FUMC January 2013 Newsletter

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  • 7/30/2019 FUMC January 2013 Newsletter


    A Monthly Newsletter 2013 M Street, Belleville KS JANUARY 2013 issue, Page

    W E L C O M E

    Adult Sunday School

    9:30 am

    Ages 3 years thru 6th Grade

    Sunday School

    10:00 to 10:40 am

    Worship Service & JAM

    Sundays at 10:45 am

    Church Office Hours:

    Monday thru Thursday8:00 am to 1:00 pmClosed Friday

    Food Bank Hours:

    Monday thru Thursday9:00 to 11:30 amClosed Friday

    Pastor, Emily Meckley

    Cell Number: 785-577-1752Email: [email protected]

    Church Phone Number: 785-527-5608Church email address:

    [email protected] web page:



    January 13 & 25:30 to 7:30 pm


    January 13 & 27:00 pm
























    http://www.belleumc.org/http://www.belleumc.org/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/30/2019 FUMC January 2013 Newsletter


    Thank you to all who SERVED for our Christmas Daymeal at the Church! What a success it was. Around 60people were served. Thanks to all of you who broughtfood, helped set-up, serve and clean-up, providedtransportation, and of course, those who invited someone.What a great way for people to get to fellowship andcelebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

    Looking forward to continuing to reach others and servein the coming year!

    Kelli Childs, Everyone Serve Committee Member

    VIM LEADER TRAININGTheKansasWestConferenceVolunteersinMissionarehostingtheirMissionTeamLeaderTrainingeventSaturday,January19,2013,10:00amto3:00p.m.atPleasantValleyUnitedMethodistChurch,Wichita.Uponcompletionofthisonedaycourse,missionteamleaderswillbecertifiedforthreeyears.Componentsoftheclassincludeselectingyourmissionsite,recruitingandequippingyourteammembers,budgetplanningandfundraising,spiritualtasksofmissionservice,culturalsensitivity

    andlegalissuesinmission.Theregistrationfeeis$25.00andwillincludelunchandtheteamleadermanual.RegistrationdeadlineisJanuary11,2013.Registerat....FormoreinformationcontactJanetRobinson,VIMCoordinator,[email protected].

    LASAGNA DINNER........oh, yummy!Pleasejoinus afterworshiponJanuary13in FellowshipHall forlasagna,bread,saladanddessert!TheMissionTeambehostingthisfundraisingmeal.Everythingwill beprovided.Afreewill offeringwillbecollectedtosupportthe BelleAfterSchoolProgramandGoldenBellHaven. (Followingthemeal,stickaroundtohelpboxandstoreourChristmasdecorationsforanotheryear.)

    CHABADZA FRIENDSHIP BRACELETSLastMay,wepartneredwiththeMachekeCircuitintheMakoniHarareDistrictoftheZimbabweEastConferenceoftheUnitedMethodistChurch.Communicationwithourpartnerchurchhasbeendifficult,butwewantthemtoknowthawearethinkingofthemandprayingforthem.Wearemakingfriendshipbraceletstosendtothecircuit.WehopetheywillwearthebraceletsasareminderoftheirbrothersandsistersinBelleville,Kansas,andprayforourchurchasweprafortheirs.Doyouoryourkidsenjoymakingfriendshipbracelets?WewillsendthebraceletsthatwemakewithadelegationfromKansasthatistravelingtoZimbabweinFebruary.MachekeCircuithasover100youthandchildren!LetsgetinvolvedimakingbraceletsforourfriendsinZimbabwe!MissionteamsfromKansasWestConferencetraveltoZimbabweacoupletimeseachyear.ThepurposeistobuildrelationshipsandcontinuestrengtheningtheChabadzacovenant.WewouldhavetheopportunitytopersonallymeetandhelpthoseatourpartnerchurchintheMachekeCircuit.JerryRicheckyorJanetHeykacantellyouabouttheirexperiencewhentheywenttoZimbabwe.PleasecontactJanetHeyka,[email protected],ifyouneedthreadorinstructionstomakebracelets,orifyouwantinformationregardingupcomingmissiontripstoZimbabwe.


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  • 7/30/2019 FUMC January 2013 Newsletter


    Officers for 2013 include: Carolyn Rauch (President), Carol Nicholson (Vice-President),Joan Grover (Recording Secretary), Emma Berggren (Treasurer), Wilma Snapp (Historian),

    Kaye Ray (Membership Nurture & Outreach)

    NaomiWednesday, January 237:30 pmProgram: Joan GroverHostess: Janis HoudekCo-Hostess: Grace Keller

    RUTHSaturday, January 510:00 am for a light BrunchHostesses: Lynell Kallman, Marty WestphalMeeting at Church Overflow for a Baby Showercelebrating Phebe Splichal, daughter of Scott & Stephanieand Peytons little sister!



    There will be no GENERALmeeting in January!

    Following the Mission Fundraising Meal (Jan. 13),come enjoy a yummy lunch of lasagna, bread, salad &dessert and stay after to pitch-in as we pack & storeour Christmas decorations for another year!

    Many hands make light work for all!

    Audio/VideoTechnicians:Kurt Childs, Mikel HadachekRich Schintler,

    Annette Bredthauer

    Multi-Media:Janet Heyka, Pam Scofield

    Bus DriverJay Kallman

    Ushers & Candle Lighters

    Tom WilliamsBrian Young

    (Looking for 2 new Ushersfor this month, call the office

    to volunteer.)

    Communion StewardsJanuary 6 - Rhonda & Regina Bird,

    Emma Berggren, Carol Nicholson

    Worship LeadersJanuary 6 - Deb KrotzJanuary 13, 20, 27 - TBA

    GreetersJanuary 6 - Emma Berggren, Grace KellerJanuary 13 - Don & Katherine WilberJanuary 20 - Francis & Marsha EsslingerJanuary 27 - Steve & Kathy Dunback

    AccompanistsPam Scofield, Marge Waring, Tana Trost

    Praise TeamSid and Pam ScofieldJillian CoutureJohn SurberStacia PiroutekWaylon SheetzKevin JohnsonKelby JohnsonMolly Williams

    Susan Childs

    Wednesday, January 13

    Sunday, January 135:30 to 7:00 pm

    Sunday, January 275:30 to 7:00 pm

    Well have a GREAT timewelcoming Virginia...our new

    Childrens & Youth Coordinato


  • 7/30/2019 FUMC January 2013 Newsletter


    We Care TeamMission Statement

    As God cares for us,we reach out to others in love;

    as we show Gods lightthrough our actions,our nurturing,

    and our compassion.

    The We Care Team of the FirstUnited Methodist Church ofBelleville is available to makehospital calls, visits in the homeand care center, send cards, makephone calls, provide food and prayfor those who suffer from illness,are homebound or bereaved. If you

    are someone, or know of someone,who needs the caringattention of one of ourteam members, pleasecontact the churchoffice at 527-5608.

    P O I N S E T T I A S

    Starting in 2007 through 2012we have earned $990.00 by

    redeeming Best Choice Labels(the bar codes). For each one wereceive three cents. I've sent in27,000 for a total of $810.00plus, they give us a $30.00 bonusonce a year for 1,000 labelsmaking $180.00 more.These funds go for our Elevatorupkeep so please keep themcoming. Thank you.

    Emma Ber$ren, Coordinator






    Given inLOVING MEMORY of

    Art & Sue Meyer

    from their Family

    Jonny Joyfrom the Family

    Neal & Donna Eickmanfrom John & Kandy Eickman

    Ralph & Helen Kelleyfrom Sharon Dolezal and FamilyBob & Dixie Kelley and Families

    Charles StaffordSusan Stafford

    from Pecky Stafford

    Connie Houdekfrom Marvin & Janis Houdek

    Larry Samsfrom Marvin & Janis Houdek

    Edna MitchellTony Cheney

    from Larry & Karen Cheney

    Max & Jeffrey DerowitschHugh & Lucy Spafford

    Elmer & Bernice Derowitschand Loved Ones

    from Huetta Derowitsch and Family

    Jim Haasefrom Paul & Jennifer Morris

    Given inLOVING HONOR of

    Marilyn Haasefrom Paul & Jennifer Morris

    Feed the Fish contributions inJanuary, February & Marchwill go to support theResource Council...please give generously!


  • 7/30/2019 FUMC January 2013 Newsletter


    January 9

    John & Dawn Surber

    January 10Dylan McCartney

    January 11

    Denise DoveLynn VanNortwick

    January 12

    Shirley Goodwin

    January 13

    Karen ClarkAlan Lawson

    January 14Levi Sporing

    January 15

    Janell Hadachek

    January 16Gary BomanWilma Snapp

    January 17Tim HiattMikel Hadachek

    January 19

    Larry Frydendall

    January 20Neva Hermes

    January 21Craig & Linda Ashto

    January 22Kevin JohnsonJay Surber

    January 24Betty Mohr

    January 25Paul Rundus

    January 27Lorene NickersonSid ScofieldSkyler Skocny

    January 29Bessie Krob

    Saturday, January 19

    10:00 am to 3:00 pm - VIM Leader Training

    Sunday, January 20

    Ecumenical SundayHuman Relations Day (offering)9:30 am - Adult Sunday School10:00 am - Youth Sunday School10:45 am - Worship Service & JAM4:30 pm - P.E.O., Fellowship Hall

    Monday, January 21

    Martin Luther King Jr.s Birthday Observance

    6:45 pm - P.E.O., Fellowship Hall

    Tuesday, January 22

    10:00 am - Parents as Teachers, Nursery5:30 pm - Parents as Teachers, Nursery

    Wednesday, January 23

    9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor7:30 pm - Naomi Circle

    Thursday, January 24

    6:00 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall

    Friday, January 25

    8:45 am - MOPS, Fellowship Hall/Nursery

    Sunday, January 27

    9:30 am - Adult Sunday School10:00 am - Youth Sunday School10:45 am - Worship Service & JAM5:30 to 7:00 pm - UMYF, Welcome Party forVirginia (New Childrens & Youth Coordinator)7:00 pm - YATT, Sanctuary

    Monday, January 28

    Deadline for Year End Reports!3:30 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall6:30 pm - Cub Scouts, Fellowship Hall

    Wednesday, January 30

    9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor


    January 1

    Keith & Barbara Cook

    January 2

    Jacob Rice

    January 7

    Pam Scofield

    Crystal Young

    Tuesday, January 1

    New Years Day

    Wednesday, January 2

    9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor10:30 am - LTC Bible Study

    January 2 - 4

    Meals on Wheels Week

    Saturday, January 5

    10:00 am - Ruth Circle, Light Brunch& Baby Shower, Overflow

    Sunday, January 6

    Epiphany of the Lord9:30 am - Adult Sunday School10:00 am - Youth Sunday School10:45 am - Worship Service, Communion

    Monday, January 7

    6:30 pm - Cub Scouts, Fellowship Hall

    Tuesday, January 810:00 am - BHC Bible StudyResidency, Pastor Emily out of town

    Wednesday, January 9

    9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor11:30 am - Ministerial Association, F. H.7:15 pm - Praise Team

    Thursday, January 10

    6:00 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall

    Friday, January 11

    Human Trafficking Awareness Day

    8:45 am - MOPS, Fellowship Hall/Nursery(Deadline to register for VIM Training)

    Sunday, January 13

    1st Sunday after the EpiphanyBaptism of the Lord9:30 am - Adult Sunday School10:00 am - Youth Sunday School10:45 am - Worship Service & JAMNoon - Mission Fundraiser Lasagna MealFollowing Meal - Boxing of the Greens5:30 - 7:00 pm - UMYF, Fellowship Hall7:00 pm - YATT, Sanctuary

    January 14 - 17

    Pastor Emily, out of town meetings

    Monday, January 14

    3:30 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall6:30 pm - Cub Scouts, Fellowship HallWednesday, January 16

    9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor3:30 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall7:15 pm - Praise Team

    January 18 - 25

    Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Pag

  • 7/30/2019 FUMC January 2013 Newsletter



    2013 M STREET

    BELLEVILLE, KS 66935

    FUMC Newsle!erJanuary 2013 Isue

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