Investment Strategy Group Multi-Asset Model Portfolios

Putting Wealth To Work For Generations Investment Strategy Group Multi-Asset Model Portfolios August 2021 Prepared by the Managed Research Team Sally Campbell, CFA Head of Managed Research

Transcript of Investment Strategy Group Multi-Asset Model Portfolios

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Putting Wealth To Work For Generations

Investment Strategy Group Multi-Asset Model Portfolios

August 2021

Prepared by the Managed Research Team

Sally Campbell, CFA Head of Managed Research

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Contents1. JBWere Investment Philosophy 3

2. Multi-Asset Model Portfolios - Portfolio Construction Process


3. Portfolio Construction Tools 5

4. Multi-Asset Model Portfolio Team 6

5. Incorporation of Passive Strategies 7

6. Multi-Asset Model Portfolios 7

7. About JBWere Investment Strategy Group 10

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JBWere Investment PhilosophyWhat are the 5 foundational beliefs for our investment philosophy?At JBWere, our most important belief is that we are here to serve our clients. This principle is core to our investment philosophy. Our investment philosophy is based on five foundational beliefs:

Preserving and enhancing our clients’ wealth

We are committed to providing trusted and tailored investment advice that stands the test of time and reflects our understanding that each client is unique.

Strategic asset allocation is a fundamental driver of investment returns over the long term

We believe diversification across asset classes is key to reducing overall portfolio risk and maximising returns over the long term.

Active management enhances value

We believe in investing over the full cycle and that taking advantage of market mis-pricings maximises client returns.

Capital preservation is ensured by risk awareness

We embed risk management across every stage of the investment process.

Responsible investing

We recognise both the privilege and importance of the role we play in responsible investment. We include the identification and analysis of ESG factors, stewardship of capital, impact investing and ethical and values-based investing as part of our approach to responsible investing.

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Multi-Asset Model Portfolio - Portfolio Construction ProcessThe objective of the JBWere Investment Strategy Group (ISG) is to identify high quality investment opportunities which it considers likely to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns over the long term. The ISG provides guidance on the construction of portfolios across all asset classes including multi-asset class portfolios.

Whilst there may be a perception that combining investments within a portfolio is as straightforward as picking a handful of investments that have historically performed well, the reality is considerable analysis is required to ensure investors maximise the diversification benefits of combining investments and investment managers.

The first stage of the ISG’s multi-asset portfolio construction process is focused on identifying the optimal strategic asset allocation based on the specific objectives, risk profile and time horizon of the mandate. For more information on JBWere’s approach to asset allocation please refer to Exhibit 1.

Once the optimal asset allocation has been established, attention is then directed towards positioning within each asset class. Each of the Asset Class Heads within the ISG is responsible for identifying the preferred tilts within each asset class across a range of factors. Below is a list of the types of factors the ISG take into consideration across the different asset classes.

Please refer to the relevant links below for more information on: • JBWere’s investment philosophy;

• JBWere’s approach to strategic asset allocation;

• Details on the team;

• Details on the investment universe within each asset class (including Managed Research);

• A description of the filtering process within each asset class (including Managed Research); and

• Any selection biases within each asset class (including Managed Research).


- Credit quality; and

- Liquidity (allocation to term deposits).

Government Bonds

- Duration positioning;

- Credit quality;

- Geographic allocations;

- Fixed versus floating combination; and

- Active versus passive allocation.


- Duration positioning;

- Credit quality;

- Geographic allocations;

- Fixed versus floating combination;

- Instrument type; and

- Active versus passive allocation.

Real Assets

- Property versus infrastructure.

Equities - International

- Investment style – value versus growth;

- Company size – large versus mid versus smalls; and

- Geographic allocations – developed versus emerging

markets, or a preference for a particular region

(US, Europe, Asia / EM).

- Strategic allocation to gold; and

- Other allocations based on correlations with other asset

classes and risk / return expectations for individual


Uncorrelated Strategies

- Investment style – value versus growth; and

- Company size – large versus

mid versus smalls.

Equities – Domestic

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Please refer to the relevant links below.

Exhibit 1

Asset Classes Link


Fixed Income

Managed Research

Investment Philosophy

Asset Allocation

The Managed Research team is responsible for the implementation of the model portfolios. The implementation is via the investible universe which includes all strategies available on the JBWere Approved Product List. This list includes, but is not limited to managed funds, managed accounts, listed investment companies, exchange traded products and JBWere’s series of direct model portfolios.

When blending investment strategies, the objective is to ensure the portfolios are appropriately diversified and the overall portfolio characteristics are aligned with the key preferences within each asset class.

Importantly, the Managed Research team does not select only those managers in agreement with JBWere’s views. The objective of the ISG is to ensure investors have the ability to leverage the views of a diversified range of global investment specialists. Nevertheless, we will be sensitive if the allocation to a specific externally managed strategy is likely to result in a large overweight exposure to a particular region or style for example, which is not aligned with our views. In that case we may not necessarily remove the strategy from a portfolio, but we may resize the position, or seek to balance the exposure with another strategy.

Model portfolios are assumed to be rebalanced on a monthly basis. Other portfolio changes, including adding or removing investments from any portfolio, along with up-weighting or down-weighting specific investments, will be implemented on a monthly basis. These changes may result from changes to our Strategic Asset Allocation, changes to our preferred asset class views, or changes to JBWere Managed Research or Alternative Investments teams’ views on the outlook for a specific strategy.

Portfolio Construction ToolsWe use a number of tools to support our portfolio construction process. These include both proprietary and external portfolio construction tools that enable portfolio exposures to be viewed from varying perspectives.

Proprietary Tools External Tools

We collate the regional, sector, market cap, duration and fixed versus floating rate data on all investment strategies considered, in addition to all underlying holdings.

We use the JBWere Portfolio Construction Tool to review the characteristics of specific strategies, along with the characteristics at each asset class level.

This tool allows for scenario testing in order to understand the impact on a range of portfolio characteristics from portfolio changes.

In addition to our internal tools, we also use external portfolio construction tools. For example, in the case of style analysis, this is currently undertaken via an external portfolio construction tool.

This tool enables portfolios to be analysed from a number of perspectives. This includes the ability to analyse exposures at a single strategy level, as well as across an entire asset class.

In the case of equities, this stage of the process is focused on ensuring alignment across both the domestic and global equity exposures with our preferred style tilts, be that value or growth. The tool allows for scenario testing to understand the impact on style exposures from portfolio changes.

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The objective of our portfolio construction is to ensure the overall portfolios:• Are consistently aligned with our macro views across all asset classes;

• Are aligned with our asset class views;

• Contain no unintended biases, either within each asset class or across the overall portfolio;

• Minimise overlap across strategies wherever possible; and

• Maintain exposure to a diversified range of high-quality investment managers.

We also undertake correlation analysis at both the total return level and the excess return level. The aim of this analysis is to understand what diversification benefits, if any, may exist by blending investment strategies together. We are trying to assess whether strategies have implemented differentiated views and therefore have a greater chance of performing differently over time.

We are very aware that correlation is a backward-looking measure. As such, our portfolio construction process is focused on forward-looking measures as much as possible. Hence, our focus on analysing the positioning of strategies today and the connection with our views on what factors may be the driver of returns in the years ahead.

Multi-Asset Portfolio TeamJBWere has dedicated and experienced resources across the ISG contributing to the management of the Multi-Asset Model Portfolios. Below we have listed the key individuals involved in the management of the portfolios. Importantly, this team leverages the resources of the entire Investment Strategy Group as detailed in the handbooks listed in Exhibit 1.

Name Role ResponsibilitiesYears in Industry

Years in Team (JBWere)

Sally Auld Chief Investment OfficerMacroeconomic, markets and policy outlook

21 <1

Glen Bertram Head of Asset Allocation Strategic Asset Allocation 17 1.5

Sally Campbell, CFA Head of Managed Research Portfolio Manager 21 21

Chris KarapalidisSenior Consultant Managed Research

Deputy Portfolio Manager 17 3

Gillian GordonHead of Alternative Investments and Responsible Investing

Asset Class Sleeve Strategy - real assets and uncorrelated strategies

16 2

Lincoln Valentine, CFA Acting Head of EquitiesAsset Class Sleeve Strategy – Australian and Global Equities - domestic and international

20 1.5

Laurie Conheady Head of Fixed IncomeAsset Class Sleeve Strategy - cash, government bond and credit

23 11

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Incorporation of Passive StrategiesThe Managed Research team has identified several key factors that we believe will contribute to the likelihood of consistent outperformance over the long term. We consider these factors when reviewing all products regardless of the underlying investment strategy.

Whilst we believe in the value of active management, we acknowledge there will be times when passive strategies may be appropriate for inclusion in investors’ portfolios. The advantage of passive strategies, whether managed funds or Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), is the efficient fee structure, along with full real-time portfolio transparency.

There appear to be two main approaches to incorporating passive strategies within investment portfolios. The first is to allocate the core of the portfolio to an index fund, and then complement the core position with concentrated actively managed strategies. This may be appropriate for those clients who wish to minimise fees and are comfortable with a potentially lower level of outperformance (given the lower allocation to alpha generating managers).

The other approach is to combine a number of concentrated active strategies to provide the core exposure within a portfolio. These can be complemented by holdings that reflect specific tactical positions by the use of passive strategies including a specific regional or sector exposure. The advantage of this approach is that it enables investors to have greater control when implementing tactical / thematic views. We may incorporate both approaches into our portfolio construction approach depending on the specific asset class and the time frame associated with the investment thesis we are aiming to exploit. Over recent years we have recommended greater use of ETFs when implementing tactical tilts, especially given the depth of cost-efficient ETFs now available to Australian investors.

In summary, setting the appropriate asset allocation is a critical first step. Once that has been achieved, investors can move into implementation. We analyse the underlying positions across a range of investment strategies to build an understanding of the likely drivers of returns in the future, with a view to constructing diversified multi-asset model portfolios exposed to our highest conviction investment strategies and aligned with our preferred positioning within each asset class.

Please note that not every investment option on the JBWere Approved Product List (APL) will be included in multi-asset model portfolios. That does not suggest that any single investment on the APL may not be appropriate for your portfolio. Please speak with your adviser for more details on the investment options that may be appropriate in order to meet your specific investment goals.

Multi-Asset Model PortfoliosThe JBWere Multi-Asset Model Portfolios aim to bring together the ISG’s views on asset allocation and the views of all of the specialists within the ISG across cash, government bonds, credit, real assets, domestic equities, international equities, uncorrelated strategies and managed strategies.

There are four portfolios aligned with JBWere’s four risk profiles:

• Capital defensive;

• Balanced income;

• Balanced growth; and

• High growth.

Each portfolio will be exposed to JBWere’s preferred investments across all asset classes including JBWere direct portfolios (credit, domestic and international equities), externally managed funds, managed accounts, listed investment companies and ETFs.

These portfolios are designed for wholesale investors, with a number of investments included in these portfolio limited to wholesale investors only.

Portfolio options are available for investors seeking fully liquid portfolios (where investments offer at least monthly liquidity, with the majority offering daily liquidity). For investors seeking to maximize the benefits of private markets, we offer access to funds which invest primarily in unlisted assets. By investing in these funds, an investor will therefore accept that a component of the portfolio will be exposed to illiquid investments.

The objective of each portfolio is detailed below. Whilst the focus is on maximizing the risk-adjusted returns, there is also a focus on minimizing fund management fees wherever possible.

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Investment Objective Investment Strategy Purpose

Capital Defensive

Within an investible universe of all investments available on the JBWere Approved Product List (including but not limited to managed funds, managed accounts, listed investment companies, exchange traded products and the JBWere’s series of direct model portfolios), the manager’s investment objective is to:

• preserve capital and exhibit a low level of volatility (3%-5%pa) over rolling 5 year periods; and

• generate a total return over 1.5% pa in excess of the rate of inflation over rolling 5 year periods.

The manager’s investment strategy seeks to combine the top down macro-economic and strategic asset allocation views of the JBWere Investment Strategy Group, with the asset class specialist views across cash, government bonds, credit, real assets, domestic equities, international equities and uncorrelated strategies.

The manager then brings together these views, including those of the Managed Research team across both active and passive strategies, to construct a portfolio diversified across:

• Asset classes;

• Investment structures;

• High quality investment managers; and

• Investment styles.

The JBWere Capital Defensive Multi-Asset Portfolio aims to provide clients with access to a well-diversified portfolio across cash, government bonds, credit, real assets, domestic equities, international equities and uncorrelated assets.

The portfolio is designed for clients seeking to maximise their risk adjusted returns within a Capital Defensive risk profile.

The portfolio is designed on a standalone basis but may be complimented with other investments if appropriate.

Balanced Income

Within an investible universe of all investments available on the JBWere Approved Product List (including but not limited to managed funds, managed accounts, listed investment companies, exchange traded products and the JBWere’s series of direct model portfolios), the manager’s investment objective is to:

• preserve capital and exhibits a modest level of volatility (5%-7%pa) over rolling 5 year periods; and

• generate a total return over 2.5% pa in excess of the rate of inflation over rolling 5 year periods.

The manager’s investment strategy seeks to combine the top down macro-economic and strategic asset allocation views of the JBWere Investment Strategy Group, with the asset class specialist views across cash, government bonds, credit, real assets, domestic equities, international equities and uncorrelated strategies.

The manager then brings together these views, including those of the Managed Research team across both active and passive strategies, to construct a portfolio diversified across:

• Asset classes;

• Investment structures;

• High quality investment managers; and

• Investment styles.

The JBWere Balanced Income Multi-Asset Portfolio aims to provide clients with access to a well-diversified portfolio across cash, government bonds, credit, real assets, domestic equities, international equities and uncorrelated assets.

The portfolio is designed for clients seeking to maximise their risk adjusted returns within a Balanced Income risk profile.

The portfolio is designed on a standalone basis but may be complimented with other investments if appropriate.

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Balanced Growth

Within an investible universe of all investments available on the JBWere Approved Product List (including but not limited to managed funds, managed accounts, listed investment companies, exchange traded products and the JBWere’s series of direct model portfolios) the manager’s investment objective is to:

• preserve capital and exhibits a modest level of volatility (6%-8%pa) over rolling 5 year periods; and

• generate a total return over 3% pa in excess of the rate of inflation over rolling 5 year periods.

The manager’s investment strategy seeks to combine the top down macro-economic and strategic asset allocation views of the JBWere Investment Strategy Group, with the asset class specialist views across cash, government bonds, credit, real assets, domestic equities, international equities and uncorrelated strategies.

The manager then brings together these views, including those of the Managed Research team across both active and passive strategies, to construct a portfolio diversified across:

• Asset classes;

• Investment structures;

• High quality investment managers; and

• Investment styles.

The JBWere Balanced Growth Multi-Asset Portfolio aims to provide clients with access to a well-diversified portfolio across cash, government bonds, credit, real assets, domestic equities, international equities and uncorrelated assets.

The Portfolio is designed for clients seeking to maximise their risk adjusted returns within a Balanced Growth risk profile.

The Portfolio is designed on a standalone basis but may be complimented with other investments if appropriate.

High Growth

Within an investible universe of all investments available on the JBWere Approved Product List (including but not limited to managed funds, managed accounts, listed investment companies, exchange traded products and the JBWere’s series of direct model portfolios) the manager’s investment objective is to:

• preserve capital and exhibits a high level of volatility (8%-10%pa) over rolling 5 year periods; and

• generate a total return over 4% pa in excess of the rate of inflation over rolling 5 year periods.

The manager’s investment strategy seeks to combine the top down macro-economic and strategic asset allocation views of the JBWere Investment Strategy Group, with the asset class specialist views across cash, government bonds, credit, real assets, domestic equities, international equities and uncorrelated strategies.

The manager then brings together all of these views, including those of the Managed Research team across both active and passive strategies, to construct a portfolio diversified across:

• Asset classes;

• Investment structures;

• High quality investment managers; and

• Investment styles.

The JBWere High Growth Multi-Asset Portfolio aims to provide clients with access to a well-diversified portfolio across cash, government bonds, credit, real assets, domestic equities, international equities and uncorrelated assets.

The Portfolio is designed for clients seeking to maximise their risk adjusted returns within a High Growth risk profile.

The Portfolio is designed on a standalone basis but may be complimented with other investments if appropriate.

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Important noticeThis document has been prepared by JBWere Limited (JBWere) and comprises general advice only. In preparing it, JBWere did not take into account your investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs (‘financial circumstances’). Accordingly, before acting on any advice contained in this report, you should consider whether the advice is appropriate in light of your financial circumstances or contact your adviser. JBWere recommends that you obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or other disclosure document, where relevant, before deciding whether to acquire or to continue to hold any particular product mentioned in this report.

Ownership and Material Conflicts of Interest

In the last twelve months, JBWere has played a role in transactions for certain entities which may be referred to in this report. For details, refer to JBWere’s Deal Flow Participation.

Further information about the Conflicts of Interest related to research reports, and how JBWere maintains integrity of research, please refer to the Managing Conflicts of Interest and Maintaining the Integrity of Research Policy.

General Disclosures

This document is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product or service in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation would be illegal. The information contained in this report is subject to change without notice.

General Disclaimer

So far as laws and regulatory requirements permit, JBWere, its related companies, associated entities and any officer, employee, agent, adviser or contractor thereof (the “JBWere Group”) does not warrant or represent that the information, recommendations, opinions or conclusions contained in this report (“Information”) is accurate, reliable, complete or current and it should not be relied on as such. The Information is indicative and prepared for information purposes only and does not purport to contain all matters relevant to any particular investment or financial instrument. Subject to any terms implied by law and which cannot be excluded, the JBWere Group shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, defects or misrepresentations in this report (including by reasons of negligence, negligent misstatement or otherwise) or for any loss or damage (whether direct or indirect) suffered by persons who use or rely on the Information. If any law prohibits the exclusion of such liability, the JBWere Group limits its liability to the re-supply of the Information, provided that such limitation is permitted by law and is fair and reasonable.

Please refer to the full details of the important disclosures, available in the Disclosures section of the JBWere Limited website.

Issued by JBWere Ltd ABN 68 137 978 360 AFSL 341162 A16




JBWere OfficesMelbourne Telephone: (03) 9906 5000

Sydney Telephone: (02) 9325 2600

Brisbane Telephone: (07) 3258 1111

Adelaide Telephone: (08) 8407 1111

Perth Telephone: (08) 9212 7900

Canberra Telephone: (02) 6218 2000

About JBWere Investment Strategy GroupThe ISG is a team of highly experienced investment strategists and analysts who are the driving force behind JBWere’s investment recommendations and asset allocation strategies. The ISG undertakes in-house research across a diversified suite of asset classes, including international and domestic equities, international and domestic fixed income, and alternative investments. Supporting the team’s research is a wide range of views including those from our domestic and global research contributors and other well-respected external industry research bodies.

Drawing on these insights, the ISG provides the intellectual property, insights and tools for JBWere’s Advisory Team to manage clients’ portfolios including:

• The economic outlook;

• Analysis of global investment trends, opportunities, challenges and investment markets;

• Strategic asset allocation and the identification of tactical portfolio tilts;

• Direct model portfolio and advice; and

• In-depth managed strategies research.