Making of Thrid Magazine Front Cover

Making of Thrid Magazine Front Cover.

Transcript of Making of Thrid Magazine Front Cover

Making of Thrid Magazine Front Cover.

Making of Thrid Magazine Front Cover.I first started with the photo that I took. I didnt really need to change anything with this because I liked the way it looked already.

The next thing I did was my title. I used the Horizontal Type Tool to do this. I used the font that I used because I felt like it really stood out on the page. I used the colour bright pink because it matched with the colour theme of my front cover.I also was put a shadow on the title. I did this by duplicating the previous layer, putting it behind the title then linking the layers together.

I then put the tagline and the main article onto my front cover with a puff as well. The puff and main article are bright pink to fit the colour scheme and to make them stand out.

I then put in the rest of the articles onto the magazine. They were the same colour as the title and tagline to fit into the colour scheme.