Is Spot Reduction Possible?

Is Spot Reduction Possible? By James Ward


Trying to get a flat stomach by doing tons of crunches? Here's why that won't work and what to do instead...

Transcript of Is Spot Reduction Possible?

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Is Spot Reduction Possible?

By James

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Most of us have been there at one point or another: trying to

burn off belly fat by doing hundreds of crunches and/or


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That is, until we wised up and realized that burning fat from

a single part of our body (otherwise known as spot

reduction) was not possible.

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As such, this video is for anyone who's not up to speed with basic

fitness principles. And if this describes you, pay close

attention to what you're about to learn.

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First of all, your body fat distribution is largely determined by genetics

and hormones.

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With that said, women typically tend to store more

fat around the hips and thighs whereas men do so in the belly.

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Now, while you can't spot reduce these areas by doing crunches or say, the thigh master, that's not

to say these exercises don't serve an important purpose.

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Sure, they won't burn off fat exclusively from certain areas

but they will do so to some degree.

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But the best way to get rid of belly, thigh, hip, or any other kind of fat is to get on a sensible weight loss program.

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This will decrease your body fat overall, which in turn

translates to a slimmer waist and lower body.

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Now for the bad news: these gender-specific trouble spots

(again, the midline for men, and hips/thighs for women)

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are usually the last areas to see significant improvement on a

slimming plan.

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For example, that's why you don't see many people

sporting a six-pack.

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The body tends to burn off fat from everywhere else first,

and only then works on the areas you'd like it to most.

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Ain't life grand?

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But in all seriousness, not much you can do about this

but eat right and exercise sensibly.

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And as far as the latter is concerned: cardio is not it.

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Sure, most people will tell you that in order to shed the pounds you have to hit the

treadmill. But nothing could be further from the truth.

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In fact, all the latest research points to resistance training for optimal fat loss.

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I'm talking about things like free weights, kettle bells, and even

body weight exercises.

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These will develop your muscles, which in turn will boost your


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And as you probably know, a faster metabolism will result in faster fat loss, and tighter thighs,

butt, and abs.

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And if you're a woman, don’t worry about getting "jacked". It’s very hard for women to pack on

muscle (largely due to lower levels of testosterone).

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So don't let even more myths deter you from doing what's right for your body. Hit the weights and

hit them hard.

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And combined with a good diet, those trouble spots will be gone

in no time.

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Alright, that wraps it up forthis video. Be sure to like it and

leave me your comments below…

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And for more fat loss tips you can put to use immediately, be sure

to visit my website at