Joshua. Title 1. Hebrew: [;veîAh [;vu(Ahy [;vu(y> 2. Greek: Ihsou/j Nau/j 3. Latin: Liber Ioshue.


Transcript of Joshua. Title 1. Hebrew: [;veîAh [;vu(Ahy [;vu(y> 2. Greek: Ihsou/j Nau/j 3. Latin: Liber Ioshue.

Page 1: Joshua. Title 1. Hebrew: [;veîAh [;vu(Ahy [;vu(y> 2. Greek: Ihsou/j Nau/j 3. Latin: Liber Ioshue.


Page 2: Joshua. Title 1. Hebrew: [;veîAh [;vu(Ahy [;vu(y> 2. Greek: Ihsou/j Nau/j 3. Latin: Liber Ioshue.


1.Hebrew: [;veîAh [;vu(Ahy [;vu(y>

2.Greek: Ihsou/j Nau/j 3.Latin: Liber Ioshue

Page 3: Joshua. Title 1. Hebrew: [;veîAh [;vu(Ahy [;vu(y> 2. Greek: Ihsou/j Nau/j 3. Latin: Liber Ioshue.



Page 4: Joshua. Title 1. Hebrew: [;veîAh [;vu(Ahy [;vu(y> 2. Greek: Ihsou/j Nau/j 3. Latin: Liber Ioshue.

Date of Writing

1405 – 1390 BC

Page 5: Joshua. Title 1. Hebrew: [;veîAh [;vu(Ahy [;vu(y> 2. Greek: Ihsou/j Nau/j 3. Latin: Liber Ioshue.


The Firstfruits of the PromiseGod had promised Abraham that his descendents would inherit the land of Canaan. This promise begins to be fulfilled in the book of Joshua, but only begins. I say that the theme is the firstfruits of the promise, because the people of Israel do not possess the land entirely, but only begin to take possession of it. They receive the land, but it is theirs to subdue.

Page 6: Joshua. Title 1. Hebrew: [;veîAh [;vu(Ahy [;vu(y> 2. Greek: Ihsou/j Nau/j 3. Latin: Liber Ioshue.

Purpose of Writing

Perhaps the most significant lesson of the book of Joshua is that victory is only possible through total obedience and faith in the Lord. Joshua details the victorious side of the Canaan campaign, where Israel was obedient and faithful to the Lord under the direction of Joshua, while Judges details the defeats of Israel as a result of their disobedience to the Lord after Joshua’s death.

Page 7: Joshua. Title 1. Hebrew: [;veîAh [;vu(Ahy [;vu(y> 2. Greek: Ihsou/j Nau/j 3. Latin: Liber Ioshue.

Christ in Joshua

The Commander of the Army of the Lord

Page 8: Joshua. Title 1. Hebrew: [;veîAh [;vu(Ahy [;vu(y> 2. Greek: Ihsou/j Nau/j 3. Latin: Liber Ioshue.

Christ in JoshuaThe Commander of the Army of the Lord

Joshua 5:13-15 Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you for us or for our adversaries?" 14 He said, "No; rather I indeed come now as captain of the host of the LORD." And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and bowed down, and said to him, "What has my lord to say to his servant?" 15 The captain of the LORD'S host said to Joshua, "Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy." And Joshua did so.

Page 9: Joshua. Title 1. Hebrew: [;veîAh [;vu(Ahy [;vu(y> 2. Greek: Ihsou/j Nau/j 3. Latin: Liber Ioshue.

Christ in JoshuaThe Commander of the Army of the Lord

1.He accepts worship2.He identifies himself with the One who

spoke from the burning bush to Moses3.He asserts sovereign authority over Jericho

Page 10: Joshua. Title 1. Hebrew: [;veîAh [;vu(Ahy [;vu(y> 2. Greek: Ihsou/j Nau/j 3. Latin: Liber Ioshue.

Christ in Joshua

The Scarlet Cord

Joshua 2:18-21 when we come into the land, you tie this cord of scarlet thread in the window through which you let us down, and gather to yourself into the house your father and your mother and your brothers and all your father's household. 19 "It shall come about that anyone who goes out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood shall be on his own head, and we shall be free; but anyone who is with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head if a hand is laid on him…. 21 She said, "According to your words, so be it." So she sent them away, and they departed; and she tied the scarlet cord in the window.

Page 11: Joshua. Title 1. Hebrew: [;veîAh [;vu(Ahy [;vu(y> 2. Greek: Ihsou/j Nau/j 3. Latin: Liber Ioshue.

Christ in JoshuaThe Scarlet Cord

1.Danger of death at Passover and Jericho2.Provision for mercy tied to the house3.Color-theme - BLOOD-RED

Page 12: Joshua. Title 1. Hebrew: [;veîAh [;vu(Ahy [;vu(y> 2. Greek: Ihsou/j Nau/j 3. Latin: Liber Ioshue.

Christ in Joshua

The Person of Joshua


Page 13: Joshua. Title 1. Hebrew: [;veîAh [;vu(Ahy [;vu(y> 2. Greek: Ihsou/j Nau/j 3. Latin: Liber Ioshue.

Place in the Canon

Joshua is at once uplifting and poignant. It is uplifting in that tells us the story of Israel, God’s people, finally coming into their own. Israel has finally grown up and taken possession of the land which is hers by divine right. It is also poignant because we know the rest of the story. We know how she failed to fulfill her mission to drive out the inhabitants of the land and how that eventually led to her downfall into idolatry. The book of Joshua ultimately serves as a vital link between the nomadic Israel of the Patriarchs and the settled Israel of the Judges and ultimately of the monarchy of the Davidic line. In this way it also points to the ultimate Monarchy, ruled by the ultimate Davidic King, Jesus Christ.