Koppee_Summer 2011

Vol 1 Issue 2 Dec 2011 SUMMER ISSUE Page 3 Page 6 Page 7 Department of English How to be positive while confronting problems e positive.' Every personality development class or book will discuss these two small words. B What is meant by being positive? Being positive is nothing other than wising up, acting sensible, and finding every chance to fix every problem which we confront without losing hope or being hacked off. Talking about this is easy, but how far is it possible? The same could be asked in this way also- how to be positive while facing problems? Some of the ways to unblock the positive energy are described here. The most important thing in being positive is giving up pessimistic attitude and being optimistic while encountering problems. Hoping for the best is the first stepping stone to success. Optimism can bring in us, an optimum attitude towards life. With this attitude if one thinks and acts sensibly, one can solve any problem to a great extend. One should try to understand the hassle and its causes instead of escaping, which could only be a temporary solution. But, reacting foolishly will be a suicidal attempt. The easiest access to the optimistic attitude is self boosting your ego. Trust yourself. Man is omnipotent. He is the 'Almightiest Magnum Opus'. Every human proves his or her calibre and capability even before birth. It is from the same sperm which fights with a million rivals and wins out by fusing with the only ovum, a foetus evolves. Not a single person in this world exists without problems. Each and everyone must face problems throughout his/her life. Only by facing problems one can recognize one's necessities to live and thus find one's goal and make it focussed. The second step is finding what we want from what we are provided with. The only formula which we need to consider in our lives is pleasure, happiness, and peace (PHP). This magical formula will not come Human mind is a complex system with huge potency. It can stand or solve any questions. H.O.D. SPEAKS H When the idea of a sophomore journal for the students of Copy Editor programme was mooted, we hardly thought that it would have the multifarious dimensions it has taken now. From a playful effort, it has turned into an effort of immense satisfaction. Every aspect of the journal such as preparing the articles, editing, illustration as well as the marketing of it was a challenge for the team behind it. Working on Koppee has been an act of self-discovery. Everyone involved in the production of it was putting into practice what they had learned in the classes. From the airy theory, they have landed to the firm ground of practice. This has been a truly meaningful preparation for the challenges that the world of industry has in store for us. I am grateful to the department of English for initiating this project and the HoD Prof. John Francis and faculty members for their unreserved support to this venture. I thank all the contributors and members of the editorial board for their efforts and mutual encouragement. Meera Ravikumar Student Editor F R O M T H E EDITOR E Department of English 1 I am happy to learn that our sophomore students are bringing out the second edition of the Koppee, thus building on the work done earlier. My hearty congrats to the edit team and the contributors. I sincerely appreciate the efforts of my faculty colleagues, Dr. C.S. Francis and Prof. Jose Varghese. Sojourning on this verdant campus, our copy editor students will continue to make this college even more verdant with creativity of different sorts. Hopefully I remain. Your teacher John Francis Contd. on page 8 Let Marconi Live Indian and lifestyle fashion


Sophomore journal of Copy Editor students of Sacred Heart College, Kochi

Transcript of Koppee_Summer 2011


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Page 3

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Page 7Department of English

How to be positive while confronting problems

e positive.' Every personality development class or book will discuss these two small words. B

What is meant by being positive? Being positive is nothing other than wising up, acting sensible, and finding every chance to fix every problem which we confront without losing hope or being hacked off. Talking about this is easy, but how far is it possible? The same could be asked in this way also- how to be pos i t i ve wh i l e fac ing problems? Some of the ways to unblock the p o s i t i v e e n e r g y a r e described here.

The most important thing in being positive is giving up pessimistic attitude and being optimistic while encounter ing problems. Hoping for the best is the first stepping stone to success. Optimism can bring in us, an optimum attitude towards life. With this attitude if one thinks and acts sensibly, one can solve any problem to a great extend. One should try to understand the hassle and its causes

instead of escaping, which could only be a temporary solution. But, reacting foolishly will be a suicidal attempt.

The easiest access to the optimistic attitude is self boosting your ego. Trust yourself. Man is omnipotent. He is the 'Almightiest Magnum Opus'. Every human proves his or her calibre and capability even before birth. It is from the

same sperm which fights with a million rivals and wins out by fusing with the only ovum, a foetus evolves. Not a single person in this world exists without problems. Each and everyone must face problems throughout his/her life. Only by facing problems one can recognize

one's necessities to live and thus find one's goal and make it

focussed.The second step is finding what we want

from what we are provided with. The only formula which we need to consider in our lives is pleasure, happiness, and peace (PHP). This magical formula will not come

Human mind is a complex system with huge

potency. It can stand or solve any questions.

H . O . D . S P E A K SH

When the idea of a sophomore journal for the students of Copy Editor programme was mooted, we hardly thought that it would have the multifarious dimensions it has taken now. From a playful effort, it has turned into an effort of immense satisfaction. Every aspect of the journal such as preparing the articles, editing, illustration as well as the marketing of it was a challenge for the team behind it. Working on Koppee has been an act of self-discovery. Everyone involved in the production of it was putting into practice what they had learned in the classes. From the airy theory, they have landed to the firm ground of practice. This has been a truly meaningful preparation for the challenges that the world of industry has in store for us. I am grateful to the department of English for initiating this project and the HoD Prof. John Francis and faculty members for their unreserved support to this venture. I thank all the contributors and members of the editorial board for their efforts and mutual encouragement.

Meera RavikumarStudent Editor


Department of English


I am happy to learn that our sophomore students are bringing out the second edition of the Koppee, thus building on the work done earlier. My hearty congrats

to the edit team and the contributors. I sincerely appreciate the efforts of my faculty colleagues, Dr. C.S. Francis and

Prof. Jose Varghese. Sojourning on this verdant campus, our

copy editor students will continue to make this college even more verdant with creativity of different sorts.

Hopefully I remain.

Your teacherJohn Francis

Contd. on page 8

Let Marconi


and lifestyle


xam halls influence our papers to a considerable extent. I often used to feel comfortable in exam halls even E

when nothing much was in my head to pen down. But, recently I happened to experience the most horrible three hours in one. The uncomfortable seat, unhygienic surrounding, and the low voltage made me strive to somehow finish my paper and escape.

The unhygienic surrounding and the blood-thirsty mosquitoes were the major problems I had to encounter in the hall. The stinking tanks kept open outside not only attracted mosquitoes but also flies. They were flying here and there like vampires digging in to our body and sucking blood. Their buzzing sound and the itchiness they created on my body and my mind made my each and every cell want to scream out and jump upon them like warriors in a battle field. But I had no other option but to sit there and kill as many as possible. I could even have claimed an award for killing the most number of mosquitoes in three hours. The stinking tank made me feel I would faint from its odour. Everything created a very irritating impact on us that we somehow wanted to finish everything off and run away as soon as possible. I had a great deal in recollecting the points I were to pen down in my paper.


annoyance was the uncomfortable seats. One leg of my chair was loose and every time I moved, it created a squeaky sound that it not only distracted me but also the sleeping invigilator. I was trying to move as less as possible. Then I noticed another girl sitting next to me whose chair seemed to be almost broken. She was resting her body on her arms placed on the table. There were no extra chairs in the room and we had to adjust with the available ones. Some of the tables also joined the squeaky chairs to disturb us. Moreover, they were so small that we could hardly place out papers and pen on them. The clattering sound was the only thing which broke the silence in the hall.

Lack of enough fans and light bulbs was another problem I had to face in the hall. The existing ones were either not working or running on low voltage. I was sitting under a fan. The whirling sound and the dust it poured upon me were the only signs to know that it was still working. Some of the windows were stuck and could not be open. The faintly lit bulb next to me was frequently blinking and it strained my eyes.

The moment I got out of the hall, I took a deep breath. Finally, I felt as

though I had escaped from a dungeon. I was so happy feeling the cool air that I hardly worried about my paper which I

couldn't present the way I had


Three hours in


The other day, I asked a lady,

“Which is your favourite room in

your house?” She replied,

“Kitchen”. I was impressed by her

answer; she seemed to be

someone who liked to be engaged

all the time. But her explanation

why she liked the kitchen the most

threw my thoughts into a dustbin.

She said, “I would be fed all the

time and my mom will stop

complaining that I spend little time

in the kitchen”. It is natural that we

develop an emotional attachment

towards certain rooms in our

house; we will be naturally driven

into that spot. I am not diverting

your attention into 'vasthushastra',

because I have little knowledge

about it. But I believe that certain

places we like in our house will

have something to do with our

charisma. This charisma need not

be the root to what we would

become in future, but it would be

something that stays with us;

something on which we may rely

on and by which we would be

identified in the society. Some of

us may love our study table with

books spread all over it, some of

us may like to cling onto a gadget

or our home theater- may be an A.

R. Rahman or a Chetan Bhagath

would evolve from us. Next time

when you are at your favourite spot

in your home, try to capture any

unknown force that would motivate

you when you are in an absurd

situation. As far as I am

concerned, I love my entire home,

or may be I should say that I 'have'

to love my entire home, because

the word 'privacy' does not find its

meaning in my home.

Collins Justin Peter

Ann Susan Paul Charisma

Department of English


dgar Allan Poe is one of the

greatest horror novelists and poets

Ethat the world has ever seen. Poe

was also known for his literary criticism

and journalistic talents. Edgar was born in

1809 in Boston, Massachusetts. His

parents died within two years of his birth. A

prosperous merchant from Richmond,

John Allan, took him in and brought him

up. Edgar was educated partly in England

and partly in Richmond. He was addicted

to liquor and gambling, due to which the

guardianship of John Allan was removed.

Later, Poe joined the Army and became

Sergeant Major. He was court-martialled

for his negligence towards his duties.

Edgar published the first volume of poetry

named Tamer Lane and Other Poems in

1827. He has not only worked as a poet,

but also a journalist. In 1836, he married

his cousin Virginia.

In 1840, Poe wrote collections of short

stories among which one of the most

famous stories was ''Fall of the House of

Usher''. He had written a dark poem about

loss – “The Raven”. This poem later shot

into national acclaim in 1845. Poe's other

poems include the “Bells” and “The

Sleeper”. The first detective fiction,

Murders in the Ruc Morgue, was

published in 1845. It was very successful

and followed other works like “The

Mystery of Marie Roget”, “The Purloined

Letter” etc.

In 1847, Poe's wife died of tuberculosis.

Her death shattered Poe. His famous

poem “Annabel Lee” was dedicated to his

wife Virginia. On October 7 of 1849, he

died of congestion in his brain. Even

though he died, his works are still alive in

the world of Literature.

Edgar Allan Poe

Sneha Joseph

hat would be your first response when you are asked to write an Warticle about a museum? When I

was asked to do the same, the first thing that came to my mind was, "Man! This is going to be a hectic work; the museum will be full of unarranged stuffs because it sits in Kerala! There's a limit to what you can expect in this “Gods own country”. Even then, Arun and I set out to visit the Folklore Museum in Thevara, on a rainy day.

Although many people have seen the museum from outside, only a few have actually entered it. It is a three storied building. The first room we entered was the reception which had beautiful seating arrangements. Different pieces of historical statues carved out of wood made the view even more enchanting. Another artifact that we could see in the reception was the 62 Kg fan made in England.

Then we passed through a door called "Manichitrathazhu" (bigger than the door seen in the movie “Manichitrathazhu”) to another world. It appeared to us that we had traveled 500 years back to the time of our forefathers. The room had a huge collection of musical instruments and big wooden structures of horses, used by Gods and Goddesses, of the Silver Age. The statues were arranged beautifully on

wooden stands with craven beams on either sides of the room. The room was a l so deco ra ted by hand-made chandeliers made in Belgium; it led us to an antechamber.

The antechamber consisted of the "Ezuthola" on which our ancestors used to write; i t had descriptions about medicines, natural cures, history etc. Different types of walking sticks, used by our ancestors, made of wood and animal horns were also displayed. Long rows of cupboards displaying stones which were used during the Stone Age are other works of art we got to see in the museum. This room led us to a winding staircase.

The staircase was made up of wood with hand- carved handles. As we went up the stairs, we were led to a room which had traditional dance costumes of India. Outside the room was a historic statue of a beautiful girl. The walls on either side of the staircase consisted of hand painted murals and pencil drawings of different

things. The next was the room where various art forms were performed on request by guests. This room was an artifact in itself because it had a roof weighing 62 tons of wood not supported by any pillars. It was a beautiful view to behold.

A day at Folklore Museum

Anjali Thomas

A day at Folklore Museum

Department of English


How Mammals Keep in Touch

nimals may not talk, but they can certainly communicate. In fact, Athey constantly pass on a wealth of

information, both to members of their group as well as to others. They can let other animals know where they are, alert them for food or attract a mate. They can even locate their young ones in a large herd or warn others about the presence of predators. And they can proclaim their territory, telling interlopers to keep out. Their methods vary widely- from the roaring of lions to the musky 'calling card” scent left by deer. Whatever their method, good communication pays off – a mammal's very survival depends on it.

Touchy- feely: Communication by touch is very important for some species and may be used to comfort, to establish dominance or to maintain bonds. Monkeys cement social bonds by grooming one another- an activity that also removes parasites and dead skin. Female monkeys also often hold, cuddle and comfort their young, bear cubs, wrestle with each other both to establish dominance and to play fight, while sea otters often rub their face together and touch noses to maintain social bonds and to scent-mark.

Natural chemistry: By secreting chemicals

called pheromones in their scent glands, mammals can recognize other members of their species, mark territory, find prey or locate potential mates. The Madagascar ring-tailed lemur, for example, rubs scent glands on its wrist and chest against vegetation, leaving a pungent trail that marks its territory. Other lemurs pick up these scents which tell that the territory is occupied. In many species including ho rses , r h i nos and e lephan ts , pheromones also signal when a female is ready to mate. A lion sniffs the air near lioness in his pride to analyze the

l ionesses' ur ine, which contains pheromones indicating whether any of them are ready to mate.

Good Vibrations: An elephant doesn't just use its large ears to hear. It uses its feet too. Elephant's feet are so sensitive that they can detect the low frequency rumblings in the ground created by other elephants' stamping over 30 km (19 miles) away. Long-distance stamping signals even help elephants find a mate. They may also be able to detect the distant rumbling of thunder through their feet and find water heading in its direction.

Sound Tracks: All mammals make sounds, from the squeak of a mouse to the growl of a bear, and each sound has a meaning. Dolphins have such a complex range of vocal sounds that scientists wonder if these are actually languages. Each dolphin even has its own unique signature whistle; it also produces high frequency clicks via a sac on its forehead to find food. The loudest sound of any animal is made by South American howler monkey, as it howls to proclaim its territory. It can be heard up to 16 km (10 miles) away.

Keeping Eye Contact: Many mammals have good eyesight, so visual signals are crucial. Some are fleeting, such as wolf raising its hackles and staring to show aggression, or lowering its body and flattening its ears to indicate submission. Other visual signals appear at certain times, such as the reddening of a female chimpanzee's rump when she is ready to breed. There are also permanent signals or 'badges', such as a skunk's white and black stripe, which a predator learns to treat as a warning – leave the animal alone or it will spray you with a foul smelling liquid.

I hear silent chantsFrom the valleys of deathI hear rain drops fallOn the sun-dried landI hear babies wailFrom the womb of terror

The reason evades meThis treason troubles meWhy, world. Why?Have mercy! Have mercy!

I see buildings fallIn the name of GodI see children playBut for how long?I see guns and bombsBut for whose cause?

The reason evades meThis treason troubles meWhy world. Why?Have mercy! Have mercy!


Have Mercy

Vishakh Ranjit

Department of English


I am Satisfied

nce I was sitting under the Devadaru tree in the lawn with a Obook resting on my lap. I was

reading the third chapter of the book. The Book was written by my Lord. It had a dusty hard cover in which the picture of the earth was embossed. It was my Lord's 23456th book and it covered everything about earth. A breeze caught the tree and a multicoloured flower fell on the page.

The Devadaru tree bloomed rainbow flowers every day. We used to call Devadaru as Devu, our sweet Devu. The aroma of the flowers intoxicated the flora and fauna around. The verdure was in its eloquence. Devu was the nest of innumerable birds. The cheeping and chirping of the lovely birds filled the air with their innocence. These birds were not to be found on earth and they didn't have particular names. They were called dolls- dolls with lustrous eyes and calico feathers fixed on their wings. You would get a bird's eye view about the place if you could stand near Devu. She enchanted everyone with her unrivalled beauty. There were other trees also to be seen around. It looked like the other trees were surrounding Devu, like protecting her from Beelzebub.

Abruptly, an irresistible fire sprouted in my heart. I just blinked my eyes, to make

sure that it was not just my imagination. But it lasted after that moment too. I couldn't shrug it off from my inner vision. Gradually I began to break down the components of my desire. I realized that it was there in me from the moment I reached here. Thus it wasn't an abrupt entrance. I heard the inner sound whispering to me that 'I want to return to the earth.' It began to echo in my ears. I stood up frantically when an impulse stirred my body. I yearned for my desire. But I knew I couldn't go back because my turn was over with the last life. I had to spend the whole time here, here in my Home.

I had asked my Lord many times that I wanted to go to Earth. But He didn't respond at all. He used to smile and walk away. Whenever my companion Rain came, I usually had this thought. But now, before his arrival, I had the desire to return to my mother. He used to fill my heart with the stories that were happening on earth. He also didn't stay there forever. But he could go whenever he wanted to. I decided to meet my Lord before Rain reached.

He was sitting on the other side of the lawn. He was chanting a mantra while his eyes were half open. Those mantras had an effect of enchanting one's mind. I was charmed by his mantras. I opened my eyes when I heard his sound. He smiled at

me and said, “Good morning my child, why are you here?” I said nothing and stared at his elegant eyes. Again he asked, “What made you come near me? Tell me.” Suddenly an urge struck my nerves and I said, “My Lord, I want to go back to earth.” He didn't utter a word for minutes. I stood there because I wanted an answer for my question. After a few minutes, he came near me and said, “I won't let you go away from me my child”. In these words I felt the love of a father who never wanted his child to be away from him. “Because your turn is over and you are no longer suppose to touch the earth.” He said putting his hand upon my shoulder. My tears fell on his foot.

I never gave him further time to speak a word. Within no time I returned to the old spot and sat under Devu. I couldn't control myself, my tears wet The Book. The Koel came near me and sang a lullaby. My eyes easily fell in love with sleep as I was exhausted. I woke when a drizzle started to dance in the lawn. I stood up and looked for my companion Rain. I couldn't find him, but his friends were there. 'Where is he?' I was frequently asking this question to myself. I sat there for almost an hour and waited. He didn't come. I just closed my eyes and thought about him. I drew his picture from my memory. It had been more than a year now. He was a gentle man with a beard that was made of water drops. It always astonished me. I never missed a chance to touch his soft watery beard. When he would become angry, drops would fall from his beard. It was the only time we could see drops drooping from his beard. A cool breeze gently touched my cheeks. I opened my eyes and I felt the fragrance of soil, the first rain. I turned around and saw his radiant face in its wonder. He just gave me a smile like dropping flowers over me. He came near and carried me in his hands. He said “My sweet heart I missed you like hell. I want you to be with me every time.” I stared at his eyes and said, “Missed you too.” He placed me in a grassy cushion and glanced at me. He asked, “Why are you looking so sad my love?” I remembered that he was the only person who could take me back to earth. He was a magician, who could change anything into rain drops. 'Will he do that? I don't know. If he wouldn't…' I talked to myself. His voice addressed me “What happened? Tell me dear.”

With hesitation I said “I want to go back to earth.” He said, “Something was worrying you. But you know it is infinitely

Aishwarya K. R.

Department of English


Contd. on page 8

“Heard melodies are sweetBut those unheard are sweeter”

The rhythmic nature of the Universe is always thus. Though the Universe is an open book to us, we often fail to expose this eternal truth which, to an extent, is Art's vocation. As a branch of art, Literature echoes the rhythm of the universe.

Literature means “written artistic work”. However the term cannot be understood from in its literal meaning. Therefore, it is imperative that one should go deep into the cosmic composition to understand the real meaning of 'literature'.

The universe with its beautiful galaxies was formed first and then Earth evolved. The most fascinating thing was the emergence of 'man' on Earth. Man is a social animal gifted with the faculty of thinking. He began to think of the mysterious Universe. He realized that he is, in a way, the Universe. This truth was first revealed in his symbolic drawings.

Languages were born from man's social instincts. He used the faculty of speech. Man transformed his speech into symbols called letters that paved the way for recording his feelings, thoughts and utterances. All these utterances tried to project the universal truth that the Universe is lovely, dark and deep.

They reflect human life in the context of the Universe or nature. So, it can be said that Literature is the recreation of life in nature. This recreation or form of literature depends on the intensity of feeling, flow of thoughts and the melody with which the utterances are made. As Milton says, “A good work is the precious life blood of a master spirit embalmed and treasured upon purpose to a life beyond life.” Moreover, it is a communication between soul and soul, heart and heart, mind and mind. As such, there is no good literature or bad literature; there is only one literature that speaks of life in nature.

Language of the Universe

Subina Sali

Let Marconi LiveCollins Justin Peter

rom small tea shops to houses, devotional hymns, cricket

commentaries, and melodious tracks are heard from radios.

Although radios are not widely in use anymore, almost every Indian Fwould have switched on this 'common man's' electronic gadget at least

once. Sadly, radio is being pushed back by its new digital counterparts.

With the arrival of multi-featured television and stereo systems, radio has

been consigned to store rooms and workshops. It has become

necessary to recall the benefits that Marconi granted us.

It is desirable that we start a new day by listening to something aesthetic

or spiritual; it would refresh our minds. Radio plays a great role by

broadcasting devotional hymns and religious talks which make us realise

how far creations are from the Creator. When the clock ticks seven in the

morning, our thoughts start diverging from household activities to our

workplaces. So, dusk is the best time to meditate upon harmonious

hymns with the help of radios. They can provide us with the ability to face

the unexpected, since it is inevitable that we don't encounter new faces

and new situations. There are many programmes on the radio which help

us keep a stable and a calm mind.

Newspapers and television channels also have a great role in making

us informed about what is going on around us. Our society no longer

remains silent in case any injustice is carried out. But, what if we are not

updated about what is going on around us? Here, the radio enters as a

newsperson. Along with our morning chores, we can listen to the radio

and be informed about current affairs. Thanks to the radio, there arises no

need for us to embarrass ourselves in a group discussion or a marathon

gossiping session.

Our lives revolve around daily responsibilities and tasks which we may

or may not be interested in. It is necessary that we spend some time in the

morning, refreshing and re-energizing ourselves. Radio helps

synchronize our mind and body, especially for women who are

apparently the hard workers. Technology is so developed that nowadays,

we have the phenomenon of private radio stations which presents non-

stop music and acts as a boon to the blue-collar-workers. Every one, from

an ordinary bus traveller to a tourist in a luxury cab,

can enjoy evergreen music from these private radio

stations.I think it is high time that we dust off our radios

and take these 'endangered gadgets' out from the

store rooms and allow them a new lease of life.

Department of English


Indian and


Candida Agna Rodriguez

ndia is a country with various cultures and traditions. Women's clothing in IIndia varies widely and is closely

related to local culture, religion and climate. Traditional Indian varieties of clothing for women are saris, salwar kameez and gaghra cholis better known as lehengas. Saris are always termed as graceful and elegant. The ones made out of silk are the most elegant and lots of people love them. Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay, is one of India's fashion capitals. In some village parts of India, traditional clothing is worn. Women wear a sari, a long sheet of colourful cloth with patterns. This is draped over a simple or fancy blouse. This is worn by young ladies and women. Little girls wear a pavada (skirt). Both are often patterned. A bindi is part of women's make-up. Indo-western clothing is the fusion of Western a n d S u b c o n t i n e n t a l f a s h i o n . Chudidar,dupatta, gamchha, kurta, mundum neriyathum and sherwani are among other traditional clothes.

The traditional style of clothing in India varies with male or female gender distinctions. This is still followed in the rural areas, though is changing in the urban areas. Girls before puberty wear a long skirt and a short blouse, called a choli. Teenage girls wear half sarees, a three piece set consisting of a langa, a choli and a stole wrapped over it like a saree. Elderly women usually wear full sarees.

A saree or sari is a female garment worn in the Indian subcontinent. A sari is a strip of unstitched cloth, ranging from four to nine metres in length that is draped over the body in various styles. There are various traditional styles of Saree like Sambalpuri Saree from the East, Kanchipuram from the South, Paithani from the West and Banarasi from the North. The most common style for the sari

is to be wrapped around the waist, with one end then draped over the shoulder baring the midriff. The sari is usually worn over a petticoat. Cholis may be "backless" or of a halter neck style. These are usually more dressy with a lot of embellishments such as mirrors or embroidery and may be worn on special occasions. Women in the armed forces, when wearing a sari uniform, don a half-sleeve shirt tucked in at the waist

The salwar kameez is the most popular traditional dress for females. It consists of loose trousers topped by a long loose shirt also known as kameez. It was introduced by the Muslims and originates from the Islamic era or old Iranian culture. It is very common in Pakistan and Afghanistan. It is always worn with a scarf called a dupatta, which is used to cover the head and drawn over the bosom. This dress is worn by almost every teenage girl in lieu of western clothes. The salwar kameez is the most common in the north-western part of India .

For men, traditional clothes are the kurta. In south India men wear long, white sheets of cloth. In north Indian languages like Hindi, Marathi and Oriya these are called dhoti, In combination with the dhoti, men wear shirts, t-shirts, or anything else. The bridal party in Indian culture is often dressed more formally than guests. Although some men choose to wear a more traditional “western” three piece suit, they often save this for a reception. Just as the bridal Indian Wedding Dress is unique and special, so too should be the groom's attire. A sherwani is a long coat-like jacket fastened with buttons. It comes to just below the knees, hitting somewhere high on the calf. The jacket has a Nehru collar, which is a collar

that stands up. This jacket is often cream, light ivory, or gold colored for weddings, especially those in the morning. It can be embroidered with gold or silver. While traditionally light in colour, the jackets can be worn in dark colours, like reds, blacks, or navy, typically later in the day. A scarf is sometimes added to the jacket over one or both shoulders. The sherwani is worn with tighter fitting pants or trousers called churidars. Churidars are trousers that are loose around the hips and thighs, but are tight and gathered around the ankle.

Many aspects of Western fashion have become common among Indian men, par t icu la r ly in the pro fess iona l community. Horizontal stripes and plaids are common on casual business shirts, particularly among Indians in North America. Owing to growth of women-empowerment and influences of Western culture, nowadays most of the teen and

Department of English


to us if we simply sit down and await it. We must search and find it from within us. If you become a worrywart, you will remain in the same state till death. We must try to find some positive factors from so-called tragedies and unpleasant things. If we observe keenly, we can collect something to hope or something which could help us in bettering situation in every trouble. The only thing is that we must be positive to see the problem in every angle of view. Usually, we will not be able to find such small but pivotal and vital details through self analysis alone. There, we need the help of a trustable and reliable person. Once we share our problems with someone, we may find ourselves very relaxed, stress less, and we may be able to get out of the stupor due to tension or pressure created by the very problem.

In some cases, sharing with another person will not be a fair idea. Here, you can adopt another idea- be two persons. In other words, hear your inner voice or talk or argue with your instinct. By doing this, you are using your subconscious and conscious minds to analyse and understand the problem and to find possible solutions. Here, your consciousness or worrier is discussing with your subconscious mind which clearly knows what actually is worrying you. By this method, you can filter and find what the actual problem is. By understanding the problem, you can easily face it and automatically, you will get switched to a positive attitude towards the problem.

Human mind is a complex system with huge potency. It can stand or solve any questions. All we have to do is prepare and use it in the correct method. Each person's mind varies from others like finger prints. Only you can understand how your mind reacts to a particular situation and it is you who should tame your mind in a way that it will not get stuck in any situation. Every problem is a chance to prove our mental strength, calibre, sensibility, and body co-ordination. We can prove ourselves only when challenges come our way. Through understanding our own drawbacks and strengths, we can easily tone our mind in a healthy way. If your mind starts working in that toned way, you can confidently say, “Yes, I am positive”.

impossible at this moment and you know the reason. I know I can do that. But turning you into a drop will result in your complete death. Even in this way, you will not exist. I can't change you back into a human soul if you reach the earth. The moment you reach the earth, you will die… not like the death before. And do you know the after-effects when He comes to know about this? If it fails…” He said in low voice.

“I want to go to earth. I don't want to hear anything. Just do it. Otherwise I won't stay here. You know that very well. Do it if you can. Change me into drops so that I accompany you till my Death. I am happy to receive the Death. I will die in the lap of my mother and you will be with me”

“Dear, I can't bear that. Seeing your death, how will I survive?”

“I am always with you, will be always with

you. I am dissolving in your soul and how will I die. As long as you live, I will also live. Only a drop shall touch the earth. The rest of my soul is with you so that I shall become the real companion in your whole life. Please turn me to a drop dear.”

“In a way, it is right. But…”

“There is no place for buts…please.”

“Yes. I shall do it for you, for your happiness. I don't care about the consequences.”

He chanted mantras and in a minute, I changed into a colourless water drop and dissolved in his soul. He flew away from our Home towards Earth. When the distance to our destination decreased, his heart pounded deeply. I could feel it; I felt the way it beat. His love protected me from the rays of sun. From here, I could see the earth like a mixture of green and blue

spots. My mother was cal l ing me, c a l l i n g m e towards her. I wish I could r e a c h t h e r e within a spur.

At last I entered the blue sky with him. I touched the green soft leaves in the trees of my mother. Slowly I met my mother and she hugged me tightly with her soft arms, with layers of soil. A part of me, died in her lap in a fraction of seconds. The rest was with my Rain. The moment I died in the lap of my mother earth was the most blissful moment in my life. I didn't know how all this happened. It was a mystery for me and we moved to another world from Earth…and the journey went on. I whispered in the ears ofRain “I am satisfied, I am satisfied.”

adult girls in cities wear low-hip jeans, low-neck tops, tight jeans with salwar, half-rousers, sleeveless t-shirts etc. Women who hail from rural villages usually wear frocks and half sarees; boys normally wear a shirt and pants, whether formally or casually. The most accepted formal dressing for couples in formal occasions like parties and weddings is saree for the ladies, and formal pants and shirts with suits in the winter for the men. While one is utterly ethnic and Indian, the latter is very western and out of India.

The Indian women have however modernized, and working women find Western wear like shirts and trousers a comfortable dressing option to work. With the entry of international fashion brands like FCUK, DKNY, GUESS, RALPH LAUREN and many more, Indian w o m e n a r e increasingly becoming fashionable. Among the league of high fashion international b r a n d s , d o m e s t i c b rands l i ke G lobus , BlackBerry's, Allen Solly, Park Avenue and Van Heusen, have also gained popularity.

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Department of English