Insight and business discovery. The right type of fans and how to get them. qlik, russia

Ричард Корбридж Richard Corbridge: Chief Information Officer [email protected] @R1chardatron Insight and business discovery. The right type of fans and how to get them.


Insight and business discovery. The right type of fans and how to get them.

Transcript of Insight and business discovery. The right type of fans and how to get them. qlik, russia

  • 1. Richard Corbridge: Chief Information Officer [email protected] @R1chardatron Insight and business discovery. The right type of fans and how to get them.

2. Customers as fans Globalisation of the market place Empower the population Insight of performance Information based feasability Analytics Delivering Insight 3. TECHNOLOGY and INFORMATION are now more than ever ingrained in all that is done throughout the world and we must adopt all elements of them or risk falling behind the KNOWLEDGE curve. Clinical Research Network January 2013 Approximately 55 different systems currently in place Around 35 different ways of collating reports 16 different topic-wide databases Significant bespoke reporting Data debate System based and system led change Landscape 4. 2010 Local systems, slow data, little integration. Excel as a BI tool. 2011 National system with standardised local integration and reference data. Access data without corporate tools. 2012 Big Data impact, data sources more varied. Data stewardship and initial BI apps. 2013 Globalisation of data access and owenership. Crowd Source Analytics. Analytics Delivering Insight 5. Systems and Information to support delivery, making connections adds value Connected Chief Design Officer at Philips - Revenue will no longer come from products, it will come from the connection of products to information and the opening up of that information. 6. Personalised search Dragnet to specific Evolution Information is power Componentized Service-Orientated organisation Everything Corporation led world Structures Reconfigure without complex organisation All knowing Big Data knows more about you than you do Datatour 8 Society Inc. A Controlled and Conflicted World A new term corruption of data power 7. Consumerisation Free and easy and connected data Innovation Uncontrolled and unchecked Current Organisations are doing this now, they just have not been caught Open to extreme Easy to re-connect data due to volume of connections Technology Driver of all innovation, not the need or the disruption impact Reactive Scandals expose a hole, which is plugged Personal analytics Algorithmic Quality 9 Sorcerers Apprentice Connected yet Amok 8. Sousveillance Monitoring of the monitors for protection Too many scandals Technology protects first Protection racket Evolution of the IT department, to protect and maybe serve Before social contract Creation of agreement of engagement absent Exclusivity Information has value because it is rare Obfuscate Information creating noise over signal 10 Digital Wild West Conflicted and Amok 9. Communities of Interest One source of information for all Privacy By design and proportionate with user based understanding Blur Borders between partners, suppliers and customers Fragmented storage All the pieces make the whole Brand As a referral network rather than a corporation Ownership Global agreement that data is owned by the subject 11 Datatopia () Connected and Controlled 10. Natural Analytics Enhanced and Natural 11. Insight of performance 12. Information based feasibility 13. Globalisation Market Place Reference Data Service Source of truth Deliver a definitive source of truth for research reference data. Organizations Produce a single map of organisational hierarchies Relationships Easily expose the valuable data of the organisation to improve the UK research opportunity Data Dictionary Provide a source of common language Terminology Create a repository of terminology 14. Educate Start Simply understanding what it is to have information and what can be driven from it. Teach Active and deliberate actions based on insight from data. Believe Inherent understanding and acceptance of the information derived. Share Desire to add more information to deliver more insight from a variety of sources. Innovate Simply part of everything that is done. Research Keep going Creative delivery of information that enables insight. Horizon scanning for the next opportunity.. Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 NextStart Last Train to Data-topia Leaving Now! 15. Evangelist Pragmatist Sceptic 16. Evangelist The Yes I get to wear pink face! + Enthusiasm for information Technology first + Lead the way Evangelise to the point of eulogy + Learn lessons for others 17. Sceptic The Brown top and black trousers face! + Focus on benefits Suspicious of change + Believable advocate Quick to see the negative + Realistic Slow to adopt any solution 18. Pragmatist The Apron and rubber gloves face! + Considers the how Wants all the detail now + Considered Frustrating for other types + Apply lessons for others 19. Balanced 20. Take the Aga and its culture Delivery of Business Intelligence into a product that has fans rather than customers. Culture change through demand of the fan not through command and control. Empower the population Turning customers into fans 21. Imagine a world Alignment of the planets 22. Imagine a w Planet Information Systems Integration or Interoperable Modern Systems Information Realisation Information Security Planet Data Quality Reference Data Shared Data Veracity of Data Planet Information Analytics Information Analytics capability Network wide Data at your fingertips All the planets align