July 2013 FUMC Newsletter

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Transcript of July 2013 FUMC Newsletter

  • 7/28/2019 July 2013 FUMC Newsletter


    Church Phone:785-527-5608email address:[email protected] page:www.belleumc.org

    Church Office Hours:Monday thru Thursday8:00 am to 1:00 pm

    Closed Friday

    Emily Meckley, PastorCell Number: 785-577-1752Email: [email protected]

    Virginia Smith, Youth and FamilyMinistries CoordinatorOffice: Monday and Thursday9:00 am to 1:00 pmemail: [email protected]

    Pastor Emily

    A Monthly Newsletter 2013 M Street, Belleville, KS JULY 2013 issue, Pag

    W E L C O M E

    Worship ServiceSundays at 10:45 am

    YATTJuly 14 & 287:00 pmSanctuary

    Food Bank Hours:Monday thru Thursday9:00 to 11:30 amClosed Friday

    Sunday School9:30 am


    Itishighsummerandthelivingiseasyorso theysay. Life is alwaysgood,butisit easy? Idontthink

    Ithinklifetakeswork. Workisnotalwaysbad, infact,Ilikework.Ilikemyworkasapastor,andthework


    ofbeingadiscipleofChristishardwork, andyet,itistrulyprivilegedwork. BeingadiscipleofChristtak

    mywholebeing,therearenodaysofforvacation,oreasylivingdays. IamalwaysachildofGodandsaved



    Iwasalwaysabletotalkbacktomyearthlyparentswhenthingswereconfusing, orIwasangry. Yes,the

    weresomeconsequencesalso, butIdidgetmysay. AsachildofGod, Ifinditdifficult to talkback,Ime

    really,whatwould the consequencesbe if Godgets mad! WhileI am sureofmy salvation, I dontalwa

    understandwhatIwassavedfrom,orsavedfor.WhatamI reallysupposedtobedoing? Thisworkofmine


    ThestoriesofElijaharestoriesforme, also. AlthoughIhaveneverfoughtorkilledprophetsof anotherG




    AndlikeElijah,Iwait. Eventually,thewordoftheLordcomes.Itsaysgetonyourway,throughthewilderne






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  • 7/28/2019 July 2013 FUMC Newsletter


    On Friday evening, July 19th, our church will have the opportunity to extenthe hand of friendship and show that we are a welcoming congregation

    providing a safe haven to the Mission Team from Christ the King Lutherchurch of Hutchinson, MN. Every summer, a group of their youth go another part of the country to do mission work. Last year, they went

    Brooklyn NY...this year, they are headed to Arizona to work on a NavaReservation. There will be 50 members on their team and they will be stoppin

    in Belleville and staying at FUMC for a nights rest. Steve Olcott, TeaLeader, has expressed their appreciation to us for sharing our space with thegroup. Our local Mission Team will be hosting their stay.

    You can play an important role in encouraging, preparingand supporting a Rosebud VIM Team member in thei

    mission experience. PRAYER PARTNERS will share theitime in the mission experience by meeting before and aftethe mission trip, and by being in contact and prayer forthe duration. Rosebud Mission Trip is August 4-10. Pleascontact the office or Janet Heyka (527-0229) to be signedup to become a Prayer Partner with one of our VIM Teammembers. Those going on the Mission Trip include

    Pastor Emily, Phil Meckley, Sean Meckley, Virginia SmithCarolyn Rauch, Linda Young, Brian Young, Mikel HadachekGary Hadachek, Erica Hadachek, Tom Williams, MollyWilliams, Terry Skinner and Sherry Skinner. Please kee

    our First UMC Mission Team in your constant prayersJanetHeyka,MissionTeamLeader

    Our Church over the past several years has made the commitment of paying 100of our Conference Apportionments. Last year, the Conference reported that ALMethodist Churches in Republic County and Cloud County met their Apportionmen100%. We are on track to pay 100% of our 2013 apportionments! It will take all us to achieve this commitment for 2013 as the last six months of the year fly bJay Kallman, FUMC Treasurer

    I am grateful that Jay, as our Treasurer, keeps the Conference Apportionments in front of us. He pays thethroughoutthe year so we do not end up with amounts that are impossible to work with at the end of the yeYet, it is the good and faithful stewardship of our entire faith community that keeps us faithful to our locministry, but also faithful to our Annual Conference. As your Pastor, I am grateful for your responsibility an

    dedication to do the job of ministry in so many ways. Emily Meckley Page

  • 7/28/2019 July 2013 FUMC Newsletter



    On Sunday, July 21st, the Food Stand will bededicatedat 10:30 am during a specialWorshipService tobeheldatthe newFoodStandatthefairgrounds.Comecheckoutournewfacilityandseewhatitsallabout!

    The Fellowship Ministry Team is sponsoring amealtimetogether following theservicetogiveeveryone anopportunityto look the standoverandseehowitsgoingtowork.PleasebringaPotLuckdish to share, your owntable service, andlawn chair. Drinkswill be provided. Come chiland relax for awhile cause the next timeyoureinthestanditsgonnagetcrazybusy!

    at the

    CarolMonsantohasbeenbusyworkingonthepielistsforfairweek.Tovolunteer,signupatthechurch,callherat5275703,[email protected].

    Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee met on April 22nd, 2013, with all members presenincluding Emma Berggren, Kelli Childs, Sid Scofield, Waylon Sheetz, Jewelda Scofield, Susa

    Childsand PastorEmily.Wecontinued toworkon thejobdescriptions forVirginia, MartyanLinda.MartyandLindasjobdescriptionswereinplace,butseveraljobs(thatsheisalreadydoing)were added toMartys. Pastor Emily visitedwithusaboutherjobdescriptionaccording tothChurchConferenceandtheDiscipline.SusanandPastorEmilywillbeworkingtogethertofinalizeherjobdescription. Susanreported thattheLeadershipTeam isworkingonjobdescriptionsfotheTreasurerandFinancialSecretaryofourchurch.Staffjobdescriptionswillbekeptonfileinthechurchoffice.OurlearningtimeincludedtheintroductiontothevideoClergyHealthOurMinistryTogetherWe will be discussing ways that we can support both our pastor and staff to encourage anenhancetheirhealthinministrytoourchurch.Wewillbeplanningsomecelebrationsofthose


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  • 7/28/2019 July 2013 FUMC Newsletter


    Susannah Circle cleans both kitchens, sharpenspencils in the Sanctuary and visits Care Homes.

    July lessons for U.M.W. tells how God calls deaconesses and home missioners to serve in full timevocational ministries of love and service as they explore ways to support these servants of Christ.

    1 Samuel 16:7 KIV - For the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outwardappearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. Carolyn Rauch, President of our local unit


    Dear Loan & Scholarship Committee,Thank you so much for the scholarship. I am excited to begin myfreshman year at K-State. I plan a dual major in microbiologyand political science. The support of the church family trulymeans a lot; its nice to know I have a church I can always come

    home to. God bless you all, Lexia Aurand

    Dear generous donors & FUMC family,Thank you for supporting me through the years, and helpingto raise me into the woman I have become. Also, I thank youfor the kind thoughts, words, and scholarship to chasemy dreams academically. I will always remember my religiousfamily, especially as I face challenges on my own. Sincerely,Kristen Swiercinsky

    The Church Family,Thank you so much for thinking of me on graduation. I gratefullyappreciate all the love and support you have given me over theyears. Words can not describe how thankful I am to have grownup in such a blessed church. Thank you all, Gary Hadachek

    We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to all

    those that supported Drew and our entire familyduring his long battle with cancer and at his passing.We are unable to thank all those who offeredprayers and sent cards directly and cannot expresshow much your generosity, kind words and caringthoughts mean to our family.

    Thanks again!!! And keep in touch.Love ya, Ross & Jill Wurdeman

    July 23rd thru July 26th at

    Kansas Wesleyan University,

    Salina. The theme is . . .

    Learning Together for the Transformation of the World.

    These four days will be a time of learning as well as a time

    of fellowship as women study and glorify God together.

    (Formerly School of Christian Missions)


    Thursday, July 18

    8:00 amClean the Food Standat the Fair Grounds!

    Hostesses:At-Large Members

    (Notice date change due to thePot Luck at new stand on the 21st)

    SUSANNAH CIRCLETuesday, July 26:00 pm

    Hostess & Lesson: Doris Kriks

    RUTH & NAOMI CIRCLESNo Meetings in July!

    MASON ASHERwill be baptized onSunday, July 7th

    during Worship Services.

    He is the son of Allen & Amanda Keilersand little brother to Shaun & Lily.

    to Dusty & Shayna Sowards

    on the birth of their 3rd son,Gabriel Logan

    He was born on June 11th at 5:17 amweighing 9 lbs. and is 21 in.

    He is the little brother of Kenton & Isaac and thgrandson of Lynn & Kim VanNortwick.

    and...to Ben & Sarah Noble

    on the birth of their son,

    Isaac JosephHe was born on June 23rd at 6:15 pmweighing 5 lbs. 14 oz. and is 20 in.

    He is the grandson of Harold & Carol Monsant

  • 7/28/2019 July 2013 FUMC Newsletter


    Sunday, July 219:30 am - Sunday School10:30 am - Worship at the Food StandDedication by the Building CommitteeFollowing Worship - Pot Luck Dinner

    Monday, July 22

    10:30 am - Staff Meeting, Parlor

    July 23 - July 26UMW Mission U, Salina

    Wednesday, July 246:30 am - Commodities, 4-H Building

    Sunday, July 289:30 am - Sunday School9:45 am - Praise Team Practice10:45 am - Worship7:00 pm - Singspiration, Baptist Church7:00 pm - YATT, Sanctuary

    July 29 thru August 3Food Stand at the Fair Grounds

    July 1 - Ila Marie VanNortwick,Elaine Sedlacek,Shannon White

    July 2 - Drew Skocny, Alison MeltonJuly 3 - LaJean Sedlacek

    July 5 - Stacia Piroutek, Sue BomanJuly 7 - Virginia Molzahn,

    Katherine WilberJuly 8 - Nathan Rice, Courtney KaslJuly 9 - Joan Molzahn,

    Barry McCartneyJuly 10 - Mark VanNortwickJuly 13 - Jerry & Kathleen StumpJuly 15 - Jillian Couture,

    Gary & Sue Boman,Matthew Walker

    July 17 - Lynell KallmanJuly 18 - Doris Kriks,

    Christine Cooper

    July 19 - Amanda KeilersJuly 20 - Terry SkinnerJuly 22 - Abby Wurdeman,

    Steve Breeden,Bob & Joan Molzahn,Stephen & Laura Hobson

    July 23 - Pastor Emily Meckley,Don Wilber, Kerry Johnson,Seth Hiatt

    July 24 - Bob & Susie Arbuthnot,Levi White, Sherry Skinner,Janis Houdek, Edith Odell,Jerry & Shirley Richecky

    July 25 - Frances Esslinger,Phyllis Sherwood,Bernie & Betty Mohr,Hayley Piroutek

    July 26 - Sydney LewellynJuly 27 - Deb KrotzJuly 28 - Bernie Mohr

    July 29 - Tina Holton-RiceJuly 30 - Carol Monsanto,Jay & Lynell Kallman

    July 31 - Kaye Ray, Sean Meckley

    Marty will be outof town July 1st2nd & 3rd on

    Vacation.Joan Molzahn will

    assist in the office taking phonecalls and messages from

    9:00 to 11:30 am.A BIG THANKS to her for her

    very dependable help.Pastor Emily will be away from

    July 17th thru the 29thtaking vacation days.

    Everyone is invited to join for lunch at noon following tVBS program. Spaghetti, breasalads, drinks and dessert will provided for you by Ruth CircJust bring yourself & come enjo

    Monday, July 110:30 am - Staff Meeting, Parlor

    Tuesday, July 210:00 am - BHC Bible Study6:00 pm - Susannah Circle

    Wednesday, July 310:30 am - LTC Bible Study

    Thursday, July 4Independence DayOffice & Food Bank closed!

    Saturday, July 6VBS Work Day & OrientationCome & go to help as you are able!

    Sunday, July 79:30 am - Sunday School10:45 am - Worship - Communion,Elijah Series,Baptism of Mason Asher Keilers

    July 8 thru 129:00 am to Noon - VBS Week

    Monday, July 810:30 am - Staff Meeting, Parlor3:00 pm - Hospice, Overflow

    Wednesday, July 107:30 pm - SPPRC, Overflow

    Thursday, July 119:30 am - Church Chat at CPSL6:00 pm - Leadership Team, Overflow

    Sunday, July 149:30 am - Sunday School10:45 am - VBS Sharing ProgramAfter Program - Spaghetti Dinner7:00 pm - YATT, Sanctuary

    Monday, July 15

    10:30 am - Staff Meeting, Parlor

    Wednesday, July 17Newsletter Deadline!5:30 pm - Rep. Co Ministerial Assoc.,Fellowship Hall

    Thursday, July 188:00 am - Clean the Food Stand

    Friday, July 198:00 pm - Mission Team fromHutchinson, MN overnight at FUMC

  • 7/28/2019 July 2013 FUMC Newsletter


    Our Mission is to prayerfully:

    SEEK God

    GROW in faith

    LOVE and

    SERVE others

    For the transformation of lives

    PASTOREmily Meckley

    PRAISE TEAMPam Scofield, DirectorSid ScofieldJohn SurberStacia PiroutekWaylon SheetzKevin JohnsonKelby JohnsonMolly WilliamsSusan ChildsMolly HugJillian Couture (flute)Sean Meckley (violin)

    ACCOMPANISTS7/7 - Marge Waring7/14 - VBS7/21 - Tana Trost7/28 - Pam ScofieldUSHERSTom WilliamsBrian YoungTerry & Sherry Skinner

    BUS DRIVERChris Rice




    Come and stay...Come and go...

    Every minute you giveto help throughout the daywill be truly appreciated!

    COMMUNION STEWARDS7/7 - Lynn & Kim VanNortwick,

    Marvin & Janis Houdek

    GREETERS7/7 - Marvin & Janis Houdek7/14 - Emma Berggren, Grace Keller7/21 - Audrey Elyea, Waylon Sheetz7/28 - Steve & Jewelda Scofield

    CAF DEL SOULHOSTESSES7/7 - Lori Scofield7/14 - Deanna WhiteRefreshments - Lynell Kallman7/21 - Tandy Rundus7/28 - Jewelda Scofield

    AV TECHNICIANSKurt ChildsMikel HadachekRich Schintler

    Annette BredthauerBob Arbuthnot

    MULTI-MEDIAPam ScofieldKelli ChildsJanet Heyka
