IT Overhaul Strategy. i-Nova Solutions Limted (ISL) set up 2007 Member of i-Nova Group of...

IT Overhaul Strategy

Transcript of IT Overhaul Strategy. i-Nova Solutions Limted (ISL) set up 2007 Member of i-Nova Group of...

IT Overhaul Strategy

i-Nova Solutions Limted (ISL) set up 2007

Member of i-Nova Group of Companies

All-India presence – HQ Kolkata

US office at San Jose, CA

Focused as a “Product” company

Product Suite across industries/ verticals

Leverages technology as key enabler

Global clientele

ISO 9001:2008 certified

Process on for CMM Level 3

Patron Member – ASSOCHAM

Founding Member – Indo-Sino Chamber of Commerce 2


i-CloudFrame™ BusinesSuite™

i-WorkMan™ i-FinMan™ i-HospIC™ i-nVenT™ i-ReSolution™ i-NfoSec™ i-MIS™

Power Suite™ i-Power™ i-Geo™

VeriTel™ WebServ™


i-Nova Product Suite


IT Overhaul - RoadmapStrategic roadmap for IT overhaul at Reflexions:


Product customization of i-WorkMan and i-nVent to optimize business processes and operating costs at Reflexions.

IT Infrastructure

Strategic capacity-sizing and roadmap study to provide hardware and software infrastructure guidelines to maximize application, database and process thruputs.

Legacy System Data

Cleaning, Cleansing, and Migration of Data from legacy system and existing MS-Office documents.

System Support InfrastructureSLA based L1, L2, L3 support structure for parallel run, post production and AMC period. Transparent issue reporting , tracking and escalation matrix powered by incident tracking tool.

i-WorkMan (HR & Payroll System)

Streamline “Hire-to-Retire” business process

Employee efficiency improvement

‘Single point’ & ‘Selective access' to information upon HR processes

Reduced time on non-core processes - help HR focus on core HR issues

Transforming reactionary traditional Personnel Departments into proactive strategic HR practise


Value-Add for Reflexions

i-nVent (Inventory Management System)

Smooth functioning of demand driven supply chain network

Improved result and process metrics for order fulfillment

Optimized turnaround time

Addresses Dead Stock, Stock Out problem and reducing Inventory Holding cost

System-based Stock-In-Memo and Stock-Out-Memo (SIM - SOM) alert

Control of critical inventory levels by automated replenishment alert

‘Single point’ & ‘Selective access' to information upon Inventory processes


Value-Add for Reflexions

i-ReSolution (Retail Solution)

E2E integrated Point of Sale (PoS) software solution

Integrated Rules Based “Promotion and Discount” Engine

Fast, efficient, optimized, uninterrupted On-demand service for high-footfall outlets

Designed for complex retail business chains


Value-Add for Reflexions




Attendance Malpractice

Handled thru Fingerprint Scanning and Swipe Card Backup

Absence of real-time attendance status with HR

Daily Attendance summary thru Dashboard

Tedious manual calculation of attendance percentage of employees

Automated Attendance Reports with Percentages for Units/ Companies

Inconvenience in handling In/ Out time of Casual employees during Audit

Easily handled thru i-WorkMan

Stuck points v. i-WorkMan

Tedious Gratuity calculation at time of Exit

Auto-calculated Gratuity

Tedious Overtime computation - without any authorized access

Password-protected generation of auto-calculated Overtime reports

Tedious manual calculation of Earned Leaves

Automated Leave reconciliation and encashment

Difficulty in tracking In/ Out timing or frequency of employees every day

Timing-wise/ Frequency-wise Daily Attendance Report of employees

Stuck points v. i-WorkMan


Tedious Advance adjustment for deduction from Pay Slip every month

Auto-calculation and deduction of Advance of each employee

Generation of Pay Slip in English Language only

Pay Slip in 3 languages viz. English, Bengali and Hindi

Generation of Appointment letter in English language only

Appointment letter in 3 languages viz. English, Bengali and Hindi

Tedious manual calculation of Full & Final Settlement

Auto-calculated Full & Final Settlement at the time of Exit

Stuck points v. i-WorkMan



Accelerates company operations and generates custom reports Serves all HR and Payroll needs of Group/ Individual companies Manages employee Records, Staff Payroll, Benefits, Final Settlement Manages Joining thru Exit Process Handles Staff Fitment thru Pay Slip generation Secures employee Record maintenance Provides hierarchy-wise, privilege-level security, access rights and profiling Maintains daily employee Attendance / Leave Status Generates Offer letter and Appointment letter of employees with Annexure(s) Computes Professional Tax, Deductions and maintains EPF, Pension Scheme


Efficient and user-friendly Built on latest technology Easy to customize – quick to deploy Supports “Software as a Service” (SaaS) model Scalable Architecture – grows with the organization Serves easy archival purposes

i-WorkMan Overview


i-WorkMan – Component 1


Application level profiling based on User Defined Roles / Privileges / Access Rights for Application / Modules / Sub-Modules / Menus, etc.

Security & Profiling General Entry Master

o Country Mastero State Mastero District Master

Component Overview




A dynamic landing page of i-WorkMan according to the privileges assigned to a particular User. Provides snapshot of status updates and various related information on:

Employee Information Recruitment Process Status Attendance & Leave Status Payroll Process Status Taxation Status Exit Process Status

Component Overview

i-WorkMan – Component 2


HR Management and Payroll System

Maintains information on Recruitment Process, Taxation, Overtime, Advance, generation of various Reports, Attendance & Leave, Exit Process, etc. along with detailed Payroll Process

Masters Recruitment Process Leave & Attendance Overtime Advance

Component Overview

i-WorkMan – Component 3

Payroll Process Taxation Exit Process Reports



Revenue Leakage

o Human error in estimation & planningo Delivery cost for schedule overrun

Manual Process

o Inaccurate material orderingo Inventory holding costo Procurement costo Iterative delivery costo Shipping cost

o MIS Reporto Insufficient & inaccurate data for decision makingo Absence of on-demand availabilityo Human Error in Report Generationo Absence of Business Intelligence input in processing

Order Tracking/ Monitoring (Suppliers)

o Procurement order trackingo Pre-production verification of supplied materials

Pain Points



Accelerates company operations and generates various reports Supports the demand-driven supply network followed by Reflexions Responds quickly to demand and adjusts to the design of supply chain Optimizes the order turnaround time Integrates and streamlines tracking of orders from customers Maintains Stock Level, Packaging and Shipping Provides hierarchy-wise, privilege-level security, access rights and profiling


Efficient and user-friendly Built on latest technology Easy to customize – quick to deploy Supports “Software as a Service” (SaaS) model Scalable Architecture – grows with the organization Serves easy archival purposes

Solution Overview


i-nVent – Component 1

Finished Goods

Captures complete Order Details. Initiates with receiving Purchase Request, downloading BoM, Preparing Material required for production, Preparing Engg. Sample, Costing Details, generation of Purchase Order and Tracking of PO along with generation of Reports

F/G Order Bill of Material (BoM) Sampling Costing Material Requisition Purchase Order generation and Tracking Import handling Interface Material Details (Reports w.r.t Plan / Month) 19

Component Overview

i-nVent – Component 2


Contains Costing Entry, Material Cutting & Issuing, Store Management, Production of Goods, Replacement and Repair, Labeling and Packaging of finished goods along with Shipping

Costing Entry Material Cutting and Issuing Store Management Production Planning & Monitoring Replacement and Repair Labeling and Packaging (System or Interface) Shipping


Component Overview



Retail Solution : To Be Determined

IT Overhaul Cost Advantage


The IT Overhaul will pay for itself - just by plugging the current revenue leakage across Reflexions. Every additional rupee earned will be a bonus.

Key ROI Enhancement Areas:

i-Workman Minimize attendance leakage Reduced time spent on non-core HR processes Enhanced per-person productivity Improved information accuracy, accessibility & archiving On-demand MIS and BI Reports

i-nVent Accurate Estimation – reduced costs Realistic Delivery Planning – minimizing iterations Right Decision at Right Time - based on intelligent reporting

Cost Advantages



Investment Safeguardi-Nova’s Application Maintenance & Support infrastructure and proven process ensures investment guarantee.

AMS Structure:

Level based incident resolutions in L1, L2, L3 structure.

Service Level Agreement (SLA) driven response time for incident handling.

Tool based issue tracking & reporting system (i-Nova’s issue tracking tool).

Defined SPOC for incident reporting.

Defined Escalation Matrix for exception handling.

Dedicated Support infrastructure - Incident Manger, Business Analysts, Developers and Test Team.



Responsibility Accountable Consulted Informed



Arizona Public Service

The Bengal Club Ltd.

Sample Client List


Sample Client List