Looking back at your preliminary task, what

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the final product?

Transcript of Looking back at your preliminary task, what

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the

final product?

First magazine Final product


The masthead I created for my first magazine wasn’t as good as it could have been. To create my masthead I used a website called graffiti creator. I didn’t create an original masthead because I didn’t know how or which software to use. One mistake I made when creating my first masthead was stereo-typing. I assumed that this masthead would appeal to teenagers without doing any relevant market research for the design if the masthead. My second masthead is original, it integrates well with the magazine and when I was creating it I didn’t stereo-type.

Main image

There are a lot of things wrong with the main image of my first magazine. Firstly my main image doesn’t cover my whole magazine. When I took the photo for the main image of the front cover of my magazine I didn’t think about the background. With my second magazine I thought about costume, lighting, hair, makeup and there was a lot more issues I considered before taking the photograph.

Cover lines

The cover lines that I created for my first magazine didn’t fit in with the rest of the magazine. The cover lines were too big and wasn’t positioned in the right places. The cover lines on my final product had a mixture of text and images. I thought about typography and had a mixture of different fonts on my front cover. From my preliminary task I believe my knowledge of the features of magazines has progressed since my preliminary task.


Overall I believe that my magazines show how I have progressed from my preliminary task. My first magazine doesn't have a particular colour scheme. When I started creating my first magazine I wasn’t aware of the conventions of a magazine or how a magazine from a particular genre looked like. Through my planning and research I was able to get as much information as I could about the conventions of POP magazines so I was able to create my final product.