J &BELDEN - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1914-06-13… ·  ·...

wgti VOLXVII-NO. 262 SlfPRIMARIES ItT^ HE HELD MONDAY **BG0ifimv&JaiM G( ,\lK\"U l(\l\RS H A S N O O P - 0 sIlh'N HIT SEVERAL ARE MI.MM. DKMOCRATIC NO- MIN\IH>\ AND LIVELY >\ 1 l^T WILL RESULT I M I IK Th-' !•• " t r <N ft.' mat 11:—Primaries will on Monday for the candidates for State, aiid county offices. v. .11 p a r t i c i p a t e in the i:rpublican, Democra- At the-last election party was* not a fac- mci the Prohibitionists vcte large enough to participate in the pri dates of thesa t\¥o ; .pSrtieSr#mst*foe .petitioned on tb the ballots for the State election Wh?ch TSliPbS held on. September 14. *. - f , \ The c^mpaim ;^r\!#l|wje5 on the State and cong?es^.oa^|'Jll^ts hasj attracted comparali^ljy^ittie atten- ! tion, owing >tpl,the Jaflf M coittesfs. Governor Haines ^nS€ft^€o.ar "Maine congressmen, three of ^k&ltf are? R e - publicans, ffatfe no 6p^^$i^inltpr re- nomination, B^olct^, ^e^ll of Hathf is the only asaiS^^^qijM HePjubli- can ^lominaiiOft ,ibr pott^ress in": the Second district, /wh^Wfvlis^h,ow repre- sented by Cdngrfe^smiln. Daniel J. Mc- Gill'icuddy, Bemiacrai. ' The principal COAltept in- the pri- maries will be the! head *>f the- Demo- cratic State ticket. * Th^se-Avho aspire to the DemocratSe,, n^mjination for governor are J&^Sf^lstbfert", E. Hew- bert of Augusta* "MSayor Oakley'C. Curtis of Portland^ #%f r . c - Keegan of Van Buren and Sej^f&nd G.'McIn- 1 "• ' " ' ' -r—•- 'i • - in - -i 7 •••'1I-I 'i I-T - i.IT-I i A. " ^ ^ ^ T ^ ^ i !^-' - ' - -J lmes of the candi- tyre of East Waterftj^fc; >f Ladies' g Suits ai nee of our Ladies! 5 :ed them at the 2,50 Sails now £fk* S5 :: * 5.00 are all new suit- Line. Now Is I at half price IK '4 Margare! Si Un ute lie switch r«>a<l,v for J for the latiron i can do houl dK- imc, and it.-. "\<>o A* itJiout help. \c years. « Electric 0 inager Businei 4 set new douffii Vunk Wagon, 3 nf' i \ hole of equipment engaged in seeo&e be given 33 Couch Si 38 River Sit n;r.;iin8»ntrsmimmuag ruber G l .7«>K Is nXISHED ;. pleased with th« . > J. uso some of OE <»'»D il/OORLVG _• o u r flooring faf . •> .=• of small addl- , f material, thaflj j' irary, soft woe •,* end —hard wooflj i u.-re economic -, <=.-t our splendid i other lutnbe : a' > : a. is. i:«.ll Ll'MBEB CO. IIH!Hlllllllimi Moot Mediators Will Not Admit Carraaza Delegates MAY CONFER WITH ._ OTHER DELEGATES *t%^«MastoiJ READY mm i. c. : WITHHOLDS MAK1XG RtLX^G ''-^1^M€'^--J?|tfeVE5fT STOCK . ,-•' -,, -• JUGGLING —? -4, Place the contract for the ml^mm^sm^Mi » with % and i&g the us-we're equipped and ready #itt0pte^ rv perfectly at the lowest possible pgfei^ Placing the contract w i t & - ^ U | | highest grade^worinnanship, m^i^^ ^ ^ ^ or quality-and the lowest cost at which: A4 IBSA* mater- ials and fixtures can be furnished. j^JB&s&&P?F today ' '-.% FRE 32 Margaret StreetN J. A. BEAJ>¥ TO LKxVH APHROVAli TO ^METHO» BY 'WHICH 5EXECP- T1VE POWEH8, 3SIAX BE TRANSFERRED TO JfEW MESaCJAKVGOV- . ERJ|ME3NT . .Niagara, Falls, Ont, Jane 12:—^The inediators w i ^ -not' officially admit to the conference here the representa- tives General Carranza has announced toe win send to Niagara Falls. The South American diplomats said they could not recede from their original | condition, demanding an armistice, ^The dispatch from Saltillo stating Chat the* Carranza note made no men- tion -of the csonditiona amsdeir whiclg' h«, was sending delegates .was shown to the -three medJators. Ther.r*e5tferats.i ed that admission of the Constitution- alists is and wil} contihne to be con* tingen^, upon, the declairaSloh ot an armistice. The mediators would dhase no .ob- jection if a conference could be held between the Huerta delegates, the, Carranza delegates and the ^jmerlcana] One Step Forward Niagara Falls, Ont., June 12:-—Me- diation today had achieved its ,m*st important step. After nearly three J " " f eeks of parleying, the mediatois and the Am»rican and Huerta. dele- gates were ready formally to approve the method *hy which the executive power in Mexico City Bhuji he tarans %"asKing'tori,. J.ufi© t2,r^4Phe"' opin* ionMof the Inter«ta|e ContihercevCotn- mission: Oh tlhe application ot 'th«(| Eastern ratlroads for an increase <ofJ 5 per cent, in frstghit ^a'tes liais "been" se»t to -the Government Prhiting C|-; flee aftef iec^iyiner the approval pi •the meinhefs. that body,,- , \ Althojigh |^|» ^official ,ajffinoutteejBieHX ha§, 6^^'n" ma<|^». 4t is ejqpeebed- t h e ^ findings. $t~-tm jc'ftm«aissioti ! in?.7th|sf Important.case" 1 wsilt be ma#S "puhHeJ not later than,. 3une %% r ItCis ttnder- stood the commission, will make.'the. opinion public -.Mter^b^^olifc^arketl closes, in loi^r^to^wevinitVtM^ $eei/ ^sion : feink us^d* it.^^rbutt*' tyt ^^epft *th©'tM(arket.| _'; -;;f- "•" v . ; • .;* . J\ " r '; WJiile-the i»f^e|S'«£^he comtniS* ston are.silent !aa;f«r iftelr co^E|u*sion It is anderst6o#the,a?ailroada will hot, be disappointed hy.'ti&e findings, Fromj a source Close 'to the commission, .$b is learned 'tjtat while t>iere. may Tidt be*^.general &&0n<ie of S per cent, in f*e|giit y|yfes.tn-lEJastern classlftea* 4oh t^i^oryi' : %he: ; 3cates r .. f wili (! . h& go r^aiai^stea. as _ -W ^ve... th-e' rMlroals" fair'^»^e|atUjn for *he servSces it'is*expected the,^ijiTOlBsi«»h ,feo|^i-ia^ai&ces, J -'w4E'.^^^ ; ian '4h*| crease <of, t^pv&, than' ^per ,c^rt/ on i f j%m m JVDGK NOT MOVED BY WOMAN'S PRICE TWO CKNTS ••• v •"[ « ' ' •>•• J &BELDEN ^.•^n^ft^f^Tjh,^ ^ ii i.+" JS*. jJsi 43»§tles, jrtlne. IZ^-^Mrs, AdeleJ T^Brkah'ti.ifi^nerls; of Ifew "Jfork, who mt;>0$eti^0c6mK^% wife of Solo- n^oh. .3& ^3^^' age'pylna JEtanche>, failed^to. b%|%j%^dlyorif'e on ground that'h# K^fain^S^inanners jarred tie : '^fohti' •j^en^leyi-1maii!aia|p ^ .at •^^fe3t0%h^in ? '' v ^d'.*l|of% •well ;kHO!|i^.Via v '''^i|s\ di^^ds'at- «hV%|aiB&- plattjfiae^. #6fepi^Hm^ln^#oii8J inStW^ef he; irece^^liiii-.belij@r*is'tt«!E!&' i; toy -alu^st feo««Pv<S4^ifi^-ft*|l^ <>•», fcfee Chiteatlgar -tefeafch ^ ^ ^ &,' -m J -fit. at Ssgiim.. -ijoanitalti- ^Hoirtl^ ifcket] 9;W -|^0loife c yes|eBa*a5f' f#eao^i»V ?3i& comiimasSk. -JkmMm Action of Sujhervisora on Scatter of Celebration Will Be Brought to Attention of JgnjS||fe <^na*Hflft»; .ttts Centennial* the Battle of Plactts-^ ^^ m ^ m m m $ time ^t harsh is yefy hteh^y approbated b # ^ ^^ ^ |, eftl ^ p ^ , si the Pla^btir^n Centenary Commis ' " Little Things About The splendid acrtlon'ot the JSoard of Superjfisoi^ *>t this ^Counly in p^9« ing Resolutions appropriating the sum .,.^._ _ „ . . o f 1800.00 for the purpose of parti- ferred from the Haerta"aflmintstra-|c1l>^ns in 4he icomins c&lfhrf&toh of tion to 'a now provisional government. •*•••-•- The constitution foon of saccee- 'sion -permtdtingr General Huerta. to ap- point as minister of foreign affairs the man chosen, here for the provi* sional presidency has been abandon- ed. The United States claimed this method would be recognizing Hoerta's authority as constitutional. Instead there' -will be an abrupt, transfer of authority to the n0w provisional pres- ident/ J - - ' ,..',., The "Wor3t of the conference is n«8w centered on* the -second point in the pacification plan, which deals with the personnel of the government. Names have not yet been submitted by the United States because, th«re has been no direct communication with the Constitutionalists aiil it is that party which the American ffor- enment is aiming to satisfy so as to persuade them to lay down their arms. "thfe 'Kte«e ?J 'he-iForte" : he "was y Kr#rtt.fh^ sports wni#f%erfrffe» t 'ceiveSH5t|,.jftio : ...|%ess .ofSfee „„,.^^^„, T? ,-j^h'^eM^a..'a-. buyer of, pic* j toei^jSSS^rTBaS: .City estahlish- "me^|f ^||i''fe|.'fe?#a^i -in feoar^lb- day,^^|l^:iA,^W|ag^ tire"*-ca.ttse t#T)0| i 0|S|i:)'*hW,di S coverea it, w|^5j^^^^^hot had written :|||]r%rtl|^wr'A%:''p'h6^ were heautt- *- Open stock patlern^of meusli Uinnerwar< ,. . AIso He ney^r^'%hanseat; his o|ethes when fte "^i^e^tS^th'her.^, Ba^inir *&& some- thing-4ie -0ST not W j0y Often &nd •tee"' ieY0lope|L- : pfopeh|^es |fhr,-goIngr |'«to. hfed^-lg»'M^cla&e^' ? 'on^ isft^I save- r ^ . e f i € t ^ I ^ I « ^ . > ^ e K y r * ^ a i d ^Wlrr- *'lPerhi»s his- doport- ^*f$fa$&m®^ thaer'not : @eai^gy%j<-%ge- is an J at d|at«,ausay. Abo||. ho assumed the man hotet-iat *l4fon' MmasA^M^A pleasanl *«<Sth' his, me%MHi-^^S'W$& aotleed hy-tois "friends.*&| ^C"|i^rjf •- UtaMs 'be'eh"" ^e r s^n^«iS|''.-^^^erft||!' 'forenoon about, 3:f^o:|h^^ah„e^,; ploye of tha? -|»tel sm0 Wff.t$fc'-mit, tkeys 1 - -of - & * jto*4M^ :?^?«&*P "g^ihS them* to the.'m6la,. , 'a&. ; _JBfe»tiey' asked him'where the eafet Ijooied ^a3s>. &m®cteate-*fas.The ..' ..... '. "^ that i* '#|s at.thg tinie'.|wblth%1 i hat appear uinuij><>rtaiil. In i ii surfacing, fr< '•( ii«- etc., all mean a 1 ot t<> i. tmntrs that ad to o r ro« i.vman, such as straight • in from planer, bit in^rks (virpfiiUT. These are the liiiir expense and our >i;i> .iii^r experience La- v to ,-( ; e that the iiiii watch our lumber%i©se- JH rfect—thus wo save our customers runnev. AM prove it A. MASON & SONS Phone Pittsburgh 21-F-3 or Peru 25 AMUSEMENTS Palaco '"Tbe Cigfarette Malter of Seville", Kliene 2-reel drama a very interest- ing story of Spain also a great war scene is featured in this drama. "High Life hits Slippery Slim", Bssanay comedy western. "At his Expense" Lul>in drama. Monday—'Mary Fuller in' "On I the Heights" Edison drama this Ss Che 6th of the Doliie of the Dallies Series. "The Rival Under- takers**, Vitagraph comedy drama, 'The Wallflower", Lubin drama, Louise Huff as lead, "Story of Diana", Selig drama. —Adv. slon. T~h6~ m e m b e r s of. the flatter Centenary Commission and the people of the County as wolt wilt most heartily commend the action of t&6 Board!. .v.. \ - ,.». ^Secretary Vert, and Assistant Secre- tary Hadley will bring the matter, to Ltoe attention of a»e njembers of .the Cpinm^sfett at the m e e t i n g «*?^j*h6J Commission to he held in New Torlt ; City on Friday, Juno 26th, and h*. is certain that they will be greatly pleas- ed and encouraged by this evidence of the desire on the part of the peo- ple of this section to -co-operate heartily in the success of the celebra- tion. No one man, no single Commis- sion and no single set of men can make the , coming celebration the grVsat success which it is to be, but the co-operation of all the different bodies a nd all the different organiza- tions ajl through the Champlaln Val- ley will result in a celebration which wfH be a credit to this section for all tima and one in which the Presi- dent of the United States and the Governors of New York and Vermont and other distinguished citizens of the Nation will be very glad to particip- ate in. Sox- \ffj^^S;MmM,M^ ^as no Mito^^^mWi$^mW i '^ the. lea? ISTiUrgar.tStn.et Pho D ,lJ7 t Appoint by Board of Diredon [ r^ <* 4^. tha "Storehouse Sir. Be»3S^s^^ps;|5g the .direction of «tfee depo^tbfeffl^i^^' of takftnu -tne rogular rouW _hVptilif aSongVthe .traaSks, >aad >h# , h e ' : he^^i \pte jstatroh aad ' the' *ta^.. ti$ga&m ifaove ho«atji h«p tho \W&'®ji$J8tt 'ItjffiM. of'-tho t i ^ , * horns sfer«ok'ib|'';lnf ; "ea-' Mne i&Hye*st||Seed ^pon" thVlr^tes." r TOMORROW IS FLA« DAY !!?*»• wasiaWatated." ijfe.lfetr^'^H; of Staadish assisring. Mt last repdris he was restiiajr comfortably *witfc ^>oI chances of recovery. Mr. Bentley <was formerly General l I, as^ens€S• Affont f o r t h e CenHSral V e r - mont, R, R. for a IOKS nuanher of year>». His brothers Geo. Benilley of Ghattaugay and William Bfntley of 0^deu^>ur^ were hastily summoned and reached there as soon after the injury as possible. Mrs*. -Benrlcy was ima'ble to come to the fcedsidc uf her huabaud «s she only recently had ibeen striclteu with a sheck, she be hie at present ill at her home to Chateaugay. COMMITTEE MA [BrooldMf ^l?> ^ . . • i . ; . , 7 1 4 : 2 i^^ * ec * n ®r M i n t e d ^ v t h o ^ o a r f l . ^.^»; .Wtf&fo ^Ilee, Snyderf ?& Erectors, pf the JE» VL. Q "A. to tei|||fog/flef|gr, jwoCMQi. i«r ftuunga nj^nose, & ^ a f _ ^-••^3^iton"'.'•% '"'.'; * H^HiE partments:<i{ ^e"a^ecla«o»I-worka ^ lhu|^ ; .,%•..> ...... f..«:... S S I for the, oojwtngyear--^ *"* * ^ ^9^tt^.../ 5 ...-4v^-' - 5 11 1 JnpiorHlDlpaTtment—^M^- Psrl^ • ,jm mtti^mpM^ R •£& Wooardr^^i||io#-%«% 3tfW>* ^ncliifia^j*^-. ..»,.*.. 1^.7 ^a- Finance^-J^^^rfte^h»*»5*«as*H^ jjShiiadelnhia 5 § l A, Wood, BvJrl, Hh&m^ WTb, Wft^ Aniei, Koesier, Clark, Gonzales, | cox, H^Ifc % a e ^ ^ 4 * C ^ . Stat*^ RHE 3 8 4 9 13 1 Bauza- RHE 6 i ? l TELEGRAPHING IN CHINA. The Stars and Stripes Should be Dis- played From Every Home in the Country. Womlerlamf The famous Eclair western drama in two reels, "Whom God Hath Join- ed," featuring J. W. Johnston and Kdna Payne. The play with a tense plot that holds you till the tintsh, "Vasco, the Vampire", an Imp. com edy with Little Matty and Juvenile support. A laush in every foot of film. Also ther jrood reel. Admission 5 cents.—Adv. Use Our ALL BOAR TO CEIL UP YOUR ATTIC GrARAQE OFFICE COTTAGrE S THE CHEAPEST EASIEST WAY Tomorrow is the anniversary of t h e birth of the Stars and Stripes—in other words. Flag Day—and t h e n a - tional emblem should given the place of 'Ironor in every home and business place in the'country on this day. The Grand Old Flag should be displayed from early morning to night—there is no better way at the present -time to show your loyalty to the flag: and the country which it represents. If you are without a ilaji then procure one of the handsome tlasrs uf fast colors which can be had at the exitrem-cly low price ut \iH cents. T h i s flag- is three by five feet, of absolutely fast colors and has the forty-eight stars of the union. This is tbe biggest bargain in the flag line ever offered in this city, WILSON OPTIMISTIC, Waihinsgton, June ICi. President Wilson today authorized the an- nouncement that he cwnsaders tine pro- gTarn of mediation at Niagara Falls a.s voiry encoiura.irins." It was sail u.n- oifriciaHi that he expects imidiltUion ito hitve a sui'ctfisfiul <>uU'<'me w i t h i n the next lew days. IT' OGK & GOAL CO HlAW FIGHTIXG AT MAZATLVN ViiSTKRDAY <)<n B o a r d L'. P. S. <*alitforni:a. Ma- /jiWan, Mex., Jun* 11 ( \ la Wireless tui San Wego, June IC2).—The <\>nsti- tii'tronalist army under General Obtie- gon 'began today its first eonoen'trateft sreneral as«xul't on the Fedrpad forti- iMcaiUi<ins at -Alnzatlan, eomimatided by GenienaJ Hodrig»uez. The baiUle raged all da^, ajid although the ibeseiged garrisoin htedd its position, it lost heav- i l y >in killed'uj^TWjstodedj It might seem impossible to send a telegram in a written language that has no alphabet, but is made up of a vast nnmber of characters, no two of. which are alike. Not only is the Chinese language composed of several thousand different characters, but there are sp many dialects spoken in China that there are more than a hundred ways of pronouncing each character, although the written lan- guage is uniform throughout the coun- try. How is it possible to send a\j I telegram in such a land and such a i language? The difficulties have been I very ingeniously overcome and it is . now easier and less expens' ve to send a telegram in Chinese than in French. In every telegraph office in China there is a dictionary, or special code, 'in which the written characters are listed and numbered. There are places for 9,999 characters, but a num- ber of spaces are at present blank; tht-y can be filled with characters •when it becomes necessary. The sender of the telegram writes his message in the ordinary manner, says an exchange. The operator knows the numbers of most of the characters. If there are any of which he is ignorant, he finds them in the catalogue. Each jmmber is composed of four Morse numerals; for example, 5913.0013.04 14 signifies Yuan Shi-Kai, the name of the President of the Chin-, ese, republic. It follows, then, that the ten Morse numerals, will serve to telegraph 9,9 99 different Chinese characters. ! Mayer, Burns. American League ' At St. Louis New York St. Louis ' F-isher, Cole, ^unamaber, gardner^ t«eary. At Cleveland Philadelphia Cleveland 1 4 2 Wickoff, Lapp; Collamore, James, O'Nell. At Chicago RHE Washington 5 11 1 Chicago ...> .... , 0 9 o Ayres, Heory; R'ussell, Jasper, La- tarop, SchaJk, Daly. At Detroit RHE Boston , 0 2 1 Detroit 1 6 0 Johnson, Cady, Covaleski, Stanage. Federal League At Kansas City RHE Brooklyn 1 6 l Kansas City 5 9 0 Sommers, Peters, Owens; Stone, Enzenroeh. Ait St. Louis RHE; Buffalo 1 7 0 St. Louis 0 3 1 Moore, Blair; Brown, Simon. At Chicago RHE Baltimore 4 5 0 Chicago 0 6 J Suggs, Jaekluseh; Fiske, Black, Wilson. At Indianapolis RHE Pittsburg 4 9 2 Indianapolis 5 9 '2 Walker, Berry; Falkenberg, den. International League Newark, 2; Baltimore, 3. Jersey City, u; Providence, 5. Buffalo, 3; Rochester, 4. Toronto, 10; Montreal, 5. Atlantic League Asbury Park, 4; Puughkeepsie, 7. * . ••f— M*T _ l — - J " -»-^j» -y^ •$r. E, BaruhnrM Sh ^^Parslhiall jjB?3£yers, & *Et Myers * J •> -? " Executive—E Mooxe, R 3ff-<»al-» herd, O'T Larftm, W C PricedBkJU Wood, & H Myers "" ^ $ PhjsicaX Department—Dr. TT" A* Rogers, Chairman R, L p/ Mason, 'j£."ie£ Agpeifc John Collins, Alg|ptoW- wa«T^|ffi# , * = LeWis, - W«. J£'Jp|glDis£ Guibord, X. P." Mjxirs, iM&-v^aMsca, H. L. 'Barber, F . D . Bunbar,"ST--H. Jones. : - Entertainment aud Social-^-J. P. Myers, John Guibord, H. C. Hapgood, Fiianjt M. Moore, J. S. Shedden^ Carl Banker. W. A. Hallock. Christian Work—O. T. Larldn/ chairman; W. E. Valentine, Dana i! Hanks, M. A. Pierce, Ross LaVignc, -. Chas. J. Gardner, Rev. J. B. Kelley, W. B. Jacques, W. S. Winters. W C Pike, W. W. Gallagher, T. W; Oaf- litle. Edircational—R. H. Guibord, chair- man; H. S. Johnson, Rev. J. E. Mead, G. H. Itymers, Rev. Albert Gale, Geo. D. Martin, S. D. Curtis, M. A Holmes, E. L. Taylor. f'tl If GIFFORH TRIAL DATK POSITIVE OX JUXE Rari- t'.lKKAXZA OX T H E MOVE Laredo. Tex., June 1L'.—ContM'nia- ti')ii of reporu? that Carranza is jjilan- rsirg UJ vis.'t Monterey were reewxed h.M*' today from SaltilJo. He expects to !ea.ve SalU'llo tonw>rr<«w on the trip. Albany, Juw 12.—District Attorney A11 xar.i;^r this moj-nin? announoeid that the cria! of Malcolm tiifford, jr., charged with the murder of Fran*: J. Clute, the Al!ar:\- chauffeur, on April L'. 1 J)•< 3, nn a lonely road in ibafck oi ^ T atet-v)M>t weii'ld po^it^ ely coane U'P in the County Couirt before judg'e Ad- din.arton, Thursday, J<ine Jo. William T. llyrne mf this oit\-, Sai.i% nel R. Coflin of lludwin and William Travejis Jeionie. of 'I haw tame, ail- tonwys for the case, will confer sumo day next wt-ek on the cas*. Mr. Byrne was rex/entJy i-ctaJncd hy Gifford's father. IMl'EAOlLMUVT IIEst>Ll TIOXS Is it trite that Gen. Phil Sheridan was born in Albany, as the Albany ties claim? The prevailing impression has ...„ „. „„ L^^W been that the dashing cavalry leader; and wfithout opposition referred to t h e was a native of Ohio. | judiciaj-y committee. WashJhg-ton, June 12. — Resolutions of impeaichnuau against l'\xleral Judge A. G. iiafton of West Virginia were introduced in the house todiay MJ{. STEVENSON SI\Kl\(i. Chicago. Jim" 1'_' Aolai K Steeeii- sotr, former \k-e-prrsktrnt of the L'ni- tc<i s-'.iiics, I" 1 sii:\\l>- :-.nk i tr-r and the- end is likel> to (,-o-Mie any tisme. AMBASSADOR TO l^UXXt'E. Wa^hiiKgtiin, June \->. — Heipresenta- tive William G. Shan t> of El>Tia, Ohio. was nominated tixkiy by Presidcni Wilson to Ibe arntoassadoT to France, si"t.'eed:a^ M.Mr-on T. Herrick. Mr. Sharp is a Democrat. C H. OLIVER, General Insurance mii m ,m^-. '•<; -^lijitelfejti-ija ^^^A^^^M&m&^^^ji^MMi&M •±m •''-•:: .* r'SS * Svrrp ^;. : ^^R . W®'Ea^^BH H £-.*%*'-*:$ Vg0^?~h ^ »?M •J^s'C^' -~- ', .j*:/ ..'J^td ^C«PP#3| J?}'€p' ,v"ir '" MIIMJ^

Transcript of J &BELDEN - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1914-06-13… ·  ·...

wgti VOLXVII-NO. 262



G ( , \ l K \ " U l ( \ l \ R S H A S N O O P -, » 0 s I l h ' N H I T S E V E R A L A R E M I . M M . D K M O C R A T I C N O -M I N \ I H > \ AND L I V E L Y

>\ 1 l ^ T W I L L R E S U L T I


T h - '

!•• "

t r




1 1 : — P r i m a r i e s wil l

on M o n d a y for t h e

c a n d i d a t e s f o r S t a t e ,

aiid c o u n t y offices.

v. .11 p a r t i c i p a t e in t h e i : r pub l i c an , D e m o c r a -

At t h e - l a s t e lec t ion p a r t y was* not a fac -

mci t h e P r o h i b i t i o n i s t s vcte l a r g e e n o u g h to p a r t i c i p a t e in t h e pr i

d a t e s of t h e s a t \ ¥ o ; . p S r t i e S r # m s t * f o e .petitioned on t b t h e ballots for the State election Wh?ch TSliPbS held on. September 14. *. -f, \ .»

The c ^ m p a i m ;^r\!#l |wje5 on the State and c o n g ? e s ^ . o a ^ | ' J l l ^ t s hasj at tracted compara l i ^ l j y^ i t t i e a t ten- !

tion, owing >tpl,the Ja f l f M coittesfs. Governor Haines ^nS€f t^€o.ar "Maine congressmen, th ree of ^ k & l t f are? R e ­publicans, ffatfe no 6p^^$i^inltpr re-nomination, B ^ o l c t ^ , ^ e ^ l l of Hathf is t he only asaiS^^^qijM HePjubli-can ^lominaiiOft ,ibr po t t^ ress in": t he Second district, /wh^Wfvlis^h,ow repre­sented by Cdngrfe^smiln. Daniel J . Mc-Gill'icuddy, Bemiacrai. '

The principal COAltept in- t he pri­maries will be the! head *>f the- Demo­cratic State ticket. * Th^se-Avho aspire to the DemocratSe,, n^mjination for governor a r e J&^Sf^lstbfert", E . Hew-bert of Augusta* "MSayor O a k l e y ' C . Curtis of Portland^ #%f r . c- Keegan of Van Buren and Sej^f&nd G. 'McIn-

1 " • ' " ' ' -r—•- 'i • - in - -i 7 • • • ' 1 I - I ' i I-T - i . I T - I i A . " ^ ^ ^ T ^ ^ i

!^-' - ' - -J

l m e s of t h e c a n d i - t y r e of E a s t Waterftj^fc;

>f Ladies' g Suits


nee of our Ladies!5

:ed them at the

2,50 Sails now £fk*

S5 :: * 5.00 are all new suit-Line. Now Is I

at half price

IK '4 Margare! Si

Un ute lie s w i t c h r«>a<l,v for

J for t h e

latiron i can do houl dK-imc, and it.-. "\<>o

A* itJiout help.

\ c years .


Electric 0 i nage r

Businei 4 set new douffii

Vunk Wagon, 3 nf' i


hole of equipment engaged in seeo&e be given

33 Couch Si 38 River Sit


ruber G l .7«>K I s n X I S H E D

;. p leased w i t h th« .> J. uso s o m e of OE

<»'»D i l / O O R L V G

• _• o u r f loor ing faf . •> .=• of small addl-

• , f m a t e r i a l , thaflj j ' i ra ry , soft woe

• •,* end — h a r d wooflj i u . - r e economic

-, <=.-t o u r splendid i o t h e r lutnbe

: a ' > : a. is.

i :« . l l L l ' M B E B CO.

I IH!Hl l l l l l l im i

M o o t Mediators Will Not Admit Carraaza Delegates


*t%^«MastoiJ READY mm i. c. : WITHHOLDS MAK1XG R t L X ^ G

' ' - ^ 1 ^ M € ' ^ - - J ? | t f e V E 5 f T STOCK . ,-•' - , , -• JUGGLING

—? -4,

Place the contract for the ml^mm^sm^Mi » with % and

i&g the

us-we're equipped and ready #itt0pte^rv perfectly at the lowest possible p g f e i ^

Placing the contract w i t & - ^ U | | highest grade^worinnanship, m ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ or quality-and the lowest cost at which: A 4 IBSA* mater­ials and fixtures can be furnished. j^JB&s&&P?F today ' '-.%

FRE 32 Margaret StreetN

J. A .




. .Niagara, Falls, O n t , J a n e 12:—^The inediators w i ^ -not' officially admit to the conference here the representa­tives General Carranza has announced toe win send to Niagara Falls. The South American diplomats said they could not recede from their original

| condition, demanding an armistice, • ^The dispatch from Saltillo stating Chat the* Carranza note made no men­tion -of the csonditiona amsdeir whiclg' h«, was sending delegates .was shown to the -three medJators. Ther.r*e5tferats.i ed that admission of t h e Constitution­alists is and wil} contihne to be con* tingen^, upon, the declairaSloh ot an armistice.

The mediators would dhase no .ob­jection if a conference could be held between t he Huer ta delegates, the, Carranza delegates and the ^jmerlcana]

One Step Forward Niagara Falls, Ont., June 12:-—Me­

diation today h a d achieved its ,m*st important step. After nearly three J " "feeks of parleying, t he mediatois and t h e Am»rican and Huerta. dele­gates were ready formally to approve the method *hy which the executive power in Mexico City Bhuji he tarans

%"asKing'tori,. J.ufi© t2,r^4Phe"' opin* ionMof the Inter«ta|e ContihercevCotn-m i s s i o n : Oh tlhe a p p l i c a t i o n ot ' th«(| Eastern ratlroads for an increase <ofJ 5 per cent, in frstghit ^a'tes liais "been" se»t to -the Government Prhi t ing C|-; flee aftef iec^iyiner the approval pi •the meinhefs. o£ that body, , - , \

Althojigh |^|» ^official ,ajffinoutteejBieHX ha§, 6^ 'n" ma<|^». 4t is ejqpeebed- the^ findings. $t~-tm jc'ftm«aissioti! in?.7th|sf Important.case"1 wsilt be ma#S "puhHeJ not later than,. 3une %%r ItCis ttnder-stood the commission, will m a k e . ' t h e . opinion public - . M t e r ^ b ^ ^ o l i f c ^ a r k e t l closes, in loi^r^to^wevinitVtM^ $ e e i /

^sion :feink us^d* it.^^rbutt*' tyt ^ e p f t *th©'tM(arket.| _'; -;;f- "•" v.; • .;* . J\ " r ' ;

WJiile-the i » f ^ e | S ' « £ ^ h e comtniS* ston a re . s i len t !aa;f«r iftelr co^E|u*sion It is anderst6o#the,a?ailroada will ho t , be disappointed hy.'ti&e findings, Fromj a source Close 'to t he commission, .$b is learned 'tjtat while t>iere. may Tidt be*^.general &&0n<ie of S per cent, in f*e|giit y|yfes.tn-lEJastern classlftea* 4 o h t^i^oryi':%he:;3catesr..fwili(!. h& go r^aiai^stea. a s _ -W ^ v e . . . th-e' rMlroals" f a i r ' ^ » ^ e | a t U j n for *he servSces

i t ' i s*expec ted the,^ijiTOlBsi«»h , feo |^i - ia^ai&ces, J - 'w4E' .^^^ ; ian '4h*| crease <of, t^pv&, t h a n ' ^ p e r , c ^ r t / on

i f




PRICE TWO CKNTS • • • v • " [ • • « • • • ' • ' •>•• J

&BELDEN ^.•^n^ft^f^Tjh,^ i i



jJsi 43Ȥtles, j r t lne. IZ^-^Mrs, AdeleJ T^Brkah'ti.ifi^nerls; of Ifew "Jfork, who mt;>0$eti^0c6mK^% wife of Solo-n^oh. .3& ^ 3 ^ ^ ' age 'pylna JEtanche>, failed^to. b%|%j%^dlyorif'e on ground t h a t ' h # K^fa in^S^inanners ja r red

tie :'^fohti' •j^en^leyi-1maii!aia|p

.at • ^^ fe3 t0%h^ in ? ' ' v ^d ' . * l | o f% •well ;kHO!|i .Viav''' i|s\ di^^ds'at- «hV%|aiB&-p l a t t j f i a e ^ . # 6 f e p i ^ H m ^ l n ^ # o i i 8 J inStW^ef he; irece^^liiii-.belij@r*is'tt«!E!&'i;

toy - a l u ^ s t feo««Pv<S4^ifi^-ft*|l^ <>•», fcfee Ch i t ea t lga r -tefeafch ^ ^ ^ &,' -m

J -fit. a t Ssgiim.. -ijoanitalti- ^Hoirtl^ ifcket] 9;W -|^0loifecyes|eBa*a5f' f#eao^i»V ?3i&

comiimasSk. -JkmMm Action of Sujhervisora on Scatter of

Celebration Will B e Brought to Attention of JgnjS||fe <^na*Hflft»;

.ttts C e n t e n n i a l * the Batt le of Plactts-^ ^ ^ m ^ m m m$ t i m e ^ t h a r s h is yefy hteh^y approba ted b # ^ ^ ^ | , e f t l ^ p ^ , s i the P l a ^ b t i r ^ n Centenary Commis ' "

Little Things About

The splendid acrtlon'ot the JSoard of Superjfisoi^ *>t this ^Counly in p^9« ing Resolutions appropriating the sum

.,.^._ _ „ . . o f 1800.00 for t h e purpose of pa r t i -ferred from the Haer ta"af lmints t ra - | c1 l>^ns in 4he icomins c&lfhrf&toh of tion to 'a now provisional government. • * • • • - • -

The constitution foon of saccee-'sion -permtdtingr General Huerta . to a p ­point as minister of foreign affairs the man chosen, here for the provi* sional presidency has been abandon­ed. The United States claimed this method would be recognizing Hoerta 's authori ty • a s constitutional. Instead there' -will be an a b r u p t , transfer of authori ty t o the n0w provisional pres­i d e n t / J - - ' „ , . . ' , . ,

The "Wor3t of the conference is n«8w centered on* the -second point in the pacification plan, which deals with the personnel of the government. Names have not yet been submitted by t h e United States because, th«re has been no direct communication with the Constitutionalists a i i l i t is that party which the American ffor-enment is aiming to satisfy so as to persuade them to lay down their arms.

"thfe 'Kte«e?J'he-iForte" : he "was

y Kr#rtt.fh^ sports wni#f%erfrffe» t'ceiveSH5t|,.jftio:...|%ess .ofSfee

„„,.^^^„,T?,-j^h'^eM^a..'a-. buyer of, pic* j toei^jSSS^rTBaS: .City estahlish-" m e ^ | f ^ | | i ' ' f e | . ' f e ? # a ^ i -in feoar^lb-d a y , ^ ^ | l ^ : i A , ^ W | a g ^ tire"*-ca.ttse t # T ) 0 | i 0 | S | i : ) ' * h W , d i S c o v e r e a i t , w | ^ 5 j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ h o t had writ ten : | | | ] r%r t l | ^wr 'A%: ' 'p 'h6^ were heautt-

*- Open stock patlern^of

meusli Uinnerwar<

,. . A I s o He ney^r^'%hanseat; h is o|ethes when fte "^i^e^tS^th'her.^, B a ^ i n i r *&& some-thing-4ie -0ST not W j0y Often &nd •tee"' ieY0lope|L- :pfopeh|^es |fhr,-goIngr |'«to. hfed^-lg»'M^cla&e^'? 'on^ isft^I save-

r ^ . e f i € t ^ I ^ I « ^ . > ^ e K y r * ^aid ^ W l r r - *'lPerhi»s his- doport-^*f$fa$&m®^ t h a e r ' n o t

:@eai gy%j<-%ge- is an J a t d |at«,ausay. Abo| | . ho assumed the man hotet-iat *l4fon' MmasA^M^A pleasanl *«<Sth' his, me%MHi-^^S'W$& aotleed hy-tois "friends.*&| ^ C " | i ^ r j f •-UtaMs 'be'eh"" e rs^n^«iS | ' ' . -^^^erf t | | ! ' 'forenoon about, 3 : f ^ o : | h ^ ^ a h „ e ^ , ; ploye of tha? -|»tel sm0 Wff.t$fc'-mit, tkeys1- -of - & * jto*4M^ :?^?«&*P "g^ihS them* t o the.'m6la,.,'a&. ;_JBfe»tiey' asked him'where the eafet Ijooied ^a3s>. &m®c teate-*fas. The ..'.....'. "^ that i* '#|s at.thg tinie'.|wblth%1

i h a t a p p e a r uinuij><>rtaiil. In i

ii su r f ac ing , fr< '•(

i i « -

e t c . , a l l m e a n a 1 o t t<> i .

tmnt r s that ad to or ro«

i.vman, such as straight

• in from planer, bit in^rks

(virpfiiUT. These are the

liiiir expense and our > i ; i >

.iii^r expe r i ence La-

v to ,-(;e t h a t t h e i i i i i

watch our lumber%i©se-

JH rfect—thus wo save

o u r c u s t o m e r s runnev. A M prove i t

A. MASON & SONS Phone Pittsburgh 21-F-3 or Peru 25


P a l a c o

'"Tbe Cigfarette Mal ter of Sevi l le" , Kl iene 2-reel d r a m a a very i n t e r e s t ­i ng s t o r y of Spain a lso a g r e a t w a r scene is f ea tu red in t h i s d r a m a . " H i g h Life h i t s S l ippery S l im" , Bssanay c o m e d y wes t e rn . "At h i s E x p e n s e " Lul>in d r a m a . M o n d a y — ' M a r y F u l l e r in' "On I t h e H e i g h t s " Ed i son d r a m a th i s Ss Che 6th of t h e Doliie of t h e Dal l ies Ser ies . " T h e R i v a l U n d e r ­takers**, V i t a g r a p h c o m e d y d r a m a , 'The Wal l f lower" , Lubin d r a m a ,

Louise Huff a s lead, "S to ry of D i a n a " , Selig d r a m a . —Adv .

slon. T~h6~ members of. the f la t te r Centenary Commission a n d the

people of t h e County a s wolt wilt most hearti ly commend the action of t&6 Board!. .v.. \ - ,.».

^Secretary Vert, and Assistant Secre­tary Hadley will bring the matter, t o

Ltoe attention of a»e njembers of . t he Cpinm^sfett a t t h e meeting «*? j*h6J Commission to he held in New Torlt ;

City on Friday, Juno 26th, and h*. is certain t h a t they will be greatly pleas­ed and encouraged by this evidence of the desire on the par t of the peo­ple of this section to -co-operate heartily in the success of the celebra­tion.

No one man, no single Commis­sion and no single set of men can make the , coming celebration the grVsat success which it is t o be, but the co-operation of all the different bodies a n d all the different organiza­tions ajl through the Champlaln Val­ley will result in a celebration which wfH be a credit to this section for all tima and one in which the Presi­dent of the United States and the Governors of New York and Vermont and other distinguished citizens of the Nation will be very glad to particip­ate in.


\ffj^^S;MmM,M^ as no Mito^^^mWi$^mWi'^ the. lea?

ISTiUrgar.tStn.et PhoD,lJ7

t Appoint by Board of Diredon [ r ^

< * 4^.

tha "Storehouse Sir. B e » 3 S ^ s ^ ^ p s ; | 5 g the .direction of «tfee depo^tbfeff l^i^^ ' of takftnu -tne rogular rouW _ h V p t i l i f aSongVthe .traaSks, >aad >h# , h e ' : h e ^ ^ i

\pte jstatroh a a d ' t h e ' * ta^ . . ti$ga&m ifaove ho«atji h«p tho \W&'®ji$J8tt 'ItjffiM. of'-tho t i ^ , * horns sfer«ok'ib|'';lnf;"ea-' Mne i&Hye*st||Seed ^pon" thVlr^tes." r

T O M O R R O W IS F L A « D A Y

!!?*»• w a s i a W a t a t e d . " ijfe.lfetr^'^H; of Staadish assisring. Mt last repdr is h e was restiiajr comfortably *witfc >oI chances of recovery.

Mr. Ben t l ey <was f o r m e r l y G e n e r a l lI ,as^ens€S• Affont fo r t h e CenHSral Ver ­m o n t , R, R. f o r a I O K S nuanher of year>». H i s b r o t h e r s Geo. Benilley of G h a t t a u g a y a n d Wi l l i am Bfn t l ey of 0 ^ d e u ^ > u r ^ w e r e has t i ly s u m m o n e d a n d r e a c h e d t h e r e a s soon a f t e r t he in jury a s poss ible .

Mrs*. -Benrlcy was ima'ble to c o m e to the fcedsidc uf h e r huabaud « s s h e only r ecen t ly had ibeen s t r ic l teu w i t h a sheck , s h e be hie a t p r e s e n t ill a t h e r h o m e to C h a t e a u g a y .


[ B r o o l d M f ^l?> • . . • i . ; . , 7 1 4 : 2 i ^ ^ *ec*n®r M i n t e d ^ v t h o ^oarf l . ^ . ^ » ; .Wtf&fo ^ I l e e , Snyderf ?& E r e c t o r s , pf the JE» VL. Q "A. to tei|||fog/flef|gr, jwoCMQi. i«r ftuunga nj^nose, & ^ a f _ ^ - • • ^ 3 ^ i t o n " ' . ' • % '" ' . ' ; * H^HiE partments:<i{ ^ e " a ^ e c l a « o » I - w o r k a

^ l h u | ^ ; .,%•..>......f..«:... S S I for the, oojwtngyear--^ *"* * ^ ^ 9 ^ t t ^ . . . / 5 . . . - 4 v ^ - ' - 5 11 1 Jnp io rHlDlpaTtment—^M^- P s r l ^

• ,jm mtti^mpM^ R •£& Wooardr^^i| | io#-%«% 3tfW>* ^ n c l i i f i a ^ j * ^ - . . . » , . * . . 1^.7 ^a- F i n a n c e ^ - J ^ ^ ^ r f t e ^ h » * » 5 * « a s * H ^ jjShiiadelnhia 5 § l A, Wood, BvJrl, Hh&m^ WTb, Wft^

Aniei, Koesier, Clark, Gonzales, | cox, H^Ifc % a e ^ ^ 4 * C ^ . S t a t * ^

R H E 3 8 4 9 1 3 1

B a u z a -

R H E 6 i ? l


T h e S t a r s a n d S t r i p e s Shou ld b e Dis ­p l ayed F r o m E v e r y H o m e in t h e

C o u n t r y .

W o m l e r l a m f

T h e f a m o u s Ec la i r wes t e rn d r a m a in two reels , " W h o m God H a t h J o i n ­ed ," f e a t u r i n g J . W. J o h n s t o n and Kdna P a y n e . T h e play wi th a tense plot t h a t ho lds you till the tintsh, "Vasco, t h e V a m p i r e " , an Imp . com edy wi th Li t t l e Mat ty and J u v e n i l e s u p p o r t . A l a u s h in every foot of film. Also t h e r jrood reel . Admiss ion 5 cen t s .—Adv.

Use Our




T o m o r r o w is t h e a n n i v e r s a r y of t h e b i r th of the S t a r s a n d St r ipes—in o t h e r words . F l a g D a y — a n d t h e n a ­t ional e m b l e m shou ld b© given t he place of 'Ironor in every h o m e a n d bus iness p lace in t h e ' c o u n t r y on t h i s day. T h e G r a n d Old F l a g shou ld be d isp layed from ear ly m o r n i n g t o n i g h t — t h e r e is no be t t e r way at t h e presen t -time to show your loyal ty to the flag: a n d t h e c o u n t r y w h i c h it r e p r e s e n t s . If you a r e w i t h o u t a ilaji t h e n p r o c u r e one of t h e h a n d s o m e tlasrs uf fas t colors w h i c h c a n be had at t he exitrem-cly low price ut \iH cents . T h i s flag- is t h r e e by five feet, of abso lu te ly fast colors and has t h e fo r ty -e igh t s t a r s of the union. Th i s is t b e biggest b a r g a i n in t h e flag line ever offered in t h i s c i ty ,

W I L S O N O P T I M I S T I C ,

Waihinsgton, J u n e ICi. — Pres iden t Wi lson today au thor i zed t h e a n ­n o u n c e m e n t tha t h e cwnsaders tine p r o -gTarn of media t ion at N i a g a r a Fa l l s a.s

voiry encoiura.irins." It was s a i l u.n-oifriciaHi t h a t he expec t s imidiltUion ito hitve a sui'ctfisfiul <>uU'<'me within t h e next lew days .




<)<n Board L'. P. S. <*alitforni:a. Ma-/jiWan, Mex., J u n * 11 ( \ la Wi re l e s s tui San Wego , J u n e IC2).—The <\>nsti-tii 'tronalist a r m y u n d e r Gene ra l Obtie-gon 'began t o d a y its first eonoen'trateft sreneral as«xul't on t h e Fedrpad for t i -iMcaiUi<ins a t -Alnzatlan, eomimatided by GenienaJ Hodrig»uez. T h e baiUle raged all d a ^ , ajid a l t h o u g h t h e ibeseiged garrisoin htedd i t s posi t ion, it lost h e a v ­ily >in k i l l ed 'u j^TWjs toded j

I t migh t seem imposs ib le to send a t e l eg ram in a wr i t t en l a n g u a g e t h a t h a s no a l p h a b e t , but is m a d e u p of a vast n n m b e r of c h a r a c t e r s , no two of. which a r e a l i k e . No t only is t h e Chinese l a n g u a g e composed of severa l t h o u s a n d d i f fe ren t c h a r a c t e r s , bu t t h e r e a r e sp m a n y d ia lec t s s p o k e n in C h i n a t ha t t h e r e a r e m o r e t h a n a h u n d r e d ways of p r o n o u n c i n g each c h a r a c t e r , a l t h o u g h the wr i t t en lan­g u a g e is uni form t h r o u g h o u t t he coun­try. How is it possible t o send a\j

I t e l eg ram in such a land a n d such a i l a n g u a g e ? The diff icult ies have been I very ingeniously ove rcome and it is . now eas ier and less expens ' ve to send a t e l eg ram in Chinese t h a n in F r e n c h .

In every t e l eg raph office in C h i n a t h e r e is a d ic t ionary , o r specia l code,

' i n wh ich t h e wr i t t en c h a r a c t e r s a r e l is ted and n u m b e r e d . T h e r e a r e p l a c e s for 9,999 c h a r a c t e r s , but a n u m ­ber of spaces a r e a t p r e s e n t b l a n k ; tht-y can be filled wi th c h a r a c t e r s •when it becomes necessary .

The sende r of t h e t e l e g r a m wr i t e s h i s message in the o rd ina ry m a n n e r , s ays an exchange . T h e o p e r a t o r k n o w s the n u m b e r s of most of t h e c h a r a c t e r s . If t h e r e a r e a n y of which he is i g n o r a n t , he finds t h e m in the c a t a l o g u e . E a c h j m m b e r is composed of four Morse n u m e r a l s ; for example , 5913.0013.04 14 signifies Yuan Shi -Kai , the n a m e of t h e Pres ident of t h e C h i n - , ese, r epubl ic . It follows, then , t h a t the t en Morse n u m e r a l s , will serve to te l eg raph 9,9 99 d i f ferent Chinese c h a r a c t e r s . !

Mayer, Burns. American League

' A t St . L o u i s N e w Y o r k St. L o u i s ' F-isher, Cole, ^ u n a m a b e r , ga rdner^ t«eary.

At Cleve land P h i l a d e l p h i a Cleveland 1 4 2

Wickoff, L a p p ; Co l l amore , J a m e s , O'Nell .

At Chicago R H E W a s h i n g t o n 5 11 1 Chicago . . . > . . . . , 0 9 o

Ayres , H e o r y ; R'ussell, J a s p e r , L a -t a r o p , SchaJk, Daly.

A t De t ro i t R H E Boston , 0 2 1 Det ro i t 1 6 0

J o h n s o n , Cady, Covaleski , S t a n a g e . F e d e r a l L e a g u e

At K a n s a s City R H E Brook lyn 1 6 l K a n s a s City 5 9 0

S o m m e r s , P e t e r s , Owens ; S tone , E n z e n r o e h .

Ait St. Louis R H E ; Buffalo 1 7 0 St. Louis 0 3 1

Moore, Blair ; Brown, Simon. At Chicago R H E

Bal t imore 4 5 0 Chicago 0 6 J

Suggs, J a e k l u s e h ; F i ske , Black , Wilson.

At Ind i anapo l i s R H E P i t t s b u r g 4 9 2 Ind ianapo l i s 5 9 '2

W a l k e r , Be r ry ; F a l k e n b e r g , den.

I n t e r n a t i o n a l L e a g u e N e w a r k , 2; B a l t i m o r e , 3. Je r sey City, u; P rov idence , 5. Buffalo, 3 ; Roches t e r , 4. Toron to , 10; Mont rea l , 5.

At lan t ic L e a g u e Asbury P a r k , 4; Puughkeeps i e , 7.


— . ••f— M*T _ l— - J " -»-^j» - y ^

•$r. E, BaruhnrM Sh ^^Parslhiall jjB?3£yers, & *Et Myers *J •> -? "

Executive—E <£ Mooxe, R 3ff-<»al-» „ herd, O ' T Larftm, W C PricedBkJU Wood, & H Myers "" ^ $

PhjsicaX Department—Dr. TT" A* Rogers, Chairman R, L p / Mason,

'j£."ie£ Agpeifc John Collins, A l g | p t o W -wa«T^ | f f i # , * = LeWis , - W«. J£ 'Jp|g lDis£

Guibord , X. P." Mjxirs, i M & - v ^ a M s c a , H . L. ' B a r b e r , F . D. Bunba r , "ST- -H . J o n e s . :-

E n t e r t a i n m e n t a u d Social-^-J. P . Myers , J o h n G u i b o r d , H . C. H a p g o o d , Fiianjt M. Moore, J . S. Shedden^ C a r l B a n k e r . W. A. Ha l lock .

Chr i s t i an W o r k — O . T. L a r l d n / c h a i r m a n ; W. E. Va len t ine , D a n a i ! H a n k s , M. A. Pierce , Ross LaVignc , -. Chas . J . G a r d n e r , Rev . J . B . Kel ley , W . B . J a c q u e s , W. S. W i n t e r s . W C Pike , W. W . Gal l agher , T. W ; Oaf-litle.

Ed i r ca t i ona l—R. H. Guibord , c h a i r ­m a n ; H. S. J o h n s o n , Rev. J . E . Mead , G. H . I tymers , R e v . Albe r t Gale , Geo. D. Mart in , S. D. Cur t i s , M. A Holmes , E. L. Taylor .





t ' . l K K A X Z A OX T H E M O V E

Laredo . Tex., J u n e 1L'.—ContM'nia-ti')ii of reporu? t h a t C a r r a n z a is jjilan-rsirg UJ vis.'t Monterey were reewxed h.M*' today from SaltilJo. H e expects to !ea.ve SalU'llo tonw>rr<«w on the t r i p .

Albany, J u w 12.—Distr ict A t t o r n e y A11 xar.i;^r th i s moj-nin? announoeid t h a t the cria! of Malcolm tiifford, jr . , cha rged with the m u r d e r of Fran*: J . Clute, the Al!ar:\- chauffeur , on Apri l L'. 1 J)•< 3, nn a lonely road in ibafck oi ^Tatet-v)M>t weii'ld po^ i t ^ ely coane U'P in the Coun ty Couirt before judg'e Ad-din.arton, Thu r sday , J<ine Jo.

Wil l iam T. l lyrne mf this oit\-, Sai.i% nel R. Coflin of l ludwin and Wi l l i am Travejis J e i o n i e . of 'I haw t ame , ail-t o n w y s for the case , will confer s u m o day next wt-ek on the cas*. Mr. B y r n e was rex/entJy i-ctaJncd hy Gifford's fa ther .

I M l ' E A O l L M U V T I I E s t > L l T I O X S

Is it t r i te t h a t Gen. Ph i l She r idan was born in Albany, as the Albany ties c l a i m ? The preva i l ing impress ion h a s . . .„ „. „„ L^^W been t h a t t h e d a s h i n g cava l ry l e a d e r ; a n d wfithout oppos i t ion r e fe r r ed to t h e was a na t ive of Ohio . | judiciaj-y commi t t ee .

WashJhg-ton, J u n e 12. — Reso lu t ions of impea ichnuau aga in s t l ' \xleral J u d g e A. G. i i a f t o n of W e s t Virg in ia were in t roduced in t h e house todiay

MJ{. STEVENSON S I \ K l \ ( i .

Chicago. J i m " 1'_' — Aolai K Steeeii-sotr, f o r m e r \ k - e - p r r s k t r n t of the L'ni-tc<i s-'.iiics, I"1 sii:\\l>- :-.nk i tr-r and the-end is likel> to (,-o-Mie any tisme.


Wa^hiiKgtiin, J u n e \->. — Heipresenta-t ive Wil l iam G. Shan t> of El>Tia, Ohio. w a s n o m i n a t e d tixkiy by P r e s i d c n i Wi lson to Ibe arntoassadoT to F r a n c e , s i" t . ' eed:a^ M.Mr-on T. Her r i ck . Mr . S h a r p is a D e m o c r a t .

C H. OLIVER, General Insurance mii


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