Macbeth Newspaper (grade 11)

Macbeth Newspaper News Article 1: Murder in Dunsinane: The King is Slain In the inner courtyard of Inverness Castle, at the host of the Thane of Cawdor and his wife, King Duncan, the King of Scotland was slain this morning. The Thane and his wife, the Thane of Fife, the Thane of Scotland as well as Lennox the nobleman, found him dead in his chamber with several stabbings located around his heart. The first thing that was said at this sight came from the Thane of Fife, Macduff. He claims that it was the “most sacrilegious murder” and that if anyone else “approached the chamber [it would] destroy [their] sight” (2, 3, 67-72). The primary suspects however, were the King’s noble Chamberlains. Lennox, the wealthy, Scottish nobleman accounts for these Chamberlain’s condition claiming that “as it seemed, [they] had done’t. Their hands and faces were all badged with blood; so were their daggers, which unwiped we found upon their pillows” (2, 3,103-105). The Thane claims to have killed the Chamberlains due to his rage at this horrible crime. There is now much speculation revolving around the King’s sons: Malcolm and Donalbain. Sources claim that they were responsible for their father’s death, Malcolm being the King’s successor. Coincidentally, the two Princes have fled; Malcolm to England, and Donalbain to Ireland. Some say they fled from fear of being murdered next. Others say they fled so they would not get caught for their misdeed. Then there are those who believe that the Thane, Macbeth, and his wife could have assassinated the great King since it was their castle and they know the way around it. In his defence, Macbeth did claim a very noble statement in the Kings honour: that “if [he] but died an hour before his chance [he] had lived a blessed time” (2, 3, 93-94). Reports are unconfirmed at this date, however many suspects are plainly conceivable. Officials are still out there searching for the culprit. Who will the executioner turn out to be and who will be crowned the next King of Scotland?

Transcript of Macbeth Newspaper (grade 11)

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Macbeth NewspaperNews Article 1: Murder in Dunsinane: The King is Slain

In the inner courtyard of Inverness Castle, at the host of the Thane of Cawdor and his wife, King Duncan, the King of Scotland was slain this morning. The Thane and his wife, the Thane of Fife, the Thane of Scotland as well as Lennox the nobleman, found him dead in his chamber with several stabbings located around his heart. The first thing that was said at this sight came from the Thane of Fife, Macduff. He claims that it was the “most sacrilegious murder” and that if anyone else “approached the chamber [it would] destroy [their] sight” (2, 3, 67-72). The primary suspects however, were the King’s noble Chamberlains. Lennox, the wealthy, Scottish nobleman accounts for these Chamberlain’s condition claiming that “as it seemed, [they] had done’t. Their hands and faces were all badged with blood; so were their daggers, which unwiped we found upon their pillows” (2, 3,103-105). The Thane claims to have killed the Chamberlains due to his rage at this horrible crime. There is now much speculation revolving around the King’s sons: Malcolm and Donalbain. Sources claim that they were responsible for their father’s death, Malcolm being the King’s successor. Coincidentally, the two Princes have fled; Malcolm to England, and Donalbain to Ireland. Some say they fled from fear of being murdered next. Others say they fled so they would not get caught for their misdeed. Then there are those who believe that the Thane, Macbeth, and his wife could have assassinated the great King since it was their castle and they know the way around it. In his defence, Macbeth did claim a very noble statement in the Kings honour: that “if [he] but died an hour before his chance [he] had lived a blessed time” (2, 3, 93-94). Reports are unconfirmed at this date, however many suspects are plainly conceivable. Officials are still out there searching for the culprit. Who will the executioner turn out to be and who will be crowned the next King of Scotland?

News Article 2: Hark, a Celebration in Scotland!

The immoral fiend’s death-day hath finally arrived! The King of Scotland, once the Thane of Cawdor those many years ago, hath been slain himself by the noblest of Thanes. It transpired during the battle between England and Scotland last night. The continuous rain and murky terrain made circumstances much tougher for the soldiers in battle, definitely setting the mood for what was to occur that very same evening. It was said that three witches proclaimed to Macbeth three prophecies, in which they created three apparitions to for-tell them. The first was that he should “beware Macduff…the Thane of Fife” (4, 1, 71-72). The second prophecy told by the apparitions was that no man “none of woman born shall harm”

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him (4, 1, 80-81). The third and final apparition stated that “Macbeth shall never be vanquished be until Great Burnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill…come against him” (4, 1, 92-93). The king had no fear of Macduff, for the Thane of Fife for he had fled to England. He also had no fear because no man shall harm him of woman born. And so the “Birnam Wood removed to Dunsinane”, the King’s greatest fear, but he hath forgotten the greatest obstacle of all (5, 3, 2). When mighty Macduff approached Macbeth in the courtyard of Inverness Castle, he said a most horrible thing to Macbeth’s ear. He claimed not to be born of woman, but that he was “untimely ripped” from his mother’s womb (5, 8, 16). At this, Macbeth knew the witches and apparitions had lied…they had been toying with his mind. In vengeance, he fought Macduff to his untimely death. Spectators claim that Macduff sliced off Macbeth’s head and ran it through the Kingdom. Finally Malcolm, late Duncan’s son, can finally rule his rightful throne.

The battle between Scotland and England in Dunsinane, Scotland.

The graveyard in which all the dead were buried, including Duncan, Banquo, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Lady Macduff and her son, and all that fought in the great battle.

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Inverness Castle, the home of the late King of Scotland, Macbeth.

Heading for Horoscopes:

Who is your royal match?

Capricorn: (December 22- January 19) The Goat Earth, cardinal, feminine Capricorns are practical and ambitious. They are patient, and disciplined. They can be pessimists. Ruled by Saturn Royal Love Match: Macduff!

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Aquarius: (January 20- February 18) Aquarius, the Water Carrier Air, fixed, masculine These are the eccentrics. They like independence and will always form their own opinions about things. They are naturally friendly. They are unpredictable, but can also be stubborn in their opinions.Ruled by Uranus Royal Love Match: Banquo!

Pisces: (February 19- March 20)

Pisces, the Fish Water, mutable, feminineThis is the last sign and the baby of the universe they can be childlike. They have a good imagination, and are very friendly and charitable. They can avoid facing reality and prefer their own fantasy world to the one the rest of us inhabit in a way, who can blame them? Royal Love Match: Fleance!

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Aries: (March 21- April 19) Aries, the Ram.Fire, cardinal, masculine The astrological year begins in March, with Aries. These people are often bossy, they like to take their natural place at the front of the queue they can be somewhat self-centered. On the positive side they can be great leaders.Arians are passionate both in and out of the bedroom and have a fiery temper to match.As the first sin, this is the sign of the head, so Aries people may have a tendency to head injuries. Royal Love Match: Old Siward!

Taurus: (April 20-May 20) Taurus the Bull Earth, fixed, feminine. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, so romance is important. They are stubborn, and can be very set in their ways. On the other hand they are reliable and have a lot of common sense. They are, like the proverbial bull, very placid and tolerant normally, but once upset very hard to placate.This is the sign of the banker and the horder. They have a love of fine possessions, and some confuse quantity with quality. Equally, in relationships, they are possessive, and can show a passionate jealously.This is the sign of the neck and throat. Taurus people often have

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good voices, and do well at singing or public speaking. Royal Love Match: Malcolm!

Gemini: (May 21- June 20)

Gemini the Twins. Air, mutable, masculine. This is the chatterbox, the socialite of the zodiac. They love to talk and often have language or writing skill. They have a strong need to communicate.They can also be inconsistent as they have a need for variety. They like change, and become bored easily with the status quo. Sometimes this can lead to infidelity in relationships. Gemini s ruled by Mercury, the planet of quick thinking or the messenger of the gods. Royal Love Match: Duncan!

Cancer: (June 21- July 22)

Cancer, the Crab. Water, cardinal, feminine. This is the emotional one. Cancer is ruled by the moon which governs our emotions. Cancerians are

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sensitive and very easily hurt. These are definitely people who rely on their heart rather than their head. Royal Love Match: Lady Macduff!

Leo: (July 23- August 22)

Leo the LionFire, fixed, masculine. The king of the jungle and don't they know it! Leos like to be in control. They are very organized in their own life, but also try to control others and can be egocentric. They will try to dominate their partner. However they can also be generous and have a great capacity for understanding others.Ruled by the sun, they can think the universe revolves around them, but they also give off a lot of warmth. Royal Love Match: Lady Macbeth!

Virgo: (August 23-September 22)

Virgo, the VirginEarth, mutable, feminineThe fuss pot of the zodiac, the Virgo is the one who will have their things in alphabetical order. They can be very nervous, and often have issues with self-esteem which can be masked by their

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tendency to criticize others. They are hardworking and often very sensible. They worry a lot.Ruled by Mercury (as is Gemini). This gives them a communicative nature, and speed of thought. Royal Love Match: Donalbain!

Libra: (September 23- October 22)

Libra, the Scales. Air, cardinal, masculine. As the scales suggest, the issue here is balance. Librans’ like normality and balance in their lives, but are also easily unsettled. An unbalanced Librans is not pleasant to be around as they can, like the scales, swing between extremes. In their natural state they avoid change at all costs, to the point where they are sometimes lazy. They do not like taking sides in other people's arguments. Like Taurus, Libra is ruled by Venus, which makes both the love life and possessions important here are the areas where they most need that balance and where they are most likely to encounter problems if the balance is threatened. Royal Love Match: Lennox!

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Scorpio: (October 23- November 21)

Scorpio, the Scorpion. Water, fixed, feminine. What you see is what you get. Some people will tell you this is the worst of the signs, probably because of the rumors about them being sex-maniacs with a viscous sting in their tail! Well this is all true. On top of that they are rivaled only by Taurus for jealousy.On the positive side they are very passionate, and have a zest for life. They are fantastic lovers.

Many however will express that famous sex drive through other channels such as sport, and this is not a sign connected with infidelity.Ruled by Pluto. Love Match: The Three Witches/ Hecate!

Sagittarius: (November 22- December 21)

Sagittarius, the Centaur Fire, mutable, masculineThey like challenges and targets and feel fulfilled by tangible achievement. They can be reckless but have a great zest for life. Royal Love Match: Macbeth!

Editorial : opinion piece

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