


Father’s Day is the right time for fathers to put on the mantle of “THE REPAIRER OF THE BREACH,” and assume the position to RAISE UP THE FOUNDATION OF MANY GENERATIONS AND BUILD THE OLD WASTE PLACES.

Transcript of Junereparing1li

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Precious Stones

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This Father’s Day is an unusual one and could become

a most memorable one to date. Because this Father’s

Day is the one that fathers should be given over and

above the well-deserved recognition for those who mer-

it the praiseworthy deeds of good character and support

of their families. Many of them aren’t expecting any-

thing, some even forget about it, not because it’s not

important, but they considered it their reasonable ser-

vice and love their families, but the acknowledgment

should be done. Especially in light of the fact that so

many fathers deserve absolutely nothing, just sperm

donators and often the only credit to their existence is a

beautiful little creation that looks just like them.

Since that is the perception of them, this paper and ink

won’t be wasted on them, that’s not being judgmental

of them, it is only where evidence has been proven it

true, but “if the crack pipe fits smoke it.” I used to no-

tice when I was pastoring, that on Mother’s Day we

gave all these gifts and flowers, they wore the most

beautiful hats you’ve ever seen. Special recognition

was given for extraordinary service, the aged some-

times were given plaques for their participation in cer-

tain church events. I even featured some of them on my

television broadcast it was a very anticipated festive

occasion, an air of appreciation and happiness filled the

place while I always did an accompanying message.


Fathers would fix dinner that day or take the

family to dinner, I don’t cook so it was a restau-

rant and long lines that reached to Christmas.

But Father’s Day nobody said nothing, because

it was left to the women to orchestrate and no-

body never came to me about doing anything. I

had to suggest somebody do something one year

that started the ball rolling, it was okay, nothing

to write home about and certainly wasn’t going

to win any prizes. I am sure they were very

grateful (smile). I did my usual Father’s Day

message and dug as deep as I could at trying to

pulling out every hero, champion and warrior I

could to establish the struggles of a black father.

Because he was not an ordinary father, his strug-

gles were different, his competition was greater,

his work was always harder.










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Seldom getting an appreciative word, I

don’t remember giving my father a Fa-

ther’s Day gift though I sure we did, be-

cause I practically idolized him and want-

ed to spend every moment with him,

because he left when I was six. If you

asked if I came from a broken home, “I

would say, yeah, we were broke so

what.” I didn’t know we were poor until I

was 35 years old, because I wore alliga-

tor shoes when I was 17 years old, ma-

ma did it like that she gave us every-


When I hear of the fathers who sup-

port their children even when they can’t

stand the mothers, I want to stand up

and salute you. I have the utmost re-

spect for the men who stayed, who sac-

rifice, who teach and model the excel-

lence of propriety and balance their

strict standard-bearing discipline with

unmistakable love and protection at all cost. A black father

is special, there is nobody like him on earth. Because when

you say father, you’ve already gone pass the fact that he has

given that woman all the love she needs first and is guided by

a heart bursting with love that is filled by God from meeting

with Him every day. He recognizes his inadequacies and seek

the help of God to be the best he can be, ever evolving into

purpose and his reason for being here. He knows it can only

come through Christ our Lord, with the messages he hears

and his daily prayer and study of the word of God purpose is

beginning to crystalize in front of him.

I salute these men today, but there is

as always, for a black man, a step further we must travel. I

speak to the reality of him and not to the political correct

Norman Rockwell picture people would like to paint, that is

not the real world. My using a Norman Rockwell picture per-

fect scenario of a white world is not going to make the black

man’s situation any better, unless Norman Rockwell is going

to paint what really exist, what he is looking at is the view

through white lens. Because that is not my brother’s lot, nor

is it the way world deal deals with him, he is being asked to

speak from the picture painted for him, a universality manu-

factured by white people, not the way it is and saying what

people want us to say is not going to change it.

This language is disturbing to some people, they prefer the disarming, ir-

relevant and conciliatory tones that disengage any protest, when it is quite

clear the levels of equality are nowhere near any balance.


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The weight rest with fathers, not just

a black man, but fathers because that is

where the problem began and it is in

that area we arrest our dilemma. Fa-

thers are the foundation and definition

of family, this become clear from the

focus and stress placed on women trying

to rescue family and the numbers on

brokenness only rose higher. Our situa-

tion will not be fixed by no one but us

and stop expecting anyone to do it for

us. In my first book, “The Inheritance

The Promise Of Blood” I talked about

how the problem started and the key to

fixing the situation is there as well. But it

also reveals the special gifting God ap-

pointed to us, Hamitic people and it is

frankly why the world has targeted black

people. God appointed a special gifting

that assist in the purpose of His will and

that made black people a target of satan

to accomplish his purpose.

This Father’s Day give special meaning to black fathers, be-

cause it is they who can give at a time noted for them receiv-

ing. If the tables are turned and fathers instead declare this

as a time they return to purpose, they might find God work-

ing with the corresponding date because it amplifies His pur-

pose. Throughout scripture what glorified God’s intent was

what He threw supernatural weight behind, many times

manifesting itself in the miraculous. We perceive these bibli-

cal incidents as isolated cases for a show of the miraculous,

when in actuality there was a prophesied purpose toward a

prophesied end. The people just played a role toward a plan

God had already spoken that would come to pass.

If the problem with black people had its beginning

between father and son and the desire of God is to correct

right order. Then fathers can affix themselves to purpose and

obtain the assistance of God in something He wanted to ac-

complish anyway . In the upcoming message, “Turning

Point” I reveal why this timing is so special, it is this season

where we are able to make some things happen that have

plagued us as people for all of our existence. By fixing our-

selves to the purpose of God for this season, we can also fix

the problem that many people, if they told the truth think

will never and cannot be fixed. That however, does not

square with bible or the nature of God, He always leaves a

remedy, it is whether or not the pursuant has the faith to

break through the barriers. As part of the tripartite arrangement of the cre-

ation of the human family , Ham represents a significant component of the

three parts.


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There was Japheth, Shem and Ham the

one from which we sprang, they repre-

sent King, Priest and Prophet which is

the Hamitic appointment. It is the pro-

phetic through which the Messiah would

be identified when He came and Jesus

made this clear by referencing the

prophecies to identify He was the Messi-

ah. Always reminding the people of

what the prophecies said of the Messiah

when He would come so that they would

know this is He. However, the people

then were consumed as they are today

with the political and the societal con-

cerns and totally overlooked what God’s

intent and order about remedying the

whole situation. Israel’s liberation from

Roman bondage just happening to be

synchronized with the coming arrival of

their long awaited Messiah. They were

looking for the restoration of Israel as a

kingdom (Acts 1:6) which was political

and social, they were not concerned

with the spiritual, which was what God

was trying to establish first. Had they

accepted and received Christ as King, the

kingdom would have been set up, but

they wanted what they wanted and the

way they thought it had to be done with-

out consideration for what God wanted.

This was God’s timing (turning point) and the manner He

chose to do it, but their religious pride and the urgency of

their need as they thought took precedence over anything

else. What they did not understand was, Jesus was coming to

provide salvation for the whole world and then the world to

come, in the process Israel would be liberated as well and a

kingdom established at the same time. But they were not

concerned with the world or what God wanted, the prophe-

cies said a deliverer would come and they thought it was just

for them.

So it is with black people today, it is not God’s concern

that we consider, but all the social ills that we have been

afflicted with and deservedly so. Jobs, health care, a bad

economy that assist everyone else first, even the way politi-

cians mention fixing the problem (the middle class) does not

include the bulk of black people, housing, education, an un-

just court and justice department and police brutality. Even a

black president has not brought any sense of equity or atten-

tion to the situation, it is left to a false sense of perception

and the illusion of making history while leading a deluded

people down the yellow brick road. The focus is not what

God’s concern is, we think church takes care of whatever that

is, then get back to paralysis of a benumb state of existence.

This is terrible for black people because God’s order is to use

the prophetic in times like these, in other words it is our hour

at this “turning point.” In bible, it is where the prophetic al-

ways showed up, it is where the specialist was necessary, one

who knew how to move with ease in the realm of the spirit.


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This is terrible for black people because

God’s order is to use the prophetic in times

like these, in other words it is our hour at

this “turning point.” In bible, it is where the

prophetic always showed up, it is where the

specialist was necessary, one who knew how

to move with ease in the realm of the spirit.

One who could with precision in sentient

perception navigate the uncertain terrain of

the spirit during spiritual warfare, who by

instinct when totally submitted to God dis-

cerns His heart. Who best to step into this

extraordinary period and time besides the

black male who wears the title of father. He

enhance the probability of change for his

people if he comes as a “REPAIRER OF THE

BREACH,” because it is part of the promise

for the time when change would come.

Think about it, if end time eschatological

teaching and what the bible says about the

last days and when Christ would come is all

about restoring the world to what it was

before satan and sin. Wouldn’t that also in-

clude, in that course toward establishing

that end, include also the restoration of black people original posi-

tion. And if that be true, could we expect this world in the way it

feels about black people to say that or teach it. It is as if the only

message accepted is the world as it is and the perception of author-

ity as it is given and that includes the religious order. With the im-

portance of Fathers, black men who wear that title could wield a

sharper and more effective sword, because they are draped with a

prophesied mantle of restoration as well. It is like David as a 17

year old in battle against Goliath, he had to win because prophecy

was upon him to be King 13 years later when he was 30 years old

though he didn’t know it.

Because the bulk of what is happening to black people is due to a violation of the

office of “Father,” fathers moving in a corrective mode, during a TURNING POINT

wield a mysterious sword that begs the miraculous.



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So for sons who have become fathers, cor-

recting the sins of our fathers have the confi-

dence of God if we move in a faith mode of

righteousness and change. When Ham disre-

spected Noah as father finding him in a

drunken state, he ridiculed him rather than

cover his father. His impertinent attitude

towards his father cross the bounds of de-

cency and reverence and carried his inso-

lence further to infecting his brothers, which

had they listen would contaminate the en-

tire family. There was never a curse upon

Ham, yet the damage reverberated through

generations of time and serve as the only

explanation for the disconcerting shame,

abuse, torture, enslavement and lack of fa-

milial cohesion, and brotherhood. Why was

this such a violation that seems so unforgiva-

ble, why wouldn’t God move before now,

because it was violation of God, against God

and who He meant to be to the entire world.

God was not known as “Father” until Jesus

came, He was known as Yahweh, Jehovah,

but that did not distinguish Him from other

so-called gods. As Father there was a great-

er intimacy and under that title He would

reveal Himself in a more personal manner.

No other deity made these claims nor could

they, as nothing more than clay made by men’s hands and God

made this attempt at the beginning of the new world after Noah

left the ark. Though the other two sons (Japheth and Shem) would

know Him, it was the intimacy that Ham would have brought to

the developing family that would provide the personal warmth of

relationship and private involvement of the heart above order and


God tried from the beginning to solve the problem of just order

and ordinances, in other words loving because we commanded to

do it, is different from a heart that wants to do it. The relationship

of intimacy and personal communication trumps cold dead rituals,

ceremony and ordinances which didn’t require a participation of the

heart. Notice how far reaching this affect was from the time of No-

ah to the time of Christ coming, now we know the reason Israel

kept backsliding throughout their existence when they knew who

the true and living God was. The personal sentient feeling was

missing, the heart was not a part of their worship, therefore ordi-

nances, rituals and ceremony took the place of heart felt involve-

ment. Now we understand the real reason why what we call soul in

black folk is instinctive nature. It is a corruption of original intent,

in right order, it was meant to be directed towards worship in loving

and serving God. Hamitic nature didn’t change, the primordial sub-

stance of their nature didn’t change, only the influence upon it

changed, which also changed its direction and worship. Why was it

so important to satan to use Hamitic nature, because it was the

prophetic he was looking for the ease of communication and as it

was throughout bible the imitation of God and present himself as

that which was prophesied.

Jesus came as a Son and He said that the Father and He were one, the intimacy is

seen in the fact that He said, the words He spoke was not His but the Father, they had

the same heart.

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The prophetic therefore would work not as

learned behavior, but because of the same

heart and the Spirit communication was an

essential element of the Hamitic heart. The

Spirit flow from God was through the pro-

phetic channel, it personalized the communi-

cation and mark the intimacy. The Father’s

desire came before any and everything, His

will was to be done on earth exactly as it was

in heaven. When the church operates out of

its intellect and mind, it functions exactly on

the same basis the world operates on, which

was never God’s intent. The mistakes the

church makes is out of this same vein, it is an

operation of soulishness which became in

charged after sin, soulishness is the fallen

state. The weight of Ham’s error is

here, we try to correct black folks problem

out of the same intellectual vein in our

attempt to be as good as anybody else or

prove we’re not inferior or show how intelli-

gent we are. That is not where our strength

is, we have allowed the world to make us

ashamed of our gifted purpose. As a result

we have not been able to return to our origi-

nal created purpose, in addition, in trying to mix with everybody

else, our distinction is also lost which means we eliminate the

world’s need for us, which leaves us begging them for inclusion.

Our ability to be so expressive in loving was original product of our

created purpose to be directed towards God and to teach the

world to do so. The prophetic is more about leading the world back

to God in the loving manner that is our nature, the love the world is

talking about is a matter of the head, not the heart, that’s why they

can “love” across forbidden boundaries and constantly redefine it.

Jesus birth, death and resurrection correspond with the ordinances

or feast day celebrations to introduce them to the intimacy which

comes through Christ as was originally intended.

Ham as the prophetic through prophetic insight

would have brought this aspect into view when

they emerged from the ark thousands of years

before Christ. Now we understand the longevity

in our suffering, because it has been the same

spirit that created the violation in charge rather

than the sentient heart God created with a purpose. So corre-

sponding with Father’s Day is the right time for fathers to put on

the mantle of “THE REPAIRER OF THE BREACH,” and assume the


AND BUILD THE OLD WASTE PLACES. Father’s Day can become the

day we repair the damage and embrace THE CAUSE OF OUR FA-

THERS (Isa.58:12).


Salute The Prophetic N U

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When King David was old and he learned

from the Lord that he wouldn’t be allowed

to build the House of The Lord as it was in

his heart to do. He had prepared the materi-

als to accomplish the work and gather the

workers according to their skills, but he com-

mission his son Solomon to build the Lord a

house ( I Chron.22:8). God spoke to David

before Solomon was born that he’d have a

son and what was to be his name and Solo-

mon loved the Lord. He followed the Lord as

his father David had followed the Lord, it

was not that David didn’t make mistakes, he

made many of them, some drastic and dead-

ly. But in as earnest as he was in seeking and

following the Lord, he sought forgiveness in

his error with the same fervency with all his

heart. As a father David loved all chil-

dren as God had loved him, this same spirit

was passed on to Solomon his son. He

learned that God was the source of strength

and victories, the wisdom of his kingdom,

inspiration of his praises and the reason for

his meditation. He wrote many songs about

the intimacy of that relationship, from where

we get the Psalms of scripture. David and his

kingdom was a foreshadowing of Christ to

come as King and His kingdom, so God had

to guide David in order to properly picture

Christ. Therefore if Christ would be the epit-

ome of a Son and father relationship with

God as His father and David foreshadowed

that depiction, characteristically he had to

be suitable. David must have the kind of

heart that was sensitive to God, not by or-

der, ordinances and ceremony, but by na-

ture consisting of all the flaws

and imperfections. But at the

seat of his emotions he knew

God and loved God with all his

person (Spirit, Soul and Body)

and demonstrated it in his ac-

tions. The reason God said,

“David was a man after His own

heart,” knowing the sins David

was guilty of and would commit,

is because David never led Israel

into idolatry or allowed it in his


David said something to Sol-

omon that is very important,

especially since he Foreshadows

Christ, which would mean the

embodiment of a principle in

Christianity. Because it reveals a


POWER God has given to the

office “FATHER,” that means it is

a declaration that God stands by.

In the chapter quoted above, I

Chron. 22:11 David says to Solo-

mon his son, “Now, my son, the

Lord be with thee; and prosper

thou and build the house of the

Lord thy God, as He hath said of

thee. Then in vs:12 David contin-

ues, “Only the LORD give thee

wisdom and understanding and

the LORD give thee charge con-

cerning Israel, that thou mayest

keep the law of LORD thy God.”

Then David makes a staggering

statement which sums up most

preaching today, without the

prerequisites I mention above,

they are the CONDITIONS upon

which the PROVISIONS God

promise be done. In vs:13 Da-

vid’s staggering statement,

“THEN shall thou prosper, IF

thou takest heed to fulfill the

statute which the LORD charged

Moses with concerning Israel: BE



DISMAYED. Here we have a

father issuing the rites of pas-

sage unto his son, containing

the key to his SUCCESS, RICH-


didn’t come from a self-help

book, seminar or conference,

but a father on his dying bed,

passes on to his son the intimacy

of his relationship with God, that

included God’s promises. In or-

der for a father to do this he had

to have a relationship himself,

one of some depth, not just

church membership. The scrip-

tures record the incident later

after Solomon had assume the

throne of his father that the

LORD appeared to him in a

dream ( IKings 3:5-14).

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In the dream God spoke to Solomon and

asked what he wanted, what shall I give thee

and Solomon recounted all the things God

had done for his father. But he didn’t men-

tion warrior, riches or honor, instead he

mentioned, the righteousness, truth, up-

rightness of heart, kindness notice what his

son picked up from the father and the rela-

tionship he had with the LORD. This was spir-

itual intimacy between God and his father

David, these are things that stood out most

to Solomon about his father, not religious

ostentatiousness or what was commonly

discussed on the daily talk shows. He goes

on to mention his humility, in that he said, “I

am but a child and know not how to go out

or come in,” this is the way his father David



Then he asked for understanding heart

to judge (THY) people and discern between

good and evil, for who is able to judge this

thy great people. Acknowledging they were

God’s people (NOT HIS) and he was unable

to do it without the help of God (HUMILITY).

Why would God ask Solomon these things

when God already said he would do this and

greater. Here is the staggering connection to

what I said earlier, IT WAS BECAUSE GOD




was sown in his heart or not, the AUTHORITY

AND POWER of what God gave to fathers to

pierce and mold the heart of sons. That’s why it is thoroughly im-

portant that the father honor, respect and reverence God and Him

only does he serve, helps God to empower the words and action of

the father upon the son.

Notice David had said earlier that, AS GOD CHARGED MOSES,

that meant according to their law, in other words, their bible. To

know and be able to hear the voice of the LORD as Moses and Da-

vid did required a private heart of intimacy, not intellectual prow-

ess. It was the words of his father that made an indelible impres-

sion on the heart of the son, because it was created to do so. Now

we can understand why Ham disrespecting his father Noah was

such a serious offense, because it was to shatter the order, vehicle

and vein through which God was setting up communication chan-

nels. It was to be by the intimacy of the heart and since it was

Ham’s forte’ and specificity, he obstructed and devalued the order

of God and God’s desired purpose in using him to display.

Allow me to take it further, in Josh. 1:7 in another episode of trans-

ferring power and position of a father to son, Moses the spiritual

father of Joshua his successor. Those classic words we hear in

church circles today about how to be blest, “ONLY BE THOU





GOEST.” This is the prescription for the dilemma black men and

black fathers face today, this was God Himself, speaking the same

words to Joshua that David spoke to his son Solomon.

This solidify the solemnity that these words carry, what David

said to Solomon, God Himself says to Joshua in the same kind of

situation. It is very important that I convey these words in the Spirit

in which they were given and more important that I reference it in

BLACK, particularly in reference to black fathers and sons. . Had

that been in contemporary literature, media, movie or a pictorial,

Joshua, David and Solomon would have been portrayed as WHITE,

which is difficult for black men to perceive as meant for them.

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Yet it is taboo to speak in terms of “color” or reference black people in the resolution of a plan or even what God has to say

about a remedy for black people. Immediately, we will hear don’t you mean “ALL PEOPLE,” respectfully, NO I DON’T!

While this is the word of our God and He meant it for all people, the focus here is BLACK, IT IS MEANT TO CAPTURE THE AT-


THE 12TH OF NEVER. I hope anyone can benefit from this word and they can, but my target is black men, if you don’t aim at

something you will certainly hit nothing. In so many instances God is being blamed for our trouble and that certainly isn’t true, so

it is just as much justification and vindication of God. What good does it do for me to know the truth of these situations and my

brother not knowing dying in the street or portrayed as an animal. How many black men have heard that Ham was cursed by

God and that’s why he is black, ALL OF WHICH ARE LIES, but how many know or have even heard a scintilla of what I have taken

this lengthy time to express. I didn’t bother to go into the black lineage of David and Solomon or the Kings, Queens, Prince, Priest

and prophets that were black in the bible. Because this isn’t about color, that argument is older than I am, but the spiritual inter-

course is something not too many people understand or will risk the investment of time and money.

Ham mocked the image of God, in God personalizing Himself to the people of the earth, God was casting Himself as Father to the

inhabitants of the earth. This was of great importance and distinguished Him from the whole idea of a “god,” the relationship

took on a personal air of distinction and respect. Noah represented this and His portrayal, so it was God in the final analysis that

Ham disrespected as well as the intimacy of the portrayal. Ham’s nature didn’t change due to the incident, the breach just

brought an interruption between Ham and his father, breaking the influence of God upon his nature. The breach brought other

problems, because it was Noah that named him and would take his father to teach him what his name meant, which was a suffix

of the name of God Elohim or Elo-Ham since the “I” was interchangeable with “A.” Just as God told David the name of his son

Solomon and what he would do and God’s purpose for him, Noah would have to teach Ham who he was, but he brought shame

upon all this. So he lived out his whole existence without the influence of God upon his nature, yielded therefore to influence of

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satanic purpose.

By the third generation into full blown witchcraft and the occult in Nimrod, a breach between the father was to

wreak havoc upon the whole lineage. It is the knowledge of what God’s original intent and assigning ourselves to that, that

makes it possible to recapture the original covenant. If black fathers knowing that today would make a return to God and

our families, we could recover the purpose of the covenant and turn around what no other proposal for black people has

been able to accomplish. Please take note of all the problems throughout black lineage was upon the family, fathers miss-

ing, incarcerated, killed mostly by other black men, sons following in their footsteps, women abandoned, un-partnered,

unmarried, daughters pregnant. Everything that a father would have prevented, the very spirit that disrespected his father

(Ham and Noah) is the same spirit, unchecked running rampant throughout the black lineage. That is not white people’s

fault, the system or the world, though it is not design for us to make it. A father could have stop everything before it ever

got to white people, we can love, be hungry, bleed or die together, we didn’t solve one thing by running out, we only rear-

ranged the chairs on the Titanic.

This Father’s Day could mark a most memorable occasion on the calendar of black history, by securing the help of God

in winning other black men to the greatest use of our time. Since black men were meant to affect the world to that degree,

satanic stumbling-blocks is be expected. But the only position from which opposition can fight is the normal “color issue”

what would happen if we “turn on the light.” Then the world can see what was done in the dark, just by turning on the

light. It is understanding who we are that is our greatest strength, then understanding how it functions. This is key to acti-

vating the supernatural, because we will have embraced the will purpose of God and every promise He has made is then

effectively unleashed in our behalf. It is to fathers, the foundation of family, that is the “REPAIRER OF THE BREACH, THE



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