INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT - University of South...

B5/15/2B07 08:53 PAGE 02/10 INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT THI:;~ INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT (" Agreemeot") is made and entered joto as of the date on whiC'hit becomes fully executed, by and betwcco THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DIXIE COUNTY, FLORIDA hercinafter 1;ferred to as School Board, a body corporate and political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose princ pal place of businessis 16077 SE 19 Highway, Cross City, Florida 32628. and THI. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND F AMIL1.ES, DISTRICT 3 hereinafter r?fclTed to as DCF, whos~ principal place of businessis 1621 NE WaJdoRoad, Gain~sville, Florida, 32(: ~9 and PARTNERSHIP FOR STRONG FAMILIES, INC. hereinafter efcn-ed to as PSF, whose principnl place of business is 515 N Main Street, Gainesville, Florida, 32(01. and FLORIDA CROWN WORKFORCE BOARD, INC. hereafter rclerTed to as FCWB, whose principal place of business is 1389 W. US Highway 90, Suite 170 Lake City, Jlorida 32055. collectivcly hereinafter refcITcdto as the "Parties" WHEREAS, School Board must fulfill its constitutional obligation to educate children of compulsory $chool age and fulfill its obligations for cducation and related services to children with disabilities Ihat interferc with learning or inhibit their access to the cducation environment; WH EREAS, DCF is the local agency to provide, either directly or through contracted providers, the full ranl e of child welfare services under Florida Statutes and Administrativc Rules; al1d WE EREAS, PSF is 01 private, not for profit agencyand an independentcontractor pursuant to F.S 409.1671 p,oviding case managcment and related services on behalf of DCF for children in foster care 1n District 3; t rid WI1IEREAS, FCWB is the Dixie County agency responsiblc for job training and employment services an' I functions as the grant recipient of federal workforce funds; aJJd Wf]EREAS, the Partics acknowledge that educational stabilization, carccr cxploration and developmellt and educational progressarc important to children in foster care; and Wf;IEREAS, F. S. 39.00]6 (1) (a), defines children known to the department as chJldrcn who are found to be dependent or chIldren in ~helter; and Wf1EREAS, F. S. 39.0016 (4), rcquircs OCF to enter into agrccmcnts with local school boards regarding ( 1ildren known to thc departmentwho arc of school age and children kno~ to the department who arc YO'lngcrthan school age but who would otherwise qualify for services from a school board; and 1

Transcript of INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT - University of South...


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THI:;~ INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT (" Agreemeot") is made and entered joto as of thedate on whiC'h it becomes fully executed, by and betwcco

THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DIXIE COUNTY, FLORIDAhercinafter 1 ;ferred to as School Board, a body corporate and political subdivision of the State of Florida,whose princ pal place of business is 16077 SE 19 Highway, Cross City, Florida 32628.


THI. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND F AMIL1.ES, DISTRICT 3hereinafter r?fclTed to as DCF, whos~ principal place of business is 1621 NE WaJdo Road, Gain~sville,Florida, 32(: ~9


PARTNERSHIP FOR STRONG FAMILIES, INC.hereinafter efcn-ed to as PSF, whose principnl place of business is 515 N Main Street, Gainesville,Florida, 32(01.


FLORIDA CROWN WORKFORCE BOARD, INC.hereafter rclerTed to as FCWB, whose principal place of business is 1389 W. US Highway 90, Suite 170Lake City, J lorida 32055.

collectivcly hereinafter refcITcd to as the "Parties"

WHEREAS, School Board must fulfill its constitutional obligation to educate children ofcompulsory $chool age and fulfill its obligations for cducation and related services to children withdisabilities Ihat interferc with learning or inhibit their access to the cducation environment;

WH EREAS, DCF is the local agency to provide, either directly or through contracted providers,the full ranl e of child welfare services under Florida Statutes and Administrativc Rules; al1d

WE EREAS, PSF is 01 private, not for profit agency and an independent contractor pursuant to F.S409.1671 p,oviding case managcment and related services on behalf of DCF for children in foster care 1nDistrict 3; t rid

WI1IEREAS, FCWB is the Dixie County agency responsiblc for job training and employmentservices an' I functions as the grant recipient of federal workforce funds; aJJd

Wf]EREAS, the Partics acknowledge that educational stabilization, carccr cxploration anddevelopmellt and educational progress arc important to children in foster care; and

Wf;IEREAS, F. S. 39.00]6 (1) (a), defines children known to the department as chJldrcn who arefound to be dependent or chIldren in ~helter; and

Wf1EREAS, F. S. 39.0016 (4), rcquircs OCF to enter into agrccmcnts with local school boardsregarding ( 1ildren known to thc department who arc of school age and children kno~ to the departmentwho arc YO'lngcr than school age but who would otherwise qualify for services from a school board; and



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WHf:REAS, children known to the department may have, or be "at risk" of developing. academicand/or beha.'ioral problems due to the disruption in their lives and may therefore require servicesincluding, bllt not limited to, those defined by F.S. 39.0016 (4) and (5); and

WHJ;REAS, the provisions of FS. 39.0016 (2), establish goaJs and not rights and do not requirethe delivery of any particular service or level of servjce in excess of existing appropriations and do notsupport a CO-:lrse of action against the state or any of its subdivisions, agencies, contractors, subcontractorsor agents. Thcse provisions do not require the expenditure of funds 10 meet thc established goals of thisagreement 01' of F.S. 390016 (2) except funds specifically appropriated for such purpose; and

WH]~REAS, the purposes of this Agreement are to promote collaboration among the PaI1iesdesigned to I) provide educational access and facilitate the delivery of services or programs to childrenknown to t1"e department; 2) avoid duplication of services or programs; and 3) combine resources tomaximize a' ailability or delivery of services or programs.

NO'V, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants embodied herein the Parties tothis Agreem~nt mutually agree as follows:


1.0J. Recitals. The Parties agree that the foregoing recitals are {rue and correct and that eachrecital is incorporated herein by reference.


2.01 Te...m. This Agreement will be in effect from the first date of its execution by all Parties, andshall contim.le for three years with an a}Jnual review iD the interim, unless terminated earlier in accordancewith paragr;tph 3.04 oftl1is agreement.

2.02 Dissemination of Agr~ement. Each of the Parties agrees to disseminate thj$ Agreement toits appropri..lte personnel and to provide technical assistance in the implementation of the Agrccment.

2.03 Agency Collaboration. In ordcr to support continued collaboration, the Parties'representati ,res agree to meet, as requIred, in order to:

a) r.:view each agcncy's rules, regulations, policies and practices as they impact the cducatlon ofchildren kn..>WJ} to thc department; and

b) tllake recommendations to the Supcrintendent of Schools, the District Administrator of DCF, theCEO of PS1~, and the Executive Director of FCWB regarding procedures, processes, gwdclincs and policiesas they implct the education of children known to the department; and

c) cl ~finc and establish communication protocols, identify responsible staff, and facilitate promptand substarltive information sharing and communication between the Parties to facilitate the education ofchildren kn')wn to the department

2.041 Liaisons. The Partics agree to provide a Liaison responsible for implementation of therequit"emenlS in this agreement. The Liaisons wi]} work to achicve appropriate educational, job training,and employ ment services for children known to the department.

2.0~; Training and Staff Dcvelopment. DCF, PSF, and the School Board agree to promote theprovision (f training and staff development to increase standardization of the processes through thefollowing j; litiatives:



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a) ioordinating the provision of staff development training open to PSF caseworkers, schoolpersonnel, Luardians Ad Litem, Child Welfare Legal Services attorneys, and other appropriate personsregarding th,: services and information available to facjJitatc educational access for children known to thedepar1ment. Each of tl1C Parties agrees to use reasonable efforts to notify the others of training sessions tobe held for i I S cmployees in order to avoid duplication of training services; and

b) c.ollaboration on training for s\ln"ogate parents to include how an ability to learn for a childknown to th,,~ department is affectcd by abuse, abandonment, neglect, and removal from the home; and

c) ~ollaboration on training for parents in cases in which reunification is thc goal, or forpreadoptive parents when adoption is tl1e goal, so that such parents learn how to access education servicesfor a child lnown to the dcpartment and the importance of their involvement in the education of the childknown to thl~ department: and

d) collaboration on training for caseworkers and foster parents. to include information such as theright of a cl ild known to the depar1ment to an education; the role of an education in the development andadjustment')fa child known to the department; the proper ways to access education and education servicesfor a child (nown to the department; and the importance of, and strategies for, parental involvement ineducation f( r the success of a child known to the department; and

e) :ollaboration on training of caseworkers regarding the serviccs and information availablethrough the Department of Education and the Dixie County School District, j"cluding, but not limited to,the current ;;unshine State Standards, the Surrogate Parent Training MaJ1ual, and other accessiblc resourcesto facilitate ~ducational access for a child known to the depar1mcnt.

2.06 Student Records. Each of the Parties agrees to protect the rights of students and clients withrespect to r:cords created, maintained, and used by public institutIons within the state in accordance withstate and [I:deral law It is inteDded that parents/guardians, students and clients have the rights of access,challenge, md privacy with rcspect to educational records and reports, and that there will be strictadherencc 10 all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to those rights. Pursuant to Title XX USCsection 12:; 2g, an educational agency or institution has up to 45 days in which to comply with parentalrequests. ~: ',ate law mandates compliance within 30 days.

Chi! Jter 39, Florida Statutes, provides parameters regarding information disclosure to the parents ofa child th.1 is in out-of-home licensed care. Said law pemJits disclosure of certain reports to parents;however if by court order the parent is not permitted visitation or has had their parental nghts terminated,thc law aIJ,)ws for the redaction of any information that discloses the location of the child, inclusive ofschool(s) a1tended, to furthE:r promote the youth's safety and wcll being. Accordingly, for childrE:n in fostercare or chit jrE:n removed from the caretaker's home and placed in a sheltcr, federal and state laws shall becomplied ,lith and without tJJe disclosure of any child's location when said disclosure places the child in


2.0'; Sharing of Information. Each of the Parties agrees:a) 0 share, to the 'fullest extent permissible and in compliance with applicable federal law, Florida

Statutes aJ7 ~l Administrative Rules, relevant information pertinent to the educational growth of childrenknown to 1,1 Ie department; and

b) lhat the sharing of student records, including psychological evaluations in compliance withapplicable law, does not abrogate the confidentiality of the records as to other non-designated parties; and

c) 10 collaboratively continue to improve the technical interface between the Parties to provide forthe efficiel:i l sharing of infonnatioJ); and

d) Lo take all steps necessary to gain consent required to enable the school district and FCWB toprovide tCI DCF and PSF educational or job training records, psychological/psychiatric, comprehensivebenavioraJI ;lsses~mcnts aJId othcr pertinent information for children known to the department; and

e) for child safety purposes, DCF or PSF, as appropriate, shall provide to School Board the name



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and phone n'kmber of the caregiver and caseworkcr for children known to the dcpartment enrolled in DixieCounty Schc:ols; and

f) ~: ~hool Board shall provide access to the Free and Reduced Lunch Program upon notificationof a child's <; :1ange of status to "a child known to the dcpartment"; and

g) t~Jon request, School Board shaU make available to DCF and/or PSF information on schoolattendance 2I,d, either in writing or electronically, a transcript ofthc annual academic record for a childknown to th(, department; and

h) I 'CF or PSF, as appropriate, shall provide School Board with a copy of any court order thatprohibits th!: natural parent or any other pcr90n from contact with the student, and any other court orderwhich may 1'le relevant to the child's education; and

i) ~) 5 appropriate, PSF shall provide to the School Board Student Services Departrncnt, or otherSchool BoaJrd designee, current psychological/psychiatric evaluations that were purchased by PSF or itscontracted 21 ~ents which contain relevant information related to the educational needs of the child. TheSchool Board shall ensure that the inforTrlation is considered in determining the educational servicesrecommendl~d by the School Board to meet the needs of the child. A court order for the exchange ofpsychologic' II/psychiatric evaluations may substitute for a release, if it is determined by the court to be inthe best int(~ :est of the child; and

j) ::,chool Board will be notified of case planning for a student known to the department, both atthe time of If , Ian development and plaT") review. School Board may providc infonnation regarding thestudent if it icems it desirable and appropriate.

2.0fii Educational Stabilization. School age children known to the department shall bc providededucational services. If pO$sible, and consistent with the child's safety, children known to the departmentshall be co:'ltjnued in the same school with the goal of avoiding disruption of education. In order tofacilitate sdJ 1001 attendance:

a) the Parties will explore, devclop and support program initiatives to facilitate the effective andcfficient delivery of cducatjon and education services to eligible students who are childrcn known to thedepartment: and

b) ~;chool Board, in accordance with normal school district policies and procedures, will makeevery effot:t to transport students who arc children known to the department when the children are placedwithin the ~ :hool district boltndarics. Transportation requests for children placed outsidc the school districtboundaries' Nill be determined by School Board on a casc-by-case basis. Unless the School Board agrees toprovide trallsportation, PSF retains responsibility to arrange transportation when students who are childrenknown to 'he department are placed outside the school district boundaries. Notice of School Boardapproval. or dcnial of transportation will be reported to PSF and the child's caregiver; and

c) 'l)SF retains the responsibility to arTange tcmporary transportation for students to and fromschool duri; 'g the time that approved School Board transportatjon is being coordinated by the School BoardTransporta1on Department.

2.0!;~ Educational Intervention. School Board shall:a) 1 dentify all educational and other services provided by the school district which School Board

believes arc' reasonably nccessary to meet thc cducational needs of a child known to the dcpartment; andb) i )rovide individualized student intervention or an individual educational plan when a

determina~i')n has been made through lcgally appropriate criteria that intex-vention services are required.The intcrvt.ntion or individual education plan must include strategies to cnable the child known to thedepartmcn~t to maximize thc attainment of education goals.

2.1 rl Employment, Training, and Support Service. The Parties agree that Regional WorkforccBoards arf~ jmportant in providing employment and support for children known to the department,including bJt not limited to eligible foster care participants receiving indepcndcnt living transition services.



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FCW.B shall :acilitate the provision of such services by:a) in1QrJ11ing the Parties of local refeual processes for employment aDd training serviccs; andb) inf)J'tning the Parties about the available service array and career awareness opportunities.

2.11 Opening and Closing of Licensed Residential Programs. DCF shall provide written noticeto the Schoo Board when it plans to open or close a group residential program in order to aJJow lead timefor program md resource planning.

2.12 Parental Rights/Exceptional Student Education (ESE). DCF, PSF, and School Boardagree to co'~rdi.nate services for a child known to the depaI1ment who has or is suspccted of having adisability tal ensure that thc child receives an appropriate education consistent with the Individuals withDisabilities :£ducation Act (IDEA). Coordination may ioclude:

a) n: ferral for screening; andb) sh )ling of evaluations betwccn the school district. DCF, and PSF, when appropriate; andc) p'l )vision of special education and related services appropriate for the needs and abilities of a

child knOW11 to the department; andd) e'~lordination of services and plans between the school and residential setting to avoid duplication

or conflictil'l g service plans; ande) air pointment of a surrogate parent for a child knoWJJ to the department who qualifies as soon as

the child is c!etemtined to bc dependent and without a parent to act for the child. The surrogate parent shallbe appoint(; j by the school district with consideration given to individuals who know the child, andrecomrnendlltions made by OCF, PSF, and tile courts

2.t~i Psycho-educational and Psychological Assessments. DCF and PSF, to thc extent feasible,shall requir' ~ contracted agencies and individuals pcrfonnlng psycho-educational assessments of children

kDown to T~)e depar1ment to use evaluation instruments and procedures that are consistent with FloridaDepartment of Education and School Board requirements.

2.1~' Independent Living Skills. The Parties agree to promote transition planning for each childknown to t111e dcpartmcnt who is 14 years of age and older who has or is suspected of having a disability toinclude incl;pendent living transition planning. The planning is intendcd to enhance but not replace (herequiremefl,ls of the school district for educational purposes W11ere applicable, collaborative programmingon indepenJent living skills and post high school opportunities shall. also be undertaken for childrcn knownto the department and not having a known or suspected disability.

2.1:~ Early Intervention. School Board shall develop and implcment protocols for identifyingpreschool a ~e children who may qualify for early intervention services.

2.11 Background Check. The Parties agree that all employees, appointees or agents whocome into ,:ontact with student records shall first submit to and clear a backgroWld check in a mannerprescribed I)y section 435.04, F.S.

2.1" Agency Designees. Thc Parties agree that:a) School Board's designee for the purpose of executing and administering this Agreement shall

be tbe Sul>erintendent of Schools, who may assign a designated administrator for the purpose ofmonitorinf~ this agreement~ and

b) DCF's desi gnee for the purpose of executing and administering tbis Agreement shall be theDistrict 3 AdmtTlistrator. who may assign a designated administrator for the purpose of monitoring this

agreemeT)1: and



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c) J~'SF's designee for the purpose of executing and administering this Agreement shall be theCEO, who may assign a Designated Administrator for the purpose of monitoring this agreement; and

d) ]rCWB's designee for the purpose of executing and administering trus Agreement shall be theExecutive L'irector, who may assign a designated administrator for the purpose of monitoring tllis


2.19 Interagency Dispute. Each of the Parties agrees to comply with the following steps in thecase of an ifferagency dispute concerning 111e execution and administration of this Agreement:

a) :~tep I is resolution of the dispute among staff at the local agency level; jf unsuccessful, then,b) ~;tep 2 i5 resolution of the dispute between the district agency heads: i-e., the Superintendent of

Schools; thc District 3 Administrator, DCF: the CEO of PSF~ and the Executive Director of FCWB, or

their respec1: ve designees.

2.20 Evaluation. Each of the Parties agrees to participate, as appropriate, in evaluationsconducted II y the Parties, both locally and at the state level, to determine the effectiveness of iliisAgreement :rnd to make recommendations for futlJre enhancements that will benefit the education of

children kn(~lwn to the department.


3.01 No Waiv~r of Sov~reign Immunity- Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended toserve as a ~"liver of sovereign immunity by any agency to which sovereign immunity may be applicable.

3.02: No Tbird Party Beneficiar-jes. The Parties expre$sly acknowledge that it is not their intentto create OJ' confer any rights or obligatIons in or upon any third pcrson or entity under this Agreement.None of th(: Parties intends to directly or substantially benefit a third party by this Agreement, The Partiesagree that t1rere are no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement and that no third party shall be entitled toassert a clai m against any of the Parties based upon this Agreement. Nothing herein shall be construed asconsent by an agency or political subdivision of the State of Florida to be sued by third parties in any

manner ar.i~; ng out of any contract.

3-0~r Non-Discrimination. None of the Parties shall discriminate against any employee orparticipant in the performance of tJ1e duties, responsibilities and obligations under this Agreement becauseof race, agfo religion, color, gender, national origin, marital status, disability or sexual orientation.

3.01 Termination. This Agreement may be canceled by any of the Parties without cause duringthe term Hc:reof upon thirty (30) days written notice to the othcr Parties of its desire 10 terminate this


3.0 Records. Each of the Parties shall maintain its own respective records and documentsassociated .ovid) this Agreement in accordance with the records retention requirements applicable to publicrecords. ; of the Parties shall be responsible for compliance with any public documents rcquest servedupon it p Jsuant to Section 119.07, Flonda Statutes, and any resultant award of attorney's fees for non-complianc~ with that law. Each of thc Parties shall comply with confidentiality requirements pursuant tofederal an I state law including but not limited to Chaptcr 39, F.S. regarding child abuse records andapplicablc ::ections of the Health Insurance Portability and Acco\U1tability Act (HIP AA)



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3.06 I Entire Agreement. This document incorporates and includes all prior negotiations.corrcspondeJ'cc, conversations, agreements and understandings applicable to the matters contained hereinand the Paxti,:s agree that there are no commitments, agreements or understandings concerning the subjectmattcr of tbj ~ Agreemcnt that are not contained in this document. Accordingly, the Parties agree that nodeviation fr~~ m the terms hcreof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements, whetheroral or writtl:n.

3.07, Amendments. No modification, amendment, or alteration in the terms or conditionscontained hi rein shall be effective unlcss contained in a written document prepared with the same orsimilar form:\lity as this Agreement and executed by each of the Parties hereto.

3.08 Preparation of Agreement. The Parties acknowledge that they have sought and obtainedwhatever c( .mpetent advice and counsel as was necessary for them to fonn a full and completeunderstandiilg of all rights and obligations herein and that the preparation of this Agreement has been theirjoint effort. The language agreed to herein expresses their mutual intent and the resulting docwnent shallnot, solely I; s a matter of judicial construction, bc construed more severely against one of thc Parties thanthe other. ,

3.09 Waiver. The Partie~ agrec that each requireme'lt, duty and obligation set forth herein issubstantial ind important to the formation of this Agreement and, therefore, is a material term hereof Anyfailure by allY of the Parties to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver ofsuch provi!-lon or modification of this Agrccment. A waiver of any breach of a provision of thisAgreement I ~hall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach and shal] not be construed to bc a

modificatio".. of the terms of this Agreement

3.10 Compliance with Laws. Each of the Parties shall comply with all applicable federal andstate laws, /. odes, rules and regulations in perfonning its duties, responsibilities and obligations pursuant tothis Agreenent.

3.1) Governing Laws. This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with andgoverned b..' the laws ofthc State of Florida and federal law Any controversies or legal problems arisingout of this I;~grcement and any action involving the: enforcement or interpretation of any rights hereundershall be S\l~mitted to the jurisdiction of the state court of the Third Judicial Circuit of Dixie County,Florida.

3.1.f Binding Effcct. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the each ofthe Parties 11ereto and their respective successors and assigns.

3.11::' Assignment. Except fOT PSF having the authority to assign appropriate duties to their sub-contractor persorulel, neither thi5 Agrcement nor any interest herein may be assigned, transferred orencumberc:l by any ofthc Parties 'oAIithout the prior written consent of the each of the other Partics.

3.11,:~ Forcc Majeure. None of the Parties shall be obligated to perform any duty, requirement orobligation Wtder this Agreement if such performance is prevented by fire, hUITicane, earthquake,explosion,1 wars, sabotage, accident, flood, acts of God, strikes, or other labor disputcs, riot or civilcommotior s, or by rcason of any other mattcr or condition beyond the cClntrn\ of the performer. and whichcannot t'l; overcome by reasonable



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diligence ancl without unusual expcnse

3.15 Place of Performance. All obligations of School Board Wider the terms of this Agreementthat are rea...onably capable of being performed io Dixie County, Florida shall be performed in DixieCounty, FJor dB.

3.16 Severability- In case anyone or more ofthc provisions contained in this Agreement shall forany rcason 1.e held to be invalid, illegal, unlawful. unenforceable or void in any respect, the invalidity,illegality, ui enforceability, unlawful or void nature of that provision shall not affect any other provisionand this Agr:c:ment shall be considered as ifsuch invalid, illegal, unlawful, unenforceable or void provi~ionhad never bc en includcd herein

3..17 Notice. Whcn any of the Parties dcsires to give notice to any or all of the others, such noticemust be in v riting, sent by u.s. Mail, postage prepaid, addrcssed to the person(s) at the place(s) specifiedimmediatel) below. TlJe address for giving notice shall remain such until it is changed by ~itten notice incompliarlce -vith the provisions of this paragraph. For the prescnt, each of the Parties designates thefollowing a~ thc respective pcrson and place for receipt of notice:

To ~,chool Board Dennis W. Bennett, Superintendent of SchoolsThe School Board of Dixie County, FloridaPO Box 890Cross City, Florida 32628

To I )CF Ester S Tibbs, District 3 AdministratorDepartment of Children and FamiliesP.O. Box 390Gainesville, Florida 32602

To J'SF: Steven Murphy, CEOPartnership for Strong Families515 N Main StreetGainesville, Florida 32601

To j:CWB Robert L. Jones, Director of FinanceFlorida Crown Workforce Board, Inc.

1389 W. US Highway 90, Suite-170Lake City, Florida 32055

3.1:'~ Captions. Tbe captions, section numbers, article nwnbers, title and headings in thisAgreemcn" arc inserted only as a mattcr of convenience and in no way definc, limit, construe or describethe scope (r intent of such articles or sections of this Agreement, nor in any way affect this Agrcement andshall not bl construed to create a COJ)fllct with the provisions of this Agreement.

3.1 ,) Authority. Each person signing this Agrccment on behalf of any of 111e Parties individuallyWarTant~ t'l at he or she has fulllegaJ power to exccute this Agreement on behalf of the party for whom heor she is :igning, and to bind at1d obligate such party with respect to all provisions contained in this



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IN WITNES:; WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals


Date: _~iL:?/o Z----a~! Demlis W. Bennett

Superintendcnt of Schools


BY: C:~*E~::::Di5trict 3 Administrator

Approved as to form and legal sufficiencysubject to execution by the Parties:

Y. -/!LJ "'". J!-~ i,/~Z;/~~~:~;~l-"""--f -

District 3, Chief Legal Counsel


(::)~~~~\I\\\,\"""",-,,~~,_'IIII~ r Date: ~kBYStevcn J. MurphyPresident and CEO

