Interdisciplinary Lesson Plan ICT-Art

ACCESS INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY NINGBO INTERDISCIPLINARY LESSON PLAN SY 2011-12 Interdisciplinary Topic: Understanding of cultures through historical monuments/figures. Grade(s): 6-7 Interdisciplinary Understandings: What concepts will students Understand? What will students be able to Perform ? How will students Become different? Historical monuments and figures reflect cultural beliefs and values. Create an informative brochure and artwork about a chosen culture. Show awareness of other cultures and take responsibility for learning about and making connections to other cultures. Subject Start Date End Date Objectives/Essential Questions Standards and Benchmarks ESLRs ICT Nov 1 st , 2011 Nov 18 th , 2011 EQ1: Why are “Table of Content” used in Books/tutorials/magazines/directories? EQ2: What is the Table of Content main function? - Build and understand a table of content NETS(ISTE)1: Creativity and Innovation NETS(ISTE)6: Technology Operations and Concepts 1 a 3 a, b ART Nov 7, 2011 Nov 29, 2011 » What does it mean to belong to a community? » How does art help us to identify with beliefs, values and events of a community? » How does art commemorate and honor people and events important to a community? 1AB, 2C, 3AB, 4A, 5ABC, 6B 1c 2ab 3abd Subject Content (IP/GP) Day-to-Day Planner Assessment Resources ELL /Writing Support ICT Day 1: Students will use Google Maps to choose a country and a specific city. (IP) Day 2: Students will research about their chosen city historical places to visit, weather, demographics, and typical food. They will gather all the information in a Word document. (IP) Day 3-4-5: Students will use the information they gathered and create their table of content (IP) Day 6-7-8: Students will create a brochure of their chosen city (IP) Skills Assessment - Employ data-collection technology such as probes, handheld devices, and geographic mapping systems to gather, view, analyze, and report results for content-related problems. - Integrate a variety of file types to create and illustrate a document or presentation. Formative Summative - Tourist guide o TOC - Brochure ELL Assessment - ELL students will only research historical places to visit and typical food. - They will be advised to choose a city in their home country. - Computer - Google Earth Software - Internet - Microsoft Word - ELL students will write in their vocabulary notebook the following words: o Identify o Evaluate o Explain o Index o Headline o Demographic o Weather o Brochure - Yoseop, Mike, Danny, Rain, Ryouske, Jeff, Minjun, Hyun Seung

Transcript of Interdisciplinary Lesson Plan ICT-Art


SY 2011-12

Interdisciplinary Topic: Understanding of cultures through historical monuments/figures. Grade(s): 6-7 Interdisciplinary Understandings:

What concepts will students Understand? What will students be able to Perform? How will students Become different? Historical monuments and figures reflect cultural beliefs and values.

Create an informative brochure and artwork about a chosen culture.

Show awareness of other cultures and take responsibility for learning about and making connections to other cultures.

Subject Start Date End Date Objectives/Essential Questions Standards and Benchmarks ESLRs

ICT Nov 1st, 2011 Nov 18th, 2011

EQ1: Why are “Table of Content” used in Books/tutorials/magazines/directories? EQ2: What is the Table of Content main function? - Build and understand a table of content

NETS(ISTE)1: Creativity and Innovation NETS(ISTE)6: Technology Operations and Concepts

1 a

3 a, b

ART Nov 7, 2011 Nov 29, 2011 » What does it mean to belong to a community? » How does art help us to identify with beliefs, values and events of a

community? » How does art commemorate and honor people and events important

to a community?

1AB, 2C, 3AB, 4A, 5ABC, 6B

1c 2ab 3abd

Subject Content (IP/GP)

Day-to-Day Planner Assessment Resources ELL /Writing Support

ICT Day 1: Students will use Google Maps to choose a country and a specific city. (IP) Day 2: Students will research about their chosen city historical places to visit, weather, demographics, and typical food. They will gather all the information in a Word document. (IP) Day 3-4-5: Students will use the information they gathered and create their table of content (IP) Day 6-7-8: Students will create a brochure of their chosen city (IP)

Skills Assessment - Employ data-collection technology such as probes, handheld devices, and geographic mapping systems to gather, view, analyze, and report results for content-related problems. - Integrate a variety of file types to create and illustrate a document or presentation.

Formative Summative

- Tourist guide

o TOC - Brochure ELL Assessment - ELL students will only

research historical places to visit and typical food.

- They will be advised to choose a city in their home country.

- Computer - Google Earth Software - Internet - Microsoft Word

- ELL students will write in their vocabulary notebook the following words:

o Identify o Evaluate o Explain o Index o Headline o Demographic o Weather o Brochure

- Yoseop, Mike, Danny, Rain, Ryouske, Jeff, Minjun, Hyun Seung

ART Reference attached lesson plan and procedures.

Skills Assessment Students Will:

» Identify communities in which they belong.

» Share examples of community leaders, events and beliefs and how they contribute to a sense of belonging within a community.

» Sketch out a person or event that is important to your community, using the principles and elements of art.

» Use the technique of repousse to express ideas.

» Create layers and depth using metal and metal tools.

» Write a letter describing and explaining the importance of an artwork to a community (which shared beliefs/values the artwork represents).

Formative Summative

Daily Art Assessment (Creativity, Craftsmanship, Citizenship, Concepts), Peer Critique and Conferencing, Homework Questions and Sketches, Repousse Artwork, Self-Assessment/Reflection, Alien Letter Prompt

Materials: Visuals of monuments/public artworks from various cultures, PowerPoint, Sketchbooks, Pencils, Peer Checklist/Post-it notes, 12” x 12” white paper, 12” x 12” aluminum tooling, wooden tools, colored pencils, Scotch tape, Acrylic paint, sponges

ELL Accommodation/Focus: Mike. Call on student at least once each class to read aloud or answer a yes/no/simple question to encourage class participation. After instructions/steps for work time are given, speak individually to Mike to clarify that he understands: ask him to repeat the steps to you or answer an essential question covered in class. Modify Mike’s self-assessment and rubric to more easily understand text.

Teachers’ Reflections Subject: Art Teacher: Dana Carney [email protected] As we began this interdisciplinary unit with students, they were immediately aware of the connections between the research they were doing in IT and the artwork they would plan in art class. Students seemed to have an easy time choosing a person, place or event to illustrate in their artwork because they were already familiar with the culture, through research in IT and from personal experience. This was a valuable part of the collaboration because students were able to better connect with their artworks and communicate something meaningful about a culture they were studying rather than choosing an arbitrary subject. The final presentation of IT/art products was a success and allows the school community to see the connections and collaboration that occurred to increase student learning. Perhaps a more thorough reflection on behalf of the students would have been helpful in making sure the concepts were clearly understood and connections between art/ICT were made. Subject: ICT Teacher: Daniela Silva [email protected] The connections between ICT and Art curriculum were positive and since the beginning of the project, students identified the interdisciplinary projection that was been prepared by Dana and I. The students started their research during ICT class and develop further concepts in ICT and Art. During both classes the students worked on their corresponding ICT and Art skills but the background was kept similar and the interdisciplinary concept was the enduring understanding. This interdisciplinary project was a good experience for me as one of the teachers and for the students. During ICT Time students had a reflection period by analyzing the pros and cons of the interdisciplinary project and share their ICT projects with the rest of the class. Students were able to identify areas of improvement and worked during the last available class periods. The final presentation was a great success; all the students collaborated to show both final products to all the school.