June Monthly Newsletter Odori 73

Volume 2 - Issue 3 June 1, 2009 “Teaching Real Hiphop Culture and Respect for All” Contents 1 - Message from Founder 2 Quote of the Month 2 Odori 73 Member List 3 & 4 Member Testimonial 5 & 6 Events, Workshops, Stories, Etc. I'd like to address a long time problem in the California and bboy scene worldwide! Cyphers, what's the deal? You go to events and see a bunch of bboys practicing at events! What’s wrong? Are you scared to get in a small tight circle with others like yourself and push yourself beyond your limits, show control, and elevate yourself and the kulture! Maybe I’m being critical, or maybe I’m being correct by reminding you all, it’s not just about the battles to get money and be famous, it’s about the cyphers as well! Also, let me get something else of my chest; mocking people at jam. Show some respect if you step to me or anyone like me who can do popping, locking, bboying and house dancing. If we’re battling in a cypher and the music, say changes to house and I start housing on you, don't act like a fool and try to make fun of me because you, yourself can't house dance to keep up with my variety and skill in the kulture of street dancing! Go home and practice some more or maybe take a class from somebody you know that can teach you that dance (hopefully without biting, or accusing me of biting when you don't know my history). Then challenge me and we'll see who truly is dope on the floor! Another thing as well, stop riding someone's jock! If someone is battling let it be handled between the two individuals battling. Stop supporting someone only because they are popular to you because when the battle is over and the other person you didn't show respect to steps to you to battle. Don’t get scared, get on the mic and talk crap; bring your skills to the floor, or step off! So, let's recap: cypher at battles, learn more than one style of street dancing - don't be limited, stop jock riding, and show some respect! Normally, I don't come off like this, but there needs to be some enforcing in this kulture and heads need to be reminded what this kulture truly is and not what they want it to be! If you don’t know the rules of bboying, ask me I’ll tell you, or show you were to find them! WORD UP! If you didn't know, now you know! BBOY Ziggy "aka the Politician" Founder Odori 73 Hiphop Worldwide President of Chapter 8-California TBB Rocking Crew (The Bronx Boys) Message from the Founder:


June Newsleter for Odori 73 Hiphop Worldwide

Transcript of June Monthly Newsletter Odori 73

Page 1: June Monthly Newsletter   Odori 73

Volume 2 - Issue 3

June 1, 2009

“Teaching Real Hiphop Culture and Respect for All”


1 - Message from Founder

2 – Quote of the Month

2 – Odori 73 Member List

3 & 4 – Member


5 & 6 – Events,

Workshops, Stories, Etc.

I'd like to address a long time problem in the California and bboy scene

worldwide! Cyphers, what's the deal? You go to events and see a bunch of

bboys practicing at events! What’s wrong? Are you scared to get in a small tight

circle with others like yourself and push yourself beyond your limits, show control, and elevate

yourself and the kulture! Maybe I’m being critical, or maybe I’m being correct by reminding you

all, it’s not just about the battles to get money and be famous, it’s about the cyphers as well! Also, let

me get something else of my chest; mocking people at jam. Show some respect if you step to me or

anyone like me who can do popping, locking, bboying and house dancing. If we’re battling in a

cypher and the music, say changes to house and I start housing on you, don't act like a fool and try

to make fun of me because you, yourself can't house dance to keep up with my variety and skill in

the kulture of street dancing! Go home and practice some more or maybe take a class from

somebody you know that can teach you that dance (hopefully without biting, or accusing me of

biting when you don't know my history). Then challenge me and we'll see who truly is dope on the

floor! Another thing as well, stop riding someone's jock! If someone is battling let it be handled

between the two individuals battling. Stop supporting someone only because they are popular to you

because when the battle is over and the other person you didn't show respect to steps to you to battle.

Don’t get scared, get on the mic and talk crap; bring your skills to the floor, or step off! So, let's

recap: cypher at battles, learn more than one style of street dancing - don't be limited, stop jock

riding, and show some respect! Normally, I don't come off like this, but there needs to be some

enforcing in this kulture and heads need to be reminded what this kulture truly is and not what they

want it to be! If you don’t know the rules of bboying, ask me I’ll tell you, or show you were to find

them! WORD UP! If you didn't know, now you know!

BBOY Ziggy "aka the Politician"

Founder Odori 73 Hiphop Worldwide

President of Chapter 8-California TBB Rocking Crew (The Bronx Boys)

Message from the Founder:

Page 2: June Monthly Newsletter   Odori 73

Volume 2 - Issue 3

June 1, 2009

Bboy Props – Squishy Docious Crew - Fontana, CA

Quicksand - Franklin, WI

Trixtah – Ground FX Crew - Brea, CA

Twister - Marseille, France

Tyler - Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

Monstre Dave – Rock on City Krew - Milwaukee, WI

Bboy-H – Original Freestlye Crew - Morocco, Africa

Lammy – Squishy Docious Crew - Riverside, CA

Sa-Ewl - Squishy Docious Crew - Rialto, CA

Unite C – Toledo, IA

Keyoh – Squishy Docious Crew - Riverside, CA

Bboy Said H – Chrom Crew - Aix en provence, France

AtomicRoc – Sinestet Crew - Zagreb, Croatia

PoeOne – Style Elements Crew/MZK - Whittier, CA

Welcome to the NEWEST Members!

CLASE-J –American Voices Organization – Katy, TX

Farouk – Los Angeles, CA

GRIZ – Cypherstyles.com – Pittsburgh, PA

Bunny – Miles of Styles Crew - Lake Forest, CA

JaeBoogz – The Bronx Boys Rocking Crew – Fresno, CA

"I will unite with anybody to do right and with NOBODY to do wrong”

– Frederick Douglas

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Page 3: June Monthly Newsletter   Odori 73

Volume 2 - Issue 3

June 1, 2009

Empowering the Forgotten of Bboy and Hiphop Kulture –

“Laying it all on the Line”

There is a trend in Bboy and Hiphop kulture where politics, the media, and favoritism all come into play.

Battles, big and small, have been unfairly judged or have politics that have interfered with the decision

instead of it just being about who danced better. This trend has really affected the youth of the kulture

and also those with passion that never get a chance to prove themselves. This has changed the opinions of

thousands of people around the world on their outlook on Hiphop and Bboying in general, and it is not a

good one. What everyone needs to understand is that these AREN’T just battles! Bboying and Hiphop is

LIFE to many and when you mess with the integrity of someone's LIFE and their passion there is backlash

for it all!

It is compromising the integrity of the kulture and discouraging further and future generations of people

to get involved or stay involved! A judging decision does not only affect the winners and losers anymore,

it affects the whole community! This is because everyone in the community bases their faith and hope on

the outcome of battles being fair and just. I am not just saying this because I personally think any

particular crew or person should be winning, but because a huge number of people I have talked to about

this topic that have expressed their concern and anger.

Numerous times I have been at battles and young Bboys standing next to me (after decisions of winners

have been announced) have said to me - "I will never dance again". Most of these young guys are very

good and show great potential to become great dancers and contributors to Hiphop kulture. They are not

even upset most of the time about themselves not winning because they know they need to get better, but

because the crew or person they know is great did not win and someone or a crew that isn’t great won

instead. After hearing this from soo many guys, I then do not see these Bboys at any battles, big or small,

and I am 99% sure that most are not involved in Bboying or Hiphop kulture at all anymore. I know there

are many people that feel this way and have probably been soo discouraged they too have given up and

we don't even know because we never see them ever again. This doesn't mean these people are weak or

don't have passion and love for the kulture, they just know that no matter how hard they try they will

never win or get chances to win with horrible politics happening within the kulture! Leave the politics to

the President and the people in Washington D.C., don't bring this to a kulture that is live or die to soo

many people! If you continually get shut down and even ridiculed for what you love, eventually it wears

on your soul and makes you not want to try anymore because what is the point if you can never progress

or improve. I encourage EVERYONE to express how they feel and to not let anyone make you feel small or

unworthy. This is what is destroying this culture! It is the politics and the bad judging, that happens at

almost every event, and the arrogant attitudes! This is a kulture of peace and unity not of politics and


There is a difference between really knowing the history and foundation of the dance and kulture, and

then being paid or bribed for people to get somewhere within the kulture. Young people have respect for

those that judge with honest experience and knowledge. The problem comes in when a judge cannot even

tell a single soul exactly why a person or a crew won over the other. If you are truly knowledgeable and

have a firm grasp and understanding of the kulture and dance you will be able to answer and explain any

question that comes your way! If a judge cannot answer this question and explain to someone why, then

this basically says that the judges chose whoever they wanted to not based on their dance performance,

but something else. So, why even battle then?!!!!!!! If judges can come correct and really explain their

choices, then respect can be gained and it will give young people the good advice and faith they need to

get better and be good enough to win someday.

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Volume 2 - Issue 3

June 1, 2009

If this trend of political favoritism and hype continues it is basically saying to the youth, you are better off

just NOT getting involved because you will always be shot down by the politics of the game. You might as

well just say - here is a bag of weed, a gun, and a condom - go back to the streets!!!!!!!! The youth of the

world and many others use Hiphop as a way to stay away from those evils of the streets and they want at

least a glimpse at success or recognition for their efforts - if they cannot get it in Hiphop, then they turn

back to the streets because they know they can at least get recognition there whether it is right or wrong.

The youth are very impressionable and it doesn't take much to flip the switch in their heads. Most of these

people do not want the fame and glory of success, they just want people to know and respect their love and

passion for what they do, just like everyone else!

What this really all comes down to, is EVERYONE needs to be careful of what they say and do because this

kulture is never just about YOU, it is about millions of people around the world with passion and love for

what they do! Every decision has an impact and some more than others. Respect is earned and not just

given, which is what people involved in the bad politics need to realize - you cannot just give someone a

title or hype them up, to get respect for that person. Respect just isn't automatically given to someone

because politics or the media says so! You have to earn that respect by working hard and showing

everyone you deserve their respect whether you are winning or losing! So, before everyone goes on trying

to bad mouth about characters of individual people, crews, judges, or whatever, step back and think

about how you affect EVERYONE, not just yourself!

Sorry, for anyone who reads this and thinks it is way too long, but everything needed to be said and I give

mad props to anyone who speaks their mind and uses all avenues in the world today to get their message

out. I learn more and more about this kulture everyday from messages put out especially on MySpace by

KRS-ONE, Kurtis Blow, Busy Bee and many other legends and pioneers of this kulture. Why can we all

not do the same?!!! Facts will never get lost behind lies and cover-ups no matter how powerful one person

or crew thinks they are in the kulture! One day you will be blasted like all evil is! The Higher Power of

the Universe (whichever name you have for it and however you believe) will always be the one to decide

your fate in life no matter what you think about your actions, they NEVER go unnoticed or unpunished!

This was written for everyone, but if you do not get the message or disagree, well I guess that just sucks

for you. In the words of one of the greatest Hiphop groups EVER, the Roots, - "This is for all of my peoples

who understanding and truly recognize, same won't get it and for that I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE!" I do not

apologize, nor will I ever for what I have said because it is all true and real and if you don't get it, then I

am more than willing to explain it to you personally if you truly want to learn more - if you are just mad at

it then your loss! Most of the time the truth hurts, because people would rather live in a world of ignorance

instead of finding truth in their lives!

The mission of all true Hiphop heads is to protect and preserve this kulture for generations to come and to

all those who believe in this and want to help in this cause keep doing your thing! Never let the negative

attitudes and ignorance bring you down because no matter how many times you are beat down the day

will come when you will rise above it, along with all others doing it correct! Stay up, stay positive, and ban

together with those who believe in the TRUE missions of the kulture! Many blessings always!

Love, respect, and peace,

Mindi aka Bubbles

Hiphop Philosopher

Co-Founder of Odori 73 Hiphop Worldwide

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Volume 2 - Issue 3

June 1, 2009

Atomic Roc:

17.-18.05. FreeStyle Session Europe - for now we are on waiting list but first on it.

21.-24.05. xSTatic jam - judge on bboy battle and show with my hip hop crew.

30.05. KLC Most Wanted - battling

19.-20.06. West Coast Istra Battle - organize and host

26.06. Original bboy jam - judge 3vs3 battles



-Hot Import Nights Bboy Competition in Anaheim CA 3-14-09 1 vs. 1 1st Place



-Know Breaking Know Peace Jam Mar. 7th 2009 2 vs. 2 Competition in Redlands CA

1st Place

(Sa-Ewl & RayRoc(Space Invaderz))

-Manny Frost No Holding Back Bboy Competition Mar. 28th 2009 2 vs. 2 in Garden

Grove CA 1st Place

(Sa-Ewl & TCO(Art Of Freestyle))

-The Deck Jams Presents The Scoop Bboy Competition Mar. 29th 2009 2 vs. 2 1st Place Winners

(Sa-Ewl & Rayroc(Space Invaderz))

-Battle Strategies 2vs 2 Bboy Competition May 2nd 2009 1st Place Winners

(Sa-Ewl & TCO(Art Of Freestyle))


-Sa-Ewl vs. Fumi(Battle Reflexes/Seattle) Exhibition Battle @ Skools 4 Fools Long Beach CA Mar. 21st 2009



-Gymnastics State Championships Performance in Jurupa CA Mar. 14th 2009

(Lammy, Alfie, Keyoh, Green, Prosper, Joey Thrust,)

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Volume 2 - Issue 3

June 1, 2009

Bboy Props & Bunny Exhibition Battle @ Rock City 3 in Fullerton, CA on May 22, 2009:


Waz up everyone, Trixtah once again here I am currently writing from Russia. It's amazing out here, great experience so far.

The buildings for the most part are the same and remind me a lot of NYC, but some

of the buildings are very unique. I will have pics when I return for everyone to see.

The purpose of my trip is because I was asked by Wanda Dee of the KLF (from the

90's) (also first female DJ recognized by the Zulu nation) to perform with her as part

of her dancers. The hotel they booked me in was an amazing 5 star hotel and the

view was great along with the service and treatment top of the line. The club we're

performing at tonight is called the SOHO Club, it's supposed to be something like

bringing NY to Moscow type of deal, and they are having a special night with dinner

and a show, but the crazy part is that it cost a few thousand dollars just to get in!

From what I hear Russia has the most Billionaires in the world. So, I guess it

shouldn’t be a problem affording the entrance! We will perform 5 songs. If you are

wondering who Wanda Dee is just search YouTube for KLF and you will hear their



American Voices is a not for profit organization based in Houston. We have been active in

bringing US musicians, dancers and actors to over 100 countries since our founding in 1993.

In 2004 we began our Hiplomacy project with HaviKoro Break dancers, now called

Urgeworks. Since then we have taken hip hop programs, with a focus on dance, to dozens of

countries ranging from Afghanistan and Iraq to Belarus, Venezuela, Turkmenistan and Japan.

If Jazz was the international musical language of diplomacy in the 50’s, Hip Hop is the

diplomatic language of the new millennium. It is a great way to reach youth everywhere with

a positive message from both the United States and the real Hip Hop culture.

More about American Voices Hiplomacy program at www.americanvoices.org and on YouTube at



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