Management Sciences for Health (MSH) · 2020-01-03 · Management Sciences for Health (MSH) HEALTH...

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) HEALTH PROGRAMS GROUP INTEGRATED HEALTH SERVICES ACTIVITY Baseline Study REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP - IHSA-2018-001 Issuance Date: August 20, 2018 Closing/Submission Date: September 3, 2018, 5:00 p.m. U.S. EST Questions/Submission Date: August 23, 2018, 5:00 p.m. U.S. EST Submission Location: Electronic submission

Transcript of Management Sciences for Health (MSH) · 2020-01-03 · Management Sciences for Health (MSH) HEALTH...

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Management Sciences for Health (MSH)



Baseline Study


Issuance Date: August 20, 2018

Closing/Submission Date: September 3, 2018, 5:00 p.m. U.S. EST

Questions/Submission Date: August 23, 2018, 5:00 p.m. U.S. EST

Submission Location: Electronic submission

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Table of Contents



























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1. Request for Proposals (RFP) Overview

RFP No: IHSA-2018-001

RFP Title: Integrated Health Services Activity baseline study

RFP Issued By: Integrated Health Services Activity (IHSA) Benin

A project implemented by Management Sciences for Health, Inc. and funded under a Cooperative Agreement by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Issuance Date: August 20, 2018

Registration for Information:

To ensure you receive modifications to the RFP, send an email to [email protected] and [email protected] requesting that your organization be put on the distribution list.

Submission of Questions regarding the RFP:

Questions regarding the RFP should be submitted in writing to [email protected] and [email protected] no later than August 23, 2018, at 5:00 PM US EST. MSH will send answers to questions to all registered parties.

Closing/Submission Date and Time: September 3, 2018, at 5:00 PM US EST

Language of Proposals: The technical and cost proposals must be in English.

Instructions for Submission of Proposals:

In order to be considered, an electronic copy of both the technical and cost proposals must be delivered via e-mail to Léandre Sohounde at [email protected] and a copy to [email protected] by the closing date and time. See Section 5 of the RFP for detailed delivery instructions.

Estimated Period of Performance: The maximum period of performance is 2 months.

Award: A Fixed Price Contract award is anticipated. Issuance of this request for proposals does not constitute an award commitment on the part of MSH nor does it commit MSH to pay for costs incurred in the submission of a proposal.

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Management Science for Health (MSH) has been awarded by USAID to implement The Benin Integrated Health Services Activity (IHSA) from 2018-2023. The purpose of this activity is to strengthen the delivery of high-impact malaria, family planning, maternal and child health (MCH), and gender-based violence (GBV) services in the public sector in four departments in Benin. Building on the achievements of current and past USAID-supported activities, the overall purpose of the activity is to contribute to the reduction of maternal, newborn, child and adolescent girls’ mortality and morbidity, with strong government and citizen engagement in the health sector. This reduction will be achieved through the following intermediate results (IRs):

1. Quality of high-impact services for malaria, maternal child health, family planning, and gender-based violence increased

2. Uptake of high-impact health services increased 3. Local leadership, management, governance, and stewardship of health services strengthened 4. Central government planning and coordination of high-impact health interventions supported

This activity will incorporate the guiding principles of USAID/Benin’s strategic framework, as well as strategies that seek to strengthen health systems, improve service delivery quality, transform gender relations, increase demand for high-impact services and reduce barriers to improved health and health-seeking behaviors. The Integrated Health Services activity will be implemented in four departments: Alibori, Atacora, Oueme, and Plateau. The Integrated Health Services activity will also have limited central technical assistance activities in Cotonou (MOH) to support IR4. The four departments have a total of 3,362,501 people representing 34 percent of the population (2013 census), 29 communes, 169 arrondissements, 11 health zones, and 285 public health centers (65 in Alibori, 68 in Atacora, 90 in Oueme and 62 in Plateau) (See Figure 1).

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Figure 1: IHSA targeted departments

MSH will perform a comprehensive yet cost-effective baseline study, and submit the final report to USAID within 90 calendar days of the effective date of the award. The baseline will establish a point of reference by which change will be measured.



The overall objective of this baseline study is to help gather or generate information as a point of reference on the health condition of the population living in the project supported health zones, the management and supervision capacity of health services decentralized entities, the situation and barriers for access to health services, the quality of health services, and health knowledge, attitude and

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practices of the communities as well as their engagement, motivation and willingness for health promotion.

More specifically, the study aims to: 1. To assess the leadership, governance and management capacity as well as the functionality of

MOH’s technical structures and decentralized entities. 2. To assess the selected clinical and non-clinical capacity of HCs in the selected departments to

provide a baseline for program planning and improvement activities. 3. To conduct a limited assessment of clinical capacity of health personnel to diagnosis and manage

and refer key MNCH, FP, malaria and GBV complications and illnesses. 4. To collect data at community level on the availability and functionality of CHWs. 5. To collect data from a representative sample of communities’ households to gather data for key

indicators related to knowledge, attitude and practices, and availability of essentials services and the barriers for seeking care in (or for) MNCH, FP/RH, Malaria and GBV.

Table 1: Clinical and Non-Clinical Aspects of Primary Health Care Service Delivery

Clinical Aspects Non-Clinical Aspects

Promotion: Information, Education, Communication, Health Promotion

Preventative: Vaccination, Monitoring, Surveillance

Curative: Acute and Chronic

Availability of clinical protocols

Maternal Services

Newborn Services

Child Services


Physical infrastructure

Human Resources

Equipment and Medicines

Communication and Health information systems (HIS)

Community Engagement, and Patient Centeredness


Baseline study questions can be found in Table 2 below.

Table 2: Study question by project Intermediate Result

Intermediate result Data Collection Method

Source of Data Sample size

IR1: Quality of High-impact Services for Malaria, Maternal Child Health, Family Planning, and Gender-based Violence Increased

1. What is the availability of health services related to maternal and child health, malaria and gender-based violence in selected IHSA supported health facilities?

Document and register Review

Consultation records/registers

135 HCs

2. What is the availability of commodities, infrastructure, equipment and human resources necessary for provision of malaria, MNCH, FP, and GBV services in

Observation & Document Review

HC records/registers

135 HCs

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selected IHSA supported health facilities

3. What is the level of motivation of health care providers towards providing quality of care in selected IHSA supported health center

Health Personnel Survey

HC Heads

HC staff

135 (1 per facility)

405 (3 per facility)

4. What FP methods are available at the selected IHSA supported health centers?

Document and register Review

Medicine stock register

135 HC

5. What is the level of the quality of malaria, MNCH, FP, and GBV care provided at the selected IHSA supported health centers?

Observation & Document Review

HC 135 HC

6. To what extent are health center clients satisfied with services provided in term of quality of care and respectfulness?

Patient Satisfaction Survey

HC Client 675 (5 per facility)

7. What is the level of service providers’ knowledge of GBV laws in the selected IHSA supported health centers?

Health Personnel Survey

HC staff 135 (3 per facility)

8. What extent is the referral/counter-referral link between community and HC level functional

Document and register Review

HC 135 HCs

IR2: Uptake of High-impact Health Services Increased

9. What is the level of engagement of community groups’ in resource mobilization for health

Community key informant survey/ Observation & Document Review

Community members

12 communities

10. What is the project’s target population’s level of knowledge, attitude and practices on maternal neonatal and child health, malaria, and GBV

Maternal, child health and malaria KAP survey

Household 1050

11. What are the major non-clinical and socio-cultural barriers that prevent utilization of maternal neonatal and child health, malaria, and GBV services by the project’s targeted population?

Community key informants survey

Community members

12 communities

12. What factors lead to the low utilization of modern family planning methods?

Family planning KAP survey

Household 1050

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13. What is the level of knowledge and awareness of family planning methods among the target population?

Family planning KAP survey

Household 1050

IR3: Local Leadership, Management, Governance, and Stewardship of Health Services Strengthened

14. What is the level of leadership, managing, and governing behaviors among IHSA supported health center, HZ, and departmental health office staff?

L+M+G Behavioral Self-Assessment

HZ and departmental health office key informant survey

Observation & Document Review

HCs, HZ & departmental health office heads

HCs, HZ & departmental health office heads

HC, HZ, department health office

15(11 HZ and 4 departmental health offices)

135 HCs, 11 HZs, 4 departments

135 HCs, 11 HZs, 4 departments

15. What is the level of adherence to MOH supervision norms and standards?

Observation & Document Review

HC, HZ, department health office

135 HCs, 11 HZs, 4 departments

16. To what extent are HCs, HZs and departmental health offices communication and HIS norms followed

Observation & Document Review

HC, HZ, department health office

135 HCs, 11 HZs, 4 departments

IR4: Central Government Planning and Coordination of High-impact Health Interventions Supported

17. What are the barriers (organizational, financial…) preventing key operational sections to participate in decentralized annual planning and coordination with CNLS-TP & MOH?

HZ and departmental health office key informant survey

HC, HZ, department health office, MOH

135 HCs, 11 HZs, 4 departments, MOH

4. EXPECTED RESULTS Baseline of health facility capacity to provide malaria, MCH, FP, and GBV services Baseline of community knowledge, attitudes, and care seeking behaviors for malaria, MCH, FP,

and GBV services as well as barriers for seeking care Baseline of leadership, management, and governing behaviors among IHSA supported health

center, HZ, and departmental health office staff Limited baseline assessment of clinical capacity of health personnel to diagnosis and manage

key MNCH, malaria and GBV complications and illnesses Baseline of the availability and functionality of CHWs at the community level


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Conduct the baseline study of health facility capacity to deliver quality malaria, MCH, FP, and GBV services as well as a community household knowledge, attitudes, and practices survey to determine service availability and barriers to access.



1) Assist in a working session and orientation with the USAID/Benin IHSA project on the study methodology and data collection tools

Minutes of the orientation meeting

1 day

2) Contribute to refine the tools and complete the data collectors training curriculum/manual

Training curriculum/manual finalized, reviewed, and approved

3 days

3) In collaboration with USAID/Benin IHSA project staff, field test data collection tools

Pilot test report 2 days

4) Train data collectors and supervisors on study methodology and instruments as well as procedures for controlling the quality of the data

Training report 4 days (2 sessions of 2 days each)

5) Organize data collection logistics with project, GOB MOH staff, and data collectors/supervisors

Finalized data collection plan

1 day

6) Conduct HFA and HH KAP data collection

Data collection report 14 days

7) Deliver cleaned electronic data to USAID/Benin IHSA project staff

Electronic database of all data collected in a form ready for data analysis

2 days

8) Produce the draft of preliminary report

Draft of preliminary report 5 days

9) Participate in a final wrap up session to answer any remaining questions on survey process, data collected, and feedback on preliminary report

Minutes of the wrap up meeting

2 days (one with IHSA Benin project team and one with larger team of stakeholders (MOH, DDS, USAID)

10) Produce final preliminary report Final preliminary report 2 days

7. TECHNICAL CAPACITY Data collectors The survey firm will specify in its methodology the profile of the field staff required to collect data in the field. All will need to have strong experience in investigation and possess the required mastery of data collection and quality control procedures as well as the required survey languages. Gender balance should be respected when recruiting the investigating agents as appropriate to the field work proposed.

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The firm will detail the procedure and tools it applies when recruiting survey staff, who must all have the skills necessary to evaluate the clinical aspects of the evaluation. Pre-test of data collection tools The survey firm will conduct a pre-test of data collection tools in collaboration with project staff. Any areas for adjustment will be identified and data collection instruments modified as necessary with the authorization of project staff. Final data collection tools should be prepared based on the pretest results. Field work data collection training The training of field staff will be based on validated tools and will address ethical issues as well as sensitivity training for confidential information. The training will include translation sessions in the national language as necessary and practical exercises. Candidates who participated in the training should be tested in simulation during the training. The survey firm will propose a procedure for testing the candidates as well as evaluation criteria to judge the attitude of the candidates towards the respondents and their ability to administer the questionnaire within an acceptable time. At the same time, the consultant will test the consistency and ease of administration of the collection tools in order to make the necessary adjustments. This activity will be done in close collaboration with the project team. At the end of the test, the survey firm will develop a report of the training for the project, which should contain information on the number of staff recruited, their gender distribution, their level of education, and their communication skills in the main language of the area of the survey. The report will describe the conduct of the competency testing and highlight the shortcomings noted to allow the necessary corrections before the launch phase of the field survey. 8. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION Assure strict adherence to the protocol The firm will assure strict adherence to the protocol throughout the survey implementation. Prior to any necessary deviation, the firm should consult with the project staff and receive written approval for any changes to the protocol procedures. Put in place data quality control procedures The firm will develop verification procedures for assuring data quality in the field and data entry. The procedure should also allow for early intervention if systematic errors occur in the administration of certain questions or at the level of any investigator. Any problems encountered by the investigators during the administration of the questionnaire should be resolved by the firm and documented in a timely manner to assure data quality. Data collection field supervisors should accurately document the difficulties encountered in their respective areas and this information should be contained in the final report. Electronic database Data should be collected via an electronic method and cleaned as it is collected. A final database containing all the results as well as a data inventory and dictionary should be submitted at the end of the fieldwork.

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Fieldwork report At the end of the data collection period, the firm will develop and submit a report on data collection processes and results that will be submitted to the project. This report will detail the implementation of the survey and any difficulties as well solutions to any problems encountered. 9. STAKEHOLDERS

GOB MOH GOB MOH regional offices Beneficiaries USAID Benin USAID Benin IHSA Project staff


Cotonou, with travel to the specific study regions (Alibori, Atacora, Oueme, Plateau)

The detailed random sample of health centers and villages is provided in the study protocol annexed to this scope of work.


In the context of this service, the required expertise is a firm with proven expertise in the implementation of qualitative and quantitative health, facility, and household data surveys. The firm must have experts with a strong capacity in training investigators and collecting data and more than 5 years of experience in conducting similar investigations in health system. It should also have at least one expert in quantitative data collection as well as at least one expert in qualitative methods. Data collectors should have at least the Bac level of education with mastery of local language as necessary. Data collectors should work in a team of two people, including one health worker to evaluate the technical aspects.


The Integrated Health Services Activity (IHSA) Baseline Survey is expected to be completed within an

eight week period, beginning October 1, 2018. A schedule for completion of Tasks shall be included as

part of the comprehensive proposal. After consultation, a final schedule will be a part of the TOR and

incorporated into the contract between IHSA Benin and the contractor.

The contractor shall provide adequate manpower and other resources to complete the assigned tasks

within the agreed schedule. The contractor shall not be responsible for any delay caused by

circumstances beyond its control.

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G.1. Establishment:

The contractor shall establish a permanent representative/coordinator for the period specified in

Section F (above) in Benin, for proper coordination with the IHSA Chief of Party.

G.2. Contractor’s Team:

The contractor shall appoint a Project Manager to be responsible for overall coordination of the project.

The Project Manager will also be the team leader of the contractor’s team and shall be responsible for

quality and progress of work. The Project Manager shall report to the IHSA and the contractor’s head

office regarding the progress, etc.

The Project Manager shall be qualified for the role and show commensurate experience to match the

needs of the project. The Project Manager should provide the IHSA M&E Director, Leandre Sohounde,

with a weekly progress report. The format of this report should be proposed by contractor at the

commencement of the project.

The contractor may also appoint a project supervisor. The project supervisor will be responsible for day-

to-day coordination and supervision of the project. Project supervisors should report to the Project

Manager on a regular basis.

The contractor shall provide sufficient organization, personnel and management staff to carry out the

requirements of the resulting contract.

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Who can submit proposals?

Non-profit entities

For-profit entities

Universities How to submit a proposal See Section 5 of the RFP for full instructions on the delivery method and contents of the proposals. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. What should we do if we have questions or need assistance to prepare a proposal? Submit questions in writing by August 23, 2018,to [email protected] and [email protected]. Telephone inquiries will not be accepted. Answers to questions will be sent out to all registered parties.

Amendments to the RFP Amendments to the RFP will be issued in writing to all parties who have registered their interest with MSH. How do I register in order to receive notifications or amendments to the RFP? Any parties who have contacted MSH in writing to receive a copy of the RFP are automatically registered to receive amendments and notifications. All others should send an email to [email protected] and [email protected]. What is the estimated timeline for submission, notification, award, and implementation? Proposals must be submitted by 5:00pm on the due date indicated on the cover page of the RFP. The selection process will take place in August 2018 and Offerors can expect to be notified of decisions on or about September 17, 2018. The resulting contract is contingent on obtaining USAID approval for the contractor, if required. Contract activities are expected to begin on or around October 1, 2018, pending successful completion of negotiations, the results of the pre-award survey, and the checking of references. The estimated period of performance is 2 months. What should the technical proposal include? The technical offer should outline and justify any changes and/or improvements to the Terms of Reference proposed by the firm to improve the results of the study. In addition, it will describe the proposed implementation plan for carrying out this study that includes a detailed timeline. Finally, the

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technical offer must present the relevant experience of the firm, the schedule and timing of the service, references to similar services previously completed and detailed CVs of experts and their experiences in the field. What should the budget include? The financial offer should be presented in the form of a table containing the main sections below:

Staff fees Other necessary expenses (vehicle rental, fuel, communication, per diem, etc.) Quantities and item costs should be specified

What type of award will be made? A Fixed Price type Contract with payment upon completion of agreed upon deliverables. What will be provided to the contractor? The Offeror/Contractor should not budget the following in its cost proposal, as MSH will provide these items to the Contractor:

Hard copies of the study instruments

How will proposals be evaluated? Proposals will be evaluated by a Selection Committee of experts from MSH. The Selection Committee will use the evaluation criteria in Section 4 of the RFP to make a selection. What are the minimum eligibility requirements for a proposal? The following requirements need to be met in order for a proposal to be reviewed:

1. The proposal must be submitted by the due date and time 2. The proposal must be complete 3. The proposal must cover all the services required under this RFP 4. The proposal must be submitted by an entity with legal registration status and good

standing to perform the type of services required. Can a joint venture submit a proposal or can a Sub-contractor be included in the proposal? A joint venture is a legal arrangement where two entities jointly undertake work as equal partners. To be eligible for award, a joint venture must be an entity with legal status – please contact [email protected] to verify whether your joint venture is eligible for award before submitting a proposal. A subcontract occurs when the contractor subcontracts a portion of the work to another entity. A Subcontractor can be included in the proposal so long as the work being done by each entity is clearly defined in the proposal. However, the contractor bears sole responsibility for performance of the work.

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What will be required for issuance of an award? MSH may request additional information to clarify or substantiate information provided in the proposal or may request revisions to the proposed approach or personnel. MSH has allocated $40,000 for this project. After selection, MSH will negotiate the award cost with the selected offeror. A contract will be awarded after the selected Offeror undergoes a pre-award survey to assess the selected Offeror’s management capacity and financial capability and after references have been checked. What will be required after an award is made? Section 2 describes the Services that will be required of the Contractor. Periodic meetings with MSH technical advisors will be required.

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A technical/cost/past performance trade-off analysis will be performed by MSH in order to determine

the Best Value to MSH. Issuance of this request for proposals does not constitute an award

commitment on the part of MSH.

Technical Evaluation

Proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria set forth below. To facilitate the review of

proposals, Offerors must organize the sections of their proposals in the same order provided in Section 5

of this RFP.

Criteria Maximum Possible Points

A. Experience and Past Performance

Maximum Possible Points: 50

Survey set-up, implementation, and analysis



At least three examples of work relevant to this

Scope of Work, including pre-survey setup, ethics

training, survey training, and survey

implementation as well as application of open

source software, preferably in low-bandwidth



At least three reference provided for reference



B. Proposed Approach

Maximum Possible Points: 30

Efficiency/Effectiveness/Innovation of Proposed



C. Management-Implementation

Maximum Possible Points: 20

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Criteria Maximum Possible Points

Sufficient and appropriate human resources are

devoted to activities Available for the assignment

and completion by November 2018


Maximum Technical Score: 100

Cost Evaluation MSH will only select an Offeror for award on a best value basis in consideration of overall evaluation


Award will be made to the Offeror whose proposal, conforming to the solicitation, is determined to offer

the best value to MSH. Offers will be evaluated as follows:

1. Price

2. Status as a small business

Whenever possible, MSH will make awards to small or women-owned businesses, providing that the

offer is in the best interest of MSH.

Government Contractor Pricing

As a U.S. Government contractor, MSH is eligible for GSA pricing if applicable and advantageous. MSH is

also a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and is exempt from Massachusetts sales tax. Offerors

should provide any and all discounts available to MSH based on its status as a U.S. Government

contractor and as a non-profit.

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A. Overview

To be eligible for consideration, offerors must use the Proposal Outline provided in this section.

The completed Technical and Cost proposals must be delivered at the submission address on or before

the submission deadline. After the deadline for submission of proposals, the Technical Proposal shall be

reviewed by the evaluation committee. The Cost Proposal shall remain sealed until the Technical

Proposals have been evaluated.

The proposals should be delivered to the following e-mail address:

Léandre Sohounde – [email protected]

The technical proposal should not exceed fifteen pages using the page limit guidance listed below.

Attachments and the cost proposal are NOT included in the page limit.

Offerors are reminded that presentation and legibility are important factors. Please do not reduce the

size of tables or charts to the point that they are not legible. We suggest that you do not submit

proposals in color or using high-resolution graphics.

Each page should be numbered.

MSH is not responsible for any costs incurred by the Offeror for preparing, submitting, or revising the


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Technical Proposal Outline

The Technical Proposal must include the checklist, the following sections (which must be within the page

limits set for each section), and attachments.


Technical Proposal Checklist (limit of one page, use the provided form)

Section 1: Cover Page (limit of one page, use the provided form)

Section 2: Experience

(limit of four pages; include at least three (3)

links to past projects or examples)

Section 3: Proposed Approach (limit of six pages)

Section 4: Management-Implementation (limit of three pages)

In order for MSH to conduct the most thorough proposal analysis, Offerors are requested to format their

offering as follows:

A.2. Past Performance:

Offerors shall submit references and/or recommendations from previous clients with similar evaluation

work. In particular, if the Offeror has worked for non-profit clients similar to MSH, those would be

preferred. A minimum of three (3) references and/or recommendations shall be submitted. Please

include at least three (3) links to past projects or examples of your work.


A. One page CVs for Key Personnel

B. Biodata Forms for Key Personnel

C. Project Organizational Chart

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Cost Proposal Outline


No Page Limits

Cost Proposal Checklist

Section A: Cost Proposal Cover Sheet

Section B: Budget (Template provided)

Section C: Budget Narrative (no page limit)

Proposed price shall include the elements requested, composing and time spent for meetings,

telephone, contacts, writing, reporting, and any other activities needed to satisfy MSH requirements.

Please note that the charging of fee will not be allowed under this contract.

Proposal Sections and Contents

The Offeror must follow the guidance given in the rest of this section as to required format and contents

of the proposal. The sections have been designed to correspond to the evaluation criteria.


(Please check all that apply and include this page with the proposal)

Have you?

Submitted an electronic copy of the technical proposal via email by the required deadline?

Does your Technical proposal include the following?

Section 1: Cover Page (not more than one page using the form provided)

Section 2: Experience (not more than four pages)

Information on Subcontractors, if applicable

Section 3: Proposed Approach (not more than six pages)

Section 4: Management-Implementation Plan (not more than three pages)

Attachment A: One page CVs for Key Personnel Biodatas

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Technical Proposal Section 1: Cover Page

[Use this form or create one in this format]

Name of Organization:

Primary Address:

Contact Name:

(must be an individual with the authority to negotiate

and enter into a subagreement)



Email ( at least two):


Type of Entity: (check one)

Non Profit

For Profit

Other (specify)

Year registered in <INSERT>:

Authorized Signatory: _____________________________________

Name and Title: _____________________________________

Date: _____________________________________

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Technical Proposal Section 2: Experience

(Limited to four pages)

This section should include information on your organization and proposed key personnel. Provide the

information in the format provided.

a. Similar services provided.

Please complete the following table with information on the similar services your organization has provided in

the last three years.

Client Organization name

or type

Programs/Services Dates Funding


Provide additional information on how these services are similar to the services required for this


b. Other relevant experience

Please complete the following table with information on other relevant experience

Client Organization

name or type

Description of services provided Dates Funding Source

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c. Key personnel

Identify the positions you consider key to the success of your proposed approach and the individual who will

fill each position. Provide a one page CV with three references for each named individual as an attachment to

the proposal

Title Name



d. Past Performance References for Your Organization

Provide three past performance references for your organization (do not include MSH). MSH reserves the

right to obtain past performance information from sources other than those listed below.

Contact (Name and



Telephone and


Services and Dates




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Technical Proposal Section 3: Proposed Approach

(not to exceed six pages)

a. Description of Proposed Approach

Describe your technical approach for providing the services described in Section 2 of this RFP.

For each type of service, describe which individual will be providing the service.

Technical Proposal Section 4: Management-Implementation

(limited to three pages)

This section requests information on how you will manage the program.

a. Description of Proposed Key Management Positions:

a) Fill out the following table for all program administrators, managers, and supervisors.

Title Name

(or “ vacant”)

Program responsibility Who will they


b) Who will be managing the program on a day-to-day basis?

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c) How will staff be supervised and by whom?

d) How will staff performance be measured and improved?

b. Subcontractors

Will you be subcontracting part of the work? Identify any Subcontractors and describe the roles and

responsibilities of each organization for this program.

c. Implementation Challenges

Identify any important external factors beyond your control that may affect the successful

implementation of the program.

d. Internal Monitoring

Describe how you will monitor the performance and the quality of services provided under the contract.

Also describe your plan to monitor for fraud and malfeasance.


(Please check all that apply and include this page with the proposal)

Have you?

Submitted an electronic copy of the cost proposal via email by the required deadline?

Does your Cost Proposal include the following?

Section A: Cost Proposal Cover Page (template provided)

Section B: Budget (spreadsheet using template provided)

Section C: Budget Narrative

For the Budget, Have You:

Included a detailed budget for any Subcontractors?

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Cost Proposal Section A: Cover Page

[Use this form or create one in this format]

Name of Organization:

Primary Address:

Contact Name:

(must be an individual with the authority to negotiate

and enter into a subagreement)



Email ( at least two):


Type of Entity: (check one)

Non Profit

For Profit

Other (specify)

Year registered in xxx:

DUNS Number: Organization’s Total Annual Operating Budget:


Authorized Signatory: _____________________________________

Name and Title: _____________________________________

Date: _____________________________________

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Cost Proposal Section C: Budget Guidance

a) General

An Excel spreadsheet template has been provided as Attachment A to this RFP and should be

used by the Offeror. The purpose of this budget is to allow MSH to assess whether the cost

proposed is realistic and allowable.

Information on the amount and source of additional funding from non-MSH sources should be

included in the ‘other funding’ column and described in the budget narrative. All sources of

funding for the program activities described in the proposal must appear on the budget under

either the MSH column or the ‘other funding’ column.

b) Salaries and Benefits

Include job titles and names (if the position is already filled) or designate if the position is vacant

in the spreadsheet.

Each position to be funded under the program which appears in the program organization chart

(Attachment B of the Technical Proposal) should be listed in the budget detail and a level of

effort given.

List all positions on separate lines on the budget.

c) Consultants

Show the specialty, name, daily or monthly rate, and number of days or months

d) Travel


e) Other Direct Costs

Lines have been provided for typical other direct costs such as communications.

f) Equipment

Provide the explanation for the need for equipment in the Budget Narrative.

g) Subcontracts

Provide a detailed supporting budget for any subcontract costs appearing in the “Subcontractor”

line item.

** Please note that the charging of fee will not be allowed under this contract.**

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Cost Proposal Section D: Budget Narrative

Provide a budget narrative as Section D of the cost proposal. Describe the major assumptions.

a) Salaries and Benefits:

For management staff, especially at the head office level, state the percentage of time that will

be dedicated to the project.

The cost of any benefits for staff should be fully explained -- type, basis of calculation, etc. A

breakdown of what is included must be supplied in the budget narrative if you use a percentage

rate for benefits.

b) Consultants

Provide a brief description of the statement of work.

Explain how you arrived at the consultant rate (should be determined using the individual’s rate


c) Travel


d) Other Direct Costs

Explain how estimations and/or calculations were made for each sub-line item under ODCs.

e) Equipment

Provide a justification for why these are needed

f) Subcontractors

Provide financial information, budget, and budget narrative following this proposal’s format and


g) Other Source of Funds

Provide information about every other source of funds to the program, including other donor

contributions, government funds, community contributions and private sector contributions.

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A budget template is provided in the enclosed file.

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1. Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number (ADS 303)

(a) In the space provided at the end of this provision, the recipient should supply the Data Universal

Numbering System (DUNS) number applicable to that name and address. Recipients should take care to

report the number that identifies the recipient's name and address exactly as stated in the proposal.

(b) The DUNS is a 9-digit number assigned by Dun and Bradstreet Information Services. If the recipient

does not have a DUNS number, the recipient should call Dun and Bradstreet directly at 1-800-333-0505.

A DUNS number will be provided immediately by telephone at no charge to the recipient. The recipient

should be prepared to provide the following information:

(1) Recipient's name. (2) Recipient's address. (3) Recipient's telephone number. (4) Line of business. (5) Chief executive officer/key manager. (6) Date the organization was started. (7) Number of people employed by the recipient. (8) Company affiliation. (c) Recipients located outside the United States may obtain the location and phone number of the local

Dun and Bradstreet Information Services office from the Internet Home Page at . If an offeror is unable to locate a local service center, it

may send an e-mail to Dun and Bradstreet at [email protected] .

The DUNS system is distinct from the Federal Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) system.

DUNS: ________________________________________

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By signing this contract, the Contractor provides the certification set out below: 1. The Contractor, to the best of its current knowledge, did not provide, within the previous ten years, and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that it does not and will not knowingly provide, material support or resources to any individual or entity that commits, attempts to commit, advocates, facilitates, or participates in terrorist acts, or has committed, attempted to commit, facilitated, or participated in terrorist acts, as that term is defined in paragraph 3. 2. The following steps may enable the Contractor to comply with its obligations under paragraph 1: a. Before providing any material support or resources to an individual or entity, the Contractor will verify that the individual or entity does not (i) appear on the master list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons, which list is maintained by the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and is available online at OFAC’s website :, or (ii) is not included in any supplementary information concerning prohibited individuals or entities that may be provided by USAID to the Contractor. b. Before providing any material support or resources to an individual or entity, the Contractor also will verify that the individual or entity has not been designated by the United Nations Security (UNSC) sanctions committee established under UNSC Resolution 1267 (1999) (the “1267 Committee”) [individuals and entities linked to the Taliban, Usama bin Laden, or the Al Qaida Organization]. To determine whether there has been a published designation of an individual or entity by the 1267 Committee, the Contractor should refer to the consolidated list available online at the Committee’s website: c. Before providing any material support or resources to an individual or entity, the Contractor will consider all information about that individual or entity of which it is aware and all public information that is reasonably available to it or of which it should be aware. d. The Contractor also will implement reasonable monitoring and oversight procedures to safeguard against assistance being diverted to support terrorist activity. 3. For Purposes of this Certification a. “Material support and resources” means currency or monetary instruments or financial securities, financial services, lodging, training, expert advice or assistance, safehouses, false documentation or identification, communications equipment, facilities, weapons, lethal substances, explosives, personnel, transportation, and other physical assets, except medicine or religious materials.”

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b. “Terrorist act” means - (i) an act prohibited pursuant to one of the 12 United Nations Conventions and Protocols related to terrorism (see UN terrorism conventions Internet site:; or (ii) an act of premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents; or (iii) any other act intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to a civilian, or to any other person not taking an active part in hostilities in a situation of armed conflict, when the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act. c. “Entity” means a partnership, association, corporation, or other organization, group or subgroup. d. References in this Certification to the provision of material support and resources shall not be deemed to include the furnishing of USAID funds or USAID-financed commodities to the ultimate beneficiaries of USAID assistance, such as recipients of food, medical care, micro-enterprise loans, shelter, etc., unless the Contractor has reason to believe that one or more of these beneficiaries commits, attempts to commit, advocates, facilitates, or participates in terrorist acts, or has committed, attempted to commit, facilitated or participated in terrorist acts. e. The Contractor’s obligations under paragraph 1 are not applicable to the procurement of goods and/or services by the Contractor that are acquired in the ordinary course of business through contract or purchase, e.g., utilities, rents, office supplies, gasoline, etc., unless the Contractor has reason to believe that a vendor or supplier of such goods and services commits, attempts to commit, advocates, facilitates, or participates in terrorist acts, or has committed, attempted to commit, facilitated or participated in terrorist acts. This Certification is an express term and condition of any agreement issued, and any violation of it shall be grounds for unilateral termination of the agreement by USAID prior to the end of its term. Signed: __________________________________ Date: ______________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name: Title:

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3. Information Required for Compliance with FFATA

Name of Organization____________________________________________________________ Physical Street Address___________________________________________________________ City ___________________ State ___________ Nine-Digit Zip Code: __________________ Country ________________ Congressional District (US Organizations Only) _______________ Contact Person____________________________________________________________________ Email and Phone Number______________________________________ DUNS Number1 _________________________ Dates of Current Fiscal Year (MM/DD/YY – MM/DD/YY) ___________________________________

1) In the previous fiscal year, did you receive (1) 80% or more of your annual gross revenues in U.S. federal contracts, subcontracts, loans, Contracts, subContracts, and/or cooperative agreements; and (2) US$ 25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from U.S. federal contracts, subcontracts, loans, contracts, subcontracts, and/or cooperative agreements? ____YES ____ NO

2) In the previous tax year, did you have gross income from all sources equal to or greater than US$ 300,000? ____YES ____ NO

3) Does the public have access to information about the compensation of the five most highly compensated executives in your organization through periodic reports filed under Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 (U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d)) or Section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986? ____YES ____ NO

4) If the answers to 1 and 2 above are both YES and the answer to 3 above is NO, United States Government regulations require you to provide the names and total compensation of the five most highly compensated executives of your organization or business. The U.S. Government may publicly disclose the information you provide. Please provide the information requested in the chart below.

1 The Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number is a nine digit number assigned by Dun and Bradstreet Information

Services. If you do not have a DUNS number, you should call Dun and Bradstreet directly at 1-800-333-0505. A DUNS number

will be provided immediately by telephone at no charge. You should be prepared to provide the following information:

Organization name, Organization address, Organization telephone number, Line of Business, Chief Executive Officer/Key

Manager, Date the organization was started, Number of people employed, and any Company Affiliation. If you are located

outside the United States, you may obtain the location and phone number of the local Dun and Bradstreet Information Services

office at or by e-mailing Dun and Bradstreet at [email protected].

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For purposes of completing the chart, total compensation includes the cash and non-cash dollar value earned by the executive during his or her employer’s preceding fiscal year and includes the following:

Salary and bonus.

Awards of stock, stock options, and stock appreciation rights. The dollar amount recognized for financial statement reporting purposes with respect to the fiscal year in accordance with FAS 123R should be used.

Earnings for services under non-equity incentive plans. This does not include group life, health, hospitalization, or medical reimbursement plans that do not discriminate in favor of executives and are available generally to all salaried employees.

Change in pension value. This is the change in present value of defined benefit and actuarial pension plans.

Above-market earnings on deferred compensation which is not tax qualified.

Other compensation (for example, severance, termination payments, value of life insurance paid on behalf of the employee, perquisites, or property) if the aggregate value for all such other compensation for the executive exceeds US$ 10,000.

Name Compensation






Name of Organization Representative

Signature of Organization Representative


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__________________________________________,Contractor to Management Sciences for Health, Inc. ("MSH") pursuant to an agreement entered into on _________________, for the provision of _______________________ (the “Contract”), and in accordance with the Contract, the Contractor certifies that during the last year as of the date of this Certification: 1. Compliance with U.S. Export Laws. The Contractor has been in compliance with all U.S. laws and regulations governing its international activities, including but not limited to: (i) the export or re-export of goods, technology, and services under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, 22 C.F.R. Parts 120 et seq.; (ii) the Export Administration Regulations, 15 C.F.R. Parts 730 et seq.; (iii) the Foreign Asset Control Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Chapter V; and (iv) other applicable U.S. laws and regulations; and more specifically: (a) The Contractor has maintained in good standing all registrations, licenses, and permits administered by any Government agency. (b) There are no charges, proceedings or, to the knowledge of the Subcontractor, investigations by any Governmental agency with respect to a violation of any applicable U.S. laws and regulations that is now pending or, to the knowledge of the Contractor, has been asserted or threatened with respect to the Contractor or any of its Subsidiaries. (c) Neither the Contractor nor any of its subsidiaries has made any mandatory or voluntary disclosure with respect to a possible violation of applicable U.S. export control laws or regulations to any Government agency. (d) Neither the Contractor nor any of its subsidiaries has, is currently, or is pending (to the knowledge of the company) a regulatory audit, including focused assessment by any Government agency with respect to applicable U.S. export control laws and regulations. 2. Compliance with Anti-Bribery Laws. The Contractor further certifies that: (a) In carrying out its responsibilities under the Contract, the Contractor and its owners, directors, officers, employees or agents thereof, have not and will not pay, offer or promise to pay, or authorize the payment directly or indirectly of any monies or anything of value to any government official or employee, or any political party or candidate for political office for the purpose of influencing any act or decision of such official or of the government to obtain or retain business or direct business to any person (any such payment is a "Prohibited Payment"). (b) No owner, partner, officer, director or employee of the Contractor or of any affiliate company of the Contractor is or has become an official or employee of the government during the term of this Contract without the prior written consent of MSH. __________________________________ ______________________________ Name Date Title