Lowcountry.io - 10 Must Have Lead Generation Tools For Your Small Business

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Lowcountry.io - Lead Generation Magazine Issue #1

Transcript of Lowcountry.io - 10 Must Have Lead Generation Tools For Your Small Business

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10 Must Have Lead Generation

Tools For Your Small Business

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What’s this list about?

This list consist of must have tools that help me and my clients businesses everyday.

These tools will help you foster leads from social media, your website, and your inbox. I

highly recommend you check them out so you can start getting more leads. Enjoy!

#1 - Social Media Simplified with Buffer

It’s frustrating to log into every social media account your own and publish content. If you

want more control check out Buffer. Buffer is an application that makes it super simple to

post your content on multiple social networks at once.

The really neat feature of Buffer is its ability to post automatically without you being

present. Just queue up your favorite links and buffer will syndicate it to all your social

networks at the times you scheduled.

Increased post frequency of good content will help your business break through the

noise. Install Buffer today, you wish you did sooner.



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#2 - Get Found with Inbound Writer If you’re like me, who creates content (articles, blogs, interviews), how do you know if

your content will be found in search engines? How do you know if it’s the right content to

write about?

Well don’t worry, I found a great tool to remedy this, it’s called Inbound Writer. Inbound

Writer will help you generate what ideas to write about, predict the performance of the

content before you even start writing, and measure content quality and results.

It’s free to try. It comes in a Web version and integrates with Wordpress.



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#3 - Capture New Leads with Leadpages

Are you tired of figuring out how to capture emails and build complicated landing pages

to generate leads? If yes, then you are going to love Leadpages. Leadpages is easy to use

landing page software to build landing pages and other email capture pages in no time.

Leadpages has a library of great landing page templates that can be used to build pages

for Newsletter signups, eBooks, Free Report pages, Sales pages, Video sales pages,

Webinar registration pages, PPC and Adwords Mini site pages and more. Lead pages

integrates with your current Website, Wordpress, and Facebook.

Check it out.



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#4 - Find Decision Makers with Rapportive

Have you ever had the trouble of contacting a business decision maker you wanted to

get in touch with but you could not find their work email address? You were left only with

[email protected] or [email protected], eww right? No worries,

Rapportive has got your back.

Rapportive is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to see rich contact information

such as who they are and their social media profiles. You can also guess the email

address of someone by typing in their name and seeing if rapportive can generate their

profiles associated with that account. This tactic can make the difference of you getting

in touch with a decision maker and closing the deal.

Check it out.



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#5 - Track Sales Efforts with Yesware

Did you get my email? No one likes asking that question. Imagine if you had an

application that could track if someone opened that email you took forever to write. Well

now there is, it’s called Yesware.

Yesware is brilliant because it tracks how many times someone looked at the email,

where they opened it, and what device they opened it on. Yesware lets you store email

templates and connects to your CRM platform. Using Yesware is easy, just install it as a

Google Chrome extension for your Gmail account.

Check it out.



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#6 - Get Back In Touch with Contactually

Having trouble getting back to past prospects or clients because you inbox is

overloaded? Contactually has you covered. Contactually helps you remember to follow

up with past clients and prospects. It digs through you inbox and reminds you to reach

back out to past contacts. A life saver for any busy salesperson dealing with many leads.

Check it out.



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#7 - Capture Audiences with Wistia

You probably have a video on your website, but does it get help your business get more

leads? Do you know what parts of the video your audiences care about? That’s where

Wistia can help.

Wistia is Video hosting for businesses. It allows you to get analytics from your viewers,

letting you know if your video is effective or not. My favorite feature is the email collector

or capture box that you can add to your video. This helps capture leads, making your

marketing efforts more effective.

Check it out.


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#8 Lead Them Into Submission with Wufoo

Online Forms come in all shapes and sizes, but why should you care? Forms are key to

capturing leads and inquiries. If you are not happy with your current solution, check out


Wufoo is an Online Form builder with some serious features. Wufoo lets you customize

your forms, receive sms notifications of form submissions, track with analytics, custom

theme templates, and even accept payments. It is a more robust product than you

average web form and great accelerate lead generation.

Check it out.


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#9 Social Selling with Nimble CRM

There are a thousand CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools out there. Which

one is good for getting leads? Check out Nimble CRM.

Nimble is a CRM that listens in on your social networks. In Nimble, you can engage your

contacts from social networks within the CRM. Its great for prospecting in different social

networks and generating new leads.


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#10 Reel Them In with Snip.ly

Maybe this is you. You’re posting content on social networks a lot and wish that traffic

you sent to other sites would return the favor. Let’s say you want to build your email list

or drive traffic back to your site. What can you do? Easy, get Snip.ly.

Snip.ly allows you to embed messages in every page you share. Your messages can

contain links that can drive people to a newsletter signup page, your website, an app

install link, event registration page, and more.

Check it out.


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Let’s Recap

Wow, you’ve read to this point. awesome! That means you now have tools to generate

leads through your audience (Buffer), get your content found on search engines (Inbound

writer), create quick and easy landing pages (Leadpages), find decision makers

(Rapportive), track sales efforts (Yesware), get back in touch with prospects

(Contactually), capture leads with video (Wistia), generate leads with robust forms

(Wufoo), social sell with ease (Nimble), and send audiences your way (Snip.ly).

Time to get busy.


Jamie Eilerman Marketing Consultant, LOWCOUNTRY.IO LLC p: 888-258-3587 | m: 843-754-7196 | e: [email protected] |

w: http://www.lowcountry.io

WWW.LOWCOUNTRY.IO | [email protected] | CALL 888-258-3587