Manson Murders Shock the World

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  • 8/3/2019 Manson Murders Shock the World


    B4-THE LETHBMOOE HERALO-Sund Augu*t 28,1904

    Sunday ETCETERA

    Truth revealed: W omen drivers in more accidentsSome noies oncars a nd wom e n: After morethan 30 years of

    usingcrash-testd u mmieslo ana-lyzeca r sa f e l y,General Motorsisnow developingIhe first pregnantdummy.

    Traffic accidents involvingwomen in theU.S. increasedbynine pe rc e n tfrom 1991 lo 1992,even thoughthe overal liraffic acci-dent rale fell by seven per cent.Wom e n ' slifestyleand phy siologyhave been shown lobe Ihe prob-lem.Fo r example , womenoflenbuy less expensivec om pa c tan dsubcompacica r because theydon ' tcam asm uc h m one yon average .Yc lthe on e characteristicof a ca rIhat mostdeterminesils safe ty isweight . Also, wom enof tenhunchforward andsit closerlo the wheelin order lo reach ihe pedalsin larg-er cars becauseihey arc smal ler.The result is Dialair bags may notinflateproperly,finally, wom e nmake more short tripsan d tend loclusterthem, lacking domest icerrandson to iheir regularcom-muic. As; resnli,they m ay becomedis trac tedwhendriving a m a j orcause of accidents.

    Source:Self magazine .An apple a day keepsfrustrations at bay

    Relaxation techniquesfrom Ne w

    L IF E A N DO T H E R T H I N G SBy SusanChung

    York City yoga inslructorDonnaDavidgc:

    Beforegoing lo bed.closeyour right nostril and lake12 deepbreaths through your left.Thisstimulatesthe pan of Ihe brainas -sociatedwilh crcaliv i lya nd rclax-alion.

    To release frustrationduringIhe day,sniffgreen apples.

    Source: Mademoisel le maga -zine.

    2,200 year-oldMummy x-rayedHospital workersin Washingtonrecentlywheeledin a 2,200-ycar-old m um m y for x- ra ys .Scicnlis isarc exci tedbecause mummiesarenot as c om m onas people think,.said a Smithsonian Institutionanthropologist .There used to a lotof them,but in the 19thcentury,

    thousands were burned for fire-wood.Th e x-rayswill allow scientists

    to create a three-dimensionalimageof the mummy, includng a holo-gram, lor anexhibit being devel-oped for Ihe NationalMuseumof

    NaturalHstory. Source: Associ-ated Press.

    No silver lining forEnglish truck driverDennis Wads wonh's luck was bad,and then it gotworse,['irst,his truckra n ou t of gas inLondon. So he ef t ihe vehiclebehind. Whenhe relumed 90 min-utes later, Ihe truck was a pile ofscrap police ha d blown it up .The problem? Wulswonh's imcks v a sopposi te10 Downng S., resi-dence of th e British prime minister.When secur ityofficialssa w licunattendedvehicle, theyraised amajoralerlan d policedestroyedth eiruck in acontrolled explosion."Againsl th e backgroundof IRAatrociiies.. .wc had nooption," aseniorpoliceofficialsaid. Sourc e :ReutersNews Agency.

    Plannng councilplots parents costs

    How muchdoes it cosl lo raise achild lo age 18 in a iwo-parent fam-ily, wilh bolli parenlsworking?Ex-

    ae l y S160,741, ac cordinglo IheMetroTorontoSocia l P lanningCouncil.

    The breakdown:Pood,538,600;clothing, 58,047;personalcare,53,104;public transpor tation ,51 ,783; specialschoolneeds.

    $2,172;recreation,58,674;hous-ing, 522,116;health and housemaintenance,510,463; babysitting,511,619;day care , 554,163.


    Gay old time was hadon U.S. airline

    This "news" item wa spuledfrom th e Intcmel, a computernet-workconnect ing manyotherc om -puter netwo rks.Is it iruc or anotherurban m ythin the making?

    An employeefor aU.S. airline,who happened lohave Ihe lastname of G ay, boarde d a plane onhi s c om pa ny ' sfree flight program.B ut when Mr. Gaytried lo take hisscat,he found itoccupiedby apa y-ing passenger. So as not tomakeafuss,he simply cliose anotherseat.

    Unknownlo Mr.Ga y, passengersfrom anoiherflight ha d beenreroutedlo his airplane, and pas-sengers holdng a free licketwerebeing bumped.Arline officials,armed wilh a list of the free ticketholders, boardedth e plane loremove them.When Ihelickclagent approachedhe sealwhereMr. Gay wassupposedlo be, sheasked ihe startledcustomer, "Arcyo u Gay?" The manshyly noddedthaihe wa s, at whichpoin sh edemanded,"Then yo u have to gel

    off Ihe plane,"Mr. Gay, overhearingwlial lite

    t icketagent said, triedto clearupth e situation by saying."Youvegot ihe wrong man.I'm Ga y!"This caused an angryihird passen-ger lo yell, "Hell, I'm gay, loo!They c a n ' t kick us al l off!"

    Confusion reignedas more andmore passengersbegan yelling thaiihe airline had no right lo removegays from iheir flights.As far aswe know,ihey ' reslill fighting itout on ihe t a rm a c .

    Source: As s o c i a t e dPress.

    Eat or be eaten Mosquitoesdriving yo u

    crazy? Rite back.Here is the win-ning recipe from Ihesecond annualMosqulo Cook-Offa t Cro wlcy ' sRidge Stale Park inA rka ns a s :

    First, crushIhe mosquitoeslign-ly lo keep Ihciu from flying. Thenpour theminto a mixtureof brownsugar and syrup and thenboil. Th eboiling seasons Ihe cri t te rsand ridsIhcm of 16 disease-carry ingbacte-ria.

    Pour the mix on locookiesheets,lei dry andcu into small chipslobe added lo regular cookie mix.

    Acoupleof w o m e nfishing ina reservoirgo t more itianIhey bar-gained for wh en Ihey hooked amonstercatfishbcnl onpuling upa lion-sizedfight.

    Jessy Newberry,who wa s out on.ihe reservoirwithher niece, KimMcConnck, says al firsishe ;thought herline was caught on arock,but then ilic rock startedpuling the boat.

    It look about Ihree hours for ihe'womenlo land the 26.5kilogram -catf ish.

    Swi m m e rsfled a crowded bayin Hawaiirecentlywhen a hammer-head shark wasspottedthrashing inihe w a te rabout nine metres from 'shore. B ut the sharkddnt havefood on itsmind.

    "It c a m eup and thrashedagain/an d a baby poppedout of il," sa id 'DavidCole, who was in aboatafe w metres from the shark.

    Witnessesweren't ableto counthow many babiesilic 4.5-mclrc- ,long shark had,but slatebiologisiDo n Hcacocksaid a ha m m e rhe a d.shark cangive birth to 20-40 pups,each aboui50 centimetreslong.

    Source:Associa tedPress.

    M anson m urders shockedthe nation T^ * - JamesJensenCan 25years have passed since

    llial night ofhorror, thai nightofAug. 8,1969,when the rage wilhinCharl ieMalison 'ssoul was un-leashed inside th e home of directorRom a nPolanski and his pregnantwi fe ,m ov i eactress Sharon Tale?

    In 1967,small-limeIhicfan dpseudo-folksingcrCharl ie Mansonwa s paroledfromTerminalIslandin San Pedro,Californa. There wasCharlie,32, free allast after serv-ing almostseven yearsin prison. IIwas the era of love and peace.Homelessgirls wanderedhe coun-tr y1 in search of ameaning to life.l.SD helped.Il wa s aner a c us t om -made for Charlie Manson.

    As theygravitatedlo San Fran-cisco, Charl ie ' s inner c i rc le ofsu b-cul lurcfo llowersgrew in number.Lynclic "Squeaky" Frommc andPatriciaKrcn win k c lbecame knowna s Charlie'sgirls. They slcpl,t r a v -elled, stole an d begged together.

    Ne w recruitsjoined Ih e Mansion"family." Susan Akins, a 1 9 -y c j r-ol d hel l ion, came a board.Rober tDcausolc i l ,a 20-ycar-ol t lactorwliosometimeslivedwilh anacquaintance,Gary Hinma n, be-came a Manson follower. DianeLake, 1 4 ,who waslalcr renamedSnakebecause of her distinctive

    movementsduring intercourse,joinedihe familyin Iheir nomadicexis tence .Te x Watson was also anavid Mansiondsciple.

    In July 1969, GaryI t inmanhad afalling ou twilh Charl ie. AlthoughGary had a lwaysallowed membersof C ha r l i e ' sfamily lo crash at hi shouse, he wasnever a c om m ut e dmemberof Ihe seel. When Garys teadfas t lyrefused lo dcvoie him-self to Charlieand hischildren, hesigned his owndealli warrant.

    Rober t Beausoleil and acoupleof ihe girls paid Hnman a visit.Gary wouldn' t givethem Ihe timeof day. Charlie showedup and, in afii of rage, stabbedHnman in thehead witha sword,almostseveringhis car.Then he lef t .Beausole i land ihe girls boundGary with rope.W he nihey phoned Charliefor in-structions,theywere lold lo killtheircapt ive .

    Hinman was slabbedtwice in theches t and bled todeath on his liv-ing-roomPoor.Charl ie ' sgirlsw ro te"Political Piggy" on thewall in Hinman'sblood. WilhinI wo weeks, police had matchedafingerprint in Gary's hometo Rob-ert Beaiisoleil. He wa s picked upan d chargedwith murder-

    On ihe niuhtof Aug. 8 andearlymorning ofAug. 9, 1969,Charlie 'sfollowerswenton a mission.Tc\Walson drove.Linda Kasabian,Su -san At k i ns a ndPairiciaKrcnwinkcljumped in the vehicle. On theirway, Texlold (he girls they weregoing lo kill everyonein a houseonce ownedby Doris Day's son.Terry Melchcr.

    Tex puled up to 10050 CieloDr., ihcn leased by Roman Polan-ski, wh o wa s a wa yin Europeonbusiness. His wife, Sharon Tale,eight and ahalf monlis pregnantwas al home entertainingfriends coffee heiress Abigai l Folger. hair-stylistJ ay Sebring an d VoilyckFrykowski.

    It wa s Sieve Parent's misfortunelo have pickedthat particularnghtlo visit Ihe Polanskis' carelaker.Bll Garrelson,who lived in a sepa-rate dwelling on the eslale.Sievewas in hiscar, justabout to pula wa y,w he nhe spottedTe x Waisonan d said: "Hey. w h a lare youdoing here?" Tex thrusthis .22calibre revolver into the open dri-ver ' s wndow and puled the triggerfive limes. Inside his house.BillGarretsonhcaal nothing.

    CrimeFlashbackBy Max Haines

    Once inthe Polanski residence,Tex accoslcd Frykowski .Heshouted: "I'm Ihe devil. I'm hereto do the devil'sbusiness." Thegirls were instructedto secureFrykowsk i wi t hnylon rope. Abi-gail Folger wa s found reading inbe d in her room. SharonTalc wa slying in bed inanotherroom.Ja ySebring, fuly clothed, sal on thebed talkinglo Sharon.All the occu-pants of llic house were gathered inIlic living room. . . .

    It wa s killing lime. Ja y Sebringwas shot by Tex for suggcsiingihegang allow S haron to sit clown.Abigail an d Sharon weretiedaround the neck with nylon cord.One end of(he cord wa s tossedover a beam.Susan Atkinspuledtlie rope taut. Abigail and Sharonhad to slandstraightup or strangle.Te x orderedSusan lo kill. Sh ecomplied, slabbing Frykowskirepeatedly.When hecontinuedlostruggle, Tex clubbedthe woundedman withhis gun andshot him.Frykowski made il outside beforebeingkilled on th e lawn.Laicr, 51stab wounds were found on hisbody.

    Sharon andAbigail frant ica l lystruggled to freeIhemsclves.Abig-ail wassuccessful.She ran tollicback door. Patricia Krenwinkclslabbed at her wildly, bul Abigailwarded offthe blows,her handsand arms horribly cm. Tex spoiledthe melee. He ran over andcu tAbigail's throat an d abdomen.

    Inside,Ihe killing continued.SharonTale, unaitendedfor a fewmoments,freed herself.She startedtowardhe r fromdoor, bul wass e e nby Pair ic ia Krenwinkel. Pat r ic iaso -licitouslyassistedSharon lo achair.Susan Atkins held her, whileTex Walson stabbed her lodeath.Th e ihrcemembersof Charlie's

    family took turns stabbing thebody.Il wa s quiet Everyonewa sdead.As Ihey drove,ilic family m e m -


    S cot t W hiteCertifiedlevel111)

    bers changedou of iheir bloodyclothing. Hack atthei rhome base,the chi ldren ofe vi l reported lo Sa-lan. He was pleased.

    Next mornng, the bodies werediscovered.Charlieand his chil-dren wereecs la l ical Ihepublicityhis crime wa s receiving.Thai verynght they woulddo l all again,buthis lime Satan himself wouldleadIhe way-

    Linda Kasa bian drove Ihe '59Ford lo Ihehomeof grocery chains tore owne rLcnoLaDiancia ,44, at3 3 0 1 Wavcrly Dr. Hiswife,Rose-mar y,38, was inbed whenCharlieMansonappeared in [helivingroom wavinga swordat herhus-band. Charlie lied the I .aBiancassiandingup back lo back. Hewalkedoul ofthe house. Il wa skilling time again.

    Te x Watsqii, LeslieVa n llouenand Pair ic ia Krcnwinkclweregiven theirinstructions.After Ihejob wa s completed,they were lohitchhike back lo ilicir home base,Linda Kasabian andCharliespedoff.

    Th e killing squaddid their workefficiently. Theyled Rosemaryintothe bedroom,where ihey slabbedhe r lo death. Leno waskilled in theliving room.Te x c a rve dihe word

    "war" on Leno LaBiancia 'schest.Using the dead man's blood, theal -lackcrswrote "death lopigs" on(he walls. On ihe refrigerator,Patri-ci a wrolc"Heall crSkcallcr ." Th ekilling squad then bathedan draided ihe fridge.

    Rosemary'schildrenby a previ-ous marriage cal ledon the house o fdeath an d the secondnght of hor-ror was made knownto the world.The ritualisticaspects of Ihe iwokilling sprees linked Ihcmforever.They became known as Ihe Tatc-LaB ianca murders.

    Weeks turnedinto months.Thefamily kepibusy. They stole gaso-line an d robbed indscriminalcly.On c man Shor tyShea 40, some-ho w foundou l details of the Taic-L a Bi a nc akillings. Cha rl ie 's c lantortured,killed an d buriedShonyin ihe desert.

    B y ihe end of September,m e m -bers of th e Mansonfamilywere be-ing roundedup forminor crimes.Many werein andoin ofjail onvarious charges.Fingerprintsre-


    fo rChildren

    l' / 2 - 5 y r s .


    Program6 yrs & up

    coveredal murderscenes werechecked againstsuspects.A myriadof evidence pointedlo (lie family aspcrpciralorsof the Tate-LaBiancamurders.Finally, the family'slender waslakcn into custody.

    'flic world wa sshocked .Thesesuspects were young girlsfrommiddle-classAm e r i c a nfamilies.They likenedtheir leader loJesusCh risl and displayed no remorsefor what theyha d done. Te x Wa t -son was ahigh school IrackstarfromTexas. Va n Houtcnha d beena smal l - to w nhigh school princess.

    Somewherein th e deep recessesof hismind, Charl ie Manson be-lievedihat theblacksof Ihe worldwouldrise against Ilic whiles. Hewouldbe Ihe catalyst,Ihe (riggerthai woud change the world. In-

    stead, his madness wa s directlyre -sponsiblefor ilic dealhsof nine in-nocent indviduals.

    Now, 25 years laler, Charlie,SqueakyFromme, Rober t Beauso-leil, Susan Alkins andPatr iciaKrenwinkcl arcstill in prison. Le-slie Va n Houlcnha s obtaineda uni-versitydegree in psychologyan dlilcratiire and is still serv ing hertime.Te x Watson remainsinprison,wherelie has sired llirccchildren via conjugal visits.LindaKasabian, whotes tif iedfor theprosecutionin returnfor immuntyfromprosecution ,is now living inNew Hampshire. Diane Lake,wh oalso tes tif iedfor Iheslalc,is be-lieved lobe working fora largecorporationin California.

    mis s u m m e r ,g iv e y o u rc h i l d ;

    con f idence ,self -esteema n dbe t t e rg r a d e s

    n e x r m o r ei n f o r m a t i o n ,ca l l to d ay.Phone 329-3729


    L E T ' SR E C Y C L EE V E R Y DC L E A R G L A S S

    If you cannot reuse glass jar s or bottles,recycle them in the recycling bins: Glass must be clear Clean, with labels, caps and lids removed(put lids into the metal cans bin) Please do not inc lude light bulbs, windows,plate glass, chinaware, porcelain, ceramics orclay pots Widemouth jar s suitable for canning may bedropped off at the MCC Variety Store, 1211 -2nd Ave. South between 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.Glass is recycled to make glass beads, used inreflective paint fo r highways, f iberglassinsulation and new glass containers. Road basematerial, golf coursesand traps, landfil l coverand under drain systems are some of the

    innova t iveways glass is reused.Harvesting your Garden?!Turn your garden waste into rich compost. Buya Backyard Composter (call the Recycle Line formore details) or take your garden waste toDobry-DenRecovery System. (Cal l 328-7278 fo rfurther i n fo rma t ion) .


    FO RFALLCLASSESAugust 29. 30

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