Keynote English

who is Alex Bellini Alex was born in a small mountain village in the Northern part of Italy, in 1978. In 1999 he is selected to participate to the final tests for the 2000 edition of the Camel Trophy. In 2000 he runs his only marathon, in New York, and in 2001 he participates in the Marathon des Sables, 260 km in the Moroccan desert. In 2002 he participates to the Alaska Ultrasport, a running competition of more than 600 km in Alaska, dragging a survival sledge. In 2003 he participates, once again, to the Alaska Ultrasport, running 1400 km in 27 days. After two failed attempts, in 2005 Alex becomes the first man to even cross the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean alone on a rowing boat, reaching Fortaleza (Brazil) after 226 and 11,000 km. On 21st February 2008, on the same rowing boat, Alex leaves Peru to reach Australia. He finishes the crossing of the Pacific Ocean on 13th December 2008 after a voyage of 18,000 km and 294 days in the open sea, alone. With this accomplishment, Alex goes down in navigation history and marks a new record for the longest successful crossing of the oceans with a rowing boat. In 2011, with the aim of linking the two oceans by land, Alex runs from Los Angeles to New York. 700 hours of running, 120 marathons in 70 days and more than 5,200 km without a single day off the road. “We are what we give to the world: meanings, values, joy of living.” 700 hours of running, 120 marathons in 70 days and more than 5,200 km. LA-NY Foot race Footrace 2011 Alex marks a new record for the longest successful crossing of the Pacific ocean with a rowing boat. Pacific 2008 Chi

Transcript of Keynote English

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who  is Alex Bellini  

Alex was born in a small mountain village in the Northern part of Italy, in 1978. In 1999 he is selected to participate to the final tests for the 2000 edition of the Camel Trophy. In 2000 he runs his only marathon, in New York, and in 2001 he participates in the Marathon des Sables, 260 km in the Moroccan desert. In 2002 he participates to the Alaska Ultrasport, a running competition of more than 600 km in Alaska, dragging a survival sledge. In 2003 he participates, once again, to the Alaska Ultrasport, running 1400 km in 27 days. After two failed attempts, in 2005 Alex becomes the first man to even cross the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean alone on a rowing boat, reaching Fortaleza (Brazil) after 226 and 11,000 km. On 21st February 2008, on the same rowing boat, Alex leaves Peru to reach Australia. He finishes the crossing of the Pacific Ocean on 13th December 2008 after a voyage of 18,000 km and 294 days in the open sea, alone. With this accomplishment, Alex goes down in navigation history and marks a new record for the longest successful crossing of the oceans with a rowing boat. In 2011, with the aim of linking the two oceans by land, Alex runs from Los Angeles to New York. 700 hours of running, 120 marathons in 70 days and more than 5,200 km without a single day off the road.

“We are what we give to the world: meanings, values, joy of living.”  




700 hours of running, 120 marathons in 70 days and more than 5,200 km.  

LA-NY Foot race    Footrace  


Alex marks a new record for the longest successful crossing of the Pacific ocean with a rowing boat.  

Pacific   2008


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“Adventure is an attitude through wich you can face your daily challenges.”  “What I do is not, by itself, useful or even necessary for a specific cause.

But I found a meaning for it and this is enough for me. We are what we give to the world: a meaning, values and the joy of living.” This is how Alex answers, when people ask him the reason for his adventures. “I want to capture the meaning of existence inside myself”. Adventure is not hanging from a mountain wall on a rope or running under extreme conditions until your mind and your body are exhausted. Adventure is an attitude we need to adopt every day in our lives to face new challenges, find opportunities, test our resources against the unknown and find out what our unique potential really is. During these years of rapid change, the metaphor of adventure is a perfect tool to develop the strategy that will help us face this challenge. Adventure is, by definition, any action of man with an unknown result. For this reason, it involves everything we cannot immediately touch or know. To better define the meaning of “adventure attitude” Alex uses the acronym A.D.V.E.N.T.U.R.E.

In 2004, in the attempt to cross the Atlantic Ocean, Alex Bellini was shipwrecked. This event led him delve more deeply into the features of the survivors of a wreck, those adapt to change in an excellent way. Fear generates more fear. This is why Alex says “jump on your fears and make them you friends.” When you tread on unknown territory and you do not give up to the temptation to go back, in that exact moment, you are creating your own destiny. To be successful in these very uncertain years, we need to learn to embrace change, become visionaries and adventurers, whatever our challenges are.

Presentation  of  keynote  engagements  and  workshop  


SURVIVOR: The 5 neccessary features for the art of surviving a crisis:

-­‐ Flexibility

-­‐ Ability to control

-­‐ Tolerance to frustration

-­‐ Ability to hope

-­‐ Cognitive restructuring





Never quit






9 factors making up a powerful acronym:  

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In his speeches, Alex talks about himself, what led him to follow his passion for adventure, the essential role of the family, love and passion for everything he does, the fears that follow him in each of his adventures and which he calls “life savers”, motivation and self-motivation, goal setting, planning, sacrifice and perseverance as the only way to make our dreams come true. Alex talks about leadership, responsibility, the importance of a good communication with your team and an effective vision, the courage to give up something and the positive side of failures. Talking with enthusiasm, honesty and passion, he has already inspired more than 50,000 people that met him in the past few years.


“Success comes when you have the ability to develop strong visions and stick to them.”  

Alex Bellini gives speeches in Italian and in English and his presentations are supported with high-quality videos and pictures.

I am not alone in my adventures. I am like the tip of an iceberg: I stay afloat thanks to a team that supports all my actions.

Communication with your team, in an extreme challenge, makes the difference between life and death.

The difference between a group of people and a team is that the former lacks a common vision and trust among its members.

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Alex Bellini wrote two books published by Longanesi. The first “Mi chiamavano montanaro” (They called me mountain boy) published in 2007, won the “Sea literature award in San Felice Circeo 2008”. The second book “Il Pacifico a remi”, published in 2010, won the Amaca award.  


Documentary In his first documentary, “ONDE” (waves), Alex talks about the evolution of the life of a guy that chose adventure as a means to explore his inner self. Published in 2011.  

Notes  and  contacts  

“In life you win, or you learn.”

Some of the companies with which Alex worked in the past few years: Findomestic Banca, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Cerved Group, Pfizer, Jhonson&Jhonson, Just, Fiat Group, Jeep, Mercedes Benz Italia, Gruppo Giovani Industriali Confindustria, Gardaland, Poste Italiane, Italian Leadership Event, HRD di Roberto Re, Max Formisano TCC. The press talks about Alex: Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, La Stampa, Master Meeting, Gazzetta dello Sport, Runner’s World, GQ, Millionaire, Sky, Rai and Mediaset broadcaster.

For any contact, conferences, presentations and participation in events please contact:


Francesca Urso Mobile +39.335.1295917

E-mail [email protected]