ISSP Bibliography 2020...

1 ISSP Bibliography 2020 ARGENTINA Acosta, Lr and Jorrat, Jr. 2005.”A simple alternative to interpret the Gini coefficient. An example based on data on education, occupational prestige, and personal net income from urban Argentina." Paper presented at the International Conference in Memory of two eminent social scientists: G. Gini and M.O. Lorenz, Siena, Italy. Anchorena, José, Ronconi, Lucas and Ozawa, Sachiko. 2014.”Social Capital and Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries." Pp. 153-75 in Social Capital and Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Scientific Publishing Co. Anchorena, Jose and Anjos, Fernando. 2015.”Social Ties and Economic Development." Journal of Macroeconomics 45:63-84. Barreiro, Alicia, Arsenio, William F. and Wainryb, Cecilia 2019.”Adolescents’ conceptions of wealth and societal fairness amid extreme inequality: An Argentine sample." Developmental Psychology 55(3):498-508. DOI: 10.1037/dev0000560. Dalle, Pablo. 2010.”Cambios en el regimen de movilidad social intergeneracional en el Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (1960-2005) [Changes in intergenerational social mobility regime in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (1960-2005)." Revista latinoamericana de poblacion 4(7). Dalle, Pablo. 2015.”Movilidad social intergeneracional en Argentina. Oportunidades sin apertura de la estructura de clases." Revista de Ciencias Sociales 28(37):139-65. Dalle, Pablo, Carrascosa, Joaquin, Lazarte, Lautaro, Mattero, Pablo and Rogulich, German. 2015.”Reconsideraciones sobre el perfil de la estructura de estratificación y la movilidad social intergeneracional desde las clases populares en Argentina a comienzos del siglo XXI." Revista Lavboratorio 15(26):255-80. Dalle, Pablo. 2016. Movilidad social desde las clases populares Un estudio sociológico en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires: CLACSO. Devesa, Jorge Eduardo 2011.”Hacia una economía con rostro humano: El capital social en acción para superar la crisis.” Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Unpublished. Elbert, Rodolfo. 2017.”Informality, Class Structure and Class Identity in Contemporary Argentina." in Latin American Perspectives. Elbert, Rodolfo and Perez, Pablo. 2018.”The identity of class in Latin America: Objective class position and subjective class identification in Argentina and Chile (2009)." Current Sociology 66(5). DOI: 10.1177/0011392117749685. Gomez Rojas, Gabriela. 2010.”Las mujeres y el analisis de clase en la Argentina: una aproximacion a su estudio [Women and class analysis in Argentina: an approach to its study]." Revista Lavboratorio 24:118-32. Gomez Rojas, Gabriela and Riveiro, Manuel. 2014.”El análisis de conglomerados en la construcción de tipos. El caso de la clasificación de parejas según la división de trabajo doméstico." Entramados y perspectivas 4(4):93-114. Gomez Rojas, Gabriela and Riveiro, Manuel. 2015.”El género en la relación entre clase social y estilo de vida: una mirada a través del tiempo libre." Revista de Ciencias Sociales 2(2). Jiménez, Maribel. 2016.”Movilidad Intergeneracional del Ingreso en Argentina. Un Análisis de sus Cambios Temporales desde el Enfoque de Igualdad de Oportunidades.” Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Jorrat, Jorge Raul. 2008.”Exploraciones sobre movilidad de clases en Argentina: 2003-2004 [Explorations on class mobility in Argentina: 2003-2004].” Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Unpublished. Jorrat, Jorge Raul. 2010.”Percepciones de clase en Argentina [Class Perceptions in Argentina]." Estudios del Trabajo 36:49-84. Jorrat, Jorge Raul. 2010.”Logros educacionales y movilidad educacional intergeneracional en Argentina [Educational achievements and intergenerational educational mobility in Argentina]." Desarrollo Economico 49(196):573- 604. Jorrat, Jorge Raul. 2011.”Diferencias de acceso a la educacion en Argentina, 2003-2007 [Differences in access to education in Argentina, 2003-2007]." Revista Lavboratorio 24. Jorrat, Jorge Raul. 2011.”Clase, identidad de clase y percepcion de las sociedades desde elitistas a igualitarias: un estudio comparativo internacional de 33 paises [Class, class identity and perception of societies from elitist to egalitarian: an international comparative study for 33 countries]." Paper presented at the International Workshop”Mobility and Social Change in Latin America, Nov. 4-11, Mar del Plata, Argentina. Jorrat, Jorge Raul. 2012.”Clase, identidad de clase y percepcion de las sociedades desde elitistas hasta igualitarias: Argentina en un contexto comparativo internacional [Class, class identity and perception of societies from an

Transcript of ISSP Bibliography 2020...

Page 1: ISSP Bibliography 2020, Jesica and Rodriguez, Jose. 2016.”Tendencias de movilidad social en la


ISSP Bibliography



Acosta, Lr and Jorrat, Jr. 2005.”A simple alternative to interpret the Gini coefficient. An example based on data on

education, occupational prestige, and personal net income from urban Argentina." Paper presented at the

International Conference in Memory of two eminent social scientists: G. Gini and M.O. Lorenz, Siena, Italy.

Anchorena, José, Ronconi, Lucas and Ozawa, Sachiko. 2014.”Social Capital and Health in Low- and Middle-Income

Countries." Pp. 153-75 in Social Capital and Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Scientific Publishing


Anchorena, Jose and Anjos, Fernando. 2015.”Social Ties and Economic Development." Journal of Macroeconomics


Barreiro, Alicia, Arsenio, William F. and Wainryb, Cecilia 2019.”Adolescents’ conceptions of wealth and societal fairness

amid extreme inequality: An Argentine sample." Developmental Psychology 55(3):498-508. DOI:


Dalle, Pablo. 2010.”Cambios en el regimen de movilidad social intergeneracional en el Area Metropolitana de Buenos

Aires (1960-2005) [Changes in intergenerational social mobility regime in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan

Area (1960-2005)." Revista latinoamericana de poblacion 4(7).

Dalle, Pablo. 2015.”Movilidad social intergeneracional en Argentina. Oportunidades sin apertura de la estructura de

clases." Revista de Ciencias Sociales 28(37):139-65.

Dalle, Pablo, Carrascosa, Joaquin, Lazarte, Lautaro, Mattero, Pablo and Rogulich, German. 2015.”Reconsideraciones

sobre el perfil de la estructura de estratificación y la movilidad social intergeneracional desde las clases

populares en Argentina a comienzos del siglo XXI." Revista Lavboratorio 15(26):255-80.

Dalle, Pablo. 2016. Movilidad social desde las clases populares Un estudio sociológico en el Área Metropolitana de

Buenos Aires Buenos Aires: CLACSO.

Devesa, Jorge Eduardo 2011.”Hacia una economía con rostro humano: El capital social en acción para superar la

crisis.” Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Unpublished.

Elbert, Rodolfo. 2017.”Informality, Class Structure and Class Identity in Contemporary Argentina." in Latin American


Elbert, Rodolfo and Perez, Pablo. 2018.”The identity of class in Latin America: Objective class position and subjective

class identification in Argentina and Chile (2009)." Current Sociology 66(5). DOI: 10.1177/0011392117749685.

Gomez Rojas, Gabriela. 2010.”Las mujeres y el analisis de clase en la Argentina: una aproximacion a su estudio

[Women and class analysis in Argentina: an approach to its study]." Revista Lavboratorio 24:118-32.

Gomez Rojas, Gabriela and Riveiro, Manuel. 2014.”El análisis de conglomerados en la construcción de tipos. El caso de

la clasificación de parejas según la división de trabajo doméstico." Entramados y perspectivas 4(4):93-114.

Gomez Rojas, Gabriela and Riveiro, Manuel. 2015.”El género en la relación entre clase social y estilo de vida: una

mirada a través del tiempo libre." Revista de Ciencias Sociales 2(2).

Jiménez, Maribel. 2016.”Movilidad Intergeneracional del Ingreso en Argentina. Un Análisis de sus Cambios

Temporales desde el Enfoque de Igualdad de Oportunidades.” Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

Jorrat, Jorge Raul. 2008.”Exploraciones sobre movilidad de clases en Argentina: 2003-2004 [Explorations on class

mobility in Argentina: 2003-2004].” Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Unpublished.

Jorrat, Jorge Raul. 2010.”Percepciones de clase en Argentina [Class Perceptions in Argentina]." Estudios del Trabajo


Jorrat, Jorge Raul. 2010.”Logros educacionales y movilidad educacional intergeneracional en Argentina [Educational

achievements and intergenerational educational mobility in Argentina]." Desarrollo Economico 49(196):573-


Jorrat, Jorge Raul. 2011.”Diferencias de acceso a la educacion en Argentina, 2003-2007 [Differences in access to

education in Argentina, 2003-2007]." Revista Lavboratorio 24.

Jorrat, Jorge Raul. 2011.”Clase, identidad de clase y percepcion de las sociedades desde elitistas a igualitarias: un

estudio comparativo internacional de 33 paises [Class, class identity and perception of societies from elitist

to egalitarian: an international comparative study for 33 countries]." Paper presented at the International

Workshop”Mobility and Social Change in Latin America, Nov. 4-11, Mar del Plata, Argentina.

Jorrat, Jorge Raul. 2012.”Clase, identidad de clase y percepcion de las sociedades desde elitistas hasta igualitarias:

Argentina en un contexto comparativo internacional [Class, class identity and perception of societies from an

Page 2: ISSP Bibliography 2020, Jesica and Rodriguez, Jose. 2016.”Tendencias de movilidad social en la


elitist to an egalitarian type: Argentina in an international comparative context]." Desarrollo Economico:

Revista de Ciencias Sociales 52(205):63-94.

Jorrat, Jorge Raul 2014.”"Percepcion de clase y percepion de desigualdad en la Argentina en un contexto

internacional, con especial referencia as las clases medias" [Class perceptions and inequality perceptions in

Argentina within an international context, with special references to the middle classes]." in Clases Medias.

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Jorrat, Jorge Raul. 2016. De tal padre … ¿tal hijo?” Estudios sobre Movilidad Social en Argentina. Buenos Aires: Dunken.

Jorrat, Jorge Raul and Benza, Gabriela. 2016.”Movilidad Intergeneracional de Clase en Argentina, 2003-2010." Pp. 133-

92 in Y sin embargo se mueve... Estratificación social y movilidad intergeneracional de clase en América Latina ,

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Pla, Jesica and Rodriguez, Jose. 2016.”Tendencias de movilidad social en la Argentina de las dos últimas décadas:

1995-2010." Revista Papers 101(4):473-502.

Riveiro, Manuel. 2014.”Análisis del uso del tiempo libre desde la clase social." Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Rodríguez, Santiago. 2010.”Afinidades electivas en Argentina: Un analisis de homogamia y heterogamia educativa

[Elective Affinities in Argentina: An analysis of educational homogamy and heterogamy]."

Revista”Lavboratorio" 24.

Rodríguez, Santiago. 2014.”Percepciones de desigualdad socioeconomica: Un estudio exploratorio para el caso

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Eder, Anja and Höllinger, Franz. 2014.”Rising income inequality and it's evaluation. A cross-national comparative trend

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Page 6: ISSP Bibliography 2020, Jesica and Rodriguez, Jose. 2016.”Tendencias de movilidad social en la


Working Paper No. 1.

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Smith, Tom W. 1992.”Religion in Great Britain and the United States." GSS News (6):6-7.

Smith, Tom W. 1992.”Religious Beliefs and Behaviors in Great Britain and the United States." Paper presented at the

Annual ISSP Research Conference, May, Bergen.

Smith, Tom W. 1992.”The International Social Survey Program." International Journal of Public Opinion Research 4:275-


Smith, Tom W. 1992.”The International Social Survey Program." ASA Footnotes 20:10.

Smith, Tom W. 1992.”The International Social Survey Program." Journal of Official Statistics 8:235-39.

Smith, Tom W. 1992.”Religion in Great Britain and the United States." Paper presented at the The Annual ISSP

Research Conference, May, Bergen.

Smith, Tom W. and Tyree, Andrea. 1992.”ISSP Didactic." Paper presented at the The American Sociological Association,

August, Pittsburgh.

Smith, Tom W. 1993.”Little Things Matter: A Sampler of How Differences in Questionnaire Format Can Affect Survey

Responses." GSS Methodological Report No. 78. Chicago: NORC.

Smith, Tom W. 1993.”Scientific and Environmental Knowledge in Norway and the United States." Paper presented at

the International Conference on Science Literacy, October, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. 1993.”An Introduction to the International Social Survey Program." Paper presented at the The

American Association for Public Opinion Research, May, Peasant Run.

Smith, Tom W. 1994.”A Comparison of Two Government Spending Scales." GSS Methodological Report. Chicago:


Smith, Tom W. 1994.”Knowledge of Science and the Environment in Germany, Great Britain, Norway, and the United

States." Paper presented at the Annual ISSP Research Conference, May, Tel Aviv.

Smith, Tom W. 1994.”The 1994 ISSP Bibliography: A Report.” NORC, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. 1994.”Measuring the Intensity of Response Categories." GSS Cross-National Report No. 17. Chicago:


Smith, Tom W. 1994.”Scientific and Environmental Knowledge in Britain, Germany, Norway, and the United States."

Paper presented at the The Annual ISSP Research Conference, May, Tel Aviv.

Smith, Tom W. 1994.”Environmental and Scientific Knowledge in Five Countries." Paper presented at the The Midwest

Association for Public Opinion Research, November, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. and Selfa, Lance. 1994.”Knowledge of Science and the Environment in Germany, Great Britain, Norway,

and the United States." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, August, Los Angeles.

Smith, Tom W. 1995.”Measuring Religion in Cross-National Surveys: Validity, Comparability, and Coverage." Paper

presented at the ZUMA Demography Symposium, October, Mannheim.

Smith, Tom W. 1995.”The International Social Survey Program." ICPSR Bulletin 15:1-4.

Smith, Tom W. 1995.”Tracking America and Charting the Globe: The GSS Odyssey, 1972-1994." Paper presented at the

The Woodward Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Lecture Series, February, Princeton


Smith, T.W. 1995.”Little Things Matter: A Sampler of How Differences in Questionnaire Format Can Affect Survey

Response." Paper presented at the The American Association for Public Opinion Research, May, Fort


Smith, Tom W. 1995.”Across Time and Space: Data from the GSS and ISSP." Paper presented at the The American

Sociological Association, August, Washington, D.C.

Smith, Tom W. 1995.”Recent Myths about Trends in Cross-National Surveys: Validity, Comparability, and Coverage."

Paper presented at the The Leadership 2000 Conference of the Women's Campaign Research Fund, October,


Smith, Tom W. 1995.”Scaling Response Categories to Improve Cross-National Survey Research." Paper presented at

Page 381: ISSP Bibliography 2020, Jesica and Rodriguez, Jose. 2016.”Tendencias de movilidad social en la


the The Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, November, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. and Braun, Michael. 1995.”Education in Cross-National Analyses: Problems and Prospects." Paper

presented at the Annual ISSP Research Conference, May, Cologne.

Smith, Tom W., Davis, James A., Harkness, Janet and Mohler, Peter Ph. 1995.”Scaling Response Categories for Cross-

National Comparability: An Experiment." Paper presented at the Annual ISSP Research Conference, May,


Smith, Gordon, Paterson, William E. and Padgett, Stephen. 1996. Developments in German Politics. Durham, NC: Duke

University Press.

Smith, Tom W. 1996.”Environmental and Scientific Knowledge Around the World." GSS Cross-National Report No. 16.

Chicago: NORC.

Smith, Tom W. 1996.”Environmental and Scientific Knowledge Around the World: Methodological Matters." Paper

presented at the Annual ISSP Research Conference, May, Portoroz, Slovenia.

Smith, Tom W. 1996.”Measuring the Intensity of Response Categories." Paper presented at the The American

Association for Public Opinion Research, May, Salt Lake City.

Smith, Tom W. 1996.”Environmental and Scientific Knowledge around the World." Paper presented at the The

American Association for Public Opinion Research, May, Salt Lake City.

Smith, Tom W. 1996.”The General Social Survey and the International Social Survey Program: Future Directions." Paper

presented at the The American Sociological Association, August, New York.

Smith, Tom W. and Mohler, Peter Ph. 1996.”Use of Background and Demographic Variables in Comparative Survey

Research: Theoretical Considerations." Paper presented at the ZUMA International Symposium on

Background and Demographic Variables for International and Intercultural Comparative Survey Research,

October, Mannheim.

Smith, Tom W. 1997.”Global Environmental and Scientific Knowledge." in Shades of Green: Environmental Attitudes in

Canada and Around the World, edited by A. Frizzell and J. H. Pammett. Ottawa: Carleton University Press.

Smith, Tom W. 1997.”Improving Cross-National Survey Research by Measuring the Intensity of Response Categories."

Paper presented at the Annual ISSP Research Conference, The Hague.

Smith, Tom W. 1997.”Improving Cross-National Survey Research by Measuring the Intensity of Response Categories."

GSS Cross-National Report No. 17. Chicago: NORC.

Smith, Tom W. 1997.”The General Social Survey and the International Social Survey Prgoram: Past, Present, and

Future." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, August, Toronto.

Smith, Tom W. and Mohler, Peter Ph. 1997.”The NORC-ZUMA Research Project on Response Scale Expressions." Paper

presented at the Annual ISSP Research Conference, May, The Hague.

Smith, Tom W. 1998.”The Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change: A Report on International Social

Survey Program Studies of 1993 and 2000." Paper presented at the Environmental Studies Program

Workshop, April, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. 1998.”Cross-Time and Cross-National Perspectives: The General Social Survey and International Social

Suvery Program." Paper presented at the Coalition for National Science Funding Exhibition and Reception for

Members of Congress, May, Washington, D.C.

Smith, Tom W. 1998.”The General Social Survey and the International Social Survey Program: The First and Next 25

Years." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, August, San Francisco.

Smith, Tom W. 1998.”Improving Response Comparability in Cross-National Surveys." Paper presented at the Third

ZUMA Symposium on Cross-Cultural Methodology, December, Mannheim.

Smith, Tom W. and Jarkko, Lars. 1998.”National Pride: A Cross-national Analysis." Paper presented at the Midwest

Association for Public Opinion Research, November, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. and Jarkko, Lars. 1998.”National Pride: A Cross-National Analysis." GSS Cross National Report No. 19.

Chicago: NORC.

Smith, Tom W. 1999.”The Emerging 21st Century American Family." GSS Social Change Report No. 42. Chicago: NORC.

Smith, Tom W. 1999.”National Pride Across Countries and Cohorts." Paper presented at the Annual ISSP Research

Conference, April, Madrid.

Smith, Tom W. 1999.”The Future of Cross-National Survey Research." Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science

Association, April, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. 1999.”National Pride in Cross-National Perspective." Paper presented at the American Association for

Public Opinion Research, May, St. Petersburg Beach.

Smith, Tom W. 1999.”The General Social Survey and the International Social Survey Program: An Informational

Page 382: ISSP Bibliography 2020, Jesica and Rodriguez, Jose. 2016.”Tendencias de movilidad social en la


Exhibit." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, August, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. 1999.”Putting Cross-National Research in Perspective." Paper presented at the ICPSR Meeting of

Institutional Representatives, October, Ann Arbor.

Smith, T.W. 1999.”The Emerging 21st century American Family." Paper presented at the Midwest Association for Public

Opinion Research November, Chicago.

Smith, T.W. 1999.”The Emerging 21st Century American Family." Paper presented at the Quest Futures Group, June,


Smith, Tom W. and Davis, James A. 1999.”The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP).” NORC at the University

of Chicago, Unpublished working paper.

Smith, Tom W. 2000.”L'Evolution de la Famille aux Etats-Unis [The Evolution of the Family in the U.S.]." Futuribles


Smith, Tom W. 2000.”A Cross-National Comparison of Attitudes Towards Work by Age and Labor Force Status." Paper

presented at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. 2000.”Public Support for Governmental Benefits for the Elderly Across Countries and Time." GSS Cross-

national Report No. 21.

Smith, Tom W. 2000.”A Cross-national Comparison of Attitudes towards Work by Age and Labor Force Status." GSS

Cross-national Report No. 20.

Smith, Tom W. 2000.”The International Social Survey Program: Cross-National Research Developments and

Opportunities." Paper presented at the American Library Association, July, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. 2000.”The General Social Survey and the International Social Survey Program: Data via the Internet."

Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, August, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. 2000.”Cross-national Research and the International Social Survey Program." Paper presented at the

NORC SOC Luncheon Series, September, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. 2000.”Cohort Turnover in Cross-national Perspective." Paper presented at the Conference on

Demographic Trends: The World's Long-term Economic, Political, and Security Landscape, October,

Arlington, VA.

Smith, Tom W. 2001.”Age, Self-Interest, and Public Support for Governmental Benefits for the Elderly in Comparative

Perspective." Paper presented at the ISSP Research Conference, June, Umea.

Smith, Tom W. 2001.”Attitudes towards Work and Time in Cross-National Perspective." Paper presented at the

International Society for Quality of Life Studies, November, Washington, DC.

Smith, Tom W. 2001.”Public Support for Governmental Benefits for the Elderly Across Countries and Time." Paper

presented at the World Association for Public Opinion Research, September, Rome.

Smith, Tom W. 2001.”The International Social Survey Program." in The International Encyclopedia of Social and

Behavioral Sciences, edited by N. J. Smelser and P. B. Baltes. Palo Alto and Berlin: Elsevier.

Smith, Tom W. 2001.”National Pride in Cross-National Perspective: An Update." Paper presented at the IRIC

Conference Comparing Cultures, April, Tilburg.

Smith, Tom W. 2001.”The National Data Program for the Social Sciences: The General Social Survey and International

Social Survey Program." Paper presented at the Coalition for National Science Funding Exhibition and

Reception for Members of Congress, June, Washington, D.C.

Smith, Tom W. 2001.”The GSS and ISSP in the 21st Century." Paper presented at the American Sociological

Association, August, Anaheim.

Smith, Tom W. 2002.”A Generation of Data: The General Social Survey, 1972-2002 and Beyond." Paper presented at

the JGSS Symposium 2008, June, Osaka.

Smith, Tom W. 2002.”Constructing Cross-National Surveys." Chicago: NORC.

Smith, Tom W. 2002.”Developing Comparable Questions in Cross-National Surveys." in Cross-cultural Survey Methods,

edited by J. Harkness, F. J. R. V. d. Vijver and P. P. Mohler. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Smith, Tom W. 2002.”Globalizing Survey Research: The International Social Survey Program." Public Perspective 13:40-


Smith, Tom W. 2002.”National Pride in Comparative Perspective." Paper presented at the International Sociological

Association, July, Brisbane.

Smith, Tom W. 2002.”Reporting Survey Nonresponse in Academic Journals." International Journal of Public Opinion

Research 14(4):469-74.

Smith, Tom W. 2002.”The International Social Survey Program." ASAFootnotes 30(3):8.

Smith, Tom W. 2002.”Developments in the GSS and ISSP." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association,

Page 383: ISSP Bibliography 2020, Jesica and Rodriguez, Jose. 2016.”Tendencias de movilidad social en la


August, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. 2002.”Constructing Cross-National Surveys." Paper presented at the International Conference on

Questionnaire Development, Evaluation, and Testing Methods Conference, November, Charleston.

Smith, Tom W. 2003.”Cross-National Survey Research: The Challenge and the Promise." GSS Project Report No. 25.

Chicago: NORC.

Smith, Tom W. 2003.”Latest Developments Regarding the GSS and ISSP." Paper presented at the American

Sociological Association, August, Atlanta.

Smith, Tom W. 2003.”Spiritual Transformation around the World." Paper presented at the World Association for Public

Opinion Research, September, Prague.

Smith, Tom W. 2004.”Methods for Assessing and Calibrating Response Scales Across Countries and Languages." Paper

presented at the Sheth Foundation/Sudman Symposium on Cross-National Survey Research,


Smith, Tom W. 2004.”Perceived and Preferred Social Structure in Cross-National Perspective." Paper presented at the

ISSP Research Conference, April, Bled, Slovenia.

Smith, Tom W. 2004.”Developing and Evaluating Cross-National Survey Instruments." in Methods for Testing and

Evaluating Survey Questionnaires, edited by S. Presser, J. M. Rothgeb, M. P. Couper, J. T. Lessler, E. Martin, J.

Martin and E. Singer. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Smith, Tom W. 2004.”Cross-National Survey Research: The Challenge and the Promise." ICPSR Bulletin:3-12.

Smith, Tom W. 2004.”Methods for Assessing and Calibrating Response Scales Across Countries and Languages." GSS

Cross-National Report No. 23. Chicago: NORC.

Smith, Tom W. 2004.”ISSP as a Platform." Paper presented at the Stigma in Global Context: Mental Health Study

Workshop, January, Indianapolis.

Smith, Tom W. 2004.”The GSS and ISSP after 30 Years." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association,

August, San Francisco.

Smith, Tom W. and Wolter, Kirk M. 2004.”Techniques for Calibrating Response Scales across Countries and

Languages." Paper presented at the American Statistical Association, August, Toronto.

Smith, Tom W. 2005.”Turning Points: Spiritual Transformations Around the World." Public Opinion Pros (1):42.

Smith, Tom W. 2005.”The International Social Survey Program." Paper presented at the WAPOR/ISSC Conference on

Conducting International Social Surveys, November, Ljubljana.

Smith, Tom W. 2005.”A Report on the 2005 ISSP Non-Response Survey." GSS Cross-national Report No. 24. Chicago:


Smith, Tom W. 2005.”Trends in National Pride around the World,1995/1996 – 2003-2004." Paper presented at the

World Association for Public Opinion research, September, Cannes.

Smith, Tom W. 2005.”Changes in National Identity of US Citizens." Paper presented at the Conference on National

Identity: South Korea, the United States, and Cross-National Comparisons, February, Chicago.

Smith, T.W. 2005.”The National Spiritual Transformation Study: An Overview." Paper presented at the American

Association for Public Opinion Research, May, Miami Beach.

Smith, Tom W. 2005.”Recent GSS and ISSP Developments." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association,

August, Philadelphia.

Smith, Tom W. 2005.”The 2005 ISSP Non-Response Survey." Paper presented at the WAPOR/ISSC Conference on

Conducting International Social Surveys, November, Ljubljana.

Smith, Tom W., Kim, Jibum, Koch, Achim and Park, Alison. 2005.”Social-Science Research and the General Social

Surveys." GSS Cross-National Report No. 25. Chicago: NORC.

Smith, Tom W., Kim, Jibum, Koch, Achim and Park, Alison. 2005.”Social-Science Research and the General Social

Surveys." ZUMA-Nachrichten 56:68-77.

Smith, Tom W. and Kim, Seokho. 2005.”National Pride in Comparative Perspective." GSS Cross-National Report No. 26.

Chicago: NORC.

Smith, Tom W., Mohler, Peter Ph, Harkness, Janet and Onodera, Noriko. 2005.”Methods for Assessing and Calibrating

Response Scales Across Countries and Languages." Comparative Sociology 4(3/4):365-415.

Smith, Tom W. 2006.”National Pride in Specific Domains." GSS Cross-National Report No. 27. Chicago: NORC.

Smith, Tom W. 2006.”National Pride in Global Perspective." Paper presented at the American Association for Public

Opinion Research, May, Montreal.

Smith, Tom W. 2006.”Religious Change in a Globalizing World." Paper presented at the International Sociological

Society, July, Durban.

Page 384: ISSP Bibliography 2020, Jesica and Rodriguez, Jose. 2016.”Tendencias de movilidad social en la


Smith, Tom W. 2006.”Spiritual Transformations in America." Paper presented at the Spiritual Transformation Program

Conference, April, University of California, Berkeley.

Smith, Tom W. 2006.”A Cross-national Analysis of National Pride across Time and Cohort." Paper presented at the

International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology, Durban.

Smith, Tom W. 2006.”Advancing Cross-national Research in the Social Sciences: Collaboration and Methodological

Innovation." Paper presented at the EuroScience Open Forum, July, Munich.

Smith, Tom W., Kim, Jibum, Koch, Achim and Park, Alison. 2006.”Social-Science Research and the General Social

Surveys." Comparative Sociology 5(1):33-43.

Smith, Tom W. and Kim, Seokho. 2006.”National Pride in Comparative Perspective: 1995/96 and 2003/04." Pp. 127-36

in International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 18, edited by M. Haller, R. Jowell and T. Smith. London:


Smith, Tom W. and Kim, Seokho. 2006.”National Pride Across Counties and Time." International Journal of Public

Opinion Research (18):127-36.

Smith, Tom W. and Kim, Seokho. 2006.”National Pride in Cross-National and Temporal Perspective." Paper presented

at the ISSP Research Session, April, Prague.

Smith, Tom W. and Kim, Seokho. 2006.”National Pride in Comparative Perspective: 1995/96 and 2003/04."

International Journal of Public Opinion Research 18(1):127-36. DOI: 10.1093/ijpor/edk007.

Smith, Tom W. 2007.”Survey Non-Response Procedures in Cross-National Perspective: The 2005 ISSP Non-Response

Survey." Survey Research Methods 1:45-54.

Smith, Tom W. 2007.”Procedures to Reduce Nonresponse in Cross-Cultural Perspective: The 2006 ISSP Non-response

Survey." Paper presented at the International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation,

March, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. 2007.”A Report on the 2006 ISSP Non-Response Survey." Paper presented at the ISSP Research

Session, April, Taipei.

Smith, Tom W. 2007.”A Report on the 2006 ISSP Non-Response Survey." GSS Cross-National Report No. 29. Chicago:

University of Chicago NORC.

Smith, Tom W. 2007.”Developments in Cross-national Research." Paper presented at the Data Resources Workshop at

the American Sociological Association, August, New York.

Smith, Tom W. 2007.”Procedures to Reduce Nonresponse in Cross-Cultural Perspective: The 2006 ISSP Non-Response

Survey." Paper presented at the ISSP Research Session, April, Taipei.

Smith, Tom W. 2007.”Social Identity and Socio-Demographic Structure." International Journal of Public Opinion

Research 19(3):380-90.

Smith, Tom W. 2007.”Report of the Workshop on Studying the Societal Impact of the Internet and Other New

Infromation Technologies around the World."

Smith, Tom W. 2007.”The National Opinion Research Center, Its National Data Program for the Social Sciences, and

Cross-national Survey Research." Japanese Association for Public Opinion Research Bulletin 100.

Smith, Tom W. 2007.”The GSS and ISSP as Sources of Information." Paper presented at the Training Seminar,

Department of Homeland Security, July, Washington, D.C.

Smith, Tom W. 2007.”Integrating Translation into Cross-National Survey Research." Paper presented at the Midwest

Association for Public Opinion Research, November.

Smith, Tom W. and Kim, Jibum. 2007.”The Globalization of Survey Research." Paper presented at the American

Sociological Association, New York City.

Smith, Tom W. 2008.”Applying the Total Survey Error Paradigm to Cross-National Research." Paper presented at the

International Sociological Association, September, Naples, Italy.

Smith, Tom W. 2008.”The Globalization of Survey Research." Paper presented at the International Conference on

Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Context, June, Berlin.

Smith, Tom W. 2008.”International Social Survey Program." in Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods, edited by P. J.

Lavrakas. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Smith, Tom W. 2008.”NORC/GSS/ISSP." Paper presented at the GSS FI Training Workshop, April, Hickory Ridge.

Smith, Tom W. 2008.”National Pride in Specific Domains." Paper presented at the World Association for Public

Opinion Research, May, New Orleans.

Smith, Tom W. 2008.”Treating Translation as a Scientific Component of Cross-National Research." Paper presented at

the World Association for Public Opinion Research, May, New Orleans.

Smith, Tom W. 2008.”A Cross-National Study of the Societal Impact of the Internet and Other New Information

Page 385: ISSP Bibliography 2020, Jesica and Rodriguez, Jose. 2016.”Tendencias de movilidad social en la


Technologies." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, August, Boston.

Smith, Tom W. 2008.”Making Translation an Integrated, Scientific Component of Cross-National Survey Research."

Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, August, Boston.

Smith, Tom W. 2008.”Changes in the GSS and ISSP." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association,

August, Boston.

Smith, Tom W. 2008.”Cross-National Survey Research from the Total Survey Error Perspective." Paper presented at the

Conference on Poetics and Politics of Researching Ethnicity, Race and Racism, November, Bournemouth.

Smith, Tom W. 2008.”Cross-National Survey Research from the Total Survey Error Perspective." Paper presented at the

Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, November, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. 2009.”The ISSP: History, Organisation and Members, Working Principles and Outcomes. A Historical-

Sociological Account." in Charting the Globe. The International Social Survey Program, edited by M. Haller, R.

Jowell and T. Smith. London: Routledge.

Smith, Tom W. 2009.”National Pride in Comparative Perspective." in Charting the Globe. The International Social Survey

Program, edited by M. Haller, R. Jowell and T. Smith. London: Routledge.

Smith, Tom W. 2009.”Religious Change around the World." GSS Cross-National Report No. 30. Chicago: NORC.

Smith, Tom W. 2009.”Religious Change around the World." John Templeton Foundation.

Smith, Tom W. 2009.”Religion Beyond the ISSP: Preliminary Results from Kenya, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and

Tanzania." Paper presented at the ISSP Research Session, April, Vienna.

Smith, Tom W. 2009.”Religious Change around the World." Paper presented at the ISSP Anniversary Session, April,


Smith, Tom W. 2009.”Globalization and Religious Change." Paper presented at the World Social Science Forum, May,


Smith, Tom W. 2009.”Recent Developments in the GSS and ISSP." Paper presented at the American Sociological

Association, August, San Francisco.

Smith, Tom W. 2009.”The General Social Survey and the International Social Survey Program and the Building of the

Social Science Infrastructure." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, August, San


Smith, Tom W. 2009.”Using the Total-Survey-Error Perspective in Cross-National Research." Paper presented at the

World Association for Public Opinion Research, September, Lausanne.

Smith, Tom W. 2009.”The General Social Survey and International Social Survey Program: An Overview." Paper

presented at the Institute for Inequality Studies Colloquium Series, October, University of Iowa.

Smith, Tom W. 2010.”The Origin and Development of Cross-national Survey Research." Paper presented at the

Seminar on the Early Days of Survey Research and their Importance Today, July, Vienna.

Smith, Tom W. 2010.”Surveying across Nations and Cultures." Pp. 733-63 in The Handbook of Survey Research, edited

by J. D. Wright and P. V. Marsden. San Diego: Elsevier.

Smith, Tom W. 2010.”The Globalization of Survey Research." Pp. 477-84 in Survey Methods in Multinational,

Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts, edited by J. A. B. Harkness, Michael; Edwards, Brad; Johnson,

Timothy P.; Lyberg, Lars; Mohler, Peter Ph.; Pennell, Beth-Ellen; Smith, Tom W. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley &

Sons, Inc.

Smith, Tom W. 2010.”GSS/ISSP." Paper presented at the GSS FI Training Workshop, March, Hickory Ridge.

Smith, T.W. 2010.”Religious Change around the World." Paper presented at the World Association for Public Opinion

Research, May, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. 2010.”Religious Change around the World in Comparative Perspective." Paper presented at the

American Sociological Association, August, Atlanta.

Smith, Tom W. 2010.”Developments in the GSS and ISSP." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association,

August, Atlanta.

Smith, Tom W. 2010.”Religious Change in Comparative Perspective." Paper presented at the Society for the Scientific

Study of Religion, October, Baltimore.

Smith, Tom W. 2010.”The Origins of Cross-national Survey Research, 1935-1960." Paper presented at the Social

Science History Association, November, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. 2010.”The Beginning of Cross-National Survey Research." Paper presented at the Midwest Association

for Public Opinion Research, November, Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. and Kim, Jibum. 2010.”Developing a New National Identity Study." Paper presented at the Annual

meeting of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA.

Page 386: ISSP Bibliography 2020, Jesica and Rodriguez, Jose. 2016.”Tendencias de movilidad social en la


Smith, Shawna N., Fisher, Stephen D. and Heath, Anthony. 2011.”Opportunities and challenges in the expansion of

cross-national survey research." International Journal of Social Research Methodology 14(6):485-502. DOI:


Smith, Tom W. 2011.”Design Changes and Developments in the GSS and ISSP." Paper presented at the American

Sociological Association, August, Las Vegas.

Smith, Tom W. 2011.”National Pride in Cross-National Perspective." Paper presented at the IRIC

Conference”Comparing Cultures", April, Tilburg University.

Smith, Tom W. 2011.”Cross-national Differences in Attitudes towards Homosexuality." NORC/University of Chicago.

Smith, Tom W. 2011.”Refining the total survey error perspective." International Journal of Public Opinion Research


Smith, Tom W. 2011.”Cross-national Differences in Attitudes towards Same –Gender Sexual Behavior." GSS Cross-

National Report No. 31. 31. Chicago: NORC.

Smith, Tom W. 2011.”Tracking Attitudes towards Same-Gender, Sexual Behavior across Time and across Countries."

Paper presented at the World Association for Public Opinion Research, Amsterdam.

Smith, Tom W. 2011.”The General Social Survey and International Social Survey Program: Monitoring America across

Time and in Comparative Perspective." Paper presented at the Consortium for Education and Social Science

Research, Indiana University.

Smith, Tom W. 2011.”Monitoring Societal Change Over Short, Medium, and Long Intervals." Paper presented at the

Questionnaire Design Issues in Longitudinal and Repeated Cross-National Surveys: Balancing Continuity and

Innovation, February, Durham, NC.

Smith, Tom W. 2011.”Cross-National Research and Total Survey Error." Paper presented at the Conference on Survey

Research in the Gulf, February, Doha.

Smith, Tom W. 2012.”Reaching the Hard-to-Reach in Cross-national Perspective." Paper presented at the International

Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation, March, Washington, D.C.

Smith, T.W. 2012.”Developments from the International Workshop on Survey Nonresponse." Paper presented at the

RC33 8th International Conference on Social Science Methodology, July, Sydney.

Smith, Tom W. 2012.”Beliefs about God across Time and Countries." Paper presented at the ISSP Research Session,

April, Cavtat, Croatia.

Smith, Tom W. 2012.”Beliefs about God across Time and Countries." Report Prepared for ISSP and GESIS.

Smith, Tom W. 2012.”Public Attitudes towards Climate Change and Other Global Environmental Issues across Time

and Countries, 1993-2010." in Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue: Public Attitudes and Environmental

Policy in Canada and Europe. Ottawa, Canada.

Smith, Tom W. 2012.”Religious Change in the United States." Paper presented at the Nuffield College Trinity Term

Sociology Seminar, Oxford University.

Smith, Tom W. 2012.”Social Science Infrastructure and Research in Comparative Perspective: The General Social

Surveys and the International Social Survey Program." Paper presented at the Third Japanese General Social

Survey International Symposium, Osaka.

Smith, Tom W. 2012.”The International Social Survey Program, 1984-2012." Paper presented at the American

Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, May 2012, Orlando.

Smith, Tom W. 2012.”Total Survey Error in Comparative Perspective." Paper presented at the RC33 8th International

Conference on Social Science Methodology, July, Sydney.

Smith, Tom W. 2012.”The Origins and Development of Cross-National Survey Research: The Diffusion of Innovation."

Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, August, Denver.

Smith, Tom W. 2012.”The Global Perspective: The ISSP and the Future of Comparative Social Research." Paper

presented at the World Association for Public Opinion Research, June, Hong Kong.

Smith, Tom W. 2013.”National Identity Around the World: 1995-2013." Paper presented at the American Sociological

Association, New York.

Smith, Tom W. 2013.”Public Attitudes towards Global Environmental Change across Time and Countries." Paper

presented at the European Survey Research Association, July, Ljubljana (ISSP).

Smith, Tom W. 2013.”Public Attitudes towards Climate Change and Other Global Environmental Issues across Time

and Countries, 1993-2010." Paper presented at the Conference on Public Attitudes and Environmental Policy

in Canada and Europe, February, Carelton University, Ottawa.

Smith, Tom W. 2013.”The Origins and Development of Cross-National Survey Research: The Diffusion of an

Innovation." Paper presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research, May, Boston.

Page 387: ISSP Bibliography 2020, Jesica and Rodriguez, Jose. 2016.”Tendencias de movilidad social en la


Smith, Tom W. 2013.”Public Opinion about Global Environmental Change across Time and Countries, 1993-2010."

Paper presented at the Conference Mexico en la Opinion International, La Procuraduria Federal de

Protecteccion al Ambiente, June, Mexico City.

Smith, Tom W. 2013.”Global Environmental Change across Time and Countries: An Emerging Social Transformation."

Paper presented at the World Social Science Forum: Social Transformations and the Digital Age, Montreal,


Smith, Tom W. 2013.”Global Environmental Change across Time and Countries, 1993-2010." Paper presented at the

ISSP Research Session, April, Santiago, Chile.

Smith, Tom W. 2013.”Public Opinion about Global Climate Change across Time and Countries, 1993-2010." Paper

presented at the Conference Mexico en la Opinion International, June, La Procuraduria Federal de Proteccion

al Ambiente, Mexico City.

Smith, Tom W. 2013.”Global Environmental Change in Comparative and Temporal Perspective." Paper presented at

the Koc University, November, Istanbul.

Smith, Tom W. 2013.”Attitudes towards Homosexuality and Gay Rights across Time and Countries." Paper presented

at the Pacific Association for Public Opinion Research, December, San Francisco.

Smith, Tom W. 2013.”The Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change." in World Social Science Report 2013:

Changing Global Environment. Paris: International Social Science Council.

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