Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Oksana Karpiuk УВАГА! Стережіться підробок!

Transcript of Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Page 1: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Oksana Karpiuk

УВАГА! Стережіться підробок!

Page 2: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Оксана Карп’юк



для 3 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів

Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України

Page 3: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

ББК 74.261.7 Англ.

К 26

Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України(Лист Міністерства освіти і науки України № 1/11-13817 від 11.09.2013р.)

Увага! Кожний примірник цього зошита має на обкладинці голограму

видавництва, якому належать виключні права на видання. Жодна частина цього

зошита (включаючи обкладинку та ілюстрації) не може бути передрукована будь-

яким способом без письмового дозволу видавництва.

Порушення авторських та суміжних прав карається згідно із чинним

законодавством України.Ч_________________________________________________________________________ )

К 26 Карп’юк О. Д.

Англійська мова: Робочий зошит для 3 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. —

Тернопіль : Лібра Терра, 2014. — 80 с. : іл.

ІБВІЧ 978-617-609-021-2

Робочий зошит є інтегрованим компонентом навчально-методичного комплекту з

англійської мови для 3-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів, розробленого

на основі авторської концепції позитивної мотивації молодших школярів до вивчення

англійської мови.

Робочий зошит пропонує навчальний матеріал для урізноманітнення видів робіт

в іншомовній діяльності учня, та містить вправи і завдання для більш ефективного і

якісного засвоєння учнем мовного і мовленнєвого матеріалу підручника.

ББК 74.261.7 Англ.

ІБВІЧ 978-617-609-021-2 © Карп’юк О. Д., 2014

© ТОВ «Видавництво «Лібра Терра», 2014

Page 4: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Introduction Nice To See You Again! 4-9

Unit 1 In Greenwoods Summer Camp 10-24

Unit 2 My Dear Family 25-33

Unit 3 Welcome Back To School 34-43

Unit 4 Home, Sweet Home 44-55

Unit 5 Day by Day 56-65

Unit 6 Spring Is Here, Summer Will Come 66-75

Appendix 76-79

Page 5: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Intro ductio n 1! fV. Я/'<


1 Match.З’єднай.

go to school

sing a songstswimo


ride a bike



Read, trace and pronounce.Прочитай, обведи транскрипційні знаки та вимови.

Page 6: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Intro ductio n лп\Ш\<Ыm

1 Tick the words you can read.Відміть галочкою слова, які вмієш читати.

□ like □ Bill □ friend

□ hot □ Kate □ he

Q can □ Vicky □ she

□ sunny Nick □ they

□ park □ Ann □ eight

Look and fill in.Подивись і заповни пропуски.

My name is

My name is

Lesson 2

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Page 8: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Intro ductio n L esson 4

С 1Read the phonetic symbols and write the letters.Прочитай назви літер за транскрипцією і напиши їх.






[ke i],




Fill in.Заповни пропуски.

on I in I under

The pen is in the pencil-case. The ruler is



the chair.

The book is the desk. The ruler is the bag.

The bag is the chair. The book is the shelf.

Page 9: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Intro ductio n Чйі1!№ L fc s s o N 5

1 Tick what is true for you.Відмітьте дії, які ви вмієте виконувати.

2 f i can jump.

□ I can swim.

□ I can fly.

I can play games.

I can ride a bike.

I can sing.

□ I can dance.

□ I can speak English.

I can make a snowman.

□ I can fly a kite.

Fill in.Заповни пропуски.

Ґ \am / is / are

V /

It a dog.

a clown. She Mary.

They friends.

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Intro ductio n

с з Match.Добери і з’єднай пару.

! -

they your





you - my

he their

she his

le s s o n 5

Read and draw.Прочитай і намалюй.

The boy can ride a bike.His bike is black and green.

The girl can fly a kite. Her kite is red and white.

The dog can dance. It is white and black.

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L e s s o n I^ ', ь\і*5il- '--"■ ' - - ... _

Read and answer.Прочитай і дай відповідь.

1. X -

- t

Is he Mr Blake?У es. he is.He is Mr Blake.

Is she Alice?

©Ґ -u:;-V

Is he Bill?No. he is not.He is Taras.

— Is she Paula?

Is she Stella?

% *■ * " X Xл—L

/іІЛ % V Is he Hans?

Are they girls?


V'-' "л N-v-tr?Г Г. 4 V' &К \

* ' y \

— Are they girls?

Page 12: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Is this a camp? Is this a park?

Match and pronounce.З’єднай і вимови.

England [gri:s]Greece [ju:'krein]France [’с1зз:т0пі]Ukraine - [’îggbnd]Spain ['itali]Germany [spein]Italy [fra:ns]

Read and write in the phonetic symbols for the letters in bold.Прочитай і впиши транскрипційні знаки, що відповідають вимові виділених літер.

Jane [ еі ], [ L ВІН [ ], Stella [ ],

Paula [ ], Tom [ ], Rose [ ], Pete [ ],


Page 13: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Un it і rmv} i\v-O ' >йїчі!^\!Й' :Е: !к<' --K <Л\ / ( v i ' LESSON I

Fill in.Впиши пропущені слова.

I t is from Greece.

<=АЩ\ TІ

Trt Vf\*is from Germany.

is from Italy.





is from France.

is from England. are from England.

are from Ukraine. are from Spain.

i a

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Om it і

1 Write as in the example.Напиши за зразком.

Where is she from? She is from England.

ііУдМ \і— 11 Lesson 2


N.. ^

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Complete.Доповни діалог.

A: Hello! В: Ні!

А: I am Stella. В:

A: Are you from England? В:

A: Where are you from? B:

f У ( \I am from Ukraine. \ I am Maxim.


No, I am not. Hi!.j

Unscramble the names of the countries.Розшифруй назви країн.

1 eGmanry2 lylat3 rallknei4 nceFar5 laEndgn6 cereeG7 paSin


- h

I fI I

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Un it Ж - -

-Ai V.! і®'-? n VM 1 ' E 5 S 0 N

C 1Choose (a, b or c) and fill in.Вибери і впиши правильний варіант (а, Ь або с).


This is aa) roomb) cafec) house

This is aa) sports groundb) parkc) swimming pool

This is aa) party hallb) schoolc) café

This is aa) gardenb) sports groundc) party hall


Page 17: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Un it іa

m,r> \ '•Lesson 3

V.Read and fill in.Прочитай і впиши відповідне слово.



4 J





swimming pool

party hall

sports ground_y

1 This is aYou can swim here.

4 That is aYou can sleep there.

2 This is aYou can eat here.

5 That is aYou can play and sing there.

3 That is aYou can read and write there.

. 6 That is aYou can jump and run there.

С.3 Help Smiley to put the words into the proper boxes.Допоможи Смайлику розмістити слова у відповідні рамки.



[ а і ]




[ ju : j

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Write as in the example.Напиши за зразком.

ride - r id in g listen - ___________ draw -

fly- flying dance - read -

play - ____________ watch - __________ jump -

Choose and write as in the example.Вибери і напиши за зразком.

І 17

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Match and pronounce.Добери і вимови.


is not

let us

are not

it is

Answer.Дай відповідь.

Yes, I can.

1 Can you fly?

2 Can you sing?

3 Can you ride a bike?

4 Can you climb the trees?

5 Can you play football? _

6 Can you fly a kite?

let’s [lets]

aren’t [cr.nt]

can’t [ka:nt]

isn’t [iznt]

it’s [its]

No, I can’t.

7 Can you dance?

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„I Help Smiley to put the words into the proper boxes.Допоможи Смайлику розмістити слова у відповідні рамки.







Complete the dialogue.Доповни діалог.

гHe is fine.

A: Hello, Mike!


ГThey are fine.

A: How are you?


I am fine, thanks.


A: How is Ron?


Hello, Fred!A: How are Jim and Jane?


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Answer.fla fi BiflnoBiflb.

Yes, I do.v - ,.... J

1 Do you play sports?

2 Do you play football?

3 Do you play golf?

4 Do you play tennis?

5 Do you swim?

6 Do you read books?

No, I don’t.

Page 22: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

1 Match and pronounce.Добери і вимови.

team [ka:'tu:n]

music ['mju:zik]

cartoon [raid]

kite [ti:m]

paint [flai]

fly [kait]

ride [peint]

Solve the Sports Crossword.Розв’яжи спортивний кросворд.


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Look and write as in the example.Подивись і напиши за зразком.

а) I like reading. а).

b) I don't like listening to music, b)

a). a).

b). b).

Guess and write.Здогадайся і напиши.

I Let's play football!


2 2

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Put the words into the proper boxes.Розмісти слова у відповідні рамки.

[d ] sport [о:]h©bby

________________ n@t ________________________ do®r ________

[ju:] mysic [u:]ball®®n

________ compyter ________________ cart@®n ________

Complete the letter.Доповни лист.

Hello!My name is I a m ____________.

I am from ________________ .

My hobby is____________________________ .

______________________is my favourite sport.

What is your_____________ ?

What is your favourite___________________ 7Bye,

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Pronounce the phonetic symbols and write the words.Вимови слова за транскрипцією і напиши їх.

[кавп]_______СОП__________ [sprig] _

[kait] ____________________ ['mju:zik]

[’клпШ] __________________ [ka:'tu:n]

[spo:t] ___________________ [hi:] ___

[ju:] _____________________ [sku:l] _

[’hDbi] ___________________ [ti:m] _

Заповни анкету.

Your name_______

Your age ________

Your country _____

Your phone ______

Your hobby ______

Your favourite sport

Page 26: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Help Smiley to put the words into the proper boxes.Допоможи Смайлі розмістити слова у відповідні рамки.

c©ysinг , brother г .A f а:father


і) Щ) hsarthysbandmothergarden

2 Fill in.Заповни пропуски.

— „--------

uncle, husband, aunt, cousins, grandparentsV ...............■_ ■ ..... ___....... ..... .....

Mother’s sister is a n ________________ .

Uncle’s sons and daughters a re__________________

Father’s brother is a n __________________ .

Aunt’s ________________ is an uncle.

Grandfather and grandmother are

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Read and complete.Прочитай відповіді і доповни запитання.

r ~ ...What

4 ............. ....... ... J

с ----------------------- \

WhoV________ _____


Wherev ____________ J

__________ is it? — It is a camp. is it? — It is a dog.

Where is it ? — It is in Germany. __________ is it? — It is in a village.

__________ is he? — He is Mr Blake. _________ is this? — This is my friend.

__________ is he? — He is at the camp. __________ is he? — He is in Kyiv.

2 Solve the Family Tree Crossword.Розв’яжи кросворд «Родинне дерево».

1 Father and mother are

2 Your mother’s brother is your

3 Your uncle’s son is your

4 Your father’s sister is your

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1 Fill in the missing letters.Встав пропущені літери.

ГгI 1


bedr m h se ba room livi -r m kit

Look and write as in the example.Подивись і напиши за зразком.

1 Where is mum?She is in the kitchen.

2 Where is grandmother?

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Look at the plan and answer.Подивись на план квартири і дай відповіді на запитання.

Фon the left

bed room: і



bathroom kitchen

Фon the right

1 Where is the bedroom? ________ I t is on the left.

2 Where is the kitchen?___________________________

3 Where is the living-room? _______________________

4 Where is the bathroom?_________________________

Draw the plan of your flat I house. Write about it.Намалюй план своєї квартири / дому.Напиши про своє помешкання.

This is m y ________________

It has g o t_________________

is / are on the left,

is / are on the right.

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Match and pronounceДобери і вимови.

frontabovenesünoarcarpetsofaf lo o r



[ks ]


Solve the House Crossword.Розв’яжи кросворд «Будинок».



Page 31: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Read and write as in the example.Прочитай і напиши за зразком. r

onV J



What is this? I t is a room.

Where is the bed? I t is

Where is the lamp?_____

Where is the chair?

Where is the armchair?

Where is the bookshelf?

Where is the carpet? _

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Write as in the example.Напиши за зразком.

sing - singer_____

drive - _______________

sell - ________________

dance -

Complete the table.Доповни таблицю.

1 What is my job?

You ?

He What is his job?

She ?

Answer as in the example.Дай відповідь за зразком.

_ _ -.- - - “ - л

No, he I she isn’t. !v J

— Is he a businessman?

— У es. he is.________

He is a businessman.


Yes, he I she is.v _ J

read -

teach -

write -

Page 33: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

— Is she a waiter?

— Is he a seller?

— Is he a driver?

— Is she a secretary?

— Is he a doctor?

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Draw someone in your family. Write about him I her.Намалюй когось зі своєї сім’ї. Напиши про нього / неї.

This is my(mum / dad / brother...)

IS(He / She) (happy / sad)


(reading books / playing games / watching TV...)

Look and complete the sentences.Подивись і доповни речення.

bedroom bathroom:

\= o



\ kitchen

4 ^

This is a

It has got rooms: a and a

We can sleep in the

We can watch TV in the/

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Put the words into proper boxes.Розмісти слова у відповідні рамки.

Monday[ju:] Mysic [л]

Tyesday____________ n o w ________

________ compyter __________________ Synday __________________ jymp _______


Match and pronounce.Добери і вимов.

Sunday [ 'wenzdi]

Monday - [sAndi]

Tuesday ['0 3 :zdi]

Wednesday [sæ tadi]

Thursday ['mAndi]

Friday [4 ju:zdi]

Saturday ['fraidi]

Write your timetable.Напиши свій розклад уроків.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday ? Thursday Friday

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Write the name of the lesson.Напиши назву урока.


Make up the sentences.Склади речення зі слів.

1 Reading / on / is / Tuesday / It. I t is Reading on Tuesday.

3 books / read / We.

2 Reading / 1 / like. 4 lesson / my / Reading / favourite / is.

2 Complete.Доповни розповідь.

We have g o t____________ , _____________ , _____________ and___________________ on Tuesday.__________________ is my favouritelesson._______________________is my friend’s favourite lesson.

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1 Match and pronounce.Добери і вимови.

teacher - N [æ]

Maths [ao]

Thyrsday \ [a:]œ unt '

\ [ju:]

sym \ [a ]

M [i:]Mysic [з:]

Complete the dialogue.Доповни діалог.


В: It is Tuesday.

A: It’s


on Tuesday. Do you like

_ It is my favourite lesson.

1 Bill

2 Nick

3 Peter

4 Jane

Look task 2 on page 54 of your Pupil’s Book.Write as in the example.Поглянь на завдання 2 на стор. 54 у підручнику. Напиши за зразком.likes Maths. I t is his favourite lesson.____________

5 Vicky

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Match and say as in the example.Добери і скажи за зразком.

Maths speak, read and write in English

Reading jump, run and play sports

Sport sing and dance At our Maths lessons we count and do sums.

English draw and paint V

Art read books

Music - - count and do sums

2 Write the answers.Напиши відповіді.

What is your friend’s nam e?___

How old is he/she?__________

Where does he/she live?______

Does he/she like Maths? _____

Does he/she like sports? _____

What is his/her favourite lesson?

What does he/she like doing?

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Complete the sentences.Доповни речення.

My friend likesI like _______________________ . __________________

My friend doesn’t likeI don’t like

2 Make up the sentences.Склади речення.

1 in / England / lives / Bill _____

2 goes / to / He / school________

3 Maths / likes / Bill ___________

4 doesn’t / He / English / like___

Write a letter about your favourite lesson.Напиши листа про свій улюблений урок.

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Read and draw the clock’s hands.Прочитай і домалюй стрілки на годинниках.

It’s three o’clock. It’s eight o’clock. It’s eleven o’clock. It’s twelve o’clock.

2 Match.З’єднай.

wake up





^ Write as in the example.Напиши за зразком.

I wake up. — She wakes up.I clean my teeth. — H e __________We wash our faces. — SheThey dress. — He .I have my breakfast at 7. — She

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д Look, read and complete.Подивись, прочитай і доповни.

Tim wakes up at o’clock. He washes his face.

H e his breakfastat o’clock.


Then he

Bill goes to school. School at nine o’clock.

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It’s four o’clock. I must do my homework.

It’s ten o’clock. I must go to bed.

2 Fill in.Заповни пропуски.

1 Kate_______ her breakfast at eight o’clock.

2 The school________at nine o’clock.

3 Kate_______ her lunch at one o’clock.

4 She_______ her homework at three o’clock.

5 Her chess club at five o’clock.

Complete the dialogue.Доповни діалог.






В: It’s Wednesday.


B: It’s nine o’clock.

A: Oh, I m ust____

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Write as in the example.Напиши за зразком.

I wake up at 7 o’clock. I clean my teeth in the bathroom.He wakes up at 7 o'clock. ________________________

I wash my face in the bathroom. I have my lunch at 1 o’clock.

I do my homework at 4 o’clock. I go to school at eight o’clock.

I read books in the evening. After school I play with my friends.

go to bed at 9 o’clock. I watch TV in the evening.

2 Write about your morning.Напиши про свій ранок.

I wake up a t____________________I ____________________ and______I have breakfast at ______________Then ISchool at

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3 Не


Fill in.Заповни пропуски.

I come in?

I help you?

go to bed at 9 o’clock.


V у



\ J






V JI have your book, please?

Complete the dialogue.Доповни діалог.

Yes, you may.

A: May I come in ?


A: Can I sit here?


Yes, sure.

r~Here you are.

rNo, thanks.

B: Can I help you?

A: I’ve got it.

B: Could I have your pencil, please?


A: Oh, I can’t find my pen. B: Thank you.

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Read, match and colour.Прочитай, добери і розфарбуй.



Mickey Mouse




Colour and complete the description.Розмалюй та доповни опис.

This is

She has got a

Her eyes are _

Her hair is

Cinderella is

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Fill in the missing letters.Впиши пропущені літери.

Ukrain n, Chris _ mas, ca r_ l, holid_ys, usual _y.

Look and complete.Подивись і доповни речення.


On Christmas we usually dance and sing

On Christmas we usually

usuallyin the evening.

I usuallyon Saturday.

I usuallyon Sunday. after school.

4 5

Page 47: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Match pictures with words.З’єднай малюнки зі словами.

- І 7

make cook

2 Complete the table.Доповни таблицю.

eat drink

1 have supper at 7 o’clock.

He supper at 7 o’clock.

She at 7 o’clock.

We at 7 o’clock.

You at 7 o’clock.

They at 7 o’clock.


eat -talk tohelpcookdrinksing

carolsabout the housesoupcakesmy friendsmilk

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Read and draw.Прочитай і намалюй.

The girl usually has supper at 7 o’clock.

The man usually has tea at 12 o’clock.

Complete the sentences.Доповни речення.

The children usually have dinner at 4 o’clock.

The girl usually has breakfast at 8 o’clock.

Do I usually cook? Does she usually ______________ ?

Do you usually ? Do we usually_________________ ?

_________________he usually cook? they usually cook?

Page 49: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

1 Write as in the example.Напиши за зразком.

і\ ■

a carrot carrots


Put the words into proper baskets.Розмісти слова у відповідні кошики.



4 8 \іII

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2 Write as in the example.Напиши за зразком.

* і-у


some bread

Match and read.Добери і прочитай.





Fill in.Заповни пропуски.




Гmeals please

a ) _______your meal!

b) I have three__________a day: breakfast, dinner and supper.

c) Pass m e_________ sa lt,____________.

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Complete the dialogues.Доповни діалоги.

A: Some coffee?

B: Yes, ______

A: Some sugar?

B: No, _______

Г *\thanks

.... ............................................ - ......................-JГ """ " -----

pleasev ___ , J

Here you are.

Thank you.

A: Pass me some sugar, please.


A: Thank you.

Put the words in proper columns.Розподіли слова у відповідні стовпчики.

- - -fish, soup, lemon, corn, meal, sugar, juice, salt, tea, bread

___ J

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1 Read, match and say.Прочитай, добери і скажи.

□ He always does his homework at 4 o’clock.

□ They always go to bed at 9 o’clock in the evening.


He always helps his mum on Saturdays.

She always goes to her tennis club after school.

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Look and complete as in the example.Подивись і доповни речення за зразком.

It is Sunday today.The children alwaysgo to the Zoo on Sundays.

It is 8 o’clock. The boy goes

It is a sunny morning. The girl always ____

It isMary always

It is ItTed


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Complete the table.Доповни таблицю.

1 play tennis. 1 meat.i You football. You eat potatoes.\ He plays computer games. He hot dogs.

She qolf. She eats cakes.| We cricket. We eat cheese.1 They play volleyball.i They bananas.

Ask classmates as in the example and tick (S) in the table. Then tell about them.Запитай однокласників за зразком і постав відмітки в таблиці. Потім розкажи про своїх однокласників.

names 1 2 3

usually some­times

never usually some­times

never usually some­times



help mum

watch TV

wash a face

drink milk


Example: — Do you usually play football?— I sometimes play football.

Sveta never plays football. I Nick usually plays football.

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Ask your family and fill in the table with ticks (S). Запитай членів своєї сім’ї і постав галочки в таблиці.

father mother sister / brother

usually some­times

never 1 usually some­times

never usually some­times


wear a hat

have dinner in a cafe





go to the park



eat hot dogs

play golf |

^ Write about your family using the table above.Користуючись таблицею вище, напиши про свою сім’ю.

My father never wears a hat . He sometimes has dinner in a cafe

My father

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My mother

My sister / brother

g Write about yourself.Напиши про себе.

I always get up at _______________________________________________

But sometimes _________________________________________________

I usually have breakfast at _______________________________________

I make my bed. I never have________________ for mybreakfast.

I ________________help my mum about the house.

I ________________play football, but ______________________________

I never________________ , but I always ____________________________

I sometimes ________________________________________________

I usually

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Help the sheep to find their homes.Допоможіть вівцям знайти свою хатку.

Fill in.Заповни пропуски.

1 Bob





2 Linda______

3 Kate and Tom

4 My m um___

5 I

at school.

_ at the camp.

________ at their grandparents.

at work.

___________ in the hotel.

6 My friend and I ____________ in the mountains.

7 Fred and Liz

8 We

in the sports ground.

at the Zoo.

5 6

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1 Jeff / campJ e ff was at the camp on his holidays.____________

2 Ann and Bob / their grandparents

3 Sally / mountains

4 Jack / France

5 Tim and Edd / their uncle’s house

6 Meg / grandmother’s

Answer.Дай відповідь.

1 Were you at school last Sunday? No. I was not (wasn't V

2 Were you in Italy on holidays?_________________________

3 Was your friend in the mountains?_____________________

4 Was the weather fine in w in ter?________________________

5 Were you parents at home last Saturday?_______________

6 Was your teacher sad?_______________________________

7 Were you in a hotel on holidays?_______________________

Write where children were on their holidays.Напиши де були діти на канікулах.

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Make up questions.Утвори питання.

1 Sam / his brother / in the mountains / were / and? Were Sam and his brother in the mountains?

2 England / winter holidays / in / his / was / on / Jack?

3 Tina / yesterday / at the Zoo / was?

4 and Jeff / were / yesterday / Mark / at school?

5 it / in winter / was / cold?

6 in / were / last weekend / you / the park?

Look at Vicky’s plans for a weekend. Ask and answer.Подивись на план Вікі щодо уікенду. Запитай і дай відповідь.

1 — Was Vicky in the playground onVICKY’S [FLAMS Saturday?

Saturday — Уes, she was.0 go to the playgroung 2 ________________x] go to the park0 go to the Zoo

Sunday0 go to the grandparents’0 go to Bills’ house0 go to the swimming pool

5 8

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<1 Help Smiley to put the words into the proper boxes.Допоможи Смайлі розмістити слова у відповідні рамки.

[d] [t] [id]

opened, acted, jumped, |asked, lived, painted, j

visited, played, liked

2 These are Kate’s plans for Saturday. Today is Sunday.Write about it in the past.Це плани Кейт на суботу. Сьогодні неділя.Напиши про це у минулому часі.

ІЖ ЇЕ’І PLM3S Satardiiif © help mum about the house.© water flower and wash dishes.© sledge with friends.@ visits granny in the afternoon.© watch favourite cartoons.© play with dolls in the evening.

Yesterday Kate helped her mum about the house._____


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Read what Sue did yesterday. Write that Mary didn’t do this.Прочитай що вчора робила Сью. Напиши про те, що Мері цим не займалась.

Sue was at home. Mary wasn't at home.

Sue watered the flowers. She_______________

She listened to music. _____________________

She washed her hair. _____________________

She played with her little brother. _____________________

She phoned her granny. _____________________

2 Read, ask and answer.Прочитай, запитай і дай відповідь.

Betty watched TV. 1 — Did Betty watch TV?— Yes, she did._______

Betty played with her friends. 2 ____________

Nick didn’t live in Italy. 3______________ ____________

Ron liked dancing. 4 _______________________

Betty didn’t paint pictures. 5 _______________________

Ron didn’t act as a king. 6______________ ____________

Nick cleaned his room. 7

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Answer.Дай відповідь.

1 Do you like skating?

2 Did you skate yesterday?

3 Did you help your mum last weekend?

4 Do you clean your room at weekends?

5 Did you play computer games?

6 Did you watch cartoons yesterday evening?

Read answers. Make up questions to them.Прочитайте відповіді. Створіть до них питання.

Do you like singing?________ — No, I don’t. I don’t like singing.

___________________________ — Yes, I did. I phoned my friendsyesterday

___________________________ — Yes, he did. He playedfootball last Saturday.

___________________________ — No, she didn’t. She didn’twrite letters last Sunday.

5 — No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t like dancing.

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Fill in.Заповни пропуски.

r ~ ------------------ ■go, came, see, learnt, come, saw, went, learn

V- __________ --.... J

1 — Did you_________ to the circus last weekend?— No, we didn’t. W e__________to the cinema.

2 — Did you_________ Mike yesterday?— Yes, I did. I _________ him after classes.

3 — Did you_________ the poem for today?— Yes, I did. I _________ it on Monday.

4 — When did you__________home yesterday?— I home at 2 o’clock.

Write as in the example. Then answer about you.Напиши за зразком. Тоді дай свою відповідь.

1 + I went to see my granny yesterday.- He didn't go to see his granny yesterday. ? Did you go to see your granny yesterday?You: _______________________________________

2 + I came to school at 8 o’clock today.-H e _______________________________________? _______________________________________________

You: _______________________________________3 + I did my lessons in the evening.

? ___________________________

You: _____________________4 + I saw my uncle last weekend.


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Complete the table.Доповни таблицю.

every day ; yesterdaygo went




every day yesterdayblowcomebuy


Make up questions to the answers.Постав питання до відповідей.

1 (When) When did you do your homework yesterday?— I did my homework after dinner.

2 (What)______________________________________________— I watched TV in the evening.

3 (What tim e)__________________________________________— I came home at 2 o’clock.

4 (Where)_____________________________________________— I had lunch at school.

5 (W hen)__________________________________________ __— I saw my uncle last weekend.

Write what you did yesterday.Напиши про те, що ти робив учора.

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Write what you didn’t do yesterday.Напиши про те, чого ти не робив учора.

Make up questions.Утвори питання.

Maths / Monday / you / Did / have / last? bid you have Maths last Monday?

Kate / was / yesterday / Where?

did / make / What / for / Mike / his mum?

she / When / a letter / did / write?

to school / did / come / you / What time?

did / Where / have / lunch / yesterday / you?

Page 66: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Un it б;tu' У) n Lesson 10

1Fill in.Заповни пропуски.

watched, took, went (x2), hotel, made, were, played, mountains, came, skied

Last winter I __________to the mountains. I stayed in a beautiful_______ . The rooms__________ very comfortable. I __________ my skies.

It was snowy in th e _______w e __________to our rooms and talked. We

. My friends and I . In the evening

snow, a snowmen and________ TV, played in thesnowballs. We to

bed late in the evening.

C 2 Make up questions.v Утвори питання.

1 last / Linda / go / did / where / winter?

2 What / there / she / do / did?

3 She / to bed / when / go / did?

Complete the questions.Доповни питання.

2 Who

did you do yesterday?

in the hotel last Sunday?

3 Where they on Sunday?

did you go skating?





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U n it 6 L.ESSON 1

1 Read and match.Прочитай і добери малюнок.

1 It is hot today, f

2 It is cold._____

3 It is sunny today._____

4 It is windy and cloudy.

5 It is raining._____

6 It is snowing._____

Fill in.Заповни пропуски.

Phil, photo, snowy, helps, Philip, shining, weather

Look at the We call it

. It is my cat. Its name is for short. My cat likes sitting in the window_________ . Today is Saturday. My family is at

home. My father always_________mum about the house on Saturdays.when the sun is

But sometimes we go skiing in the mountains when it isToday it is cold and rainy. I always watch cartoons or read books insuch________ . Say hello to your family.


6 6

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Put the words on the right lines.Розташуй слова на відповідних лінійках.

leaves ^summerseason ru1

.. ibj ____________m@nthOctoberautumn ’oftenAugust '

Draw the year map and write the seasons’ names.Намалюй карту пір року і напиши їх назви.

Fill in with the missing letters.Впиши пропущені букви.

It i s tumn. The w th e r i sb _ d .The s _ n is not sh _ ning . It of _ en rains. We st _ у at home. I don’t like this s son.

Page 69: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

W> т Lesson З

Help Smiley to put months into calendar pages.Допоможи Смайлі розташувати назви місяців на відповіднихсторінках календаря.

October, August, February, March, December, May, August, July, January,

September, April, November, June

W ttr E R S P R IN G

A l/y


Page 70: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

1 It is spring / winter now.

2 The weather is fine / bad.

3 It is / is not raining.

4 The sky is blue / grey.

5 The sun is / is not shining.

6 The wind is / is not blowing.

7 It is cold / warm.

Look, read and circle the right word.Подивись, прочитай і обведи відповідне слово.

Solve the Weather Crossword.Розв’яжи кросворд про погоду.


W| Е Т Н Е R

1 You can see it in winter. It is white and cold.

2 It can be blue or grey.3 It shines. It is yellow.4 You can’t see it. It can’t be of any

colour. It blows.5 It brings water to flowers and trees.

It helps them to grow.

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Complete the table.Доповни таблицю.

shall go to school.

He go to school.

We go to school.


She to school. They

Read and write as in the example.Прочитай і напиши за зразком.

This is Sally. She is half a year. She can’t do many things now. But she will be able to do them in the future.

1 1 year old / walkShe will be able to walk in 6 months.

2 2,5 years old / talk

3 4 years old / tell stories

4 5 years old / write letters

5 6 years old / read


6 6,5 years old / do sums

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U n i t 6 m m l e s s o n 5і .<',^\!v~'-1 ‘ ~.-..... - —-... ~

fV Write what you will not (won’t) do in summer.

Напиши про те, чого ти не будеш робити влітку.

go to school / have lunch at school / do homework / do sums / write on the blackboard / learn poems

Example: get up earlyI shall not (shan't) get up early.____________________

Write that your friend will not (won’t) do it.Напиши про те, чого не буде робити влітку твій друг. Example: get up earlyNick will not (wonY) get up early.___________

^ Make questions as in the example.4 Створи питання за зразком.1 you / at school / go / tomorrow? Will you go to school tomorrow?2 friend / meet you / tomorrow?____________________________________3 you / black shoes / tomorrow? ___________________________________4 m other/d inner/ton igh t?_______________________________________5 you / sport / next Saturday?_____________________________________6 best friend / your house / weekend?______________________________7 you / party / Friday night?_______________________________________

Page 73: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

( j Colour the Easter Symbols Map. Write down the words.( Розмалюй карту великодніх символів. Напиши їхні назви.

С 2Read, ask and answer about the Easter Bunny.Прочитай, напиши питання та відповідь.

I’m the Easter Bunny. I can hop and run.I hide the eggs.It’s really fun!Hop! Hop! Hop!Run! Run! Run!Find the eggs!It’s really fun!

Example: — Will the Easter Bunny hop at Easter? — Yes, it will.

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Un it 6 V- Щ |!c: Lesson 6

c зLook and write what English and Ukrainian children will do before Easter.Напишіть про те, що будуть робити англійські та українські діти готуючись до Великодня.


Easter cake

Easter eggs

Easter bunny rabbit


In England they will cook an Easter cake.They ________________________

iß ' Щ

Easter bread (paska)

Easter eggs (pysankas)


...Ukraine In Ukraine they will cook an Easter bread.T h e y ________________________

They They

Solve the Easter Crossword.Розв’яжи кросворд «Великодень»

1 They say this small animal brings coloured eggs at Easter.

2 He is our Father.3 It is what we paint and colour at Easter.4 It is the place where people go on

Easter Sunday.5 It is a great day.6 It is an Easter symbol.

© —



R □

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m m і>\ і ] Lesson 7

Interview your classmate about his I her plans for summer and put a tick {/) for a positive answer or cross (*) for a negative one.Візьми інтерв’ю в однокласника про його / її плани на літо. Познач галочкою (^ ) ствердні відповіді або хрестиком (*)заперечні.

1 Will you2 Will you3 Will you4 Will you5 Will you6 Will you7 Will you8 Will you9 Will you10 Will you

Write about your classmate. Use the interview and the example below.Напиши про однокласника. Використай інтерв’ю і зразок внизу.

Example: Bill will not (won't) visit his grandparents. He will go to the camp.

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Read and match with the pictures on the right page.Прочитай і добери відповідний малюнок на сторінці справа.

I’m playing with a dog, I’m jumping like a frog.

I’m swinging like a parrot, I’m eating a carrot.

I’m walking like a cat, I’m flying like a bat.

I’m sleeping like a bear, I’m sitting on the chair.

I’m hissing like a snake, I’m cutting a big cake.


I’m swimming like a fish, I’m speaking English.

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Colour, cut out and glue an the left page.Розфарбуй, виріж і приклей у відповідне місце на лівій сторінці.

7 7

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•.Dj . f \ > і ь \ і °< ,0, 'jb. ■■ Worksheets

Colour the pictures and cut out them. Play the board game and say the correct answer.Розфарбуй і виріж малюнки. Пограй у гру: знайди відповідний малюнок і відповідь.

a) a letter.b) a book.c) a comic book.

Jessica is reading

Luke is playing

Ronnie is eating

a) the guitar.b) the piano.c) with a dog.

a) a banana.b) a carrot.c) a sandwich.

Super Suzy is drinking a) juice.b) tea.

Elliot is reading

Jessica is playing

c) super milk.

a) a comic book.b) a letter.c) a book.

a) with a dog.b) the piano.c) the guitar.

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Навчальне видання

Карп’юк Оксана Дмитрівна

Англійська моваРобочий зошит

для 3 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів

Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України

Англійською та українською мовами

Редагування Ігор Ратушний

Малюнки Олена Волошинська

Дизайн Андрій Костишин

Комп’ютерна верстка Ільницький Роман

Формат 84x108 1/16. Гарнітура Аріал. Папір офсетний. Друк офсетний. Умови, друк. арк. 8,4. Тираж 25 000 прим.

TOB «Лібра Терра», 46025, м. Тернопіль, вул. Липова, 10 Свідоцтво про внесення до Державного реєстру суб’єктів

видавничої справи ДК № 2039 від 22.12.2004 р.

Замовлення по тел. (0352) 23-61-44, 52-55-95, 098-6472104 e-mail: [email protected]

Page 80: Karp yuk o_angliiska_mova_3_klas_robochii_zoshit

Навчально-методичний комплект для 3-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів

До комплекту входять:• підручник• робочий зошит• книга для читання• аудіододаток• мультимедійний додаток• методичний посібник