ISEAL Impacts: Short Course On Indicator Selection

Expanding the role of voluntary standards systems in achieving social justice and ecological sustainability ISEAL Impacts Code Short Course on Indicator Selection Paddy Doherty Impacts Manager


Paddy Doherty explains how to choose meaningful indicators for social and environmental standards systems

Transcript of ISEAL Impacts: Short Course On Indicator Selection

Page 1: ISEAL Impacts: Short Course On Indicator Selection

Expanding the role of voluntary standards systems in achieving social justice and ecological sustainability

ISEAL Impacts Code

Short Course on Indicator Selection

Paddy Doherty

Impacts Manager

Page 2: ISEAL Impacts: Short Course On Indicator Selection

Expanding the role of voluntary standards systems in achieving social justice and ecological sustainability

What is an indicator?

> Indicators are signposts - they only indicate

> Wide range and no particular format for indicators - they can use quantitative or qualitative data

> Not measurements themselves, but are dependent on measurements e.g. “streetlights are indicators of the wealth of a community”

> Indicators need to be accompanied by protocols describing what will be measured to give the indicator meaning e.g. “# of streetlights per km²”

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Expanding the role of voluntary standards systems in achieving social justice and ecological sustainability

Page 4: ISEAL Impacts: Short Course On Indicator Selection

Expanding the role of voluntary standards systems in achieving social justice and ecological sustainability

Selecting Indicators

> Include stakeholders in the process

> Clarify the organisation’s goals and objectives

> Describe the strategies used to reach the objectives - examples:

• Standards and verification activities

• Market development

• Capacity building (training)

• Advocacy (policy work)

Page 5: ISEAL Impacts: Short Course On Indicator Selection

Expanding the role of voluntary standards systems in achieving social justice and ecological sustainability

Key Impact Issues

> Environmental Integrity

– Biodiversity

– Water

– Soil Fertility

– Climate

– Natural Resource Management

> Social Development

– Labour Rights

– Gender Equity

– Access to Education

– Access to Health and Sanitation

– Cultural Identity> Economic Resilience

– Secure Livelihoods

– Social Capital

– Resilience to Economic Risk

– Inclusive Value Chains

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Expanding the role of voluntary standards systems in achieving social justice and ecological sustainability

Gender Equity

Strategy Area Standards and verification Capacity Building

Intended outcomes

Women are receiving similar pay for similar work of men

Women are employed in non-traditional jobs

Indicators Women to men wage ratio Women employed in non-traditional jobs after training

Page 7: ISEAL Impacts: Short Course On Indicator Selection

Expanding the role of voluntary standards systems in achieving social justice and ecological sustainability

Enterprise Resiliency

Strategy Area:

Standards Capacity Building

Market Development

Intended outcomes:

X% of certified fishers have guaranteed contracts (including prices) with buyers

Small-scale fishers in certain countries are investing in new fishing equipment

X # of retailers are actively promoting branded fish in stores

Indicators: Contracts with buyers

Purchases of fishing equipment by certified fishers

Promotional campaigns by retailers

Page 8: ISEAL Impacts: Short Course On Indicator Selection

Expanding the role of voluntary standards systems in achieving social justice and ecological sustainability

Salient points

1. Choose the right indicators first; then determine if they are feasible to implement

2. If it is not feasible to monitor everything that is important, then be open about what is being monitored, and why

3. No indicator is perfect

Page 9: ISEAL Impacts: Short Course On Indicator Selection

Expanding the role of voluntary standards systems in achieving social justice and ecological sustainability

Thank you

Paddy Doherty

[email protected]