Institution Logo Creation

The image above is going to be used as the logo for our title sequence, which represents the institution that produced the film. The logo was created on Photoshop. To create the Logo I first placed an image into Photoshop, which needed to be made smaller. The image that was used fit into the name of the institution ‘Long Road’. The next thing that was done to create the logo was to make the

Transcript of Institution Logo Creation

Page 1: Institution Logo Creation

The image above is going to be used as the logo for our title sequence, which represents the institution that produced the film. The logo was created on Photoshop.

To create the Logo I first placed an image into Photoshop, which needed to be made smaller. The image that was used fit into the name of the institution ‘Long Road’.

Page 2: Institution Logo Creation

The next thing that was done to create the logo was to make the image smaller, which was then placed into the centre of the canvas.

During the next stage of the process I changed the saturation of the photograph. This made the image appear warmer.

Page 3: Institution Logo Creation

Placing a just off black background behind the photo made the image look more dominant compared with a white background as it made the centre of attention.

The image was nearly finished when the text was applied to it with the institution name. The colour was grey as pure white made the whole image look to dark as the centre of attention was all on the text.

The image was finalised when I duplicated the text “Long” and “Road” and made a shadow in pure white with made the institution name more noticeable without over powering the image.