Japanese Learning - Minasan Youkoso

Minasan youkoso! 1) If you get logged out, check your email - the link is there to rejoin. 2) Stay in class as long as you want. 3) Don't worry if you don't understand everything! Just let yourself absorb the information in a relaxed manner. 4) Please use headphones if you plan to speak or sing karaoke later. Lauren A’s Japanese Through Anime Music Season 2, Class #4 Thursday 5/13/10 Song: REDEMPTION Artist: GACKT Game: Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII (For PS2 by Square Enix) Verse 1 静静静静静(静静)静静静静静静静静 What else can I do besides avenge you? 静静静静静静静静静静静静静静静静 Shizuka ni sora ni kaeru anata no sugata wo What else can I do besides avenge you? Namida ga kareru made zutto mitsumete ita

Transcript of Japanese Learning - Minasan Youkoso

Page 1: Japanese Learning - Minasan Youkoso

Minasan youkoso!

1) If you get logged out, check your email - the link is there to rejoin.

2) Stay in class as long as you want.

3) Don't worry if you don't understand everything! Just let yourself absorb the information in a relaxed manner.

4) Please use headphones if you plan to speak or sing karaoke later.

Lauren A’s Japanese Through Anime Music

Season 2, Class #4

Thursday 5/13/10


Artist: GACKT

Game: Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII (For PS2 by Square Enix)

Verse 1


What else can I do besides avenge you?


Shizuka ni sora ni kaeru anata no sugata wo

What else can I do besides avenge you?

Namida ga kareru made zutto mitsumete ita

Your form which returns gently to heaven

What else can I do, besides avenge you?

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I watched it for the longest time, until my tears dried up.

Verse 1

静かに (しずか に)= shizuka ni =

宇宙* should be 空(そら) = sora =

に = ni =

還る(かえる)= kaeru =

貴方 (あなた)= anata =

の = no =

姿(すがた)= sugata=

を = wo =

涙 (なみだ)= namida =

が = ga =

枯れる (かれる)= kareru =

まで = made =

ずっと = zutto =

見つめて いた (みつめて いた)= mitsumete ita =

Verse 1

静かに (しずか に)= shizuka ni = quietly (adverb)

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宇宙(うちゅう)uchuu ni = universe/space*

*Should be 空 (そら) = sora = heavens/sky

に = ni = particle indicating location of person, thing or action; “in”

還る (かえる)= kaeru = to return, to come home (verb)

貴方 (あなた) = anata = you

の = no = particle showing possession; here is making a noun describe another noun phrase

姿(すがた)= sugata = figure, shape, appearance (noun)

を = wo = particle marking the direct object of the sentence

涙 (なみだ)= namida = tears (noun)

が = ga = particle marking the subject of a sentence

枯れる (かれる)= kareru = to wither (plant), to die, to be blasted (ichidan verb)

まで = made = until

ずっと = zutto = the whole time (adverb); continuously in some state (for a long time)

見つめて いた (みつめて いた)= mitsumete ita = was (continuously) watching/gazing (te form + ita form of the verb mitsumeru)

見つめる(みつめる)= mitsumeru = to stare at; to gaze at

Past Progressive Form = TE form + ita = “was doing an action” - sometimes shortened to “teta” in plain speech (mitsumeta rather than mitsumete ita)

TE Form:

Ichidan verbs (-ru verbs): change the final “ru” to “te”

Godan verbs (-u verbs): change the final vowel stem to the correct ending

Godan endings: u, ru, tsu change to “tte”,

ku change to “ite”,

gu changes to “ ide”,

su change to “shite”,

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bu, mu, nu change to “nde”

Verse 2



Afureru kanashimi wa kesenai kizuato ni

Wasure wa shinai to chikatta

And the sorrow overflowing from the scar which can't be erased,

I swore that I would never forget it.

Verse 2

溢れる (あふれる)= afureru =

哀しみ (かなしみ) = kanashimi =

は = wa =

消せない (けせない)=  kesenai =

傷跡 (きずあと)= kizuato =

に = ni =

忘れ(わすれ)= wasure =

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は = wa =

しない = shinai =

と = to =

誓った = (ちかった)= chikatta =

Verse 2

溢れる (あふれる)= afureru = to overflow (verb)

哀しみ (かなしみ) = kanashimi = sadness, sorrow (noun)

は = wa = particle marking the topic of a sentence

消せない (けせない)= kesenai = cannot be erased, cannot be deleted (potential + plain negative of the verb kesu

消す(けす)= kesu = to erase

Potential form: means “can” do something

Ichidan verbs (-ru verbs): change final “ru” to “rareru” or “reru”

Godan verbs (-u verbs): change to “e” base in the final syllable and add “ru”

Plain Negative (nai form): means “not”

Ichidan verbs (-ru verbs): take off the final “ru” and add “nai”

Godan verbs (-u verbs): change the final syllable to the “a” syllable ending and add “nai”

傷跡 (きずあと)= kizuato = scar (noun)

に = ni = particle indicating location of person, thing or action; “in”

忘れ(わすれ)= wasure = to forget, to lose (masu stem of wasuru)

は = wa = particle marking the topic of a sentence

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しない = shinai = don’t do; not do (plain negative of the verb suru)

する = suru = to do; to make

Irregular verb suru become shi + nai

と = to = particle used for quoting (with speech, thoughts, etc.)

誓った = (ちかった)= chikatta = swore (plain past form of chikau = to swear)

Plain Past Form (Ta form):

Ichidan verbs (-ru verbs): change the final “ru” to “ta”

Godan verbs (-u verbs): change the final vowel stem to the correct ending

Godan endings:

u, ru, tsu change to “tta”,

ku changes to “ita”,

gu changes to “ ida”,

su changes to “shita”,

bu, mu, nu change to “nda”






Oreta tsubasa wo habatakase

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Subete wo keshite miseyou

Itsu no hi ka owari wo mukaeru

Saigo no kane ga nariyamu made

I'll flap my broken wings

And erase it all someday, you'll see,

Until the last bell ringing

The dirge completes.


折れた (おれた)= oreta =

翼 (つばさ)= tsubasa =

を = wo =

羽ばたかせ (はばたかせ)= habatakase =

すべて = subete =

を = wo =

消して (けして)= keshite

見せよう (みせよう)= miseyou =

いつの日か = (いつのひか)= itsu no hi ka =

終わり(おわり)=  owari =

を = wo =

迎える (むかえる)= mukaeru =

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最後 (さいご)= saigo =

の = no =

鐘 (かね)= kane =

が = ga =

鳴り止む ( なりやむ)= nari yamu =


折れた (おれた)= oreta = (broken) (plain past form of the verb oreru)

折れる(おれる)= oreru = to break, to fold, to give in

翼(つばさ) = tsubasa = wing (noun)

を = wo = particle marking the direct object of the sentence

羽ばたかせ (はばたかせ)=  habatakase = make flap; cause to clap (masu stem of the verb habataku)

はばたく(はばたく) = habataku = to flap (godan verb)

Causative Form: used to show either making or letting someone do something.

Ichidan verbs (-ru verbs) - Remove the “ru” and add “saseru”

Godan verbs (-u verbs) – Change the vowel stem to its “a” a base ending and add “seru”

Irregulars: suru = saseru; kuru = kosaseru

すべて = subete = all , the whole, entirely, overall

を = wo = particle marking the direct object of the sentence

消して (けして)= keshite = erase, delete (te form of the verb kesu)

消す(けす) = kesu = to erase (godan verb)

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Te form used when another verb in sequence follows “and”

見せよう (みせよう)= miseyou = you shall see (plain volitional form of the verb miseru)

見せる(みせる)= miseru = to show, to display (ichidan verb)

Plain Volitional Form means “let’s” or “shall”

Ichidan verbs (-ru verbs): change final “ru” to “you”

Godan verbs (-u verbs): change to “o” base in the final syllable and add “u”

いつの日か = (いつのひか) = itsu no hi ka = someday (expression gramatically similar to itsuka = sometime)

終わり(おわり)=  owari = the end; ending (noun)

を = wo = particle marking the direct object of the sentence

迎える (むかえる) = mukaeru = to go out to meet, to welcome

最後 (さいご)= saigo = last, end, conclusion (noun)

の = no = particle showing possession; here is making a noun describe another noun

鐘 (かね)= kane = bell

が = ga = particle marking the subject of a sentence

鳴り止む ( なり やむ)=  nari yamu = stop ringing (masu stem + yamu form of the verb naru)

鳴る = naru = to ring (godan verb)

止む (やむ)= yamu = to stop

Masu stem of the verb + yamu = to stop doing something

まで = made = until

Verse 3

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You told me

Live as if you were to die tomorrow

Feel as if you were to be reborn now

Face as if you were to live forever

You told me

Live as if you were to die tomorrow

Feel as if you were to be reborn now

Face as if you were to live forever

You told me

Live as if you were to die tomorrow

Feel as if you were to be reborn now

Face as if you were to live forever

Verse 4


I had nothing to lose, nothing truth


Furueru yubi de akai namida wo nazotta

I had nothing to lose, nothing truth

Hakanai omoide ga yami ni ochite yuku

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Bright red tears traced by a trembling finger,

I had nothing to lose, nothing to lose

It crashes through the dark memories.

Verse 4

震える (ふるえる)= furueru =

指 (ゆび)= yubi =

で = de =

紅い (あかい)= akai =

涙 (なみだ)= namida =

を = wo =

なぞった = nazotta =

儚い(はかない)= hakanai =

思い出 (おもいで)omoide =

が = ga =

闇(やみ)= yami =

に = ni =

堕ちてゆく(おちて ゆく)= ochite yuku =

Verse 4

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震える (ふるえる)= furueru = to shiver, to shake (verb)

指(ゆび)= yubi = finger, toe, digit

で = de = particle indicating means of action ; cause of effect; “by”

紅い(あかい)= akai = red ( i-adjective)

涙 (なみだ)= namida = tears (noun)

を = wo = particle marking the direct object of the sentence

なぞった = nazotta = traced ( plain past form of the verb nazoru)

擦る = なぞる = nazoru = to trace (drawing); to follow

Plain Past Form (Ta form):

Ichidan verbs (-ru verbs): change the final “ru” to “ta”

Godan verbs (-u verbs): change the final vowel stem to the correct ending

Godan endings: u, ru, tsu change to “tta”,

ku change to “ita”,

gu changes to “ ida”,

su change to “shita”,

bu, mu, nu change to “nda”

儚い(はかない)= hakanai = fleeting (i-adjective)

思い出(おもいで)omoide = memory(ies) (noun)

が = ga = particle marking the subject of a sentence

闇(やみ)= yami = darkness (noun)

に = ni = particle indicating location of person, thing or action; “in”

堕ちてゆく(おちて ゆく)= ochite yuku = continue to fall down, contine to crash, contineto fail (te + yuku form of the verb ochiru)

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堕ちる= (おちる)=  ochiru = to fall down, to crash, to fail (ichidan verb)

Use a verb in Te form + yuku to show continuation of an action (same as te form + iku)

TE Form

Ichidan verbs (-ru verbs): change the final “ru” to “te”

Godan verbs (-u verbs): change the final vowel stem to the correct ending

Godan endings: u, ru, tsu change to “tte”,

ku change to “ite”,

gu changes to “ ide”,

su change to “shite”,

bu, mu, nu change to “nde”

Verse 5



Saigo no hohoemi ga ukande wa kieru

Nukumori dake wo nokoshite

The last smile wavered, and disappears,

And the warmth is all that's left.

Verse 5

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最後 (さいご)= saigo =

の = no =

微笑み (ほほえみ)= hohoemi =

が = ga =

浮かんで(うかんで)= ukande =

は = wa =

消える(きえる)= kieru =

温もり(ぬくもり)= nukomori =

だけ= dake =

を = wo =

残して (のこして)= nokoshite =

Verse 5

最後 (さいご) = saigo = last, end, conclusion (noun)

の = no = particle showing possession; here is making a noun describe another noun phrase

微笑み (ほほえみ) = hohoemi = smile (noun)

が = ga = particle marking the subject of a sentence

浮かんで(うかんで)= ukande = to float, to be suspended (te form of the verb ukabu)

浮かぶ (うかぶ)= ukabu = to float, to be suspended (godan verb)

TE Form:

Ichidan verbs (-ru verbs): change the final “ru” to “te”

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Godan verbs (-u verbs): change the final vowel stem to the correct ending

Godan endings: u, ru, tsu change to “tte”,

ku change to “ite”,

gu changes to “ ide”,

su change to “shite”,

bu, mu, nu change to “nde”

は = wa = particle marking the topic of a sentence

消える(きえる)= kieru = to disappear (verb)

温もり(ぬくもり)= nukomori = warmth (noun)

だけ= dake = only, just, as (particle)

を = wo = particle marking the direct object of the sentence

残して (のこして)= nokoshite = to leave behind (te form of the verb nokosu)

残す(のこす)= nokosu = to leave behind (godan verb)

Chorus Part 2





Yasashii dake no kotoba nara

Ima no boku wa iyasenai

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Hateshinaku tsuduku tatakai ni

Kono mi wo subete sasageru dake

Your kind and gentle words

Can't heal me now,

This body's only dedicated

To the never ending fight.

Chorus Part 2

優しい (やさしい)= yasashii =

だけ =  dake =

の = no =

言葉(ことば)= kotoba =

なら = nara =

今 (いま) = ima =

の = no =

僕 (ぼく)= boku =

は = wa =

癒せない (いやせない)= iyasenai =

果てしなく(はてしなく)= hateshinaku =

続く(つづく)= tsudzuku =

戦い (たたかい)= tatakai =

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に = ni =

この = kono =

身(み)= mi =

を = wo =

すべて = subete =

捧げる (ささげる)= sasageru =

Chorus Part 2

優しい (やさしい)= yasashii = gentle, tender, graceful (i-adjective)

だけ = dake = only, just, as (particle)

の = no = particle showing possession; here is making a noun phrase describe another noun

言葉(ことば)= kotoba = word(s) (noun)

なら = nara = as for; on the topic of

今 (いま) = ima = now; the present time

の = no = particle showing possession; here is making a noun describe another noun

僕 (ぼく)= boku = I (used mostly by males)

は = wa = particle marking the topic of a sentence

癒せない (いやせない)= iyasenai = cannot heal ( potential + plain negative form of the verb iyasu)

癒す(いやす) = iyasu = to heal (godan verb)

Potential form: means “can” do something

Ichidan verbs (-ru verbs): change final “ru” to “rareru” or “reru”

Godan verbs (-u verbs): change to “e” base in the final syllable and add “ru”

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Plain Negative (nai form): means “not”

Ichidan verbs (-ru verbs): take off the final “ru” and add “nai”

Godan verbs (-u verbs): change the final syllable to the “a” syllable ending and add “nai”

果てしなく(はてしなく)= hateshinaku = eternally, endless (adverb)

続く(つづく)= tsudzuku = to continue, to last (godan verb)

戦い (たたかい)= tatakai = battle, fight, struggle or conflict (noun)

に = ni = particle indicating location of person, thing or action; “in”

この = kono = this (refers to a thing close to the speaker)

身(み)=  mi = body (noun)

を = wo = particle marking the direct object of the sentence

すべて = subete = all , the whole, entirely, overall

捧げる (ささげる)= sasageru = to sacrifice, to dedicate

だけ = dake = only, just, as (particle)

Verse 6



Break Out!

Itsuka wa kono sora ni daremo ga kaeru kara

Wakare no kotoba wa iranai

Break Out!

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Because everyone returns to heaven, some day,

You'll never need to say goodbye.

Break Out!

Verse 6

いつか = itsuka =

は = wa =

この = kono =

宙* should be 空 = そら = sora =

に = ni =

誰も = dare mo =

が = ga =

還る = (かえる)= kaeru =

から = kara =

別れ (わかれ)= wakare =

の = no =

言葉(ことば)= kotoba =

は = wa =

いらない = iranai =

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Verse 6

いつか = itsuka = someday (何時)

は = wa = particle marking the topic of a sentence

この = kono = this (refers to a thing close to the speaker)

宙 = ちゅう= chuu = space, air*

*Should be 空 (そら)= sora = heavens/sky

に = ni = particle indicating location of person, thing or action; “in”

誰も = daremo = everyone (conjunction)

が = ga = particle marking the subject of a sentence

還る = (かえる)= kaeru = to return, to come home (godan verb)

から = kara = because; since

別れ (わかれ)=  wakare = farewell, separation, parting (noun)

の = no = particle showing possession; here is making a noun describe another noun

言葉(ことば)= kotoba = words (noun)

は = wa = particle marking the topic of a sentence

いらない = iranai = won’t need (plain negative form of the verb iru)

要る (いる)= iru = to need (godan verb)

Plain Negative (nai form): means “not”

Ichidan verbs (-ru verbs): take off the final “ru” and add “nai”

Godan verbs (-u verbs): change the final syllable to the “a” syllable ending and add “nai”

Chorus (Repeat)

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Oreta tsubasa wo habatakase

Subete wo keshite miseyou

Itsu no hi ka owari wo mukaeru

Saigo no kane ga nariyamu made

I'll flap my broken wings

And erase it all someday, you'll see,

Until the last bell ringing

The dirge completes.

Chorus Part 2 (Repeat)






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Yasashii dake no kotoba nara

Ima no boku wa iyasenai

Hateshinaku tsuduku tatakai ni

Kono mi wo subete sasageru dake


Your kind and gentle words

Can't heal me now

This body's only dedicated

To the never ending fight.

