Legal Technique Finals

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  • 7/25/2019 Legal Technique Finals


    Maricar Corina P. Canaya

    LLB I

    October 27, 2014

    Same Sex Marriage: Why? Why Not?

    Marriage is an important institution that should be cherished and promoted.

    When two people love each other and are willing to commit publicly to a lifelong

    relationship, society is enriched and strengthened. In any case, should marriage be

    open to all, regardless of sexuality?

    In the Philippines, the talks on same-sex marriage are slowly accepted. As a

    country with conservative values, the rise of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and

    Transgender (LGBT) communities are gradually embraced by the society. However,

    radical Catholics and Muslims are strongly against it.

    The Anti side: My Personal Stand

    Should marriage be at all inside the scope of law? Yes. For a marriage to be

    recognized by the State, one shall accomplish all the requisites provided by law.

    Otherwise, a marriage will be void. The Philippine law defines marriage as a special

    contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered into in

    accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and family life. It is

    the foundation of the family and an inviolable social institution whose nature,

    consequences, and incidents are governed by law1. This clearly sees same-sex

    marriage as void since it does not achieve the basic requisite of marriage, which is

    the union between a man and a woman. If both men or both women shall getmarried, who gets to be the husband? Who gets to be the wife?

    While we are a country under democracy, our law clearly limits the marriage to a

    man and a woman in order to establish a matrimonial commitment and family.

    1 Article 1, The Family Code of the Philippines

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    Under the Family Code, the family includes a husband and a wife2. And if there is

    ambiguity in the roles of a homosexual couple, how can there be clarity in family

    roles? This creates an unclear picture of family, especially as provided by law.

    And while it is true then that being parents means the capability of loving their

    family, having enough capacity to rear their kids and giving sufficient resources for

    the sustenance of every family member, the most important thing in family life is

    having the setup of a mama and papa in the family. The reason why the family code

    recognizes a man and a woman in union for matrimony is for procreation and

    continuity of generations in the country. This is very much harmonious with the

    natural law. The natural law clearly states that a man is for a woman and a woman

    is for a man. And it is in our imprint to procreate and nurture. Then if we let LGBT

    marry, how can they procreate? Surely, there is science and adoption to solve the

    problem. But more to that, a child would generally look for their biological parents

    because it is in our human nature. Are science, adoption, love and commitment

    enough for marriage? No. While it is true then that we need it in a family, the

    natural law insists that this basic unit is composed of a heterosexual partners who

    are bound to have offspring and rear together. This, generally, is the basic equation

    of marriage. I am not discriminating homosexual marriages, but this is reality. This

    is human nature.

    It would not be unexpected for anyone if I would use religion doctrines to

    clash the issue on same-sex marriage. After all, human laws are based on divine

    law. Is God against same-sex marriage? In Gen. 19: 4 -5, the cities of Sodom and

    Gomorra were ruined by fire by God because people there are engaging into sexual

    intercourse between the same sexes. Is this a clear manifestation of Gods opposition

    against same-sex marriage? Yes, it is enough evidence. The reason why we recognize

    the Holy Bible or Holy Koran as a valuable basis on our laws is because we

    recognize the fact that there is a Supreme Being. Moreover, they are one of the

    authorities of our morality.

    2 Article 150, The Family Code of the Philippines

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    The Pro Side

    Every human has equal rights to everythingincluding marriage. But if the

    mind is against principles, should my own preference prevail? If it makes me happy,

    then yes.

    Even gays can have the capacity to marry, if we only follow the true essence of

    democracy. If there is really liberty, then a homosexual can marry, have a family

    and is entitled to all privileges a normal family would have. There will be no

    restrictions, no judgements, and no morality arguments that will be thrown against

    LGBTs. After all, if a homosexual partnership is not a crime against persons or

    society, I dont see a point of it being undervalued.

    Religion brought us to believe that same sex marriage is immoral. When do

    we recognize something is morally right? When it is generally accepted or when it

    does no harm to anyone? While it may be seen as eyesore and disgusting for a lot of

    people, I believe that same-sex marriage is not immoral. What homosexual groups

    sought to have is the recognition of their rights to marry, regardless of gender or


    They love their partners and would like to get married to get recognition and

    get legal benefits, just like what straight people would. They just love partners who

    happen to be of the same sex. If a heterosexual couple is denied of marriage, they

    will make a big fuss over it because they do not get to enjoy legal rights to set a

    family. Do you think it is moral to deny marriage to same-sex couples when they will

    also feel the same anger and unfairness?


    While we recognize that we are people of liberty, we should also recognize

    that laws and rules are created to regulate and discipline us. Otherwise, we are a

    society of chaos and turmoil. I am a strong supporter of the LGBTQs. But I had a lot

    of thoughts while studying law. Laws are created for order. And it is not being

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    amended or revised just because we have to adjust to what is the clamour of a

    certain group. Should we legalize same-sex marriage? No. It is not just on the

    premise of morality, but on the stability of an institution. We have to protect the

    sanctity of marriage. Otherwise, a weaker societal institution may grow if we allow

    it to happen.