Latest features & updates in Speedstack Copyright © Polar Instruments Ltd.

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Latest features & updates in Speedstack Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 2 2 Release Preview From May 2012 Speedstack and Speedflex HDI become: Speedstack Speedstack HDI Speedstack Flex Speedstack name changes Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 3 3 Release Preview Up to 2011May 2012 on EditorNavigatorXFE(Crosshatch) Speedstack X Speedflex HDISpeedstack HDIXX Speedflex HDI + XFESpeedstack FlexXXX Speedstack Product Matrix Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 4 4 Release Preview New Rigid-Flex Navigator features add stack by start / end layer Accelerates the creation of complex rigid-flex and HDI builds Create by specifying the top and bottom layer of the desired sub- stack Sub-stack may be placed to the left or right of the selected stack Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 5 5 Release Preview New Rigid-Flex Navigator features add stack by start / end layer Newly created sub-stack placed in the Navigator Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 6 6 Release Preview New Rigid-Flex Navigator features Copy and Paste Stack Quickly duplicate sub-stacks to complete rigid-flex constructions As with Add Stack, sub-stacks may be placed to the left or right of the selected stack Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 7 7 Release Preview New Rigid-Flex Navigator features Copy and Paste Stack Copied stacks are an exact duplicate of the original selected stack Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 8 8 Release Preview New Rigid-Flex Navigator features Reporting Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 9 9 Release Preview New Rigid-Flex Navigator features HDI Build options Automatically document HDI construction sequence Sub-stacks are created to show key steps in the fabrication process Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 10 10 Release Preview New Rigid-Flex Navigator features HDI Build options Each sub-stack is automatically created Very useful for documenting the fabrication process Quickly produce detailed printed documentation Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 11 11 Release Preview New Rigid-Flex Navigator features improved sub-stack naming Instant notification of sub-stack names Useful for quickly identifying sub- stacks within the overall assembly Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 12 12 Release Preview New pan and zoom in the Stack Editor zoom out Use the Stack Editors Zoom Out for rapid view resize of larger stacks Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 13 13 Release Preview New pan and zoom in the Stack Editor zoom to default Stack Editors Zoom In quickly returns you to a detailed view of your stack the Omega symbol highlights layers where structures are present Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 14 14 Release Preview New pan and zoom in the Stack Editor scroll stack Use your mouse wheel to scroll quickly through the largest stacks Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 15 15 Release Preview Import Stack Up notes from file Import standard note templates from file Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 16 16 Release Preview Library or Virtual Material Mode (VMM) indicator Virtual Material Mode Library Mode Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 17 17 Release Preview Other Speedstack enhancements Numerous improvements to user interface as requested by Polarcare customers Printing enhancement to company logo scaling Improved support for Windows 7 environments Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 18 18 Release Preview To ensure compatibility with Speedstack v 12.08 please update to Si8000m / Si9000e v12.05 or later Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 19 Thank you for viewing this introduction brought to you by the Polar Instruments Engineering Team Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd Slide 20 20 Release Preview For more information: Contact Polar now: Phone USA / Canada / Mexico Ken Taylor ( 503) 356 5270 Ken Taylor Asia / Pacific Terence ChewTerence Chew+65 6873 7470 Japan Kentaro TakanoKentaro Takano+81 45 339 0155 UK / Europe Neil Chamberlain +44 23 9226 9113 Neil Chamberlain Germany / Austria / Switzerland Hermann Reischer+43 7666 20041-0 Hermann Reischer Copyright Polar Instruments Ltd