Male and Female Aspects of God - Unity of Harrisburg · Male and Female Aspects of God Rev Dan,...

Male and Female Aspects of God Rev Dan, Minister, Unity of Harrisburg September 3, 2017

Transcript of Male and Female Aspects of God - Unity of Harrisburg · Male and Female Aspects of God Rev Dan,...

Male and Female Aspects of God

Rev Dan,

Minister, Unity of Harrisburg

September 3, 2017

Thank you Louise Hay

A student and teacher of

Ancient Wisdom and

New Thought.

Your legacy lives on –

You were a Light in this world

Unity of Harrisburg

Sunday Talk/Book Study

5 chapters a week

Sep 17 Sunday Talk –

Chapters 1 – 5

Sep 21 Thurs Discussion

7 weeks (37 Chapters)

Let’s Pray

Let’s Pray!“ . . .and greater works than these

shall he do; because I go unto my


John 14:26

My dissertation began two years ago

with these questions -

“Where has the Spiritual Power gone?

Why no miracle healings like Jesus?

Why no miracle healings like

Emma Curtis Hopkins?

Why no miracle healings like the early days of

Myrtle & Charles Fillmore?

What has gone wrong?”

Represented as a powerful man

Male bias

One God

Jewish Scripture

New Testament carries it

through with “Father”

Taoist taught the

Aspects of the Tao

Yin – Female

Yang - Male

Must have the two polarities,

the two aspects

to experience the power

Emma Curtis Hopkins

“Teacher of the teachers”

50,000 between 1880 – 1910

Teacher of Dr. E.B. Weeks

1886 Myrtle Fillmore attended

Dr. Week’s lecture

“I am a child of God, and therefore

I do not inherit sickness”

1888 – Myrtle healed of Tuberculosis

lived to 1931 – 86 years young

Silent Unity began 1890

1891 Charles and Myrtle were

ordained in Chicago by

Emma Curtis Hopkins

Emma Curtis Hopkins

"She is undoubtedly the most successful teacher

in the world. Her instruction not only give

understanding to the student by which he can

cure ills of himself and others, but in many

instances, those who enter her classes

confirmed invalids come out at the end of the

course perfectly well. Unity Magazine

Emma Curtis Hopkins

She dwells so continually in the spirit that her

very presence heals, and those who listen to

her are filled with new life."

Unity Magazine

Myrtle said that Emma was her most

“beloved friend”

They wrote to each other,

right up to Emma’s transition in 1925

Myrtle said of ECH,

“I know of no other writings that

mean so much to me as hers do”

Myrtle Fillmore, Mother of Unity

Son period – New Testament

Father period – Old Testament

ECH taught there are 3 epochs of

spiritual growth

We are in the

Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit,

Holy Mother

“The Holy Ghost was the

Shekinah of the Hebrew Scripture.

It was the feminine principle and

the sign of the future.”

She further developed the Holy Spirit

as a She in a 17 page writing,

“The Ministry of the Holy Mother”

ECH went on to say that Holy Mother

was wooed by praises and only

answered prayer.

She taught that:

Holy Mother/Holy Spirit waits on our invite

The perfect Lady

Let’s Pray!“But the Comforter, who is the Holy Ghost

whom the Father will send in My name,

He shall teach you all things and

bring all things to your remembrance,

whatsoever I have said unto you.”John 14:26

Holy Spirit

“the Holy Spirit is just what the name implies,

the whole Spirit of God in action.

In the Hebrew Jehovah is written Yahweh,

Yah being masculine

Weh being feminine.”

•Jesus Christ Heals

Holy Spirit

“Do not be misled by the personality

Of the Holy Spirit and the reference to it as


This was the bias of the Oriental mind, making

God and all forms of the Deity masculine.”

Jesus Christ Heals

Holy Spirit

“Holy Spirit is the love of Jehovah taking

care of the human family, and love is

always feminine.

Love is the great harmonizer and healer,

and whoever calls upon God as Holy

Spirit for healing is calling upon the

Divine Love.”

Jesus Christ Heals

Holy Spirit

“Do not fear to call mightly upon the

Holy Spirit, who has all compassion and

Healing Power at Her command.”

“Thy perfect plan of bodily perfection

is now made manifest in me.”

Jesus Christ Heals

The gender of the Holy Spirit has been the object of some

discussion in recent years, questioning whether the Holy Spirit

should be referred to as "he", "she" or "it".

To some extent this derives from the gender of the noun used in

different languages. In the original Hebrew of the Old Testament,

the word for spirit is "rūaḥ“ is a feminine noun.

The word for spirit in New Testament Greek is pneuma, a neuter


In Latin, the common language of the Roman Catholic Church,

the word for spirit is masculine.


Let’s Pray!

Polarity – two contrasting aspects

not duality – which is belief in

two powers

Let’s Pray!The GOD Power already exist

We access the power when we complete

the circuit

“Therefore by their fruits

you will know them.”Matthew 7:15

“The fruits of the Spirit are:

Love, Joy, Peace”Galatians 5:22

Let’s Pray!YAH WEH

Male Female

Mind Spirit

Law Love

Presence Power

Thinking Feeling

Let’s Pray!Balancing of YAH and WEH

creates in us –the MYSTICAL MARRIAGE

“You are to keep the Holy Spirit as

your LIGHT”

“The Holy Spirit is the activity of

God-Mind in the consciousness

of us”

How to Let God Help You

“The long way, the most difficult

way, back to the Father’s house is

the way of experience.”

“The shortcut is in being

receptive and obedient to the

leading of the Holy Spirit in

thought, word, and deed; putting

God first in your life”

How to Let God Help You

Harmony Heaven

Balance Peace

This week’s HomePlay

Take 5 minutes every morning –Breathe deeply

Get centered

On the in-breath - ECH“Come Holy Spirit, heavenly dove

with all thy quickening Power”7 times

Let’s Pray!“HOLY MOTHER” song is our meditation