in creating a market for buffalo dairy products.

As a market development strategy, the Philippine Carabao Center spread the knowledge of the benefits of buffalo over the cattle or goat as the best source of milk for it contains the most nutrients. This knowledge is taught as part of the seminars and trainings provided by the Philippine Carabao Center. Also, PCC assists not just the farmers but also other entrepreneurs about the viability of carabao as a good source of income. Assistance shall consider the market niche advantage of buffalo-derived products such as milk for specialized processing of high-value items. Likewise, efforts shall consider the inherent advantage and quality of buffalo meat produced following recommended standards for meat production. Interventions shall be considered to address the low quality issue normally obtained from small-hold production system and the high quality demand in the commercial market.

Cooperative Development

Promoting cooperativism among small-holder farmers in target communities allows them to harness the power of group endeavors. Community organization perpetuates group action and empowerment thereby making it a good strategy for market development.

PCC supports the establishment of community organizations and cooperatives envisioned to grow into independent and potent avenues in promoting carabao-based enterprises. Through cooperatives, the smallholder farmers can create a formidable means for putting a business at a scale common only among commercial producers. Products, either in the form of milk, meat or,

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breeding animal, can be consolidated, graded, processed and traded to be more competitive in the commercial market.

Cooperatives are to be federated to further lend strength, forming a second level organization that will take care of marketing and other concerns over and above the issues on production.

“Seeding” and “incubation” of cooperatives are initiated first at the National Impact Zone (NIZ) and in Regional Impact Zones (RIZ) all over the country.


The main clients of the Philippine Carabao Center are the farmers, but its programs are also made available to other interested and willing individuals for the further development the carabao industry, thus the need for advertisement. Advertising for the Philippine Carabao Center is regional. There are currently 13 regional centers located throughout the country. Being a government agency established to promote the well-being of the people through intensive research on livestock especially carabaos, PCC advertise their products through public relations. This is done through seminars and trainings provided for interested and willing people primarily the farmers. The National Impact Zone go to villages and barangays to sell their products and services.

Recent events in the carabao industry, including scientific collaborations and other related undertakings, were made known to the public through sustained efforts on information dissemination. These materials were popularized and packaged by the Applied Communication Section (ACS) of the Knowledge Resource Management Division. The efforts being done in PCC continue to attain media mileage from local and national media. The agency ensured that development of IEC materials is continuously improved and sustained. From which, a total of 15 different publication were published and circulated. These materials include the PCC Newsletter, PCC Balita, R&D Highlights, and updated corporate primer, PCC Publications’ Catalogue, coffee-table book on carabao festivals.

The PCC regularly placed an ad material in occasions organized by its partner-agencies and cooperators in the industry. It has published 10 advertisements in print and dispatched and monitored 85 press releases in print and online. These efforts were complemented with participation in 22 exhibits and industry-related events that served as venues where PCC and its programs were promoted.

The ACS also strengthened its initiative on establishing better media mileage for the agency through television and radio interviews and guesting. Major TV networks such as ABS-CBN, Net25 and TV5 covered various activities of PCC that highlighted PCC’s dairy products. Guesting in radio stations were also monitored in Dagupan’s Sunshine Radio Station, Bombo Radyo, and RPN DZRL.

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Press releases of the PCC program were regularly uploaded to its official website Released publications and corporate materials were also uploaded in the website for easy access of clients, interested individuals, and institutions It gave the agency’s clients, interested individuals, and institutions an easy access to the digital copies of all PCC’s IEC materials for printing or downloading. News updates about the agency were also regularly uploaded in the website.

Regular placements of PCC advertorials in souvenir programs of various entities were published in 10 advertisements. Aside from the use of the traditional and digital media, the PCC co-sponsored several trade fairs and exhibits that served as venues for program and product promotion.

Milka Krem

The Carabao Development Program also aims to improve the productivity of the carabaos as sources of milk that can be used as raw materials in producing dairy products. For this reason, the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) established a dairy product outlet named Milka Krem which was formally opened to public in November 2012. Milka Krem is tasked to introduce and to market different products derived from buffalo milk. The Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) have developed ways of processing buffalo milk to produce different products, such as:

Yogurt Ricotta cheese Pastillas Pasteurized Milk Choco Milk Lacto Juice Kesong Puti

These are some of the dairy products extracted from buffalo dairy milk. These products are the results of research and development of the Philippine Carabao Center and are available at Milka Krem outlet.


PCC also provides their clients with after-sales support services. This done through continuous communication with their clients. PCC regularly monitor their clients for possible problems that may arise. Clients may approach the agency through customer feedback form to communicate their problems and possible issues. Furthermore, PCC constantly inform their clients when new products or services become available.

The agency provides technical assistance, free of charge, to its farmer-clientele in the areas of animal reproduction, animal nutrition, animal health, forage production and improved feeding system, cooperative development, and dairy production and processing. Experts on these areas are regularly sent to the villages to respond to the farmers’ specific needs.

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Farmers, private individuals or organizations who need technical assistance from PCC may visit any of the PCC Centers and they will be attended by the agency’s technical staff.

PCC consistently ensures that farmers and its partner-implementers are capacitated to effectively carry out the agency’s various programs through the provision of relevant trainings. Areas of training include animal reproduction, animal nutrition, animal health, forage production, cooperative development, and dairy production and processing and marketing.


This marketing activity is in congruence with the agency's objective of promoting a carabao-based enterprise and to introduce buffalo milk products by producing products with the same quality as those products currently in the market. This includes development of new meat and milk products from carabaos and improving the quality of current products, including those coming from hide, horn and hoof, to increase product value.


The Philippine Carabao Center formally markets the products and services through public relations done by the National Impact Zone (NIZ). Seminars and trainings are provided for interested and willing individuals. This is done in participation of local government units of towns and barangays. A series of trainings on the various aspects of establishment, expansion, and maintenance of the newly created and existing cooperatives or associations was organized and implemented in collaboration with government and non-government entities. The PCC provides the seminars and trainings free of charges but there are requirements to avail the products and services of the agency that clients should meet. The training aimed at providing the beneficiaries knowledge on appropriate management practices in handling the animals covering copies such as health, breeding, feeding and record keeping.

During these seminars and trainings that the PCC explain the potential productivity of buffaloes. Furthermore, new products and services, and improvements on existing products and services are introduce to clients during seminars and trainings.