La Partie Orale de l’Examen Final de Français II

La Partie Orale de l’Examen Final de Français II


La Partie Orale de l’Examen Final de Français II. La Partie Orale de l’Examen Final de Français II Information Générale. Choissis UNE fiche On fait une conversation de CINQ échanges en français . Cette partie vaut 10 points de la note pour l’examen !!. Tâche #1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of La Partie Orale de l’Examen Final de Français II

La Partie Orale de lExamen Final de Franais II

La Partie Oralede lExamen Finalde Franais II

La Partie Orale de lExamen Final de Franais IIInformation GnraleChoissis UNE ficheOn fait une conversation de CINQ changes en franais.Cette partie vaut 10 points de la note pour lexamen!!

Tche #1I am your friend. We are discussing what we did last weekend.You will start the conversation.Vocabulaire et Grammaire NecessairePass Compos>

>Activits, Places, People, Days, Times Avoir (Rguliers et Irrguliers)tre (Rguliers et Irrguliers)

Tche #1I am your friend. We are discussing what we did last weekend.You will start the conversation.Pour Commencer:If we are friends, how will you get my attention?Hey (there)> _______________

Whats up?> _______________

Whats going on> _______________Dis donc, Schepeeza va bien?Quest-ce qui arrive?

Tche #1I am your friend. We are discussing what we did last weekend.You will start the conversation.La Conversation:How will you launch into your conversation?You know what?>_________________

I had a fab wknd>_________________

I had a lot of fun>_________________Tu sais quoi?Jai pass un bon weekendJe me suis amus(e)

Tche #1I am your friend. We are discussing what we did last weekend.You will start the conversation.Pour Finir:How will you close your conversation?Next weekend Im going?>______________

I have class...Im off>______________

I have to go to...> _____________Le prochan je vaisJai une classe. Je parsJe men vais

Tche #2I am an exchange student from France. We are discussing what we like to do in our free time.I will start the conversation.Vocabulaire et Grammaire NecessaireI like, I prefer, I have fun doing...

> Jaime/Jadore/Je prfre

> Je mamuse quand...Activits, Places, People, Days, Times

Tche #2I am an exchange student from France. We are discussing what we like to do in our free time.I will start the conversationPour Commencer:How will you respond to my introduction?There is a lot to do here >______________

Theres a + place >______________

One can do... > _____________Il y a beaucoup faireIl y a + placeOn peut + inf

Tche #2I am an exchange student from France. We are discussing what we like to do in our free time.I will start the conversationPour Finir:How will you close the conversation?Do you want go?>_________________

When can you?>_________________

Ill call you later>_________________Veux-tu aller avec moi?Quand peux-tu + infJe te tlphone plus tard

Tche #3We are friends. We are trying to organize a party. We need to decide what food to serve.You will start the conversation.Vocabulaire et Grammaire NecessaireVerbs of Want and Need>

>Food, Drinks, Adj to describe foodAvoir besoin deAvoir envie de

Tche #3We are friends. We are trying to organize a party. We need to decide what food to serveYou will start the conversationPour Commencer:If we are friends, How will you get my attention?Hey there, listen>______________

Im going to the store>______________

Should I buy?>______________Dis-donc, coute-moiJe vais au marchJe dois acheter...?

Tche #3We are friends. We are trying to organize a party. We need to decide what food to serveYou will start the conversationLa Conversation:How will you launch into your conversation?I like ___ because...> _______________

I dont like ____> _______________

What do you like?> _______________Jaime ___ parce queJe naime pas ___Quest-ce que tu aimes?

Tche #3We are friends. We are trying to organize a party. We need to decide what food to serveYou will start the conversationPour Finir:How will you close the conversation?Ok, Im going> _______________

Do you want to come> _______________

See you later> _______________Daccord, je men vaisVeux-tu venir avec moi? plus/ toute lheure

Tche #4I work in a restaurant. You are a customer and you are ready to order.You will start the conversation.Vocabulaire et Grammaire NecessaireVerbs of Want and Need>

>Food, Drinks, Restaurant, AdjectivesAvoir besoin de/Avoir envie deJe voudrais, sil vous plat

Tche #4I work in a restaurant. You are a customer and are ready to order.You will start the conversationPour Commencer:How will you get my attention?Excuse me, please >__________________

May I order, please? >__________________

I have a question? >__________________Excusez-moi, SVPPuis-je faire une demandeJai une question, SVP

Tche #4I work in a restaurant. You are a customer and are ready to order.You will start the conversationLa Conversation:How will you launch into the task?Any suggestions? >_________________

Are there specials>_________________

I (dont) eat __>_________________Que suggerez-vous?Y-a-t-il des spcialits?Je (ne) mange (pas)

Tche #4I work in a restaurant. You are a customer and are ready to order.You will start the conversationPour Finir:How will you close the task?Thanks, it was great> _______________

May I have the check> _______________

Have a great day! > _______________Merci tout tait parfaitLaddition, SVPBonne journe!

Tche #5I am your host parent. You call to tell me what youre going to do after school todayYou will start the conversation.Vocabulaire et Grammaire Necessaire>

>Activities, Places, Reasons for goingAller + inf & Venir de + infImpratif (giving and receiving)

Tche #5I am your host parent. You call to tell me what youre going to do after school today.You will start the conversationPour Commencer:How will you start a conversation by phone?Hello, this is >____________________

Im calling from >____________________

Bonjour, cest moi, SchepeezJe vous tlphone de

La Conversation:How will you launch into the task?I would like to go>______________

There is __ going on>______________

Im very excited >______________Je voudrais allerIl y a un(e) ____Je suis trs exciteTche #5I am your host parent. You call to tell me what youre going to do after school today.You will start the conversation

Pour Finir:How will you close the task?Thank you, Ill see you>_____________

Please dont wait up>_____________

Ill be back at __ >_____________Merci, plus!Ne mattendez pasJe reviens __Tche #5I am your host parent. You call to tell me what youre going to do after school today.You will start the conversation

Tche #6I am your Skype pal in Algeria. You and I are talking about our families.I will start the conversation.Vocabulaire et Grammaire NecessaireDescribing Verbs>

>Family members, Hobbies, Adjectivestre and Avoir Expressions Making Adjectives Agree

Tche #I am your Skype pal in Algeria. You and I are talking about our families.I will start the conversationPour Commencer:How will you start a conversation by internet?Hello, this is >____________________

Im calling from >____________________

Whats going on? >____________________

Bonjour, cest moi, SchepeezJe te contacte des tats-UnisQuest-ce qui se passe?

Tche #6I am your Skype pal in Algeria. You and I are talking about our families.I will start the conversationLa Conversation:How will you launch into the conversation?My _ is here with me >__________________

Do you have a __? >__________________

Whats your __ like? >___________________

Mon/Ma ___ est ici aussiAs-tu un(e) ___Comment est ton/ta __?

Tche #6I am your Skype pal in Algeria. You and I are talking about our families.I will start the conversationPour Finir:How will you close the conversation?I have to>__________________

I need to go >__________________

Can we chat later?>__________________

See you later>__________________

Je dois + infJe men vaisOn parle plus tard? plus!