Looking back at your preliminary work task,

Looking back at your preliminary work task, what do you feel you have learnt in progression from it to the full product?

Transcript of Looking back at your preliminary work task,

Looking back at your preliminary work task, what do you feel you have learnt in progression

from it to the full product?


• From my preliminary task I feel as though I have progressed a lot. When i did my first my project I didn't have a great deal of understanding to do with photography. When taking my photos I didn't consider where I was taking them the positioning or using a tripod.

• Also when doing my preliminary task I had no pre-planning or organisation to the layout of my magazine. this took longer in getting my magazine right and looking presentable.

• In my first task I had no organisation into what was going on and in the magazine. The use of tags was not considered until I had started creating the magazine. by this time it was too late to go into detail about what to write and therefore the tags had not been thought into any detail.

• for the first task I had no set colour scheme or styles of fonts and i didn't think to look at other style models to help me create my magazine.

• I took no consideration into the price of my magazine and did no research to find out what people could afford.

• I didn't think to look what else was on the market and see what my magazine would be up against.

Final product!

Although in my preliminary task I didn't take this into consideration when making my final product I did a lot more research before making my magazine. I experimented more with the cameras and used the green screen as my background. I had drawn and planned out a flat plan of how I wanted my magazine to look taking into consideration what would be written on my magazine. I chose a colour scheme and specific fonts matching my genre and kept them throughout my magazine. I also did further research into my audience to pick a specific price suitable for my buyers and looked at the market I was up against before making my product.