Life Moves On: Life Loves Light

 Life Moves On Life Loves Light

Transcript of Life Moves On: Life Loves Light

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Life Moves On

Life Loves Light

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Life Moves On

Principles in Focus 

Tr ut h and Beaut y

Loving Life

Night be LightIdeals made Real

Phi losophy of Enl ight enm ent

Human Being Becom ing Her oicLif e Loves Light

Lover s of Life

Love t o Love

St ar ship Being Light

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Life Moves On … Light


Monar t Pon



An AynRand100 Tr ibute

( 2 / 2 / 05 )

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Principles in Focus

“ Wor ds are a lens t o f ocus one's m ind.”

“ Realit y … Reason … Right s … Rom ance”

“ To t he Glor y of Man”


Ayn Rand (1905-1982)

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The Philosopher Hero

A teacher , a leader , a pr ot ect or ,a sim ple m an of calm in t ensit y;

A gent leman of Tr ut h , Cour age, and Honor ;

A man in t ouch and at peace,

wit h h imself and t he wor ld;

A poet who speaks of

Har m ony, Wholeness, In t egr it y, Just ice, Fr eedom; 

No one who m eet s him r em ain s unchanged.

He m oves people t o r ise

above t he cir cum st ance t hat t r aps t hem… 

And r egain t he vision of li fe as

Benevolence, Enchant m ent , and Advent ur e. 

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The pr eceding por t r ait was extr act ed fr om a post t o an int er net 

for um in a t h r ead t hat was discussin g t he 19 70 s series, "Kun g Fu" 

(about a Chinese-Amer ican Shaoli n pr iest , Kwai Chang Caine, movin g 

t hr ough t he lives of people in west er n f r on t ier Ameri ca). A r eader was encour aged by t he wor ds t o creat e f r om t hem what she called “ a 

t ext ual obj ect ” , because she saw it as “ a por t r ait of a very f in e 

hu man being” . She want ed t o f r ame t he wor ds in such a way t hat 

she could f ocus on t hem and dr aw fr om t hem “ a mo t ivat ion, an 

encour agement , and a st atement of i dealism ” .

What follows is a ser ies of fr ames of ar t ist ic ph ilo soph y: set t ings of 

principles in focus, portraits of fine human be-ing  —movements of 

lif e in love wit h lo gic and light .

The wor ds are sim ple and bold, but in t heir sim pli cit y and bo ldness,

when read slowly and carefully  —t he t r ut h is shar p and clear : easier 

t o t hink about   —put t ing th e mind in focus and t he hear t in 


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Truth and Beauty

From: The Orat or by Peter Zarlenga


Speak t he t r ut h in h ar m ony wit h beaut y

m oving humanit y t o fr eedom .

Fr eedom is t he ch ild of beaut y in love wit h t r ut h.

The love of t r ut h is t he spir i t of m an.

Just ice is t r u t h in act ion cr eat ing beaut y.

Beaut y is being in har m ony wit h what you are.

To be beaut iful , be t r ue t o your self .


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We ar e f r ee. Our f r eedom is t o move at will, t o beef fect ive, t o li ve, t o cr eat e or der f r om chaos, t o achieve

perfection, to conceive and create, to imagine and

enact , t o dream and t o fu lf il l ou r dr eam s, t o be and

become what we want t o be.

The way t o achieve t his great aim is t o concent r ate t he

m agnificent power of your mind on the fu lfi l lm ent of

t he love of your spir it . When you do t hi s you will

cr eat e an in t ense beam of power so pu r e it will r each

t he fu r t hest st ar .*

The pur pose of lif e is t o be what you are and t o

becom e what you could be. To seek t o create excellence

in what ever you choose t o do. To do what is r ight . Topr act ice pr inciples. To cr eate or der f r om chaos. To

t hink and act upon your t hought . To be r eal, r ight ,

good, and t r ue. To choose t o cause your own change.

To ident if y, sim pli fy , concent r at e, and move. To f ight

for f r eedom, just ice, t r u t h, beaut y, achievem ent , and



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Hold your gr ound defending your self , living for

yourself, respecting yourself, being yourself. Set fire toyour spir it , soar alof t , become what you could be.

Put your will int o act ion and r ealize t he realit y of

r ealit y. Br ing t he value of your spir it int o being. Have

t he cour age t o cr eat e your self f r om your own t hought

and act ion. Tr ust your own m ind t o ident it y what is

t r ue. Act upon t he t r ut h.

Act upon t he t r ut h and you will cr eat e order . Your

or der will cr eat e ener gy. Your energy wil l cr eat e

m ovement . Your m ovem ent will cr eat e achievement .

Your achievem ent will cr eate joy. Your joy will cr eat e

love. Your love will create goodwill. Your goodwill will

cr eat e just ice, fr eedom, t r u t h, and beaut y. I t can be

done. You can do it .*

The Orat or  

Peter Nivio Zarlenga

1977, BOOKS IN FOCUS, New York

Excerpt ed and comp iled by Monar t Pon, who wor ked wit h 

Pet er Zarl enga in t he Flight Organizatio n of Achievem ent 

in Edmont on, Albert a, 197 7-79. 

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Being Mor n ing

I woke up t his Mor ningI m et t he Golden Dawn

I saw t he Pur e Light

I did t he New Thing

I felt t he Next Day

I gr ew Up

I feel you around me

m oving wit h me

coming wit h me

loving wit h m e

being wit h m e

becoming We

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Being Light

Making LoveLoving lif e

Will ing in loving

t he feeling of m aking

t he beaut y of t r ut hin being t he light

of becoming real.

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To be Love Making Light Being Felt

To become light

To be

Lovin g t he Feelingof Making t he Doing

of Knowing t he Seeing

of Being Becoming

t he Beaut y of Tr ut h in

Being t he Light .

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Loving Life

Being Love

Being Life

Being Becoming

To Be ... To Be Com e Mor e …

To be ...

t o f ind to f ixt o give t o get

t o wi l l to do

t o see t o know

t o m ake t o feel...

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To becom e ...

t o laugh t o cr y

t o sing t o moant o shout t o sigh

t o sm ile t o fr own

t o bear t o ki ll

t o gr ow t o shr ink

t o win t o lose

t o love t o hat e

t o l ive t o die

t o go t o st op

t o r ise t o fall …t o be t o be not

t o become t o begone

To be Light t o be Night ...

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Night, Be Light

Night …

To see yet not t o know

To know yet not t o make

To m ake yet not t o feelTo feel yet not be r eal

I s r eally not t o be.

Night , be light …

Be hopefu l, bu t

Hope gr ows f r om deed, not need.

I f you don't do t he deed,

you're hopeless and in need.

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Make it , don't fake it .

Make it with honesty, justice, and courage.

Honest y is being t r ue t o r ealit y.Just ice is being good t o t r ut h.

Cour age is being real t o beaut y.

Be real. Ach ieve and enjoy.

Achievem ent is beaut y made f r om t r ut h.

Joy is love m ade fr om being r eal good.

Get just ice.

For justice measures the wealth of creation

m ir r or s t he void of dest r uct ion

guar ding t he f r eedom t o

discover t r ut h

cr eat e beaut y

exchange joybr ing l ight .

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Night, be Light.

Forgive yourself:

For … give …

For Change

Give Chance

Give chance.

It 's har der t han you t hink,

but easier t han you f eel,

and easier when you do t h ink.


Th ink clear ly t o feel deeply.

Feel deeply t o t h ink clear ly.

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Th ink and do.

Ther e ar e t hin gs t hat can only be t hought about ,

t hin gs t hat can only be t alked about ,

and t hings t hat can on ly be wr it t en about , but

t her e ar e t hings t hat can only be done.

Deed t r um ps fear .

Let fear be found and felt , but not be loved.

Let deeds be loved.

Let your mind be in f ocus.

Let your hear t be f r ee.

St r engt hen your wil l.

Raise you r desir e.

Make t he light .

Think l ight

Make light .Be shiny.

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Be inf ormed

To per for m and t r ansfor m .

Be light or be night .

Dr ift on in dar knessOr l ight up your l i fe.

Life is cosmos out of chaos,

m ovement aimed at it self —

Happiness forever growing.

To l ive, be t r ue, all t hr ough.

Make love.

Love li fe, love logic, love light .

Make light .

Night, be Light.

Light , be loved.

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Ideals Made Real

The inf init y of ideals made f ini t e and r eal.


Aim of WillThe

Act ion of Mind


Achievement of Body.


Dignif ied Honor of Tr ut h


Concent r at ed Power of GoodnessThe

Radiated Glory of Beauty.

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The inf init e all of glor y

in one f in it e shapein one int egr at ed body

in one un if ied soul

in one clear wor d

in one shin ing love

in one t em plein One.


m aking t he feeling

of seeing t he beaut y

of t r ut h in being

one light .

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in having

fi nit ude t o t he infinit y of ideals

shape t o t he for mlessness of dr eam ssingular it y t o t he plur alit y of values

unit y t o t he m ult iplicit y of desir es

concr et eness t o t he abst r act ness of t hought

dir ect ion t o t he r andom ness of m ovem ent

for t i t ude t o t he har dships of l i f ecer t aint y t o t he chances of vict or y

in having

a concerto of deliverance

inbeing enlight ened.

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Philosophy of Enlightenment

The Love of Tr ut h and t he Being of Light


Phi losophy o f Light

Knowing of Tr ut h

Doin g of Goodness

Making of Beaut y

The  The  The 

Knowing of Tr ut h Doing of Goodn ess Making of Beaut y

Being of Being Being of Knowin g Being of Doin g

Knowing of Bein g Knowing of Doing Knowing of Making

Feeling of Being Feeling of Makin g Feeling of Becom in g


Being of Light

Feeling of Beaut y

Loving of Tr ut h

Being the Ligh t

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Loving Being Loving LightLoving Being Making Light

Loving li fe loving light

Loving logic loving lif e

Love Makin g Light Being Felt


Seeing Willing Knowing

Doing Making Feeling

Loving Becoming Light

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Human Being Becoming Heroic

The Light of Being


Knowing and Seeing

Knowing and Feeling

Knowing and Making

The Being of Light


Making and KnowingMaking and Doing

Making and Being

Her oic Becom in g Bein g Hum an

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Her oic Hum an Being

Feeling t he Making of Kn owing Being

Becoming t he Knowing of Making Feeling

Being fr ee t o know t r ut h

Being r at ional t o do good

Being joyous t o love beaut y

Being the Light

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~ * ~

~ * ~ ~ * ~

Life loves light~ * ~  ~ * ~ 

~ * ~ Lif e loves logic ~ * ~ 

~ * ~ ~ * ~

Lif e moves on

~ * ~ ~ * ~

~ * ~

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The Lovers of Life

The lovers who seek sacr ed rom ance,

The lover s who year n for ecst asy, ecst asy cr eated by

the united, relentless striving for mutual recognition,for r ecipr ocit y, r elease, and r ejuvenat ion.

The lover s who seek synchr onized, in t egr at ed movement ,

who seek t o penet r ate and envelope t he sublim e:

t o char ge up t he polar ized ener gy ...

t o r each t he thr eshold of t r anscendence ...

t o unleash t he lif e-r enewing, li fe-expanding power

that re-unites and re-centers

t he holy being of t r ue love.

The t r ue love of life.

The t r ue lover s.


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Love to Love

I , love to love, you .

I love to love you, see you , know you, t ouch you .

I love t o have you, kiss you, fu ll in t he flesh.

I love t o hold you t ight and spr ead you wide, open,

wit hout fear or pain or sham e.

I love going deep, deep in t o you ,

wit h wonder and year nin g,

m oving hard and fast , sm ooth and st r aight ,

st r aight int o your soul.

I love t o dr ive you wild,

t o t he ends of your endur ance and beyond,

wher e you bur st apar t , t r em bling,

swept over by r elent less waves of

unending joy and ir r esist ib le ecst asy.

I love t o love you, now, her e, all ways, for ever .

I love t o love you.

I , You

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You love t o love me.

You love t o love me, see me, know me, t ouch m e.

You love to have m e, kiss me, fu ll in t he flesh.

You love t o hold m e t ight and, wide open, let m e in ,

wit hout fear or pain or sham e.

You love m e coming deep, deep in t o you ,wit h wonder and year nin g,

m oving hard and fast , sm ooth and st r aight ,

m y soul t o your soul.

You love m e dr iving you wild,t o t he ends of our endur ance and beyond,

wher e I bur st for t h, unst oppable,

power ed by r elent less waves of

unending joy and ir r esist ib le ecst asy.

You love t o love me, now, here, all ways, for ever .

You love t o love me.



I love t o love you.


We love t o love.


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Religious Philosophy  

I ’ve r ead a few books r elat ed t o t he “ phi losophy of r eligion” , such as

Religion wit hou t Revelat ion by Julian Huxley, Hero wit h a Thousand 

Faces by Joseph Campbell, and The Rom ant ic Manif est o by Ayn Rand.

I ’ve given as mu ch t hou ght t o t he essence of r eligion as I have t o t he

essence of ph ilosoph y, in t he 30 + years sin ce I fi r st r ead Rand ’s The Fountainhead. 

I didn’t know it t hen, but r eading The  Fountainhead was an intense

and l if e-changing, “ r eli gious” exper ience for me, as well as on e of

phi losoph ical enl ight enm ent . The catalyst was t he har mony o f t he

r om ant ic ar t and r ati onal, object ivis phi losophy in Rand’s novels.

Ever since t hen, m y li fe’s jour ney can be descr ibed m ost ly as a

r eligious object ivist ” one, alt hou gh I ’ve never belon ged t o any

par t icular r el igion o r chu r ch.

Those of you who h ave r ead The Foun t ainhead may r ecall t h e scene

where a client (coached and manipulated by Toohey), when

per suading Roark t o bui ld a religious t emple, r emar ked t hat Roark,

who d idn ’t believe in God, was “ a deeply r eli gious man—in hi s own

way” (par aph r ased). I would say t hat I , t oo, am r eligious sim ilar t o

t he same way Roark was. I do not believe in “ God” , “ fait h” or an

“ aft er lif e” , as t hose ideas are com monly defined—but I do believe ina “ per fect being” , a st ate or qu alit y of pu r it y, un it y, and who leness—

of consecr ati ng and at t aining th e hi ghest ideals of l if e.

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For me, it ’s not “ God” who is t he sup r eme being, laying down t he

law, lor din g over m e and t o whom I must give obedience. The

ult im ate absolu t e for me is r ealit y: all t hat which is, is what i t is; t he

being of all beings is being it self . And t o live by t hi s absolu t e being,

t his obj ect ive r ealit y, is m y ult im ate pur pose. Thus, t he highest ,sacr ed value for lif e is obj ect ive t r ut h—bein g t r ue to what i s r eal—

wit h t he cor ollar ies of honest y, ju st ice, and cour age, of achievement ,

beaut y, and joy.

I r egard “ r eligion” as if i t wer e t he emot ional-mot ivat ional

coun t er par t t o t he int ellect ual-validation al aspect of l i f e whi ch isone’s philosophy. Like philosophy, religion also serves to integrate

one’s lif e int o a consist ent and m eaningfu l whole. The wor d

“ r eligion” et ymologically r elat es t o t he idea “ t o bind t oget her” .

“ Holy” r elat es t o t he “ whole” . “ Wor ship” r elat es t o a st at e of

wort hin ess, of h aving wor t h. I n sho r t , t o be r eligious, for me, is t o

ho ld one’s lif e as being ho ly, bein g sacr ed—t o be wor shipped as t heult imat e value sought —t o l ive t hat whole l ife wit h dedicat ion, t r ut h,

int egr it y, and pur pose.


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Loving of Being


Way of Facing Tr u t h

St at e of Making Value

Ship of Having Wor t h


Qualit y of Showing Beaut y

Act of Giving Love

Cer em ony Br inging Joy

Being Becoming Light  Light Being St ar Ship

Starship being light

~ * ~

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Monart Pon


Starship Aurora

ht t p:/ / arshipauror 

Concerto of Deliverance

ht t p:/ / arshipaur or / concer t oof deliverance.htm l  



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