L^aHeged *,K T^apatch - Library of Congress · IndlcatedBlxteen horae-power..f 12,000, aml sh.-...

m TYXAN's EXTRAD1TI0N. MNl,.. it is BKUKVBD, WILL RBPU8B Ti» C.IVK HIM UP. (.N HV TIVB IAID TO HAVI TBACB*0 THi: ,I'V\amiti;k| ki.«>:;|i J. lYOBI v "i<N iWUCDOBg His IDKXTTTT |j| BOW BTR.BST COCB1 London. Bept IT Tho authorltlea In DuMln attemfl to aei ure the extradl- *,K gf Tynan for trlal In that clty for tbe part L^aHeged to bare taken In th. Phoenlx Park "T^apatch from Bonlogne-mtr-Mei aaya that Tvnar. baa refuaad legml aaalatance, addlng that * French Oprernm nt for hla n, wa" a... lo-morroe publlah .. ,n raria aaylng that the French Ooe- ."n'!r'lT;- doea nol wlah to retorn Tynan to Eng- Vd'r.-.d that H wlll prohably cauai him '" ha reaael bound for the Unlted Statea, ; grned that th.- reaael on whlch traanaalled from New-Tork waa bound for 7JJ porta Bhe touched a1 Olbraltar. Irtere Tynan obtatned apecUil leave to vlell part af tbe fortn aa. popular hellef In Dul lln that rynan _ . apy. and that he had relatlona wlth ^ tlme Lord Pr lertck <"a\ fltgaah and Mr. Burke were aaaaaalnated in the ntrk lt ha\ir.a- necome known here tbrough oai,l» ggaatchea thal the New-Tork pollce <li*a iry knowledge of the dynamlte .- na racj tne been atarted In x v thal ¦eyhad gl en an: Informatlon t" the Brltlah aaBce that » ould l ave led to tl am of Tj nau * >w-plottera a repi itlve of . ijnlted Aaao ated Pn to legxn from where, outalde ol gulai agenta. the v^'. ,,,.,.. Wcn kepl po well Informed of the .' menuoftbi conagdratora In New-York. * .is. h - Inforaned by a man. who knowa ,,f the raae, thal thg dolnga In ^ I -dj namltera" were , .. vd by Charlea lt erg. an rx-member pf tba ataff of Thomaa Byrnea. rormeriy rjajef af P«*lce. He waa it. Antwerp laal vrk. areaamaWy ln n ^ith the on- aptrary, bul came to England al the end of the v.fk. ar..: on Baturday aalled for New-York He l, a paaaenger on tb an Une ateamer ft Loula. EDWARD .1 1VOBY, OF NEW-TORK. iv >ry, tbe alleged "dynamlt- tt- wh ,, Rlaago« laal Saturday. arrlved in Lond m at v 1" o'clock thla mornlng, kavlng been brought ' Scotland Ynrd authoritles. Be waa ln ha f'"m s"n- lar.J Tard to bi ng him here. ..: n hla arrlval at the al he waa put Into a earrlage and drlven at once to the P ,-..... xi na aboul the itai n when the "dynamlter" arrlved, and , tbeae aeemed to be aware f his The prlaoner was not handcuffed He malntained hia anllcri demeanor, acareely mak- inp reply to anythlng that waa said to him by the nfficera. Upon reachlng th« Bow Btreel Pollce Ciurl th. prlaoner was at once arralgned before the ng maglatrate, Jamea Vaughan The entry #up-n the .-harpe Bheet" of the pollca routl la gn raa° was "Kdwmrd Bell, aliae Edward .T Ivory, an Amcrican citlzen. of No. 211 Lexlng- taa-ave., New-York, accuaed ol unlawfullj and b] .- na ti othera to cauai an Ithln Ihe Cnlted Klngdom - and inju- ,- of counaelllng and abetting the commlaalon <¦< crime." The .ia« crowded wlth newapaper report- en. and many artlata who were preaenl for the aarpoee of making aketchea of Ihe prlaoner, r- irde i ai und he ''. >ck Maglatrate Vaug'i^n aaked the prlaoner his raal aame, a.id th" lattcr rerdled: "Edward J. D-tecttve Flood then took th-' wltneaa-atand ar.d te.tifl.ed that a numbei of documente and tlflfj ln money had t.een found in the p * leaalon of th*> prlaoner when h^ waa arreated. The jrs ..' a.is remanded foi a week Hallfax, N B., Bepl IT lt la belleved here thal Mie or more of the iris-h Invin. II '¦¦. a h are charged wrlh plottlng lo klll Brltlah . nagea by uae of dyn -1 tl.rough * lty on thelr way from the Cnlted Btatea to England. Bome montba as:.>. lt is said, in- - by myaterioue persona were made crnins; the cltadel and other fortlfl. al Th- men prnfeaaed to be merely aighi Not much attentlon waa paid to them al the tlme but now th;-.t the dynamlte conapiracy has h**n ezpoaed, it la onaidered prnbable thal the men in que.tion were aome of th.- plottera and that they entertalned deaigni agalnal Imperlal nment property in thla clt; The auth'.r- Itte-s here wili not aaj ahythlng about the mat- tar. EDWARD .1. IVORY'fl UPE HERE. hi? ntnarua ixcojxed to dovbt that thi-: LONDON PRISONgM IS HE. Th? nddreaa glven by lvory In London aa h'.a hnm» in thla '. ¦. ' ¦.' :VO '-s n0' .rrect on* The naaln facta polntlng to th. Meatlty of F'<'!l. the alleged dynamlter, aa Ivory, th» New-York llquor dealer, are that he -.aa a Irlshman nnd a member of dlfferent Irlsh i ea; that h<> ia pow abroad, nnd haa been for »om» tlme; thnt he waa aequali led wlth Tynan, and hla frl«-nda are not Incllned to tell hla preaenl »ddr.«s E^wnrd .T. Ivory haa a barroom at No 2/C1 Lex- bgl -are., on the aoutbeaat corner of One-bun- .Nd-and-tw mty-tblrd-et. The barkaepar, who waa ,.. raaterday, waa retleenl He Bald that Ivory »-B» oui of town. bul dld nol know where bi bm perbapa to Coney laland. When the dlapat ti ivory had been arreated ln Scotland tr. » charge ol belng connected wltb th- dyna- au Bhowi ib thi bartender h- declared th*'- was s .me mistake, and produced a letter *hi.-r be Bald ha had received from Ivory. Tho ,-. and was poBtmarked n irter aee the let- !,,-. T in the day the bartendir *»» more affable and ... a more communlcatlva fram- ol mlnd lvory. Ut said. lefl New-York for .outbampton on Auguat 11 on board the Amerlcan , gi Paul. He had been ir. bad far aome tlmi and bo he declared, Uklng the reyage tor recuperatlon II waa hla Intentlon ¦ montb ai a ia expected home Uria v the barkei nvei tlon II wai appan hough h< atai nlon that Edwai o-her | iployer. but bi couM nol under- >-ar.<j me to be mlxed up wlth ¦ tutn aR Tj ol In BU h fl pl ¦' '¦' r:i' !" dW aet aaaari kwwanl rj waa I om ln Cai w, Ireland, al .- .».,..._ >ne to thli Iry waea a ba; He wa* om of la ' "... wai mi i *'-""' ''lr''"n'" .. .- v.i,,., tha fathei dled hta aiate waa ... ,. r. lvory'a brother dled property came t< Bi wi - ta Bl.,,,. Tamn " ard.nl ..M..t ,,t lt He 1. ulao a memh< numbei . ..,....- among whlch la thi Irtah Natloi v... or .. ...¦¦) lo equlp and drlll trlln - -. wa. a pa " Irishniaii. he was m rer ki . Hgltu- ^or or bellev.r li Ibe uae of ilvnamlt* i-onaequ Jils frl.i ;. ... p ,,.,.., m hli arreat. If I* ,.,.,.. ii.. ha .'' Inter- asti in Dublln and haa .t..-«-.d lha 41 S n thi flm. . Triiune man called ... No 1 ton-avf th< add^.>ai H ry gave li london Ivlng there ald uo aucl lvory Mred there, t.oi had thi ' .¦*'.' » Edward .t Ivory li a Bln| ia [«< Eait Oi! -hundred-ai r renu i ma fron Mra. Lyona, There it waa i:\:. y .t h.'it numla ' n rn> ii'iii-i Ilia ii II* \< Ifl '?loon. talh of Irt.n polltleal aflTafra, and d'.d not paper.. 11. a aa aood r.-. I Up !n ttie affHlra amitera ). waa "If it li Mr Ivory who ii ln ihla irouNe he n.nsi been drii klna " aald thi woman v ... ¦ -;. dooi "He lefl here aboul four wceka ge lakb i ¦¦¦>. b igf a and aaylng he a Boinif away to the i i few wceli tvon- fomterl] owned the barroom at No s.iaj Elahth t flve n ¦¦. ag h aold II JJM to it ,i Madden who now conduct. ih. plan atadden knowa lvory weij and aald thal hi wa. J p.'riot). Irli man He bad .- numbei ol Irl.li 1end» bul wi ie iponp- them he dld not km . -? Vr.ir BMITIBH WAR8BIP LAUXCBED. '¦. 'ndon Sc.t. 17..Tba new armo/td flrat-elaaa battla-jhlp Illu.trioua waa .ucceaifully launched ttoa tba Chathuro deck yarda to-day The illua- trloua ia of 14900 tnna. Her eagjtaaa wlll hnve an Indlcated horae-power ..f 12,000, aml sh.- -wlll carry Blxteen guns. ? MBR. JVLIA WARD BOWE 8PE 1KB. TWENTT-POPRTH COXORRga OP 1HK A8BO- C1ATION POR THI ADVAKCEMKXT OF WOMEN MBETa IN BT. JOHN*. Bt John, N. i'., Bept. it. -The twenty-iourtn Con- f the A BOjclatton for the Advanr*r*neni of Women met here to-dav. Th.- prealdent, Vrs. Julla Ward Howe, dellvered the openlng addreaa A paper entitled "Houa keeplng ai .: Prof*asl»n," b) Mra M P, Kanna d, ol Brookllne, Man waa dlscuaaed by Mn Edna Dow < heney, -t p< (Voli otte, of Dedham; Mi"- Bi atui in ol Tewkeshurj Masa.. and Ml«s Puaavllle, of tluffilo, , Miss ;-;\a Cannlni read paper on i',".,- Illrydi 't, Modern fe," whlch waa dlacuaaed .-> Mra i.iiy Lord Tlff. -i- fhenoy read a papei on "Llterature, Precura .: Rcfarm." whlch waa dlacuased bt Mrs. Howe ,,-,,: Mr- Ktt. '.*.-' Wel'.s. Mrs. Marla U. Bray, or W =<t Glouceater, :. .! a nanei on "The Vslue ol Uai Ilnblti ol Obaervatton of Nature l.y Women," whlch waa dl aed bj Mra Woicotte. "GEORGE EBBEX8" 8E\ TESCED l\ BERL1S. l'erdn, Sept. 17. w. 11. Bowera. slUa Moore, II Burton, of Bt, i.ouis, Mo., wi - " tenced in coun heie to-day to flve >c.:ra' im,.i>'Jiim, iv al liard labor for robblng the Berlln Caaaea \>- nnrks Bowera 1-; Ittl irled his hand at bank rob- brry i-i Am»rlca. he belng known at thi' tlme ai "i;. orre Ebbena." ? 7U'o VORE PAPER8 ">/\ TBE '. I. P. London, Bept 17, Tbe Unlted Aasoctated Pressea to-day entered into rontract relotlona aith "The Newcaatle Cbronlcle" and "Tbe Leedi i'orkahlti Poat" to furnlah theae papera with the dall: -'¦¦ vi ¦¦ ,-f cable dlapatchea coverlng thc Amerlcan fleld of news, whlch nlready belna Bupplled to The M r Ouardli n." "The Edlnb irgh B tsman.' ¦.Th- Olaagow rlerald," "The \;->: r"ri ¦¦ Preaa..rbe Dundee Idvertlaer" number ,,r other lournala, Includlna "Ti C Icle." of London, whlch was the flral of the Inflti- entlal Rrltlah pnpc-ra 10 avall itaell of thla 1 ? TBE Cf. 1/T« YACBT 8 117 >' I CREW. Copenhagen, Bept, I' Th< Ct r*i n. a yacht Standard, whlch went on a irlal trlp In the \orth £ triv.il here. Bhe reporta that ahe v,. w. 1 teamer Corlwinde ln a Blnk- ,,,,. condttlon and took oft hci crew, landlna them GOLD ALOSG TBE AIKA8BRA RIYER. ajt. aVtci .- B< .-¦ II A dl t. h from > lad ... .. i;;,.t. rn I » that an eaplorlng cxpedltlon haa dlacovercd rl«-h gold r" Ida between humlkan and Ayon. A gocd quallty ol gold haa i,,..,. discovere.1 In fourteen nla.es ln the volcanle atraU alora the banka <>: ihe Alkaehra Rlvar. ? </.MV< V181T TO BALMORAL PORTPOSED. London. Sept. 17..Thi arrlval of Ihe Caar and 1,, th, whlther they wlll proceed to Dalmoral lo vlali th. Queen, hns been poatpened from M.lay, Beptember «, to Tueaday, Beptem- r :' -.,;. nhagei Bept. 17 of this rity have .-l :, man named Machner, a natlve of ted of belng no Anarchlat Th, fjai md <'7.-'ii., are now vlattlnil the Klng of Denmnrk, and, Ii vlew of the dlacovery of thi ., nll ¦:.<¦>. the Danb h pol extraordlnary rloae watch upon .-11 bub- p '. rs- ~ . Thelr Imperlal Majestl. wlll aall for Oreat Brlt- aln on Bunday nixi. PKOTE8TAST8 8FFFER f.V MEXICO. Mexlco Clty, Bept 17..On the nlgbl of Bepten i.r |5 a mob attacked tbe Presbyterlan Church at Agtiaa t'nllentea, the paator of whlch is the Rev. !.. H. Bharp The mob broke the arlndowa nnd .,.-. atonea Mr. Bharp'a houee waa also attacked. On Beptember M a crowd attacked the Mi reloa Proteatanl College In the same clty, break- Ina every wlndow ln it. Beveral arresta have been made and tbe authorttles are anxloua to identlfy the leaders rnlt-.l Btatea Mlnlater Ranaoffl has bIbo been appealed to lo uae hla beal offlcea wUn lovernmeni to secure Ihe punlsbmenl of the offenders._ FRAGMEST8 OF FOREIGX XEW8. paie Bl Paul, Que., Bept. IT.-a atrong ahock of earthouake waa felt here this mnniing. rbe relB- mie dlBturbance waa of ahout one mlnutaa dura- tion. Nlaaara. Ont., Bepl 17 Whlle Mtlnaj aa marka- man durlng rifle practlce at the DIatrlcl \ol intei r , ,,,,, mornina, I'rivnte Hatton, >l '«. n Bound, was atruck ln Ihe h.-ad by b stray bullet and InBtantly kilbsd. ^- j.-irn'r N F Bept. 17..Proapeetora here atruck several beds of aold-bearlngquarta at Cape s- a r b. n obtaln FOUSD IS IAKE KEUKA. PETER TOBT. OF WEW-TORK C1TT, MAt HAVg BEEN MURDERBD AKD HM BODT THROWR IKTO TH> WATER, BBth N V Sept. 17. The body Of an unknown man WM out I ln Lake Kauka, near Paan Tan. laat Baturday. He waa of large frame, halr cul pempadour. wora a muatacbe aml had thc namc ..Ync, in. a red handkerehlef was tied ov.-r his eyea and he bad a acar on hla ahoulder. 0n ,. aecount to-Blgbt, the proprletor of a hotel her- decuued thal the man. from the deacrlptton, bad atayed at his not-: on ^pttmbn left thi followlng mornlng for Lake Keuaa. He reglstered as Peter Toat, of New-Tofk, and aaid that he waa travelllng for a patent leather He dlaplayed qulte a little monev when he nald hla bllf But 17 centa waa found n hla ,,l s and the Bupposltlon Ii tbat he bad I. ,!;,;;;;. HnVmnkini: a thoroogb Inveatlgatlon. OPESIXG OFTHi: B\U ABROi I\TI<>\ BOl BE Th- apecla] receptlon commlttee of the Aaaocia- tton of tbe Bar ol the Clty of New-Tork held a meetlng yeaterday, at tbe ofllce of Oeorge L. Rlves, the ehalrman of the commlttee, ln the Mutual Ufe Ruil.iina to arrange the detalla for tbe formal tpenlng of the BBsoclatlon'a new home ln Weat Forty-fourth-at., In the laal daya of this month, and the receptlon to ba glven for Lord RusseJl, of Klltowen, at that tlme. A deflnlte date wa declded on for tbe gatharlng, however, and tb« .ommittee wlll make no announcement of the pro- aramme untll thal polnl is settled, as it la ex- ,. ted It wlll l>e to-day lt ls now understood by the commlttee thal Cblef Juatlce Puller wlll be preaent and thal other roembers of the Bupreme of the I'nlted Btatea, as well aa of other K. .leral courta and of the Btate courta, will be amona the repreaentatlvea ol the bencfa present ,:i, th.it 0C1 aalon. ? DAYW .1. WELLS'R 80\ TO MARRY. London. Bept. it Tbe marrtagi of Davld D. w. .. Becond Becretary <-f tbe L'nlted Btatea Em- rletta "rii. daught. 1 ol b London ;;,,.. will lake pls ln Bt. Ooorge'i Church, Hanovei Bquare, oa October II The engageroeni of thi eouple was announced on Ma) Mr. an vVella after a honeymoon apeni on the Con v. ill return 10 l^ondon abo N< rembei ;. emuln untll March, when they wlll come ,,'; Al. taking n aldi - In N'ea ork ? ETERA \'S I \ n E t\ BAR IfOO I. garal g N y Bepl I" (Bpeclalj Tl [| a'mental Aaaodatlon held thelr fourth punlon ai ; '.'. j -i lent, Qeni ral \\ Insor Bprlnga; t ''hp- tahi Henry C. Rowland, of Baratoga Bl ,.. li .,.¦! ii. Puller, ¦>'. Baratog ¦ Charlea V Th irb. r, of "\|e.-., ': ; v The "to Regtmem New-Tork H \ lnfantry waa known ia thi Bemli H< Battallon and aaa rai* al James B Me. Kean ln II V'eteran » »..i 1 flftei receptlon eri bt] ad li.irfaio foi ¦" lv: '¦¦'¦¦ regUaeni *j» .. 1 County, b) Colonel followlni were .- ti tali ¦' ,',,... J hn .1 Bu. hanan. of Johna- ,aw,i '1 M Pltcn, of Mooere: D. W Boui alck. of pOwt'|; .... il, Hodgea of Klngi .,..1 .1 L**1," ,-¦-.,i\ .1.- a. reta Willam M »farrJ IV- M.C. LloydofO n Aia-n. 0/ %lb n . a ,. j.,,.,, ... ,.' Port H ml ? READISG ENGINEl R hllJ.ll>. Pottavllle, Pena Bepl 17. Il aoon 'i the .nalna of u Lehlgh Valley pasaenget ti dn 1 a coal traln englw of th. PI llsdelphla and Raadlna Rallroad 1 ¦ ».....'' rosalai a: Ma.ar.rio> Clty lirnri Bohlei the He.vl.nc ena-neer. w»» Inftan'.y iffl and hia flreman. «ra^.wh»jnmffu aave blmaelf. waa aerloufly Injured .e Lewn lev enalneei J..me.« Bchaffer; tha n Hr» .,' ;,,;,,, pt Mouni atnH-1, and. 3. O. McCurdv. a auU. -.erk, were injured. REPORT AGAIK8T EXBCVT0R8. A BJCrCRBB PINDfl THEM OCILTY «'K bbi* MAN tOEMBNT.ALLEQED POBOED NOTBg PAfD. Alfre.l T. Ackert, wh was snn .- tlme »K» .'!- potnted refarea In ihe Burrogate'i court tp paaa upon the acoounti of Clvll Jusiir. ii.rm.it. Bolti and Wllllaaa Bteencken, aa executon ol thi eatati of Chrtattan Ko. b, Bk d hla repot and- Ing th..t the eatate had been mtamanaged Chrtetlan Kocb, who livi ai No M Jan dled In Pebruary, UBS, leavlng biadwelllng and aonal propert) valued al aboul 111,088. The de- eadenl lefl a wlll glvlng the property to hli kni md a number ..f relatlvea. By ihe wtll Clrtl Juatlce Bolte, Valentlne Dltmaal nnd Wllllam Bteenel named aa rxecutora. Dttmaal dld noi quallfy as an xi eutoi bul Bolte and .<-"> ncken dld, and h ve .. \> <\ a auch. When Bolte and Bteencken Bled thelr ac Mr>- Anna Koch, Ihe widow, objected lo thi ap- proval of the accounta, averrlng thal th.- eatate had been mlamanaged. Mr Ickeri Rndi that two i.remiK.-ory notea, amoantlnc to $-'.!'... porportlna to have been made hy the tcetator, payable Qeorge Braun, which were pald to Braun bj Bolti and Bteencken, .-. r. fjjKeric-j He r. >ni that ixperti lei tit¦ -.. that they wi and that the ilgnaiurei of Koch on th. notea wt-rt nol lik- ... ,i .,-. itun The referee .-.. yt he oellei >i that Ihe algna ure* oi. thi notea were traced. He recommenda ibal a blll of H.rmm A. Bol¦¦. a of .- t'ivll Juailce, for legal aerrlcea, ahould be re- duced Yn. referee iilao Bndi that the eatate hai been mlamanaged; lhal thi executon ahould nol re ely. an) rommla.ion, and ahould be chnrged wlth thi expenae* of the reference II. reporn thal when Bteencken wai made terapor rj admlnlatrator he ml.repreaented ih. value of the eatate b) "a>'nB th it lt .ihi not amount to noore than l'.¦¦<*^ whlle H waa wortu mor. ihan tlo.flOn ln thla wa) Bteencken wa. only requlred lo gtve bond foi 13.00 Oi ¦. whl. h would havi bei ha . Ihe irue ralue of th. eatate been glven. The referee'a report has not bi n paB.ed Sio-i ogatc. ? A WILL CONTE8TED BY A DAUOHTER Objectlona lo th robate of the wlll rlatlan Oeln w. re flh I yeaten t thi offlce the Bi rrogate Mr. Q. li db on A aml b) kili wlll, whli h «..s flled wlth thi Buri on Bi ptember I the lum of P00 wai lefl daugl ter i: ;' malndi r »jf hla to hla aon, Budolph Then arera i.thi helr.-al iw O ia of t1 ¦. wei of thi wlll rend: My r< .aon for nol maklng a better proyl.lon for mydaughter li thntof late yearainhe haa lx-e Btantl) B "!. and wlthln ihe .1 me. b. t,:. ph) Ical hi-alth would prcvent aaa from aerena- Ing ihe a The p ipera Bl< -i y< .ti rday bi gln a conl ... |t la alleged tl the laal wlll of the deeedent, and thal ih. xecutlon of II wa. nol hla free and voluntarj ;. ,nat |, wai procured b) frnud. rcuuvn ,:.| undue inlluenco practlaed upo son Rudolph end thera. lt la jJb«oalleged that the tctator waa nol of aound me« underatandlng a WRD RVHBELL VIBITH WABBIXGTOX. RECE1VED BT ATTOBNET OENBBAL BARMON ANP CALDEBON CABLUILK BXTERTAINTBO THE |)IRTIKOt*tYBED OIBHT8 vTaahlngtoi Bept " l-""' Chlef Juatl R b, .. wlfe and daughter and Mi Pox. reached Waal igl m thla afternoon al ,,-, ... k by the pennaylvanla Ballroad ln 1 Preald. nl Thomaon'i pHvi te car The> were mei ai the atatlon bj Attorney-Oeneral Harmon, who waa aecompanled by Calderon Carllale, a promtneni member of the Dlatrlcl bar, nnd tbe counaellor of the Rritlsh Erabaaay. Although an Amerlcan, Mr Carllale waa tha only repreaentatlre of the Bngllah Oov.rnmenl ln the clty, and the Attorney-Oenei il thoughl ii proper thal he ahouid aaalal in tbe re ceptlon of tha dlatlngulahed gueata. The partj m u drlven to the AHIngton, whi re luncheon w-aa at once served. After a short reat, carrfagea were nrderod and a drlve aboul th- cltj followed No prograrame waa , d for to-i ght, b numb. r of i ipi tive people paid thelr reapacta to the Lord ' hlef .lu-ti.-e ln h.s apartmenti at the hotel v\nen tne date ol the vlalt of ihe f'hlef Juatlce in th. elt) « known th* Attorney-Oeneral endeavored, but ln valn to aecure tfie aervleea of a Governmenl for the trlp to Mount Vernon The Dolphtn rould not he communicated wlth, and all the llghtl tenders were off 00 duty, an that none of them could be had Aa a Bubatltute, th.- Mouni Vernon electrlc llne offered a apeclal iraln for the trlp. and the party wlll f'rt taken to Waahlngton'a grave to-mor- row afternoon al 2:80 o'clock, returnlng on on< ol th., riv.-r boatl No programme haa ai yel been arranged for Frl dav evenlng. Owlng lo the abeence from the .::-> of"th- entlre diplomati- corpa and thal element whlch forma the Boelal aid- of Waahlngton, it b nlmost imposaihie to K'-t up any Bort of functlon, hut it ia not Improbahle th»n an mformal dlnner may be tendered to the Lord Chlef Juatlce to-mor- row nlght. The party wlll return to New-York Saturday mornlngal 10 o'clock. HAI.ru TRl i/'ii i) kVCOX STED FOR. Plemlngton. N. J., Bept 17 (BpecUl) Balph Treadway, the Tale crew capgaln, is nol mlaalng He arrlved In Plemlngton from Brtdgeport on Thuraday evenlng as the gueel of Wllllam A oi ter and atarted on Monday foi Long laland H. wlll have \\ l.lt-stotie for Sloux Clty to-nlght, ar- ilvlng there- on Saturday evenlng. A rumor has been In clrculatlon for two dayi to the etfect that Captaln Treadway'a parenta In BJoux < "lt> bad not heard from him for thn - weeki and that he waa mlaalng. TS0TE8 01' THE BTAGE Mlaa Effle Bhannon has been engaged ai li woman for Wllllam H. Crane'a company for the cominK aeaaon, Among the other membera of the comiiany wlll he Kdw.n Ard.n. Boyd Putnam, Fercy Brooke, Wllllam Boag, Oeorg* i". 1 >. Vere, Vlncenl Berano, Charlea J Jaclwon, <: V*. I><- Vere, Mlaa Maiion Abbott, Mlaa Leater, Mlaa Larklna, Mlaa Tyler and Mlaa Holly .a Plortda Enebantment" win ba the ne»t at- tractlon nt lioyt's Tbeatre, the da i aelected bi ng iber 12. Juatlce McCarthy, In the Clty Court, yeaterday appotnted Abrabam Joaepfa reeetver for tha prop¬ erty of Mlaa Marti Janaen, lh< cornl. e ln an actlon whlch was broughl agalnal her by Mark Bherrlck. When examlned recently plementar)' proceedlnga Mlaa Janaen iwon that ihe oni) incer: y ah. owned waa a cutlm agalnal Jeffi r- aon Klaw and Brlanger, theatrlcal managtra, foi 124871 Bherrlck baa a (udgment agalnal Miaa Jan¬ aen for Jl*6 74. WBDDlfQB. U Anna I. (,'lark. daujrhter of- Dr. and Mra. .... v. Clark, of Poughkeepale, waa marrti to J.mn w Hutcblnaon, )i a young lawycr <.: tbli clty, i>y the Bcv. J.im.s I. B Jofa n .- .;rjc Church Chantry at « o'clock yeaterday ..ft.:;. T-ie weddlng wa« prlvate, only the Imn K da tivea an! a few Inllmat. frlendi belna n »eni Rurge.., )r., was beai man, and the bri v..,. itiended bj ber alater, Miai A phlladelphla, Bept. H Tbe wed | ol Capl un Lloyd Weal Pranela, forroerly of th. il.i Beglmenl of New-York, lo Mlaa Edna Dean Bmltfa of Vlni ,nd N J daughter of Mn Mi Ivlna II. Bi look' plaee ai thi Memarlal Church of the Advo rati al noon yeaterdaj Thi Dr. \>. W Bil- w ater ;¦. rformed th.- ceremontj. si il 1/ /. <>R WAT80\ I WHAT 1». .KS BBVAN TIIINK OF HIM NOW? From The Buffalo 'ourl r Vitbur Bewall wa» .%.'. l- for VI - Presidei rhlefl) '¦¦ .'" '¦- nomln*tl preald. ago Mr that would Bood atrateg) to trj to caTry Malne In ^..,.,..,,... .... then fre«lj exprc.wd the oplnlon that thla ould I- doni Evi n ln hli pi enl ,'ltloii of mentiil he mu-t his .electlon Mr. Bcwai .:,. ¦.i m .. m( atroke UliVAVS DILEMM v ,,,.., ¦¦ .. \. .v Torh Tlm. ,.,, ... ,_ for. 'i to chooiH betw n 8>wh nd Tom* or elae t.» refuae to -. onalder- Bbie loaa and damage an) a* WATSON THE UXJICAL CANOIDATE F'tor-i The Toledo Bil -. Bvery way Mr Wataon la the ioglcal politlcal of Mi Bryan it- hpuld bi v .,,, the Nebra.ka mai and noa nrovedthVl Bewall I, , non. |b but ime from the ti kei BEWALL MCBT OO r>om Ihe Plttaburg Commerdal Oaael -, reault of ihe Malne eleel ". ; .n wl vl fopullat-Demo- J'i'STo?"he Bouth an! ed to lt. To have .. th. ileb-1 ow, to it.- Injur '...'. .V.fi ...-w,,v, ..f ih- Hon. Tom Wataon. lha v"ry l.i'.'i of !'. ¦¦ iHam, H oui of llw queatlon AND WATBON B'ONT BB MCZZLED From Ti.e Bo ton Advertlaei j-rom any itandpolnt iba> piUrht otihrnDtm^ contlnuea to urge m* v , ( ,lh ^ ir.sT/V /:. FOftD DEAD. THEK)PERATION POH APPBMDICIT18 PROVE1 FATAL. Kire Commlaatoner Auatln L. Pord dled at his -.7.7 Marlon-are., Pordhaal, at 3 o'clock ¦-' di fternoon, from tbt effecta of an tion rorappendlcttla performed laal Mondaj bj I>rs o: Balkoca. I'p t., hall aa hour before his death rkanmlaatoner Pord was canacioua and re og- nlaed hl wlfa and aon, Arthur, who were at his bedalde l»r Lyotu aaa matantly wlth hhn for twenty-faair hnnr* prevtoua i> hla deatb, bul could do nothlsg to relleve ;,im r.f hla Bufferlnga At noon > M Pord'a paln ceasad aad his deatb waa Pre Idenl L.t Orange, of the Board of Plre Contnli iiied al tbe houae ¦ few rao- ¦. before Mr. Pord'i deatb, but, owlng to the (ti mely low eondltlon of the path nt, waa lowed to aee hlm. Mr. Pord*a Ulneaa began two weeka ago. and befor tbe physlclans could deter- mlne the itature of tb. -.- had made sueh progreaa tltat tha operatlon, whlch w.is his only hope, waa rtitlle Mr Ford w born ln Boston on Angusl H, UV7, of a family tdentlfled wlth the cauae of Hberty aml wlth lon and llterature ln both Ameiica and treland for generatlona. Hla father was the Brst rolunteer to tnswer the call of Lincoln in lgfti he .1,1 of Willlam Uoyd <;.:rriso:i in hlaantl-sl a/erj agltatlon, and hlaaaslatant on 'The Uberator Au tln E Pord inherit.-.i his prlnci- hla llterary lartea from hlm. He wns cdu- cated In ih,- publl .; New-York, and .' s d Bt. M.ir;'- .'..,. , |n gan Frai and waa N'ew-York journallai over twenty yeara, :i< Managlng :¦;¦ i,,.r ..f "The Iriah World." ESdltor of "Th.- Nea^York Preeman'a Journal," and .- .ii..- ,r Aimlet m'a Cyrlopaedla, tiie revlewa and ayndl itea l(.- was aN., a member of the publlah- Ing nrm of A B. 4 R i: Pord The Btudy of trlsh ¦'¦ Bpecbtllj of thal happy and yet aad chap- whlch dealj wlth thc rlae and fall of Ireland'a -.hlm i prote tloniat, and he an a. iro ate und orsanlz<r for ti| tarlff bartier between Amerlcan la* n and ,»;u ild TWI IV- ;.. .,,.. ,.,.,,...J, ,,f J,r fj the frlend ,f hla boyhood, Mr >7<,:-,i opened the ii.-il campalgn for hlm hen n New-York aa of the Chlckertng Haii meetlng n who wei golng to caal thetr Drat Republlcan ballot .: tbe wlab of the Btate Commlttee, tha pubuk welcome to Mr. Blalne on aa Rurope waa organlaed by Mr. Pord. Ita Buceaa aat pronounccd Aa e<Cathollc to al on th. broad platform of Arch- biahop treland, and as the llfelona frlend ot Mr. Morton, he denounced the attempl of polltlclana lo hoodwlnk votera wlth an laaue uncalled for. ln- Jected, as it, thi .-.,-. ol Burchard ln 18*4, for thi i1 irpose oi dlversloi from the dllemma In whlch l '. in -. i as >i onsequ. ni >. ,,f their dlaaatroua admlnlatratl Ii affalra. Mr. Pord repreaenied \,» Y,-rk .- ., apeaker al if tt. Ilglona in Cblr igo ir, US2. ln I8W hc n n for fongresa In the VII Ith Dietrlct, aml |K»lli thi largi cote reglatered for a Republlcan it- waa agaln the Republl .in candldate ln ". V'llth Ir l*M, and r duci thc Democratlc ma¬ jorlty b) i..i.. ¦. .1. a-aa .,;. re Commls- M Btrong ln May, IsaV, when he re- lln pilal .1 . ,. of "The Nes Freema loun J." li'.s w Ifi to whom h. vaa .i ln IRa), waa formrrh Mlaa Annle f -k- ley, of s.,a Pranclaco. Bx-Mayor Qrace atood aa ii i to tb. ii M'iyor Btrona ordered thi flaga on all munlclpal da). w hen he beard "f l-'i.e i.'ommlHaloner Pord'a death. \ meetlng of the Republlcan County Commlt- theli headquartera, No, 115 West Thlrty- eightl laal Ight, a motlon was offered b) Prederl k S fllbha provldlng for the appointment of a cOfnmittet ,if thr..- to .Iraft resolutlons In T<-t- r-rence to the >'.< >i- of Mr Pord. The motlon was unanlmously carrled The ChaJT appolnted Lueaa l. Van All n. .loiin C. Colllna and James W. Perry aa the commlttee. ? HENRY HILL AXDERSON, Henry Hlll Anderaon, ihe s<-r,ior memher nf the law rirm of Anderaon, Howland A- Murray, of No. M wall-at., dled auddenly tr^m paralyata of the heart yeaterday mornlng at York Harbor, Me Mr. Anderaon waa one ,.? the mosi promlnent lawyera of this clty. Only on Wedneaday a letter waa re¬ eelved at hla offlce anylng that he would r.-turn to ualn. aa on M. nda-. :c-xt. Mr Anderaon was >.,rn In P"ston, Maas., Novem- b. i- '.'. IS27, and waa the aon of the Rm Dr Rufua Anderaon, a graduate "t Bowdoln t'oliege and a leadlng clergymae of Boston. The faniiiy |s ,.f B ol h descenl and long aettled in the State of Malne Mr. Anderson'a grandmother was a coualn ,,f I'hi'f Justlce Parsons, of Maaaachuaetta, Mr. Anderaon waa prepared fcrcollegeal PbllllpsAead- emy, Andover, Mafs. entertng tbat Instltutlon tri IM1 and belng graduated ta IBM In IM he waa graduated from WlIllamB College, cura htude, sub- ntly, ln IB1, recetvlng the degree of Maater of Arts. Immediatei) aftei his graduatloa, In 1MS, he rame to New-Tork and began readuig law, aupportlng hlm--. if as inatructor in the Prlende' acbool, th.-n at Ellxabeth and Hester ata ln the aprlna of 1949 ter,.,i t|1(. offlce of Henry E. Davles, tin-n Counsel to the Corporation, aid th.- aame year w-ii.s dmltti to thi i-i. Hla work ln tbe ofllce of Judae Davlea waa oni of large reaponalblllty, belng cblefly the trlal of bnport inl caaea for th>- clty. He araa almoai Immediately Intruated wlth the prepa- ratlon .,t.,l trlal of the famoua "New-Jeraey iire artslna oui of tbe blowlng up of t,uiidin>?s in New-Tork b) Mayor Lawrence during th.- areat flre of :.:' These aulta, Involvlna over a mllllon d llar-. arere broughl agalnai Mayor Lawrence In New-Jeraey, and efter a hard-fought UtiRation re- ln a »*rdlct for the clt) He was ,-iiso at ihts tin-e employed h> the Croton Water Board to acqulre ind for the Central Park reaarvolr, and ln theae and other Importani mattera was broua-ht ln dlrect rontaci v>ith Prancla B Cuttlng, Danlel Lord and Jamea T. Brady, leadlng lawyera of that da) ln Is-. Mi Anderaon formed a partnerablp wl*.h Amiel J. Wlllard and Peter lt. Bweeny, under th,- name ot WlUard, Bweeny g Anderaon This flrm fr.iin Its lnreptlon acqulred a larite pra.t!,-..- ln pni,- llc mattera They were engaged in tbe establljb- m- nt of the Blgbtb-ave. horaecar rallroad, then owned b) Qeorge Law, aenlor, and wtn emptoyed it. moat of tbe earlj elty rallroad litlgatlon. They aafully conducted foi Ruaa A Reld the pro- irai ted lltlgatl.galna! thi clty artstng oui ,,f the laylng "i th. . one blo k pavemenl ln Broadway, ih.- h:>; blo. k pavement lald in New-York. i. Monell, sfterward Jud?e of the Hu- perlor Court, became a member of ihe flrm. Thla flrm i-ontlnued untll IM7, when, havitur met with a aev< re family afllh-tton ln tln loaa of his wlfa ai two chlldren Mr. Anderaon ratlred and sp.-nt two \.-.ira h forelgn tnnr-l Returnlna ln iaB», he wns rallcd by <ir»eti c, Bn naon, then ("ounael t>, th> Corporation, to ad aa tant. In this poaltlon he remalned over thr.-e taklns entlre cbargi <>f the trlal of all tbe caaea i"i the rltj He v.us a partner of .IikI^.- Bronaon untl tbe latt.-r's death In IM3, when he form(*d a partnerablp wlth M.-taon Young, Henr) K. Howland afterwara becomlng a partner. Mr. )',.¦. ibaequently retlred. Later Qeorge Wel- wood Murraj d Henry B. Anderaon w.-n- adinlt- t.-u t,< memberahlp, thi Brm contlnulng aa Ander¬ aon, Howland .v Murray to the presenl tlme. Mr. Anderaon h 1171 reoelved the nomination for mi Court ludge fr.>m the Apollo Hall Dem bul waa defeated by Judac Noah Davbt He -. ther.; fti r refu publlc offlci and, al- though ln I87J nomlnated by Tammany Hall for f the Buperlor Court, and aubsequently re« ceivlng ..ii offer from Mayor Wlckham of the offl .. o tbe Corporation, he retuaed both hon- preferrlng to devoti hb tlmi to an Increaslng private practice Mr. Anderaon enjoyed a hiah atandlng al the New-Yorl; bar ai a wund ioglctan and a dlrect, forceful a|>eal -i Por many years he had been the advlaer for num«'roua larg. eatatea and corporation -. -. and ... referee had dedded many Impor- I!, a u Iwi aln re hun hman and waa f-.r b v.-stry in..;. ol .il-.arv Protestanl ISpla ,,|..il h when Dr Batterle-, noa Utshop, waa its reetor A memb<T of many cluba, he waa partlcu- jar|j ,.,:.- |n th. -¦:.-.:.- ttoi, of th^ I'nlveralty ¦; ib In Ita pi ... ,,.,i |ti flrst prraid. .' odlci for nbie buc- (.«alve a'hlch th* lul. grew lnto a .... ,,; -,. md pn .--.¦. "thei cluba to whl.-h he bclonged wen thi Metropobtan, «'entury, Down- i..wy.r.-' and New-York Vacht . \". v. -Eng and 8 i. Ii He .urv!-. -! ; ighter ,.f th. w iniai |- . :, irtford, md three Henry B. Willlam B and Chandler P. all of whom pre, *i -i ir law In thi .. the ftineral 1. ^e noi yet i" n made. ? CAPTAIN OEOROE B. HOTT Waah agt ¦ :: A telegraaa rad at the w. r Departraent to-day announdng the death of .'aptnlr, <'.¦ r| I Hoyt, ipiartermaater at II .,,t thla mornina; from apoplaxy. He . ,,rn it, New-ilampsblre aad appolnted to th<- from Ul-"' ali ln lafl II' aerved from Wl rlce wlth th* Wlaconaln -.-.-.i "-.. L/uartvrma itar"i D meni ptain. II ¦ i irtn eni ? W BV 11 ... .,v i-.. reeldi nl of thla . lt) dled on w mraday -': .' Park, Long laland, where (.^ waa a| I aumaaei He imd t>e«n at- >, Dr Willlam ii Muna, of thla rity. wba b irt hi-en his fiirr.il; payalclaa for a number of | Mr EvartB waa ln h'a seventy-BftCOnd >enr H* wa- ihe fatt.-r -if PrHerlck M. Evarta. of the law ntrn af Lntlo *i Evarta, :-'u 62 Wail-ai., and lued | nt hla aon's home. No. 110 WVat One-hundred-and- thlrty-tblrd-Bt. The fur.erttl wlll he prlvate. BNOCH PRATT r.-iitimore, Sept. IT..Eno h Pratt dled at bla eoun¬ try home. Tivoii. Baltlmorc County, at J* o'cloeh to- nlght. Mr. Pratt celebrated hi- elghty-elghth an- nlveraary of bl blrtk laal Thuraday Notwlth- be w ia, untll I. f.w weege ago, aound phyalcally and aaentally, and erery day aave evid.-nce 0f hi. vlgor ln tbe oonduct of bhi bu ilneai affalra Thi extreaaa heal of early Augual proa- tratad him. Blnre then he bad not b-jfj »t tbe Na- tion.l Parmeraand Planteia1 Bank. wltbwhteh in- atltutlon hi haa be. n eoniusi I.i atrei toc an i prealdenl alncc 1840. Bnock Prati waa one of the beat-knowa and moat-roapected cttlaena of Belttaaere He waa a natlva of Maaaachuaetta. and was born la North Mlddleboro. Plymouth County, m thnt BUte, Bep¬ tember l" 1898, tha famlly batag aaa e.f tba ouieet m the oi.i Baj BUte, cUlralng eaacenl from Phlneaa Pratt, who arrlved In Hjraaouth ta the ahlp Ann In IB3. and dled al Cbaraeatown, Maaa. in K.v- ... the age of eUmty-aeeen yeara Mio« n Pratt- father waa IBBBC Pratt. who v as alao horu in North Mlddleboro, m t~«. and hia ¦KHher waa Naoml Kelth Pratt. who waa i-orn ln Brldgewater. Plymouth County, ta 1718. Hla flrel mnurnnl anceator who cama to thla countn waa tne Ber. J Kelth, who came orer from Beotland In IB3, tiing at Brldgewater, whera he dtod la 17M, aged aev. nty-slx yeara. Bnoch Pratt attended the publlc achoola ln hla boyhood and lha Brldgewater Academy, from which he was graduated at the age of flfteen yeara. He then aacured a place ln a comm- houae ln Boaton whera ha aerved for sl\ yeara. i,,,i.nc hla native State ln 1*31. he went to Baltl- more ind eatabllahed hlmaelf aa a eommla.lon merchant, wh.-re h- had been enaaged ln bualneaa ever ilnce. II- foumled the wholeaale iron houae of Pratl ¦ Kelth, ar.d later 'h.-u of Bnoch Pratt ft Brother compoaed of Mr. Pratt and his hroth.-r- |i |nw Henry Janea. ln thla and ln other bual- neaa nterprlaea Mr. Pratl amaaaed a fortune, aup- poaed to be Bhotil 13.000,000. He waa prealdenl of ihe Parmera nnd Plantera' H.mk and a dircetor in the Bavlnga Bank of HaPlmore. was Inten ln a number of ateamboai and rallroad companles nnd wai for many yeara a vlee-prealdent Ph'ladelphia wiimin^'on and Baltimore Ballroad. All hla llfe Bnoch Pratt took a deep Intereat In publlc interprlaea of charltablc klnd. and his t-ontributiona to thi welfare of h-.imanliy were frequent and on ao large a acale that he aoon became wldely known and beloved aa one of tha foremoat phllanthroplata in the eountry He waa dlrector nnd nreabient of varloufl eorporattonB, prealdenl of tne Koi.se of Beformatton and ln- Btructlon for Colored Chlldren, bi Cheltenham, Md whlch he founded and to whph he k... 750 n ..f hla f-rm as a altc and waa prealdent of the Marvland Bchool for th< Deaf and Dumb, at Fred- .rlcfc, whlch he e.tabll.hed. In 1857 Mr. Pratl en- dowed an academy in North Mlddleboro, Maai his natlv- town. ln the st.m of £40.000. ln 1«>7. nl- thouutl. r atanch Bepubllcan, he wai elected by the Clty Councll of Baltimore na Flnanci fommta- aloner of that clty, whlch poaltlon he retalned for yeara In January. 1882, Mr. Pratt gave notlce to the governmenl of Ihe clt) of Baltimore f hli purpoa, ..itabllah n free clrculatlna llbrary, to '... called the Bnoch Pr.ni lAbrary of the Ity of Baltimore, or, 'ertaln condltlona of co-operatlon on tbe part of the clty, whlch were promptly aceepted He proceeded at once to ereel flreproof hiiildliia-s for th.- Hbrary and four branchi i ». were con- veyed to the clt) on July :. 1883 Mr Pratl had inteiid.d to expei d *! 000,000 bul the amount, ln- eluillng; the endowment of $833,000, reached 11.145.- B331 Tl rary waa formall) opened on Janu¬ ary I, 1881 m Auguat l. 'S.1B. Mr Pratt married Marla I. who waa born ln Raltlmor. n B ber 22, :- ncestora were timong the ear- lle.t aettlera of Ma.aachu.ett., whlle her maternal nnce.tora were Oermana, and came to Haltimore when || waa flral Bettled. Mr. Pratt had no chll¬ dren I VI ///./;/> .17 AXTIETASl. PENNSTLVANIA VETEBANB DEDICATE A MONCMENT TO THE PALLEN COMBADBJ HnKeratowti. Md Sept. 17. -The monument erected by the Philn.leijihia Brlgade Aeaodatlon to the memory of the mi men of the oM Phlladelphla Brlgade who feii »t Antletam was unt Ued and dedlcated thls afternoon. The exerdaea were par- lldpated in l-y the Qovernora of Pennaylvanla and Maryland, a brllllant earort from Phlladelphla nnd Baltimore, nnd hy hundred. of othera, many vet- erana comltiR from a dlatance. When Governor Haatlnga and hla ataff arrlved on th.- plateau aur- roundlng the famoua old Dunkard church, the Oov- arnor'i aalute waa glven by the Naval Beaerve bat- tery Governor Lowndes recelved the vlaltora and made an addresa of weleome, to whlch Governor Haatlnga reaponded A llne was then formed and a dlatance of aboul 888 feel to the monument wns gone over In m.rchinK order. wlth tba two Qov¬ ernora headlng the coltimn. Arrivlna- at the monu¬ ment. Herman Kotten, the contractor, tranaferred the >i.aft to the Brlgade Aaaoclatlon II waa ac- cepted by i.n.m.nder John W Frasler and un- vetled, The oratlon was dellvered by Captaln John E. Bellly, of the 88th Pennaylvanla Volunteeri Other addreaaea and mualc followi A. After the x- erclaes Governor Lowndea entertalned Governor Haatlnga and hla ataB In b tenl which had been erected near the monument. A banejuet was aerved on twelve long tabtea The monument la plain, but Impoalng. lt is aeventy-flve feet hlgh. fouri. feel wlde at the baae, with a die Bla feet aquare and alx and one- half feel hlgh A beautlful shaft, Afty-three feel ln helght, rlaea from the baa« lt atand. in the centre of an eleven-acre plol of ground froiutng on th< llageratown plke, aboul 800 yarda north of ih<- Dunkard church. It aeta back from the plke aboul MA feel and la approached by a maendamtzed drlveway, whlch extenda ta a mraceful clrcl. around the baae of the monument. The monument ia of the bardeat Barre <Vt.i granlte. and oal Wo.000, Upon the four aidea of the baae, Immedlately below the pedeatal, are theaa worda: 'Becond Brlgade, Becond Divlalon, Becond Corps, Army of the Poto- mac." ln the grounda about to the monument are bIx braaa Held pl ei ind ¦ a tantit) of cannon ball., contrlbuted by the War Departrm The Becond Brlgade was oraanlaed ln 1861, under Prealdenl Llneoln'a call for three yeara' troopa. and was compoaed of the 68th, 71at, 72d and 108th Penn- aylvanla Volunteera Ft took parl ln ihe prlnclpal battlea of ihe Army of the rotomac from Bali'a Bi.iff to Appomattox, an l cama out of tbe war witb a loaa of 1.015 mi '//// SE1DL COXCERTB. Pollowins is the programme for the promenade concert at Madiaon Bquara Garden ihla evenlng. The fantasie on <'anadlai. melodi.s, whlch endl the flrat part. is a new cempoaltlon, and la dedlcated to Mr. Beldl: PBJDAT, BBPTEBBER IV l.AST WAGNKR NIGBT. iwuv 1. Overtur., "Ohei n". w-' r inunnri Rntcllff" wid "I'av.llerl."....MBaoaanl A::,nlii!. i*' -i".- .-u.t» .-!.¦«.Kellej H rtnlii»!" . '.!¦ '. J .AKT II IWAONER r.Mt .. Prelude, "1/ h-niriin" ^ W itaa'a r.rewell .nd Maift.' K;r» .»<-'-ne from ''.» W.lkure' Pt/ Bcnf from !>:- .M-lB!»tatnaer" <-Waifn-r W-.'.i.i- Mu.lr .'li..rus and th. iiatti»rlng ( Bhtl ar..l \'.i m lll fr :.. I/.h-'-ntun" J PART III. IIOD, "Th. 'It .n.; lei f .- ikKinjen' .Si - all '¦'. ii mI Mm-.irt an.t IntentMSBo "PagUaecl" .Ltoac.v.llo Bj.li IkJB, I'riplul". il>>»rls^r QEXERAL HlTl.nrs 818TER II.I.. f^xet.r. N n Sept 17 Mra Betay M Bterena, only aister of General B. P Butler, is crltlcally lil a. ber home In Nottlngham. Bhe la In her elghty- nlnth year, and untll recently bad remarkabla nnd \i«or. -?- \ WAI. 0RDER8. Ivaehington, Bepl 17..Lleutenanta E Moyd anl C. C. Bo| been ordered to the Naval Acad- ..m> Commandei H IV. Very ;.a.s been ordered to .lutv aj Inepectoi <>f ordnance it the Boaton Navy V. Ueutenani E. B. W'rlght rdered ro the Wabaah on < Ictobi r I. TUr WEATBER REPORT. TBaTERDAY'8 RECORD A.\l> TD-DAT'g FORECAgT Waahlaai n, .-'-i,; '" Th* praaaafa is relaUvaly i-.w from .M o.c ' ln u.e ^..ut1;.* -' P i.iah ,in* W«va Bootla, la th. Oulf ..: m n M n .-... Ral.. illen ln Ki lan mi: In thi lah ia r.>»n ln .li.- Atl.nl ,|H» f.H< .' ''; >. MiM ut. '. all»\ :.i, :!.>¦ n . M .n | r*> a n ihe ii^e regloa and t*.« Enclaad and .-r ($ .fih't-. DETAILBD f\ .RKCABT FOR TO \<\\ Ftor Ka. England aad Eaattrn v .... iBir; atlodi t. ¦¦ aalag r. rtbwaatei F. r ta/a Paaai Ivaala, . r-J ' ¦. Delawara, ji VlrgtaJa, s»n»r»iiy t.ir »¦'.!.r..¦. wlnda, e-. imlag northwei K.jr Wts-. virglnia, u'^»»-: K». I rfc W ... .. falr, pmeded bjr llabl .-'. wtn » Uken; Ua»t 13 Pesli araatcrly win-i. THtB'/NB I/ji-AI. OI'SKItVATIONi . l.llt 3 4 3 «: S « 10 1 :k».o 20.5 ln ir>!« ,:.«Bi»m a conUuuoui »ti!.» UW ' v ,' ehanaei in pre.nure .. Uidlc.t«d i> Tha rrlbun. a .*.' r»r..rdUl. BBrOBBHW Ih- lottad l.n» r^"r»IH»n.» IBB t»m- |>»r.tur«- ut Pl»0ra.a al l'»rry'» PharBMBg, Tiit-in- Obbbb, Beat lt i ai Tl" »«»"" leeierdajr .m eaaady .nd »h-w»r,. Tha laaayaratara r.nard t*- m.eii «7 ana 70 Jrgr-e*. lU. avoraga Ct-* dr«rre»j U;ing 2*k rt'eree" h'fc-her than that of Welneaday and t hlghar tbin idui <>f tne ci,rre«p in'iiaa ilay of laat y»ar. K wiil iie fair ln aay \<)J IX CdS'TEVPT OF COFRT. argrw-jBRgarff ootnrr Of aantoRg ajvd appbalB BERDEIU A I>WISI<>V IN FAVOR <»F THE Pgaon vi.vaMa RAIUKOAD OOMPAMY. Trentoa, Sept. |7 (Bpaeaal).- -Chlef faattae Beaaley fiie.1 the oplaloa af tba Coort of Krrors aad Appeaia tO-day ln the coniemj.t of cotttl .' ,n* Peaasyhraala Rallroad Ceaaaauty, »rrowinc out of a vlolation of an Injunctlcn order Isaued hy Chancellor McOill dtning tba ighl between tba r> nnaylvania ompany and the National l*v-ka and New-Jeraey Juactlon Conneeuag Rallway Coeapaay anaag 'he latter om;iany was attemptlr-.gr to croaa the atock- yarda of the penaeylraaat ooaagaay la Jeraey Clty. The chlef ji aaa tha k akai af CaaB* v-' .il-. aeclarefl th<- Peaasylvaala .impany waa no- In eoot' mpt, and potota out to the .'haneellor i!i<- Jurladlction of ttie Court of ."har.'-ery in plaln ianguage Bestdea the rlctory fo: tbe Pennaylvanla Rallroad Compan: ir: taaguage m whi-h th.- Cbtef Juattea dea i w.-h .¦¦ ajrt ¦*' .'hancery. th» oplnlon :s a ra'dteal .1-;,ar:in«- from what haa h.-ret ifore he,-n regarded as "aound law" in New- Jersey, Th< point !:ivo:\c,| |i -, -hni.-al. T.,<- |v rsnaylvanla company cantended iha- an appeal from a Court of Chancery declglon acted a> * atay of any order of that court, proalded the loint of tli- thlng aatkataasa i.y thi Chanoery Court'a one. worked an Inlury to the prraon enyoined to --u.-h an ext<n: that lt could remediea ;,-, the <-our: of laal n in the <'\(l: of thc appeal :¦. :nc BUetained Thc dectatea ls .ha* 'h.- only Injury - wlth reepeci 10 rhc etTe. t of an appeal to th<- Couri <-f Errora and Appeals from a deci Cbaacerj «. . MARRLED. ia.m, i-hitt. Ki,i\ii ai uiea BMaa m j Wadaaa* rta Beptember !>'. hj ihi it- Frank .1 >; --iwln. Itar a H toaapl N hitt»-,-1tne;, ar-id Pr. Bdwla E. Boad. nt Cal Iwell, N J CONKMN KTRANQ On Heptew I al tba M»thodlat Rplacopal iTiurch, Khrub Oak, \ ^ i> the Re* K. C. Hara t: laugttt. t M Btrang taEdaaram r ..f .I-fT. .V Ht" HIN.*ON LARK Oi Thuradai itnitaaabar 17. al . i" ¦- I-- B '--iin- \ .,.- ;,- 1- lughier nt i»r aad Mr?. Haaty F. flark. to John W llutdUnaon, Jr. .%; 1.1.1,1.a\ HMITH tt the reatdei t ih* brtaVa sja> t-r Mr- Btrphci F H at M - N V en Wedneedaj K 1 .-ml-r IS, UMM b| t..- Ella* 8. |, |>.. of Y.-nkera, \ *i i^nnir Anaeiia smlth, daughter .'-¦:. mltl Dr Frederl k wmiaaa it -h of Hn laeport, '' Notlcea of maniagaa and d.-atha muat he ta» doraed wlth ful! name and a.Mress. DIBD. ACKERMAR E tered :r- rea at "' iradar mornlaa. Va'hanlel .1 '1 kern I yeari [....innriii aarvleaa wlll bi bald al hla lata laadeaea, no. 7" Bank-at., «F avenlna »' * o'clodt. laterment ai con.lea.t tha famll] ¦NOKKBON t rtai M- Ideab Septettibae 17, isw II :r-. Ii v..-*..r). "t thi> S'otlc ' funeral t DENNI8 atara Elli -'¦.¦' Bai '.ata XI ...,. [..-.. ir.i» after a pro- llln-M". In tbe 441 ¦. , Th- funeral aenleea s;ll 1 hd-i it the 1 aMeaca of Ba» mnther N 310 ' *' .> P m on Friday. Reptember l», IM i:\.\kts-ai <-tie-- .. Loaa biland. WadjaBBaa1 deptember 10, latW, Heni '¦' la ^* nal y** r hli in- r ,n rai pi ,vnt*. kin-; v Oreenfl Maaa.. a«pt»mt»r r- Janet. arUtaf ,., ;. n«l ''oraelluB wwaaag, a ht, -:. ' tamea E Da K»>^ 1 hun ti. New »«*, on Elidaj Keptember 1-. at 1 '< ¦»'< loek I Ba. KNOKR Al ..;-. a Bjkja. i,.ih a/lfc of J Frank Knorr and dauebter of th* R«v. :.-. H tin t iii.'t, k. - tage, .n. j . in taa J7t, :.r«. -. ,-. -c-H Fridaj tv'i laat Hurlal ;it Weatport, N V aame >!n> I.Vi.N Al l-ruira N Y. OB S-ptemher IT. SUBBB s iiuv>r Lyoo. «if»- of .iia'c atarcuB l.yon MATlirsoN *' her realdence, So IT TUt-ara, BraaV lyn >n Thuraday th* ITth ln«- .1 Ann«". t*lm-ed all* of i>: a rtoa* Katheaoa. S .- of fiir.rnl lirr-afn-r. PARDCE "n T' iraday, Btptamber 17. Almira M wU» .1 Di Walter 1 . .. _. , ,.,w . Funeml >-rv'.<-<- m hvr late h-m», No -ls ^ *»t 34th-et.. .n s«t ir 113 .¦.¦'- rleck noon Int»rm.-nt ;n Gr.enwo.Kl at eoavenleae* r-f fami.y. Please omit flt-w^rj. Rocheatar, R. T paswra pkaxe -p^ I'l.l MKlt At < all., :,--i. s-.----il-r 12. Mar*aret J. i-mpct wlfa if Washinart.-n Plunjer. RHOADE8 Al li.n.l Bprlnsa. M- nn Tttcsday Her- ten.tsr 19 Aiine, wife --f J«.hn Hara»n l:!i"Mi]^». aol dauabtei -f tbe :,'-- Henjamln 1". W.i* Kh: t-icea wlll I"- held at reaalenc*, No. ,".'.!. M.< f-n a e on S:iiu:;i\ tnornlns. B*pt»B*B*r ia, at tO:S9. IU ggBLX. At Arltaston Helghta, M-a.> Beftteatbar ln. O. rslna r.vrr.tt Ruaaell. f No ao Eaal T4th ai N*w- > ,rk dauahtrr 1 Ellaa M. Bveretl ..nl the lat- I^vt K Ruaaell and atepdaugllter nf ihe late I<»an.1er Hton*. j.-n,,..., , 11 M unt Ai'-.-". ''hapel. Camtirldsa. m,w n - lay. aVptarebey iv. al I -¦. efe Boaton pni"-!!" pl»as- p) Ht"s-" 1.1. M Masaa .. Haapltal, in Dej- ton. aeptemkrr ht, Charlea niii-n imm-*;!. a«r<l 2T PunTral 8 o'clock p at. rrtday, Beptember ia. at Oreal HnrrlrKten MM BFTMl O'l: " '. "°- ' 72 Bouth Blll tl Place Brooklyn. N Y on rtepuaBbar 17. IS'.Hi. Bdward C Beymour, ln the '.-tti »>-ar BC hia Puneral aervleaa wlll t-e held al tha LafayetH Aveants Prealivierlan Hhurcb, Bouth Oxford-al and l^fH>eti»- bve., Brooklyu, oa Baturday, SepteatMrr lf at a -tf lt p. m int^rni-iH at Oreenwood al ronvealenee of tne family. t'tlea papera 1 !.- >^r -i' Tl'KIB sul-l--nt.-. Ht liih reatdeaee, Ko aaa West 20th- »t., N.i.ritaii Tunla ln hla <:-i year Sotlca of funeral hi aftar WHEATON 1'" Wedneeday Beptembef )»i Noah ln hia aa Pun-ral aervU«a atll i- ai lb< i-.il-n. - of hla w.n- law Hamlln Bal.k. Hlah «. M¦¦.rii. H#.|*hi». \..w Vork t> ¦' rlda .- f > al » BO p. m. .. .- wlll neaei il M.¦¦¦ - Hel »<atl a tho traia l-avlng rjrai '- n -'. ' ,!'- \. » iPc.i. .111.1 ll.irtf.,r-l papera Wil.uaata »i uitlne, Re., Wedneeday, Btptaaaaae Ba H-nrv C. \MH «"'.- \ - t funera «ti WOOOUAWN rERETERT. Offlot No 20 E S3d II V.-n-Onwn S :. n t*J4lh WaMi ll«r>m RaMroai Snrridl Xotitfs Mra. gteaXltaath'a haow made preaeryea letllea puk- lea ae., pu' BP ;- ''¦¦'., ''¦' :' " .'' ":'"1 3'J¦', '.'..Brjw-au. Brooklyn, H. Y._ I'omvAi.'i' goflaa*. Parolen mnils f .1 th« I S-p--m'-'r IV wlU ,,.,-, tthtalBc. aa tolkaaai THAN»ATI>ANTIC BfAILJ BATttRDAT.Ai 4 a. m. fa i;..n e. Bwltaerlaad. luly. BAT RDAi furkej Esypi and i:r. im, ladla, p*r ;'"'VlT;'r;-.:... la ..'*. a ... for Oer- man'v DW r 'h'l pVr,g a .¦¦ <¦¦ '¦>¦ ¦" " iaupptemenu.ry B.SS ¦, > »Xew-T rk. v.a >.u-hamp- ¦¦ ¦.. . ¦ mual he dlre--« e.V'v &!*""».¦»¦ Netheriaada glaae-, «;- « a ut-diitn. \la Ronerdim lUttera rr.ua: t-t di- werra fJettara mutt \* Hrected '.perwWarf» .. at ta , . (a BeocUnd dlrect, per a. .. Kthiopia. rta i.iaa- ioar'aettera Biuai ba llrected "| EtbfopU"); at 1* a m (auppleaxi arj M.aoa. m (or Eutop*. per a. a UmbrU »ta tguaeoatown._ .Prtatsd rn:*. et*. Oarman ataaater na.iine oa Tuaa- dava Thuredmya and BaturuA) tak* prli iiier, etc. f .r Gern-any aoA apaclaily addreaaed prlnted n,att»r. etc, > r other p*rts ,.t Bur-.pe Whl BtaJ ^:oaln«rB op Wadneaday ta^c apeolall) .dtrr--... prlnted matter. etc. iarry naU. Aft#r . .'«-''.; Ot th* aup| Btai -rar.j.Tlan'.o .¦...! ,1... .' ilemeatary m^iia ara \ Kn| iab, Krench an4 .:...-.. and rewala pea untll witkun ten u..u- D| ' II. -..- MAILfl FOM BOtTTU AMD CRKTRAL AMi-:i<P A. araajf IXDIKa. BTC PRIDAY tl .i .". laupplei ¦:, .-. BJg a tt.j for ii,,; -i j.-- »'¦.-..; ^ umui BATtfRDAT- At 10 u. ni (aupplementary P'..V> a. m.j lor Belln and Paertu Cortex, |kt ». ». Athoe at 10 u. m. uup- plementar) '^ '.' a '. foi lamalca, .'arthagena ans Bavaallla, per -. ¦ tl!< rhanj al |o:3j a. m f.rBraill, ,.r a, Wotdawnrth 1.1 Pernambuco, l(^vii» an.1 Rio .lau.ir- ilettcra for V ith Braall and La Pia.t» countrUt must be lir--,-l !.»! '¦'. la« rl ai 1" .10 a. n. for jn.;.1 .. tgilaiaa, Tabaaco and Yu>-atan. per a. a. Yutt.Jtl llettora fer other t.-r'f ot Meaico at,.1 f..r -il,» muat ba dlrsotad "per Tumurl"); ..t 11 a. m. f.,r N-»- un iml .. for La PP>ta 1a- iriee dlrect, per ¦. al M IOj rn fo gt ii«t*. Mlquelon pai ateamei froni Nortb Pydney. gl'NDAY Al « . »i .'.' Progrea* p-r « a. C ("ondal iietiT. f". ' alesu iniiii etracted "per 1'. Coa ¦_ »,r Hewfoasdlaad '¦< ani iheara ilose a' thla sflca aalli a- Idl p. m. tfalli ' r M . 1 BoeWB and ihen.-# hy ...- clOB* al this .>fll.» dally at K.SQ p m Mat.a for .*ah» 'Ijh^ a' thla "1 a dall) -t 7 «. tn tm for- wardlns b) aaaaaara ^.¦ :::.-. laloadaya an.) T.-a.radayat f-.n Pon Tajn:>.. l".n ata la t Ueak*. overUad, un- \.,% fp-.-i.i!lv ad-lreaacj f >i dtaaatcb t>> w.m.r, cloea I ht 7 a m. c lierad pui olnaea at 8 c m preiloua day. TBARdFA JIFIC MAIU8. afa.Ua rjr ChJna. J<r»r .'ld »1-"u"- per » a Dorta 1 . ., -at Kran i.coi. rloaa hera aaaV up to KmbaVa*. a «ja p. ir. Uatl. for Ma-ail. per .. a Ln.Vmoer i<; j " .*' r ¦ atalla f r Chuu and Japan. . » Braeaw' lfl 'rl ]"' '"aT ''" ,"'r* <1*lly ua iLriMiber .--- »i 0-''" P aUlla ' 'h* S-'Oty i.i-iMia p.-r »'¦<' '.f'1!" fi,rl ''""" **¦ riaaetesoi. .... iea n .1 11 .'. M n. m Uai.a Wea tu iha). lUmaii and Pill lalaii-t- ispeciaJ.} ndli-s.-' ,nt>>, p^t a » War- ;'" , ¦> i m Maaa fw anu Japan 1-r a. a Kmuraae o( Isila tfi m Vai iver h .<¦ <±.< ;v up .' ,', 8:80 | k tuairalla cio^pi ,,, ,,.. fora ir-i.d rl» Kuropei, N'-*' KeaUind, u.» u laaaaaa s M ¦' 1 aV Fraartacai oi.-aa here dall) -I- .-1 10 : 10 a m lli a and 11.*> p at lor oa antval ai Kt«a-York ot a. a. L11.L1.4 ».,t, Hri'.i-il. fliK.ia for Aua 1 .f ibr-Jk

Transcript of L^aHeged *,K T^apatch - Library of Congress · IndlcatedBlxteen horae-power..f 12,000, aml sh.-...

Page 1: L^aHeged *,K T^apatch - Library of Congress · IndlcatedBlxteen horae-power..f 12,000, aml sh.- -wlll carry guns.? MBR. JVLIA WARD BOWE 8PE 1KB. TWENTT-POPRTH COXORRga OP 1HK A8BO-C1ATION





TBACB*0 THi: ,I'V\amiti;k| ki.«>:;|i J.



London. Bept IT Tho authorltlea In DuMlnattemfl to aei ure the extradl-

*,K gf Tynan for trlal In that clty for tbe part

L^aHeged to bare taken In th. Phoenlx Park

"T^apatch from Bonlogne-mtr-Mei aaya that

Tvnar. baa refuaad legml aaalatance, addlng that*French Oprernm nt for hla

n, wa" a... lo-morroe publlah ..

,n raria aaylng that the French Ooe-

."n'!r'lT;- doea nol wlah to retorn Tynan to Eng-Vd'r.-.d that H wlll prohably cauai him '" ha

reaael bound for the Unlted Statea,; grned that th.- reaael on whlch

traanaalled from New-Tork waa bound for

7JJ porta Bhe touched a1 Olbraltar.

Irtere Tynan obtatned apecUil leave to vlell part

af tbe fortn aa.

popular hellef In Dul lln that rynan_ . apy. and that he had relatlona wlth

^ tlme Lord Pr lertck <"a\

fltgaah and Mr. Burke were aaaaaalnated in the

ntrklt ha\ir.a- necome known here tbrough oai,l»

ggaatchea thal the New-Tork pollce <li*a

iry knowledge of the dynamlte .- na racj

tne been atarted In x v thal

¦eyhad gl en an: Informatlon t" the Brltlah

aaBce that » ould l ave led to tl am of Tjnau * >w-plottera a repi itlve of

. ijnlted Aaao ated Pn to legxn

from where, outalde ol gulai agenta. the

v^'. ,,,.,.. Wcn kepl po well Informed of the.' menuoftbi conagdratora In New-York.* .is. h - Inforaned by a man. who knowa

,,f the raae, thal thg dolnga In^ I -dj namltera" were

, .. vd by Charlea lt erg. an rx-member

pf tba ataff of Thomaa Byrnea. rormeriyrjajef af P«*lce. He waa it. Antwerp laal

vrk. areaamaWy ln n ^ith the on-

aptrary, bul came to England al the end of the

v.fk. ar..: on Baturday aalled for New-York He

l, a paaaenger on tb an Une ateamer


iv >ry, tbe alleged "dynamlt-tt- wh ,, Rlaago« laal Saturday.

arrlved in Lond m at v 1" o'clock thla mornlng,kavlng been brought


Scotland Ynrd authoritles.

Be waa ln ha f'"m s"n-

lar.J Tard to bi ng him here...: n hla arrlval at the al he waa put Into

a earrlage and drlven at once to the

P ,-..... xi na aboul the

itai n when the "dynamlter" arrlved, and

, tbeae aeemed to be aware f his

The prlaoner was not handcuffed He

malntained hia anllcri demeanor, acareely mak-

inp reply to anythlng that waa said to him bythe nfficera.Upon reachlng th« Bow Btreel Pollce Ciurl

th. prlaoner was at once arralgned before the.¦ ng maglatrate, Jamea Vaughan The entry#up-n the .-harpe Bheet" of the pollca routl la

gn raa° was "Kdwmrd Bell, aliae Edward .T

Ivory, an Amcrican citlzen. of No. 211 Lexlng-taa-ave., New-York, accuaed ol unlawfullj and

b] .- na ti othera to cauai anIthln Ihe Cnlted Klngdom

- and inju- ,- of counaelllngand abetting the commlaalon <¦< crime." The

.ia« crowded wlth newapaper report-en. and many artlata who were preaenl for theaarpoee of making aketchea of Ihe prlaoner,r- irde i ai und he ''. >ckMaglatrate Vaug'i^n aaked the prlaoner his

raal aame, a.id th" lattcr rerdled: "Edward J.

D-tecttve Flood then took th-' wltneaa-atandar.d te.tifl.ed that a numbei of documente andtlflfj ln money had t.een found in the p * leaalonof th*> prlaoner when h^ waa arreated. Thejrs ..' a.is remanded foi a week

Hallfax, N B., Bepl IT lt la belleved herethal Mie or more of the iris-h Invin. II '¦¦. a hare charged wrlh plottlng lo klll Brltlah

. nagea by uae of dyn -1 tl.rough* lty on thelr way from the Cnlted Btatea

to England. Bome montba as:.>. lt is said, in-- by myaterioue persona were made

crnins; the cltadel and other fortlfl. alTh- men prnfeaaed to be merely aighi

Not much attentlon waa paid to them al thetlme but now th;-.t the dynamlte conapiracy hash**n ezpoaed, it la onaidered prnbable thal themen in que.tion were aome of th.- plottera andthat they entertalned deaigni agalnal Imperlal

nment property in thla clt; The auth'.r-Itte-s here wili not aaj ahythlng about the mat-tar.

EDWARD .1. IVORY'fl UPE HERE.hi? ntnarua ixcojxed to dovbt that thi-:


Th? nddreaa glven by lvory In London aa h'.ahnm» in thla'. ¦. ' ¦.' :VO '-s n0'

.rrect on* The naaln facta polntlng to th.

Meatlty of F'<'!l. the alleged dynamlter, aa Ivory,th» New-York llquor dealer, are that he -.aa a

Irlshman nnd a member of dlfferent Irlshi ea; that h<> ia pow abroad, nnd haa been for

»om» tlme; thnt he waa aequali led wlth Tynan,and hla frl«-nda are not Incllned to tell hla preaenl»ddr.«sE^wnrd .T. Ivory haa a barroom at No 2/C1 Lex-

bgl -are., on the aoutbeaat corner of One-bun-.Nd-and-tw mty-tblrd-et. The barkaepar, who waa

,.. raaterday, waa retleenl He Bald that Ivory»-B» oui of town. bul dld nol know where bibm perbapa to Coney laland. When the dlapat ti

ivory had been arreated ln Scotlandtr. » charge ol belng connected wltb th- dyna-

au Bhowi ib thi bartender h- declaredth*'- was s .me mistake, and produced a letter*hi.-r be Bald ha had received from Ivory. Tho

,-. and was poBtmarkedn irter aee the let-

!,,-. T in the day the bartendir*»» more affable and ... a more communlcatlvafram- ol mlnd lvory. Ut said. lefl New-York for

.outbampton on Auguat 11 on board the Amerlcan, gi Paul. He had been ir. bad

far aome tlmi and bo he declared, Uklngthe reyage tor recuperatlon II waa hla Intentlon

¦ montb ai a ia expected homeUria v the barkei nvei tlon II

wai appan hough h<h» atai nlon that Edwaio-her | iployer. but bi couM nol under->-ar.<j me to be mlxed up wlth ¦

tutn aR Tj ol In BU h fl pl ¦' '¦' r:i' '¦ !" dWaet aaaarikwwanl rj waa I om ln Cai w, Ireland,

al .- .».,..._ >ne to thliIry waea a ba; He wa* om of la' "... wai mi i *'-""' ''lr''"n'".. .- v.i,,., tha fathei dled hta aiate waa

... ,. r. lvory'a brother dledproperty came t<

Bi wi - ta Bl.,,,. Tamn "

ard.nl ..M..t ,,t lt He 1. ulao a memh<numbei . ..,....- among whlch la thi Irtah

Natloi v... or .. ...¦¦) lo equlpand drlll trlln -

-. wa. a pa" Irishniaii. he was m rer ki . Hgltu-^or or bellev.r li Ibe uae of ilvnamlt* i-onaequJils frl.i ;. ... p ,,.,.., m hli arreat. If I*

,.,.,.. ii.. ha .'' Inter-asti in Dublln and haa .t..-«-.d lha 41S n thiflm. . Triiune man called ... No 1

ton-avf th< add^.>ai H ry gave li londonIvlng there ald uo aucl

lvory Mred there, t.oi had thi '

.¦*'.' »

Edward .t Ivory li a Bln| ia[«< Eait Oi! -hundred-air renu i ma fron Mra. Lyona, There it waa

i:\:. y .t h.'it numla ' nrn> ii'iii-i Ilia ii II* \< Ifl

'?loon. talh of Irt.n polltleal aflTafra, andd'.d not paper.. 11. a aa aood

r.-. I Up !n ttie affHlraamitera ). waa

"If it li Mr Ivory who ii ln ihla irouNe he n.nsibeen drii klna " aald thi woman v ... ¦

-;. dooi "He lefl here aboul four wcekage lakb i ¦¦¦>. b igf a and aaylng he a

Boinif away to the i i few wcelitvon- fomterl] owned the barroom at No s.iaj

Elahth t flve n ¦¦. ag h aold IIJJM to it ,i Madden who now conduct. ih. planatadden knowa lvory weij and aald thal hi wa.J p.'riot). Irli man He bad .- numbei ol Irl.li1end» bul wi ieiponp- them he dld not km .


Vr.ir BMITIBH WAR8BIP LAUXCBED.'¦. 'ndon Sc.t. 17..Tba new armo/td flrat-elaaa

battla-jhlp Illu.trioua waa .ucceaifully launchedttoa tba Chathuro deck yarda to-day The illua-

trloua ia of 14900 tnna. Her eagjtaaa wlll hnve anIndlcated horae-power ..f 12,000, aml sh.- -wlll carryBlxteen guns.?



WOMEN MBETa IN BT. JOHN*.Bt John, N. i'., Bept. it. -The twenty-iourtn Con-

.¦ f the A BOjclatton for the Advanr*r*neni ofWomen met here to-dav. Th.- prealdent, Vrs. JullaWard Howe, dellvered the openlng addreaaA paper entitled "Houa keeplng ai .: Prof*asl»n,"

b) Mra M P, Kanna d, ol Brookllne, Man waadlscuaaed by Mn Edna Dow < heney, -t p<

(Voli otte, of Dedham; Mi"- Bi atui in olTewkeshurj Masa.. and Ml«s Puaavllle, of tluffilo,

, Miss ;-;\a Cannlni read paper on i',".,- Illrydi't, Modern fe," whlch waa dlacuaaed

.-> Mra i.iiy Lord Tlff. -i- fhenoy read a papeion "Llterature, Precura .: Rcfarm." whlch waadlacuased bt Mrs. Howe ,,-,,: Mr- Ktt. '.*.-'Wel'.s. Mrs. Marla U. Bray, or W =<t Glouceater,:. .! a nanei on "The Vslue ol Uai Ilnblti olObaervatton of Nature l.y Women," whlch waa dl

aed bj Mra Woicotte.

"GEORGE EBBEX8" 8E\ TESCED l\ BERL1S.l'erdn, Sept. 17. w. 11. Bowera. slUa Moore, II

Burton, of Bt, i.ouis, Mo., wi - " tenced in counheie to-day to flve >c.:ra' im,.i>'Jiim, iv al liardlabor for robblng the Berlln Caaaea \>-

nnrks Bowera 1-; Ittl irled his hand at bank rob-brry i-i Am»rlca. he belng known at thi' tlme ai"i;. orre Ebbena."


7U'o VORE PAPER8 ">/\ TBE '. I. P.London, Bept 17, Tbe Unlted Aasoctated Pressea

to-day entered into rontract relotlona aith "The

Newcaatle Cbronlcle" and "Tbe Leedi i'orkahltiPoat" to furnlah theae papera with the dall: -'¦¦

vi ¦¦ ,-f cable dlapatchea coverlng thc Amerlcanfleld of news, whlch i« nlready belna Bupplled toThe M r Ouardli n." "The Edlnb irgh

B tsman.' ¦.Th- Olaagow rlerald," "The \;->:r"ri ¦¦ Preaa..rbe Dundee Idvertlaer"

number ,,r other lournala, Includlna "Ti .¦ CIcle." of London, whlch was the flral of the Inflti-entlal Rrltlah pnpc-ra 10 avall itaell of thla 1


TBE Cf. 1/T« YACBT 8 117 >' I CREW.Copenhagen, Bept, I' Th< Ct r*i n. a

yacht Standard, whlch went on a irlal trlp In the\orth £ triv.il here. Bhe reporta that ahe

v,. w. 1 teamer Corlwinde ln a Blnk-,,,,. condttlon and took oft hci crew, landlna them

GOLD ALOSG TBE AIKA8BRA RIYER.ajt. aVtci .- B< .-¦ II A dl t. h from > lad... .. i;;,.t. rn I » that an eaplorlng

cxpedltlon haa dlacovercd rl«-h gold r" Ida betweenhumlkan and Ayon. A gocd quallty ol gold haa

i,,..,. discovere.1 In fourteen nla.es ln the volcanleatraU alora the banka <>: ihe Alkaehra Rlvar.


</.MV< V181T TO BALMORAL PORTPOSED.London. Sept. 17..Thi arrlval of Ihe Caar and

1,, th, whlther they wlll proceed toDalmoral lo vlali th. Queen, hns been poatpenedfrom M.lay, Beptember «, to Tueaday, Beptem-

r :'-.,;. nhagei Bept. 17 of this rity have

.-l :, man named Machner, a natlve ofted of belng no Anarchlat

Th, fjai md <'7.-'ii., are now vlattlnil the Klngof Denmnrk, and, Ii vlew of the dlacovery of thi

., nll ¦:.<¦>. the Danb h polextraordlnary rloae watch upon .-11 bub-

p '. rs- ~ .

Thelr Imperlal Majestl. wlll aall for Oreat Brlt-aln on Bunday nixi.

PKOTE8TAST8 8FFFER f.V MEXICO.Mexlco Clty, Bept 17..On the nlgbl of Bepten

i.r |5 a mob attacked tbe Presbyterlan Church at

Agtiaa t'nllentea, the paator of whlch is the Rev.!.. H. Bharp The mob broke the arlndowa nnd

.,.-. atonea Mr. Bharp'a houee waa also

attacked. On Beptember M a crowd attacked the

Mi reloa Proteatanl College In the same clty, break-

Ina every wlndow ln it. Beveral arresta have beenmade and tbe authorttles are anxloua to identlfythe leaders rnlt-.l Btatea Mlnlater Ranaoffl hasbIbo been appealed to lo uae hla beal offlcea wUn

lovernmeni to secure Ihe punlsbmenl of the


paie Bl Paul, Que., Bept. IT.-a atrong ahock ofearthouake waa felt here this mnniing. rbe relB-mie dlBturbance waa of ahout one mlnutaa dura-tion.Nlaaara. Ont., Bepl 17 Whlle Mtlnaj aa marka-

man durlng rifle practlce at the DIatrlcl \ol intei r, ,,,,,mornina, I'rivnte Hatton, >l '«. n

Bound, was atruck ln Ihe h.-ad by b stray bulletand InBtantly kilbsd.

^- j.-irn'r N F Bept. 17..Proapeetora hereatruck several beds of aold-bearlngquarta at Cape

s- a rb. n obtaln




BBth N V Sept. 17. The body Of an unknown

man WM out I ln Lake Kauka, near Paan Tan.laat Baturday. He waa of large frame, halr cul

pempadour. wora a muatacbe aml had thc namc

..Ync, in. a red handkerehlef was tied

ov.-r his eyea and he bad a acar on hla ahoulder.0n ,. aecount to-Blgbt, the proprletor

of a hotel her- decuued thal the man. from the

deacrlptton, bad atayed at his not-: on ^pttmbnleft thi followlng mornlng for Lake Keuaa.

He reglstered as Peter Toat, of New-Tofk, andaaid that he waa travelllng for a patent leather

He dlaplayed qulte a little monev whenhe nald hla bllf But 17 centa waa found n hla,,l s and the Bupposltlon Ii tbat he bad I.

,!;,;;;;. HnVmnkini: a thoroogb Inveatlgatlon.


Th- apecla] receptlon commlttee of the Aaaocia-tton of tbe Bar ol the Clty of New-Tork held a

meetlng yeaterday, at tbe ofllce of Oeorge L. Rlves,the ehalrman of the commlttee, ln the Mutual UfeRuil.iina to arrange the detalla for tbe formal

tpenlng of the BBsoclatlon'a new home ln Weat

Forty-fourth-at., In the laal daya of this month,

and the receptlon to ba glven for Lord RusseJl, ofKlltowen, at that tlme. A deflnlte date wa

declded on for tbe gatharlng, however, and tb«.ommittee wlll make no announcement of the pro-

aramme untll thal polnl is settled, as it la ex-

,. ted It wlll l>e to-day lt ls now understood bythe commlttee thal Cblef Juatlce Puller wlll bepreaent and thal other roembers of the Bupreme

of the I'nlted Btatea, as well aa of otherK. .leral courta and of the Btate courta, will beamona the repreaentatlvea ol the bencfa present,:i, th.it 0C1 aalon.


DAYW .1. WELLS'R 80\ TO MARRY.London. Bept. it Tbe marrtagi of Davld D.

w. .. Becond Becretary <-f tbe L'nlted Btatea Em-rletta "rii. daught. 1 ol b London

;;,,.. will lake pls ln Bt. Ooorge'i Church,Hanovei Bquare, oa October II The engageroeniof thi eouple was announced on Ma) Mr. an

vVella after a honeymoon apeni on the Conv. ill return 10 l^ondon abo N< rembei ;.emuln untll March, when they wlll come

,,'; Al. taking n aldi - In N'ea ork?

ETERA \'S I \ n E t\ BAR IfOO I.garal g N y Bepl I" (Bpeclalj Tl

[| a'mental Aaaodatlon held thelr fourthpunlon ai ; '.'.

j -i lent, Qeni ral \\ InsorBprlnga; t ''hp-

tahi Henry C. Rowland, of Baratoga Bl,.. li .,.¦! ii. Puller, ¦>'. Baratog ¦

Charlea V Th irb. r, of"\|e.-., ': ; v

The "to Regtmem New-TorkH \ lnfantry waa known ia thi Bemli H<

Battallon and aaa rai* al James B Me.Kean ln II

V'eteran »»..i 1 flftei receptlon eri bt] ad

li.irfaio foi ¦" lv: '¦¦'¦¦ regUaeni *j»

.. 1 County, b) Colonelfollowlni were .- ti tali

¦' ,',,... J hn .1 Bu. hanan. of Johna-,aw,i '1 M Pltcn, of Mooere: D. W Boui alck. ofpOwt'|; .... il, Hodgea of Klngi .,..1 .1

L**1," ,-¦-.,i\ .1.- a. reta Willam M

»farrJ IV - M.C. LloydofOn Aia-n. 0/ %lb n . a

,. j.,,.,, ... ,.' Port H ml?


Pottavllle, Pena Bepl 17. Il aoon 'i the

.nalna of u Lehlgh Valley pasaenget ti dn 1

a coal traln englw of th. PI llsdelphla and RaadlnaRallroad 1 ¦ ».....'' rosalai a: Ma.ar.rio> Cltylirnri Bohlei the He.vl.nc ena-neer. w»» Inftan'.y

iffl and hia flreman. «ra^.wh»jnmffuaave blmaelf. waa aerloufly Injured .e Lewnv« lev enalneei J..me.« Bchaffer; tha n Hr» .,'

;,,;,,, pt Mouni atnH-1, and. 3. O.

McCurdv. a auU. -.erk, were injured.



Alfre.l T. Ackert, wh was snn .- tlme »K» .'!-potnted refarea In ihe Burrogate'i court tp paaaupon the acoounti of Clvll Jusiir. ii.rm.it. Boltiand Wllllaaa Bteencken, aa executon ol thi eatatiof Chrtattan Ko. b, Bk d hla repot and-Ing th..t the eatate had been mtamanagedChrtetlan Kocb, who livi ai No M Jan

dled In Pebruary, UBS, leavlng biadwelllng andaonal propert) valued al aboul 111,088. The de-eadenl lefl a wlll glvlng the property to hlikni md a number ..f relatlvea. By ihe wtllClrtl Juatlce Bolte, Valentlne Dltmaal nnd WllllamBteenel named aa rxecutora. Dttmaal dldnoi quallfy as an xi eutoi bul Bolte and .<-"> nckendld, and h ve .. \> <\ a -¦ auch.When Bolte and Bteencken Bled thelr ac

Mr>- Anna Koch, Ihe widow, objected lo thi ap-proval of the accounta, averrlng thal th.- eatatehad been mlamanaged. Mr Ickeri Rndi that twoi.remiK.-ory notea, amoantlnc to $-'.!'... porportlna tohave been made hy the tcetator, payableQeorge Braun, which were pald to Braun bj Boltiand Bteencken, .-. r. fjjKeric-j He r. >ni thatixperti lei tit¦ -.. that they wi and thatthe ilgnaiurei of Koch on th. notea wt-rt nol lik-

... ,i .,-. itun The referee .-.. yt he oellei >ithat Ihe algna ure* oi. thi notea were traced. Herecommenda ibal a blll of H.rmm A. Bol¦¦. aof .- t'ivll Juailce, for legal aerrlcea, ahould be re-ducedYn. referee iilao Bndi that the eatate hai been

mlamanaged; lhal thi executon ahould nol re ely.an) rommla.ion, and ahould be chnrged wlth thiexpenae* of the reference II. reporn thal whenBteencken wai made terapor rj admlnlatrator heml.repreaented ih. value of the eatate b) "a>'nBth it lt .ihi not amount to noore than l'.¦¦<*^ whlle Hwaa wortu mor. ihan tlo.flOn ln thla wa) Bteenckenwa. only requlred lo gtve .¦ bond foi 13.00

Oi ¦. whl. h would havi bei .¦ ha .

Ihe irue ralue of th. eatate been glven.The referee'a report has not bi n paB.ed

Sio-i ogatc.?

A WILL CONTE8TED BY A DAUOHTERObjectlona lo th robate of the wlll

rlatlan Oeln w. re flh I yeaten t thi offlcethe Bi rrogate Mr. Q. li db on A

aml b) kili wlll, whli h «..s flled wlth thi Burion Bi ptember I the lum of P00 wai lefldaugl ter i: ;' malndi r »jf hla

to hla aon, Budolph Then arera i.thihelr.-al iw O ia of t1 ¦. wei of thi wlll rend:My r< .aon for nol maklng a better proyl.lon for

mydaughter li thntof late yearainhe haa lx-e

Btantl) B "!. and wlthln ihe.1 me. b.

t,:. ph) Ical hi-alth would prcvent aaa from aerena-

Ing ihe a

The p ipera Bl< -i y< .ti rday bi gln a conl... |t la alleged tl

the laal wlll of the deeedent, and thalih. xecutlon of II wa. nol hla free and voluntarj

;. ,nat |, wai procured b) frnud. rcuuvn,:.| undue inlluenco practlaed uposon Rudolph end thera. lt la jJb«oalleged

that the tctator waa nol of aound me«underatandlng





vTaahlngtoi Bept " l-""' Chlef Juatl R

b, .. wlfe and daughter and Mi

Pox. reached Waal igl m thla afternoon al,,-, ... k by the pennaylvanla Ballroad ln 1

Preald. nl Thomaon'i pHvi te car The> were mei

ai the atatlon bj Attorney-Oeneral Harmon, who

waa aecompanled by Calderon Carllale, a promtnenimember of the Dlatrlcl bar, nnd tbe counaellor of

the Rritlsh Erabaaay. Although an Amerlcan, Mr

Carllale waa tha only repreaentatlre of the BngllahOov.rnmenl ln the clty, and the Attorney-Oenei il

thoughl ii proper thal he ahouid aaalal in tbe re

ceptlon of tha dlatlngulahed gueata. The partj m u

drlven to the AHIngton, whi re luncheon w-aa at once

served.After a short reat, carrfagea were nrderod and a

drlve aboul th- cltj followed No prograrame waa

, d for to-i ght, b numb. r of i ipitive people paid thelr reapacta to the Lord ' hlef.lu-ti.-e ln h.s apartmenti at the hotel v\nen tnedate ol the vlalt of ihe f'hlef Juatlce in th. elt) «

known th* Attorney-Oeneral endeavored, but lnvaln to aecure tfie aervleea of a Governmenlfor the trlp to Mount Vernon The Dolphtn rouldnot he communicated wlth, and all the llghtltenders were off 00 duty, an that none of them couldbe had Aa a Bubatltute, th.- Mouni Vernon electrlcllne offered a apeclal iraln for the trlp. and theparty wlll f'rt taken to Waahlngton'a grave to-mor-row afternoon al 2:80 o'clock, returnlng on on< olth., riv.-r boatlNo programme haa ai yel been arranged for Frl

dav evenlng. Owlng lo the abeence from the .::->

of"th- entlre diplomati- corpa and thal elementwhlch forma the Boelal aid- of Waahlngton, it bnlmost imposaihie to K'-t up any Bort of functlon,hut it ia not Improbahle th»n an mformal dlnnermay be tendered to the Lord Chlef Juatlce to-mor-row nlght. The party wlll return to New-YorkSaturday mornlngal 10 o'clock.

HAI.ru TRl i/'ii i) kVCOX STED FOR.Plemlngton. N. J., Bept 17 (BpecUl) Balph

Treadway, the Tale crew capgaln, is nol mlaalngHe arrlved In Plemlngton from Brtdgeport on

Thuraday evenlng as the gueel of Wllllam A oi

ter and atarted on Monday foi Long laland H.wlll have \\ l.lt-stotie for Sloux Clty to-nlght, ar-

ilvlng there- on Saturday evenlng.

A rumor has been In clrculatlon for two dayi tothe etfect that Captaln Treadway'a parenta InBJoux < "lt> bad not heard from him for thn - weekiand that he waa mlaalng.

TS0TE8 01' THE BTAGEMlaa Effle Bhannon has been engaged ai li

woman for Wllllam H. Crane'a company for thecominK aeaaon, Among the other membera of thecomiiany wlll he Kdw.n Ard.n. Boyd Putnam,Fercy Brooke, Wllllam Boag, Oeorg* i". 1 >. Vere,Vlncenl Berano, Charlea J Jaclwon, <: V*. I><- Vere,Mlaa Maiion Abbott, Mlaa Leater, Mlaa Larklna,Mlaa Tyler and Mlaa Holly

.a Plortda Enebantment" win ba the ne»t at-tractlon nt lioyt's Tbeatre, the da i aelected bi ng

iber 12.

Juatlce McCarthy, In the Clty Court, yeaterdayappotnted Abrabam Joaepfa reeetver for tha prop¬erty of Mlaa Marti Janaen, lh< cornl. eln an actlon whlch was broughl agalnal her byMark Bherrlck. When examlned recentlyplementar)' proceedlnga Mlaa Janaen iwon that iheoni) incer: y ah. owned waa a cutlm agalnal Jeffi r-

aon Klaw and Brlanger, theatrlcal managtra, foi124871 Bherrlck baa a (udgment agalnal Miaa Jan¬aen for Jl*6 74.

WBDDlfQB.U Anna I. (,'lark. daujrhter of- Dr. and Mra.

.... v. Clark, of Poughkeepale, waa marrti toJ.mn w Hutcblnaon, )i a young lawycr <.: tbliclty, i>y the Bcv. J.im.s I. B Jofa n .- .;rjc

Church Chantry at « o'clock yeaterday ..ft.:;.

T-ie weddlng wa« prlvate, only the ImnKdativea an! a few Inllmat. frlendi belna n »eni

Rurge.., )r., was beai man, and the briv..,. itiended bj ber alater, Miai Aphlladelphla, Bept. H Tbe wed | ol Capl un

Lloyd Weal Pranela, forroerly of th. il.i Beglmenlof New-York, lo Mlaa Edna Dean Bmltfa of Vlni,nd N J daughter of Mn Mi Ivlna II. Bi

look' plaee ai thi Memarlal Church of the Advorati al noon yeaterdaj Thi Dr. \>. W Bil-w ater ;¦. rformed th.- ceremontj.

si il 1/ /. <>R WAT80\ I


From The Buffalo 'ourl r

Vitbur Bewall wa» .%.'. l- .¦ for VI -

Presidei rhlefl) '¦¦ .'" '¦- nomln*tlpreald. ago Mr thatwould i» Bood atrateg) to trj to caTry Malne In^..,.,..,,... .... then fre«lj exprc.wd the oplnlonthat thla ould I- doni Evi n ln hli pi enl,'ltloii of mentiil he mu-t

his .electlon Mr. Bcwai.:,. ¦.i m .. m( atroke



.. \. .v Torh Tlm.,.,, ... ,_ for. 'i to chooiH betw n 8>wh nd

Tom* or elae t.» refuae to -. onalder-Bbie loaa and damage an) a*


Bvery way Mr Wataon la the ioglcal politlcalof Mi Bryan it- hpuld bi

v .,,, the Nebra.ka mai and noa

nrovedthVl Bewall I, , non.|b but ime from the


r>om Ihe Plttaburg Commerdal Oaael-, reault of ihe Malne eleel

". ; .n wl vl fopullat-Demo-J'i'STo?"he Bouth an! ed to lt. To have.. th. ileb-1 ow, to it.- Injur

'...'. .V.fi ...-w,,v, ..f ih- Hon. Tom Wataon. lha

v"ry l.i'.'i of !'. ¦¦ iHam, H oui of llw queatlon

AND WATBON B'ONT BB MCZZLEDFrom Ti.e Bo ton Advertlaeij-rom any itandpolnt iba> piUrht otihrnDtm^

contlnuea to urge m* v, ( ,lh ^

ir.sT/V /:. FOftD DEAD.


Kire Commlaatoner Auatln L. Pord dled at his-.7.7 Marlon-are., Pordhaal, at 3 o'clock

¦-' di fternoon, from tbt effecta of antion rorappendlcttla performed laal Mondaj bj I>rs

o: Balkoca. I'p t., hall aa hour before hisdeath rkanmlaatoner Pord was canacioua and re og-nlaed hl wlfa and aon, Arthur, who were at hisbedalde l»r Lyotu aaa matantly wlth hhn fortwenty-faair hnnr* prevtoua i> hla deatb, bul coulddo nothlsg to relleve ;,im r.f hla Bufferlnga At noon

> M Pord'a paln ceasad aad his deatb waaPre Idenl L.t Orange, of the Board of

Plre Contnli iiied al tbe houae ¦ few rao-¦. before Mr. Pord'i deatb, but, owlng to the

(ti mely low eondltlon of the path nt, waalowed to aee hlm. Mr. Pord*a Ulneaa began twoweeka ago. and befor tbe physlclans could deter-mlne the itature of tb. -.- had made suehprogreaa tltat tha operatlon, whlch w.is his onlyhope, waa rtitlleMr Ford w <¦ born ln Boston on Angusl H, UV7,

of a family tdentlfled wlth the cauae of Hberty amlwlth lon and llterature ln both Ameiica andtreland for generatlona. Hla father was the Brstrolunteer to tnswer the call of Lincoln in lgfti he

.1,1 of Willlam Uoyd <;.:rriso:i inhlaantl-sl a/erj agltatlon, and hlaaaslatant on 'TheUberator Au tln E Pord inherit.-.i his prlnci-

hla llterary lartea from hlm. He wns cdu-cated In ih,- publl .; New-York, and .' s

d Bt. M.ir;'- .'..,. , |n gan Fraiand waa N'ew-York journallai over twenty yeara,:i< Managlng :¦;¦ i,,.r ..f "The Iriah World." ESdltorof "Th.- Nea^York Preeman'a Journal," and .-.ii..- ,r Aimlet m'a Cyrlopaedla, tiie revlewa andayndl itea l(.- was aN., a member of the publlah-Ing nrm of A B. 4 R i: Pord The Btudy of trlsh

¦'¦ Bpecbtllj of thal happy and yet aad chap-.¦ whlch dealj wlth thc rlae and fall of Ireland'a

-.hlm i prote tloniat, and hean a. iro ate und orsanlz<r for

ti| tarlff bartier between Amerlcan la*n and ,»;u ild

TWI IV- ;.. .,,.. ,.,.,,...J, ,,f J,r fjthe frlend ,f hla boyhood, Mr >7<,:-,i opened the

ii.-il campalgn for hlm hen n New-York aaof the Chlckertng Haii meetlng

n who wei golng to caal thetr DratRepubllcan ballot .: tbe wlab of the BtateCommlttee, tha pubuk welcome to Mr. Blalne on

aa Rurope waa organlaed by Mr.Pord. Ita Buceaa aat pronounccd Aa e<Cathollc

to al on th. broad platform of Arch-biahop treland, and as the llfelona frlend ot Mr.Morton, he denounced the attempl of polltlclanalo hoodwlnk votera wlth an laaue uncalled for. ln-Jected, as it, thi .-.,-. ol Burchard ln 18*4, for thii1 irpose oi dlversloi from the dllemma In whlch

l '. in -. ias >i onsequ. ni >. ,,ftheir dlaaatroua admlnlatratl Ii affalra.Mr. Pord repreaenied \,» Y,-rk .- ., apeaker al

if tt. Ilglona in Cblr igo ir, US2. lnI8W hc n n for fongresa In the VII Ith Dietrlct, aml|K»lli thi largi cote reglatered for a Republlcan

it- waa agaln the Republl .in candldate ln". V'llth Ir l*M, and r duci thc Democratlc ma¬jorlty b) i..i.. ¦. .1. a-aa .,;. re Commls-

M Btrong ln May, IsaV, when he re-lln pilal .1 . ,. of "The NesFreema loun J." li'.s w Ifi to whom h. vaa.i ln IRa), waa formrrh Mlaa Annle f -k-ley, of s.,a Pranclaco. Bx-Mayor Qrace atood aa

ii i to tb. iiM'iyor Btrona ordered thi flaga on all munlclpal

da). w hen he beard "fl-'i.e i.'ommlHaloner Pord'a death.

\ meetlng of the Republlcan County Commlt-theli headquartera, No, 115 West Thlrty-

eightl laal Ight, a motlon was offered b)Prederl k S fllbha provldlng for the appointmentof a cOfnmittet ,if thr..- to .Iraft resolutlons In T<-t-r-rence to the >'.< >i- of Mr Pord. The motlon wasunanlmously carrled The ChaJT appolnted Lueaal. Van All n. .loiin C. Colllna and James W. Perryaa the commlttee.


HENRY HILL AXDERSON,Henry Hlll Anderaon, ihe s<-r,ior memher nf the

law rirm of Anderaon, Howland A- Murray, of No.M wall-at., dled auddenly tr^m paralyata of theheart yeaterday mornlng at York Harbor, Me Mr.Anderaon waa one ,.? the mosi promlnent lawyeraof this clty. Only on Wedneaday a letter waa re¬eelved at hla offlce anylng that he would r.-turn toualn. aa on M. nda-. :c-xt.

Mr Anderaon was >.,rn In P"ston, Maas., Novem-b. i- '.'. IS27, and waa the aon of the Rm Dr RufuaAnderaon, a graduate "t Bowdoln t'oliege and a

leadlng clergymae of Boston. The faniiiy |s ,.fB ol h descenl and long aettled in the State ofMalne Mr. Anderson'a grandmother was a coualn,,f I'hi'f Justlce Parsons, of Maaaachuaetta, Mr.Anderaon waa prepared fcrcollegeal PbllllpsAead-emy, Andover, Mafs. entertng tbat Instltutlon triIM1 and belng graduated ta IBM In IM he waagraduated from WlIllamB College, cura htude, sub-

ntly, ln IB1, recetvlng the degree of Maater ofArts.Immediatei) aftei his graduatloa, In 1MS, he rame

to New-Tork and began readuig law, aupportlnghlm--. if as inatructor in the Prlende' acbool, th.-nat Ellxabeth and Hester ata ln the aprlna of 1949

ter,.,i t|1(. offlce of Henry E. Davles, tin-nCounsel to the Corporation, aid th.- aame year w-ii.s

dmltti to thi i-i. Hla work ln tbe ofllce ofJudae Davlea waa oni of large reaponalblllty, belngcblefly the trlal of bnport inl caaea for th>- clty. Hearaa almoai Immediately Intruated wlth the prepa-ratlon .,t.,l trlal of the famoua "New-Jeraey iire

artslna oui of tbe blowlng up of t,uiidin>?sin New-Tork b) Mayor Lawrence during th.- areatflre of :.:' These aulta, Involvlna over a mllllond llar-. arere broughl agalnai Mayor Lawrence InNew-Jeraey, and efter a hard-fought UtiRation re-

ln a »*rdlct for the clt) He was ,-iiso atihts tin-e employed h> the Croton Water Board toacqulre ind for the Central Park reaarvolr, and lntheae and other Importani mattera was broua-ht lndlrect rontaci v>ith Prancla B Cuttlng, DanlelLord and Jamea T. Brady, leadlng lawyera of thatda)

ln Is-. Mi Anderaon formed a partnerablp wl*.hAmiel J. Wlllard and Peter lt. Bweeny, under th,-name ot WlUard, Bweeny g Anderaon This flrmfr.iin Its lnreptlon acqulred a larite pra.t!,-..- ln pni,-llc mattera They were engaged in tbe establljb-m- nt of the Blgbtb-ave. horaecar rallroad, thenowned b) Qeorge Law, aenlor, and wtn emptoyedit. moat of tbe earlj elty rallroad litlgatlon. They

aafully conducted foi Ruaa A Reld the pro-irai ted lltlgatl.galna! thi clty artstng oui ,,f thelaylng "i th. . one blo k pavemenl ln Broadway,ih.- h:>; blo. k pavement lald in New-York.

i. Monell, sfterward Jud?e of the Hu-perlor Court, became a member of ihe flrm. Thlaflrm i-ontlnued untll IM7, when, havitur met with aaev< re family afllh-tton ln tln loaa of his wlfa aitwo chlldren Mr. Anderaon ratlred and sp.-nt two\.-.ira h forelgn tnnr-lReturnlna ln iaB», he wns rallcd by <ir»eti c,

Bn naon, then ("ounael t>, th> Corporation, to ad aatant. In this poaltlon he remalned over thr.-e

taklns entlre cbargi <>f the trlal of all tbecaaea i"i the rltj He v.us a partner of .IikI^.-Bronaon untl tbe latt.-r's death In IM3, when heform(*d a partnerablp wlth M.-taon Young, Henr) K.Howland afterwara becomlng a partner. Mr.)',.¦. ibaequently retlred. Later Qeorge Wel-wood Murraj d Henry B. Anderaon w.-n- adinlt-t.-u t,< memberahlp, thi Brm contlnulng aa Ander¬aon, Howland .v Murray to the presenl tlme.Mr. Anderaon h 1171 reoelved the nomination for

mi Court ludge fr.>m the Apollo Hall Dembul waa defeated by Judac Noah Davbt He

-. ther.; fti r refu publlc offlci and, al-though ln I87J nomlnated by Tammany Hall for

f the Buperlor Court, and aubsequently re«ceivlng ..ii offer from Mayor Wlckham of the offl ..

o tbe Corporation, he retuaed both hon-preferrlng to devoti hb tlmi to an Increaslng

private practiceMr. Anderaon enjoyed a hiah atandlng al the

New-Yorl; bar ai a wund ioglctan and a dlrect,forceful a|>eal -i Por many years he had been theadvlaer for num«'roua larg. eatatea and corporation

-. -. and ... referee had dedded many Impor-I!, a u Iwi aln re hun hman and waa f-.r

b v.-stry in..;. ol .il-.arv Protestanl ISpla ,,|..ilh when Dr Batterle-, noa Utshop, waa its

reetor A memb<T of many cluba, he waa partlcu-jar|j ,.,:.- |n th. -¦:.-.:.- ttoi, of th^ I'nlveralty

¦; ib In Ita pi ... ,,.,i |ti flrstprraid. .' odlci for nbie buc-(.«alve a'hlch th* lul. grew lnto a

.... ,,; -,. md pn .--.¦. "thei cluba to whl.-hhe bclonged wen thi Metropobtan, «'entury, Down-

i..wy.r.-' and New-York Vacht. \". v. -Eng and 8 i. Ii

He .urv!-. -! ; ighter ,.f th.w iniai |- . :, irtford, md threeHenry B. Willlam B and Chandler P. all of whom

pre, *i -i ir law In thi.. the ftineral 1. ^e noi yet

i" n made.?

CAPTAIN OEOROE B. HOTTWaah agt ¦ :: A telegraaa rad at

the w. r Departraent to-day announdng the death

of .'aptnlr, <'.¦ r| I Hoyt, ipiartermaater at

II .,,t thla mornina; from apoplaxy. He. ,,rn it, New-ilampsblre aad appolnted to th<-

from Ul-"' ali ln lafl II' aerved from Wlrlce wlth th* Wlaconaln

-.-.-.i "-.. L/uartvrma itar"i Dmeni ptain. II ¦ i

irtn eni?

W BV11 ... .,v i-.. reeldi nl of thla . lt) dled on

w mraday -': .' Park, Long laland, where(.^ waa a| I aumaaei He imd t>e«n at-

>, Dr Willlam ii Muna, of thla rity. wbab irt hi-en his fiirr.il; payalclaa for a number of |Mr EvartB waa ln h'a seventy-BftCOnd >enr H*

wa- ihe fatt.-r -if PrHerlck M. Evarta. of the lawntrn af Lntlo *i Evarta, :-'u 62 Wail-ai., and lued |

nt hla aon's home. No. 110 WVat One-hundred-and-thlrty-tblrd-Bt. The fur.erttl wlll he prlvate.

BNOCH PRATTr.-iitimore, Sept. IT..Eno h Pratt dled at bla eoun¬

try home. Tivoii. Baltlmorc County, at J* o'cloeh to-

nlght. Mr. Pratt celebrated hi- elghty-elghth an-

nlveraary of bl blrtk laal Thuraday Notwlth-be w ia, untll I. f.w weege ago,

aound phyalcally and aaentally, and erery day aave

evid.-nce 0f hi. vlgor ln tbe oonduct of bhi bu ilneai

affalra Thi extreaaa heal of early Augual proa-tratad him. Blnre then he bad not b-jfj »t tbe Na-tion.l Parmeraand Planteia1 Bank. wltbwhteh in-atltutlon hi haa be. n eoniusi I.i atrei toc an i

prealdenl alncc 1840.

Bnock Prati waa one of the beat-knowa and

moat-roapected cttlaena of Belttaaere He waa a

natlva of Maaaachuaetta. and was born la North

Mlddleboro. Plymouth County, m thnt BUte, Bep¬tember l" 1898, tha famlly batag aaa e.f tba ouieet

m the oi.i Baj BUte, cUlralng eaacenl from

Phlneaa Pratt, who arrlved In Hjraaouth ta the

ahlp Ann In IB3. and dled al Cbaraeatown, Maaa.

in K.v- ... the age of eUmty-aeeen yeara Mio« n

Pratt- father waa IBBBC Pratt. who v as alao horu

in North Mlddleboro, m t~«. and hia ¦KHher waa

Naoml Kelth Pratt. who waa i-orn ln Brldgewater.Plymouth County, ta 1718. Hla flrel mnurnnl anceatorwho cama to thla countn waa tne Ber. JKelth, who came orer from Beotland In IB3,tiing at Brldgewater, whera he dtod la 17M, agedaev. nty-slx yeara.Bnoch Pratt attended the publlc achoola ln hla

boyhood and lha Brldgewater Academy, from

which he was graduated at the age of flfteenyeara. He then aacured a place ln a comm-

houae ln Boaton whera ha aerved for sl\ yeara.i,,,i.nc hla native State ln 1*31. he went to Baltl-more ind eatabllahed hlmaelf aa a eommla.lonmerchant, wh.-re h- had been enaaged ln bualneaaever ilnce. II- foumled the wholeaale iron houaeof Pratl ¦ Kelth, ar.d later 'h.-u of Bnoch Prattft Brother compoaed of Mr. Pratt and his hroth.-r-|i |nw Henry Janea. ln thla and ln other bual-neaa nterprlaea Mr. Pratl amaaaed a fortune, aup-poaed to be Bhotil 13.000,000. He waa prealdenl ofihe Parmera nnd Plantera' H.mk and a dircetorin the Bavlnga Bank of HaPlmore. was Intenln a number of ateamboai and rallroad companlesnnd wai for many yeara a vlee-prealdentPh'ladelphia wiimin^'on and Baltimore Ballroad.

All hla llfe Bnoch Pratt took a deep Intereat Inpubllc interprlaea of charltablc klnd. and hist-ontributiona to thi welfare of h-.imanliy werefrequent and on ao large a acale that he aoonbecame wldely known and beloved aa one of thaforemoat phllanthroplata in the eountry He waadlrector nnd nreabient of varloufl eorporattonB,prealdenl of tne Koi.se of Beformatton and ln-Btructlon for Colored Chlldren, bi Cheltenham, Mdwhlch he founded and to whph he k... 750 n..f hla f-rm as a altc and waa prealdent of theMarvland Bchool for th< Deaf and Dumb, at Fred-.rlcfc, whlch he e.tabll.hed. In 1857 Mr. Pratl en-dowed an academy in North Mlddleboro, Maai hisnatlv- town. ln the st.m of £40.000. ln 1«>7. nl-thouutl. r atanch Bepubllcan, he wai elected by theClty Councll of Baltimore na Flnanci fommta-aloner of that clty, whlch poaltlon he retalned foryeara

In January. 1882, Mr. Pratt gave notlce to thegovernmenl of Ihe clt) of Baltimore f hli purpoa,..itabllah n free clrculatlna llbrary, to '... calledthe Bnoch Pr.ni lAbrary of the Ity of Baltimore,or, 'ertaln condltlona of co-operatlon on tbe partof the clty, whlch were promptly aceepted Heproceeded at once to ereel flreproof hiiildliia-s forth.- Hbrary and four branchi i ». were con-veyed to the clt) on July :. 1883 Mr Pratl hadinteiid.d to expei d *! 000,000 bul the amount, ln-eluillng; the endowment of $833,000, reached 11.145.-B331 Tl rary waa formall) opened on Janu¬ary I, 1881m Auguat l. 'S.1B. Mr Pratt married Marla I.

who waa born ln Raltlmor. n B ber 22,:- ncestora were timong the ear-

lle.t aettlera of Ma.aachu.ett., whlle her maternalnnce.tora were Oermana, and came to Haltimorewhen || waa flral Bettled. Mr. Pratt had no chll¬dren

I VI ///./;/> .17 AXTIETASl.


MONCMENT TO THE PALLEN COMBADBJHnKeratowti. Md Sept. 17. -The monument

erected by the Philn.leijihia Brlgade Aeaodatlon tothe memory of the mi men of the oM PhlladelphlaBrlgade who feii »t Antletam was unt Ued anddedlcated thls afternoon. The exerdaea were par-lldpated in l-y the Qovernora of Pennaylvanla andMaryland, a brllllant earort from Phlladelphla nndBaltimore, nnd hy hundred. of othera, many vet-erana comltiR from a dlatance. When GovernorHaatlnga and hla ataff arrlved on th.- plateau aur-

roundlng the famoua old Dunkard church, the Oov-arnor'i aalute waa glven by the Naval Beaerve bat-tery Governor Lowndes recelved the vlaltora andmade an addresa of weleome, to whlch GovernorHaatlnga reaponded A llne was then formed and a

dlatance of aboul 888 feel to the monument wns

gone over In m.rchinK order. wlth tba two Qov¬ernora headlng the coltimn. Arrivlna- at the monu¬ment. Herman Kotten, the contractor, tranaferredthe >i.aft to the Brlgade Aaaoclatlon II waa ac-cepted by i.n.m.nder John W Frasler and un-

vetled, The oratlon was dellvered by Captaln JohnE. Bellly, of the 88th Pennaylvanla VolunteeriOther addreaaea and mualc followi A. After the x-erclaes Governor Lowndea entertalned GovernorHaatlnga and hla ataB In b tenl which had beenerected near the monument. A banejuet was aervedon twelve long tabteaThe monument la plain, but Impoalng. lt is

aeventy-flve feet hlgh. fouri. feel wlde at thebaae, with a die Bla feet aquare and alx and one-half feel hlgh A beautlful shaft, Afty-three feelln helght, rlaea from the baa« lt atand. in thecentre of an eleven-acre plol of ground froiutng onth< llageratown plke, aboul 800 yarda north of ih<-Dunkard church. It aeta back from the plke aboulMA feel and la approached by a maendamtzeddrlveway, whlch extenda ta a mraceful clrcl. aroundthe baae of the monument. The monument ia ofthe bardeat Barre <Vt.i granlte. and oal Wo.000,Upon the four aidea of the baae, Immedlately belowthe pedeatal, are theaa worda: 'Becond Brlgade,Becond Divlalon, Becond Corps, Army of the Poto-mac." ln the grounda about to the monument arebIx braaa Held pl ei ind ¦ a tantit) of cannonball., contrlbuted by the War DepartrmThe Becond Brlgade was oraanlaed ln 1861, under

Prealdenl Llneoln'a call for three yeara' troopa. andwas compoaed of the 68th, 71at, 72d and 108th Penn-aylvanla Volunteera Ft took parl ln ihe prlnclpalbattlea of ihe Army of the rotomac from Bali'aBi.iff to Appomattox, an l cama out of tbe war witba loaa of 1.015 mi

'//// SE1DL COXCERTB.Pollowins is the programme for the promenade

concert at Madiaon Bquara Garden ihla evenlng.The fantasie on <'anadlai. melodi.s, whlch endl theflrat part. is a new cempoaltlon, and la dedlcatedto Mr. Beldl:


iwuv 1.Overtur., "Ohei n". w-' rinunnri Rntcllff" wid "I'av.llerl."....MBaoaanlA::,nlii!. i*' -i".- .-u.t» .-!.¦«.KellejH rtnlii»!" . '.!¦ .¦ '.

J .AKT II IWAONER r.Mt ..Prelude, "1/ h-niriin" ^W itaa'a r.rewell .nd Maift.' K;r» .»<-'-ne

from ''.» W.lkure'Pt/ Bcnf from !>:- .M-lB!»tatnaer" <-Waifn-rW-.'.i.i- Mu.lr .'li..rus and th. iiatti»rlng (

Bhtl ar..l \'.i m lll fr :..I/.h-'-ntun" J

PART III.IIOD, "Th. 'It .n.; lei f .- ikKinjen' .Si

- all '¦'. ii mIMm-.irt an.t IntentMSBo "PagUaecl" .Ltoac.v.lloBj.li IkJB, I'riplul". il>>»rls^r

QEXERAL HlTl.nrs 818TER II.I..f^xet.r. N n Sept 17 Mra Betay M Bterena,

only aister of General B. P Butler, is crltlcally lila. ber home In Nottlngham. Bhe la In her elghty-nlnth year, and untll recently bad remarkabla

nnd \i«or.-?-

\ WAI. 0RDER8.Ivaehington, Bepl 17..Lleutenanta E Moyd anl

C. C. Bo| been ordered to the Naval Acad-..m> Commandei H IV. Very ;.a.s been ordered to.lutv aj Inepectoi <>f ordnance it the Boaton NavyV. Ueutenani E. B. W'rlght rderedro the Wabaah on < Ictobi r I.


TBaTERDAY'8 RECORD A.\l> TD-DAT'g FORECAgTWaahlaai n, .-'-i,; '" Th* praaaafa is relaUvaly i-.w

from .M o.c ' '¦ ln u.e^..ut1;.* -' P '» i.iah ,in* W«va Bootla, la th. Oulf ..:

m n M n .-... Ral.. illen ln Kilan mi: In thi lah ia r.>»nln .li.- Atl.nl ,|H» f.H< .' ''; >. MiM ut.'. all»\ :.i, :!.>¦ n . M .n | r*>

an ihe ii^e regloa and t*.« Enclaad and .-r

($ .fih't-.

DETAILBD f\ .RKCABT FOR TO \<\\Ftor Ka. England aad Eaattrn v ....

iBir; atlodi t. ¦¦ aalag r. rtbwaateiF. r ta/a Paaai Ivaala,

. r-J ' ¦. Delawara, ji VlrgtaJa, s»n»r»iiyt.ir »¦'.!.r..¦. wlnda, e-. imlag northwei

K.jr Wts-. virglnia, u'^»»-: K». I rfc W... .. falr, pmeded bjr llabl .-'. wtn »

Uken; Ua»t 13 Pesli araatcrly win-i.


. l.llt3 4 3 «: S « 10 1 :k».o

20.5ln ir>!« ,:.«Bi»m a conUuuoui »ti!.» UW ' v ,'

ehanaei in pre.nure .. Uidlc.t«d i> Tha rrlbun. a .*.'

r»r..rdUl. BBrOBBHW Ih- lottad l.n» r^"r»IH»n.» IBB t»m-

|>»r.tur«- ut Pl»0ra.a al l'»rry'» PharBMBg,

Tiit-in- Obbbb, Beat lt i .« ai Tl" »«»"" leeierdajr.m eaaady .nd »h-w»r,. Tha laaayaratara r.nard t*-

m.eii «7 ana 70 Jrgr-e*. lU. avoraga Ct-* dr«rre»j U;ing

2*k rt'eree" h'fc-her than that of Welneaday and t hlghartbin idui <>f tne ci,rre«p in'iiaa ilay of laat y»ar.K wiil iie fair ln aay


argrw-jBRgarff ootnrr Of aantoRg ajvd appbalBBERDEIU A I>WISI<>V IN FAVOR <»F THE

Pgaon vi.vaMa RAIUKOAD OOMPAMY.Trentoa, Sept. |7 (Bpaeaal).- -Chlef faattae Beaaley

fiie.1 the oplaloa af tba Coort of Krrors aad AppeaiatO-day ln the coniemj.t of cotttl .' ,n*

Peaasyhraala Rallroad Ceaaaauty, »rrowinc out of avlolation of an Injunctlcn order Isaued hy ChancellorMcOill dtning tba ighl between tba r> nnaylvaniaompany and the National l*v-ka and New-Jeraey

Juactlon Conneeuag Rallway Coeapaay anaag 'helatter om;iany was attemptlr-.gr to croaa the atock-yarda of the penaeylraaat ooaagaay la Jeraey Clty.The chlef ji aaa tha k akai af CaaB*

v-' .il-. aeclarefl th<- Peaasylvaala .impanywaa no- In eoot' mpt, and potota out to the .'haneellori!i<- Jurladlction of ttie Court of ."har.'-ery in plalnianguage Bestdea the rlctory fo: tbe PennaylvanlaRallroad Compan: ir: taaguage m whi-hth.- Cbtef Juattea dea i w.-h .¦¦ ajrt ¦*' .'hancery.th» oplnlon :s a ra'dteal .1-;,ar:in«- from what haah.-ret ifore he,-n regarded as "aound law" in New-Jersey,Th< point !:ivo:\c,| |i -, -hni.-al. T.,<- |v rsnaylvanla

company cantended iha- an appeal from a Court ofChancery declglon acted a> * atay of any order ofthat court, proalded the loint of tli- thlng aatkataasai.y thi Chanoery Court'a one. worked an Inlury tothe prraon enyoined to --u.-h an ext<n: that lt could

remediea ;,-, the <-our: of laal n in the<'\(l: of thc appeal :¦. :nc BUetained Thc dectatea ls.ha* 'h.- only Injury - wlth reepeci 10 rhc etTe. t ofan appeal to th<- Couri <-f Errora and Appeals froma deci Cbaacerj

«. .

MARRLED.ia.m, i-hitt. Ki,i\ii ai uiea BMaa m j Wadaaa*

rta Beptember !>'. hj ihi it- Frank .1 >; --iwln.Itar a H toaapl N hitt»-,-1tne;, ar-id Pr.Bdwla E. Boad. nt Cal Iwell, N J

CONKMN KTRANQ On Heptew I al tba M»thodlatRplacopal iTiurch, Khrub Oak, \ ^ i> the Re* K. C.

Hara t: laugttt. t M Btrang taEdaaramr ..f .I-fT. .V

Ht" HIN.*ON LARK Oi Thuradai itnitaaabar 17. al. i" ¦- I-- B '--iin-

\ .,.- ;,- 1- lughier nt i»r aad Mr?. Haaty F.flark. to John W llutdUnaon, Jr.

.%; 1.1.1,1.a\ HMITH tt the reatdei <¦ t ih* brtaVa sja>t-r Mr- Btrphci F H at M - N V enWedneedaj K 1 .-ml-r IS, UMM b| t..- a» Ella* 8.

|, |>.. of Y.-nkera, \ *i i^nnir Anaeiia smlth,daughter .'-¦:. mltl Dr Frederl k wmiaaa

it -h of Hn laeport, ''

Notlcea of maniagaa and d.-atha muat he ta»doraed wlth ful! name and a.Mress.

DIBD.ACKERMAR E tered :r- rea at "' iradar mornlaa.Va'hanlel .1 '1 kern I yeari

[....innriii aarvleaa wlll bi bald al hla lata laadeaea, no.7" Bank-at., «F '¦ avenlna »' * o'clodt.

laterment ai con.lea.t tha famll]¦NOKKBON t rtai M- Ideab Septettibae

17, isw II :r-. Ii v..-*..r). "t thi>S'otlc ' funeral tDENNI8 atara Elli -'¦.¦' Bai '.ata

XI ...,. [..-.. %¦ ir.i» after a pro-llln-M". In tbe 441 ¦. i» ,

Th- funeral aenleea s;ll 1 .¦ hd-i it the 1 aMeaca of Ba»mnther N 310 ' *' .> P m on Friday.Reptember l», IM

i:\.\kts-ai <-tie-- .. Loaa biland. WadjaBBaa1deptember 10, latW, Heni '¦' la ^* nal y**

r hli in-r ,n rai pi ,vnt*.

kin-; v Oreenfl Maaa.. a«pt»mt»r r- Janet. arUtaf,., ;. n«l ''oraelluB wwaaag,

a ht, -:.' tamea E Da K»>^1 hun ti. New »«*,on Elidaj Keptember 1-. at 1 '< ¦»'< loek I Ba.

KNOKR Al ..;-. a Bjkja.i,.ih a/lfc of J Frank Knorr and dauebter of th* R«v.:.-. H tin t iii.'t, k. - tage, .n. j . in taaJ7t, :.r«.

-. ,-. -c-H Fridaj tv'i laatHurlal ;it Weatport, N V aame >!n>I.Vi.N Al l-ruira N Y. OB S-ptemher IT. SUBBB

s iiuv>r Lyoo. «if»- of .iia'c atarcuB l.yonMATlirsoN *' her realdence, So IT TUt-ara, BraaV

lyn >n Thuraday th* ITth ln«- .1 Ann«". t*lm-ed all*of i>: a rtoa* Katheaoa.

S .- of fiir.rnl lirr-afn-r.PARDCE "n T' iraday, Btptamber 17. Almira M wU»

.1 Di Walter 1. .. _. , ,.,w .

Funeml >-rv'.<-<- m hvr late h-m», No -ls ^ *»t 34th-et...n s«t ir 113 .¦.¦'- rleck noon

Int»rm.-nt ;n Gr.enwo.Kl at eoavenleae* r-f fami.y.Please omit flt-w^rj.Rocheatar, R. T paswra pkaxe -p^I'l.l MKlt At < all., :,--i. s-.----il-r 12. Mar*aret J.

i-mpct wlfa if Washinart.-n Plunjer.RHOADE8 Al li.n.l Bprlnsa. M- nn Tttcsday Her-

ten.tsr 19 Aiine, wife --f J«.hn Hara»n l:!i"Mi]^». aoldauabtei -f tbe :,'-- Henjamln 1". W.i* Kh:

t-icea wlll I"- held at reaalenc*, No.,".'.!. M.< f-n a e on S:iiu:;i\ tnornlns. B*pt»B*B*r ia,at tO:S9.

IU ggBLX. At Arltaston Helghta, M-a.> Beftteatbar ln.O. rslna r.vrr.tt Ruaaell. f No ao Eaal T4th ai N*w-> ,rk dauahtrr 1 Ellaa M. Bveretl ..nl the lat- I^vtK Ruaaell and atepdaugllter nf ihe late I<»an.1er Hton*.

j.-n,,..., , 11 M unt Ai'-.-". ''hapel. Camtirldsa.m,w n - lay. aVptarebey iv. al I -¦. efe

Boaton pni"-!!" pl»as- p)Ht"s-" 1.1. M Masaa .. Haapltal, in Dej-

ton. aeptemkrr ht, Charlea niii-n imm-*;!. a«r<l 2T

PunTral 8 o'clock p at. rrtday, Beptember ia. at OrealHnrrlrKten M M

BFTMl O'l: " '. "°-'

72 Bouth Blll tl Place Brooklyn. N Y on rtepuaBbar17. IS'.Hi. Bdward C Beymour, ln the '.-tti »>-ar BC hia

Puneral aervleaa wlll t-e held al tha LafayetH AveantsPrealivierlan Hhurcb, Bouth Oxford-al and l^fH>eti»-bve., Brooklyu, oa Baturday, SepteatMrr lf at a

-tf lt p. mint^rni-iH at Oreenwood al ronvealenee of tne family.t'tlea papera 1 !.- >^r -i'

Tl'KIB sul-l--nt.-. Ht liih reatdeaee, Ko aaa West 20th-»t., N.i.ritaii Tunla ln hla <:-i year

Sotlca of funeral hi aftarWHEATON 1'" Wedneeday Beptembef )»i Noah

ln hia aaPun-ral aervU«a atll i- .¦ ai lb< i-.il-n. - of hla w.n-

law Hamlln Bal.k. Hlah «. M¦¦.rii. H#.|*hi».\..w Vork t> ¦' rlda .- f > al » BO p. m.

.. .- wlll neaei il M.¦¦¦ - Hel »<atl a tho traia

l-avlng rjrai '- n -'. ' ,!'-

\. » iPc.i. .111.1 ll.irtf.,r-l paperaWil.uaata »i uitlne, Re., Wedneeday, Btptaaaaae BaH-nrv C. \MH «"'.-

\ - t funera «ti


V.-n-Onwn S :. n t*J4lh WaMi ll«r>m RaMroai

Snrridl Xotitfs

Mra. gteaXltaath'a haow made preaeryea letllea puk-lea ae., pu' BP ;- ''¦¦'., ''¦' :' " .'' ":'"1 3'J¦', '.'..Brjw-au.Brooklyn, H. Y._

I'omvAi.'i' goflaa*.Parolen mnils f .1 th« I S-p--m'-'r IV wlU

,,.,-, tthtalBc. aa tolkaaaiTHAN»ATI>ANTIC BfAILJ

BATttRDAT.Ai 4 a. m. fa i;..n e. Bwltaerlaad. luly.BAT RDAi *« furkej Esypi and i:r. im, ladla, p*r;'"'VlT;'r;-.:... la ..'*. a ... for Oer-

man'v DWr 'h'l pVr,g

a .¦¦ <¦¦ '¦>¦ ¦" " iaupptemenu.ry B.SS¦, > »Xew-T rk. v.a >.u-hamp-

¦¦ ¦.. . ¦ mual he dlre--«e.V'v &!*""».¦»¦ Netheriaada glaae-,«;- « a ut-diitn. \la Ronerdim lUttera rr.ua: t-t di-

werra fJettara mutt \* Hrected '.perwWarf» .. at ta, . (a BeocUnd dlrect, per a. .. Kthiopia. rta i.iaa-ioar'aettera Biuai ba llrected "| EtbfopU"); at 1*a m (auppleaxi arj M.aoa. m (or Eutop*. per a. a

UmbrU »ta tguaeoatown._.Prtatsd rn:*. et*. Oarman ataaater na.iine oa Tuaa-

dava Thuredmya and BaturuA) tak* prli iiier, etc.f .r Gern-any aoA apaclaily addreaaed prlnted n,att»r. etc,> r other p*rts ,.t Bur-.pe Whl BtaJ ^:oaln«rB opWadneaday ta^c apeolall) .dtrr--... prlnted matter. etc.

iarry naU.Aft#r . .'«-''.; Ot th* aup| Btai -rar.j.Tlan'.o

.¦...! ,1... .' ilemeatary m^iia ara\ Kn| iab, Krench an4

.:...-.. and rewala pea untll witkun ten u..u-D| ' II. -..-


PRIDAY tl :» .i .". laupplei ¦:, .-. BJg a tt.j forii,,; -i j.-- »'¦.-..; ^ umui

BATtfRDAT- At 10 u. ni (aupplementary P'..V> a. m.j lorBelln and Paertu Cortex, |kt ». ». Athoe

at 10 u. m. uup-plementar) '^ '.' a '. foi lamalca, .'arthagena ansBavaallla, per -. ¦ tl!< rhanj al |o:3j a. m f.rBraill,

,.r a, Wotdawnrth 1.1 Pernambuco, l(^vii» an.1 Rio.lau.ir- ilettcra for V ith Braall and La Pia.t» countrUtmust be lir--,-l !.»! '¦'. la« rl ai 1" .10 a. n. forjn.;.1 .. tgilaiaa, Tabaaco and Yu>-atan. per a. a.

Yutt.Jtl llettora fer other t.-r'f ot Meaico at,.1 f..r -il,»muat ba dlrsotad "per Tumurl"); ..t 11 a. m. f.,r N-»-

un iml .. for La PP>ta 1a-iriee dlrect, per ¦. al M IOj rn fo gt ii«t*.Mlquelon pai ateamei froni Nortb Pydney.

gl'NDAY Al « . »i .'.' Progrea* p-r « a. C ("ondaliietiT. f". ' alesu iniiii u« etracted "per1'. Coa ¦_

»,r Hewfoasdlaad '¦< ani ihearailose a' thla sflca aalli a- Idl p. m.

tfalli ' r M . 1 BoeWB and ihen.-# hy...- clOB* al this .>fll.» dally at K.SQ p m Mat.a

for .*ah» 'Ijh^ a' thla "1 a dall) -t 7 «. tn tm for-wardlns b) aaaaaara ^.¦ :::.-. laloadaya an.) T.-a.radayatf-.n Pon Tajn:>.. l".n ata la t Ueak*. overUad, un-\.,% fp-.-i.i!lv ad-lreaacj f >i dtaaatcb t>> w.m.r, cloea

I ht 7 a m.

c lierad pui olnaea at 8 c m preiloua day.TBARdFA JIFIC MAIU8.

afa.Ua rjr ChJna. J<r»r .'ld »1-"u"- per » a Dorta1. ., -at Kran i.coi. rloaa hera aaaV up toKmbaVa*. a «ja p. ir. Uatl. for Ma-ail. per .. a

Ln.Vmoer i<; j " .*' r ¦ atalla f r Chuu and Japan./¦ . » Braeaw' lfl 'rl ]"' '"aT ''" ,"'r* <1*lly ua

iLriMiber .--- »i 0-''" P aUlla ' 'h* S-'Otyi.i-iMia p.-r »'¦<' '.f'1!" fi,rl ''""" **¦ riaaetesoi.

.... iea n .1 11 .'. M n. m Uai.aWea tu iha). lUmaii and

Pill lalaii-t- ispeciaJ.} ndli-s.-' ,nt>>, p^t a » War-

;'" , ¦> i m Maaa fwanu Japan 1-r a. a

Kmuraae o( Isila tfi m Vai iver h .<¦ <±.< ;v up.' ,', 8:80 | k tuairalla cio^pi

,,, ,,.. fora ir-i.d rl»Kuropei, N'-*' KeaUind, u.» u laaaaaa

s M ¦' 1 aV Fraartacai oi.-aahere dall) -I- .-1 10 : 10 a m lli a and11.*> p at lor oa antval ai Kt«a-York ot a. a. L11.L1.4».,t, Hri'.i-il. fliK.ia for Aua 1 .f
