
download Karoo

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Transcript of Karoo

  • irrrention"

    Oscar-winning wriler Steve Teeich masterful lycreateo and destroysthe sad, mad world of $aul

    tos"i,olirrg.,rt r.nnl ro liri

    londed a'ilh*ise oulruSye"

    ,'rtr'l hr,r't') I l; ll",'Karoo.

    I@IOO is an alccholic who can'tget drunk, a ioving fatherwho cantbearto be alone with hie son, fixer of fitm scripts *ro admiis thathe ruins \rry orrc of thern.Galarnity and comedy accornpany Seulon his cdyssey through sex,death and $rowbusiness as he seksto 'fix'both a master dictor'speatast film and his own broken lifu atth samo time.


    business *f makinE movies'Richard E Grant

    "l t'rifi r. Nake,l ly huur sl. a rou r cle fon r--"

    ofse(.l1inrtion.. ..

    .lt Saul spiult intt' /iw[ll