International Corporate Governance After Sarbanes-Oxley · PDF fileGovernance After...

Edited by PAUL U. ALI and GREG N. GREGORIOU John Wiley & Sons, Inc. International Corporate Governance After Sarbanes-Oxley

Transcript of International Corporate Governance After Sarbanes-Oxley · PDF fileGovernance After...

  • Edited by PAUL U. ALI and GREG N. GREGORIOU

    John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

    International CorporateGovernance After


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  • International CorporateGovernance After


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  • Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons is the oldest independent publishingcompany in the United States. With offices in North America, Europe, Aus-tralia, and Asia, Wiley is globally committed to developing and marketingprint and electronic products and services for our customers professionaland personal knowledge and understanding.

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  • Edited by PAUL U. ALI and GREG N. GREGORIOU

    John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

    International CorporateGovernance After


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  • Copyright 2006 by Paul U. Ali and Greg N. Gregoriou. All rights reserved.

    Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.Published simultaneously in Canada.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

    International corporate governance after Sarbanes-Oxley / edited by Paul U.Ali and Greg N. Gregoriou.

    p. cm.(Wiley finance series)Published simultaneously in Canada.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN-13: 978-0-471-77592-8 (cloth)ISBN-10: 0-471-77592-4 (cloth)1. Corporate governance. 2. United States. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    3. Corporate governanceLaw and legislation. I. Ali, Paul U. II.Gregoriou, Greg N., 1956- III. Series.

    HD2741.I589 2006658.4dc22


    Printed in the United States of America.

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  • For my parents.PUA

    In loving memory of my father, Nicholas, and to my mom, Evangelia.


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  • Contents

    Preface xi

    Acknowledgments xiii

    About the Editors xv

    About the Authors xvii

    PART ONEFramework of Corporate Governance

    CHAPTER 1The Ethics of Corporate Governance: What Would the Political Philosophers Say? 3

    Colin Read

    CHAPTER 2The Politics of Symbolism: Sarbanes-Oxley in Context 9

    Justin OBrien

    CHAPTER 3Governance and Performance Revisited 27

    yvind Bhren and Bernt Arne degaard

    CHAPTER 4Corporate Governance as a Process-Oriented Approach to Socially Responsible Organizations 65

    Marijan Cingula

    CHAPTER 5The Impact of the New Corporate Governance Code on the Belgian Stock Market 95

    Albert Corhay, Andree Dighaye, and Pierre-Armand Michel


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  • PART TWOCorporate Governance and the Global Financial Markets

    CHAPTER 6Improving the Corporate Governance of Hedge Funds 129

    Greg N. Gregoriou, William R. Kelting, and Robert Christopherson

    CHAPTER 7Corporate Governance Reform in Australia: The Intersection of Investment Fiduciaries and Issuers 137

    Martin Gold

    CHAPTER 8Corporate Social Responsibility and Fiduciary Investment in Australia 161

    Paul U. Ali

    CHAPTER 9Issuers Liability for Financial Information as an Instrument of Corporate Governance Enforcement 173

    Clemens Vlkl

    CHAPTER 10Investing in Death/Speculating on Mortality: Some Thoughts on Life Insurance Securitization 185

    Paul U. Ali

    PART THREEShare Ownership and Shareholder Control Rights

    CHAPTER 11Ownership Structure Metrics 197

    Stefan Prigge and Sven Kehren

    CHAPTER 12The Effectiveness of Shareholders Meetings: An Overview of Recent Developments 223

    Gregory F. Maassen and Darrell Brown

    viii CONTENTS

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  • CHAPTER 13The Market for Corporate Control and the Implications of the Takeover Directive (2004/25) 267

    Blanaid Clarke

    PART FOURAccountability of Directors and Executives

    CHAPTER 14Board Power Relations and the Impact of the U.K.s Combined Code on Corporate Governance 299

    Timothy J. Nichol

    CHAPTER 15CEO Compensation in Australias Largest Companies 319

    Geof Stapledon

    CHAPTER 16Directors and Officers Liability in France 337

    Alain-Xavier Briatte and Michael Julian

    CHAPTER 17Independent Directorship Systems in Greater China 359

    Margaret Wang

    PART FIVEResponsibilities to Stakeholders and Other Emerging Trends inCorporate Governance

    CHAPTER 18The Primary Stakeholder Relationships: Corporate Governance and Value Creation 379

    Andrea Beretta Zanoni

    CHAPTER 19Family Ownership and Corporate Governance 399

    Mara Sacristn-Navarro and Silvia Gmez-Ansn

    Contents ix

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  • CHAPTER 20The European Social Model of Corporate Governance: Prospects for Success in an Enlarged Europe 423

    Irene Lynch Fannon

    CHAPTER 21Contract Negotiation and Internal Regulation Mechanisms in a Firm 445

    Hubert de La Bruslerie

    CHAPTER 22Prospects and Limits of Corporate Governance Codes 467

    Bjrn Fasterling

    CHAPTER 23Assessing the Effectiveness of Boards of Directors and Individual Directors 485

    Richard Leblanc

    References 525

    Index 565


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  • Preface

    This reader comprises an edited series of papers on the latest develop-ments in corporate governance worldwide following the introduction ofthe Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the United States. That Act has transformed cor-porate governance practices in the United States and has strongly influ-enced the development of corporate governance in the Asia-Pacific andEuropean markets discussed in the reader. Corporate governance remains atopic of keen interest not only for the accounting, financial, and legal sec-tors but also for the broader business and investor communities due to themeasures taken by regulators around the world in response to the highlypublicized collapses of Enron, Parmalat, and WorldCom and other ac-counting scandals and corporate fraud at Adelphia, Global Crossing,Merck, and Tyco. This is evident in the recent development of corporategovernance standards by professional organizations and societies, thegrowing trend for institutional investors to involve themselves in the gover-nance of the corporations that they invest in, and the increased regulatoryscrutiny of risk management regimes and other internal controls imple-mented by corporations.

    This reader brings together experts on corporate governance who haveeach contributed papers on the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and leg-islation influenced by it on corporate governance worldwide. The reader isdivided into five parts. Part One provides the context for the current de-bate on corporate governance. It discusses the ethical and political under-pinnings of corporate governance and examines the relationship betweencorporate governance and economic performance and stock markets. PartTwo looks at the corporate governance aspects of transactions in theglobal financial markets, including the governance of hedge funds, and therole of institutional and other investors in corporate governance. PartThree deals with sha