Introduction to the JBoss Presented by: Hao Shi. Agenda Application Servers What is JBoss JBoss...

Introduction to the JBoss Presented by: Hao Shi

Transcript of Introduction to the JBoss Presented by: Hao Shi. Agenda Application Servers What is JBoss JBoss...

Introduction to the JBoss

Presented by: Hao Shi


• Application Servers

• What is JBoss

• JBoss features

• Architecture of JBoss

• Installation and running the server

• Testing the installation

Application Servers

1. Provide a runtime for mission-critical applications;2. Solve the many (client) to Few (resources) problem;3. User code does not have to deal with: - security - Transactions -Threading - Pooling - Clustering - Caching - Connectors - Messaging - ……

What is JBoss

An open source J2EE server; Founded by Marc Fleury in 1999; Backed by a community of developers; Yet another Java AppServer .

What made JBoss Special

Free, open-source product; professional supporting, consulting, and training

- Commercial Servers at $10k - $100k LGPL licensed - Free use/Distribute/Embed Developer friendly - No pre – compilation steps, etc Innovative design - Lightweight, modular, dynamic

Architectural Innovations

• The JBoss Microkernel - A light weight component framework that wires together

a set of services;

- Services are de-coupled, innovations are routed through an internal bus;

Architectural Innovations

Aspect Oriented Design

- Interceptors applied using Dynamic Proxies and traditional OOD techniques;

Instant Clustering;

JBoss Microcontainer

• The JBoss Microcontainer is a refactoring of JBoss's JMX Microkernel to support direct POJO deployment and standalone use outside the JBoss application server.

- All the features of the JMX Microkernel

- Direct POJO deployment (no need for Standard/XMBean or MBeanProxy)

- Direct IOC style dependency injection

- Improved lifecycle management

- Additional control over dependencies

- Transparent AOP integration

- Virtual File System

- Virtual Deployment Framework

- OSGi classloading

Jboss Today

Most used application server in Development; 20 million downloads; Large community;

- 250,000+ users;

- 500+ contributors, over time, ~30 at any time;

- 300,000 forum posts;

- x10 bigger community than any open source server;

JBoss AS 5

JEE 5 certified application server; Based on POJO Microcontainer; - Aspectized light weight IoC container;

- JMX stays, become an aspect of POJO services;

New implementations of core services; - JBoss messaging;

- JBoss transactions;

JBoss SEAM; JBoss webserver (Tomcat on steroids);

Installing JBoss AS

Prerequisites: - JDK 1.5 or above

- JAVA_HOME environment variable pointing to JDK

Download the JBoss AS you want to install:•• Platform Independent Zip Archive

Extract the archive in the directory you choose Run ( For Windows, run.bat, for Linux,;

Alternative Installation: JEMS

GUI Installer utility Run through Java Wed Start or download and

run locally: -

- ‘java -jar jems-installer-1.2.1.CR4.jar’

Choose between different profiles; - All, Default, Minimal

- EJB3, EJB3 clustered

Customize services installed; Secure admin consoles;

Directory Structure

/bin Startup/Shutdown Script

/client Client-side jars need to communicate with JBoss

/docs Configuration file DTD’s, licenses, schemas data source configuration examples

/lib Microkernel librariesDo not pub your application library here

/server Server configurations

Server Configuration Structure

/conf Jboss static configuration filesJboss service.xml: bootstrap config file for JMX microkernel

/data Used by services requiring permanent storage (hypersonic, JBossMQ, SFSB..)

/deploy Default location monitored by hot development service, Put your application archive here

/lib Static java library directory. Libraries are loaded in the shared class path server startup.

/log Directory for Jboss log files

/tmp, /work

Temporary directories

Start the server

• To launch an instance of JBoss

run [–c <configuration>] if –c parameter is not specified, default configuration is used

Microkernel benefits for SOA architecture

• Microkernel approach ideal for ISV and OEM Easily remove the services you don’t need Tight footprint and modular codebase and hot

deploy/remove/redeploy JBoss is a TRUE Service Oriented

Architecture (SOA)

Microkernel benefits for SOA architecture

Deployers: Working from the Network

Deployers: Working from the Network

Tomcat standalone or Tomcat inside JBoss ?

• Better JBoss deployer Hot deployment Deployment of nested archives (EARs, SARs) Redeployment Automatic undeployment

• Advanced clustering• Integrated J2EE stack within one VM

Deployment descriptor Optimized local calls Integrated security

• AOP in JBoss 4.0 available in Tomcat components and webapps• Easy to use class loader• Nukes


• JBoss IDE is based on Eclipse. Series of plugins for Eclipse

• The debugging and monitoring of JBoss servers and the control of their life cycle (start/stop).

• A very comfortable and sophisticated support for XDoclet Support completion and generation Support for AOP (completion and generation).

• An easy way to configure and deploy the packaging layout of archives (packed or exploded)

Thank You.