Jesus sends the Holy Spirit part#4 - Martin Jalleh


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SFX PJ RCIA - Nov 16 2014

Transcript of Jesus sends the Holy Spirit part#4 - Martin Jalleh

Page 1: Jesus sends the Holy Spirit part#4 - Martin Jalleh
Page 6: Jesus sends the Holy Spirit part#4 - Martin Jalleh

“Now there are varieties of gifts,

but the same Spirit;

and there are varieties of

service,but the same

Lord…To each is given

the manifestationof the Spirit for

the common good.”1Cor.12: 4-11

Page 7: Jesus sends the Holy Spirit part#4 - Martin Jalleh

And they were all f i l led with

the Holy Spiritand began to speak

in other tongues,as the Spirit gave

them utterance.Acts 2: 1-4

Page 9: Jesus sends the Holy Spirit part#4 - Martin Jalleh
Page 10: Jesus sends the Holy Spirit part#4 - Martin Jalleh

“…and many wonders and signswere done through the apostles.

And all who believed were together and had all things in common; and

they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them all,

as any had need.” Acts 2:43-47

Page 11: Jesus sends the Holy Spirit part#4 - Martin Jalleh