Manaaki Environment

How can we create a Manaaki learning space?

Transcript of Manaaki Environment

How can we create a Manaaki learning space?

Respect for Yourself

Make sure to be on time to class and bring the right gear, so you

can learn as much as possible and work to the best of your ability.

Always work to the best of your ability. Do not let yourself down by doing sub-standard work.

Be sure to play your part within a team. Do not let your team down through not

completing work, and help others if they need assistance in doing their part.

Make sure to complete homework on time and to a good standard.

Respect for


Be sure to respect and listen to your teacher. When your teacher is trying to talk, you

shouldn't be. Always stay on task and avoid inappropriate behaviour that may annoy your

teacher or detract from your or others’ learning.

Respect others’ devices. Do not handle them without permission, and only use them appropriately, when you are

permitted to. Do not iMessage or communicate with others on devices while they are working.

Do not distract others. While people are trying to focus in the classroom, their peers should not talk to them, or disturb

them using things such as iMessage.

How can we create a Manaaki learning space?

Respect for the Environment

Do not litter or pollute the classroom environment. Keep

it tidy and clear for the comfort of yourself and others.

Respect the classroom furniture. Furniture can be very expensive. It should be treated with love, care

and good old Manaaki respect. Furniture should not be used incorrectly, drawn upon, damaged or treated poorly. Finally, classroom furniture should be shared evenly and fairly between classmates.

Make sure to use things for the purposes they are intended for. If you do not, you could cause damage to them.