Lab Diagnosis of Neoplasia

Lab Diagnosis of Neoplasia By Sarah Iqbal Ahmed


A very concise presentation about various forms of lab diagnosis in neoplasia.

Transcript of Lab Diagnosis of Neoplasia

Page 1: Lab Diagnosis of Neoplasia

Lab Diagnosis of Neoplasia

By Sarah Iqbal Ahmed

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These are the different methods used for diagnosis and staging of Neoplasia:

1. Histological methods.2. Cytological methods3. Histochemistry and Cytochemistry4. Immunohistochemistry5. Tumour markers6. Flow Cytometry7. Newer methods

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1.Histological Methods

Microscopic examination of properly fixed tissue.

Tissue sample taken by:

Selection of site is very important.Samples are fixed in alcohol or glutaraldehyde

and then stained.

Needle Aspiration Cytologic Smears Excision or Biopsy

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The samples are stained then examined

under microscope.

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2.Cytological Methods

There are two methods:

1)Exfoliative Cytology/PAP smear: Study of cells shed off into body cavities. Used for gyneac & non gyneac purposes. Used for examination of :

1)Sputum 2)Bronchial washings 3)Pleural,Peritoneal & Pericardial effusions 4)Urine 5)Gastric secretions 6)CSF.

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FNAC(fine needle aspiration cytology)

Aspiration of cells and fluid under vacuum

Followed by Cytologic examination of smear. It is most commonly used method with a

reliability of 75-80% It cannot be substituted for clinical judgment.

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Frozen Section and Cryostatic Methods

Method of freezing and immediate examination of samples. Eg:Surgeon sends margins of excised tumour to make sure if entire malignancy has been removed.

Special staining methods to. identify composition of cells, constituents and products.

3.Histochemistry and Cytochemistry

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Identifies specific components of cell by specific monoclonal antibodies.

Antigen antibody complex is made visible by fluorescent dyes or enzyme systems.

Melanoma stained by 3 antibodies(1)HMB-45 (2)CD-3.(3)CD-20

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Uses of Immunohistochemistry

1. Categorisation of undifferentiated tumours.Eg:Presence of keratin indicates epithelial cell tumour whereas desmin presence indicates neoplasia of muscle.

2. Determination of site of origin of metastasis spread.

3. Detection of molecules of prognostic importance.Eg: hormone receptors

4. Categorisation of Leukemia's and lymphomas

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5.Tumour MarkersThey are biochemical indicators of tumours in

blood or body fluids. Products of tumour cells –also produced by normal

cells.They may be - cell surface antigens,enzymes,

cytoplasmic proteins and hormones.Measurement of these in serum is done by

bioassays.They help in identification of tumour and in

measurement of prognosis.

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1. CEA

2. Alkaline phosphatase

3. Alpha fetoprotein

4. HCG

5. PSA

6. CA-125

Colorectal and pancreatic neoplasm's

Neoplasms of bone

Hepatocellular carcinoma,germ cell tumour of testis


Prostatic adenocarcinoma

Ovarian tumours

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6.Flow Cytometry

It is a Computerised technique by which detailed characters of individual cells are

recognized and stored In-situ Hybridization:DNA/RNA sequences are localized by specifically labeled probe in the intact cellUsed for detection of oncogenes and viruses



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7.Other Methods

DNA Microarray Analysis:Conventional Molecular profiling of tumour

by gene chip technology.DNA probes substituted by silicon chip.Molecular Diagnostic techniques: DNA/RNA extracted from cell and analyzed.Eg:Southern blot,Northern blot and

PCR(Polymerase Chain Reaction).

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Have a nice day.