Lo3 captin america

LO3 Captain America Captain America was a very successful film as the film is in the Marvel family this gives the viewer an expectation of what they are going to see. The film is based on the comic book series of Captain America and it follows his story through world war two. This film was very successful as it made $65 million dollars on its opening week and then made $368,608,363 dollars over all from the cinema viewing and also the synergy side when they would market posters and toys related to the film and this increased the overall gross takings. The DVD takings was one of the most important synergy’s as with the film sales there was also a mass take in from DVD sales. The target audience of the film are mostly male as it is a comic book film for example “wolverine origin” which was a massive production but was aimed at males and fans of the superhero genre. But in Captain America they have used a star that will attract the female viewer. The producer was Joe Johnson who personally i have never heard of but he has done a brilliant job as the film was a success. The film was produced by Marvel studio’s, with this the viewer of this film can tell that it has been produced by a respected company that will guarantee the quality of the film will be good. The budget of the film was $140,000,000 and this is good because the made over double their budget. The thing wasn’t a success as it was a remake of the old film and the film spent $35 million dollars to make and produce but it only made $16 million in total and this is to do with the marketing and synergy as the thing wasn’t that heard of as Captain America as Captain America had a fan base already though the comic books and also the use of synergy through toys and ever sneak previews in the DVD to the next film makes the audience want to buy it making the film company more money. The film was poorly marketed in terms of how much the film made, but personally i thought that the marketing was cleverly done as i walked home i mush have saw at least 5 posters for the film placed in obvious places. Also there were trailers all over Youtube but the film lost money as people just didn’t want to see it or buy it. The production company was Morgan creek productions and as it was an unheard of production company most people would not have trusted it over another film thus making then not want to see the film. The stars that they used in this production were unknown so the film wasn’t that appealing to the audience and they didn’t have any known Hollywood stars because they only had a budget of $35 million and that is about the price for one of them to act. This film was not a success as they lost money on their production. The Marketing of Captain America was very successful as with the release of the first avengers from iron man and Thor which gave it a big advantage in marketing as all the films link into a bigger film that is due for release later this year. Also the marketing of this film was massive in aspects of Marvels fan base that many of the fans of the comic would want to see the film. Then they had the paper based marketing through posters and flyers that were all over the country as it was such a big blockbuster film. Also they had the internet which played a massive part in the marketing as they had their own websites that allowed people to look at the trailer and see sneak previews of the film. They also had quizzes on the internet that made people play the game to find out more about the film thus drawing them in. They had the TV based marketing where they would show the trailer for the film on the channels that related to the film. With this marketing campaign they introduce people to the film and also give them knowledge of the date the film is due for release and gives a good image of the film to the public. The marketing for the thing was just as big a campaign as the captain America film but as Captain America had a bigger fan base and also is more trusted by the audience as the thing being a remake and

Transcript of Lo3 captin america

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LO3 Captain America

Captain America was a very successful film as the film is in the Marvel family this gives the viewer an

expectation of what they are going to see. The film is based on the comic book series of Captain

America and it follows his story through world war two. This film was very successful as it made $65

million dollars on its opening week and then made $368,608,363 dollars over all from the cinema

viewing and also the synergy side when they would market posters and toys related to the film and this

increased the overall gross takings. The DVD takings was one of the most important synergy’s as with the

film sales there was also a mass take in from DVD sales. The target audience of the film are mostly male

as it is a comic book film for example “wolverine origin” which was a massive production but was aimed

at males and fans of the superhero genre. But in Captain America they have used a star that will attract

the female viewer. The producer was Joe Johnson who personally i have never heard of but he has done

a brilliant job as the film was a success. The film was produced by Marvel studio’s, with this the viewer of

this film can tell that it has been produced by a respected company that will guarantee the quality of the

film will be good. The budget of the film was $140,000,000 and this is good because the made over

double their budget.

The thing wasn’t a success as it was a remake of the old film and the film spent $35 million dollars to

make and produce but it only made $16 million in total and this is to do with the marketing and synergy

as the thing wasn’t that heard of as Captain America as Captain America had a fan base already though

the comic books and also the use of synergy through toys and ever sneak previews in the DVD to the next

film makes the audience want to buy it making the film company more money. The film was poorly

marketed in terms of how much the film made, but personally i thought that the marketing was cleverly

done as i walked home i mush have saw at least 5 posters for the film placed in obvious places. Also there

were trailers all over Youtube but the film lost money as people just didn’t want to see it or buy it. The

production company was Morgan creek productions and as it was an unheard of production company

most people would not have trusted it over another film thus making then not want to see the film. The

stars that they used in this production were unknown so the film wasn’t that appealing to the audience

and they didn’t have any known Hollywood stars because they only had a budget of $35 million and that

is about the price for one of them to act. This film was not a success as they lost money on their


The Marketing of Captain America was very successful as with the release of the first avengers from iron

man and Thor which gave it a big advantage in marketing as all the films link into a bigger film that is due

for release later this year. Also the marketing of this film was massive in aspects of Marvels fan base that

many of the fans of the comic would want to see the film. Then they had the paper based marketing

through posters and flyers that were all over the country as it was such a big blockbuster film. Also they

had the internet which played a massive part in the marketing as they had their own websites that

allowed people to look at the trailer and see sneak previews of the film. They also had quizzes on the

internet that made people play the game to find out more about the film thus drawing them in. They had

the TV based marketing where they would show the trailer for the film on the channels that related to

the film. With this marketing campaign they introduce people to the film and also give them knowledge

of the date the film is due for release and gives a good image of the film to the public.

The marketing for the thing was just as big a campaign as the captain America film but as Captain

America had a bigger fan base and also is more trusted by the audience as the thing being a remake and

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also other big films coming out at the same time for example Twilight Breaking dawn that was a big

blockbuster this also having a massive fan base took the things thunder as most people would prefer to

see that than a remake of a horror film. The marketing for the thing was massive as they had posters

everywhere and also they have trailers out on the television as on film websites they had trailers. They

also had a trailer on youtube and that website gets over a 100 million views every day this making people

more interested in the film and more knowledgeable about the upcoming film. I think the reason that

the thing didn’t succeed was that there was not a big enough market for the film and also there were

other films out at the time that appealed more to a bigger audience that used star theory such as twilight

that has stars such as Robert Patterson and Taylor Lautner this making the viewers prefer to see twilight

rather than the thing. The synergy that the film used compared to others made their earning drop

compared to a blockbuster film such as Captain America as they only brought a DVD and posters etc...

They didn’t have other synergy such as toys or comic books to re issue.

The film 50/50 that has just been released is based on a guy dyeing from cancer but because it has Seth

Rogan in the film star theory is applied giving people a star then like thus opening up another audience

for the film. The film its self is a drama about a guy dying of cancer in which it has Seth Rogan who

produced the film made the film more lively and fun. This gives the film a serious depth to it as the

drama of cancer and what this guy goes through and then has Seth Rogan making the film funny and

comical, this gives people who want to go for the drama and the more mature themes and then for a

teenage audience it has the comical side. Personally i think that this is a good idea as it generates a whole

new audience and it competes with the comedies but also has drama. I think that Seth Rogan has added

his own little twist on this film as with star theory he has made a successful film that grabs the audience’s

attention. For reception theory with this film they added drama and comedy to give off powerful feelings

and emotions to the viewer. As it is what every person in the audience takes away from the film I think

that Seth Rogan did well in this as he made a funny comedy kind of feel and then the emotional pain of

dying with cancer.