Logical theory of the additive monoid of subsets of ...cc/PUBLICATIONS/sum-logic.pdf · of subsets...

Logical theory of the additive monoid of subsets of natural integers Christian Choffrut * Serge Grigorieff * May 5, 2014 Abstract We consider the logical theory of the monoid of subsets of N en- dowed solely with addition lifted to sets: no other set theoretical pred- icate or function, no constant (contrarily to previous work by Je˙ z and Okhotin cited below). We prove that the class of true Σ 5 formulas is undecidable and that the whole theory is recursively isomorphic to second-order arithmetic. Also, each ultimately periodic set A (viewed as a predicate X = A) is Π 4 definable and their collection is Σ 6 . Though these undecidability results are not surprising, they involve technical difficulties witnessed by the following facts: 1) no elementary predicate or operation on sets (inclusion, union, intersection, comple- mentation, adjunction of 0) is definable, 2) The class of subsemigroups is not definable though that of submonoids is easily definable. To get our results, we code integers by a Π 3 definable class of submonoids and arithmetic operations on N by Δ 5 operations on this class. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Submonoids 2.2 Maximal submonoids 2.3 Basic predicates 2.3.1 Removing definable constants 2.3.2 Basic constants 2.3.3 Some classes of subsets 2.3.4 Least element in a set 2.3.5 Singleton sets * LIAFA, CNRS and Universit´ e Paris 7 Denis Diderot, France. 1

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Logical theory of the additive monoid

of subsets of natural integers

Christian Choffrut∗ Serge Grigorieff∗

May 5, 2014


We consider the logical theory of the monoid of subsets of N en-dowed solely with addition lifted to sets: no other set theoretical pred-icate or function, no constant (contrarily to previous work by Jez andOkhotin cited below). We prove that the class of true Σ5 formulasis undecidable and that the whole theory is recursively isomorphic tosecond-order arithmetic. Also, each ultimately periodic set A (viewedas a predicate X = A) is Π4 definable and their collection is Σ6.Though these undecidability results are not surprising, they involvetechnical difficulties witnessed by the following facts: 1) no elementarypredicate or operation on sets (inclusion, union, intersection, comple-mentation, adjunction of 0) is definable, 2) The class of subsemigroupsis not definable though that of submonoids is easily definable. To getour results, we code integers by a Π3 definable class of submonoids andarithmetic operations on N by ∆5 operations on this class.

Contents1 Introduction

2 Preliminaries2.1 Submonoids2.2 Maximal submonoids2.3 Basic predicates

2.3.1 Removing definable constants2.3.2 Basic constants2.3.3 Some classes of subsets2.3.4 Least element in a set2.3.5 Singleton sets

∗LIAFA, CNRS and Universite Paris 7 Denis Diderot, France.


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3 Using submonoids to approximate and emulate3.1 Approximating inclusion and membership

3.1.1 Approximating inclusion3.1.2 Approximating membership

3.2 Definability issues of special submonoids3.2.1 Definability of each special submonoid3.2.2 Definability of the class of special submonoids

3.3 Addition and multiplication on special submonoids3.3.1 Insight into the proof3.3.2 Addition on special submonoids3.3.3 Multiplication on special submonoids

4 Complexity of the theory4.1 Emulating second-order arithmetic4.2 The theory of addition on sets is undecidable

5 Non definable predicates5.1 What is so special about the predicate 0 ∈ X ?5.2 Other non definable predicates

6 Structural definability in 〈P(N); +,=〉6.1 Families of sets all containing 06.2 Families of sets invariant by translation6.3 Definable sets of integers6.4 Definability with an extra predicate

7 Remarkable definable subsets and classes of subsets7.1 Operations on sets with close minimum elements7.2 Fixed submonoids7.3 Regular subsets of N

7.3.1 Fixed regular subsets of N7.3.2 Finite and cofinite subsets of N7.3.3 The class of regular subsets of N

8 Conclusion

1 Introductions:introduction

The object of this paper could hardly be more elementary since we areconcerned with the class of subsets of nonnegative integers equipped withaddition as unique operation. Presburger studied in 1929 the first-orderlogic of integers with addition and showed that this logic admits quantifierelimination on the language enriched with the order relation and all arith-metic congruences. Consequently, the theory is decidable and it was provedin 1974 [3] by Michael J. Fischer and Michael O. Rabin that its time com-plexity is upper bounded by a double exponential. In the sixties, the classof relations defined by the logic received a simple algebraic characterizationby Seymour Ginsburg as the semilinear subsets of integers, [5]. It can thusbe reasonably said that this logic is well-understood.

Our purpose is still a first-order theory but the domain is the power setof N with set addition and equality, formally 〈P(N); +,=〉. At the beginning


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of our investigation we came up every day with different properties. Somecould be considered as the source of inspiration for exercises in an intro-ductory course in logic or as entertaining mathematical recreation. Othersplayed a more important role and are kept in this paper, but all had a lowcomplexity in the arithmetical hierarchy, i.e., they were expressible withvery few quantifier alternations. However, we could not build on them toget a consistent and general view of the problem. E.g., we were not evenable to answer the question whether or not the property for a subset to berecognizable by a finite automaton is expressible. The final picture to thecontrary is that the expressiveness of the theory is extremely powerful but,at least the way we did it, this was obtained by working out predicates ofhigher complexity.

It should not be surprising that the submonoids of N play a crucial rolesince a nonempty subset X is a submonoid if and only if it satisfies thecondition X +X = X. Submonoids of N have a deceiving simplicity. Con-trarily to submonoids of nonunary free monoids, they are finitely generated.They are related to an intriguing and well-celebrated problem attributed toFrobenius which asks the following. Say a submonoid is numerical if it isgenerated by a finite subset of integers with greatest common divisor equalto 1. These submonoids are known to be cofinite in N but what preciselyis the largest integer not in the submonoid? There is a rich literature onthe topic and many conferences are dedicated to the classification of thesemonoids [4, 9, 2, 11], nonetheless the problem seems to be far from solvedand we could not find any result that would help us in our investigation.

We now turn to a quick presentation of our work. Section 2 gathers allbasic material of algebraic or logical type used in the sequel and is essentiallymeant for the reader unfamiliar with the domain. Section 3 establishes themain properties of our paper which can be summarized as saying that un-der certain restrictions which cannot be relaxed, membership of an elementto a subset and subset inclusion can be expressed via special (and simple)submonoids. Based on these results, Section 4 shows that the theory ishighly undecidable by interpreting the second-order theory of arithmetic in〈P(N); +,=〉. Actually, the Σ5 fragment is already undecidable, see Theo-rem 4.2. At this point of the article the only useful subsets all contain theinteger 0. Section 5 investigates to what extent other classes of subsets areexpressible. We show in particular that we cannot express the fact that asubset is obtained from another by just adding 0. The same is true of thesimplest set theoretical predicates (inclusion, union, intersection, comple-mentation) and of the class of subsemigroups of N. Nevertheless, this leavesthe problem of trying to extend the classes of subsets expressible in the logicwhich is done in section 6. In particular, we show that a singleton class Ais definable with set addition if and only if it is definable in second-orderarithmetic. An inventory of typical predicates expressible in the theory to


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be found in Section 7 serves an illustrative purpose among which the classof regular subsets of N which is Σ7 definable.

It is worthwhile mentioning the works of Jez and Okhotin since they canbe interpreted as studying the Diophantine theory of the current structureenriched with all ultimately periodic subsets of N (as set constants). In [6]they show that there exists an encoding of the subsets of N under whicheach recursive subset of N is the encoding of the unique solution of somesystem of equations involving the operation of sum of subsets and the regularsubsets as unique constants. Furthermore they prove the satisfiability ofthis theory to be Π0

1-complete. Because ultimately periodic constants areΠ4 definable, their undecidable result is in accordance with ours and leavesthe open question of finding the minimum undecidable fragment.

2 Preliminariess:preliminaries

In this section we recall classical and introduce elementary properties of twotypes: algebraic and logic.

2.1 Submonoidsss:basic-on-submonoids

Given a non negative integer n and two subsets X,Y ⊆ N we define

nX = nx | x ∈ X (1) eq:nXX + Y = x+ y | x ∈ X, y ∈ Y (2) eq:XplusY

Observe that 2X 6= X +X. def:starDefinition 2.1. A subset X ⊆ N is a subsemigroup if it is closed underaddition, i.e., X+X ⊆ X. A subsemigroup is a submonoid if it is nonemptyand contains 0. Equivalently a submonoid is a nonempty subset satisfyingthe condition X +X = X.

The submonoid generated by Y , denoted Y ∗, is the minimum submonoidcontaining Y , i.e. containing every finite sum of elements of Y

Y ∗ = 0 ∪⋃n≥1

n times︷ ︸︸ ︷Y + · · ·+ Y

The subset Y is a generating subset of Y ∗.

We are concerned with the first-order theory of 〈P(N); +,=〉. It is notsurprising that the submonoids of N play a central role since a set X contain-ing 0 is a submonoid if and only if X = X +X holds. Most of the followingis folklore and does not contain anything new. For the sake of completenesswe recall it with some detail. We start with two trivial observations theproofs of which are omitted.


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p:semigroups-submonoidsProposition 2.2. A set X ⊆ N such that 0 ∈ X is a monoid if and only ifX \ 0 is a subsemigroup.

p:sum-of-submonoidsProposition 2.3. If X and Y are two submonoids, so is X + Y .

A remarkable property of N is that its submonoids are finitely generated.This can be stated more precisely.

p:N-submonoidsProposition 2.4. 1. Every submonoid X of N is finitely generated and hasa minimum generating set G(X) which is equal to

G(X) = S \ (S + S) where S = X \ 0 (3) eq:minimum-generating-set

The set G(X) is called the minimum generator or the minimum generatingset of X and its elements are called the generators of X.

2. A submonoid X is of the form 0 or of the form

X = b(F ∪ (a+ N)

)(4) eq:general-form-submonoid

where b ≥ 1 and 0 ∈ F ⊆ 0, . . . , a− 1.

Observe that the numeric submonoids (i.e. those generated by a finitesubset of N with greatest common divisor equal to 1, cf. [4, 11]) correspondto b = 1. They are exactly the submonoids which are cofinite.

Proof. 1. Let b be the greatest common divisor of the elements in X. ThenX ⊆ bN. Let a1, . . . , an ∈ X such that g.c.d.(a1, . . . , an) = b. By Bezoutthere exist x1, . . . , x`, y1, . . . , yn−` ∈ N such that

x1a1 + · · ·+ x`a` − y1a`+1 − · · · − yn−`an = b

(up to a permutation of a1, . . . , an). Let L = x1a1 + · · · + x`a` and R =y1a`+1 + . . . + yn−`an and observe that L,R ⊆ bN. For all integers k, setk = qa1 + r where 0 ≤ r < a1 and q ∈ N. Then

(a1 − 1)R+ kb = qba1 + (a1 − 1− r)R+ rL ∈ a1N + · · ·+ anN .

which shows that all multiples of b greater than (a1 − 1)R are generated bya1, . . . , an hence that X is generated by the finite class consisting of all itselements less than or equal to

maxa1, . . . , an, (a1 − 1)R (5) eq:threshold

It is clear that G(X) as in equation (3) generates X. Assume by contradic-tion that there exists a generating set H not containing G(X) and let α bean element in G(X) \H. We assume without loss of generality that 0 6∈ H.


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Since X = H∗ we have α = β + γ where β ∈ H and γ ∈ H∗ \ 0. Thenα ∈ S + S which contradicts the definition of G(X).

2. Observe that the integer in (5) is a multiple of b, say ab. Then inorder to obtain (4) it suffices to consider the subset F satisfying bF =X ∩ b0, . . . , a− 1

The specific form of nonzero submonoids leads us to the following generalnotion. de:ultimate periodDefinition 2.5. A set X ⊆ N has ultimate period b if there exists an integerK such that for all n ≥ K we have

n ∈ X ⇐⇒ n+ b ∈ X

If this holds for some b ≥ 1, X is ultimately periodic.

The following result is classical.p:regular

Proposition 2.6. Let X ⊆ N.1. The following conditions are equivalent:

(i) X is ultimately periodic,

(ii) X is a regular subset of N.

(iii) X = A ∪ (B + bN) where a, b ∈ N, ∅ 6= A ⊆ [0, a[ and B ⊆ [a, a+ p[.

The set X is finite if and only if B = ∅ in (iii).

2. If X has ultimate period b then all multiples of b are ultimate periods.

3. When X is a submonoid, the integer b of equation (4) is its minimumultimate period.

rk:algo GXRemark 2.7. Equation (3) of Proposition 2.4 gives a simple algorithm tocompute G(X) = g0, . . . , gn provided its ultimate period b is known. Sup-pose the submonoid X has minimum nonzero element m. Let g0 = m and letgi+1 be the minimum element of X not in

∑j=ij=0 gjN. Halt when g0, . . . , gn

generate m/b successive elements of the periodic tail of X.

The above representation of submonoids allows us to express the inclu-sion and intersection of submonoids simply.

p:pair submonoidsProposition 2.8. Any pair of nonzero submonoids X,Y is of the form

X = bF ∪ (ad+ bN)

Y = cG ∪ (ad+ cN)with

b ≥ 1, c ≥ 1, d = l.c.m.(b, c)0 ∈ F ∩G, F,G finitebF ∪ cG ⊆ 0, . . . , ad− 1

The intersection monoid is X ∩ Y = (bF ∩ cG) ∪ (ad+ dN).In particular, X ⊆ Y if and only if bF ⊆ cG and c divides b.


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2.2 Maximal submonoidsss: maximal submonoidsnot:maximal proper

Notation 2.9. We write X / Y whenever X is an inclusion-maximal propersubmonoid of the submonoid Y .

p:maximalProposition 2.10. Let X be a submonoid of N with G(X) as minimumgenerating set.

1. The proper maximal submonoids of X are the sets X \ g where g ∈G(X).

2. Every generator of X distinct from g is a generator of X \ g (but theremay be other ones, cf. Example 2.11). In other words,

G(X) \ g ⊆ G(X \ g) (6) eq:GX-g

Proof. Let g ∈ G(X). All elements in X \ g are of the form∑h∈G

xhh with xg = 0 or∑h∈G

xh ≥ 2

These elements clearly define a proper submonoid of X and this monoid ismaximal. Conversely, consider a proper submonoid X ′ of X. There existssome g ∈ G(X) \ X ′ hence X ′ ⊆ X \ g and equality holds in case X ′ ismaximal.

Finally, for g ∈ G(X), the following inclusion is straightforward:(S \ (S + S)

)\ g ⊆ (S \ g) \

((S \ g) + (S \ g)


Thus, every X-generator distinct from g is an (X \ g)-generator.ex:maximal

Example 2.11. The subset X = 0 ∪ 3, 5, 6 ∪ 8 + N is the submonoidwith minimum generating set 3, 5 (use Remark 2.7). It thus has two propermaximal submonoids X1 / X and X2 / X. The minimum generating set ofX1 = X \3 is 5, 6, 8, 9 and the minimum generating set of X2 = X \5is 3, 8, 10. Thus X1 has 4 proper maximal submonoids and X2 has 3 propermaximal submonoids.

Consequently, every submonoid which is not reduced to 0 has finitelymany proper maximal submonoids but some monoids fail to have minimalproper supermonoids. The following result characterizes them.

p:no minimal superProposition 2.12. The submonoids which have no minimal supermonoidare 0 and the sets bN, b ≥ 0.

Proof. Suppose Y is a minimal nonzero supermonoid of X and let G(Y )be its minimum generating set. Then X = Y \ g for some g ∈ G(Y )and G(Y ) \ g ⊆ G(X). First, using Proposition 2.4, we show that 0


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and the sets bN, b ≥ 1 have no minimal supermonoid. We argue by way ofcontradiction.

Case X = 0. Then G(X) = ∅ hence G(Y ) = g so that Y = gN.Now, 2gN is a submonoid strictly between 0 and Y , contradicting theminimality of Y over X.

Case G(X) = b, i.e. X = bN. For b = 1 it is trivial so we assumeb > 1. Then G(Y ) has at most two generators. It cannot have only onegenerator because G(X) would be empty. Thus, G(Y ) = b, c for somec /∈ bN. Then by Propostion 2.3, bN + (b + 1)cN is a submonoid strictlybetween X = bN and Y = bN + cN, contradicting the minimality of Y overX.

We now show that every submonoid X distinct from 0 and the setsbN, b ≥ 1, has a minimal supermonoid. This condition on X, together withEquation (4) supra, insure that X = b(F ∪ (a+N)) with b ≥ 1, 0 ∈ F , a ≥ 2and a− 1 /∈ F . The set Y = 0∪ b((a− 1) +N) is clearly a submonoid. ByProposition 2.3, X+Y is a supermonoid of X. A simple computation showsthat (X + Y ) \X = b(a− 1), i.e., that X + Y is a minimal supermonoidof X.

2.3 Basic predicatesss:basic-on-logic

In further sections we try to evaluate the complexity of the predicates whichare expressible in the logic. Here we content ourselves with gathering themost elementary predicates.

We recall that a predicate is Σn (resp. Πn) if it is defined by a formulathat begins with some existential (resp. universal) quantifiers and alternatesn− 1 times between series of existential and universal quantifiers. It is ∆n

if it is both Σn and Πn. It is Σn ∧ Πn if it is equivalent to a conjunction ofa Σn and a Πn formulas. We assume the reader has some familiarity withcomputing the logical complexity. As an example of the type of computationconsider the Σ1 ∧Π1 formula

θ(x, y, z, t, u) ≡ ∃t φ(x, y, t) ∧ ∀u ψ(x, z, u)

Assume that x is the sole common free variable of φ and ψ. Then

θ(x, y, z, t, u) ⇐⇒ ∃t ∀u(φ(x, y, t) ∧ ψ(x, z, u)

)⇐⇒ ∀u ∃t

(φ(x, y, t) ∧ ψ(x, z, u)

)∃x θ(x, y, z, t, u) ⇐⇒ ∃x ∃t ∀u

(φ(x, y, t) ∧ ψ(x, z, u)

)showing both that the predicate associated to θ is ∆2 and that ∃x θ is Σ2.Such a type of computation will not be explicitly carried out in the sequel.


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2.3.1 Removing definable constantssss:removing definable constants

Since we deal with definability in a particular structure, the following clas-sical result in logic will be heavily used. p:remove constantsProposition 2.13. Let M be any logical structure and a an element of M.Let n, p ∈ N. Suppose a is ∆n definable in M, i.e. x = a is equivalent toa Σn formula and to a Πn formula. Then, for every Σp (resp. Πp) formulaφ(x, ~y) (with free variables x and possibly some other ones), there exists aΣmax(n,p) (resp. Πmax(n,p)) formula ψ(~y) such that φ(a, ~y) is equivalent toψ(~y).

Proof. Suppose x = a is equivalent to formulas

∃~v1 ∀~v2 . . . Qn ~vn F (~v1, . . . , ~vn, x) , ∀~v1 ∃~v2 . . . Rn ~vn G(~v1, . . . , ~vn, x)

where Qn (resp. Rn) is ∀ if n is even (resp. odd) and is ∃ otherwise.Letting s = max(n, p), if φ is ∃~z1 ∀~z2 . . . Qp ~zp A(~z1, . . . , ~zp, x, ~y) then

φ(a, ~y) ⇐⇒ ∃~z1 ∃~v1 ∀~z2 ∀~v2 . . . Qs ~zs Qs ~vs(F (~v1, . . . , ~vn, x) ∧ A(~z1, . . . , ~zp, x, ~y)

)and if φ is ∀~z1 ∃~z2 . . . Rp ~zp B(~z1, . . . , ~zp, x, ~y) then

φ(a, ~y) ⇐⇒ ∀~z1 ∀~v1 ∃~z2 ∃~v2 . . . Rs ~zs Rs ~vs(G(~v1, . . . , ~vn, x) ⇒ B(~z1, . . . , ~zp, x, ~y)


2.3.2 Basic constantssss:basic-constantsp:0-vide-N

Proposition 2.14. 1. The predicate X = ∅ is Π1.2. The predicate X = 0 is Π1.3. The predicate 0 ∈ X is Σ1.4. The predicate X = N is Σ1 ∧Π1.

Proof. 1. X = ∅ if and only if ∀Y X + Y = X.2. 0 is the neutral element of P(N) hence is the unique set satisfying∀Y X + Y = Y .3. 0 ∈ X if and only if ∃Y (Y 6= ∅ ∧X + Y = Y ).4. X = N if and only if 0 ∈ X ∧ ∀Y (0 ∈ Y ⇒ X + Y = X).

2.3.3 Some classes of subsetssss:class-submonoids

The following two classes of subsets are easily definable. p:submonoid Sigma1Proposition 2.15. 1. The class of submonoids of N is Σ1 definable.2. The class of final segments n+ N | n ∈ N is Σ1 ∧Π1 definable.

Proof. 1. X is a submonoid if and only if it is nonempty and X +X = X.2. X ∈ n+N | n ∈ N if and only if X 6= ∅ ∧ ∀Y (0 ∈ Y ⇒ X+Y = X).


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2.3.4 Minimum element in a setsss:minimum

The minimum element of a nonempty set X is denoted by minX.p:min

Proposition 2.16. The following predicates are definable by formulas ofthe stated complexity:1. (a) minX ≤ k is Π2 for k ≥ 1

(b) minX = 0 is Σ1

(c) minX = 1 is Π2

(d) minX = k is Σ2 ∧Π2 for k ≥ 2

2. (a) minX ≤ minY is Σ1

(b) minX = minY is Σ1

(c) minX ≤ minY + k is Π2 for k ≥ 1(d) minX = minY + 1 is Π2

(e) minX = minY + k is Σ2 ∧Π2 for k ≥ 2

3. (a) minX + minY ≤ minZ is Σ1

(b) minX + minY = minZ is Σ1

Proof. 1a. minX ≤ k if and only if X 6= ∅ and X is not the sum of k + 1sets which do not contain 0 :

X 6= ∅ ∧ ∀X1, . . . , Xk+1 (X = X1 + · · ·+Xk+1 ⇒i=k+1∨i=1

0 ∈ Xi)

Claim 3 of Proposition 2.14 yields the stated logical complexity.1b. Again use claim 3 of Proposition 2.14.1c. Express that minX ≤ 1 and minX 6= 0.1d. Express that minX ≤ k and minX 6≤ k − 1.2a. minX ≤ minY if and only if

∃A,B,R, S (0 ∈ R ∧ 0 ∈ S ∧ X = A+R ∧ Y = A+B + S)

Only if. Set A = minX, B = minY −minX, and R = X −minX andS = Y −minY .If. minX = minA ≤ minA+ minB = minY .2b. Express that minX ≤ minY and minY ≤ minX.2c. minX ≤ minY + k if and only if

∀A,R,B1, . . . , Bk+1

((Y = A+R ∧ 0 ∈ R ∧ X = A+B1 + · · ·+Bk+1)⇒i=k+1∨i=1

0 ∈ Bi)

2d & 2e. Express that minX ≤ minY + k and minX 6≤ minY + k − 1.3a. minX + minY ≤ minZ if and only if

∃A,B,R, S, T (0 ∈ R ∧ 0 ∈ S∧ X = A+R ∧ Y = B + S ∧ Z = A+B + T )


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3b. minX + minY = minZ if and only if

∃A,B,R, S, T (0 ∈ R ∧ 0 ∈ S ∧ 0 ∈ T∧ X = A+R ∧ Y = B + S ∧ Z = A+B + T )

2.3.5 Singleton setssss:singletonp:singleton

Proposition 2.17. 1. The predicate “X is a singleton” is Π2.2. The predicate X = 0 is Π1.3. The predicate X = k is Σ2 ∧Π2 for k ≥ 1.4. The predicate Y 6= ∅ ∧X = minY is Π2

Proof. 1. X is a singleton if and only ifX 6= ∅ and ∀Y ((Y 6= ∅ ∧minY = minX)⇒ ∃Z Y = X + Z)

Only if. Let X = `. Since minY = ` we have (Y − `) + ` = Y hence wecan let Z = Y − `.If. Let Y = minX. Equality minX = X + Z implies X and Z aresingleton sets and X = minX and Z = 0.Complexity: to remove the constant ∅, apply Proposition 2.13.2. Already done in claim 2 of Proposition 2.14.3. X = k if and only if X is a singleton and minX = k. We concludewith claim 3 of Proposition 2.16.4. We express that X is a singleton and minX = minY .

3 Using submonoids to approximate and emulates:using-submonoids

3.1 Special cases of inclusion and membershipss:approx inclusion membership

The importance of the submonoids of N relies on the fact that they providesome approximation of two important relations, namely subset inclusionY ⊆ X and membership x ∈ X.

3.1.1 Special cases of inclusionsss:approx inclusion

We will prove in Theorem 5.7 that the inclusion predicate Y ⊆ X is not ex-pressible in 〈P(N); +,=〉. However, when X is a submonoid and Y contains0 the inclusion is expressible.

p:inclusion-in-submonoidProposition 3.1. Let 0 ∈ Y and let X be a submonoid. Then

Y ⊆ X ⇐⇒ Y +X = X

Proof. Indeed, from right to left we have X = Y + X ⊇ Y + 0 = Y .Conversely, since 0 ∈ Y we have X ⊆ Y + X and since Y ⊆ X and X is asubmonoid we have Y +X ⊆ X +X = X.


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The following result helps us to tightly evaluate syntactical complexity.p:maximal proper is Pi1

Proposition 3.2. The predicate / is Σ1∧Π1. Also, it is Π1 on submonoids:there exists a Π1 formula F (X,Y ) such that

X,Y are submonoids⇒ (F (X,Y )⇔ X / Y )

Proof. Indeed, Y / X if and only if

X,Y are submonoids ∧ Y ⊆ X ∧ Y 6= X

∧ ∀Z((Z is a submonoid ∧ Y ⊆ Z ⊆ X)⇒ (Z = Y ∨ Z = X)

)To conclude we use Propositions 2.15 and 3.1.

3.1.2 Special cases of membershipsss:approx membership

Concerning the approximation of membership we use a special (whence thenotation) type of submonoids which is appropriate to evaluate the complex-ity of the logic. def:SnDefinition 3.3. For each integer n ≥ 1 we let

Sn = 0 ∪ (n+ N)

These submonoids are called special. The class of special submonoids isdenoted by Special.

E.g., S1 = N and S2 = 0∪(2+N) = N\1 is the largest proper submonoidof N since the minimum generating subset of N is 1, cf. Proposition 2.10Claim 1.

The following shows that the submonoids Sn, n ≥ 1, can be used to testmembership of a fixed n in X provided n is strictly greater than min(X).In particular, if X contains 0 then the property “n > 0 and belongs to X”for a fixed n is expressible since the restriction n greater than 0 is no longernecessary, see Proposition 2.14 Claim 3. Definability of the subset Sn isdone in Theorem 3.6.

l:Sn-minus-Sn+1Lemma 3.4. Let m ∈ N and n ≥ 1. If X 6= ∅ and m = minX thenm+ n ∈ X if and only if X + Sn = X + Sn+1.

Proof. Observe that

X + Sn = X + (0 ∪ (n+ N)) = (X + 0) ∪ (X + (n+ N))= X ∪ ((m+ n) + N)

X + Sn+1 = X ∪ ((m+ n+ 1) + N) .

Thus, X + Sn+1 ⊆ X + Sn and (X + Sn) \ (X + Sn+1) = m+ n \X.


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3.2 Definability issues of special submonoidsss:Sn

We first show that each Sn can be defined. This is done by carefully inves-tigating their proper maximal submonoids. In a second step we show thatthe fact of being an Sn, i.e., the class Sn | n ≥ 1 is definable. This alsorelies on properties of the containment relation between submonoids.

3.2.1 Definability of each special submonoidsss:each-Sn

Recall the notation G(X) for the minimum generating set of X, Proposition2.4.

l:maxi submonoids SnLemma 3.5. Assume n ≥ 1.1. G(Sn) = n, . . . , 2n − 1. Thus (cf. Proposition 2.10), Sn is a monoidwith exactly n maximal proper submonoids.2. G(Sn \n) = G(Sn+1) = n+1, . . . , 2n+1. Thus, Sn \n is a monoidwith exactly n+ 1 maximal proper submonoids.3. G(Sn \n+1) = n∪n+2, . . . , 2n−1∪2n+1. Thus, Sn \n+1is a monoid with exactly n maximal proper submonoids.4. If n+2 ≤ i ≤ 2n−1 then G(Sn\i) = n, n+1, . . . , i−1, i+1, . . . , 2n−1.Thus, Sn \ i is a monoid with exactly n− 1 maximal proper submonoids.

Proof. The right to left inclusions of the form G(. . .) ⊇ . . . of the four claimsare straightforward. We check the left to right inclusions.

1. For all integers k ≥ 0 we have 2n+k = n+(n+k) ∈ (X \0)+(X \0).2. We apply Claim 1 with n+ 1 in place of n.3. For all k ≥ 2 we have 2n+ k = n+ (n+ k) ∈ (X \ 0) + (X \ 0).4. For all 0 ≤ k 6= i we have 2n+ k = n+ (n+ k) ∈ (X \ 0) + (X \ 0)and for k = i we have 2n+ i = (n+ 1) + (n+ i− 1).

We now convert the previous result formally in our logic.thm:Sn

Theorem 3.6. 1. The predicate X = S1 is Σ1 ∧Π1.2. For each n ≥ 2, the predicate X = Sn is ∆2.

Proof. 1. Since S1 = N this is Proposition 2.14 Claim 4.2. In view of applying Lemma 3.5, we introduce variables X1, . . . , Xn torepresent S1, . . . , Sn and consider some formulas involving these variables.

(1) Let A be the formula expressing X1 = N.

(2) Let B be the formula expressing Xn / Xn−1 / · · · / X2 / X1.

(3) Let C be the formula which expresses that, for m = 1, . . . , n, thereexist m+ 1 pairwise distinct maximal proper submonoids of Xm.

Lemma 3.5 insures that every maximal submonoid of Sm has at most mmaximal submonoids, except Sm \ m = Sm+1 which has m + 1 maximalsubmonoids. Thus, a straightforward induction on m = 1, . . . , n shows that


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the formula A ∧ B ∧ C implies that Xm = Sm. As a consequence, bothformulas

∃X1 . . . Xn (A ∧B ∧ C ∧ Xn = X)and ∀X1 . . . Xn (A ∧B ∧ C ⇒ Xn = X)

express that X = Sn. By Proposition 3.2, formulas A, B are Σ1 ∧ Π1 andformula C is Σ2. This shows that the predicate X = Sn is Σ2 and is Π2.

3.2.2 Definability of the class of special submonoidssss:class-Sn

We now look for a formula defining the class of special submonoids Sn,n ≥ 1. def:partial MDefinition 3.7. If M is a submonoid of N with m as minimum nonzeroelement, we denote by ∂M the submonoid M \ m of M .

The following technical result based on Proposition 2.10 is crucial for adefinition of the submonoids Sn. It is general and relates the generators ofa submonoid with its maximal submonoids.

p:creativeProposition 3.8. Let M be a submonoid of N, K a maximal submonoid ofM and g a generator of M such that K = M \g. For k ∈ N, the followingconditions are equivalent:

(1) There are exactly k generators of M \g which are not in G(M), i.e.G(M \ g) is equal to G(M) \ g augmented with k elements.

(2) There are exactly k sets in the class Z of maximal submonoids L ofK such that K is the unique submonoid Z satisfying L / Z /M .

(3) There are exactly k sets in the class Y of maximal submonoids L ofK such that K is the unique submonoid Z satisfying L ( Z (M .

Proof. We use Proposition 2.4. Any maximal submonoid L of K is of theform L = K \ h = M \ g, h for some h ∈ G(K). There are obviouslyonly two sets Z such that M \ g, h ( Z ( M , namely M \ g = Kand M \ h. Thus, K ∈ Y if and only if M \ h is not a submonoid.Observe that the sole possible reason for a failure of L/M \ h /M is thatM \ h is not a submonoid. Thus, K ∈ Z if and only if M \ h is not asubmonoid. To conclude, observe that M \ h is not a submonoid if andonly if h /∈ G(M).

def:creativeDefinition 3.9. Let M be a submonoid of N and k ∈ N. A generator gof M is k-creative if condition (1) of Proposition 3.8 holds. A maximalsubmonoid K of M is k-creative if condition (2) of Proposition 3.8 holds,i.e. if K = M \ g where g is a k-creative generator of M .

We shall write (≥ `)-creative to mean k-creative for some k ≥ `.Proposition 2.4 yields the following result.


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l:M setminus mLemma 3.10. If M is a submonoid different from 0 then m = min(M \0) is a (≥ 2)-creative generator of M . Thus, ∂M is a (≥ 2)-creativemaximal submonoid of M .

Proof. Since m cannot be a sum of two nonzero elements of M we see thatm ∈ G(M). Also, G(M \ m) ⊇ 2m,m+ p hence g is (≥ 2)-creative.

def:goodDefinition 3.11. A submonoid M of N is good if ∂M is its unique maximalsubmonoid which is is (≥ 2)-creative, i.e. minM is the sole (≥ 2)-creativegenerator of M .

l:Sn goodLemma 3.12. The submonoids Sn, n ≥ 2, are good.

Proof. We use Lemma 3.5. The generators of Sn are n, . . . , 2n− 1.

Case of Sn \ n. The generators of Sn \ n = Sn+1 are n+ 1, . . . , 2n+ 1.Only two of them (namely, 2n, 2n + 1) are not in G(Sn). Thus, n is a2-creative generator of Sn.

Case of Sn \ n + 1. The generators of Sn \ n + 1 are the elements inn ∪ n+ 2, . . . , 2n− 1 ∪ 2n+ 1. Only one of them (namely, 2n+ 1) isnot in G(Sn). Thus, n+ 1 is a 1-creative generator of Sn.

Case of Sn \ i with n + 2 ≤ i ≤ 2n − 1. The generators of Sn \ i arethe elements in n, . . . , 2n− 1 \ i. All of them are in G(Sn). Thus, i is a0-creative generator of Sn.

This shows that n = minSn is the sole (≥ 2)-creative generator of Sn.

The submonoids Sn are not the sole examples of good submonoids.

Example 3.13. The monoid M = 0, 6, 7, 8, 9 ∪ (11 + N) with minimumgenerating set 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 is good. Indeed, using Remark 2.7, we get thefacts shown in the following table:

g M \ g G(M \ g)6 0, 7, 8, 9 ∪ (11 + N) 7, 8, 9, 11,12,13 6 is 2-creative7 0, 6, 8, 9 ∪ (11 + N) 6, 8, 9, 11,13 7 is 1-creative8 0, 6, 7, 9 ∪ (11 + N) 6, 7, 9, 11 8 is 0-creative9 0, 6, 7, 8 ∪ (11 + N) 6, 7, 8, 11 9 is 0-creative

11 0, 6, 7, 8, 9 ∪ (12 + N) 6, 7, 8, 9 11 is 0-creative

Remark 3.14. Not every submonoid is good. For instance, the submonoidX = 0, 3, 5, 6∪ (8+N) in Example 2.11 has two (≥ 2)-creative generators.Indeed, G(X) = 3, 5 and G(X \ 3) = 5, 6, 8, 9 and G(X \ 5) =3, 8, 10 hence 3 is 3-creative and 5 is 2-creative.


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l:good Sigma4Lemma 3.15. 1. The following predicate is Σ2 :

K is a (≥ 2)-creative maximal submonoid of the submonoid M

2. The class of good submonoids is Π2.

Proof. 1. Using condition (2) of Proposition 3.8, let A(M,K) be the formula

K /M ∧ ∃L1, L2

(L1 6= L2 ∧ L1 / K ∧ L2 / K

∧ ∀L (L is a submonoid ⇒(L = K ⇔ (L1 ( L (M)) ∧ (L = K ⇔ L2 ( L (M)

))Since the class of submonoids is Σ1 and the predicate / is Σ1 ∧ Π1 andinclusion of submonoids is Σ0 (cf. Propositions 3.1, 2.15, 3.2), the aboveformula A(M,K) is Σ2.

2. By definition M is good if and only if M is a submonoid and there existsa unique K such that A(M,K). Using Lemma 3.10, we see that it sufficesto say that there exists at most one K such that A(M,K), i.e.

M is a submonoid ∧ ∀K ′∀K ′′ ((A(M,K ′) ∧A(M,K ′′))⇒ K ′ = K ′′)

Since A is Σ2, this formula is Π2.l:partial

Lemma 3.16. The following predicate is Σ2 ∧Π2

(L,M) |M is a good submonoid and L = ∂M

Proof. By Lemma 3.10, when M is good, ∂M is the unique K such thatA(M,K). Thus, the formula M is good ∧ A(M,L) defines the consideredpredicate. It is Π2 by Lemma 3.15.

We can now get a useful extension of Lemma 3.4.l:m in L

Lemma 3.17. Let L,M be submonoids and m be the minimum nonzeroelement of M . Then m ∈ L if and only if L+ ∂M = L+M .

Proof. Trivially, if m ∈ L then L+ ∂M = L+M . Suppose now L+ ∂M =L+M . Since m ∈ L+M we have m ∈ L+∂M hence m = x+y with x ∈ Land y ∈ ∂M . Since all nonzero elements of ∂M are strictly greater than mwe have y = 0 hence m = x ∈ L.

The following proves the definability of the class of special submonoidsSn.

thm:issTheorem 3.18. The class Special = Sn | n ≥ 1 is Π3.


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Proof. Consider the following formula Special(X) which (by Lemma 3.17and Proposition 3.1) is Π4 and expresses that X is a submonoid and, forany good M with m as minimum nonzero element, if m ∈ X then M ⊆ X :

X is a submonoid and ∀M ∀L(M is a good submonoid and L = ∂M and X + L = X +M

⇒ X +M = X)

The submonoids Sn clearly satisfy this property. Conversely, if X satisfiesthis property and n is the minimum nonzero element of X then, applyingthe property with the good submonoid M = Sn, we get Sn ⊆ X henceSn = X.

p:succ SnProposition 3.19. The following predicates are Π3 :

Succ1(X,Y ) ≡ (X,Y ) ∈ (Sn, Sn+1) | n ≥ 1Succk(X,Y ) ≡ (X,Y ) ∈ (Sn, Sn+k) | n ≥ 1Succ∗(X,Y ) ≡ (X,Y ) ∈ (Sn, Sn+k) | n, k ≥ 1

For k = 1 we simply write Succ in place of Succ1.

Proof. Observe that

Succ1(X,Y ) ⇐⇒ X is special and Y = ∂X

Succk(X0, Y ) ⇐⇒ Special(X0) ∧ ∀X1 . . . ∀Xk((k−1∧0

Xi is good and Xi+1 = ∂Xi

)⇒ Y = Xk

)Succ∗(X,Y ) ⇐⇒ X,Y are special and Y ⊆ X

then apply Theorem 3.18, Lemma 3.16 and Proposition 3.1.

3.3 Addition and multiplication on special submonoidsss:operations-on-Sn

Here we show that the set of submonoids of the form Sn, with n ≥ 1, can beequipped with two definable operations ⊕ and ⊗ which make it isomorphicto 〈N \ 0; +,×,=〉.

3.3.1 Insight into the proofsss:sketch

This paragraph is meant to give some intuition behind the formal proofs ofthe next two ones. The idea is to define two operations on the family of spe-cial submonoids, namely an addition (Sn, Sp) → Sn+p and a multiplication(Sn, Sp)→ Sn×p.


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The addition is defined via the finite initial segments by observing that0, . . . , n+p = 0, . . . , n+0, . . . , p holds and by using the correspondenceSn 7→ 0, . . . , n (which is definable, cf. Proposition 3.25).

Based on a number theoretic result which we recall below, multiplicationcan be expressed by using addition and divisibility. Divisibility is definedvia the sets of the form nN by observing that n divides p if and only ifpN ⊆ nN and by using the correspondence Sn 7→ nN (which is definable, cf.Proposition 3.28).

l:mult from add dividesLemma 3.20. Multiplication on N is definable from addition and divisibil-ity. More precisely, it is ∆1 relative to addition and some predicates whichare themselves Π1 relative to divisibility.

Proof. Schnirelman’s famous result (1931) insures the existence of a constantK such that every integer ≥ 2 is the sum of at most K primes. OlivierRamare, [8], showed that K ≤ 7. If x =

∑ai=1 pi and y =

∑bj=1 qj with

a, b ≤ 7 and the numbers pi, qj are primes then x× y =∑a


∑bj=1 pi × qj .

Now, the product of two primes p, q (distinct or not) is the unique numberwith p, q as sole proper divisors. Let s | t mean that s is a divisor of t, letP (x) mean that x is prime and let A(x, p, q) mean that p, q are prime andx = p× q. Then

P (p) ≡ p 6= 1 ∧ ∀s (s |p ⇐⇒ s = 1 ∨ s = p)A(x, p, q) ≡ P (p) ∧ P (q) ∧ x 6= p, q

∧ ∀s (s |x ⇐⇒ s = 1 ∨ s = x ∨ s = p ∨ s = q)

are Π1 relative to divisibility. Also, the predicate z = x× y is expressed asthe conjunction of the formulas (x = 0 ∨ y = 0) ⇒ z = 0, x = 1 ⇒ z = yand y = 1⇒ z = x and any one of the following formulas:

E(x, y, z) ≡ x, y ≥ 2⇒∨

a,b∈1,...,7 ∃(xi, yj , zi,j)1≤j≤b1≤i≤a

(ϕ ∧ z =

∑i,j zi,j

)F (x, y, z) ≡ x, y ≥ 2⇒

∨a,b∈1,...,7 ∀(xi, yj , zi,j)


(ϕ⇒ z =

∑i,j zi,j

)where ϕ is x =

∑i xi ∧ y =

∑j yi ∧

∧i,j P (xi)∧P (yj)∧A(zi,j , xi, yj).

3.3.2 Addition on special submonoidssss:additiondef:I

Definition 3.21. We denote by Initial the class of all initial segments0, . . . , n for some n ∈ N.

p:initial segmentProposition 3.22. The class Initial is Π4

Proof. Observe that X ∈ Initial if and only if 0 ∈ X and X 6= N and, forall x ≥ 2, if x ∈ X then x− 1 ∈ X. This is expressible as follows:

0 ∈ X ∧ X 6= N ∧ ∀Z, T, U((Succ(Z, T ) ∧ Succ(T,U) ∧X + T = X + U)⇒ X + Z = X + T

)using the predicate Succ defined in Proposition 3.19 and Lemma 3.4.


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As explained in paragraph 3.3.1 we view an integer as the maximal el-ement of an initial segment which allows us to indirectly express that itbelongs to some subset containing 0.

p:max X in YProposition 3.23. The following two predicates are Π4

X ∈ Initial ∧ 0 ∈ Y ∧ maxX ∈ Y , X ∈ Initial ∧ 0 ∈ Y ∧ maxX /∈ Y

Proof. Observe that the maximum element of a finite initial segment X nonreduced to 0 is the integer n such that n ∈ X and n + 1 /∈ X. Thus,maxX ∈ Y is expressed by the formula

Initial(X) ∧ 0 ∈ Y ∧(X 6= 0 ⇒ ∀Z ∀T ∀U(

Succ(Z, T ) ∧ Succ(T,U) ∧ (X + Z = X + T ) ∧ (X + T 6= X + U)

⇒ Y + Z = Y + T)

Idem for the second predicate with maxX /∈ Y : just replace the last equal-ity Y + Z = Y + T by an inequality. The stated complexity comes fromPropositions 3.22, 3.19 and 2.14.

p:max-X+max-YProposition 3.24. The following predicate is Π4

X,Y, Z ∈ Initial ∧ maxX + maxY = maxZ

Proof. Observe that equality maxX + maxY = maxZ is equivalent to X +Y = Z when X,Y, Z are finite initial segments.

p:SmaxXProposition 3.25. The following predicate is Π4 :

X ∈ Initial ∧ X 6= 0 ∧ Y = SmaxX

Proof. Observe that maxX is the largest n such that maxX ∈ Sn. Thus,the predicate can be expressed as follows:

X ∈ Initial ∧ X 6= 0 ∧ maxX ∈ Y ∧ Special(Y )

∧ ∀Z (Succ(Y,Z)⇒ maxX /∈ Z)

using Proposition 3.23 and Lemma 3.4.thm:Sn+p

Theorem 3.26. The relation (Sn, Sp, Sn+p) | n, p ≥ 1 is ∆5.We write T ⊕ U = V if (T,U, V ) is in this relation.

Proof. Using Propositions 3.25 and 3.24, T ⊕ U = V holds if and only if itany one of the following formulas holds

ϕ ∧ ∃I ∃J ∃K (ψ ∧ I + J = K) , ϕ ∧ ∀I ∀J ∀K (ψ ⇒ I + J = K)


ϕ ≡ Special(T ) ∧ Special(U) ∧ Special(V )ψ ≡ I, J,K ∈ Initial ∧ I, J,K 6= 0

∧ T = Smax I ∧ U = Smax J ∧ V = SmaxK



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3.3.3 Multiplication on special submonoidssss:multiplication

We introduce two useful predicates.p:the-bNs

Proposition 3.27. The predicate Periodic = nN | n ≥ 1 is Π2.

Proof. By Proposition 2.12, the sets nN, n ≥ 1, are the nonzero submonoidswith no minimal supermonoid:

Periodic(X) ⇐⇒ (X 6= 0 is a submonoid and ∀Y ¬(X / Y ))

Conclude with Proposition 3.2.p:Sn-divides-p

Proposition 3.28. 1. The predicate B = (Sn, nN) | n ≥ 1 is Π3.2. The relation (Sn, Sp) | n ≥ 1 and n divides p is ∆4.

Proof. 1. Recall that Periodic(X) is the Π2 predicate of Proposition 3.27.Observing that nN is the unique submonoid which is included in Sn and notin ∂(Sn) = Sn+1, the predicate (X,Y ) ∈ B is expressible as

Special(X) ∧ Periodic(Y ) ∧ Y ⊆ X ∧ ∀Z (Z = ∂(X)⇒ Y 6⊆ Z)

Theorem 3.18, Proposition 3.1 and Lemma 3.16 give the complexity.2. Recall that n divides p if and only if pN ⊆ nN. Thus, the formulas

∃Y ∃Y ′ (B(X,Y ) ∧ B(X ′, Y ′) ∧ Y ′ ⊆ Y )∀Y ∀Y ′ ((B(X,Y ) ∧ B(X ′, Y ′))⇒ Y ′ ⊆ Y )

(which are Σ4 and Π4) define the divisibility predicate on the submonoidsSn.

thm:SnxpTheorem 3.29. The relation (Sn, Sp, Sn×p) | n, p ≥ 1 is ∆5. We writeT ⊗ U = V if (T,U, V ) is in this relation.

Proof. Do the following in the formulas E(x, y, z) and F (x, y, z) given in theproof of Lemma 3.20 (and involving the predicates P and A):- replace the variables x, y, z, xi, yj , zi,j by X,Y, Z,Xi, Yj , Zi,j ,- replace addition by the ∆5 predicate ⊕ (cf. Theorem 3.26),- using claim 2 of Proposition 3.28, replace the predicates P and A whichare Π1 relative to divisibility, by Π4 predicates in X,Y, Z,Xi, Yj , Zi,j .

We now extend the two elementary operations of addition and multipli-cation to an arbitrary polynomial.

cor:SnpolyCorollary 3.30. Let T (x1, . . . , xk) be a polynomial with non zero coeffi-cients in N and variables in x1, . . . , xn with n ≥ 1. The following relationis ∆5 :

(Sn1 , . . . , Snk, Sp) | n1, . . . , nk ≥ 1 and p = T (n1, . . . , nk)


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Proof. There are polynomials T0, . . . , Ts such that T = Ts and, for 0 ≤ i ≤ s,Ti is the constant 1 or a variable or Tj +T` or Tj ×T` with j, ` < i. Let I bethe set of numbers i such that Ti = 1, let J be the set of pairs (i,m) suchthat Ti = xm, A (resp. M) be the set of triples (i, j, `) such that Ti = Tj +T`(resp. Ti = Tj × T`). The relation is expressed by either of the followingformulas with free variables X1, . . . , Xk, X :

∃Z1 . . . ∃Zs (ϕ ∧ X = Zs) , ∀Z1 . . . ∀Zs (ϕ ⇒ X = Zs)

where ϕ is∧

i∈I Zi = S1 ∧∧

(i,m)∈J Zi = Xm


(i,j,`)∈A Zi = Zj ⊕ Z` ∧∧

(i,j,`)∈M Zi = Zj ⊗ Z`

By Theorems 3.6, 3.26, 3.29, these formulas are respectively Σ5 and Π5.

4 Complexity of the theorys:theory-complexity

4.1 Emulating second-order arithmeticss:2d arithm

Here, we show that we can interpret the second-order theory of arithmeticin the theory of 〈P(N); =,+〉.

thm:2d arithmTheorem 4.1. 1. To each second-order arithmetical formula ϕ one cancomputably associate a formula Trad(ϕ) so that if ϕ has m free first-ordervariables and n free second-order variables then Trad(ϕ) has m + n freevariables and, for all a1, . . . , am ∈ N and A1, . . . , An ⊆ N,

〈N,P(N); =,∈, 1,+,×〉 |= ϕ(a1, . . . , am, A1, . . . , An) ⇐⇒〈P(N); =,+〉 |= Trad(ϕ)(S1+a1 , . . . , S1+am , 0∪(1+A1), . . . , 0∪(1+A1))

2. If ϕ is quantifier-free then Trad(ϕ) can be taken either Σ5 or Π5. If ϕ isin prenex form with a nonempty quantifier prefix of the form Q1ξ1 . . . Qkξkwhere the variables ξi are first or second order variables and there are `alternating blocks of quantifiers ∃, ∀ in Q1 . . . Qk then Trad(ϕ) can be takenΣ`+4 if Q1 = ∃ and Π`+4 if Q1 = ∀.

Proof. 1. The transformation Trad is defined as the composition Ω Θ oftwo reductions. The first reduction Θ allows to go from the second-orderarithmetical structure of N to that of N\0. The second reduction Ω allowsto go to the structure 〈P(N); +,=〉.

The reduction Θ maps a second-order arithmetical formula ϕ to anothersuch formula Θ(ϕ) with the same free variables so that, for all a1, . . . , am ∈ Nand A1, . . . , An ⊆ N,

〈N,P(N); =,∈, 1,+,×〉 |= ϕ(a1, . . . , am, A1, . . . , An) ⇐⇒〈N\0,P(N\0); =,∈, 1,+,×〉 |= Θ(ϕ)(1+a1, . . . , 1+am, 1+A1, . . . , 1+An)


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Thus, in Θ(ϕ), integer quantifications are over N\0 and set quantificationsare over P(N \ 0). This is simply done by replacing in ϕ any equationover integers Q(x1, . . . , xk) = R(x1, . . . , xk) by the equation obtained fromQ(x1− 1, . . . , xk− 1) = R(x1− 1, . . . , xk− 1) by developing and moving anymonomial with negative coefficient from one side to the other side of theequation. For instance, Θ(x+ y = z) is obtained by the above process from(x − 1) + (y − 1) = z − 1 hence Θ(x + y = z) is x + y = z + 1; similarlyΘ(x × y = z) is obtained from (x − 1) × (y − 1) = z − 1 and is thereforex× y + 2 = x+ y + z. As for subformulas x ∈ X, they are left unchanged.

We now define Ω which maps a second-order arithmetical formula ψto a formula Ω(ψ) with the same number of free variables so that, for allb1, . . . , bm ∈ N \ 0 and B1, . . . , Bn ⊆ N \ 0,

〈N \ 0,P(N \ 0); =,∈, 1,+,×〉 |= ψ(b1, . . . , bm, B1, . . . , Bn)

⇐⇒ 〈P(N); =,+, 〉 |= Ω(ψ)(Sb1 , . . . , Sbm , 0 ∪B1, . . . , 0 ∪Bn)

First, we distinguish two disjoint infinite families of set variables (Ui)i∈Nand (Vi)i∈N. The variables Ui in Ω(ψ) are to vary over the class of specialsubmonoids (i.e. the sets Sn), they correspond to first-order variables inψ: if xi takes value n ∈ N \ 0 then Ui is to take value Sn ∈ P(N). Thevariables Vi in Ω(ψ) correspond to the second-order variables in ψ : if Xi

takes value B ∈ P(N \ 0) then Vi is to take value 0 ∪B ∈ P(N).In view of Claim 2, we inductively define two variants of Ω, namely Ω∃

and Ω∀.

(1) If ψ is an atomic formula Q(x1, . . . , xk) = R(x1, . . . , xk) then Ω∃(ψ)and Ω∀(ψ) are the Σ5 and Π5 formulas

Ω∃(ψ) ≡ ∃U(A(U1, . . . , Uk, U) ∧ B(U1, . . . , Uk, U)

)Ω∀(ψ) ≡ Special(Uk) ∧ . . . ∧ Special(Uk) ∧ ∀U ∀U ′

((A(U1, . . . , Uk, U) ∧ B(U1, . . . , Uk, U′))⇒ U = U ′)

where A,B are Σ6 formulas associated to Q and R by Corollary 3.30(thus, the i-th first-order variable xi is replaced by the variable Ui).Note: the subformulas Special(Ui) are omittted in Ω∃(ψ) since theyare implied by A(U1, . . . , Uk, U).

(2) If ψ is xi ∈ Xm then, relying on Lemma 3.4, Ω∃(ψ) and Ω∀(ψ) are theΣ4 and Π4 formulas (cf. Proposition 3.19)

Ω∃(ψ) ≡ 0 ∈ Vm ∧ ∃U (Succ(Ui, U) ∧ Vm + Ui = Vm + U)

Ω∀(ψ) ≡ Special(Ui) ∧ 0 ∈ Vm∧ ∀U (Succ(Ui, U) ⇒ Vm + Ui = Vm + U)


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(3) Ω∃ and Ω∀ commute with conjunction and disjunction.

(4) Ω∃(¬ϕ) = ¬Ω∀(ϕ) and Ω∀(¬ϕ) = ¬Ω∃(ϕ).

(5) Ω∃(∃xi ψ) = Ω∀(∃xi ψ) = ∃Ui (Special(Ui) ∧ Ω∃(ψ))Ω∃(∀xi ψ) = Ω∀(∀xi ψ) = ∀Ui (Special(Ui)⇒ Ω∀(ψ))

(6) Ω∃(∃Xm ψ) = Ω∀(∃Xm ψ) = ∃Vm (0 ∈ Vm ∧ Ω∃(ψ))Ω∃(∀Xm ψ) = Ω∀(∀Xm ψ) = ∀Vm (0 ∈ Vm ⇒ Ω∀(ψ))

Letting Ω be either Ω∃ or Ω∀, Corollary 3.30 and Lemma 3.4, show thatthe above clauses insure the wanted property of Ω hence also those ofTrad : ϕ 7→ Ω(Θ(ϕ)).2. The assertion about quantifier-free formulas ϕ is clear from clauses (1) and(2). An easy induction on the complexity of ϕ shows that if ϕ has ` alternat-ing blocks of quantifiers and the last one is a Q-block then Trad(ΩQ(Θ(ϕ)))is Σ`+4 if the first block is a ∃-block and is Π`+4 if the first block is a∀-block.

4.2 The theory of addition on sets is undecidabless:the-theory-is-undecidable

The complexity results concerning the theory 〈P(N); +,=〉 are direct conse-quences of the results in the previous sections.

thm:theory undecidableTheorem 4.2. The class of Σ5 sentences true in 〈P(N); +,=〉 is undecid-able.

Proof. Use the undecidability of the Diophantine theory of 〈N; =, 1,+,×〉(Matiyasevich’s celebrated result) and Theorem 4.1.

The theory of addition on sets is, in fact, highly undecidable.thm:theory highly undecidable

Theorem 4.3. The class T of sentences true in 〈P(N); =,+〉 is recursivelyisomorphic to the second order theory A of 〈N; =,+,×〉, i.e. there exists acomputable bijection θ between the set of first-order formulas in the language=,+ and the set of second-order formulas in the language =,+,× suchthat T = θ−1(A).

rk:beyondRemark 4.4. The class of sentences with quantifications over N only whichare true in 〈N; =, 1,+,×〉 (i.e. the first order theory of arithmetic) is ∆1

1 andnot Σ0

n for any n ∈ N. As for the class of sentences with quantifications overN and over P(N) which are true in 〈N,P(N); =,∈, 1,+,×〉 (i.e. the secondorder theory of arithmetic), it is ∆2

1 and not Σ1n for any n ∈ N. Thus,

the Turing degree of the second order theory of arithmetic is an order ofmagnitude higher than that of the first order theory.


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Proof of Theorem 4.3. Recall Myhill’s isomorphism theorem which is thecomputable analog of Cantor-Bernstein’s theorem in set theory (cf. [10]Theorem VI page 85, or [7] Theorem III.7.13 page 325): if X,Y ⊆ N andthere exists computable injective maps ϕ : N→ N and ψ : N→ N such thatX = ϕ−1(Y ) and Y = ψ−1(X) then there exists a computable bijective mapθ : N→ N such that X = θ−1(Y ). Thus, to prove the theorem it suffices toget injective computable reductions of T to A and of A to T .

Recursive reduction of T to A. To each sentence about 〈P(N); =,+〉associate the second order arithmetical formula obtained by replacing anysubformula X + Y = Z by

∀r (r ∈ Z ⇐⇒ ∃p, q (n = p+ q ∧ p ∈ X ∧ q ∈ Y ) .

Recursive reduction of A to T . Use Theorem 4.1.

5 Non definable predicatess:nondefinable

5.1 What is so special about the predicate 0 ∈ X?ss:zero

As implicitly used in numerous instances in the previous sections, the exis-tence of 0 in a subset seems to be the crux for proving remarkable propertiessuch as those in paragraph 3.1. If the logic could allow us to add 0 to an ar-bitrary subset then we could extend these properties to all subsets. Howeverthis is not possible. We show that the following predicate is not definable:

Y = X ∪ 0 (7) eq:hypothetical-predicate

The proof uses two ingredients. The first one, cf. Lemma 5.2 below,insures that equations and inequations between set variables can be splitinto conditions on elements of N and conditions on subsets which are eitherempty or contain 0. This transformation is lifted to formulas in Lemma 5.3below. The second ingredient, cf. Lemma 5.4 below, is a general result aboutformulas consisting of combinations of claims on disjoint sets of variables. not:MNotation 5.1. Let P0(N) be the class of sets which contain 0. Let P0,∅(N) =P0(N) ∪ ∅ be the class of sets which contain 0 or are empty. Let

(1) E be the subset ∅ of P0,∅(2) +N and =N be addition and equality on N,

(3) +P0,∅(N) and =P0,∅(N) be addition and equality of sets in P0,∅(N).

We consider the following two sort structure:

M = 〈N,P0,∅(N); +N,+P0,∅ , E ,=N,=P0,∅〉l:split


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Lemma 5.2. Let I, J be disjoint subsets such that I∪J = 1, . . . , n. Then,for all integers a1, . . . , an ∈ N and sets A1, . . . , An ∈ P0,∅,

〈P(N); +,=〉 |=∑i∈I

ai+Ai =∑j∈J

aj+Aj ⇐⇒ M |= ψ(a1, . . . , an, A1, . . . , An)

where ψ(x1, . . . , xn, X1, . . . , Xn) is a Boolean combination of formulas E(X`),for ` = 1, . . . , n, and equalities

∑i∈I xi =

∑j∈J xj and

∑i∈I Xi =

∑j∈J Xj.

Proof. Consider the class S of solutions of equation∑

i∈I Xi =∑

j∈J Xj inP(N). Then S = Z ∪ (S \ Z) where

(i) Z is the class of n-tuples of sets satisfying Xi = Xj = ∅ for some i ∈ Iand j ∈ J .

(ii) S \ Z is the class of n-tuples in S consisting of nonempty sets.

Since a+ ∅ = ∅ for all a ∈ N, we have

Z = (a1 +A1, . . . , an +An) | a1, . . . , an ∈ N, A1, . . . , An ∈ P0,∅(N), (8) eq:ZAi = Aj = ∅ for some i ∈ I and j ∈ J .

Let S0 = S∩(P0(N)

)nand R = (a1, . . . , an) ∈ Nn |

∑i∈I ai =

∑j∈J aj.

Observe that if B1, . . . , Bn ∈ P(N) are all nonempty and ai = minBi, Ai =Bi − ai (i.e. Bi = ai + Ai with Ai ∈ P0(N)) for i = 1, . . . , n, then equality∑

i∈I Bi =∑

j∈J Bj holds if and only if both equalities∑

i∈I bi =∑

j∈J bjand

∑i∈I Ai =

∑j∈J Aj hold. Thus,

S \ Z = (a1 +A1, . . . , an +An) | −→a ∈ R,−→A ∈ S0 . (9) eq:S-Z

Consider the following formulas (recall E(X) expresses X = ∅):

ψZ(x1, . . . , xn, X1, . . . , Xn) ≡∨

i∈I,j∈JE(Xi) ∧ E(Xj)

ψS\Z(x1, . . . , xn, X1, . . . , Xn) ≡ ¬E(X1) ∧ . . . ∧ ¬E(Xn)


xi =∑j∈J

xj ∧∑i∈I

Xi =∑j∈J


Equalities (8) and (9) show that, for a1, . . . , an ∈ N and A1, . . . , An ∈P0,∅(N),

〈P(N); +,=〉 |=∑i∈I

ai +Ai =∑j∈J

aj +Aj

⇐⇒ M |= ψZ(a1, . . . , an, A1, . . . , An) ∨ ψS\Z(a1, . . . , an, A1, . . . , An)

We now lift Lemma 5.2 to formulas with quantifications over P(N).


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l:lift splitLemma 5.3. For any Boolean combination F (

−→Y ,−→X ) of equalities between

sums of the set variables X1, . . . , Xn and Y1, . . . , Yk, there exists a Booleancombination T (F ) of

(1) equalities between sums of the set variables U1, . . . , Un, V1, . . . , Vk,

(2) equalities between sums of the integer variables

(3) formulas E(X1), . . . , E(Xn), E(Y1), . . . , E(Yk),

such that, for all integers a1, . . . , an ∈ N, all sets A1, . . . , An in P0,∅(N)(i.e. each Ai is either empty or contains 0), any sequence Q1, . . . , Qk ofquantifiers ∃ or ∀,

〈P(N); +,=〉 |= Q1Y1 · · ·QkYk F (−→Y , a1 +A1, . . . , an +An)

⇐⇒ M |= Q1v1 Q1V1 · · ·Qkvk QkVk T (F )(−→v ,−→a ,−→V ,−→A ) (10) eq:TF

Proof. If E is an equation then Lemma 5.2 gives a formula ψE which is aconvenient T (E). For a Boolean combination F of equations E1, . . . , Ep, letT (F ) be the same Boolean combination with ψE1 , . . . , ψEp .

Having defined T (F ), we now prove the Lemma by induction on k. Thecase k = 0 (i.e. no prefix of quantifications) is clear from Lemma 5.2.Suppose (10) holds for the quantification prefix Q1 . . . Qk and any Booleancombination F . Then, for a1, . . . , an ∈ N, A1, . . . , An in P0,∅(N) and Q ∈∃, ∀,

〈P(N); +,=〉 |= QZ Q1Y1 · · ·QkYk F (−→Y ,Z, a1 +A1, . . . , an +An)

⇐⇒ Qb ∈ N QB ∈ P0,∅(N)

〈P(N); +,=〉 |=−−→QY F (

−→Y , b+B, a1 +A1, . . . , an +An)

(†) ⇐⇒ Qb ∈ N QB ∈ P0,∅(N)

M |= Q1v1 Q1V1 · · ·Qkvk QkVk T (F )(−→v , b,−→a ,−→V ,B,

−→A )

⇐⇒ M |= Qw QW Q1v1 Q1V1 · · ·Qkvk QkVk

T (F )(−→v , w,−→a ,−→V ,W,

−→A )

where line (†) is obtained using the induction hypothesis.l:formula-splitting

Lemma 5.4 (Splitting lemma). Consider two disjoint sets of variables

z1, . . . , zk, Z1, . . . , Zk and t1, . . . , tn, T1, . . . , Tn and let Φ(−→t ,−→T ) be a formula

with 2n free variables of the form

Φ(−→t ,−→T ) ≡ QkzkQkZk · · · Q1z1Q1Z1 B(−→z ,

−→Z ,−→t ,−→T )

where the Qi’s are quantifiers in ∃,∀ and where B(−→z ,−→Z ,−→t ,−→T ) is a

Boolean combination of atomic formulas depending on the variables −→z ,−→tonly and atomic formulas depending on the variables

−→Z ,−→T only. Then there


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exists r ≥ 1 and finitely many formulas φ`, ψ`, for ` = 1, . . . , r each having

n variables, such that Φ(−→t ,−→T ) is logically equivalent to∨


φ`(−→t ) ∧ ψ`(

−→T )

Proof. We argue by induction on k ∈ N. The initial case k = 0 is an instanceof the classical disjunctive normal form. We now show the induction step.Suppose the Lemma is true for k − 1 with k ≥ 1. Then there exists r ≥ 1

and φk−1,`(zk,−→t ), ψk−1,`(Zk,

−→T ), for ` = 1, . . . , r, such that

Qk−1zk−1Qk−1Zk−1 · · ·Q1z1Q1Z1 B(z1, . . . , zk−1, zkZ1, . . . , Zk−1, Zk,−→t ,−→T )



φk−1,`(zk,−→t ) ∧ ψk−1,`(Zk,

−→T )

Then, in case Qk is ∃,

∃zk∃Zk Qk−1zk−1Qk−1Zk−1 · · ·Q1z1Q1Z1 B(−→z ,−→Z ,−→t ,−→T )

⇐⇒ ∃zk∃Zk∨

`=1,...,r φk−1,`(zk,−→t ) ∧ ψk−1,`(Zk,

−→T )




−→t ))∧(∃Zkψk−1,`(Zk,

−→T ))


`=1,...,r φk,`(−→t ) ∧ ψk,`(

−→T )

where φk,`(−→t ) is ∃zkφk−1,`(

−→t ) and the same with ψk,`(

−→T ). Finally, the

case Qk is ∀ is treated similarly by first converting from disjunctive to con-junctive form and, after distributing the ∀ quantifiers, converting back fromconjunctive to disjunctive form.

We finally come to the wanted nondefinability result.thm:plus-0-not-expressible

Theorem 5.5. The predicate Y = 0∪X is not definable in 〈P(N); +,=〉.

Proof. By way of contradiction, assume that the predicate Y = 0∪X can

be defined in 〈P(N); +,=〉. There exists a Boolean combination F (−→Z ,X, Y )

of equalities of sums of the sets Zi and X,Y such that

〈P(N); +,=〉 |= Y = 0 ∪X ⇐⇒ Q1Z1 · · ·QkZk F (−→Z ,X, Y ) (11) eq:0 cup X

By Lemma 5.3, for all a, b ∈ N and sets A,B ∈ P0,∅(N),

〈P(N); +,=〉 |= A = N ∧ b+B = 0 ∪ (a+A)

⇐⇒ M |= Q1v1 Q1V1 · · ·Qkvk QkVk T (F )(−→v ,−→V , a, b, A,B) (12) eq:TF in proof

where T (F )(−→v ,−→V , u, v, U, V ) is a Boolean combination of formulas with

free variables among u, v and formulas with free variables among U, V . By


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Lemma 5.4, we get formulas ϕ`(u, v), ψ`(U, V ), ` = 1, . . . , L, such that

〈P(N); +,=〉 |= b+B = 0 ∪ (a+A)

⇐⇒ M |=∧


ϕ`(a, b) ∧ ψ`(A,B) (13) eq:conjunct of varphi

Now, for each n ≥ 1, we have 0 + Sn = 0 ∪ (n + N) hence there exists` such that ϕ`(n, 0) and ψ`(N, Sn) are true. Since there are finitely manysuch indices `, there exists two values of n, say p, q ≥ 1, p 6= q, with thesame associated `. In particular, ϕ`(p, 0)∧ψ`(N, Sq) is true yielding equalityp+ N = 0 + Sq, contradicting the condition p 6= q.

5.2 Other nondefinable predicatesss:nondefinable

Theorem 5.5 implies the nondefinability of many other predicates. We selectsome of them in this section. In particular, we compare four ways to codeintegers by sets in definable classes:

Final = n+ N | n ≥ 1 (see Proposition 2.14)Single = n | n ≥ 1 (see Proposition 2.17)Special = 0 ∪ n+ N | n ≥ 1 (see Theorem 3.18)Periodic = nN | n ≥ 1 (see Proposition 3.27)

def:leadstoDefinition 5.6. 1. Given predicates A1, . . . , Ak and B over P(N), we say thatB is definable from A1, . . . , Ak in 〈P(N); +,=〉 if B is first-order definablein the structure 〈P(N); +,=, A1, . . . , Ak〉. We then write (A1, . . . , Ak) ; B.2. A and B are definable from each other in 〈P(N); +,=〉 if A ; B andB ; A.

thm:inclusion-not-expressibleTheorem 5.7. No predicate in Table 1 is definable in 〈P(N); +,=〉. More-over, any two of them are definable from each other in 〈P(N); +,=〉.

open:equidefinabilityOpen problem 5.8. Is there a non definable predicate which is not definablefrom each other with the predicates in Table 1?


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E(X,Y ) Inclusion X ⊆ YF (X,Y ) Adjoin 0 Y = X ∪ 0F1(X,Y, Z) Union X ∪ Y = ZF2(X,Y, Z) Intersection X ∩ Y = ZF3(X,Y ) Complement X = N \ YF4(X,Y ) Star Y = X∗

G(X,Y ) Coding (X,Y ) ∈ (n+ N, Sn) | n ≥ 1G1(X,Y ) interchange (X,Y ) ∈ (n, Sn) | n ≥ 1G2(X,Y ) (X,Y ) ∈ (n+ N, nN) | n ≥ 1G3(X,Y ) (X,Y ) ∈ (n, nN) | n ≥ 1H(X,Y ) Membership (X,Y ) ∈ (n+ N, B) | n ∈ BH1(X,Y ) (X,Y ) ∈ (n, B) | n ∈ BH2(X,Y ) (X,Y ) ∈ (nN, B) | n ∈ BH3(X,Y ) (X,Y ) ∈ (Sn, B) | n ∈ BH4(X,Y ) (X,Y ) ∈ (A,B) | minA ∈ BH5(X,Y ) (X,Y ) ∈ (A,B) | the 2d elem. of A is in BJ(X) Semigroup X is a semigroup (i.e. X +X ⊆ X)J1(X) X ∈ an+ nN | n ≥ 1, a ∈ NJ2(X) X ∈ n+ nN | n ≥ 1

Table 1: Some predicates not definable in 〈P(N); +,=〉

Proof of Theorem 5.7. Together with the predicates Final, Single, Specialand Periodic recalled supra, we also freely use some definable predicatessuch as minX ≤ minY (cf. § 2.3.4) and

θ(X,Y ) = (A,Sn) | (minA) + n ∈ A (cf. Lemma 3.4)σ(X,Y ) ≡ X is a submonoid containing Y ∧ 0 ∈ Y

(cf. Propositions 2.14, 2.15, 3.1)

We also freely use definable constants and functions (cf. §2.3.1): ∅, 0, N,X 7→ minX (defined for X 6= ∅) and

Succ = Sn 7→ Sn+1 for n ≥ 1 (cf. Proposition 3.19)S = nN 7→ Sn for n ≥ 1 (cf. Proposition 3.28)π = Sn 7→ nN for n ≥ 1 (cf. Proposition 3.28)Smax = A 7→ SmaxA for initial segments A 6= 0 (cf. Proposition 3.25)

The structure of the proof is as follows:

E ; F ;

F4 ; G; G2 ; G3 ; G1 ; GF3 ; G G1 ; E ; H ; H1 ; G1

F2 ; E (E,G3) ; H2 ; H3 ; G1

F1 ; E ; J ; J1 ; J2 ; G3 H1 ; H4 ; H5 ; H3


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E ; F . Use E to express that Y is the smallest set containing X and 0.

F ; Fi for i = 1, 2, 3. For i = 3, we have to relate, for any n, conditionn ∈ X with condition n ∈ Y . The case n = 0 is treated apart whereas thecase n ≥ 1 can be treated with θ relatively to X ∪ 0 (which is obtainedusing F ). The cases i = 1, 2 are similar. Thus,

F3(X,Y ) ⇔ (0 ∈ X ⇔ 0 /∈ Y ) ∧ ∀X0 ∀Y0(F (X,X0) ∧ F (Y, Y0)

⇒ ∀T (Special(T )⇒ (θ(X0, T )⇔ ¬θ(Y0, T )))

F1(X,Y, Z) ⇔ (0 ∈ Z ⇔ (0 ∈ X ∨ 0 ∈ Y ))∧∀X0 ∀Y0 ∀Z0

(F (X,X0) ∧ F (Y, Y0)

⇒ ∀T (Special(T )⇒ (θ(Z0, T )⇔ (θ(X0, T ) ∨ θ(Y0, T )))

F2(X,Y, Z) ⇔ (0 ∈ Z ⇔ (0 ∈ X ∧ 0 ∈ Y ))∧∀X0 ∀Y0 ∀Z0

(F (X,X0) ∧ F (Y, Y0)

⇒ ∀T (Special(T )⇒ (θ(Z0, T )⇔ (θ(X0, T ) ∧ θ(Y0, T )))

F ; F4. Express that X∗ is the smallest submonoid containing X ∪ 0.

F4(X,Y ) ⇔ ∃X0 (F (X,X0) ∧ σ(Y,X0) ∧ ∀T (σ(T,X0)⇔ σ(T, Y )))

F1 ; E, F2 ; E. E(X,Y )⇔ F1(X,Y, Y )⇔ F2(X,Y,X).

F3 ; G. Observe that if X is a final segment then its complement is aninitial segment and apply Proposition 3.25:

G(X,Y ) ⇔ Final(X) ∧ (X = 1 + N⇒ Y = N)

∧ (X 6= 1 + N⇒ ∃Z (F3(X,Z) ∧ Y = Succ(Smax(Z))))

F4 ; G. G(X,Y )⇔ Final(X) ∧ F4(X,Y ).

G; G2. G2(X,Y )⇔ Periodic(Y ) ∧G(X,S(Y )).

G2 ; G3. G3(X,Y )⇔ Single(X) ∧G2(X + N, Y ).

G3 ; G1. G1(X,Y )⇔ Periodic(Y ) ∧ Single(X) ∧G3(X,S(Y ))

G1 ; G. G(X,Y )⇔ Final(X) ∧G1(min(X), Y ).

G1 ; E. Observe that X ⊆ Y if and only if three conditions hold: 1)minX ≥ minY 2) minX ∈ Y and 3) for all p, q ≥ 1, if (minX) + p =(minY )+q then (minX)+p ∈ X implies (minY )+q ∈ Y . Now, minX ∈ Yif and only if minX = minY or (minY )+a ∈ Y with a = minX−minY ≥ 1.In the next formula X, Y denote SminX , SminY and P denotes Sp (p > 0) andQ denotes Sq (with q = p+ a and p ≥ 0). Also line 3 expresses minX ∈ Y(in the sole necessary case where minX > minY ) and line 4 expresses that


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if p, q ≥ 1 and minX + p = minY + q holds then minX + p ∈ X impliesminY + q ∈ Y .

E(X,Y ) ⇔ minX ≥ minY ∧ ∃X ∃Y ∀P ∀Q(G1(minX, X) ∧G1(minY , Y ) ∧ Special(P ) ∧ Special(Q)

)⇒(((minX > minY ∧ X = Y ⊕Q)⇒ θ(Y,Q)))

∧ X ⊕ P = Y ⊕Q⇒ (θ(X,P )⇒ θ(Y,Q))

E ; H. H(X,Y )⇔ Final(X) ∧ E(minX, Y ).

H ; H1. H1(X,Y )⇔ Single(X) ∧H(X + N, Y ).

H1 ; G1. G1(X,Y )⇔ Special(Y ) ∧H1(X,Y ) ∧ ¬H1(X, Succ(Y )).

(E,G3) ; H2. H2(X,Y )⇔ Periodic(X) ∧ ∃Z (G3(Z,X) ∧ E(Z, Y )).

H2 ; H3. H3(X,Y )⇔ Special(X) ∧H2(π(X), Y ).

H3 ; G1. G1(X,Y )⇔ Single(X)∧Special(Y )∧H3(Y,X)∧¬H3(Succ(Y ), X).

H1 ; H4. H4(X,Y )⇔ H1(X + N, Y ).

H4 ; H5. H5(X,Y )⇔ X 6= ∅ ∧ ¬Single(X)∧ ∃Z

(Single(Z) ∧ (minZ > minX) ∧H4(Z,X) ∧H4(Z, Y )

∧ ∀T ((Single(T ) ∧ minX < minT < minZ)⇒ ¬H4(T,X))).

H5 ; H3. H3(X,Y )⇔ Special(X) ∧H5(X,Y ).

E ; J . Observe that X is a semigroup if and only if X +X ⊆ X.

J ; J1. Let T = a + nN | a ∈ N, n ≥ 1. Then T (X) if and only ifX = Y + Z for some Y,Z satisfying Single(Y ) and Periodic(Z). Now,J1(X) if and only if T (X) and X is a semigroup: implication ⇒ is obvious,conversely, if X = a + nN is a semigroup then its ultimate period is n. Itdivides all elements of X and in particular a and J1(X) holds.

J1 ; J2. Observe that J2(X) if and only if J1(X) and minX 6= 0 andminX is the unique singleton set such that X = T + Y for some T, Ysuch that T 6= 0, Single(T ) and J1(Y ).

J2 ; G3. G3(X,Y )⇔ ∃Z (J2(Z) ∧X = minZ ∧ Z = X + Y ).

Out of the six pairs of the four codings of N \ 0 by Final, Single,Special and Periodic, Table 5.2 tells that four conversions are incompa-rable with respect to ; (cf. predicates G and Gi, i = 1, 2, 3). In contrastthe two remaining ones are definable as shown in the next result. p:contrast definableProposition 5.9. The following predicates are respectively Π2 and Π3.

(X,Y ) ∈ (n+ N, n) | n ≥ 1 , (X,Y ) ∈ (nN, Sn) | n ≥ 1

Proof. Observe that (X,Y ) ∈ (n+N, n) | n ≥ 1 if and only if 0 /∈ Y andY is a singleton set and Y +N = X. Expressing the last equality as ∀Z (Z =N⇒ Y + Z = X) Propositions 2.14 and 2.17 give the Π2 complexity.

For the second predicate see Proposition 3.28.


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6 Logical definability in 〈P(N); +,=〉s:definable-subsets-in-P(N)

6.1 Families of sets all containing 0ss:sets-containing-0

A simple application of Theorem 4.1 proves the following result.thm:sets-containing-0

Theorem 6.1. Suppose F ⊆ P(N) is a class of sets all containing 0. ThenF is definable in 〈P(N); +,=〉 if and only if it is definable in second-orderarithmetic.

Proof. Observe that F is definable in second-order arithmetic if and only ifso is A | 0 ∪ (1 +A) ∈ F and apply Theorem 4.1.

cor:sets-containing-small integerCorollary 6.2. Suppose F ⊆ P(N) is a class of sets all containing aninteger in 0, . . . , n. Then F is definable in 〈P(N); +,=〉 if and only if itis definable in second-order arithmetic.

Proof. The ⇒ implication is trivial. Conversely, suppose F is definable insecond-order arithmetic. For i = 1, . . . , n, let Fi = F ∩ X | minX = iand Gi = X − minX | X ∈ Fi. Then the formulas Gi are also definablein second-order arithmetic. Since all sets in the formulas Gi contain 0, theseformulas Gi are definable in 〈P(N); +,=〉 (use Theorem 6.1). Then so arethe sets i+X | X ∈ Gi = Fi hence also their union which is F .

6.2 Families of sets invariant by translationss:sets-invariant-translation

There is yet another application of Theorem 4.1 which extends the class ofsubsets definable in 〈P(N); +,=〉.

thm:translation-invariantTheorem 6.3. Suppose F ⊆ P(N) is a class of subsets such that for allsubsets A ⊆ N and all integers a ∈ N it holds

A ∈ F ⇔ A+ a ∈ F

Then F is definable in 〈P(N); +,=〉 if and only if it is definable in second-order arithmetic.

Proof. Let F0 be the subclass of subsets in F containing 0. For all B ∈ Fthe subset B − minB is in F0. Clearly F0 is definable in second-orderarithmetic, thus in 〈P(N); +,=〉 by a formula φ(X). Then F is definable in〈P(N); +,=〉 by the formula

∃X ∃Y (φ(X) ∧ Sing(Y ) ∧ Z = Y +X)


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cor:sets-invariant-by-translationCorollary 6.4. The following classes of subsets are definable

(i) A ⊆ N | A is finite,

(ii) A ⊆ N | A is cofinite,

(iii) A ⊆ N | A is regular by a finite automaton).

Proof. Assertions (i) and (ii) are clear. Concerning assertion (iii) recall (cf.Proposition 2.6) that a subset A ⊆ N is recognizable by a finite automatonif and only if it is a finite union of subsets of the form a+ bN with a, b ∈ N.Thus, this class satisfies the conditions of Theorem 6.3.

6.3 Definable sets of integersss:definable setsthm:definable sets

Theorem 6.5. Let A ∈ P(N). The following conditions are equivalent:

(1) As a set of integers, A is definable in second-order arithmetic,

(2) As a class of sets, A is definable in second-order arithmetic,

(3) A is definable in 〈P(N); +,=〉.

Proof. (1)⇔ (2) is straightforward. (3)⇒ (2) is obvious.(2) ⇒ (3). Let a = minA. If A is definable in second-order arithmeticthen so is A − a. By Theorem 6.1 A − a is definable in 〈P(N); +,=〉(since 0 ∈ A− a) hence so is A = X + a | X ∈ A− a.

6.4 Definability with an extra predicatess:extrathm:extra

Theorem 6.6. Let F ⊆ P(N) and A be any predicate in Table 1. Then Fis definable in second-order arithmetic if and only if F is definable in thestructure 〈P(N); +, A,=〉.

Proof. Implication⇐ is obvious since all predicates in Table 1 are definablein second-order arithmetic. Conversely, suppose F is definable in second-order arithmetic. Then so are the classes

F+ = F ∩ A | 0 ∈ A , F− = F ∩ A | 0 /∈ A , H = 0 ∪A | A ∈ F−

By Theorem 6.1 F+ and H are definable in 〈P(N); +,=〉. Using the predi-cate F (X,Y ) (which insures Y = 0 ∪X) one can then define F− from H.Finally, F = F+ ∪ F− is definable in 〈P(N); +, F,=〉. Since all predicatesin Table 1 are definable from each other, F = F+ ∪ F− is also definable in〈P(N); +, A,=〉 for any A in Table 1.


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7 Remarkable definable sets and classess:with-Sn

7.1 Operations on sets with close minimum elementsss:operations-on-subsets-with-zero

General set-theoretical operations are not definable. Here we show sufficientconditions for some of these operations to be definable.

p:same-minProposition 7.1. The predicate minX = minY ∧ φ(X,Y, Z) is Π4 whenφ(X,Y, Z) is either X ∪ Y = Z or X ∩ Y = Z or X ⊆ Y .

Proof. We argue for union. The minX = minY condition is Σ1 (cf. Propo-sition 2.16) and, by Lemma 3.4, X ∪ Y = Z if and only if, for all n ≥ 1,

Z + Sn = Z + Sn+1 ⇐⇒ ((X + Sn = X + Sn+1) ∨ (Y + Sn = Y + Sn+1))

Theorem 3.18 and Proposition 3.19 yield the stated logical complexity.p:almost-same-min

Proposition 7.2. 1. The predicate |minX −minY | ≤ k ∧ φ(X,Y, Z) isΠ4 when the integer k ≥ 1 is fixed and φ(X,Y, Z) is either X ∪ Y = Z orX = N \ Y or X ⊆ Y .2. The following predicate is Π4 when the integer k ∈ N is fixed:

max(|min(X)−min(Y )|, |minX −minZ|) ≤ k ∧ X ∩ Y = Z

Proof. Point 1. Since the condition |minX − minY | ≤ k is a disjunctionof conditions minX = minY + ` with |`| ≤ k, it suffices to prove that thepredicate minX = minY + k ∧ φ(X,Y, Z) is Π5. We argue for union. Themin(X) = min(Y )+k condition is Σ2∧Π2 (cf. Proposition 2.16). Assumingmin(X) = min(Y ) + k, Lemma 3.4 insures that X ∪ Y = Z if and only if

1) minZ = minY ,2) Z+Sn = Z+Sn+1 ⇐⇒ Y +Sn = Y +Sn+1 for all n ∈ 1, . . . , k−1,3) Z + Sk = Z + Sk+1,4) for all n ≥ 1,Z + Sk+n = Z + Sk+n+1

⇐⇒ (X + Sn = Z + Sn+1 ∨ Y + Sk+n = Y + Sk+n+1).Theorems 3.6, 3.18 and Proposition 3.19 yield the stated logical com-

plexity. The proof of Point 2 is similar.

Remark 7.3. Observe that the intersection is not definable even when theminima of the two subsets differ by 1 : we have to also bound the differencebetween min(X ∩ Y ) and minX. For instance, (n+ N, Sn) | n ≥ 2 whichis G(X,Y ) of Theorem 5.7 is expressed as follows

∃Z (Special(Z) ∧ Y = ∂Z ∧ (X = Y ∩ (Z + 1)))

Indeed, if Z = Sn then Y and 1 + Z have close minimum elements sincemin(1 +Z) = 1 and minY = 0 but min(Y ∩ (1 +Z)) = n+ 1 is not close tominY .


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7.2 Fixed submonoidsss:fixed submonoids

Proposition 2.16 can be generalized as follows.l:n-first

Lemma 7.4. Let X be a subset with minimum element equal to m and leta1 < . . . < an be elements of N. The following predicates φm(X) and ψm(X)are ∆2 :

φm(X) : minX = m and a1, . . . , an > m belong to Xψm(X) : minX = m and a1, . . . , an > m do not belong to X

Proof. Using Lemma 3.4, we have:

φm(X) ≡ minX = m ∧∧

1≤i≤nX + Sai−m = X + Sai−m+1

ψm(X) ≡ minX = m ∧∧

1≤i≤nX + Sai−m 6= X + Sai−m+1

The ∆2 complexity is a corollary of Theorem 3.6 and Proposition 2.13.thm:each submonoid

Theorem 7.5. Let M be a submonoid. The predicate X = M is definableand its complexity is as follows1. Case M = 0. The predicate X = M is Π1.2. Case M = N. The predicate X = M is Σ1 ∧Π1.3. Case M = 0 ∪ (a+ N) = Sa with a ≥ 2. The predicate X = M is ∆2.4. For the general case the predicate X = M is Π2.

Proof. Claims 1, 2: cf. Proposition 2.14. Claim 3: cf. Theorem 3.6.4. Let G = g1, . . . , gn be the minimum generating set for M which we as-sume ordered. Then M is the smallest submonoid containing G. If φ0(X) isthe formula of Lemma 7.4 with g1, . . . , gn in place of a1, . . . , an the predicateX = M is equivalent to

φ0(X) ∧ X +X = X ∧ ∀Y((φ0(Y ) ∧ (Y + Y = Y ))⇒ X + Y = Y

)expressing that X is the smallest submonoid containing G. The Π2 com-plexity comes from Lemma 7.4.

7.3 Regular subsets of Nss:regular-subsets-in-N

Here we give a precise estimate of the structural complexity of some subsetsand classes of subsets of particular importance, the definability of which isa consequence of Theorem 6.3.


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7.3.1 Fixed regular subsets of Nsss:fixed regularthm:each regular

Theorem 7.6. If R ⊆ N is regular then the predicate X = R is Π4. Incase R = ∅ or R = 0 it is Π1. In case R is a singleton different from 0 itis Σ2 ∧Π2.

Proof. By Proposition 2.6, R = A∪(B+pN) with a, p ∈ N and ∅ 6= A ⊆ [0, a[and B ⊆ [a, a + p[. First, we introduce some formulas. We set m = minAand b = a + p with the convention b = a when B is empty. The followingΣ4 and Π4 predicates tell which elements in the initial interval [0, b[ belongto the set and which do not.

F ∃(X) ≡ m = minX ∧ ∃Y1, . . . , Yb−m−1Z1, . . . , Zb−m−1∧i∈A∪B\m

(Yi = Si−m ∧ Succ(Yi, Zi) ∧ X + Yi = X + Zi)



(Yi = Si−m ∧ Succ(Yi, Zi) ∧ X + Yi 6= X + Zi)

F ∀(X) ≡ m = minX ∧ ∀Y,Z∧i∈A∪B\m

((Y = Si−m ∧ Succ(Y,Z))⇒ X + Y = X + Z)



((Y = Si−m ∧ Succ(Y,Z))⇒ X + Y 6= X + Z)

If the subset is finite, it suffices to express the fact that it does notcontain any integer greater than or equal to a. This leads to the Π4 formula

G(X) ≡ ∀Y,Z, T((T = Sa−m ∧ Succ(Y,Z) ∧ Y + T = T )

⇒ X + Y 6= X + Z)

Thus when R is finite it is expressed by the predicate F ∀(X) ∧G(X).

When the subset is infinite, i.e., when B 6= ∅ we must say that the subsetof R consisting of all elements greater than or equal to a is periodic of periodp, equivalently for all x ≥ a we have x ∈ R⇔ x+ p ∈ R which is expressedby the Π4 formula

H(X) ≡ ∀T, Y, Y ′, Z, Z ′ :T = Sa−m ∧ Succ(Y, Y ′) ∧ Succ(Z,Z ′) ∧ Succp(Y, Z)⇒ (X + Y = X + Y ′ ⇔ X + Z = X + Z ′)

Thus, when R is infinite it is expressed by the formula F ∀(X) ∧H(X).The remaining cases are a consequence of Proposition 2.17.


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7.3.2 Finite and cofinite subsets of Nsss:finite cofinitep:finite cofinite

Proposition 7.7. The predicates “X is finite” and X is cofinite” are Σ5.

Proof. For the finiteness predicate, use Lemma 3.4 to express that min(X)+n /∈ X for all large enough n :

∃Y(Special(Y ) ∧ ∀Z,W ((Y +Z = Y ∧ Succ(Z,W ))⇒ X+Z 6= X+W

)For the cofiniteness predicate, express that min(X) + n ∈ X for all largeenough n. The logical complexity is given by Theorem 3.18 and Proposi-tion 3.19.

7.3.3 The class of regular subsets of Nsss:regular-classthm:regular

Theorem 7.8. The predicate “X is regular” is Σ6.

Proof. Observe that X is regular if and only if X is finite or is periodic withperiod p ≥ 1. This latter assertion means that there exist two integers n andp such that all for all integers x ≥ n we have x ∈ X if and only if x+p ∈ X.Using Theorems 3.26 and Proposition 7.7 this can be expressed as follows(where the variables N,P encode the above integers n and p and where thepairs of variables (V, V ′) and (W,W ′) respectively encode x and x+ p):

X is finite ∨ ∃N ∃P ∀V,W, V ′,W ′(Special(N) ∧ Special(P ) ∧ N + V = N ∧ V ⊕ P = W

∧ Succ(V, V ′) ∧ Succ(W,W ′)

=⇒ (X + V = X + V ′ ⇔ X +W = X +W ′))

8 Conclusions:conclusion

This paper proves the undecidability of the Σ5 theory of additive monoidof subsets of N. The decision problem for positive Σ1 formulas (i.e. nonegation) is trivially decidable since every equation is satisfied when all thevariables are equal to the emptyset. What about the full Σ1 theory? Care:we are looking at formulas in which the atomic subformulas are equationsbetween variables (such as XYXZ = ZXX): no parameter is allowed.When regular sets are allowed as parameters then the decision problem forsystems of equations becomes undecidable, cf. [6].

The question “What is definable and what is not definable in the additivemonoid of subsets of N ?” is largely answered in this paper. Some definabilityresults involve logically complex definitions: up to Σ6 for the class of regularsets. Are such complex definitions optimal?


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The additive monoid of subsets of N can be seen as the monoid of tallylanguages. What about the monoid of languages over an alphabet with atleast two letters. This question is investigated in a forthcoming paper [1].


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