The Pennsylvania State University The Graduate School Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering LABORATORY INVESTIGATION OF MULTIPHASE PERMEABILITY EVOLUTION DUE TO FRACTURING FLUID FILTRATE IN TIGHT GAS SANDSTONES A Dissertation in Energy and Mineral Engineering by Kelvin Nder Abaa 2016 Kelvin Nder Abaa Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy May 2016


The Pennsylvania State University

The Graduate School

Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering



A Dissertation in

Energy and Mineral Engineering


Kelvin Nder Abaa

2016 Kelvin Nder Abaa

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements

for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

May 2016

The dissertation of Kelvin Nder Abaa was reviewed and approved* by the following:

John Yilin Wang

Assistant Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Dissertation Co-Advisor

Co-Chair of Committee

M.Thaddeus Ityokumbul

Associate Professor of Mineral Processing and Geo-Environmental Engineering

Dissertation Co-Advisor

Co-Chair of Committee

Derek Elsworth

Professor of Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering

Kwadwo Osseo-Asare

Professor of Metallurgy and Energy and Geo Environmental Engineering

Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering

Luis Ayala H.

Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Associate Department Head of Graduate Education

*Signatures are on file in the Graduate School



Injection of large volumes of fluids during fracture treatment may result in leak-off,

capillary imbibition and trapping of the fracturing fluid filtrate in the pores of the reservoir. The

trapped fluid affects the mobility of hydrocarbons during clean-up and production. Additionally,

the fracturing fluid filtrate near wellbore and fracture region is one of variable composition and

can induce alterations in rock-fluid and fluid-fluid interactions. The concomitant changes in

multiphase permeability during fluid invasion and clean-up is one that is not fully understood.

The aim of this study is to investigate the role fracturing fluid filtrate composition has on

the evolution of multiphase permeability during imbibition and drainage of the aqueous phase. In

this work, multiphase flow of fracturing fluid filtrate in low permeability sandstones was

investigated by means of laboratory experiments for three commonly employed fracturing fluids.

The multiphase flow experiments were conducted using brine, helium and filtrate from various

fracturing fluids in sandstones cores of different permeabilities. The alteration of rock-fluid

properties and changes in interfacial tension in the presence of gas were determined by evaluation

of the obtained relative permeability curves to both gas and liquid/filtrate phase. Experimental

results indicate that there was a reduction in end-point and liquid phase relative permeability

following imbibition of slickwater into the core sample. The liquid phase relative permeability

decreases with increasing concentration of friction reducer (Polyacrylamide solution) present in

the fluid system. Adsorption flow experiments with slickwater confirm the adsorption of

polyacrylamide molecules to the pore walls of the rock sample and results in increased wettability

of the rock sample. This process was found to increase liquid trapping potential of the rock

surface. For linear and crosslinked gels, filtrate composition does not have a significant effect on

liquid relative permeability during fluid invasion due to limited polymer invasion into the core.


This study also investigated the effect of alcohol and surfactant used as remediation

additives on multiphase permeability evolution with different fracturing fluid systems.

Multiphase permeability flow tests were conducted to determine, understand and quantify the

mechanisms that govern multiphase permeability evolution using alcohols and surfactants to

remediate aqueous phase trapping. Methanol and two surfactant chemicals, Novec FC-4430 and

Triton X-100 were used as remediation additives in this study.

Results from multiphase permeability flow tests conducted with methanol indicated that

the volume of liquid removed by displacement increases with methanol concentrations for all

fracturing fluids. This is attributed to increased liquid mobility from addition of methanol during

the displacement process. Interfacial tension does not contribute to multiphase permeability

during the displacement phase. Additionally, friction reducer alters the flow properties of the

trapped liquid as indicated by increased surface tension, lower volumes of liquid removed and

lower gas endpoint permeability at the same methanol concentration for cores saturated with

slickwater. Majority of the improvement in gas permeability from methanol addition is by

evaporation of the trapped liquid phase and is caused by increased volatility of the fracturing

fluid. Results from multiphase permeability flow tests conducted with surfactant indicated that

multiphase permeability evolution is driven by wettability alteration of the rock surface.

Pretreatment of core sample with Novec FC-4430 before flooding with fracturing fluid results in

best gas permeability improvement and liquid recovery. Triton X-100 did not improve gas

permeability or liquid recovery during cleanup. Findings from this study can be used to optimize

fracturing fluid and additive selection for field applications. Multiphase permeability data

obtained is also useful for model assisted analysis of post fractured production performance in

low permeability reservoirs.



LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................. …viii

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................... ….xii

NOMENCLATURE ................................................................................................................ ….xv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................................... ...xvii

Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ …...1

Chapter 2 Literature Review ................................................................................................... …...5

2.1 Petrophysical Attributes of Tight Gas Sandstones ....................................................... …...6

2.2 Porosity,Permeability and Overburden Stress ............................................................. …...8 2.3 Relative Permeability and Cappilary Pressure .............................................................. …...9 2.4 Stimulation and Fracturing Fluid Selection ................................................................. ….13 2.5 Laboratory and Field assesment of Formation Damage ............................................... ….18 2.6 Numerical Simulation of Aqeous Phase Damage ......................................................... ….21

Chapter 3 Problem Statement ................................................................................................. ….24

Part I Multiphase Permeability Evolution for Fracturing Fluid Systems .............................. …..26

Chapter 4 Experimental Methodology ................................................................................... …..26

4.1 Samples…..………………………………………………………………………...26

4.2 Petrographic Analysis……..……………………………………………………….27

4.3 Test Fluids…………………..……………………………………………………...28

4.1 Petrophysical Properties and Measurement Techniques……………………….......30

4.4.1 Porosity………………………………………………………………..…….30

4.4.2 Permeability, ………………………………………………………………....30

4.4.3 Pulse Decay Permeametry-Apparatus, Procedure and Analysis…………......32

4.5 Multiphase Permeability Experiments with Fracturing Fluids.………………….....36

4.6 Leak-off/Filtration Test…………………………………………………………......38

4.7 Adsorption Flow Experiments………...………………………………………… ...38

4.8 Spontaneous Imbibition and Contact Angle Experiments……………………… ....40


Chapter 5 Experimental Results ............................................................................... ..…43

5.1 Petrophysical properties of samples……………….…..………...…….…………… 43

5.2 Petrographic Analysis of Tight Gas Sandstone Samples…………….………..……..44

5.3 Analysis of Flow Experiments with Slickwater…..………………...…………….… 49

5.3.1 Analysis of Leak-off Test ………………...……………………………………49

5.3.2 Analysis of Two-phase Flow Relative Permeability ………………….….........50

5.3.3 Analysis of Adsorption Flow Experiments…………...……..………………….56

5.3.4 Analysis of Imbibition and Contact Angle Experiments...……….…………….59

5.4 Analysis off Flow Experiments: Effect of Linear Gel…..…...……...…………….… 62

5.4.1 Results of Leak-off Test ………………...……………………………………..62

5.4.2 Results of Two-phase Flow Relative Permeability ………………….…........…65

5.5 Analysis of Flow Experiments: Effect of Crosslinked Gel…..……...…………….… 68

5.5.1 Analysis of Leak-off Test ………………...……………………………………68

5.5.2 Analysis of Two-phase Flow Relative Permeability ………………….…... …70

Part II Multiphase Permeability with Remediation Additives .............................................. …..74

Chapter 6 Multiphase Permeability Evolution with Methanol Based Treatment Solutions ……74

6.0 Abstract…..……………………..………………………………... ………..………..74

6.1 Introduction……………………..………………………………... ………..………..75

6.2 Experimental Methodology…….…..…………...………………………………...… 77

6.2.1 Porous Media ………………...………………………………………………...77

6.2.2 Test Fluid Systems …………..………………...……………………………….77

6.2.3 Surface Tension Measurement Procedure...……… ………………….…... ….80

6.2.4 Multiphase Permeability Flow Test…...……………...……..………………….81

6.2.5 Core Flood Apparatus…...……………...……..………………………………..82

6.2.6 Core Flood Procedure…………….…...……………...……..………………….83

6.3 Results and Discussions…….…..…………...………………………………...………84

6.3.1 Surface Tension Measurements .…...………………………………………...84

6.3.2 Multiphase Permeability Evolution……...……………………………………..84

6.3.3 Effect of Methanol on Slickwater…...……… ………………….…... ………..86

6.3.4 Effect of Methanol on Linear and Crosslinked Gels…..……………………….89

6.4 Conclusions…………..…….…..…………...………………………………...………94

Chapter 7 Impact of Surfactant on Multiphase Permeability Evolution with Fracturing Fluids in

Low Permeability Sandstones ………………………………………………………96

7.0 Abstract…..……………………..………………………………... ………..………..96

7.1 Introduction……………………..………………………………... ………..………..97

7.2 Experimental Methodology…….…..…………...………………………………...… 99

7.2.1 Porous Media.………………...…………………………..…………………...100

7.2.2 Surfactant Chemicals …………..………………...…………………..……….100

7.2.3 Surfactant Treatment Solutions…………....……… ………………...…... ….101

7.2.4 Fracturing Fluid Test Mixtures………..……………...……..………………...101

7.2.5 Surface Tension Measurement Procedure….…………………………..……..104


7.2.6 Multiphase Permeability Flow Tests.……………...……..…………..……….105

7.2.7 Core Flood Procedures…………….…...……………...……..……………….105

7.2.7 Spontaneous Imbibition Experiments….…...…..……...……..……………..…107

7.3 Results and Discussions…….…..…………...………………………………...……..107

7.3.1 Surface Tension Measurements.…...……………………………………...…..107

7.3.2 Multiphase Permeability Evolution……...……………………………………108

7.3.3 Effect of Surfactant on Slickwater…...……… ………………….…........……109

7.3.4 Effect of Surfactant on Linear and Crosslinked Gels…..……...…………...…112

7.3.5 Analysis of Spontaneous Imbibition Experiments…………………….…...…118

7.4 Conclusions…………..…….…..…………...………………………………...………120

Chapter 8 Conclusions and Future Work ................................................................................ ….122


Appendix A Results of Multiphase Permeability Evolution with Fracturing Fluids .............. …133

Appendix B Results of Multiphase Permeability Evolution with Methanol Additive ............ …151

Appendix C Results of Multiphase Permeability Evolution with Surfactant Additive ........... …161



Figure 2-1: Three main types of pore geometry in tight gas sandstones ................................. 7

Figure 2-2:Cappilary pressure and relative permeability relationships in traditional and

Low permeability Reservoir Rocks......................................................................................... 11

Figure 2-3: Core data from Lewis sandstone taken from two different samples selected

Similar porosity and permeability (Kg) showing highly variable relative permeability at

same free-water level. .............................................................................................................. 13

Figure 2-4: Flowchart of Fracturing Fluid Selection. .............................................................. 15

Figure 2-5: Conditions for Aqueous Phase Trapping ............................................................. 18

Figure 4-1: Schematic of pulse test transient system ............................................................... 33

Figure 4-2: High Pressure High Temperature Filter Press ....................................................... 39

Figure 4-3: Core Holder Arrangement for Adsorption Flow Tests .......................................... 40

Figure 4-4: Set-up for Spontaneous Imbibition Experiments .................................................. 42

Figure 5-1: Sample A1 showing intergranular porosity and authigenic cementation. ............ 45

Figure 5-2: Sample A1 Grain supported pore structure with authigenic cements. .................. 45

Figure 5-3: Sample A1 Pore walls and throats lined with authigenic clays. ........................... 46

Figure 5-4: Sample B1 showing fine grain sandstone with extensive cementation………….47

Figure 5-5: Sample B2 showing interconnecting slot pores in highly cemented rock

fabric ...................................................................................................................... 47

Figure 5-6: Sample B2 showing solution pores formed by mineral dissolution. ..................... 48

Figure 5-7: Sample B2 showing slot pores that connect to solution pores ............................. 48

Figure 5-8: Filtration curves for slickwater (Fluid 1) through Sample A1. ............................. 49

Figure 5-9: Filtration curves for slickwater (Fluid 1) through Sample B1 ............................. 50


Figure 5-10: Liquid Relative Permeability for 1st Imbibition with Slickwater with Sample


Figure 5-11: Liquid Relative Permeability for 1st Imbibition with Slickwater with Sample


Figure 5-12: Relative Permeability to Brine (after flooding with Slickwater) Sample A2 ...... ..53

Figure 5-13: Relative Permeability to Brine (after flooding with Slickwater) Sample B2 ...... ..54

Figure 5-14: Gas Relative Permeability with Slickwater for Sample A2. .............................. ..55

Figure 5-14: Gas Relative Permeability with Slickwater for Sample B2 ............................. ..56

Figure 5-16: Brekthrough curves for succesive injections of Fluid 1 through Sample A3 ..... ..57

Figure 5-17: Breakthrough curves for succesive injections of Fluid 2 through Sample B3 ... ..57

Figure 5-18: Schematic of permeability reduction caused by adsorption. .............................. ..58

Figure 5-19: Brine Imbibition for core sample A4 ( k∞ = 0.1854 md) ................................... ..60

Figure 5-20: Brine Imbibition curves for core sample B4 ( k∞ = 0.0005md) .......................... ..60

Figure 5-21: Contact angles for core Sample 1 (Top) and Sample 3 (bottom) ....................... ..61

Figure 5-22: Filtration volumes for for Sample A1 with linear gel. ....................................... ..62

Figure 5-23: Filtration volumes for for Sample B1 with linear gel (20lbm/1000 gal ). .......... ..64

Figure 5-24: Filtration volumes for for Sample B2 with linear gel (40lbm/1000 gal ). .......... ..64

Figure 5-25: Liquid Relative Permeability with Linear Gel for Sample A1 .......................... ..65

Figure 5-26: Liquid Relative Permeability with Linear Gel for Sample B1 .......................... ..66

Figure 5-27: Gas Relative Permeability with Linear Gel for Sample A1 ............................... ..67

Figure 5-28: Gas Relative Permeability with Linear Gel for Sample B1 ............................... ..67

Figure 5-29: Filtration volumes for for sample A1 with linear gel ......................................... ..68

Figure 5-30: Filtration volumes for for sample B1 with linear gel ......................................... ..69


Figure 5-31: Filtration volumes for for samples A1 and B1 with 40 lb/1000 gal borate

crosslinked gel …………………………………………………………….....70

Figure 5-32: Liquid relative permeability with linear gel for sample A1 ............................... ...71

Figure 5-33: Liquid relative permeability with linear gel for sample B1 ……..……………..72

Figure 5-34: Gas relative permeability with linear gel for sample A1 ................................... ...73

Figure 5-35: Gas relative permeability with linear gel for sample A1 ……..……………..73

Figure 6-1: Schematic of coreflood apparatus…………………………………..……………...83

Figure 6-2: Surface tension of fluid filtrate as a function of methanol concentration ………...85

Figure 6-3: Normalized gas flowrate as function of pore volumes of gas for slickwater saturated


Figure 6-4: Displaced liquid as function of pore volumes of gas for slickwater saturated


Figure 6-5: Relative permeability to gas as function of pore volumes of gas for slickwater

saturated core………………………………………………………………………..88

Figure 6-6: Normalized gas flowrate as function of pore volumes of gas for linear gel

saturated core………………………………………………………………………..89

Figure 6-7: Normalized gas flowrate as function of pore volumes of gas for crosslinked gel

saturated core………………………………………………………………………..90

Figure 6-8: Displaced liquid as function of pore volumes of gas for linear gel saturated gel

saturated core………………………………………………………………………..91

Figure 6-9: Displaced liquid as function of pore volumes of gas for crosslinked gel saturated gel

saturated core………………………………………………………………………..92

Figure 6-10: Relative permeability to gas as a function of gas saturation for linear gel

saturated core………………………………………………………………………..93

Figure 6-11: Relative permeability to gas as a function of gas saturation for crosslinked gel

saturated core………………………………………………………………………..94

Figure 7-1: Chemical structure of Triton X-100 and structure of Novec FC-4430 ……...….....100

Figure 7-2: Surface tension of fluid brine as a function of surfactant concentration………......108


Figure 7-3: Normalized gas flowrate as function of pore volumes of gas for slickwater

treated with surfactant.………………………………………………………..…..110

Figure 7-4: Displaced liquid as function of pore volumes of gas for slickwater treated with


Figure 7-5: Gas relative permeability as a function of gas saturation for slickwater treated with

various surfactants…………………………….…………….………………..…….112

Figure 7-6: Normalized gas flowrate as function of pore volumes of gas for linear gel treated

treated with various surfactant.………….……………………………………..…..113

Figure 7-7: Normalized gas flowrate as function of pore volumes of gas for crosslinked gel

treated with surfactant………..………….……………………………………..…..114

Figure 7-8: Displaced liquid as function of pore volumes of gas for linear gel treated with


Figure 7-9: Displaced liquid as function of pore volumes of gas for crosslinked gel treated with


Figure 7-10: Gas relative permeability as a function of gas saturation for linear gel filtrate

treated with surfactants……..……………….…………….………………..…….116

Figure 7-11: Gas relative permeability as a function of gas saturation for crosslinked gel filtrate

treated with surfactants……..……………….…………….………………..…….117

Figure 7-12: Imbibition curves for core before and after treatment with Novec FC-4430…......118

Figure 7-13: Imbibition curves for core before and after treatment with Triton X-100……......119



Table 4-1: Physical characteristics of samples used in this study ............................................ ….27

Table 4-2: Slickwater fluid systems used in this study ........................................................... .....29

Table 4-3: Linear Gels (hydropropylguar) fluid systems used in this study. ........................... ..…29

Table 4-4: Borate Crosslinked Gels (hydropropylguar) fluid systems used in this study……......30

Table 5-1: Petrophysical properties of samples used in this study. ........................................ ….43

Table 6-1: Slickwater fluid systems with Methanol. .............................................................. ….78

Table 6-2: Linear Gel fluid systems with Methanol. .............................................................. ….79

Table 6-3: Crosslinked gel fluid systems with Methanol........................................................ ….80

Table 7-1: Composition of Novec FC4430 surfactant solution .............................................. …101

Table 7-2: Slickwater fluid systems tested with surfactants ................................................... …102

Table 7-3: Linear gel fluid systems tested with surfactants .................................................... …103

Table 7-3: Crosslinked gel fluid systems tested with surfactants ........................................... …104

Table A1-1: Relative Permeability to Gas Phase for Sample A2. ........................................... ....136

Table A1-2: Relative Permeability to Liquid Phase for Sample A2…..………………………...137

Table A1-3: Relative Permeability to Gas Phase for Sample B2.…..…………………………..138

Table A1-4: Relative Permeability to Liquid Phase for Sample B2.…..………………………..138

Table A2-1: Filtration Volume versus Time for Slickwater……..………….……………….....140

Table A2-2: Relative Permeability to Gas Sample A2……………………….…………..….....141

Table A2-3: Effective Permeability to Brine (Drainage) for Sample A2….………………...….141

Table A2-4: Gas Relative Permeability for Sample B2…………………………………….......142

Table A2-5: Effective Permeability to Brine (Drainage) Sample B2….…..……………………142

Table A2-6: Amount Adsorbed as Function of Polyacrylamide Solution Concentration..……..143

Table A2-7: Mass of Sample A4 before and after flooding………….…..………………….......144


Table A2-8: Mass of Sample B4 before and after flooding………….…..……………...…........144

Table A3-1: Filtration Volume versus Time for Sample A1 ……………………..……..…..…145

Table A3-2: Filtration Volume versus Time for Sample B1 ……………………………..……146

Table A3-3: Relative Permeability to Gas for Sample A1………………..……………..….......147

Table A3-4: Relative Permeability to Brine for Sample A1……………………………….…...148

Table A3-5: Relative Permeability to Gas for Sample B1…………….…..………………….....148

Table A3-6: Relative Permeability to Brine for Sample B1…………………..………………...149

Table A4-1: Filtration Volume vs Time for 20 lb/1000gal borate crosslinked gel ……...……...150

Table A4-2: Filtration Volume vs Time for 40 lb/1000gal borate crosslinked gel ……...……...151

Table A4-3: Relative permeability to brine for sample A1……………………………...……...152

Table A4-4: Relative permeability to gas for sample A1……...…………………………...…...152

Table A4-5: Relative permeability to brine for sample B1……………………….……...……...153

Table A4-6: Relative permeability to gas for sample B1 ……...……..........................................153

Table B1-1: Surface tension as a function of methanol concentration………………………….155

Table B2.1: Pore volumes of gas injected vs outlet gas flowrate ………………………….…..156

Table B2.2: Pore volumes of gas injected vs pore volumes of liquid expelled………………...157

Table B2.3: Gas saturation vs gas relative permeability………………………………………..158

Table B2.4: Gas flowrate vs pore volumes of injected gas for 2.5% methanol concentration…159

Table B2.5: Gas flowrate vs pore volumes of injected gas for 5% methanol concentration…...160

Table B2.6: Gas flowrate vs pore volumes of injected gas for 10% methanol concentration.....161

Table B2.7: Pore volumes injected gas vs pore volumes of expelled liquid…………………...162

Table B2.8: Gas saturation vs gas relative permeability………………………………………..163

Table C1-1: Surface tension as a function of surfactant concentration…………………………165

Table C2.1: Gas flowrate vs pore volumes of injected gas…………………………………….166

Table C2.2: Pore volumes injected gas vs pore volumes of expelled liquid…………………...167


Table C2.3: Gas saturation vs gas relative permeability………………………………………..168

Table C2.4: Gas saturation vs gas relative permeability for core pretreated with

Novec FC-4430…………………………………………………………………...169

Table C2.5: Gas flowrate vs pore volumes of injected gas……………………………………..170

Table C2.6: Pore volumes injected gas vs pore volumes of expelled liquid…………………...171

Table C2.7: Gas saturation vs gas relative permeability for linear gel treated

with Novec FC-4430……………………………………………………………….172

Table C2.8: Gas saturation vs gas relative permeability for linear gel treated with

Triton X-100………………………………………………………………………173

Table C2.9: Gas saturation vs gas relative permeability for core pretreated with

Novec FC-4430……………………………………………………………………174




cc cubic centimeter

cm centimeter

cp centipoise

ft feet

F Fahrenheit

FR Friction Reducer

g grams

gal gallon

gptg gallon per thousand gallon

in inches

krg relative permeability to gas

krw relative permeability to water

Kg Effective permeability to gas

Kabs Absolute permeability

lb pound

L Liter

m meter

mm millimeter

mol Moles

mD milliDarcy

MeOH Methanol

MMSCFD million cubic feet

MPa MegaPascals


psi pounds per square inch

psia pounds per square inch atmosphere

pptg pounds per thousand gallons

ppm parts per million

PV Pores Volumes

q flowrate

Sw Water Saturation

Sg Gas Saturation

SW Slickwater

Tcf Trillion cubic feet

vol volume

ø porosity

% percent



I would like to express my gratitude to my academic advisors Drs. John Wang and Mku

Ityokumbul for their invaluable guidance and support throughout this process. I especially want to

thank Dr. Derek Elsworth for his advice and support in my experimental setup and for providing

access to the Rock Mechanics Laboratory to perform the experiments. I would also like to thank

Drs. Demian Saffer and Kwadwo Osseo-Asare for their interest and time in serving as a

committee members.

I am extremely grateful to Drs. Luis Ayala and Turgay Ertekin for their support and

guidance throughout my PhD studies. I also like to acknowledge Steve Swavely and Ozgur

Yilidrim for their help with the experimental setup and the experiments. Their guidance and help

was instrumental to the successful completion of this research study.

Finally, I am very grateful to my father, Solomon Abaa, my mother, Grace Abaa and my

siblings for their constant support and love throughout my PhD studies.

Chapter 1


Natural gas from tight gas sandstones produce about 6 Tcf of gas per year in the United

States and contribute to about 25% of total gas produced (Holditch ,2006). Estimates from the

Energy Information Administration (EIA) put the recoverable amount of gas from tight gas sands

in the US at about 309 Tcf. These tight gas sands are characterized by low permeabilities, low to

moderate porosities and cannot be recovered at economic production rates with conventional

production strategies.

Successful exploitation of this gas resource requires massive reservoir contact areas in

order to achieve economic production rates. This is accomplished with the use of hydraulic

fracture stimulation and horizontal well configurations which increase gas productivity.

Hydraulic fracture stimulation is a process that involves pumping huge volumes of water,

chemicals and proppant at a rate and corresponding pressure that is greater than that needed for

breakdown of the formation to create conductive pathways for gas to flow from the reservoir to

the wellbore.

A key part of hydraulic fracture design is in the selection of the appropriate fracturing

fluid. Fracturing fluids serve to create the fluid pressure necessary to open and propagate the

hydraulic fracture and create the required fracture geometry and transport the proppant deep into

the created fracture. A wide range of fluid systems are currently employed as fracturing fluids.

The range of conventional fracturing fluids include water-based and polymer containing fluids

(both linear and cross-linked gels); hydrocarbon-based fluids and energized fluids and foams.

Unconventional/ novel fluid systems include viscoelastic surfactants fluids; viscoelastic


surfactant foams; liquid CO2 based fluids; aqueous methanol based fluids and gelled liquefied

petroleum based fluids.

The response of a reservoir is hugely dependent on the selection of the appropriate

fracturing fluid. Some of the major requirements for fracturing fluids include:

High viscosity to create adequate fracture width and to effectively transport and

distribute proppants in the fracture,

Good fluid loss control to obtain the required fracture extension and width with

minimum fluid volumes,

Have compatibility with the formation to minimize formation damage,

Fluid viscosity must breakdown after proppant is placed to permit maximum

fracture conductivity

Cost effectiveness.

Fluid systems optimized for these parameters will minimize formation and fracture face

damage resulting in maximized post stimulation production (Malpani and Holditch , 2008).

However, the ultimate productivity of gas from tight gas sandstones after stimulation is

usually lower than expected, particularly when fracturing induces damage of petrophysical

properties of the rock matrix. Fracturing fluid filtrate invasion in the porous medium leads to an

increase in saturation of the aqueous phase in the vicinity of the fracture and a decrease in the

effective gas permeability. Most tight gas formations are water wet and have initial water of

saturations that are significantly lower than the irreducible water of saturation at capillary

equilibrium. Additionally, the presence of small pore throats in the pore structure of low to tight

gas sands result in high entry capillary pressures. When water based fracturing fluids are

introduced in the formation during stimulation, an aqueous phase is trapped in the near wellbore

region, particularly near the fracture face and this significantly impairs the gas mobility. This

damage is difficult to remove due to high capillary pressure and the change of the gas relative


permeability in the invaded zone. Unfortunately, majority of the fracturing fluids currently

employed in the industry are water-based and polymer containing fluids. These fluids are used

because they are cost effective and easy to formulate. However, because of the presence of an

aqueous phase, there is a huge potential for aqueous phase trapping and subsequent reduced gas

productivity after stimulation. As such, the benefit of a cost effective treatment is lost.

Investigations of relative permeability in low permeability reservoirs have shown that gas

permeability decreases sharply at water saturations above 40-50% and there exists a range of

water saturations above which both gas and water are virtually immobile. Therefore in low

permeability reservoirs the critical and irreducible water of saturation occur at very different

water saturations resulting in a ‘permeability jail’ coined to describe the saturation region where

there is negligible effective permeability to either water or gas. The relative permeability

relationships also suggest that the steepness of the relative permeability curve is such that small

changes in brine saturation or introduction of liquid phase with dissimilar fluid properties can

result in significant changes in relative permeability.

Previous experimental work on tight gas sandstone focused on relative permeability

measurements with the aqueous phase as brine. However, simplifying the fracturing fluid filtrate

as a reservoir fluid phase may be wrong since the properties can vary greatly with time,

temperature changes and fluid composition as a result of additives that constitute the make-up of

each fracturing fluid employed. Therefore a more realistic hypothesis to understanding and

modelling phase damage in low permeability sandstones requires solution of three-phase flow

(with one phase being a fracture fluid) with time dependent relative permeabilities, capillary

pressure and viscosity. Thus a key purpose of this work is to derive a set of petrophysical

parameters that adequately captures multiphase flow by measurements of gas relative

permeability with fracturing fluid filtrate as the wetting phase.


The importance and benefits of rigorous analyses of fluid flow and multiphase

permeability changes in the vicinity of the fracture in a fractured low permeability reservoir with

the aim of improving post fracture performance have long been recognized. Furthermore,

production performance from tight gas wells using conventional simulation models fall way

below predictions. Some of the inadequacies of these tools and their applicability in tight gas

reservoirs are attributed to improper representation and coupling of multiphase permeability

evolution in the vicinity of the fracture from leakoff of fracture fluid filtrate during stimulation.

Therefore, an appropriate simulation tool that effectively captures the physics of multiphase flow

damage caused by fracturing fluid damage unique to each fluid system backed up with actual

experimental data is necessary for accurate modeling and prediction of fractured tight gas

production and improved cleanup analyses.

In this work, the role of fracturing fluid filtrate leakoff on evolution of multiphase gas

permeability in low permeability sandstones will be investigated experimentally using commonly

employed fracturing fluids. Additionally, the relevant petrophysical data obtained from the

experimental analysis will be coupled with the goal of building a numerical simulator that

effectively models the multiphase permeability changes in the vicinity of the fracture face during

stimulation injection and gas flowback. The goal of this work is to increase the quality of post

fracture performance prediction in tight gas reservoirs by accounting for complex multiphase

phenomena unique to each fracture fluid/reservoir interaction.

Chapter 2


Tight gas is a generic term for reservoirs with an average permeability of less than 0.1mD

that produce dry natural gas. Holditch (2006) defined tight gas as reservoirs that cannot produce

gas at economic flowrates or give recovery at economic volumes without stimulation with

hydraulic fracture treatment and/or completion with horizontal wells. This means that the term

“tight gas” applies to all types of formations that fit the aforementioned definition including

sandstone, carbonate, and coalbed methane and shale gas reservoirs. In this work, we will focus

on tight or low permeability sandstones based in the United States.

In this chapter, we carry out a review of previous work done to characterize tight gas

sandstones, investigate the factors controlling gas production and the numerical modeling and

prediction of post-fractured performance in tight gas sandstones. All relevant research in the

literature fall into three categories; laboratory experiments, mathematical modeling and field

studies. The outline for this chapter is as follows:

Petrophysical attributes of tight gas reservoirs

Aqueous phase trapping mechanism

Fracturing fluids and stimulation of tight gas reservoirs

Interaction of fracturing fluids with tight gas matrix

Modeling and simulation of post fractured performance in tight gas sandstones.


2.1 Petrophysical Attributes of Tight Gas Sandstones

Previous work over the last 30 years, characterized tight gas sandstones as basin-centered

gas accumulations. Law (2000) defined basin centered gas accumulations as reservoirs with low

porosity and permeability lacking a down –dip water contact. He suggests that since water

production from these accumulations are non-existent, vast portions of these accumulations are at

irreducible water of saturations and widely distributed through the reservoir bearing interval and

have no discrete gas –water contact. This description led most industry experts to rule out the

phenomenon of gas buoyancy observed in traditional reservoirs as non-existent in basin- centered

gas accumulations and as such suggested that they should be treated as a unique reservoir system.

Low-permeability sandstones in the United States have unique petrophysical attributes

which make them distinct from other tight reservoir rocks. Dutton et al. (1993, 1995) and Brynes

(1997) claimed that low permeability sandstones consist of clean sandstone deposits in high

energy depositional areas. These clean sandstones consist of intergranular pores that have been

filled and mineralized by diagenetic processes. Soeder and Randolph (1987) and Dutton et al.,

(1995) proposed that low permeability sandstones can be grouped into three major types. The first

sandstone type consists of open intergranular pores with their pore throats plugged by authigenic

clays. Rocks of this type are commonly thought to have permeability between 10 to 100 µDarcy.

The second sandstone type consists of primary pores plugged with authigenic mineral i.e. clay

and calcite and their pore throats reduced to narrow slots. These narrow slots connect the

secondary pores which are mostly created by dissolution. Pores spaces in these secondary pores

are thought to hold most of the pore volumes while the narrow pore slots contribute to most of the

flowpaths and permeability. Rocks of this type are commonly thought to have permeability

between 1 to 10 µDarcy and dominate most of the low permeability reservoir systems. The third

low permeability sandstone type is comprised of muddy sandstones and have their intergranular


pores filled with detrital clay. This sandstone type is compised of micropores and has

permeabilities of less than 1 microDarcy. This rock classification marks a paradigm shift from

previous studies that suggested that low permeability sandstones are mainly dominated by

immature mudstones with large volumes of detrital clay similar to the rock type three mentioned

above. Figure 2.1 shows the three major types of pore geometry in tight gas sandstones.

Figure 2-1: Three main types of pore geometry in tight gas sandstones (after Soeder and

Randolph, 1987)


2.2 Porosity, Permeability and Overburden Stress

Increase in overburden stress in tight gas sands has very little effect on the porosity as

demonstrated by Brynes (1997). Laboratory studies on effect of change in stress on Helium

porosity conducted by Brynes showed a 5% difference in porosity values at in-situ conditions

compared with measurements at ambient conditions. These results suggest that low permeability

sandstones have a well cemented structure and the slot pores common in these formations

contribute little to overall porosity (Stanley et al., 2004).

Permeability on the other hand has been shown to experience considerable decrease with

increase in overburden stress in tight gas sandstones. Previous work by Brynes et al., (1979);

Jones and Owens., (1980); Dutton et al., (1993) showed that there is a drastic reduction in

permeability with increase in overburden stress which is more pronounced in reservoirs with a

gas permeability Kg (at ambient conditions) of 0.5 mD or less. In another study by Davies and

Davies (1999), permeability reduction with overburden stress was investigated for unconsolidated

high-permeability and low permeability sandstones. Results from the study indicated that in

unconsolidated formations, permeability reduction with increasing stress is more pronounced in

sands with highest initial porosity and permeability values. On the other hand, in low

permeability sandstones, sands dominated by slot pores show the greatest sensitivity to increase

in overburden stress. Brynes and Keghin (1997) noted that permeability could decrease by as

much as 50-70% with increasing overburden in low permeability sandstones. The observed

relationship between stress and permeability suggests an improved permeability values in over -

pressurized reservoirs compared to normally or sub-normally pressured ones. Jones and Owen

(1980) also investigated the response of permeability to increased confining stress and claimed

that the presence of thin, sheet-like tabular pores similar to the slot pore configuration mentioned

earlier is responsible for the observed permeability decrease with increased confining stress.


A vast majority of permeability data are obtained from routine core analysis with

permeability measurements at ambient conditions. Typical ambient conditions are at relatively

low pressures (0-300 psia), room temperatures and under single phase flow conditions i.e. 100%

gas saturation and 0% brine saturation. Permeability data obtained are referred to as gas

permeability (Kg) or absolute permeability (Kabs). Permeability measurements can also be

conducted at stressed conditions i.e. high overburden stress in the laboratory by means of core

holders. Shanley et al. (2004) noted that permeability measurements at in-situ stressed conditions

range from 10 to 10000 times less than routine gas permeabilities and are due to the combined

effects of confining stress, partial brine saturation and gas slippage effects. Gas slippage or

Klinkernberg effect accounts for the difference in permeability measurements at low pressures

such as at ambient conditions compared to high pressures at in-situ conditions. Klinkernberg

corrections are typically applied to permeability measurements to account for slippage.

Klinkerberg corrected permeability is typically referred to as equivalent liquid permeability.

2.3 Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure

Fluid flow and reservoir performance is not governed by permeability measurements at

ambient conditions but by effective permeability at reservoir conditions. Partial brine saturation

in pore spaces at reservoir conditions imply that effective permeability to gas as a function of

brine saturation is the determining factor that governs fluid flow, therefore understanding relative

permeability behavior in tight gas sandstones is important.

Conventional reservoirs have critical water of saturation and irreducible water of

saturation at similar values of saturation, therefore a lack of produced water suggests that the

reservoir has approached connate or irreducible water of saturation. In low permeability

reservoirs, the critical water saturation and irreducible water of saturation occur at very different


values, this means that there is a wide range of saturations where both water and gas will not

flow, in fact in some very tight gas reservoirs there is almost no mobile water phase at high water

saturation values. Work done by numerous investigators including Thomas and Ward (1972);

Brynes et al., (1979); Jones and Owen, (1980), claimed that effective gas permeability decreases

rapidly at water saturations above 40-50%. Figure 2.2 shows relative permeability curves for both

conventional and low permeability reservoirs. It shows the positions of critical water saturation,

critical gas saturation and irreducible water of saturation; it also shows there is a drastic reduction

to gas permeability at about 40-50% water of saturation. If a relative permeability cutoff value of

2 % is used as operational fluid production criterion, then in low permeability reservoirs, there is

a wide range of saturation where there is less than 2% relative permeability to both gas and water

phase. Therefore, in low permeability reservoirs lack of water production indicates that water of

saturation is below critical water saturation and not at irreducible saturation. It implies that there

is a large water of saturation that is held up by capillary forces in the rock above its irreducible

saturation value. The term ‘permeability jail’ was first employed by Brynes (2003) in 1994 to

describe the region of saturation on the relative permeability curve where there is no flow to

either water or gas. This relative permeability in low permeability sandstones led Shanley et al.,

(2004) to propose that low permeability reservoirs should not be classified as Basin centered gas

accumulations with unique rock/fluid properties but rather as a rock system with complex,

effective permeability to gas relationships and should be evaluated using the same approach as

traditional reservoirs. Classifying low permeability rocks using the Basin gas accumulation

concepts lead to search of sweet spots in the reservoir but because these low perm rocks have

little to no effective gas permeability at high water of saturations, resource and reserve estimation

may be erroneous.


Figure 2-2: Capillary pressure and relative permeability relationships in traditional and

low-permeability reservoirs rocks (Shanley et al.,2004).

Capillary pressure behavior in tight gas sandstones is also different compared to conventional

reservoirs and is characterized by high to very high capillary pressures at moderate saturations of


the wetting phase. Shanley et al.(2004) claimed that wetting phase saturations of about 50% in

low permeability sands have capillary pressure well above 1000 psia, indicating that majority of

the pore throats in the rock structure have a diameter of less than 0.1 micron. Because of the

presence of a permeability jail in low permeability sands, irreducible water of saturation is not an

important factor governing multiphase flow. A more useful approach to understanding fluid flow

involves converting capillary pressure to gas column height above contact versus wetting phase

saturation to determine height required to achieve reasonable effective gas permeability. Previous

work done by various researchers including Brynes, (1997) and Cluff, (2002) reported gas

column heights ranging from 300 to over 1000 feet to achieve effective gas permeability or

irreducible water of saturation.

It has been established that understanding pore throat geometry and structure in low permeability

sandstones is key to characterizing multiphase fluid flow in the rock matrix. This observation led

to development of the rock catalog approach, a reservoir description strategy that combines

petrographic information from core analysis with capillary pressure measurements and

petrophysical data from wireline to characterize pore size distribution and pores structure. The

rock catalog approach also uses the classical bundle of capillary tube theory to relate pore

geometry to permeability and to gain useful information on flow capacity. Previous studies

conducted by Shanley et al. (2004) on low permeability sandstones using the rock catalog

approach reported substantial differences in effective gas permeability for rocks with the same

pore structure and capillary pressure values suggesting that additional factors have an effect on

multiphase flow in these low permeability sandstones. Figure 2.3 show the reported data obtained

by Shanley et al. (2004) for effective gas permeability data for two separate cores taken from the

Lewis sandstone in the Greater Green River basin. This data shows significant variation in

effective gas permeability for rocks with the same pore geometry on the capillary pressure curve.


These results suggest that the classical bundle of capillary tubes theory is not sufficient to

describe fluid flow at reservoir conditions in low permeability sands.

2.4 Stimulation and Fracturing Fluid Selection

Production enhancement in low permeability reservoirs is achieved by stimulation with large

hydraulic fracture treatments and a key part of hydraulic fracture design is the selection of the

appropriate fracturing fluid for fracture propagation. Fracturing fluids serve to create the fluid

pressure necessary to open and propagate the hydraulic fracture and create the required fracture

geometry and transport the proppant deep into the created fracture. The response of a reservoir is

Figure 2-3: Core data from the Lewis Sandstone taken from two different samples selected for similar

porosity and permeability (Kg), showing highly variable relative permeability at same free-water level

(after Shanley et al, 2004).


largely dependent on the selection of the appropriate fracturing fluid. Abaa et al. (2011) presented

the major features a qualifying fracturing fluid must possess. Some of the major features include:

High viscosity to create adequate fracture width and to effectively transport and distribute

proppants in the fracture.

Good fluid loss control to obtain the required fracture extension and width with

minimum fluid volumes.

Have compatibility with the formation to minimize formation damage

Fluid viscosity must breakdown after proppant is placed to permit maximum fracture


Cost effectiveness.

Malpani and Holditch (2008) presented eight key parameters that serve as a guide for selecting

fracturing fluids in tight gas reservoirs for a particular set of conditions. These parameters include

bottomhole temperature and pressure, presence of natural fractures, type of lower and upper

barrier, modulus of the formation, height of the payzone, and desired fracture half-length. Figure

2.4 shows a decision chart presented by Malpani and Holditch for use in fracturing fluid



Figure 2-4: Flowchart of Fracturing Fluid Selection (after Malpani and Holditch, 2008)

Malpani and Holditch (2008) also presented conditions in which water fracture

treatments should be pumped instead of cross-linked fracture treatments. He proposed that water

fracture treatments be pumped in naturally fractured reservoirs and shale formations. The low

viscosity of water helps open existing fractures and creates a wider fracture network and

increased surface area for flow of hydrocarbons. Also, water fracs should be pumped in

formations with moderate to high reservoir pressure gradients i.e. 0.433 psi/ft as this will help lift

huge volumes of water during cleanup. Another condition for the application of water fracture

treatments is in formations with strong lower barriers. In this situation, the fracture does not grow


down, but up and out, making it suitable for creation of a “sand bank” with the proppants in the

pay zone. Other fluid selection guidelines include:

Use of crosslinked gel fracture treatments in reservoirs with bottomhole temperatures of

270o F to give adequate fluid viscosity and stability required to withstand the high

temperature during pump time and closure time for the fracture.

Use foam fracture fluids in shallow, low pressure gradient (0.2 psi/ft) reservoirs to assist

fluid clean up.

Use surfactants, low concentration crosslinked gel and hybrid fluids (fluids with

slickwater in early stages followed by gelled fluids in later part of the treatment), in

formations with weak upper and lower barriers. This is necessary to create height

contained fractures in the payzone.

While stimulation via hydraulic fracturing can result in improved recovery or increased

gas rates, the invasion of the fracturing fluid in the rock matrix can reduce the relative

permeability to gas and cause a water block.

2.5 Formation Damage and Aqueous Phase Damage

Gas production from tight gas reservoirs can be problematic and often lower than expected due to

various damage mechanisms during stimulation and production that contribute to pressure losses,

total skin and productivity impairment. The major damage mechanisms include mechanical

damage to rock matrix, aqueous phase trapping, multiphase permeability reduction due to filtrate

invasion during drilling, completion and fracturing, migration of fines and swelling of clay.

It has been established previously that majority of tight gas matrix is comprised of slot pores with

an average pore throat diameter of less than 1 micron (Dutton et al., 1995). A combination of this

pore throat geometry and water vaporization into gas phase during deposition causes the initial


water of saturation (Swi) to be significantly less that the critical water of saturation (Swc). In fact,

it is this saturation condition that allows for gas storage and mobility in low permeability and

low porosity in tight gas sands. The conditions of subnormal water of saturation and slot pore

geometry also create a huge amount of capillary pressure suction and imbibition potential for any

introduced aqueous phase. Figure 2.5 shows typical capillary pressure and relative permeability

curves for tight gas reservoirs (after Bennion et al, 1993). It shows the low initial water

saturations that provide effective gas permeability compared to higher values at critical gas


Filtrate invasion during drilling and fracturing operations have been identified as one of the main

damage mechanisms in tight gas sand and contributes significantly to increased total skin and

reduced gas production. In one example of a field case documented by Shaoul et al (2009), over

2000 barrels of water was injected into the formation during fracturing and only 700 barrels of

water was recovered suggesting that about 1300 barrels of water was trapped in the invaded zone.

During the same period, gas rate decreased from 3.5 MMSCFD to 1.5 MMSCFD. Work done by

Bahrami et al., (2011) suggest that filtrate invasion occurs mainly in the vicinity of the wellbore,

in permeable zones around hydraulically created fractures or in preexisting natural fractures.

Introduction of fracturing fluid during hydraulic fracturing results in imbibition of the filtrate into

the pore structure of the tight matrix due the high capillary pressure. This results in reduction of

pore throat area available for gas and reduction in gas phase relative permeability and establishes

a region of high water of saturation in the vicinity of the wellbore and fracture. This phenomenon

is commonly referred to as water block. Subsequent drawdown during gas flowback restores the

water of saturation to values that correspond to critical gas saturation because of the high

capillary pressure that holds the water phase virtually immobile in the pores of the rock matrix.


Figure 2-5: Conditions for Aqueous Phase Trapping (after Bennion et al,1993)

2.6 Laboratory and Field Assessment of Aqueous Phase Damage

Field tests are regularly carried out on the well site to detect and monitor formation

damage problems. These field tests are very important as they elucidate the reasons for premature

production decline. Most measurements of formation damage in the field depend on well tests,

well logging, reservoir history matching, downhole imaging of the wellbore and analysis of

produced fluids (Civan, 2000).

Numerous field studies have been conducted to asses formation damage caused by liquid

trapping over the last 30 years are available in the literature. Previous field studies by Holditch

(1979) identified water block from filtrate invasion as a major damage mechanism due to drilling

and completion operations. Further studies using numerical analysis of formation damage in tight


gas sandstones by Holditch (1979) alleged that water block is not significant if the drawdown

pressure is greater than the capillary entry pressure. Other field studies conducted by Bennion et

al (1993) and Cimolai et al (1993) claimed that water blocking occurs when in situ water of

saturation is less than capillary irreducible water of saturation. In another field example, Shaoul et

al (2009) noted significant production impairment during hydraulic fracturing from leak off of

fracturing fluid filtrate. During the operation, 2000 barrels of water was injected into the

formation while only about 700 barrels was recovered after a cleanup period of 35 days, during

the same period, gas rate decreased from 3.5 MMSCFD to 1.5 MMSCFD.

Experimental studies also play a crucial role in understanding formation damage

problems. Tests are typically carried out on actual core samples over a range of test conditions

representative of the in situ state. Results from these tests give significant insight to the reaction

of core samples to fluid and operating conditions while the data can be used to assist modeling,

simulation and analysis of formation damage processes.

Several experimental studies have also been conducted to analyze aqueous phase trapping

in low permeability sandstones. Abrams and Vingar (1985) investigated phase trapping

remediation in the laboratory using alcohols and surfactant and claimed that the presence of

alcohols in fluid filtrate does not significantly improve gas productivity unless drawdown

pressures are greater than capillary pressures. However, in other experimental studies, Kamath

and Laroche (2001) and Macleod and Coulter (1966) claimed significant improvements in gas

productivity in water sensitive sandstone formations upon stimulation with aqueous stimulation

fluids containing alcohol. This conclusion was further bolstered by field studies conducted by

Laroche et al (2001) and Mahadevan and Sharma ( 2003) who concluded that the addition of

alcohols definitely contributes to better gas flow by decreasing the interfacial tension and

capillary pressure and by evaporation of water phase due to the volatility of the alcohols present

in the formation. Clean up using alcohols and surfactants occurs in two stages: displacement of


the leak off fluid from formation during drawdown followed by vaporization of water molecules

by the flowing gas.

Bazin et al (2008) experimentally investigated two phase flow mechanisms during

cleanup of water blocks in low permeability cores by methods used in Special Core Analysis

Laboratory. Gas permeability damage was monitored after fracturing fluid filtration in two phase

flow with a linear gel (Hydropropyl Guar) and a crosslinked gel (Borate Crosslinked

Hydropropyl Guar) at 60 lb/1000gal . Results from these tests showed that water displacement

during cleanup is hindered by changes in relative permeability during imbibition of the fracturing

fluid and gas removal is very difficult even at high drawdown because of very low water

permeability. In other experiments designed to study cleanup efficiency upon addition of

alcohols, Bazin et al (2008) claimed that the improvement in gas permeabilities occurs due to two

possible reasons: 1) a decrease of interfacial tension and 2) the higher volatility of alcohol, with

the first mechanism being predominant in the two phase flow regime while the second

mechanism occurs as a result of evaporation of water after the multiphase flow displacement


These experimental studies which are available in the literature have several limitations.

Firstly, the mechanisms that induce relative permeability hysteresis and alter the rock-fluid

interactions were not identified and their potential for damage was not quantified. Secondly, only

a limited number of fracturing fluids were examined as the fluids tested are limited to modified

linear gels of Hydropropyl Guar (HPG) and Carboxy Methyl Hydroxy Propyl Guar (CMHPG)

and their borate crosslinked counterparts. Various fracturing fluids with distinct compositions and

characteristics are currently employed in the industry including slickwater, linear gels, delayed

and un-delayed crosslinked fluids with borate or metallic crosslinkers (titanium and zirconate),

viscoelastic surfactant fluid and various foamed fluids. Finally, the effect of filtrate compositions

on multiphase flow due to special additives in the fracturing fluids was not considered.


2.7 Numerical Modeling and Simulation of Aqueous Phase Damage

Numerical modeling and simulation has been a pillar of effort to understand formation

damage mechanisms in porous media. A formation damage model is a mathematical equation of

the permeability of a formation undergoing alteration (Civan , 2000). This model is usually

coupled with the fluid flow model to dynamically predict combined effects of formation damage

and fluid flow in oil and gas reservoirs. The basic components of a formation damage model


flow model for porous media,

a formation damage model,

fluid and species transport model,

numerical solution,

parameter estimation , and

model validation and application modeling of effort (Civan,2000).

The objective of the modeling effort is an accurate prediction of permeability variation or

“skin effect” resulting from changes in flow characteristics during production. The benefits of a

proper representation and prediction of skin effect in models is to identify, diagnose and

remediate formation damage issues that reduce ultimate productivity.

Significant work has been done to evaluate water block in tight gas sandstones using

numerical models and several of such studies are well documented in the literature. The earliest

numerical studies on liquid block in tight gas sandstone were conducted by Holditch (1979) and

Abrams and Vingar (1985). Their work showed that water blocks can be remediated if drawdown

pressure is greater than the capillary entry pressure. This high drawdown pressure requirement is

applicable to reservoirs in overpressurized settings and is difficult to achieve in moderate or low

pressurized low permeability reservoirs. Simulation studies by Parekh and Sharma (2004) showed


that the ratios of pressure drawdown to capillary pressure as well as the relative permeability

exponents have a significant impact on cleanup of water blocks.

Formation damage due to filtrate invasion during hydraulic fracturing is particularly most

severe in the region near the wellbore and fracture face in the rock matrix. Gidanski et al. (2006)

used a two phase flow model to predict the impact of aqueous phase damage in fracture –face

matrix damage on fracture –face skin evolution and during clean up and production. The study

demonstrated that fracture face skin evolution during gas flow can be modeled and calculated

throughout the simulation of clean up and production process. Results from the study showed that

with lower matrix permeability and subsequent higher capillary pressures, the impact of water

saturation in the damaged zone becomes important. The fracture face skin relative to gas flow can

be several times higher than expected on the basis of single phase flow while the time required to

achieve a reasonable fracture face skin can take up significant production time in the order of

about 7 weeks for moderate damage factors.

Capillary driven liquid films have been identified as a mechanism that influences liquid

displacement and evaporation rates during cleanup of water blocks in tight gas reservoirs

Mahadevan et al (2007).The capillary gradients developed across the invaded zone help transport

liquid films from low drying rate regions to regions where evaporation is higher, thereby

improving water removal and cleanup. Numerical studies by Le et al. (2012) included the

mechanism of capillary driven formation damage models resulting in improved prediction of gas

deliverability during cleanup. However, numerical studies conducted by Conway et al. (2007)

have shown that damage mechanisms from fluid invasion in low permeability rocks are numerous

and complex. Multiphase gas relative permeability obtained from rocks with similar

porosity/permeability distribution during cleanup show significant variation suggesting that the

bundle of capillary tubes theory is not sufficient to characterize fluid flow. The observed relative

permeability hysteresis of the aqueous phase from fluid leak off during injection and cleanup


suggest that fracturing fluid composition may play a role in the alteration of rock –fluid and fluid-

fluid interactions especially as the rock becomes tighter.

Most research work with numerical studies of gas flow after fracture fluid invasion are in

tight gas reservoirs and are based on empirical analysis which are not supported by data obtained

from experimental studies. As a result existing simulation tools that do not consider mechanisms

of rock-fluid and fluid-fluid interactions specific to the fracturing fluid filtrate hamper proper

representation of formation damage due to trapping of filtrate and reduce the predictive and

diagnostic capability of the model.

In this research study, formation damage mechanisms of wettability alteration and

multiphase gas relative permeability from fracturing fluid filtrate invasion will be investigated

experimentally. Data obtained from the study will be used to assist support models that

dynamically simulate the fracture face skin evolution and fractured well performance during

cleanup. The benefits of this work will be improved ability to diagnose, predict and evaluate

formation damage from different fracturing fluids in tight gas sandstones.


Chapter 3

Problem Statement

Hydraulic fracturing involves the injection of fluids to breakdown the formation,

propagate and prop open the created fracture required for production enhancement. These

fracturing fluids contain several chemicals and additives uniquely formulated for the reservoir to

be stimulated. The components of the fracturing fluids are classified into two main groups:

the base fluid which is primarily composed of the gelling agent or polymer

required to create and prop the fracture and

additives that modify base fluid behavior for viscosity control and reservoir


The base fluid and additives of these fracturing fluids result in a fracturing fluid filtrate

with highly variable physical and chemical properties that eventually leak off into the formation.

Aqueous phase trapping in the rock matrix around the fracture face and near wellbore region

happens as a result of leak-off and capillary imbibition of the fracturing fluid filtrate in the slot

pores of these low permeability rocks. Previous work by several authors have shown that

capillary imbibition of the filtrate results in relative permeability hysteresis of aqueous phase and

filtrate influences gas phase relative permeability. Additionally, the aqueous phase from the

filtrate influences interfacial tension and subsequently the gas phase relative permeability during

the displacement and evaporation phases of the cleanup process.

The primary objective of this study is to experimentally investigate the role fracturing

filtrate has on the multiphase permeability evolution during imbibition and drainage of the

aqueous phase in low permeability sandstones. Additionally, the alteration of rock-fluid


interactions during capillary imbibition of fracturing fluid filtrate for a range of commonly

employed fracture fluids will be investigated by means of laboratory experiments.

Effective control and removal of from aqueous phase trapping are critical to restoring gas

permeability and achieving production enhancement in low permeability sandstones after

hydraulic fracture treatment. Remedial treatments designed to remove aqueous phase traps are

centered on increasing the drawdown pressure, reducing the interfacial tension, altering the

wettability and direct removal or replacement of the trapped fluid. Chemical additives used

include mutual solvents, alcohols, blends of alcohols and mutual solvents, blends of solvents and

surfactants and surfactants alone. While proper fluid selection is crucial to the success of the

treatment, the remedial treatment may be unsuccessful if the additive is incompatible, not

properly designed or poorly implemented. The key to effective damage control or remedial

treatment is to understand the effect, compatibility and behavior of the rock-fluid-

additive/fracturing fluid system during treatment process under varying in situ conditions via core

analysis and laboratory testing.

In this study, the performance of alcohols and surfactants as additives in the removal of

trapped liquid from different fracturing fluid systems will be examined. Special core analysis and

laboratory testing will be conducted to determine, understand and quantify the mechanisms that

govern multiphase permeability evolution using alcohols and surfactants to remediate aqueous

phase trapping. Experimental data that captures the relative contributions of mechanisms that

affect rock-fluid and fluid-fluid interactions will be obtained from carefully designed laboratory

experiments and fluid tests. The data will be used to develop methodologies and optimal

strategies for damage removal from fracturing fluid filtrate in low permeability sandstones. The

data will also be useful in developing empirical correlations and model-assisted analysis of

permeability evolution during fluid invasion and post fracture cleanup.

Part I- Multiphase Permeability Evolution for Fracturing Fluid Systems

Chapter 4

Experimental Methodology

Laboratory experiments and techniques in this research study were designed to

characterize and quantify the following petrophysical attributes and properties for low

permeability sandstone samples:

1. Pore structure, mineral distribution and composition using combined Energy

Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) imaging.

2. Porosity, absolute Klinkernberg permeability and specific permeability to water.

3. Gas phase and liquid relative permeability with selected fracturing fluid systems as

liquid phase.

4. Filtration/fluid loss for each fluid system in the porous media.

4.1 Samples

Samples used in this study are cores cut from sandstones blocks obtained from Oriskany

sandstone formation outcrop in Scioto County Ohio and blocks from the Almond formation

(Mesaverde group) outcrop in Sweet Water County Wyoming. The cut blocks were sealed at the

field site in thermoplastic barrier material to prevent water loss and preserve in situ conditions.

Two horizontal plugs 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter and 2 inches (5cm) long were cut from

each sandstone blocks for a total of four plugs. Table 4-1 shows the physical characteristics of the

core plugs used for petrographic analysis, porosity, Klinkernberg and specific permeability and

for multiphase relative permeability measurement with fracturing fluids in this study.


Table 4-1. Physical characteristics of samples used in this study

Sample Description Dimensions

Diameter (inch)

Length (inch)

A1,A2,A3,A4 Ohio Scioto 1 2

B1,B2,B3,B4 Wyoming Almond 1 2

4.2 Petrographic Analysis

The petrophysical properties of sedimentary rocks are strongly dependent on the

geometrical and topography of the rock matrix. Therefore petrographic analysis is crucial as it

can provide important information about pore structure, improve rock characterization and help in

understanding formation damage mechanisms. Petrographic analysis uses images

photographs/electron images of selected cores to infer for important rock properties including

textural parameters, grain size & distribution, topography, pore body and pore throat sizes.

Petrographic analysis was conducted with the Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS)

coupled with the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) imaging tool. The SEM images a sample

by focusing a beam of electrons on the surface of the material. Three types of signals are

generated from the impact of the electron beam. They include secondary electrons, backscattered

electrons and X-rays. Secondary electrons are emitted from atoms at the surface of the sample

and produce a readily interpretable image of the topography of the surface. Backscattered

electrons are emitted from atoms within the solid. It also displays an image of the sample with


contrast corresponding to the atomic number of the constituent elements in the sample. X-rays

will also be emitted because on interactions of the electron beam with electrons in the inner shell

of the atoms. The emitted x-rays have energy characteristic to the parent elements and are picked

up by detectors mounted on the EDS tool. The EDS technique provides elemental composition of

the scanned area and mapping of elements in the sample. .

In this study, the petrographic study was targeted towards observing the pore structure,

pore throats and the mineralogy of the rock grains and pore spaces. Core and image analysis with

the EDS/SEM tool was performed on 1-inch diameter discs obtained from the two sandstone


4.3 Test Fluid Systems

Synthetic brine used to saturate the core and represent formation water was prepared in

the laboratory to match composition found in the Oriskany reservoir. The brine had a total

dissolved solids (TDS) content of 35500 ppm which contains 32 g/L of NaCl,1.2 g/L of CaCl2,

0.78 g/l of MgCl2, 0.31 g/L of KCl and 1.1 g/L of NaHCO3. Helium gas at room temperature was

used in permeability experiments to imitate hydrocarbon gas.

Several commonly used fracturing fluids in the oil industry were screened and selected

based on commonly employed fluid selection criteria for stimulation of low permeability

sandstones. These fluid systems were used to conduct gas and liquid phase relative permeability

experiments for this research study. The selected fluid systems are listed in Table 4-2 to 4-4


Table 4-2. Slickwater fluid systems used in this study


Name Base Fluid Additives

Fluid 1 96.975 vol % Water,3% KCl,

0.025% Polyacrylamide

Biocide ,Clay Stabilizer

Fluid 2 96.95 vol % Water,3% KCl,

0.05% Polyacrylamide

Biocide, Clay Stabilizer

Fluid 3 96.9 vol % Water,3% KCl,

0.1% Polyacrylamide

Biocide, Clay Stabilizer

Table 4-3. Linear Gels (hydropropylguar) fluid systems used in this study

Name Type Base Fluid Additives

Fluid 4 20 lb.

Linear Gel

97 vol% Water, 3% KCL 20 pptg gel (HPG), 1 pptg


Fluid 5 40 lb. Linear Gel 97 vol% Water, 3% KCL 20 pptg gel (HPG), 5 pptg


Fluid 6 20 lb. Linear Gel

with Surfactant

97 vol% Water, 3% KCL 20 pptg gel (HPG), 1 pptg

Breaker,2.0 gptg Surfactant

Fluid 7 40 lb. Linear Gel

with Surfactant

97 vol% Water, 3% KCL 40 pptg gel (HPG), 5 pptg

Breaker, 3.0 gptg Surfactant


Table 4-4. Borate-Crosslinked Gel (hydropropylguar) fluid systems used in this study

Name Type Base Fluid Additives

Fluid 8 20 lb.

Crosslinked Gel

97 vol% Water, 3% KCL 20 pptg gel (HPG), 2.5 gptg

Crosslinker ,1 pptg Breaker

Fluid 9 40 lb.

Crosslinked Gel

97 vol% Water, 3% KCL 40 pptg gel (HPG), 4.0 gptg

Crosslinker, 5 pptg Breaker

Fluid 10 20 lb.

Crosslinked Gel with


97 vol% Water, 3% KCL 40 pptg gel (HPG), 2.5 gptg

Crosslinker, 1 pptg

Breaker,2.0 gptg Surfactant

Fluid 11 40 lb.

Crosslinked Gel with


97 vol% Water, 3% KCL 40 pptg gel (HPG), 4.0 gptg

Crosslinker, 5 pptg Breaker,

3.0 gptg Surfactant

4.4 Petrophysical Properties and Measurement Techniques

The desired rock properties and methods used in this research are presented. These methods were

selected based on technical and practical suitability to objectives of the experimental


4.4.1 Porosity

Porosity for each core sample was determined from a combination of helium Boyle’s law test and

the liquid saturation (Gravimetric) technique.

4.4.2 Permeability

In tight gas reservoirs, majority of permeability measurements are obtained from routine core

analysis. The core samples are dried and tested for absolute slip free permeability to gas at


representative net confining stress. Determination of micro Darcy permeability using traditional

measurement techniques are very challenging and often work poorly.

The traditional steady-state method of permeability measurement is based on the Darcy’s law

which suggests that under steady-state flowing conditions the obtained constant pressure gradient

is directly proportional to fluid velocity given by

/dp dx Vxk

…………………………..equation 4-0

k= permeability

/dp dx = pressure gradient

µ = fluid viscosity

Vx = average darcy velocity

For tight gas samples with micro Darcy permeability obtaining steady state flow conditions and

constant pressure gradient across the core is often time consuming and difficult to maintain

especially when the flowing fluid is a liquid. As such most steady state permeability

measurements are obtained using gas as flowing fluid. However, gas permeability measurements

in low permeability samples are also subject to deviations from Darcy’s law, such as gas slippage

and inertial flow and may result in significant measurement errors.

Unsteady state techniques involve permeability measurements under transient or unsteady state

flow conditions. These methods employ fixed volume reservoirs of gas or liquid located either

upstream or downstream of the sample placed in a core holder or at both ends. The sample is

subjected to a mean confining/net pressure while a small pressure pulse of about 10-20 psi is

established across the core causing the fluid to flow from the upstream to the downstream

reservoir, allowing the pressure at the upstream end to decline with time. Instantaneous rate of

pressure change can be measured obviating the need for flow rate measuring devices.


Applying a mean pore pressure of about 1000 psi across the core is enough to produce a slip free

condition. Pressure fall-off unsteady state method involves operating the downstream reservoir at

atmospheric conditions while the pulse decay method requires operation of downstream reservoir

at pressures significantly above atmospheric conditions. Liquid and gas variations of both

methods can be designed to obtain measurements of specific end-point permeability to both gas

and water.

The unsteady-state pulse decay technique was used to determine the Klinkernberg permeability

for each of the selected sample plugs. This method has been proven to give results consistent

with multiple point steady-state and unsteady state pulse decay methods (Jones, 1997). In the

study, pulse decay measurements were conducted with helium gas at room temperature.

Additionally, applying a standard mean operating pressure of 1000 psi across the core ensures

that permeability is measured under slip-free conditions. A pressure pulse of about 10-20 psi is

established and monitored till it stabilizes. This technique is more rapid than the steady state

technique with test times varying from one to four hours. It also achieves stable results as it

eliminates stress gradients created in steady state methods (Dacy, 2010). Liquid pulse decay

measurements were conducted using synthetic brine prepared to simulate formation fluids.

4.4.3 Pulse Decay Permeametry-Apparatus, Procedure and Analysis

The experiment was performed using a simple tri-axial apparatus capable of applying defined

confining stresses of about 5000 psia in the axial and radial direction and concurrently measuring

the gas effective permeability. The apparatus consists of a Temco tri-axial core holder to confine

the core plug at the prescribed stresses. Confining pressure was obtained by means of ISCO

syringe pumps with stresses applied in the axial and radial direction (35 MPa with resolution of ±

1KPa). Pressure transducers were used to monitor the upstream and downstream reservoir

pressures (PDCR 610 & Omega PX302-5KGO) to a resolution of 0.03 MPa and a data

acquisition system (DAS) used to obtain data collected as voltage measurements. The volumes of


the upstream and downstream reservoirs were 17.36 and 3.1 cm3 respectively. The pumps,

transducers and reservoir volumes were all calibrated prior to the start of the experiments. All

measurements were conducted at room temperature.

Figure 4-1: Schematic of pulse test transient system (after, Wang et al. 2011)

In a standard pulse decay test, a plug sample is placed in a tri-axial core holder and the defined

net hydrostatic pressure is applied in the radial and axial directions. As shown in Figure 4-1., pore

pressure is applied at both ends of the core before a pressure pulse is generated at the upstream

end. The created pulse is allowed to flow through the core from the upstream end to the

downstream end while the pressure decay at upstream and pressure gain at the downstream end is

recorded by means of pressure transducers until an equilibrium pressure is achieved. A very small

pressure pulse of about 10 psi is used to minimize adsorption of gas or displacement of the liquid

pulse in the core.


Effective permeability is calculated from the pressure-time profile obtained from the pulse decay

experiments (Bruce et al, 1986) according to equation 4.1:

( )


eq up down

L Vk


…………………………..equation 4-1


k= permeability (m2)

γ = pulse decay parameter (s-1)

µ = gas viscosity (Pas)

downV = Volume of downstream reservoir (m3)

upV = Volume of upstream reservoir (m3)

eqP = equilibrium pressure at end of experiment (N/m2)

L = core sample length (m)

A= cross-sectional area of core sample (m2)

The value of the decay parameter γ is given by equation 4-2:

0 0log( ( ) / ( ))up down up downd P P P P


…………………………..equation 4-2


upP / downP = upstream and downstream pressures respectively (N/m2)

0upP / 0down

P = upstream and downstream pressures respectively (N/m2)

The value of the pulse decay parameter is obtained from the slope of plot of

0 0log( ( ) / ( ))up down up downd P P P P versus time on a straight line plot. Three sets of pulse decay


observations were used to calculate the uncertainty in permeability calculations. Uncertainty in

pressure readings from transducers, volume of reservoir and length of the core are ±4.5 psi, 0.02

mm3, ±0.01mm respectively. Based on equation 4-1, this would suggest that our permeability

calculations are accurate within 8%.

Klinkenberg permeability (kabs ) was measured on a weighed dry plug. For measurement of gas

permeability, the core was initially vacuum saturated in prepared fracturing fluid filtrate system

with a saturator. The core was allowed to stand for two days fully immersed in the filtrate. After

saturation, the pore volume was determined from Archimedes principle.

During permeability measurements, the saturation in the core was allowed to evaporate to

achieve target saturation (Sw). The core was subsequently enclosed in a glass bottle for fluid

redistribution and thermal equilibrium. The core was then weighed, loaded in the core holder and

pressure decay permeability measurements were performed on the core to obtain gas effective

permeability (keg) at Sw. After the measurement was obtained, the core is unloaded and re-

weighed to obtain the average saturation after gas flow. The process was repeated for subsequent

target saturations for the drainage cycle. Gas effective permeability (keg) at Sw was normalized to

absolute permeability (kabs) to obtain relative permeability krg: krg= (keg)/kabs . Absolute

permeability, specific permeability and multi-phase flow permeability was evaluated with the

transient pulse decay method. The gas and liquid variations of this technique was used to

determine the effective permeability to gas and water during multiphase flow.


4.5 Multiphase Permeability Experiments with Fracturing Fluids

Major damage mechanisms in tight gas reservoirs such as phase trapping can be captured

in relative permeability curves. In this study the effect of phase trapping /permeability alteration

from invasion of fracturing fluids was determined by investigating multiphase flow behavior of

the low permeability sandstone induced by the fluid during invasion and clean-up. Relative

permeability to gas and brine were measured at different saturations of the liquid phase i.e.

fracturing fluid filtrate to capture multiphase flow behavior during leak-off and imbibition of

fracturing fluid during the injection part of the fracturing treatment and drainage of liquid phase

during clean-up. For the purpose of this study, two sets of experiments are conducted on core

samples from the two different sandstone rock types. The first set consists of measurements of

effective liquid permeability to slickwater at different brine saturations. This is done to reproduce

flow conditions during fluid invasion and is termed the imbibition cycle. The second set of

experiments consists of measurements of effective gas permeability with helium at different

saturations of slickwater to simulate cleanup/displacement of the fracturing fluid and is termed

the drainage cycle.

The preferred method for relative permeability measurement for low permeability rocks

is the unsteady state pulse decay method .This technique greatly reduces measurement duration

and overcomes capillary end effects associated with high capillary pressures in low permeability

cores. A method of combining sample evaporation and unsteady state pulse decay is used in this

experimental work to measure liquid and gas phase effective permeability at different fluid

saturations achieved by saturation and evaporation of core samples to the target saturations which

is then used to generate the relative permeability curves for the sample.

The experimental procedure for multiphase permeability measurements consist of the

following steps:

1-Initial saturation of core with brine and displacement with gas to connate water of saturation.


2-Measurement of Klinkernberg permeability at connate water of saturation

3-Injection /saturation of core with fracturing fluid and evaporation to target liquid saturation.

4-Enclosing core in air tight bottle to achieve fluid redistribution.

5-Weighing of the core to calculate target saturation using mass balance.

6-Liquid pulse decay permeability measurement is performed to obtain effective permeability to

liquid (slickwater) phase.

7-Unloading and re-weighing of core to obtain average liquid saturation. Repeating steps 3-6 for

different target saturations until 100% saturation of core is achieved.

8-At 100% liquid saturation, helium gas is injected into core to achieve target liquid saturation for

the drainage cycle.

9-Core is allowed to evaporate, left to stand in a bottle and weighed to obtained average fluid


10-Effective permeability to gas is measured using gas pulse decay method.

11-Steps 8 and 9 repeated for varying liquid saturations until connate saturation is achieved.

Measured effective permeability to liquid and gas were normalized to endpoint

permeabilities to generate relative permeability curves. Relative permeability curves were

obtained for the different slickwater fluid systems during imbibition and drainage cycles on core

samples from the two sandstone rock types.

Fracturing fluid filtrate is used to imitate the wetting phase in the invaded zone while

helium gas is used to simulate the gas phase. The gas effective permeability is measured at

different target saturations and is used to calculate gas relative permeability. Compared to the

displacement/flow technique, this approach reduces time to reach target saturation thus greatly

reducing the experiment turnaround time and minimizes contact of fracturing fluid filtrate and the

core holder apparatus and piping system.


4.6 Leakoff Test/Filtration Test

Leakoff/Filtration tests were conducted on each core/fluid system to determine the fluid loss and

mechanisms that control fluid loss during injection of fracturing fluid across the face of the

fracture. Fluid loss during injection of fracturing fluid depends on three separate linear

mechanisms: 1) fracturing fluid viscosity relative permeability effects 2) reservoir fluid viscosity

–compressibility effects 3) wall building effects. In any hydraulic fracturing treatment, each of

these mechanisms will act simultaneously to varying extents.

The goal of the filtration experiments in this research is to identify the presence or absence of

wall building effects, which would confirm the filtration of polymeric molecules into the porous

media and provide insight to possible rock-fluid/fluid-fluid alterations caused by polymeric

molecules during imbibition and drainage of the fracturing fluid filtrate in the rock similar to

process during injection and clean-up of a fracture treatment.

Measurement of fluid loss

The wall building mechanism for fluid loss can be determined experimentally in the laboratory

using the standard fluid loss test. Figure 4-2 shows the experimental set up for a fluid loss test.

The test is conducted in a high pressure –high temperature Baroid Filter Press containing wafers

of the cored sample. The pressure differential, ∆P (psi) used in the test corresponds to pressure

differences at the fracture face during treatment. The pressure differential is the difference

between bottomhole treating pressure (i.e. ∆P = BHPCN +PN –PR) and reservoir pressure, where

BHPCN is bottomhole treating pressure, PN is Net pressure and PR is reservoir pressure.

A pressure differential of 1000 psi at a temperature of 180 deg F is used to measure fluid loss for

the selected core samples and fluid systems. The fluid loss in cubic centimeters is measured with

time and is plotted and analyzed to determine if fluid loss is controlled by Darcy’s law or by the

formation of a filter cake.


Figure 4-2: High Pressure High Temperature Filter Press

4.7 Adsorption Flow Experiments

In this study, adsorption flow experiments are conducted to investigate, verify and determine the

extent of adsorption of molecules of the fracturing fluid filtrate system during and after flow in

the porous media. Adsorption of polymeric molecules of the fracturing fluid system can alter the

rock-fluid interactions during flow resulting in a change in the shape of the relative permeability


Experimental procedure

A picture of the flow system used to conduct adsorption experiments is shown in Figure 4-3.

Clean core samples were mounted horizontally in a core holder apparatus after 100% saturation in

brine. The test fluid system is colored with dye and injected into the core until the effluent

concentration is equal to the initial concentration. The effluent dye concentration at different pore

volumes of injected fluid is determined and used to construct the initial breakthrough curve. The


initial fluid is then displaced completely with brine to flush out the fluid from the core. Another

slug of the same fracturing fluid is injected and effluent concentration measurements are used to

generate a second breakthrough curve. Adsorption of the polymeric molecules of the fluid is

determined from the difference in the two breakthrough curves.

Figure 4-3: Core Holder Arrangement for Adsorption Flow Tests

4.8 Spontaneous Imbibition and Contact Angle Experiments

Spontaneous imbibition experiments were conducted at room temperature to identify wettability

alteration of the rock samples after flooding with the fracturing fluid to be investigated.

Imbibition tests are conducted by partially immersing the cores in 2% KCl brine fluid and

suspended from a digital balance and measuring the weight increase of the sample at different

times. Figure 4-4 shows a picture of the apparatus and setup used in this study. The core is

brought to connate water of saturation after cleaning and drying in an oven. The core is partially


wrapped with a rubber jacket allowing one side of the core to be partially exposed. This is done to

avoid errors due to evaporation. The sample is connected to the digital balance with the exposed

end placed about 2 mm deep into the beaker containing brine. The liquid (brine) will

spontaneously imbibe resulting in a weight increase of the core which is recorded by the digital

balance. Measurements of weight increase are taken every minute until a fairly constant value is

obtained indicating that suggesting maximum imbibition has been reached. The amount of water

imbibed is calculated from the weight increase. This procedure is repeated on the core this time

after flooding with the fracturing fluid and drying. The difference is imbibed fluid saturation is

used as a qualitative indication of wettability alteration.

Change in contact angles of a droplet of water placed on the surface of a core before and after

flooding with the fracturing fluids is used as a visual indicator of wettability change of a rock

sample. In this study, pictures of contact angles of a droplet of water placed on the rock surface

will be used to visually observe wettability changes of the rock surface after flooding with the

fracturing fluid and aging in an oven for about three hours. Spreading or beading of the water

droplet on the surface of the rock sample will be used as a visual indication of wettability

alteration of the core.


Figure 4-4: Set-up for Spontaneous Imbibition Experiments


Chapter 5


5.1 Petrophysical properties of samples

Measurements for porosity, absolute Klinkernberg permeability (kabs ) and specific permeability

to water Kw , were obtained for each sample using a combination of gas unsteady-state pulse

decay and liquid pulse decay methods described earlier. Table 5-1 shows results of measurements

of porosity, klinkernberg permeability and the specific permeability to water. Cores cut from

Ohio Scioto formation (A1- A4) show an average klinkernberg permeability of 0.185 mD which

is typical for a majority of tight gas sands. Cores cut from Almond formation (Samples B1-B4)

shows absolute klinkernberg permeability measurements of about 0.0005 mD and thus can be

described as ultra-low permeability sandstones.

Table 5-1. Petrophysical properties of samples used in this study

Rock Type

Sample No

Petrophysical Properties

Ohio Scioto

A1 7.26% 0.1854 0.1081

A2 7.27% 0.1844 0.1091

A3 7.25% 0.1856 0.1101

A4 7.24% 0.1806 0.1107



B1 2.30% 0.0005 0.000043

B2 2.31% 0.00049 -

B3 2.27% 0.0005 0.000044

B4 2.30% 0.0005 -


5.2 Petrographic Analysis of Tight Gas Sandstone Samples

Petrographic analysis of all four samples was conducted using Scanning Electron Microscopy

(SEM) coupled with the Electron Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) tool as part of an effort to

obtain a detailed characterization of the pore structure, pore geometry and mineralogy of the tight

gas samples. This study identified two distinct petrographic rock types based on pore-scale image

analysis. The rock types showed similar mineral composition, pore structure and geometry

reflecting the relative uniformity of rock properties of the parent formations (core blocks) from

which the cores were cut.

Petrographic Analysis of Rock Type 1-Oriskany Formation (Sample A1 & Sample B1)

Observations of images of samples obtained from the Ohio Scioto/Oriskany formation (Sample

A1 and Sample A2) indicated that the pore morphology can be best described as grain supported.

Figure 5-1, 5-2 and 5-3 show SEM images obtained for sample A1.Figure 5-1 shows a grain

supported fabric consisting of fine sandstone grains with intergranular pores with varying degrees

of diagenetic cementation. Figure 5-2 shows the image of the same location but at a higher

magnification of 277X. It clearly shows the detrital grains cemented in place by authigenic

cements and the pores with pore throats occluded by authigenic material. Figure 5-3 shows a

high resolution image of the slot pores. One can clearly observe the narrow pore throats and the

fine flakes of authigenic clay material that lines the pore walls and pore throats. The narrow pore

throats are responsible for reduced permeability and high capillarity of the rock.

Mineralogical analyses from the EDS tool indicate that the grain is siliceous material with

average composition, 55.2% quartz, 33.1% feldspar and 11.7% clay mineral. Average grain size

from image analysis was determined to be in the range of 50-60 microns.


Figure 5-1: Sample A1 showing intergranular porosity and authigenic cementation

Figure 5-2: Sample A1 Grain supported pore structure with authigenic cements


Figure 5-3: Sample A1 Pore walls and throats lined with authigenic clays

Petrographic Analysis of Rock Type 2-Almond Formation (Sample B1 & Sample B2)

SEM and EDS-mineralogical analysis of cores cut from the Almond formation (Sample B1 and

Sample B2) indicate a rock pore structure that has been subjected to severe compaction and

cementation resulting in ultra-low permeability. Figure 5-4 and 5-5 show electron images of

Sample B1 and Sample B2. Both images clearly show a highly cemented grain fabric, slot pores

and randomly dispersed secondary pores. Authigenic mineral precipitation and compaction have

combined to drastically reduce the intergranular porosity to narrow slots. Mineralogical analysis

by the EDS tool indicates that the authigenic cements are comprised of quartz, clay and iron

sulphide. Average grain size was determined to be about 20 microns.

In Figure 5-6, random secondary pores can be observed at a higher image magnification. These

secondary pores are as a result of mineral dissolution of detrital grains after deposition.

Secondary pores contribute to effective porosity while the interconnecting slot pores contribute to

permeability. Figure 5-7 shows a high magnification image of the solution pore. The pore spaces,

interconnecting slot pores and authigenic cements can clearly be seen. The solution and slot pores


account for the high capillary pressures encountered in this rock type. Mineralogical analysis

from EDS determined a mineral composition of average 56.2% quartz, 34.2% feldspar and 10%

illite and chlorite clays. Though clay content is small it is partially responsible for the high

irreducible water of saturations measured for both samples.

Figure 5-4: Sample B1 showing fine grain sandstone with extensive cementation

Figure 5-5: Sample B2 showing interconnecting slot pores in highly cemented rock fabric


Figure 5-6: Sample B2 showing solution pore formed by mineral dissolution

Figure 5-7: Sample B2 showing slot pores that connect to solution pores


5.3 Analysis of Flow Experiments: Effect of Slickwater

5.3.1 Analysis of Leak-off Tests

Filtration curves obtained from plot of filtration volume versus time indicate that flow of filtrate

from linear gels through tight gas rocks is not controlled by polymer cake formation but by

permeability of the rock itself. Figure 5-8 and Figure 5-9 shows the filtration curves for

slickwater at 0.5 pptg friction reducer (Fluid 2) for Sample A1 and Sample B1 respectively. In

both figures we can clearly observe the lack of curvature at the early part of the filtration test.

This suggests that filtration or leak-off of slickwater is dominated by Darcian flow and more

importantly all polymeric molecules of the friction reducer present in the fluid invaded the pore

spaces of the porous media for both core samples.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1400










Filtration time- (seconds)


ration V






Filtration Curves for Sample 1 K=0.1584 mD

Figure 5-8: Filtration curves for slickwater (Fluid 1) through Sample A1


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140-0.01







Filtration time- (seconds)


ration V






Filtration Curves for Sample 3 K=0.0005 mD

Figure 5-9: Filtration curves for slickwater (Fluid 1) through Sample B1

5.3.2 Analysis of Two-phase Flow Relative Permeability with Slickwater

Figure 5-10 shows relative permeability curves for sample A2 (k∞ = 0.1854 md) for 1st imbibition

and drainage cycles with slickwater as liquid phase for different concentrations of friction reducer

(polyacrylamide). Measurements of relative permeability were taken starting with sample at

connate water of saturation followed by a gradual increase of slickwater phase by vacuum

saturation. This cycle corresponds to imbibition of fracturing fluid filtrate by porous medium

during the injection part of the treatment. The draiange cycle consist of relative permeabilty

measuremnts with brine as the displacing phase after 100% saturation with slickwater.


0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.90







x Saturation of Fluid (Wetting) Phase

y R


tive P



ty o

f F



Brine-Fluid Relative Permeability for Imbibition/Drainage Cycle in Sample 1

Insitu Brine

0.25 gptg (Imbibition)

0.5 gptg (Imbibition)

1.0 gptg (Imbibition)

Insitu Brine

0.25 gptg (Drainage)

0.5 gptg (Drainage)

1.0 gptg (Drainage)

Figure 5-10: Liquid Relative Permeability for 1st Imbibition with Slickwater with Sample A2

Figure 5-10, clearly shows a modification of the relative permeability curves with different

concentrations of polyacrylamide for Sample A1.The relative permeability curves shift towards

the right as concentration of friction reducer increases.This suggest a selective increase in

wettability to the slickwater phase as the fluid relative permeability decreases. The figure also

shows reduction of endpoint relative permeability with increase in friction reducer

concentration.The end point relative permeability of the drainage phase is lower than the end

point permeability for the imbibition phase,suggesting a change in wetting characteristics of the

rock after contact with slickwater solution. The change in wettability is suspected to be caused by

adsorption of polyacrylamide molecules to the pore walls of porous medium. Additionally an

increase in connate water of saturation was observed after the drainage cycle . The connate water

of saturation showed a consistent increase with friction reducer concentration for the drianage

phase.This is a clear indicator of increased interaction of rock substrate with polyacrlyamide

molecules present in the slickwater fluid after core saturation during the imbibition cycle .


0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.920










x Saturation of Fluid (Wetting) Phase

y R


tive P



ty o

f F



Brine-Fluid Relative Permeability for Imbibition/Drainage in Sample 3

Insitu Brine

0.25 gptg (Imbibition)

0.5 gptg (Imbibition) Critical Flow

0.25 gptg (Drainage)

0.5 gptg (Drainage) Critical flow

Figure 5-11: Liquid Relative Permeability for 1st Imbibition with Slickwater with Sample B2

Figure 5-11 shows relative permeability curves imbibition and draiange permeability

measurements with slickwater as the wetting phase for Sample B2 (k∞ = 0.0005md). A similar

trend of shift of relative permeability curves is observed for Sample B2. It also shows a decrease

in end-point relative permeability as concentration of friction reducer increases. Sample B2 is

impermeable to flow after a concentration higher than 0.5 gptg of friction reducer solution and no

permeability measurements were obtained at those concentrations. The shape of the curves

suggest an improvement in wettability as concentration of the friction reducer increases,while the

absence of liquid flow at concentrations greater than 0.5 gptg could be attributed to the size of

pore throats being comparable to size of polymeric molecules of the friction reducer at higher

concentartion of polyacrylamide. Additionaly no flow was observed in the sample after

concentration of friction reducer is above 0.5 gptg. This lack of flow is likely to be caused by a


significant decrease in pore size available for flow at higher concentration of polyacrylamide

molecules in the friction reducer .

Relative permeability measurements to brine were conducted after complete driange of

the slickwater from the samples. Figure 5-12, shows relative permeability curves to brine after

flooding with slickwater of different concentrations of friction reducer in sample A2. It shows

permanent alteration of the relative permeability curves after contact with the slickwater fluid.

The relative permeability to brine follows a different path compared to the path followed with the

path in-situ brine condition .The end point relative permeability to brine also reduces for cores

previously flooded with higher concentration of friction reducer, while the connate water of

saturation shows a slight increase.This suggests a permanent alteration in the flow characteristics

of the rock caused by interactions of polyacrylamide molecules and the rock substrate.The

increase in connate water after each flood indicates that there is a decrease in pore size resulting

from either particle deposition or adsorption of the polymeric molecules of the friction reducer on

the rock substrate.

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.90








x Saturation of Brine Phase

y R


tive P



ty t

o B

rine P


Relative Permeability to Brine (after flooding with Slickwater) Sample 1

Insitu Brine

0.25 gptg

0.5 gptg

1.0 gptg

Figure 5-12: Relative Permeability to Brine (after flooding with Slickwater) Sample A2


0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.920










x Saturation of Brine Phase

y R


tive P



ty t

o B

rine P


Relative Permeability to Brine(after flooding with Slickwater) Sample 3

Insitu Brine

0.25 gptg

0.5 gptg

Figure 5-13: Relative Permeability to Brine (after flooding with Slickwater) Sample B2

In Figure 5-13, for Sample B2 (k∞ =0.0005mD) one can see the same trend of a reduction in end

point relative permeability and even greater increase in connate water of saturation with

polyacrylamide concentration compared to the imbibition cycle. Additionally no flow was

observed in the sample after concentration of friction reducer is above 0.5 gptg.

Figure 5-14 and 5-15 show gas phase relative permeability vs gas saturation for both Sample A1

and Sample B2. First imbibition with brine corresponds to gas permeability measurements

obtained with cores initally at connate water of saturation. Second drainage corresponds to

measurements obtained while displacing brine with heluim from the core that is initially 100%

saturated with brine. Drainage experiments were also conducted with the core saturated with the

different slickwater systems.Analysis of the data shown in Figure 5-14 and Figure 5-15 indicate

that the relative permeability curve for the first imbibition is different from the curve obtained

from the second drainage with both brine and slickwater fluids. Additionally the higher values of

residual gas saturations were obtained for the second drainage for both brine and the slickwater


fluid systems.This suggest that gas phase relative permeability hysterisis is as a result of trapped

gas and not by changes in interfacial tension or wettability of the rock from the slickwater

system.The difference in saturations between the relative permeability curves for first imbibition

and second drainge is indicative of the trapped gas saturation.With this in mind,the trapped gas

saturation is observed to be higher at lower saturations than at higher saturations.This implies that

regions closest to fracture where filtrate invasion is significant will have gas mobility severely

impeded compared to regions where invasion is minimal. Modification of the gas relative

permeability curves was not significant as only slight reductions in end point relative

permeability were observed .

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.80









x Saturation of Gas Phase

y R


tive P



ty o

f G

as P


Sample 1 Gas Phase Relative Perm Drainage of Slickwater

1st Brine Imbibition

2nd Brine Driange

0.25 gptg

0.5 gptg

1.0 gptg

Figure 5-14: Gas Relative Permeability with Slickwater for Sample A2

Gas relative permeability for Sample B2 ( k∞ = 0.0005md) in Figure 5-15 showed similar trends

observed in Sample 1 with smaller decrease in end-point relative permeability with increase in

friction reducer concentration.Gas relative permeability curves are consistent with those obtained


by Bazin et al. (2008). Gas phase relative permeability measurements were not obtained at

friction reducer concentration greater than 0.5 gptg since there no liquid flow at that


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 10











x Saturation of Gas Phase

y R


tive P



ty o

f G

as P


Sample 3 Gas Phase Relative Perm Drainage of Linear Gel Filtrate

1st Brine Imbibition

2nd Brine Drainage

0.25 gptg

0.5 gptg with no flow above 1.0 gptg

Figure 5-15: Gas Relative Permeability with Slickwater for Sample B2

5.3.3 Analysis of Adsorption Experiments

Figure 5-16 and Figure 5-17 show breakthrough curves obtained for adsorption experiments

conducted on Sample A3 and Sample B3. Results of the adsorption experiments were reported

earlier (Chapter 4) for different concentrations of friction reducer (polyacrylamaide solution).


Figure 5-16: Brekthrough curves for succesive injections of Fluid 1 through Sample A3

Figure 5-17: Breakthrough curves for succesive injections of Fluid 2 through Sample B3.

In Figure 5-16 ,the differences in the breakthrough curves confirm the adsorption of

friction reducer polymeric molecules to the pore walls after flow of slickwater through sample


A3. Figure 5-17 shows a smaller separation of the breakthrough curves for Sample B3,suggesting

mild adsorption comapared to sample A3. A possible explanation for the reduced adsorption in

the low permeability sample B3 could be smaller intergranular pore volume available for flow

compared to sample A3.

Analysis of relative permeability curves obtained from two-phase flow experiments and

adsorption experimnents indicate that permeability reduction after imbibition is caused by

adsorption of polyacrylamide molecules present in the friction reducer.This causes an increase in

wettability of the rock and subsequent decrease in relative permeability to the liquid phase after

contact with slickwater. Figure 5-18 shows a schematic of possible adsorption mechanism during

imbibition of the fracturing fluid. However,the reduction in relative permeability to gas is caused

by trapped gas saturation and not by alteration of rock properties.This is consitent with findings

by Bazin et al (2008),who reported relative perabeabilty data for linear gel in Moliere sandstone.

Figure 5-18: Schematic of permeability reduction caused by adsorption.


5.3.4 Analysis of Imbibition and Contact Angle Experiments

Spontaneous imbibition experiments were conducted at room temperature on core sample A4 and

sample B4 at room temperature with brine (3% KCl) . Figure 5-18 and 5-19 shows imbibition

curves for samples A4 and B4 before and after flooding with slickwater (0.1% friction reducer)

/Fluid system 2. In Figure 5-18 we clearly observe the greatest increase in weight occurs at the

first five minutes after which imbibition rate becomes slow or almost constant. Imbibition curves

for core sample B4 shown in Figure 5-19 exhibit the same trend of rapid imbibition in the first

five minutes and increased imbibition after flooding with slickwater. Comparison of spontaneous

imbibition curves for sample A4 and sample B4 shows that smaller amount of water is imbibed

which is expected as the pore volume of sample B4 is smaller than sample A4.

The experiments clearly show an increase in imbibition rate of the core after flooding with

slickwater suggesting an increase in wettability of the cores. The increase in wettability of the

core samples is consistent with results from adsorption flow test presented earlier. The increase in

wettability can be attributed to the decrease in pore throat radius from adsorption of

polyacrylamide molecules present in friction reducer solution to the pore walls of the rock

sample. Capillary pressure is inversely proportional to the average pore throat radius; therefore a

decrease in pore throat radius of the rock from adsorption would result in an increase in capillary

pressure and imbibition affinity of the rock sample.


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200











Time (min)

Mass g




Brine Imbibition Test for Core 1

Before Flooding

After Flooding

Figure 5-19: Brine Imbibition for core sample A4 ( k∞ = 0.1854 md)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200








Time (min)

Mass g




Brine Imbibition Test for Core 3

Before Flooding

After Flooding

Figure 5-20: Brine Imbibition curves for core sample B4 ( k∞ = 0.0005md)


Contact angles of droplets of brine fluid (3% KCl) placed on the surface of the rock samples

before and after flooding were observed visually to demonstrate wettability alteration

qualitatively. Figure 5-21a and 5-21b shows images of water droplets placed on surface of

sample A4 and sample B4 respectively before and after flooding with slickwater observed at

room temperature. In both cases we clearly see a decrease in contact angle and pronounced

spreading of the water droplet after the core has been flooded with slickwater.

Figure 5-21: Contact angles for core sample A4 (Top) and sample B4 (bottom) before flooding

(right) and after flooding (left) with Slickwater (0.1% friction reducer)


5.4 Analysis of Flow Experiments: Effect of Linear Gel

5.4.1 Analysis of Leak-off Tests

Figure 5.22 shows the total filtration volumes versus square root of time for leakoff tests

conducted with sample A1 (k∞ = 0.1854 md). Fracturing fluid used was linear gel at two polymer

concentrations of 20 lbm/1000 gal and 40 lbm/1000 gal to examine the effect of gel loading on

filtrate invasion and cake invasion.

0 5 10 150










Square root of time (min 1/2)



n V





Leakoff for Linear Gels K=0.1584 mD

20 lbm/Mgal

40 lbm/Mgal

Figure 5-22: Filtration volumes for for sample A1 with linear gel.

The time to formation of filter cake is shown by the change in curvature of the filtration volume

curve indicating a change from permeability controlled filtration to filtercake dominated

filtration.At a higher gel loading of 40lb/1000 gal,we can see relatively early formation of filter

cake compared to 20 lb/1000 gal fluid.The relatively long time for spurt loss for the 20 lb/1000


gal loading suggests the fluid has more mobility and invades deep into the core before forming a

filter cake while the 40 lb/100 gal fluid quickly forms a filter cake due to decreased mobility.

Increasing gel loading increases the fluid viscosity and thus reduces fluid mobility.The filtrate

collected at the core outlet for the 20 lb/100 gal fluid had a milky color, a viscosity of about 2.2

cp and contained small amounts of polymer.This suggest some degree of polymer invasion into

the core.The filtrate for the 40lb/1000 gal fluid was more transparent with less amount of polymer

suggesting limited invasion of polymer-laden fluid into the core as indicated by the early cake

formation times in Figure 5.22.

Figure 5.23 and 5.24 shows the cumulative leakoff volumes for 20 and 40 lb/1000 gal fluids

conducted with Sample B1 ( k∞ = 0.0005mD).The time to filter cake fomation is clearly shown

by sudden change in filtration curves.The effect of core permeability is shown by the relatively

longer filtration times before filter cake formation for sample B1 compared to sample A1.As

permeability decreases, permeability controlled filtration is slow leading to a late formation of

filter cake and limited fluid invasion.Spurt loss for the 20 lbm/1000 gal fluid fluid is much higher

than for the 40 lb/1000 gal fluid. As mentioned previously, as fluid viscosity decreases, fluid

mobility increases leading to an increase in spurt volume.The effluent from the core outlet for

both fluids was transparent and polymer free with a viscsoity of 1.14 cp. It is suspected that

polymer invasion into the core is limited.These results are consistent with results of leakoff tests

conducted by Bazin et al (2008) using Hydroxy Propyl Guar (HPG) and Moliere sandstone



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500










Square root of time (min 1/2)


ration V





Leakoff for Linear Gels K=0.0005 mD

20 lbm/Mgal

Figure 5-23: Filtration volumes for for Sample B1 with linear gel (20lbm/1000 gal ).

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 450










Square root of time (min 1/2)


ration V





Leakoff for Linear Gels K=0.0005 mD

40 lbm/Mgal

Figure 5-24: Filtration volumes for for Sample B2 with linear gel (40lbm/1000 gal ).


5.4.3 Analysis of Two-phase Flow Relative Permeability with Linear Gels

Figure 5-25 shows brine relative permeability curves for sample A1 (k∞ = 0.1854 md) for 1st

imbibition and drainage cycles after complete saturation with linear gel filtrate at 20 and 40

lbm/1000 gal gel loading . It shows formation damage is not significant with end-point

permeabilities almost 90% of initial brine permeability for both gel loading.

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.90








x Saturation of Liquid Phase

y R


tive P



ty o

f Liq



Drainage Liquid Phase Relative Perm with Linear Gel

Insitu Brine

40 lbm/1000 gal

20 lbm/1000gal

Figure 5-25: Liquid Relative Permeability with linear gel for sample A1

The same trend is observed in ultra-low permeability sample B1 (k∞ = 0.0005 md) in figure 5-26

with no signifcant reduction in end-point permeability with gel loading


0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.920










x Saturation of Liquid Phase

y R


tive P



ty o

f Liq



Liquid Phase Relative Perm Drainage of Linear Gel Filtrate for Sample 3

1st Brine Imbibition

Drainage-20 lbm/1000gal

Drainage-40 lbm/1000gal

Figure 5-26: Liquid relative permeability with linear gel for sample B1

We conclude that polymer invasion into the low permeability core is very little because of

formation of a filter cake and there is no signicant permeability alteration from the leak-off fluid.

Relative permeability to gas phase after flooding with filtrate from linear gels for sample 1 and

sample 3 are presented in figure 5-27 and figure 5-28. They both clearly show that the gas relative

permeability curve for secondary drainage is different from the curve for the imbibition cycle.The

reduction in relative permeability to gas is attributed to trapped gas saturation during imbibition

as indicated by the increase in critical gas saturation.The difference in the imbibition relative

permeability curve and the drainage curve is an indication of the amount of trapped gas

saturation.We conclude that decrease in gas relative permeability is as a result of trapped gas.


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.80









x Saturation of Gas Phase

y R


tive P



ty o

f G

as P


Sample 1 Gas Phase Relative Perm Drainage of Linear Gel Filtrate

1st Brine Imbibition

Gas Drainage

20 lbm/1000 gal

40 lbm/1000gal

Figure 5-27: Gas relative permeability with linear gel for Sample A1

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 10











x Saturation of Gas Phase

y R


tive P



ty o

f G

as P


Gas Phase Relative Perm Drainage of Linear Gel Filtrate for Sample 3

1st Brine Imbibition

2nd Brine Drainage

20 lbm/1000 gal

40 lbm/1000 gal

Figure 5-28: Gas relative permeability with linear gel for Sample B1


5.5 Analysis of Flow Experiments: Effect of Borate Crosslinked Gel

5.5.1 Analysis of Leak-off Tests

Figure 5.29 shows the total filtration volumes versus square root of time for leakoff tests

conducted using 20 lb/1000 gal borate crosslinked gel (fluid 8) with sample A1 (k∞ = 0.1854 md)

. The time to formation of filter cake is depicted by the change in curvature of the filtration

volume curve indicating a change from permeability controlled filtration to filtercake dominated

filtration. Early formation of filter cake indicates that polymer invasion in the core sample is

limted. The filtrate collected at the core outlet for the 20 lb/1000 gal crosslinked fluid had a

slightly milky color and a viscosity of about 1.5 cp containing slight amounts of polymer.

Figure 5-29: Filtration volumes for for sample A1 with linear gel.


Filtration volume vs square root of time for sample B1 with 20 lb /1000 gal fluid is depicted in

Figure 5.30.The effect of permeability fluid loss is shown by the delayed formation of filter cake

and small filtration volumes. Fluid filtrate collected at the outlet was also transparent and a

viscosity of about 1.7 cp containing very little polymer.

Figure 5-30: Filtration volumes for for sample B1 with linear gel.

Fluid loss experiments were also conducted using 40 lb/1000 gal borate crosslinked gel (fluid 9)

with both core wafers from sample A1 and B1. Filtration volumes vs square root of time is

presented in Figure 5-31.At a higher gel loading of 40lb/1000 gal no formation of filtercake was

observed for both core samples.The high viscosity and increased polymer loading allows for very

little leakoff or formation of a recognizable filter cake. The effluent from the core outlet for both

fluids was transparent and polymer free with a viscsoity of 1.14 cp. It is suspected that polymer

invasion into the core is limited.


Figure 5-31: Filtration volumes for for samples A1 and B1 with 40 lb/1000 gal borate crosslinked


5.5.2 Analysis of Two-phase Flow Relative Permeability with Crosslinked Gels

Figure 5-32 shows brine relative permeability curves for sample A1 (k∞ = 0.1854 mD) for 1st

imbibition and drainage cycles after complete saturation with borate crosslinked gel filtrate at 20

and 40 lbm/1000 gal gel loading. It shows that end point relative permeability of 0.8 regardless of

the fluid used to saturate the sample. This indicates that the filtrate composition does not have a

significant effect on liquid relative permeability during fluid invasion and that the flow behavior

comparable to water.Additionally one can observe the irreducible water of saturation from the

curves is about 0.5 and is independent of the saturating fluid in the core sample. This

demonstrates that flow behavior of filtrate from cross-linked gel is comparable to brine. The same

trend is observed in ultra-low permeability sample B1 (k∞ = 0.0005 mD) in Figure 5-33 with no

significant reduction in end-point permeability with gel loading. This indicates that polymer


invasion into the low permeability core is very little because of formation of a filter cake and

there is no signicant permeability alteration from the leak-off fluid.

Figure 5-32: Liquid relative permeability with linear gel for sample A1



Figure 5-33: Liquid relative permeability with linear gel for sample B1

Relative permeability to gas phase after flooding with filtrate from linear gels for sample A1 and

sample B1 are presented in figure 5-34 and figure 5-35.They both clearly show that the gas

relative permeability curve for secondary drainage is different from the curve for the imbibition

cycle.The reduction in relative permeability to gas is attributed to trapped gas saturation during

imbibition as indicated by the increase in critical gas saturation.The difference in the imbibition

relative permeability curve and the drainage curve is an indication of the amount of trapped gas

saturation.The decrease in gas relative permeability is attributed to trapped gas.


Figure 5-34: Gas relative permeability with linear gel for sample A1

Figure 5-35: Gas relative permeability with linear gel for sample A1


Part II- Multiphase Permeability Evolution with Remediation Additives

Chapter 6

Multiphase Permeability Evolution with Methanol Based Treatment


6.0 Abstract

Alcohols have been widely used to improve gas production during completion of

damaged wells in water sensitive formations. However, the mechanisms those govern multiphase

permeability evolution using alcohols in conjunction with the variable composition of filtrate

from different fracturing fluids are not fully understood. This study investigates the effect of

methanol on multiphase permeability evolution in the presence of filtrate from fracturing fluids in

low permeability sandstones by means of specialized core testing techniques.

The experimental methodology employed in this study consists of three sets of

experiments. The first set consists of measurements of surface tension of selected fracturing fluids

at varying concentrations of methanol. The second set consists of gas displacement experiments

conducted on sandstone cores initially saturated with fracturing fluid treated with methanol. Data

obtained from this step include gas flow rate and pore volumes of liquid expelled from the core as

a function of pore volumes of injected gas. The third set consists of effective gas permeability

measurements from pulse decay techniques to obtain gas relative permeability curves.

Results show that for all fracturing fluids, the addition of methanol to fracturing fluid

improves gas displacement flow rate and permeability recovery by two means; increasing the

mobility of the liquid during liquid displacement by gas and increasing the evaporation of the

trapped liquid after the displacement process. Additionally, it is shown that the presence of

friction reducer decreases the amount of liquid expelled and suppresses the recovery of gas

permeability during the evaporation of the trapped liquid in slickwater fluids. Reduction in


interfacial tension upon methanol addition did not contribute significantly to improvement in gas

relative permeability for all fracturing fluids tested.

This study quantifies the effect of methanol addition on rock-fluid and fluid-fluid

interactions for the different fracturing fluids and determines the mechanisms that govern

multiphase permeability in sandstone rocks. The obtained data is useful for model assisted

analysis of post-fractured performance and to optimize fracturing fluid-additive selection to

mitigate damage to aqueous phase trapping in low permeability sandstones.

6.1 Introduction

Control and remediation of aqueous phase trapping are one of the most important issues

that need to be addressed for efficient stimulation of low permeability sands. Maximizing

ultimate gas recovery from tight sands depends on effective selection of fracturing fluid additives

and design of fracture treatment prior to a stimulation operation. Wrong selection of the

fracturing fluid and/or additives can end up contributing to permeability impairment. A review of

literature returns numerous studies with different fluid additives and recommended practices that

have been proposed to mitigate and correct damage from phase trapping. Most commonly used

additives include light alcohols (methanol), surfactants and mutual solvents. Other types of

treatments include viscoelastic surfactants and foamed fracturing fluids with nitrogen and carbon

dioxide gas. However their effectiveness is limited to specific rock types at various in- situ

reservoir conditions. This indicates that there is no clear cut, ideal fluid system for all formations

in mitigating phase trapping and effective remediation fluids should be validated with core

analysis and laboratory tests.

For successful remediation of formation damage from aqueous phase trapping , it is

imperative to understand the response of the formation to the treating fluids by conducting core

analysis and laboratory testing with the remediating fluid additives prior to application in the

field. Laboratory tests help provide information about mechanisms that influence permeability


improvement in the rock sample using the treatment additives. One important mechanism that has

not been examined in previous studies is multiphase permeability evolution upon addition of

remediation fluid additives.

Alcohols have been widely used to improve gas productivity during completion of wells

in water sensitive formations. Mccleod and Coulter (1966) proposed the use of alcohol contained

in aqueous stimulation fluids to stimulate problem wells in sandstone formations. They concluded

that alcohols increase water recovery during cleanup and gas rate. Experimental studies by

Abrams and Vingar (1983) claimed that the addition of alcohols to brine does not significantly

improve gas flowrate when final drawdown in greater than existing capillary pressure gradient in

the formation. However, Mahadevan and Sharma ( 2003) concluded that the addition of alcohols

to stimulation treatment definitely contributes to gas productivity by reduction in interfacial

tension and evaporation of the trapped water. They suggested that water removal upon addition of

methanol occurs in two stages; a displacement phase where water is expelled by viscous forces

and an evaporation phase that follows the displacement phase and lasts a long time.

One significant drawback associated with treatment using alcohols is that the cleanup is

temporary and the well has to be retreated to improve gas flowrate. Al-Anazi, et al (2005) used a

combination of field tests and laboratory experiments to show that gas productivity can be

improved by a factor of two after treatment with methanol for the first four months and by 50%

thereafter. Another major drawback associated with the use of solvent is brine precipitation

associated with evaporation of water. Zuluaga and Monsalve (2003) demonstrated that increased

evaporation upon methanol addition results in brine precipitation. This precipitation results in

reduction in absolute permeability and can reduce gas productivity. A review of the published

literature reveals that no work has been done to investigate multiphase permeability evolution

using methanol additive with the fracturing fluid filtrate that leaks off into the rock matrix during



In this chapter, research is focused on laboratory tests designed to determine and quantify

the effect of alcohols as remediation fluid additives on multiphase permeability evolution in low

permeability sandstones with the fracturing fluid filtrate. Methanol, a commonly used alcohol will

be used to treat selected fracturing fluids. The impact of treated fracturing fluid filtrate on

multiphase permeability during fluid invasion and cleanup will be investigated by means of

specially designed laboratory experiments.

6.2 Experimental Methodology

Laboratory experiments in this part of the research study were focused on determining

and quantifying the processes that govern multiphase permeability evolution of fracturing fluids

treated with methanol to mitigate phase retention. Experimental methodology used to investigate

the remediation fluids consists of two steps:

1. Measuring the surface tension of the selected mixtures of treated polymers solutions

with fluid additives at varying concentrations.

2. Gas displacement experiments with sandstone cores initially saturated with the treated

fracturing fluids. Data obtained from these experiments will be used to characterize gas

permeability evolution during cleanup. Experiments are repeated for varying concentrations of

the fluid additive.

6.2.1 Porous Media

Samples used in this study consist of six cylindrical cores cut from homogenous blocks of

the Scioto sandstone, native to the Oriskany sandstone formation in Ohio. All cores have the

following properties: L= 2.5 in., ø = 7.26%, k∞ = 0.1854 md, PV = 3.79 cm3.


6.2.2 Test Fluid Systems

Three different polymer fluid systems were used to investigate the effect of methanol on

multiphase relative permeability during filtrate invasion and gas flowback in sandstone cores. The

fluids investigated were slick water, linear gel and borate crosslinked fluid systems. Each fluid

system consists of fluid mixtures with varying concentrations of methanol. Tables 5-1 to 5-3

presents the selected fluids used for this study. The synthetic brine is used to represent formation

water is similar to that obtained in the Oriskany reservoir. The prepared brine had a total

dissolved solids (TDS) content of 35500 ppm which contains 32 g/L of NaCl,1.2 g/L of

CaCl2,0.78 g/l of MgCl2,0.31 g/L of KCl and 1.1 g/L of NaHCO3. Helium gas at room

temperature was used in these experiments .

Table 6-1. Slickwater fluid systems with Methanol

Name Base Fluid Additives

Fluid 1 95.9 vol % Water,3% KCl,

0.1% Polyacrylamide

1% MeOH

Fluid 2 94.4 vol % Water,3% KCl,

0.1% Polyacrylamide

2.5% MeOH

Fluid 3 91.9 vol% Water, 3% KCL

0.1% Polyacrylamide

5% MeOH

Fluid 4 86.9 vol% Water, 3% KCL

0.1% Polyacrylamide

10% MeOH


Table 6-2. Linear Gel fluid systems with Methanol

Name Type Base



Fluid 5 20 lb. Linear Gel 94.5 vol%Water,


2.5% MeOH

Fluid 6 20 lb. Linear Gel 92 vol% Water,

3% KCL

5 % MeOH

Fluid 7 20 lb. Linear Gel 87 vol% Water,

3% KCL

10% MeOH

Table 6-3. Crosslinked gel fluid systems with Methanol

Name Type Base Fluid Additives

Fluid 8 20 lb. Linear Gel, 1.5 gptg


94.5 vol% Water,

3% KCL

2.5% MeOH

Fluid 9 20 lb. Linear Gel, 1.5 gptg


92 vol% Water,

3% KCL

5 % MeOH

Fluid 10 20 lb. Linear Gel, 1.5 gptg


87 vol% Water,

3% KCL

10% MeOH


6.2.3 Surface Tension Measurement Procedure

In this study, surface tension is obtained using a combination of capillary rise method and sessile

drop method. Using the capillary rise method, a glass capillary tube placed in the test fluid will

cause the fluid to rise until the weight is balanced the vertical component of the surface tension

between the fluid and the glass surface .The relationship between the height of the fluid and

surface tension is given by Eq. 6.1

………………………………………..Eq. 6.1


τla = interfacial tension (dynes/cm)

ϴ = contact angle (dynes/cm)

ρ = contact angle (dynes/cm)

g = gravity (980 cm/s2 )

r = radius of tube (cm)

ht = height of the liquid rise in capillary tube (cm)

Eq. 6.1 requires contact angle which can be obtained indirectly. Using the sessile drop

method, the maximum height of a droplet of the same fluid that can be maintained on a glass

surface using Eq. 6.2

……………………………..........Eq. 6.2



hd = height of the droplet (cm)

Substituting Eq. 6.1 into Eq. 6.2 few obtain:

…………………………………………....Eq. 6.3

The surface tension is expressed using equation 6.4

) ………………………………………………..Eq. 6.4

Surface tension measurements were obtained for the selected fluid mixtures at room

temperature and atmospheric pressure. The inner diameter of the capillary tube is 0.0475cm.

Measurements of the height of liquid rise in the capillary tube and height of liquid drop on a

similar gas surface were obtained and used to calculate surface tension using Eq. 6.4.Three

measurements were taken for each fluid solution and the average was reported.

6.2.4 Multiphase Permeability Flow Test

Multiphase permeability flow test consists of gas displacement experiments conducted to

displace liquid from cores originally saturated with the fracturing fluid filtrate from the selected

test fluid systems. The saturated core represents potential saturation conditions in invaded zone

during hydraulic stimulation. The experiments were conducted in two steps. In the first step, gas

displacement experiments are conducted with a specified pressure gradient over the core sample.

Gas flow rate, pore volumes of gas injected and expelled liquid data are obtained in this step. In

the second step, gas relative permeability measurements are obtained using pulse decay

techniques at different liquid saturations of the core sample. Pulse decay permeametry is used to

measure gas relative permeability .This approach minimizes capillary end effects predominant in

steady state flow experiments with low permeability samples.


6.2.5 Core Flood Apparatus

The apparatus consists of a Swagelok core holder to confine the core plug at the

prescribed stresses. The coreholder is connected to an upstream and downstream reservoir on

either side. The volumes of the upstream and downstream reservoirs were 17.36 and 3.1 cm3

respectively. Confining pressure (35 MPa) and mean pore pressure (6.89 MPa) is achieved using

pressurized helium from a helium gas tank. Pressure transducers were used to monitor the

upstream and downstream reservoir pressures (PDCR 610 & Omega PX302-5KGO) to a

resolution of 0.03 MPa and a data acquisition system (DAS) used to obtain data collected as

voltage measurements. A flowmeter is connected to the downstream end of the core holder to

measure the gas flowrate at the downstream end during the gas displacement. Additionally, a

stainless steel tank placed on a weighing balance is connected to the downstream reservoir to

measure the weight of collected fluid displaced by gas from the core. The pumps, transducers and

reservoir volumes were all calibrated prior to the start of the experiments. All measurements were

conducted at room temperature. A schematic of the experimental set up is shown in Figure 6-1.


Figure 6-1: Schematic of coreflood apparatus

6.2.6 Core Flood Procedure

The first stage of multiphase permeability experiments involves determining the

effectiveness of cleanup of the core sample by measuring the rate of increase of gas flow rate and

liquid produced from a core saturated with fracturing fluid. The experimental procedure for the

first stage consists of the following steps:

1- Initial saturation of core with brine and displacement with gas to connate water of


2-Measurement of Klinkernberg permeability at connate water of saturation

3- Injection and saturation of core with fracturing fluid to 100% liquid saturation.

4-Placing the core in sleeve of core holder and applying confining pressure of 35 Mpa .

5- The gas flow rate at a preset pressure drop is measured using a downstream flowmeter

while the amount of liquid expelled is weighed using a collection vessel placed on a weighing


The second stage of the multiphase flow tests involves measuring gas relative

permeability using pulse decay methods. Pulse decay technique minimizes capillary end effects


predominant in permeability measurements with low permeability rocks. The experimental

procedures for the second stage of measurements consist of the following steps:

1- Injection /saturation of core with fracturing fluid and evaporation to target liquid


2- Enclosing the core in air tight bottle to achieve fluid redistribution.

3-Core is allowed to evaporate, left to stand in a bottle and weighed to obtained average

fluid saturation.

4- Weighing of the core to calculate target saturation using mass balance.

5-Effective permeability to gas is measured using gas pulse decay method.

6-Steps 3, 4 and 5 are repeated for varying liquid saturations until connate saturation is


The measured effective permeability to gas is normalized to endpoint permeabilities to

generate relative permeability curves. Relative permeability measurements using this approach

gives relatively accurate estimates of water saturation with gas permeability compared to the

steady state method.

6.3 Results and Discussions

Surface tension measurements and multiphase permeability flow tests were conducted

with slickwater at various concentrations of methanol. These tests were conducted using filtrate

from fracture fluid solutions using methanol as remediation additive to mitigate water block in

low permeability sandstones.

6.3.1 Surface Tension Measurements

Surface tension for slickwater, linear gel and cross-linked gel fluids were measured over

range of methanol concentrations. The curves of surface tension of each fluid as a function of

methanol concentration are plotted in Figure 6.3 with brine as base case. It also shows higher

surface tension for slickwater compared to brine. High surface tension values for slickwater is


attributed to polar nature of friction reducer (polyacrylamide molecules) present in the fluid

which increases the adhesion tension and wettability to the solid surface. On the other hand,

values of surface tension for filtrate from linear and crosslinked gel fluids are comparable to

brine. The formation of polymer cake during the leakoff of process in low permeability cores

yields a clear filtrate with similar properties to brine. In general the surface tension decreases with

increasing methanol concentration, thus adsorption at the gas-liquid interface..

Figure 6-2: Surface tension of fluid filtrate as a function of methanol concentration

6.3.2 Multiphase Permeability Evolution

Multiphase permeability evolution was investigated with two methods; steady state gas

displacements and gas pulse decay permeability measurements. Measured data from steady state

gas displacements include outlet gas flowrate, pore volumes of gas injected and pore volumes of

liquid expelled. Gas relative permeability curves for various concentrations of methanol for each

fluid system were obtained from pulse decay experiments.


6.3.3 Effect of Methanol on Slickwater

Figure 6-4 presents normalized gas flowrate at the outlet end of core as a function the

number of pore volumes of gas injected with varying concentrations of methanol for a slickwater

saturated core.

Figure 6-3: Normalized gas flowrate as function of pore volumes of gas for slickwater

saturated core.

Gas flowrate shows a steady and rapid increase for the first 200 pore volumes of gas

injected. This is followed by a period of slow continuous increase in gas flowrate which

progresses to about 50,000 pore volumes of injected gas before leveling out. The first period

corresponds to the removal of liquid from the core by gas displacement while the second period

corresponds to removal of liquid by evaporation with gas. The observed trends are consistent with

the results Kamath and Laroche (2000) obtained using brine and methanol. The effect of

methanol on gas flowrate becomes noticeable at about 1000 pore volumes of gas injected.

Improvement in gas flowrate for 10% vol methanol is by a factor of 1.73 while moderate increase


was observed for 5% methanol by a factor of 1.2. There is no noticeable difference in gas

flowrate with fluid with 2.5 % methanol compared to pure slickwater fluid.

Figure 6-4 shows expelled liquid by gas displacement as a function of pore volumes of

gas injected in a slickwater saturated core at different methanol concentrations. The liquid

displacement regime is indicated by the leveling of the displaced liquid curve which corresponds

to about 300 pore volumes of injected gas. This is agrees with the displacement regime trend

observed in the gas flowrate plot. The effect of methanol on displaced liquid is also noticeable, as

the amount of liquid displaced increases with increasing methanol concentration. For pure

slickwater, the maximum amount of liquid displaced is about 30% of the core pore volume. 5%

volume methanol barely increases the amount of liquid displaced slightly while 45% pore volume

is recovered for methanol concentration of 10%.This clearly indicates that methanol improves the

mobility of the slickwater fluid which aids the displacement process.

Figure 6-5 presents the gas relative permeability as a function of gas saturation obtained

from gas pulse decay experiments for the different methanol concentrations. There is no

significant difference in gas relative permeability curves until about 30% gas saturation which

corresponds to the displacement phase. This suggests that methanol does not contribute to

improvement in gas relative permeability during the displacement phase. The effect of methanol

becomes apparent after 30% gas saturation where there is a separation of the relative permeability

curves with the 10% methanol curve showing a notable increase. This increase in gas relative

permeability is attributed to the increased mobility of the liquid phase at the end of the

displacement process and agrees with earlier observations from the displaced liquid curves in

Figure 6-4. As the evaporation period progresses, there gas relative permeability eventually peaks

at 90% gas saturation which corresponds to about 50,000 pore volumes of gas injected. This

indicates that the increased volatility of the trapped liquid due to methanol is driving the

improvement in gas relative permeability.


Figure 6-4: Displaced liquid as function of pore volumes of gas for slickwater saturated core.

Figure 6-5: Relative permeability to gas as a function of gas saturation for slickwater

saturated core


6.3.4 Effect of Methanol on Linear and Crosslinked Gels

Figure 6-6 presents normalized gas flowrate at the outlet end of core as a function the

number of pore volumes of gas injected with varying concentrations of methanol for a sandstone

core saturated with filtrate from linear gel fluid. The profile of the curve shows the same trends

observed in previous plots with slickwater; showing a displacement regime marked by rapid

increase in gas flowrate followed by the evaporation regime with slow but steady increase in gas

flowrate. There is no difference in the curves of pure linear gel and that containing 2.5%

methanol during the evaporation regime. Flowrate improvement is observed for 5% methanol

fluid during the displacement phase. Maximum flowrate improvement is obtained with 10%

methanol with linear gel and is similar to brine with 10% methanol.

Figure 6-6: Normalized gas flowrate as function of pore volumes of gas for linear gel

saturated core.


This suggests that the leak off filtrate have flow properties similar to formation brine.

Low core permeability and formation of filter cake limits polymer invasion into the core. This

agrees with findings from previous multiphase permeability experiments presented in chapter 5,

that suggest that filtrate from fluids with natural polymer (linear and crosslinked gels) in low

permeability rocks show similar properties to water. The same trend is observed for borate

crosslinked fluid as shown in Figure 6-7

Figure 6-7: Normalized gas flowrate as function of pore volumes of gas for crosslinked

gel saturated core.

Figure 6-8 and Figure 6-9 shows the displaced filtrate from core during gas injection

.Improvement in fluid mobility is observed with increase in methanol concentration for linear and

crosslinked gels respectively. The effect of methanol can clearly be seen as at the start of the

displacement process marked as 5% methanol can concentration results in 50% more recovery

than with pure linear gel filtrate. It may be inferred that methanol increases the capillary number

by reducing the interfacial tension between the liquid and the solid phase resulting in increased


liquid mobility.10% methanol concentration results in 45% pore volume of liquid expelled at the

end of displacement compared to about 32 % pore volume for linear gel filtrate without


Gas relative permeability curves for linear gel saturated core as a function of gas

saturation is presented in Figure 6-10.Measured relative permeability data is obtained from pulse

decay experiments for linear gel.

Figure 6-8: Displaced liquid as function of pore volumes of gas for linear gel saturated



Figure 6-9: Displaced liquid as function of pore volumes of gas for crosslinked gel

saturated core.

Figure 6-10: Relative permeability to gas as a function of gas saturation for linear gel

saturated core


The effect of methanol is clear, while there are no differences in relative permeability

curves during the displacement period, the range of saturations for which there is permeability to

gas increases with increasing methanol concentrations. This implies that improvement in gas

permeability from methanol is not due to decrease in gas-liquid interfacial tension but to

improved liquid mobility during displacement. The effect of methanol on gas permeability

improvement becomes significant in the evaporation phase which corresponds to gas saturation

above 70%.The same trend is observed for crosslinked gel fluid as shown in Figure 6-11.

Figure 6-11: Relative permeability to gas as a function of gas saturation for crosslinked

gel saturated core


6.4 Conclusions

This study investigates the effect of alcohol on multiphase permeability evolution in sandstone

core samples flooded with filtrate from selected fracturing fluids. The fracturing fluid systems

used to flood the core sample include slickwater, linear gels and borate crosslinked gel fluids.

Methanol was used a remediation additive to mitigate damage from aqueous phase trapping.

Multiphase permeability flow tests were conducted using steady state gas displacement methods

and gas pulse decay permeametry. Experimental data include normalized gas flowrate, pore

volumes of gas injected and pores volumes of liquid expelled which were obtained from steady

state gas displacement tests. Relative permeability curves were generated with data obtained from

gas pulse decay experiments.

The major conclusions of this chapter are:

1) For slickwater fluids, our results show that with 5% and 10 % methanol

concentration, the filtrate recovery increased from 33% to 45% and gas flowrate

increased by a factor of 1.25 and 1.73. Gas endpoint permeability increased from

0.45 to 0.52 and 0.78 for 5% and 10 % methanol concentrations respectively

2) For linear and borate crosslinked gels , results show that with 5% and 10 % methanol

concentrations the pore volumes of liquid recovered increased from 38% to 44% and

gas flowrate increased by a factor of 1.44 and 1.71. Gas endpoint permeability

increased from 0.45 to 0.7 and 0.89 for 5% and 10 % methanol concentrations


3) The presence of the friction reducer in fracturing fluid filtrate depresses the endpoint

permeability in slickwater fluids and reduced amount of liquid recovered compared

to linear gel and brine.

4) Multiphase permeability evolution is upon addition of methanol is controlled by

increased mobility of the liquid during the displacement phase and increased


volatility of connate liquid during the evaporation phase. Interfacial tension does not

contribute significantly to gas permeability recovery.


Chapter 7

Impact of Surfactant on Multiphase Permeability Evolution with Surfactant

Treatment of Fracturing Fluids in Low Permeability Sandstones

7.0 Abstract

Improper selection and design of surfactant treatments intended to remove damage

aqueous phase trapping often ends up causing other types of formation damage. This is due to our

limited understanding of the processes that govern rock-fluid and fluid-fluid interactions between

surfactants, fracturing fluid and the formation during invasion and flowback of the injected fluids

in the rock matrix. This study focuses on the laboratory investigation of the processes governing

multiphase permeability evolution during invasion of fracturing fluids treated with surfactants in

low permeability sandstones.

Two surfactant chemicals, Triton X-100, a hydrocarbon surfactant and Novec FC-4430, a

fluorosurfactant, were used to treat filtrate from slickwater, linear gel and borate crosslinked gel

fluids. Multiphase experiments were conducted on sandstones cores flooded with the treated

fluids. The experiments consist of steady state gas displacements and pulse decay permeability

measurements. The obtained data include gas flow rate, pore volumes of liquid expelled and gas

relative permeability curves.

Experimental results indicate that treatments with fluorosurfactant improved liquid and

gas permeability recovery for all fracturing fluids. Additionally, maximum liquid and gas

permeability recovery was achieved when the core was pretreated with fluorosurfactant.

Treatment with Triton X-100 did not improve gas permeability and resulted in decreased liquid

recovery. Our results show that multiphase permeability evolution with surfactant treatment is

driven by wettability alterations rather than reduction in interfacial tension.


Multiphase permeability data could be used in modeling of post fracture well

performance and formation damage assessment in low permeability sandstones. The new findings

will serve as a guide for optimizing fracturing fluid/surfactant treatments and completion

strategies in tight gas reservoirs.

7.1 Introduction

Surfactants are widely used to mitigate formation damage caused by completion fluids

associated with drilling, completion, stimulation and workover operations in conventional

reservoirs. In low permeability reservoirs, formation damage from aqueous phase trapping is

related to the high capillary pressure gradients that exist due to small pore sizes in the porous

media. In order to remove trapped liquid phase in low permeability rocks, one of the key

objective is to reduce the interfacial tension between the water and gas phase or the oil and water

phase. This reduces the capillary pressure and allows removal of the aqueous phase to a lower

irreducible water of saturation during cleanup. Lower interfacial tension also improves the

relative permeability of the oil or gas phase. A variety of surfactants have been utilized to obtain

minimal interfacial tension between water and oil in oil reservoirs. This helps mobilize the

trapped phase and improve the relative permeability of oil. Significant presence of clay in a

formation may reduce effectiveness of a surfactant treatment due to adsorption of the surfactant to

clay surface. This may result in reduced contact area for the surfactant to reach the damaged zone

and require large volumes of surfactants. In gas reservoirs, the ability of chemical surfactants to

reduce interfacial tension is uncertain due to molecular disparity between water and gas phases.

Another way to reduce capillary pressure is to change the wettability of the rock to a non-

wetting state. From Young-Laplace equation, increasing the contact angle between water and

rock surface results in the lowering of the capillary pressure. Therefore, changing the wettability

of the rock to a non-wetting state allows the trapped water to flow through the middle of the pores


during cleanup, leading to increased water recovery and improved gas permeability. This

approach is currently the subject of intense research by numerous investigators in the literature.

Laboratory and field studies conducted by Penny et al (1983) demonstrated that non-

wetting water agents can increase water recovery of injected fracturing fluids. Field application of

the non-wetting agents during hydraulic fracture treatment showed an increase in gas productivity

by a factor of 3 compared to offset wells. In laboratory experiments conducted by Li and

Firoozabadi (2000), fluorochemicals were used to alter the wettability of the formation from

water wet to intermediate wetting state. They suggested that improvement in gas relative

permeability in condensate wells can be achieved by altering the wettability from water wet to

gas wet near the wellbore. Tang and Firoozabadi (2002) used fluoro chemicals in water to alter

the wettability from water-wet to intermediate –wet using Berea sandstone cores. The

effectiveness of these fluorochemicals was limited to a maximum temperature of 90oC.

Kumar et al (2006) demonstrated that fluorosurfactants can be used to improve both gas

and condensate relative permeability at reservoir conditions for Berea and reservoir sandstone

cores. Additional laboratory experiments conducted by Panga et al (2006), evaluated 5 different

chemicals for their ability to alter wettability and prevent water block. Experimental studies

conducted by Fahes and Firoozabadi (2007) showed that certain fluorochemicals exhibit good

wettability alteration characteristics at higher temperatures (140oC). Bang et al (2008) used

fluorinated surfactants in solvent mixtures with isopropanol and 2-propylene glycol to remove

damage caused by water blocks and condensate in propped fractures. Feng et al (2012) using

fluorine containing acrylate polymer emulsion demonstrated that wettability of porous media can

be altered from strongly liquid-wet to gas wet.

While significant research has been devoted to investigating wettability alteration using

surfactant in water or solvent mixtures, very little work has been conducted to investigate

wettability alteration using surfactant with the fracturing fluid filtrate that leaks off into damaged


zone in low permeability sandstones. The objective of this study is to investigate the role that

interfacial tension, wettability and relative permeability have on removal of trapped liquid and

improving gas permeability using surfactants and fracturing fluid filtrate in low permeability


7.2 Experimental Methodology

Laboratory experiments in this part of the research study were focused on determining

and quantifying the processes that govern multiphase permeability evolution of fracturing fluids

treated with surfactant fluid additives to mitigate phase retention. Experimental methodology

employed in this study consists of the following steps:

1. Measuring the surface tension of the selected mixtures of treated polymers solutions

with surfactant solutions at varying concentrations.

2. Gas displacement and relative permeability measurements in cores initially saturated

with the treated fracturing fluids treated with selected surfactants. Data obtained from these

experiments will be used to characterize gas permeability evolution during cleanup for fracturing

fluids treated with surfactant solutions. Experiments are repeated for varying concentrations of

the surfactant additive.

3. Pretreating dry sandstone cores with surfactant solution and measuring gas relative

permeability shortly after the treatment. The data will be used to characterize gas permeability

evolution during cleanup for cores pre-treated with surfactant solutions before invasion of

fracturing fluid filtrate.


7.2.1 Porous Media

Samples used in this study consist of two cylindrical cores cut from homogenous blocks

of the Scioto sandstone, native to the Oriskany sandstone formation in Ohio. The cores have the

following petrophysical properties: L= 2.5 in., ø = 7.2%, k∞ = 0.18 mD, PV = 3.8 cm3.

7.2.2 Surfactant Chemicals

In this experimental research two surfactants chemicals including a nonionic hydrocarbon

surfactant (Triton X-100 ) and nonionic fluorinated polymer surfactant (Novec FC4430) were

used as remediation treatment additives to improve gas permeability during cleanup. Triton X-

100 is non-ionic ocyl phenol-ethylene oxide (C14H22O(C2H4O)10) liquid with molecular weight of

646,85 g/mol. It is a transparent, pale, amber and viscous liquid that is soluble in water. Triton X-

100 chemical was obtained from Dow chemical company. Novec FC 4430 is a non-ionic

polymeric flourinated surfactant that contains a fluoroalkyl tail (Rf) that is hyrophophobic tail and

alylene oxide hydrophilic head.The liquid is slightly hazy in appearance and viscous with a

density of 1.14 g/cm3 .The fluoroalky tail gives the surfactant both water-repelling characteristics

and provides low surface tension and excellent wetting characteristics. Due to its polymeric

structure,multiple points of attachmentss when placed in contact with a solid substrate allows the

surfactant to be durable.Figure 7-1 a and Figure 7-1b show the structure of the hydrocarbon

surfactant (Triton-X 100) and fluorosurfactant( Novec FC4430) respectively.

Figure 7-1: Chemical structure of Triton X-100 (left) and structure of Novec FC4430 (right)


7.2.3 Surfactant Treatment Solutions

The solubility of nonionic surfactants tends to decrease with increasing water

concentration and temperature until it reaches a cloud point. Delivering surfactant treatment with

water could end up causing precipitates at downhole conditions and leading to more permeability

impairment. In this study methanol was used as solvent to deliver the surfactant treatment. This

ensures that the mixture is completely miscible and soluble with any connate water of saturation

in the core during the flooding process. Table 7-1 presents the composition of the treatment

solution used in this study.

Table 7-1: Composition of Novec FC4430 surfactant solution

Component Weight (%)

FC4430 2

D.I Water 10

Methanol 88

7.2.4 Fracturing Fluid Test Mixtures

The polymer systems investigated were slick water; linear gel and borate crosslinked

fluid systems. Core flooding experiments were conducted on cores with fracturing fluid treated

with the surfactant solutions and for cores pretreated with surfactant solution before flooding with

fracturing fluid. Tables 7-2 -7.4 present the composition of the treated fracturing fluid mixtures.

Synthetic brine was used to represent formation water similar to that obtained in the Oriskany

reservoir. The prepared brine had a total dissolved solids (TDS) content of 35500 ppm which

contains 32 g/L of NaCl,1.2 g/L of CaCl2,0.78 g/l of MgCl2,0.31 g/L of KCl and 1.1 g/L

of NaHCO3.Concentrations of Novec FC-4430 used in this study were 1.5% and 2.5% by


volume while the concentration of Triton X-100 used was 1% by volume which is also

the critical micelle concentration.

Table 7-2. Slickwater fluid systems tested with surfactants

Name Base Fluid Additives

Fluid 1 96.9 vol % Water,3%


0.1% Polyacrylamide

No Surfactant

Fluid 2 95.4 vol % Water,3%


0.1% Polyacrylamide

1.5% Novec FC4430


Fluid 3 94.4 vol% Water,

3% KCL 0.1%


2.5% Novec FC4430


Fluid 4 95.9 vol% Water, 3%


0.1% Polyacrylamide

1.0 % Triton X-100



Table 7-3. Linear gel fluid systems tested with surfactants

Name Type Base



Fluid 5 20 lb.

Linear Gel

97 vol% Water,


No Surfactant

Fluid 6 20 lb.

Linear Gel

95.5 vol% Water,

3% KCL

1.5% Novec FC-4430


Fluid 7 20 lb.

Linear Gel

94.5 vol% Water,

3% KCL

2.5% Novec FC-4430


Fluid 8 20 lb.

Linear Gel

96 vol% Water,

3% KCL

1.0 % Triton X-100



Table 7-4. Crosslinked gel fluid systems tested with surfactants

Name Type Base Fluid Additives

Fluid 8 20 lb. Linear Gel,

1.5 gptg crosslinker

97 vol% Water,

3% KCL

No Surfactant

Fluid 9 20 lb. Linear Gel,

1.5 gptg crosslinker

95.5 vol% Water,

3% KCL

1.5% Novec FC-

4430 solution



20 lb. Linear Gel,

1.5 gptg crosslinker

94.5 vol% Water,

3% KCL

2.5% Novec FC-

4430 solution



20 lb. Linear Gel,

1.5 gptg crosslinker

96 vol% Water,

3% KCL

1.0 % Triton X-

100 Surfactant

7.2.5 Surface Tension Measurement Procedure

Measurements of surface tension were obtained for two surfactant solutions as a function

of surfactant concentration in brine. The brine solution was prepared using 3.2% sodium chloride

which is similar to composition obtained in formation fluid. Surface tension was measured using

the capillary rise method at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Three measurements

were taken for each surfactant concentration and the average was reported.


7.2.6 Multiphase Permeability Flow Tests

Multiphase permeability flow tests consist of two sets of experiments conducted in two

steps. The first set of experiments consist multiphase flow tests conducted cores originally

saturated with the fracturing fluid filtrate treated with Triton X-100 and Novec FC4430 solutions.

The composition of the filtrate used to saturate the core is presented in Table 7-2, 7-3 and 7-4.In

the first step, multiphase flow tests are conducted using steady state gas displacement methods

while gas relative permeability measurements are conducted in the second step using gas pulse

decay techniques. Measured data from steady state gas displacements consists of gas flow rate,

injected pore volumes of gas injected and expelled liquid data while gas relative permeability is

obtained from pulse decay technique.

In the second set of experiments, the core sample is pretreated with the Novec FC-4430

solutions before saturation with fracturing fluid filtrate. The dry core sample is first flooded with

Novec FC-4430 solution before saturation with fracturing fluid filtrate without any surfactant.

Steady state gas displacement is conducted in the first step to obtain gas flow rate, injected pore

volumes of gas injected and expelled liquid data .The second step, pulse decay measurements are

conducted to obtain gas relative permeability at different saturations. The whole procedure is

repeated for Novec FC-4430 surfactant solution.

7.2.7 Coreflood Procedures

In the first set of experiments, the fracturing fluid used to saturate the core is treated with

the two surfactant solutions. Multiphase flow test are then conducted in two stages. The first stage

consists of steady sate gas displacements experiments to determine the effectiveness of cleanup of

the core sample by measuring the rate of increase of gas flow rate and liquid produced in a core

saturated with the treated fracturing fluid. The experimental procedure for the first stage consists

of the following steps:


1- Initial saturation of core with brine and displacement with gas to connate water of


2-Measurement of Klinkernberg permeability at connate water of saturation

3- Injection and saturation of core with fracturing fluid to 100% liquid saturation.

4-Placing the core in sleeve of core holder and applying confining pressure of 35 MPa.

5- The gas flow rate at a preset pressure drop (1.6 MPa) is measured using a downstream

flowmeter while the amount of liquid expelled is weighed using a collection vessel

placed on a weighing balance.

The second stage of the multiphase flow tests involves measuring gas relative

permeability using pulse decay methods. The pulse decay technique is selected to minimize the

capillary end effect that is predominant in steady state experiments in low permeability rocks.

The experimental procedures for the second stage of measurements consist of the following steps:

1- Injection /saturation of core with fracturing fluid and evaporation to target liquid


2- Enclosing the core in air tight bottle to achieve fluid redistribution.

3-Core is allowed to evaporate, left to stand in a bottle and weighed to obtained average

fluid saturation.

4- Weighing of the core to calculate target saturation using mass balance.

5-Effective permeability to gas is measured using gas pulse decay method.

6-Steps 3,4 and 5 are repeated for varying liquid saturations until connate saturation is


Measured effective permeability to gas is normalized to endpoint permeability to

generate relative permeability curves. Relative permeability measurements using this approach

gives relatively accurate estimates of water saturation with gas permeability compared to the

steady state method.


In the second step, the fresh dry core placed in a Swagelok core holder is treated by

flowing the surfactant solution through the core at a preset pressure drop (1.6 MPa) for two hours

before displacing with helium gas till liquid is no longer produced. The core is the saturated with

fracturing fluid filtrate and multiphase phase flow measurements are repeated using steady state

gas displacement and gas pulse techniques in two stages described earlier.

7.2.8 Spontaneous Imbibition Experiments

Spontaneous imbibition experiments were conducted at room temperature to identify wettability

alteration of the rock samples after flooding with the two surfactant solutions; Novec FC-4430

and Triton X-100. Imbibition tests are conducted by partially immersing the cores in 2% KCl

brine fluid and suspended from a digital balance and measuring the weight increase of the sample

at different times (see Figure 4-4 for picture of the apparatus and setup used in this study). The

core is brought to connate water of saturation after cleaning and drying in an oven. The core is

partially wrapped with a rubber jacket allowing one side of the core to be partially exposed. This

is done to avoid errors due to evaporation. The sample is connected to the digital balance with the

exposed end placed about 2 mm deep into the beaker containing brine. The liquid (brine) will

spontaneously imbibe resulting in a weight increase of the core which is recorded by the digital

balance. Measurements of weight increase are taken every minute until a fairly constant value is

obtained indicating that suggesting maximum imbibition has been reached. The amount of water

imbibed is calculated from the weight increase. This procedure is repeated on the core this time

after flooding with the fracturing fluid and drying. The difference is imbibed fluid saturation is

used as a qualitative indication of wettability alteration.

7.3 Results and Discussions

7.3.1 Surface Tension Measurements

Measurements of surface tension were obtained for the two surfactant solutions as a

function of surfactant concentration in brine. Figure 7-2 illustrates the effect of surfactant


concentration on surface tension for Triton X-100 and Novec FC-4430 diluted in 3.2% brine

solution at room temperature. Surface tension shows a sharp exponential decline with increase in

surfactant concentration for both chemicals. Novec FC4430 fluorosurfactant gives lower surface

tension compared to Triton X-100 at the same concentration with a minimum value of 19

dynes/cm at 1% concentration. The concentration at which there is no further reduction in surface

tension is referred to as critical micelle concentration (CMC).This concentration reflects the

economical amounts required for surfactant flooding. Triton X-100 has a CMC value of 189 ppm

whilst Novec FC-4430 has a value of about 200 ppm.

Figure 7-2: Surface tension of fluid brine as a function of surfactant concentration

7.3.2 Multiphase Permeability Evolution

Multiphase permeability evolution was investigated with two methods; steady state gas

displacements and gas pulse decay permeability measurements. Measured data from steady state

gas displacements include outlet gas flowrate, pore volumes of gas injected and pore volumes of


liquid expelled. Gas relative permeability curves for various concentrations of surfactant for each

fluid system were obtained from pulse decay experiments.

7.3.3 Effect of Surfactant on Slickwater

Steady state gas displacements experiments were conducted on cores saturated with

slickwater fracturing fluids treated with Novec FC-4430 and Triton X-100 in two separate two

cases. The first case involves gas displacement with slickwater treated at different concentrations

of the surfactant solutions. The concentrations of surfactant solutions used were at 1.5% vol,

Novec FC-4430, 2.5% vol FC-4430 and 1.0% Triton X-100.

In the second case, gas displacement experiments were conducted after treating core with

Novec FC-4430 surfactant by injection at a preset pressure drop of (1.6 MPa). Data obtained for

both cases includes outlet gas flow rate, pore volumes of gas injected and pore volumes of liquid

expelled. Gas relative permeability curves for both cases were obtained from pulse decay


Figure 7-3 shows normalized flow rate at the outlet end of the core as a function of pore

volumes of gas injected. Flow rate data is obtained for 1.5% vol, 2.5% vol Novec FC-4430 and

for core sample pretreated with 1.5% Novec FC-4430. Gas flow rate for slickwater treated with

surfactant solutions at 1.5% vol and 2.5% vol of flurosurfactant is increased by a factor of 1.3

Improvement in gas flow rate is attributed to wettability alteration from water wet to intermediate

wet state of the rock sample due to dilution with the surfactant solution. No significant

improvement in gas flow rate is observed using fluids treated with Triton X-100.


Figure 7-3: Normalized gas flowrate as function of pore volumes of gas for slickwater

treated with surfactant

The best gas flow rate improvement is obtained for cores pretreated with the

fluorosurfactant solution before saturating the core with fracturing fluid with final gas flow rate

increasing by a factor of 1.88. Novec FC-4430 is a fluorosurfactant and a typical property of

fluorosurfactant is that it alters the wettability of a rock surface from water wet to intermediate

wet. Pretreating the rock by flooding with fluorosurfactant allows for strong interaction between

the surfactant molecules and minerals on the rock surface. This imparts increased wetting and

spreading of the solvent thereby improving the durability of the treatment and altering the

wettability of the rock from water wet to intermediate wet. Subsequent introduction of the

fracturing fluid and displacement with gas allows for more mobility of the liquid phase and

improvement in the gas flow rate. Pore volumes of displaced liquid from the core as a function of


gas injected are shown in Figure 7-4. It can be observed that pretreating the core with

fluorosurfactant results in about 0.7 pore volumes water expelled during the displacement

compared to about 0.5 pore volumes obtained with fluid treated with 1.5% vol and 2.5% vol of

Novec FC-4430. Treatment with Triton X-100 did not improve liquid recovery.

Figure 7-4: Displaced liquid as function of pore volumes of gas for slickwater treated

with surfactant.

Pretreatment of core with fluorosurfactant renders the rock surface intermediate wet. This

pretreatment is more durable due to strong interaction compared to treatments diluted in

fracturing fluid solution. Displacement of the liquid phase with gas become more efficient

resulting in more expelled liquid.Triton X-100 however, renders thae core more water wet.

Figure 7-5 shows gas relative permeability curves as a function of surfactant

concentration obtained from pulse decay measurements. Gas permeability curves follow trends

similar to flowrate data obtained from steady state gas displacement experiments. The highest end

point gas permeability was obtained for cores pretreated with fluorosurfactant . There was no


difference in the gas relative permeability curves for fluid treated with 1.5 % and 2.5% vol of

fluirosurfacatant. This is a clear indicator that core samples pretreated with fluorosurfactant gives

more water recovery and gas permeability compared to slickwater treated with flurosurfactant.

This is attributed to strong interaction and spreading of surfactant on rock surface before invasion

with fracturing fluid filtrate. Treatment with Triton X-100 did not improve gas permeability.

Figure 7-5: Gas relative permeability as a function of gas saturation for slickwater treated

with various surfactants

7.3.4 Effect of Surfactant on Linear and Crosslinked Gel

Steady state gas displacement experiments were conducted on cores with linear gel and

borate crosslinked gel treated with Novec FC-4430, Triton X-100 and for core samples pretreated

with Novec FC-4430. Figure 7-6 and Figure 7-7 plots normalized gas flow rate at outlet end

versus pore volumes of gas injected for the different treatments. Treating the gel with


fluorosurfactant before flooding the core sample results in increased gas flow rate by a factor of

about 1.89. Gas flow rate improvement for core pretreated with fluorosurfactant was 2.13. This

clearly shows that there is little difference in gas flow rates for linear gel treated with

fluorosurfactant and cores pretreated with fluorosurfactant before saturation with fracturing fluid.

It appears from Figure 7-6 that filtrate composition from linear gel has little effect on interaction

of surfactant solution and rock surfaces. It may be inferred that there is a minimal amount of

polymer molecules contained in the filtrate due to quick formation of filter cake during the

leakoff process in the low permeability core sample.

Figure 7-6: Normalized gas flowrate as function of pore volumes of gas for linear gel treated with

various surfactants

The same trend is repeated in Figure 7-7 for gas displacement experiments with borate

crosslinked gel treated with Novec FC4430. Treatments with Triton X-100 for both linear and

crosslinked gels does not give any improvement in gas flowrate.


Figure 7-7: Normalized gas flowrate as function of pore volumes of gas for crosslinked

gel treated with surfactant

Displaced liquid from the core as a function of injected gas is presented in Figure 7-8 for

linear gel and Figure 7-9 for crosslinked gel. In both figures, it can be seen that slightly more

liquid is expelled for displacements where the core is pretreated with fluorosurfactant than for

displacements with treated linear gels fluids. This agrees with the earlier hypothesis that

negligible polymer content in the filtrate allows for strong interaction of surfactant solution with

the rock surface to the same extent as the pretreated core sample. Gas displacement with Triton

X-100 results in expelled liquid slightly less than those obtained from displacements with

untreated linear gel filtrate. This agrees with the previous observation that Triton-X increases the

wettability of the rock and traps more liquid during filtrate invasion into the core.


Figure 7-8: Displaced liquid as function of pore volumes of gas for linear gel treated with


Figure 7-9: Displaced liquid as function of pore volumes of gas for crosslinked gel treated with



Gas relative permeability curves obtained from pulse decay experiments as a function of

gas saturation for are presented in Figure 7-10.For each curves, the liquid phase is linear gel

filtrate treated with either Triton X -100 or Novec FC-4430 at 1.5% and 2.5% vol. Gas relative

permeability trends are similar to the normalized gas flow rate curves obtained from steady state

displacement methods. Treatment with fluorosurfactant increases the range of gas saturations for

which the gas phase is mobile and the relative permeability. The end point gas relative

permeability after treatment is increased by a factor of about 1.86 to 0.7 for both 1.5% vol and

2.5% vol Novec FC-4430. Cores pretreated with Novec FC-4430 gave the highest endpoint

relative permeability of 0.8. Treatment with Triton X-100 did not significantly alter the original

relative permeability curved with untreated linear gel. It can be concluded that while pretreating

the core with fluorosurfactant results in best improvement of gas relative permeability, treatment

by diluting the fracturing fluid with fluorosufactant yields comparable results.

Figure 7-10: Gas relative permeability as a function of gas saturation for linear gel filtrate

treated with surfactant


Figure 7-11 shows gas relative permeability as a function of gas saturation obtained using

crosslinked gel filtrate treated with surfactant as liquid phase. The same trend previously

observed in gas relative permeability curves with linear gel (Figure 7-10) is repeated with curves

obtained for crosslinked gels. Core samples pretreated with fluorosurfactant before saturation

with crosslinked gels showed highest end point relative permeability to gas compared to those

where the filtrate itself was treated with the surfactant. Gas relative permeability did not improve

for crosslinked gel filtrate treated with Triton X-100.This implies that the wetting characteristics

of the surfactant rather than reduction in interfacial tension controls gas relative permeability in

low permeability sandstones. The similarity of relative permeability curves for linear gel and

crosslinked gel suggests that the physical properties of the filtrate from both fluids are similar.

Figure 7-11: Gas relative permeability as a function of gas saturation for crosslinked gel

filtrate treated with surfactant


7.3.5 Analysis of Spontaneous Imbibition Experiments

The effect of surfactant treatment on the wettability of sandstone cores was investigated

for the two surfactant chemicals; Triton X-100 and Novec FC-4430. Spontaneous imbibition

experiments were conducted at room temperature on the core sample at room temperature with

brine (3% KCl) before and after flooding with the two surfactant solutions. Figure 7-12 shows

imbibition curves for core sample before and after flooding with Novec FC-4430 while Figure 7-

13 shows imbibition curves for core sample before and after flooding with Triton X-100. Figure

7-12 clearly shows reduction in weight of the core sample after treatment with the Novec FC-

4430 compared to untreated core. This clearly demonstrates that rock sample has been altered

from a water wet state to an intermediate wetting state and it is this wettability alteration that is

responsible for the increased liquid recovery observed in steady state gas displacements

experiments with Novec FC-4430.

Figure 7-12: Imbibition curves for core before and after treatment with Novec FC-4430


Imbibition curves for treatments with Triton X-100 are shown in Figure 7-13.The

imbibition curve after treatment with Triton X-100 shows significant increase in the weight of the

core sample after treatment with brine indicating increased wetting of the core sample. It is

evident that Triton X-100 improves the wettability of the rock surface. This increased wetting

after treatment with hydrocarbon surfactant is consistent with observations of liquid recovery

from gas displacements experiments. The reduced liquid recovery after treatment with Triton X-

100 is attributed to increased wetting of the rock surface after treatment.

Figure 7-13: Imbibition curves for core before and after treatment with Triton X-100


7.4 Conclusions

This study investigated multiphase permeability evolution in sandstone core samples

flooded with filtrate from selected fracturing fluids treated with two surfactant chemicals. The

fracturing fluid systems used to flood the core sample includes slickwater, linear gels and borate

crosslinked gel fluids. The surfactant chemicals tested were Triton X-100, a hydrocarbon

surfactant and Novec FC-4430, a non-ionic fluorosurfactant. Multiphase permeability flowtests

were conducted using steady state gas displacement methods and gas pulse decay permeametry.

Experimental data include normalized gas flowrate, pore volumes of gas injected and pores

volumes of liquid expelled which were obtained from steady state gas displacement tests while

relative permeability curves were generated with data obtained from gas pulse decay experiments.

The major conclusions of this chapter are:

5) For slickwater fluids, our results show that with 1.5 and 2.5 wt % Novec FC-4430

concentrations, the pore volumes of liquid recovered increased by 150% and gas

flowrate increased by a factor of 1.26 and 1.9 respectively. Gas endpoint permeability

increased from 0.45 to 0.59 and 0.61 for 1.5% and 2.5 % Novec FC-4430

concentrations respectively.

6) Pretreatment of the core with Novec FC-4430 before saturation with slickwater gave

maximum liquid recovery of 200% and gas flowrate by a factor of 1.9.The endpoint

gas permeability obtained from pulse decay was 0.89.

7) For linear and borate crosslinked gels , results show that with 1.5 and 2.5 wt %

Novec FC-4430 concentrations, the pore volumes of liquid recovered increased by

161% and gas flowrate increased by a factor of 1.82 and 1.89 respectively. Gas

endpoint permeability increased from 0.45 to 0.71 and 0.73 for 1.5% and 2.5 %

Novec FC-4430 concentrations respectively.


8) Treatments with Triton X-100 decreased liquid recovery and did not improve gas

permeability for all fracturing fluid systems.

9) Multiphase permeability evolution with surfactant treatments are controlled by

wettability alterations of the core sample. Decrease in interfacial tension from

surfactant addition does not contribute significantly to gas permeability recovery.


Chapter 8

Conclusions and Future Work

The first part of this study investigated the role that filtrate from fracturing fluid has on

rock-fluid and fluid-fluid interactions and to quantified the effect of these mechanisms on

multiphase permeability evolution during imbibition and drainage of the filtrate by means of

specialized core testing techniques. Three fluid systems were investigated; slickwater, linear gels

and borate crosslinked gels. The major conclusions from this study are:

1. Reduction in end-point and liquid phase relative permeability was observed following

imbibition of slickwater into the core sample. The decrease in liquid phase relative

permeability increases with concentration of friction reducer (Polyacrylamide solution)

present in the fluid system.

2. Liquid phase relative permeability reduction is slightly smaller for imbibition cycle with

slickwater than it is for the drainage cycle with brine

3. Reduction in gas phase relative permeability was also observed for the drainage cycle

with helium gas. However, the decrease in effective permeability to gas is not sensitive to

concentration of friction reducer present in the fluid filtrate.

4. Adsorption flow experiments confirm the adsorption of polyacrylamide molecules to the

pore walls of the rock sample.

5. Adsorption of polyacrylamide present in friction reducer induces wettability increase of

rock sample, an increase imbibition potential and an irreversible modification of two

phase flow behavior in both the imbibition and drainage cycles.

6. Invasion of slickwater into rock matrix severely increases the potential for trapping of

more fluid after contact with rock surface.


7. Filtrate composition from linear and borate crosslinked gels does not have a significant

effect on liquid relative permeability during fluid invasion due to limited polymer

invasion into the core. Flow properties of filtrate from linear and cross-linked gels are

comparable to brine.

The second part of this study investigated the mechanisms that govern multiphase permeability

evolution using methanol and surfactant as remediation fluid additive in fracturing fluids. Major

conclusions from this study include:

1. The volume of liquid removed by displacement increases with methanol concentrations

for all fracturing fluids.

2. Increased liquid mobility from addition of methanol is the dominant mechanism that

drives liquid removal and multiphase permeability evolution in the displacement phase.

Changes in interfacial tension do not contribute to multiphase permeability during the

displacement phase.

3. Majority of the improvement in gas permeability from methanol addition is by

evaporation of the trapped liquid phase and is caused by increased volatility of the

fracturing fluid.

4. End-point gas permeability increases with methanol concentration for all fracturing fluids

5. Friction reducer alters the flow properties of the trapped liquid as indicated by increased

surface tension, lower volumes of liquid removed and lower gas endpoint permeability at

the same methanol concentration for cores saturated with slickwater.

6. Gas relative permeability and expelled liquid volume is independent of fluid composition

for linear and borate crosslinked fluids

7. For all tested fracturing fluids treated with methanol, maximum gas permeability is

achieved after long periods of gas injection indicating a slow cleanup.


The second part of this study also investigated the effect of surfactants on multiphase

permeability evolution during cleanup of trapped fracturing fluid and the preponderant

mechanisms involved. Two surfactant chemicals; Novec FC-4430 , a fluorinated surfactant and

Triton X-10, a hydrocarbon surfactant were used to treat selected fracturing fluid systems before

flooding the core sample. In another variation of the experiment, the core sample was pretreated

with the fluorosurfactant before saturating the core with the fracturing fluid to be tested. The

major conclusions from this study are:

1. Multiphase permeability evolution upon addition of surfactant to fracturing fluids is

primarily governed by wettability alteration of the rock surface during cleanup.

Contribution from reduction in interfacial tension is doubtful due to molecular

dissimilarity between the liquid phase containing the surfactant and the gas phase.

2. Pretreatment of the core sample with the fluorosurfactant solution before saturating the

core with fracturing fluid resulted in best gas flowrate improvement and volume of liquid

expelled for all fracturing fluids tested.

3. For linear and crosslinked gel fluids, addition of 2.5% fluorosurfactant solution to the gel

resulted in increased gas flowrate by a factor of 1.89 and an increase in the volume of

liquid recovered by a factor of 1.61 . Pretreatment of core with flurosurfactant resulted in

increment of gas flowrate by a factor of 2.2 and expelled liquid volume by 1.9.

4. Addition of 2.5% fluorosurfactant to slickwater resulted in gas flowrate improvement by

a factor of 1.26 and an increase in expelled liquid volume by a factor of 1.5. Pretreatment

of the core boosts increments in gas flowrate by a factor of 1.95 and expelled liquid

volumes by factors of 2.1.

5. Addition of Triton X-100 does not improve gas flowrate or expelled liquid volumes for

all fracturing fluids. Reduced interfacial tension by addition of Triton X-100 does not

contribute to permeability evolution during cleanup.


Future Work

Several possible future works that can be done to extend experimental research in this

area include:

For a comprehensive study of the effect of alcohols on permeability evolution in

in presence of different fracturing fluids, experimental research should be

extended to other alcohols such as isopropanol, ethanol and to mutual solvents

like xylene.

Experimental work can be conducted to investigate the effect of brine

precipitation on absolute permeability upon addition of methanol to the fracturing

fluid filtrate.

Core flood tests with different salinity brines can be conducted to evaluate

sensitivity permeability impairment to brine salinity.

For experiments with surfactants, measurement of surfactant desorption rate can

provide useful insight on the durability of the surfactant treatment.

Data from this experimental research provides a valuable tool for review and optimizing

field application to minimize formation damage during cleanup of fractured tight gas wells.

Possible recommendations from this study in extension to field application include:

Concentration of friction reducer used in slickwater treatments can be optimized

by considering the absolute permeability of the formation. For ultralow

permeability sandstones (< 10-3 md), friction reducer concentration greater than

0.5 gptg will not invade the rock matrix, reducing the potential for damage by

retention of polyacrylamide molecules. For moderate permeability sandstones,

fluid invasion of the matrix is possible at concentration as high as 1.0 gptg, and


therefore should be optimized to achieve a balance of minimal fluid invasion and

maximum friction pressure reduction in the tubulars.

For treatments with surfactant, pretreatment of the sample before fluid invasion

results in the best cleanup. Pretreatment in the field can be achieved by pumping

a prescribed volume of flurosurfactant in the pre-pad stage of the fracture

treatment before pumping the main fracturing fluid in the pad. This allows for

prolonged contact and spreading of the fluorosurfactant on the rock matrix before

invasion of the filtrate from the pad stage into the rock matrix. Wettability

alteration is more effective resulting in more liquid recovery during cleanup.

Numerical modeling and simulation plays a vital role in understanding various formation

damage mechanisms that alter permeability in static and dynamic flow conditions in petroleum

reservoirs. The massive exploration and developmental costs of tight gas reservoirs suggest that

accurate production forecast is crucial. However, in prediction of post fractured well performance

using conventional models remains poor as gas productivity is usually below production

forecasts. Inaccuracies in predictions can be attributed to the fact that there are non-linear and

complex damage mechanisms that influence fluid flow in physical porous media and hamper

proper representation of post-fractured performance in these reservoir simulation models.

Therefore modeling formation damage based on carefully designed laboratory experiments can

capture and integrate these empirical mechanisms and provide a sound scientific basis for

modeling and simulation of post-fractured gas productivity in tight gas reservoirs.

Recommendations for future work in this area include:

Petrophysical data obtained from this experimental study be scaled-up and

integrated into a coupled formation damage/fluid flow numerical model to

effectively capture the wettability and multiphase permeability evolution during


fracturing fluid filtrate invasion, trapping and subsequent displacement during clean


Development of a streamline simulator to visually observe the impact of multiphase

permeability evolution on the velocity flow field and saturation front during the

injection of the fracturing fluid. This can help capture the effect of permeability

alteration from the invasion profile due to fluid composition and capillary effects in

low permeability sandstones.

Sensitivity analysis should be conducted to investigate the effect of drawdown,

capillary pressure, relative permeability curves for different fracturing fluid/additive

combinations and wettability on production performance in post fractured low

permeability sandstones.



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Appendix A

Results of Multiphase Permeability Evolution with Fracturing Fluids

A1 Base Relative Permeability with Helium and Brine

Relative permeability measurements were carried out with on two core plugs of each rock type

(Sample A2 & Sample B2) to determine the relative permeability of gas phase and liquid phase at

different saturations of formation fluid (brine).Gas pulse decay technique was employed to

measure the gas phase relative permeability while the liquid pulse variation of the pulse decay

method was used to measure the liquid phase permeability.

Base Relative Permeability: Sample A2 (0.185 mD)

Sample A2 was used to conduct two-phase flow tests with Helium-brine for both imbibition and

drainage. Two sets of tests were conducted at confining pressure of 4000 psi and 5000 psi and for

imbibition and drainage cycles. The permeability response showed no sensitivity to change in

confining pressure. Additionally, no relative permeability hysteresis was observed. Table A1-1

and Table A1-2

Table A1-1: Relative Permeability to Gas Phase

for Sample A2

Sw Keff Krg 0.12 0.19 1 0.2 0.15 0.78 0.3 0.10 0.55 0.4 0.066 0.37 0.5 0.037 0.21 0.6 0.017 0.092 0.7 0.004 0.025 0.8 0.005 0.003 0.9 0.0014 0.008 1 0 0


Table A1-2: Relative Permeability to Liquid Phase for

Sample A2

Sw Krw Kw 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0.2 0 0 0.3 0 0 0.4 0 0 0.5 0 0 0.6 0.001 0.0001 0.7 0.033 0.0004 0.8 0.19 0.021 0.9 0.67 0.072 1 1 0.108

Base Relative Permeability: Sample B2 (0.0005 mD)

Sample 3 was used to conduct two-phase flow tests with Helium-brine for both imbibition and

drainage. Two sets of tests were also conducted at confining pressure of 4000 psi and 5000 psi

and for imbibition and drainage cycles. The permeability response also showed no sensitivity to

change in confining pressure and no relative permeability hysteresis. Results are given in Table

A1-3 and Table A1-4.


Table A1-3: Relative Permeability to Gas Phase for

Sample B2

Sw Keff Krg 0 0.000473 0.96 0.1 0.000345 0.69 0.2 0.000237 0.48 0.3 0.000149 0.30 0.4 8.14E-05 0.16 0.5 3.38E-05 0.07 0.6 6.88E-06 0.013 0.7 2.07E-07 0.0004 0.8 2.07E-07 0.0004 0.9 2.06E-07 0.0004 1 2.04E-07 0.0004

Table A1-5: Relative Permeability to Liquid Phase for

Sample B2

Sw Kw Krw 0.1 0 0 0.521 0 0 0.80 0 0 0.82 4.33E-09 0.0001 0.83 5.62E-08 0.0013 0.84 2.9E-07 0.0067 0.85 9.17E-07 0.021 0.86 2.24E-06 0.052 0.867 4.65E-06 0.11 0.87 8.61E-06 0.19 0.88 1.47E-05 0.33 0.89 2.35E-05 0.54 0.91 3.58E-05 0.83


A2.0 Experiments with Slickwater

Flow experiments were conducted with each of the selected fracturing fluid systems listed in

‘chapter 4’.For each fluid system, three types of experiments were conducted using core samples

from the two rock types. They include;

1-Leak-off/Filtration Tests to determine the filtration control mechanisms.

2-Two-phase relative permeability measurements with fracturing fluid as wetting phase for both

drainage and imbibition cycles

3-Adsorption experiments to investigate for possible adsorption processes during flow of filtrate

in the porous media.

Slickwater fluids systems investigated are listed in Table 4-2.Three different types of

experiments were conducted for the two samples, to determine the multiphase flow characteristics

of the sample in the presence of fracturing fluid filtrate (slickwater). The first was leak off

experiment to determine filtration mechanisms of the core and verify invasion of polymeric

molecules of polyacrylamide. The second set of tests conducted were permeability measurements

with gas and liquid pulse decay techniques to determine the effective permeability to the gas and

liquid phase for various saturations of slickwater. Finally, adsorption experiments were conducted

to investigate the effect of adsorption of polymeric molecules of slickwater solution to pore walls

of the core samples.

A2.1Results of Leak-off/Filtration Test

Leak-off/filtration experiments were conducted on cores (Sample A1 & Sample B1) saturated

with 100% brine to determine whether filtration is controlled by core permeability and if any

polymeric molecules of the filtrate invades the pore spaces of the porous sample. Leak-off test for

both samples were conducted with slickwater (0.1% Polyacrylamide ) in a high pressure-high

temperature Baroid filter press with a differential pressure of 1000 psia and temperature of 180

deg F. Table A2-1 shows the filtration volumes obtained from tests for both core samples.


Table A2-1: Filtration Volume versus Time for Slickwater

Time (seconds)

Filtration Volume (cm3) for Sample B1

Filtration Volume (cm3) for Sample B2

0 0 0

4 0.56 0.0015

9 1.27 0.0034

16 2.26 0.0061

25 3.53 0.0095

50 7.05 0.019

100 14.10 0.038

124 17.48 0.047

A2.2 Results of Two-phase Flow Relative Permeability

Two-phase flow permeability measurements involved two different sets of experiments. In the

first set, effective gas permeability was measured for each core sample with slickwater as the

liquid phase (wetting phase) for both imbibition and drainage cycles .In the second set, water

(aqueous ) phase permeability was measured, this time with brine at various saturations of the

slick water to simulate flow of formation fluids in the reservoir during cleanup.

These two tests were repeated for various concentrations of friction reducer (polyacrylamide

solution) corresponding to Fluid1,Fluid 2 and Fluid 3 as described in section “Test Fluid

systems” Table 4-2 to investigate the effect of concentration on two phase flow in the cores.

Results are presented for both core samples.

Two-phase Flow Test: Sample A2 (0.185 mD) with Helium & Slickwater

Results of measurement of relative permeability to gas phase (helium) with slickwater solution as

wetting phase for sample A2 at various concentrations of polyacrylamide solutions are shown in

Table A2-2.Effective permeability to brine (drainage cycle) with slickwater as wetting phase was

also measured and shown in Table A2-3.


Table A2-2: Relative Permeability to Gas for Sample A2

Sw Krg @ 0.25 gptg Krg @ 0.5 gptg Krg @ 1.0 gptg

0.2 0.72 0.71 0.71

0.3 0.48 0.47 0.47

0.4 0.24 0.23 0.23

0.5 0.093 0.092 0.091

0.6 0.0003 0.0003 0.00028

0.7 0 0 0

0.8 0 0 0

0.9 0 0 0

1 0 0 0

Table A2-3: Effective Permeability to Brine (Drainage)

for Sample A2

Sw Kg @ 0.25 gptg Kg @ 0.5 gptg Kg @ 1.0 gptg

0.1 0 0 0

0.53 0 0 0

0.61 0.00015 0.00011 9.5E-05

0.65 0.00079 0.00058 0.00051

0.72 0.0052 0.0038 0.0034

0.76 0.011 0.0082 0.0073

0.89 0.072 0.053 0.047


Two-phase Flow Test: Sample B2 (0.0005 mD) with Helium & Slickwater

Gas relative permeability and liquid phase (brine) permeability were conducted on the second

ultra-low permeability core (Sample B2) and results tabulated in Table A2-4 and Table A2-5.

Table A2-4: Gas Relative Permeability for

Sample B2

Sw Krg @ 0.25 pptg Krg @0.5 pptg

0 0.95 0.91

0.1 0.69 0.66

0.2 0.47 0.47

0.3 0.29 0.29

0.4 0.16 0.17

0.5 0.067 0.065

0.6 0.014 0.013

0.7 0.00042 0.00039

0.8 0.00041 0.00039

0.9 0.00041 0.00039

1 0.00041 0.00039

Table A2-5: Effective Permeability to Brine

(Drainage) Sample B2

Sw Krg @ 0.25 pptg Krg @ 0.5 pptg

0.82 0.0008 -

0.83 0.004 -

0.84 0.014 -

0.85 0.033 0.024

0.86 0.069 0.051

0.87 0.13 0.093

0.88 0.22 0.16

0.89 0.35 0.26

0.90 0.53 0.39


A2.3 Results of Adsorption Flow Experiments

Adsorption tests were conducted with samples A3 (0.185mD) and sample B3 (0.005 mD) with

slickwater at various concentrations of friction reducer .The amount of adsorbed polyacrylamide

is reported in micrograms (µg) per gram of core sample. The results of adsorption experiments

also are listed in Table A2-6

Table A2-6:Amount Adsorbed as Function of Polyacrylamide Solution Concentration

Concentration (ppm) Sample A3 Concentration (µg/g) Sample B3 Concentration (µg/g)

0 0 0

250 0.164 0.023

500 0.34 0.153

750 0.373 -

1000 0.375 -

A2.4 Results of Imbibition and Contact Angle Experiments

Spontaneous imbibition experiments were conducted at room temperature on core sample A4 and

sample B4 at room temperature with brine (3% KCl). Table A2-6 and Table A2-7 shows

imbibition curves for sample A4 and B4 before and after flooding with slickwater (0.025%

friction reducer) /Fluid system 1


Table A2-7: Mass of Sample A4 Before and After Flooding

Time (min) Mass of Core Before Flood (g)

Mass of Core after Flood (g)

1 0.01 0.02

2 0.16 0.19

3 0.21 0.3

4 0.22 0.35

5 0.24 0.37

6 0.24 0.37

7 0.25 0.37

8 0.25 0.37

9 0.25 0.37

10 0.25 0.37

15 0.25 0.37

20 0.25 0.37

Table A2-8: Mass of Sample B4 Before and After Flooding

Time (min) Mass of Core

Before Flood (g) Mass of Core

after Flood (g)

1 0.01 0.01

2 0.02 0.08

3 0.04 0.2

4 0.09 0.26

5 0.12 0.27

6 0.13 0.27

7 0.14 0.27

8 0.14 0.27

9 0.14 0.27

10 0.14 0.27

11 0.14 0.27

12 0.14 0.27

15 0.14 0.27

20 0.14 0.27


A3 Multiphase Flow Permeability: Effect of Linear Gel

A3.1 Results of Leakoff/Filtration Tests

Leak-off/filtration experiments were conducted on cores (Sample A1 & Sample B1) saturated

with 100% brine to determine if filtration is controlled by core permeability and if any polymeric

molecules of the filtrate invades the pore spaces of the porous sample. Leak-off test for both

samples were conducted with linear gel (hydropropylguar) at 20 lbm/1000 gal and 40 lbm/1000

gal polymer loading in a high pressure-high temperature Baroid filter press with a differential

pressure of 1000 psia and temperature of 180 deg F. Table A3-1 shows the filtration volumes

obtained from tests for both core sample 1.Table A3-2 shows results for core sample 3 with 20

lbm/1000 gal and 40 lbm/1000 gal polymer concentration.

Table A3-1: Filtration Volume vs Time for sample A1

Time (min) Filtration Volume

(cm3) for 20 lbm/1000 gal

Time (min) Filtration Volume

(cm3) for 40 lbm/1000 gal

0 0.03 0 0.01

8.87 7.82 0.49 7.84

17.73 15.67 0.98 15.69

26.59 23.5 1.46 23.51

35.46 31.33 1.95 31.31

44.32 39.14 2.43 39.17

53.18 46.99 2.92 46.99

62.05 54.8 3.4 54.8

70.91 62.62 3.89 62.62

79.77 65.62 4.38 65.65

83.77 67.49 8.38 67.46

88.77 69.63 13.38 69.64

95.77 70.81 20.38 70.8


Table A3-2: Filtration Volume vs Time for sample B1

Time (min)

Filtration Volume (cm3) for

Time (min)

Filtration Volume (cm3) for

20 lbm/1000 gal 40 lbm/1000 gal

0 0 0 0.02

2.38 3.69 180.15 0.46

4.76 7.42 360.29 0.85

7.14 11.12 540.44 1.27

9.52 14.88 720.58 1.7

11.9 18.54 900.72 2.16

14.28 22.25 1080.87 2.63

16.66 25.93 1261.01 3.02

19.04 29.67 1441.15 3.42

21.42 33.36 1621.3 3.88

28.56 44.52 1625.3 3.93

30.93 48.2 1630.3 3.97

33.31 51.89 1637.3 4.05

35.69 55.66 1646.3 4.07

38.07 59.39 1671.3 4.18

40.45 63.06 1721.3 4.33


A3.2 Results of Two-phase Flow Relative Permeability

Two-phase flow permeability measurements involved two different sets of experiments. In the

first set, effective gas permeability was measured for each core sample with linear gel filtrate as

the liquid phase (wetting phase) for both imbibition and drainage cycles .In the second set, water

(aqueous) phase permeability was measured, this time with brine at various saturations of the

linear gel to simulate flow of formation fluids in the reservoir during imbibition and cleanup.

Two-phase Flow Test: Sample A1 (0.185 mD) with Helium & Linear Gel (hydropropyl guar)

Results of measurement of relative permeability to gas phase (helium) with linear gel solution as

wetting phase at 20 lbm/1000 gal and 40 lbm/1000 gal are shown in Table A3-3.Effective

permeability to brine (drainage cycle) with linear gel as wetting phase was also measured and

shown in Table A3-4.

Table A3-3: Relative Permeability to Gas for Sample A1

Sw Krg @ 20 pptg Sw

Krg @ 40 pptg

0.8 0.73 0.8 0.73

0.71 0.48 0.71 0.46

0.57 0.24 0.57 0.25

0.47 0.094 0.47 0.075

0.34 0.0002 0.34 0.0013

0.33 0 0.32 0.0103


Table A3-4: Relative Permeability to Brine for Sample A1

Sw Krw @ 20 pptg Sw Krw @ 40 pptg

0.52 0.00000000 0.52 0.0000000

0.59 0.00077 0.59 0.0005

0.67 0.015 0.66 0.012

0.74 0.071 0.74 0.064

0.82 0.25 0.82 0.2

0.89 0.58 0.89 0.52

Two-phase Flow Test: Sample B1 (0.0005 mD) with Helium & Linear Gel (hydropropyl guar)

Results of measurement of relative permeability to gas phase (helium) with linear gel solution as

wetting phase at 20 lbm/1000 gal and 40 lbm/1000 gal polymer concentrations are shown in

Table A3-5 for sample 3. Effective permeability to brine (drainage cycle) with linear gel as

wetting phase was also measured and shown in Table A3-6.

Table A3-5: Relative Permeability to Gas for Sample B1

Sw Krg @ 20 pptg Sw Krg @ 40 pptg

0.90 0.81 0.90 0.77

0.80 0.55 0.80 0.53

0.70 0.34 0.70 0.32

0.62 0.16 0.62 0.15

0.58 0.098 0.58 0.09

0.53 0.005 0.53 0.0053

0.52 0 0.52 0


Table A3-6: Relative Permeability to Brine for Sample B1

Sw Krw @ 20 pptg Sw Krw @ 40 pptg

0.80 0 0.80 0

0.81 8.65E-05 0.81 8.4E-05

0.82 0.001 0.82 0.0019

0.83 0.005 0.83 0.0056

0.84 0.01 0.84 0.017

0.85 0.04 0.85 0.043

0.86 0.09 0.86 0.09

0.87 0.17 0.87 0.17

0.88 0.29 0.88 0.28

0.89 0.47 0.89 0.46

0.90 0.71 0.9 0.69

A4 Multiphase Flow Permeability: Effect of Crosslinked Gel

A4.1 Results of Leakoff/Filtration Tests

Leak-off/filtration experiments were conducted on cores (Sample A1 & Sample B1) saturated

with 100% brine to determine if filtration is controlled by core permeability and if any polymeric

molecules of the filtrate invades the pore spaces of the porous sample. Leak-off test for both

samples were conducted with borate crosslinked gel at 20 lbm/1000 gal and 40 lbm/1000 gal

polymer loading in a high pressure-high temperature Baroid filter press with a differential

pressure of 1000 psia and temperature of 180 deg F. Table A4-1 shows the filtration volumes

obtained from tests for both core samples A1 and B1 with 20 lbm/1000 gal borate crosslinked gel.

Table A4-2 shows results for core sample A1 and B1 for 40 lbm/1000 gal borate crosslinked gel.


Table A4-1: Filtration Volume vs Time for 20 lb/1000gal borate crosslinked gel

Time (Min)

Filtration Volume (cm3)

Sample A1

Time (Min)

Filtration Volume (cm3)

Sample B1

1.03 0.001 4.29 0.003

4.11 0.002 8.58 0.005

9.24 0.003 12.86 0.007

16.42 0.006 17.15 0.009

16.42 0.006 21.43 0.011

25.53 0.018 25.72 0.013

29.88 0.026 30 0.016

33.46 0.032 34.29 0.018

36.63 0.038 38.58 0.02

39.54 0.044 42.86 0.022

42.27 0.05 47.15 0.024

44.86 0.055 51.43 0.026

47.34 0.06 55.72 0.028

49.73 0.066 60 0.031

52.05 0.071 64.29 0.033

54.3 0.076 68.58 0.035

56.5 0.081 72.86 0.037

58.64 0.086 77.15 0.039

60.74 0.091 81.43 0.041

62.81 0.096 85.72 0.055

64.84 0.1 90 0.06

66.84 0.105 94.29 0.065

68.8 0.11 98.58 0.069

70.75 0.115 102.86 0.074

72.66 0.119 107.15 0.078


Table A4-2: Filtration Volume vs Time for 40 lb/1000gal borate crosslinked gel

Time (Min)

Filtration Volume (cm3)

Sample 1

Time (Min)

Filtration Volume (cm3)

Sample 1

Time (Min)

Filtration Volume

(cm3) Sample 3

Time (Min)

Filtration Volume (cm3)

Sample 3

1 0.025 21 0.114 1 0.006 21 0.026

2 0.035 22 0.116 2 0.008 22 0.026

3 0.043 23 0.119 3 0.01 23 0.027

4 0.05 24 0.121 4 0.011 24 0.027

5 0.056 25 0.124 5 0.013 25 0.028

6 0.061 26 0.126 6 0.014 26 0.028

7 0.066 27 0.129 7 0.015 27 0.029

8 0.07 28 0.131 8 0.016 28 0.03

9 0.075 29 0.133 9 0.017 29 0.03

10 0.079 30 0.136 10 0.018 30 0.031

11 0.082 31 0.138 11 0.019 31 0.031

12 0.086 32 0.14 12 0.02 32 0.032

13 0.09 33 0.142 13 0.02 33 0.032

14 0.093 34 0.144 14 0.021 34 0.032

15 0.096 35 0.147 15 0.022 35 0.033

16 0.099 36 0.149 16 0.022 36 0.033

17 0.102 37 0.151 17 0.023 37 0.034

18 0.105 38 0.153 18 0.024 38 0.034

19 0.108 39 0.155 19 0.024 39 0.035

20 0.111 40 0.157 20 0.025 40 0.035

A4.2 Results of Two-phase Flow Relative Permeability

Two-phase flow permeability measurements involved two different sets of experiments. In the

first set, effective gas permeability was measured for each core sample with borate crosslinked

gel filtrate as the liquid phase (wetting phase) for both imbibition and drainage cycles .In the

second set, water (aqueous) phase permeability was measured, this time with brine at various


saturations of the linear gel to simulate flow of formation fluids in the reservoir during imbibition

and cleanup.

Two-phase Flow Test: Sample A1 (0.185 mD) with Helium & Crosslinked Gel

Results of measurement of relative permeability to gas phase (helium) with crosslinked gel

solution as wetting phase at 20 lbm/1000 gal and 40 lbm/1000 gal are shown in Table A4-3.Gas

relative permeability is presented in Table A4-4.

Table A4-3: Relative permeability to brine for sample A1

Sw Krw @ 20

pptg Sw Krw @ 40 pptg

0.9 0.8 0.9 0.79

0.8 0.55 0.8 0.56

0.7 0.32 0.7 0.29

0.62 0.17 0.62 0.16

0.57 0.09 0.57 0.09

0.53 0.01 0.53 0.01

0.51 0 0.51 0.01

Table A4-4: Relative permeability to gas for sample A1

Sw Krg @ 20

pptg Sw Krg @ 40 pptg

0.95 0.81 0.91 0.78

0.81 0.55 0.81 0.53

0.7 0.34 0.71 0.32

0.6 0.16 0.63 0.15

0.57 0.1 0.58 0.1

0.53 0.01 0.54 0.01

0.5 0 0.52 0


Two-phase Flow Test: Sample B1 (0.0005 mD) with Helium & Crosslinked Gel

Results of measurement of relative permeability to liquid phase (brine) with borate crosslinked

gel solution as wetting phase at 20 lbm/1000 gal and 40 lbm/1000 gal polymer concentrations are

shown in Table A4-5 for sample 3. Relative permeability to gas with (drainage cycle) with

crosslinked gel as wetting phase was also measured and shown in Table A4-6

Table A4-5: Relative permeability to brine for sample B1

Sw Krw @ 20 pptg Sw Krw @ 40 pptg

0.81 0 0.81 0

0.82 0.00E+00 0.82 0.00E+00

0.83 0 0.83 0

0.84 0.02 0.84 0

0.85 0.02 0.85 0.03

0.86 0.05 0.86 0.04

0.87 0.1 0.87 0.08

0.88 0.17 0.88 0.16

0.89 0.29 0.89 0.29

0.9 0.49 0.9 0.46

0.91 0.73 0.91 0.7

Table A4-6: Relative permeability to gas for sample B1

Sw Krg @ 20

pptg Sw

Krg @ 40 pptg

0.95 0.74 0.91 0.74

0.81 0.49 0.81 0.46

0.7 0.25 0.71 0.25

0.6 0.1 0.63 0.09

0.57 0.01 0.59 0.01

0.53 0 0.54 0

0.5 0 0.53 0


Appendix B

Results of Multiphase Permeability Evolution with Methanol Additive

This appendix presents tabulated data from all the experiments from the Part II of this

study. The experiments were designed to investigate the effect of methanol on multiphase

permeability evolution in low permeability sandstone cores with slickwater, linear gel and borate

crosslinked gel fluid systems. Section B1 describes and summarizes measurements of surface

tension fracturing fluids with methanol. Section B2 presents a description and results of

multiphase permeability experiments conducted with the selected fracturing fluid systems.

B1 Measurements of Surface Tension as Function of Methanol Concentration

Measurements of surface tension for slickwater, linear gel and cross-linked gel fluids

were measured over range of methanol concentrations .Compositions of the fracturing fluid

systems is presented in Tables 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 for slickwater, linear gels and crosslinked gels

respectively. Methanol concentration used where 2.5% vol, 5% vol and 10% vol. Surface tension

is obtained using a combination of capillary rise method and sessile drop method. Details of

calculations used are presented in section 6.2.3.Measurement of surface tension was conducted at

room temperature. Results of surface tension measurements are presented in Table B1


Table B1-1: Surface tension as a function of methanol concentration



(vol %)

Surface Tension (dynes/cm)


(0.1% FR)

Linear Gel

(20 lb/1000gal)

Borate Crosslinked


(20 lb/1000gal)

0 70.1 71 71.15

2.5 63 65 63

5 61 63 61

10 59 60 58

B2 Multiphase permeability flowtests

Multiphase permeability flow test consists of gas displacement experiments conducted to

displace liquid from core that is originally saturated with the fracturing fluid filtrate from the

selected test fluid systems. The saturated core represents s\potential saturation conditions in

invaded zone during hydraulic stimulation. Experiment conducted in two steps. In the first step,

gas displacement experiments are conducted with a specified pressure gradient over the core

sample. Gas flow rate, injected pore volumes of gas injected and expelled liquid data are obtained

in this step .In the second step, gas relative permeability measurements are obtained using pulse

decay techniques at different liquid saturations of the core sample. Pulse decay is selected to

measure gas relative permeability to minimize capillary end effects predominant in steady state

flow experiments with low permeability samples. Section B2.1 presents a description and results

of experiments conducted with slickwater. Sections B2.1 and B2.3 present experiments

conducted with linear gels and borate crosslinked gels fluids respectively.


B2.1 Multiphase Permeability Flowtests with Methanol and Slickwater

This section presents tabulated data of multiphase permeability flowtests conducted with

slickwater. Table B2.1 presents gas flowrate at outlet end of the core as a function of pore

volumes of injected gas in slickwater saturated core for different methanol concentrations.

Table B2.1: Pore volumes of gas injected vs outlet gas flowrate

PV q (cc/s)

SW+1%MeOH q (cc/s)

(SW+5% MEOH) q (cc/s)

(Brine+5% MEOH) q (cc/s)

(SW+5% MEOH)

4.46 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06

15.59 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06

26.71 0.18 0.11 0.06 0.04

44.52 0.15 0.22 0.12 0.2

55.65 0.29 0.28 0.18 0.2

75.68 0.27 0.2 0.27 0.2

145.8 0.43 0.28 0.39 0.44

210.02 0.57 0.59 0.48 0.4

862.97 0.53 0.54 0.6 0.68

1576.98 0.5 0.6 0.78 0.73

3278.18 0.51 0.64 0.81 0.71

5555.44 0.55 0.67 0.88 0.74

10503.2 0.61 0.69 0.99 0.87

15204.79 0.66 0.73 1.05 0.93

21707.68 0.6 0.81 1.08 0.92

27633.9 0.67 0.84 1.15 1

28748.17 0.73 0.85 1.23 1.08

29862.44 0.72 0.87 1.46 1.31

30976.71 0.73 0.88 1.61 1.46

32648.11 0.77 1.08 1.76 1.53

43178.52 0.9 1.21 1.92 1.69

49816.45 1.11 1.42 2.57 1.84

50769.31 1.19 1.92 3.06 2.38

53181.96 1.76 2.07 3.37 2.99


Table B2.2 presents liquid volumes expelled at outlet end of the core as a function of pore

volumes of injected gas in the slickwater saturated core for different methanol concentrations.

Table B2.2: Pore volumes of gas injected vs pore volumes of liquid expelled

PV Injected Gas

PV Expelled Liquid

(SW + 2.5%)

PV Expelled Liquid

(SW+ 5 % MeOH)

PV Expelled Liquid

(SW+ 10 % MeOH)

PV Expelled Liquid ( Brine+ 10 %


1.5 0.16 0.17 0.19 0.19

4 0.22 0.23 0.25 0.25

7 0.25 0.26 0.28 0.28

10.2 0.3 0.31 0.33 0.33

50 - - 0.36 0.35

200 0.33 0.34 0.38 0.37

300 0.33 0.34 0.4 0.4

400 0.33 0.34 0.43 0.42

550 0.33 0.34 0.43 0.43

610 0.33 0.35 0.44 0.44

760 0.32 0.34 0.45 0.45

850 0.33 0.35 0.45 0.45

970 0.32 0.33 0.46 0.45

1000 0.33 0.34 0.46 0.45

10000 0.33 0.34 0.46 0.47

20000 0.33 0.35 0.46 0.46

30000 0.33 0.34 0.46 0.47

40000 0.34 0.35 0.46 0.45

50000 0.33 0.34 0.46 0.45


Table B2.3 presents gas relative permeability data obtained from pulse decay experiments as a

function of gas saturation in slickwater saturated cores at different methanol concentrations

Table B2.3: Gas saturation vs gas relative permeability

Sg Krg

SW + 2.5% MeOH Krg

SW + 5% MeOH Krg

SW + 10% MeOH Krg

Brine + 10% MeOH

0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

0.1 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.02

0.16 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.04

0.2 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.05

0.27 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.08

0.3 0.12 0.08 0.12 0.11

0.36 0.15 0.16 0.11 0.13

0.38 0.14 0.15 0.18 0.16

0.4 0.13 0.16 0.2 0.21

0.41 0.14 0.17 0.19 0.21

0.45 0.15 0.18 0.2 0.23

0.53 0.16 0.18 0.23 0.26

0.58 0.18 0.19 0.25 0.28

0.63 0.16 0.21 0.24 0.28

0.64 0.18 0.22 0.26 0.3

0.67 0.19 0.22 0.28 0.32

0.69 0.19 0.23 0.34 0.38

0.72 0.19 0.23 0.38 0.42

0.76 0.2 0.28 0.4 0.46

0.78 0.24 0.32 0.44 0.5

0.79 0.29 0.37 0.48 0.67

0.82 0.31 0.5 0.62 0.8

0.88 0.46 0.54 0.78 0.88


B2.3 Multiphase Permeability Flowtests with Methanol and Linear Gel

This section presents tabulated data of multiphase permeability flowtests conducted with

slickwater. Table B2.3 presents gas flowrate at outlet end of the core as a function of pore

volumes of injected gas in slickwater saturated core for 2.5% methanol concentrations. Table

B2.4 and B2.5 presents gas flowrate at outlet end of the core as a function of pore volumes of

injected gas in slickwater saturated core for 5% and 10 % methanol concentrations respectively.

Table B2.4: Gas flowrate vs pore volumes of injected gas for 2.5% methanol concentration

PV q (cc/s)

Linear Gel+ 2.5% MeOH PV

q (cc/s) Linear Gel+ 2.5% MeOH

4 0 210 0.89

10 0.02 500 1.01

20 0.02 1000 1.05

55 0.03 5000 1.09

75 0.38 7000 1.31

84 0.45 8000 1.31

95 0.51 9000 1.32

100 0.61 10000 1.34

120 0.62 15000 1.42

140 0.64 21278 1.5

150 0.68 25204 1.57

164 0.73 50769.31 1.65

170 0.77 53181 1.69

180 0.82 53181.96 1.75

190 0.86 55100 1.73

200 0.89 - -


Table B2.5: Gas flowrate vs pore volumes of injected gas for 5% methanol concentration

PV q (cc/s)

Linear Gel+ 5% MeOH PV

q (cc/s) Linear Gel+ 5%


4 0 700 1.19

10 0.02 900 1.24

20 0.02 1000 1.35

55 0.22 2000 1.43

75 0.31 3000 1.52

84 0.45 4000 1.58

95 0.51 5000 1.62

100 0.61 7000 1.68

120 0.62 8000 1.75

140 0.64 9000 1.77

150 0.68 10000 1.82

164 0.73 15000 1.88

170 0.77 21278 1.92

180 0.82 25204 2.08

190 0.86 50769.31 2.27

200 0.89 53181 2.42

210 0.91 53181.96 2.72

300 0.99 55100 2.5

500 1.15 - -


Table B2.6: Gas flowrate vs pore volumes of injected gas for 10 % methanol concentration

PV q (cc/s)

Linear Gel+ 10% MeOH PV

q (cc/s) Linear Gel+ 10% MeOH

4 0.02 700 1.31

10 0.14 900 1.39

20 0.15 1000 1.46

55 0.45 2000 1.54

75 0.51 3000 1.65

84 0.61 4000 1.74

95 0.62 5000 1.82

100 0.64 7000 2

120 0.68 8000 2.06

140 0.73 9000 2.17

150 0.77 10000 2.29

164 0.82 15000 2.44

170 0.86 21278 2.55

180 0.89 25204 2.68

190 0.91 50769.31 2.81

200 0.99 53181 2.9

210 1.04 53181.96 3.1

300 1.16 55100 2.98

500 1.19 - -


Tabulated data of pore volumes of liquid expelled from cores saturated with linear gel as

a function of pore volumes of gas injected are presented in Table B2.6.Gas relative permeability

data from pulse decay measurements are presented in Table B2.7.

Table B2.7: Pore volumes injected gas vs pore volumes of expelled liquid

PV Injected Gas

PV Expelled Liquid

(LG + 2.5%MeoH)

PV Expelled Liquid

(LG+ 5 % MeOH)

PV Expelled Liquid

(LG+ 10 % MeOH)

PV Expelled Liquid

( Brine+ 2.5 % MeOH)

1.5 0.16 0.18 0.19 0.19

4 0.22 0.22 0.25 0.25

7 0.25 0.25 0.28 0.28

10.2 0.26 0.27 0.33 0.33

50 0.27 0.28 0.35 0.35

200 0.28 0.3 0.37 0.37

300 0.29 0.32 0.4 0.4

400 0.3 0.32 0.42 0.42

550 0.32 0.33 0.44 0.44

610 0.33 0.34 0.44 0.44

760 0.33 0.35 0.45 0.45

850 0.33 0.35 0.45 0.45

970 0.33 0.39 0.45 0.45

1000 0.33 0.39 0.45 0.45

10000 0.33 0.39 0.45 0.45

20000 0.33 0.39 0.45 0.45

30000 0.33 0.39 0.45 0.45

40000 0.33 0.39 0.45 0.45

50000 0.33 0.39 0.45 0.45


Table B2.8: Gas saturation vs gas relative permeability

Sg Krg

LG + 2.5% MeOH Sg

Krg LG + 5% MeOH

Sg Krg

LG + 10% MeOH

0.8 0.35 0.91 0.71 0.9 0.81

0.78 0.33 0.81 0.46 0.8 0.54

0.77 0.31 0.71 0.24 0.7 0.31

0.75 0.29 0.63 0.13 0.63 0.16

0.7 0.24 0.62 0.1 0.58 0.1

0.63 0.16 0.54 0.08 0.54 0.09

0.59 0.1 0.53 0.07 0.52 0.08

0.54 0.01 0.4 0.05 0.47 0.07

0.53 0 0.35 0.01 0.43 0.06

- - - - 0.36 0.06

- - - - 0.32 0.06

- - - - 0.28 0.01


Appendix C

Results of Multiphase Permeability Evolution with Surfactant Additive

This appendix presents tabulated data from all the experiments from the Part II of this

study. The experiments were designed to investigate the effect of surfacatnts on multiphase

permeability evolution in low permeability sandstone cores with slickwater, linear gel and borate

crosslinked gel fluid systems. Two surfactants, Novec FC-4430, a nonionic fluorosurfactant and

Triton X-100, a hydrocarbon surfactant were used as remediation additives. Section C1 presents

results of surface tension measurements with the two surfactants with brine. Section C2 presents

results of multiphase permeability experiments conducted with the selected fracturing fluid

systems and the two surfactants.

C1 Measurements of Surface Tension with Surfactant

Measurements of surface tension of the two surfactants in brine at various surfactant

concentrations were obtained using a combination of capillary rise and sessile drop techniques.

Results of surface tension measurements are presented in Table C1.


Table C1-1: Surface tension as a function of surfactant concentration

Surfactant Concentration


Surface Tension (dynes/cm)

Triton X-100 Novec FC-4430

0.001 71 71

0.005 42 25

0.01 34 21

0.03 33 20

0.05 33 20

0.1 33 19

0.2 31 19

1 31 19

C2 Multiphase Permeability flowtests

Multiphase permeability flow test in this section consists of gas displacement

experiments conducted to displace liquid from core that is originally saturated with the fracturing

fluid filtrate from the selected test fluid systems treated with Novec FC-4430 and Triton X-100.

The saturated core represents potential saturation conditions in invaded zone during hydraulic

stimulation. Experiments are conducted in two steps. In the first step, gas displacement

experiments are conducted with a specified pressure gradient over the core sample. Gas flow rate,

injected pore volumes of gas injected and expelled liquid data are obtained in this step .In the

second step, gas relative permeability measurements are obtained using pulse decay techniques at

different liquid saturations of the core sample. Pulse decay is selected to measure gas relative

permeability to minimize capillary end effects predominant in steady state flow experiments with

low permeability samples. These experiments are conducted for fracturing fluid treated with 1.5%


vol and 2.5% vol Novec FC-4430, 1% vol Triton X-100 and for core sample pretreated with

Novec -FC4430. Section C2.1 presents a description and results of experiments conducted with

slickwater. Sections C2.2 and C2.3 present experiments conducted with linear gels and borate

crosslinked gels fluids respectively.

C2.1 Multiphase Permeability Flowtests for Slickwater treated with Surfactant

This section presents tabulated data of multiphase permeability flowtests conducted with

slickwater treated with surfactant. Table C2.1 presents gas flowrate at outlet end of the core as a

function of pore volumes of injected gas for different treatment conditions with surfactant.

Treatment conditions 1.5% vol Novec F- 4430, 2.5% vol Novec FC-4430, 1% vol Triton X-100

and for the core sample pretreated with 2.5% vol Novec FC-4430. Table C2.2 presents pore

volumes of gas injected vs pore volumes of liquid expelled.

Table C2.1: Gas flowrate vs pore volumes of injected gas

PV Gas q (cc/s)

( Triton X)

q (cc/s) (1.5% NOVEC-


q (cc/s) (2.5% NOVEC-


q (cc/s) Pretreated

(2.5% NOVEC-FC4430)

1 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.11

25 0.04 0.2 0.18 0.23

63 0.43 0.25 0.21 0.23

93 0.55 0.29 0.33 0.33

125 0.83 0.39 0.39 0.46

156 1.12 0.5 0.43 0.58

180 1.22 0.91 0.93 1.02

210 1.28 1.74 1.71 1.95

259 1.35 2.72 2.66 3


Table C2.2: Pore volumes injected gas vs pore volumes of expelled liquid

PV Injected


PV Expelled Liquid

(Triton X)

PV Expelled Liquid (1.5% NOVEC-


PV Expelled Liquid (2.5% NOVEC-


PV Expelled Liquid

Pretreated (2.5% Novec FC-4430)

1.5 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.17

4 0.21 0.19 0.18 0.25

6.9 0.24 0.22 0.22 0.29

10 0.24 0.27 0.27 0.33

19 0.25 0.3 0.31 0.34

27 0.26 0.32 0.32 0.35

30 0.28 0.35 0.36 0.42

45 0.27 0.36 0.35 0.44

58 0.3 0.38 0.37 0.43

67 0.32 0.39 0.38 0.43

88 0.31 0.4 0.41 0.46

90 0.32 0.44 0.46 0.46

105 0.32 0.46 0.47 0.48

120 0.31 0.47 0.46 0.5

130 0.32 0.49 0.5 0.5

140 0.32 0.52 0.5 0.52

150 0.31 0.55 0.53 0.58

165 0.31 0.56 0.57 0.6

170 0.31 0.56 0.55 0.64

180 0.31 0.56 0.56 0.68

190 0.31 0.56 0.57 0.69

205 0.31 0.56 0.56 0.69

210 0.31 0.56 0.57 0.68

225 0.31 0.56 0.54 0.69

240 0.31 0.56 0.57 0.69

250 0.31 0.56 0.58 0.68

260 0.31 0.56 0.57 0.67

300 0.31 0.56 0.54 0.69

500 0.31 0.56 0.56 0.68

1000 0.31 0.56 0.56 0.69


Gas relative permeability as a function of gas saturation is presented in Table C2.3 for slickwater

with 1% vol Triton X,1.5%Novec-FC4430 and 2.5% vol Novec FC-4430.Table C2.4 presents

gas relative permeability data for core pretreated with 2.5% vol Novec FC-4430.

Table C2.3: Gas saturation vs gas relative permeability

Sg Krg

(1% Triton X) Sg

Krg (1.5% NOVEC-FC4430)

Sg Krg

(2.5% NOVEC-FC4430)

0.91 0.35 0.91 0.71 0.91 0.71

0.81 0.33 0.81 0.46 0.81 0.47

0.71 0.31 0.71 0.24 0.71 0.26

0.63 0.29 0.63 0.13 0.63 0.11

0.62 0.24 0.62 0.1 0.62 0.11

0.54 0.16 0.54 0.08 0.54 0.11

0.53 0.1 0.53 0.07 0.53 0.08

0.4 0.01 0.4 0.05 0.4 0.07

0.35 0 0.35 0.01 0.35 0.02

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0


Table C2.4: Gas saturation vs gas relative permeability for core pretreated with Novec FC-4430

Sg Krg

Pretreated (2.5% NOVEC-FC4430)

0.91 0.81

0.81 0.54

0.71 0.31

0.63 0.16

0.62 0.1

0.54 0.09

0.53 0.08

0.4 0.07

0.35 0.06

0 0

0 0

0 0

C2.2 Multiphase Permeability Flowtests for Slickwater treated with Surfactant

This section presents tabulated data of multiphase permeability flowtests conducted with

20lb/1000 gal linear gel treated with surfactant. Table C2.5 presents gas flowrate at outlet end of

the core as a function of pore volumes of injected gas for different treatment conditions with

surfactant. Treatment conditions 1.5% vol Novec F- 4430, 2.5% vol Novec FC-4430, 1% vol

Triton X-100 and for the core sample pretreated with 2.5% vol Novec FC-4430. Table C2.6

presents pore volumes of gas injected versus pore volumes of liquid expelled.


Table C2.5: Gas flowrate vs pore volumes of injected gas

PV Gas q (cc/s)

( Triton X) q (cc/s)

(1.5% NOVEC-FC4430)

q (cc/s) (2.5% NOVEC-


q (cc/s) Pretreated

(2.5% NOVEC-FC4430)

1 0.05 0.1 0.11 0.15

4 0.02 0.1 0.11 0.15

8 0.18 0.22 0.24 0.32

10 0.22 0.19 0.21 0.28

20 0.32 0.34 0.37 0.47

34 0.22 0.32 0.34 0.52

43 0.38 0.53 0.57 0.8

55 0.39 0.61 0.79 0.88

61 0.49 0.65 0.7 0.98

77 0.48 0.62 0.66 1.01

80 0.58 0.61 0.65 1.05

95 0.48 0.66 0.71 1.09

109 0.55 0.75 0.81 1.15

123 0.7 0.86 0.91 1.17

134 0.72 0.77 0.83 1.16

175 0.66 0.85 0.92 1.28

198 0.68 0.9 0.97 1.36

211 0.71 0.91 0.95 1.33

221 0.68 0.92 0.99 1.38

261 0.8 0.97 1.06 1.48

275 0.96 1.15 1.24 1.73

283 1.09 1.34 1.44 2.01

291 1.13 1.47 1.6 2.23

310 1.74 2.18 2.35 3.27


Table C2.6: Pore volumes injected gas vs pore volumes of expelled liquid

PV Injected Gas

PV Expelled Liquid

(Triton X)

PV Expelled Liquid (1.5% NOVEC-


PV Expelled Liquid (2.5% NOVEC-


PV Expelled Liquid

Pretreated (Novec FC-4430)

1.5 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.19

4 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.25

6.9 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.28

10 0.29 0.27 0.27 0.33

19 0.3 0.3 0.31 0.35

27 0.33 0.32 0.32 0.37

30 0.29 0.35 0.36 0.4

45 0.32 0.36 0.36 0.42

58 0.32 0.38 0.37 0.43

67 0.31 0.39 0.39 0.44

88 0.32 0.4 0.41 0.45

90 0.31 0.44 0.42 0.46

105 0.32 0.46 0.47 0.48

120 0.32 0.47 0.48 0.49

130 0.3 0.49 0.49 0.52

140 0.29 0.52 0.53 0.54

150 0.31 0.55 0.55 0.58

165 0.33 0.56 0.56 0.6

170 0.33 0.56 0.56 0.64

180 0.33 0.56 0.56 0.67

190 0.33 0.56 0.56 0.68

205 0.33 0.56 0.57 0.68

210 0.33 0.56 0.56 0.68

225 0.33 0.56 0.56 0.69

240 0.33 0.56 0.58 0.69

250 0.33 0.56 0.57 0.69

260 0.33 0.56 0.57 0.69

300 0.33 0.56 0.55 0.69

500 0.33 0.56 0.55 0.69

1000 0.33 0.56 0.56 0.69


Gas relative permeability as a function of gas saturation is presented in Table C2.7 for linear gel

with 1.5%Novec-FC4430 and 2.5% vol Novec FC-4430. Table C2.8 presents with gas relative

permeability data for linear gel treated with 1% vol Triton X. Table C2.9 presents gas relative

permeability data for core pretreated with 2.5% vol Novec FC-4430.

Table C2.7:Gas saturation vs gas relative permeability for linear gel treated with Novec FC-4430

Sg Krg

(1.5% NOVEC-FC4430)

Sg Krg

Pretreated (2.5% NOVEC-FC4430)

0.02 0.03 0.02 0.04

0.06 0.04 0.1 0.07

0.29 0.08 0.2 0.15

0.35 0.19 0.3 0.21

0.36 0.2 0.36 0.29

0.42 0.16 0.45 0.3

0.49 0.21 0.49 0.31

0.63 0.22 0.55 0.33

0.71 0.25 0.67 0.36

0.78 0.3 0.76 0.39

0.85 0.39 0.79 0.54

0.9 0.59 0.88 0.88


Table C2.8: Gas saturation vs gas relative permeability for linear gel treated with Triton X-100

Sg Krg

( Triton X)

0.27 0.08

0.3 0.11

0.36 0.14

0.38 0.16

0.39 0.14

0.43 0.13

0.45 0.16

0.49 0.19

0.55 0.19

0.63 0.14

0.64 0.19

0.67 0.18

0.69 0.2

0.72 0.21

0.76 0.22

0.78 0.24

0.79 0.31

0.86 0.32

0.88 0.48


Table C2.9: Gas saturation vs gas relative permeability for core pretreated with Novec FC-4430

Sg Krg

Pretreated (2.5% NOVEC-FC4430)

0.02 0.04

0.1 0.07

0.2 0.15

0.3 0.21

0.36 0.29

0.45 0.3

0.49 0.31

0.55 0.33

0.67 0.36

0.76 0.39

0.79 0.54

0.88 0.88


Kelvin Nder Abaa

Kelvin Nder Abaa hails from the Benue State in Nigeria. After he graduated from Air

Force Military School in Jos, he obtained his Bachelors of Science degree in Chemical

Engineering in 2008 from the Federal University of Technology Minna, Nigeria. He worked

briefly as a production engineer for Total Elf Nigeria Limited in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He

enrolled for graduate studies in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering at the Pennsylvania State

University in the fall of 2009 and obtained his M.S degree in 2011. Kelvin joined Schlumberger

Technology Corporation in 2011 and worked as a production stimulation engineer in Midland,

Texas. In August 2013, Kelvin resumed his graduate studies at the Department of Energy and

Mineral Engineering at Pennsylvania State University to pursue a PhD degree. In February 2016,

he earned his PhD in Energy and Mineral Engineering with Petroleum and Natural Gas

Engineering option.

While at Penn State University, Kelvin was an active member of the Society of

Petroleum Engineers. He served as a teaching assistant for a number of undergraduate courses

including the Drilling Laboratory, Reservoir Engineering Design and Formation Evaluation. He

was recognized as the Outstanding Teaching Assistant of the year in 2014. He also served as a

technical reviewer for the Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology

(JPEPT).He can be reached at [email protected]