It was like a bad dream. I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned and saw….. Finish this with a...

It was like a bad dream. I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned and saw….. Finish this with a minimum of 2 paragraphs

Transcript of It was like a bad dream. I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned and saw….. Finish this with a...

Page 1: It was like a bad dream. I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned and saw….. Finish this with a minimum of 2 paragraphs.

It was like a bad dream. I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned and saw…..

Finish this with a minimum of 2 paragraphs

Page 2: It was like a bad dream. I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned and saw….. Finish this with a minimum of 2 paragraphs.


• Foreshadowing is an advance sign or warning of what is to come in the future.

• The author of a mystery novel might use foreshadowing in the early chapter of his book to give readers an inkling of an impending disaster.

• Foreshadowing often includes darkness, storms, lightning, ominous events…

Page 3: It was like a bad dream. I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned and saw….. Finish this with a minimum of 2 paragraphs.


• Symbolism is the use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense

• Examples: White stands for life and purity.• Red can symbolize blood, passion, danger, or

immoral character.

Page 4: It was like a bad dream. I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned and saw….. Finish this with a minimum of 2 paragraphs.

Foil Characters

• In fiction, a foil is a character who contrasts with another character (usually the protagonist) in order to highlight particular qualities of the other character. In some cases, a subplot can be used as a foil to the main plot.

Page 5: It was like a bad dream. I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned and saw….. Finish this with a minimum of 2 paragraphs.


Page 6: It was like a bad dream. I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned and saw….. Finish this with a minimum of 2 paragraphs.


• Characterization is the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character.

• Direct Characterization tells the audience what the personality of the character is. The personality is directed stated.

Page 7: It was like a bad dream. I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned and saw….. Finish this with a minimum of 2 paragraphs.

• indirect characterization. the process by which the personality of a fictitious character is revealed through the character's speech, actions, appearance, etc. but is not directed stated.

Page 8: It was like a bad dream. I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned and saw….. Finish this with a minimum of 2 paragraphs.

Non-linear Plot

• Nonlinear plot: where events are portrayed, out of chronological order, or in other ways where the narrative does not follow the direct pattern of a linear plot

• Examples: flashbacks in time, starting in the present and flashing back to the past

Page 9: It was like a bad dream. I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned and saw….. Finish this with a minimum of 2 paragraphs.


• Imagery means to use figurative language to represent objects, actions and ideas in such a way that it appeals to our physical senses.

• Examples: Taste: The familiar tang of his grandmother’s cranberry sauce reminded him of his youth.

• Sound: The concert was so loud that her ears rang for days afterward.

Page 10: It was like a bad dream. I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned and saw….. Finish this with a minimum of 2 paragraphs.

3rd person Limited

• Third person limited point of view is a method of storytelling in which the narrator knows only the thoughts and feelings of a single character, while other characters are presented only externally.

Page 11: It was like a bad dream. I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned and saw….. Finish this with a minimum of 2 paragraphs.

3rd person omniscient

• Third person omniscient is a method of storytelling in which the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters in the story, as opposed to third person limited, which adheres closely to one character's perspective

• Through third person omniscient, a writer may bring to life an entire world of characters.