Inglés Junior BBC Fascículo 89



curso ingles junior 89

Transcript of Inglés Junior BBC Fascículo 89

  • TESTYOURSELF3T*s,ETs =These are the anstryers to the Test Yoursel f quest ions in Unt B8

    l . Ouest ions about yoursel f :

    1. . Say: 'Yes, I do' or 'No, I don' t ' .2. Say: 'Yes, lcan'or 'No, lcan' t ' . ( l f you can' t ,

    look at page 13 in Uni t B1 again!)3. Say: ' l ' l l be at home'/ ' l ' l l be at school ' , efc.4. Say: 'l take size ...' y decid entonces vuestra talla,

    o decid solamente vuestra talla.

    5. Say: 'l five in ...' y a continuaen el nombre delpas. o decid solamente el nombre del pas.

    6. Say: ' l t 's January the f i rst ' / ' l t 's May the tenth ' , efc.7. Say; ' l 'm wearing .. . ' y el nombre de las prendas, o

    decid solamente el nombre de las prendas {'ablue pul lover ' / 'a red dress' / 'b lack t rousers ' , efc. / .

    8. Say: 'Yes, I did' or 'No, I didn't ' (Esperamos quehabris dicho: 'Yes, I did'],.

    2. Las frases completas son:

    He's got a lot of sugar, but he hasn' t got much butter.He's got a lot of eggs, but he hasn' t got n iany potatoes.He's only got a l i t t le f lour, and he's only got a few rol ls,

    3. 1 . Wrong. (America is a very rg country.)2. Wrong. (Columbus sai led to America in 1492.)3. Wrong. (There are a lot of mountains in Scotland.)4. Wrong. (Ben Nevisisa mountain in Scotland.)5. Wrong. (The Sea of Tranqui l l i ty isonthe moon.)6 Wrong. (The capital of the U.S.A. is Washington,

    D C.)

    4. El dilogo completo es:

    Castor. Coco doesn't look verv well . does he?Pollux: No, and he wasn't feel ing very well yester-

    day. He couldn' t eat anything.Castor: Did he eat his breakfast this morning?Pollux: No, he didn't .Castor: Shall I thelephone the doctor?Pollux: Yes, that 's a good idea. I think he should

    see the doctor.Castor: The number's 3649. isn't i t?

    5. Dirais:1 . Good luckl2. What do you think?

    3. What does this word mean?4. Shal l I make some tea?

    5. What is th is cal led in Engl ish?6. See you later.

  • WWffiWffi@$ ffiffi


    n esfa unidad aprenderis a hablar de la que queris o de lo gue os gustara hacer; aprenderistambin algunas cosas sobre el Canad y sobre el lenguaje Erfico de los pieles rojas.





  • ffi@V@MffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiWffiWhat 's the name of lgor 's favour i te footbal l team?


    \ \-\_.--.--\\

    Read what i t says inquest ion.

    the box and f ind the r ight let ters. Wri te dr:wn the let ters and answer theAnswer on page 16.

    On the door of the car.ln the back of the car.On the window of the lorry.On the tcp: of the car.On the wi i -rc low of the car.On the door of the lorry.

    7. On the front of the car.8. On the window of the lorry.9. ln the back of the lorry.

    What 's the name of le lor 's favouri tebal l tearn?


  • TANGUIACE ES-Would you l ike some sun-glasses?Quiere (usted) unas gafas de sol?

    Miss Peel:Assistant:

    Miss Peel:Assistant:

    Miss Peel:

    Assistant:Miss Peel:

    Assistant:Miss Peel:Assstant:Miss Peel:

    busy ocupado/a/ssef f venderl'd f ike quiero, querra, quisierathat's af l eso es todomore mssun-cream crema para el sola bar of plain una tableta de

    chocolate chocolate Read the words and l isten to the tape.Then l isten again and say the sentences.

    Excuse me.Just a minute. l 'm busy . . .Yes? Can I help you?Do you sell moon-glasses?Moon-glasses? No, we onlysell sun-glasses. Would youl ike some sun-glasses?No, thank you. I don' t wantsun-glasses.Wel l , l 'm sorry. We don't sel lmoon-glasses.I see. Al l r ight- l ' l l have a barof chocolate.Mi lk or plain?f'd fike a bar of plain choco-late, please.That 's 20 pence, please.20 pence. Here you are.Anything else?No, That 's al l . Thank you . . .Oh yes, there was somethingelse. I need some more moon-cream.Moon-cream? We haven't gotany rr,0on-cream. Would youl ike some sun-cream?No, I don' t want sun-cream.I want moon-ceam. Real ly!No moon-glasses! No moon-cream! This isn' t a very goodshop, is i t?!


  • rANGUffiffi ffiS@What are they saying?Look at picture one. What are the other peoplesaying in the pictures?

    Answers on'page 16

  • What would they l ike to buY? Answers on page 16

    l 'd l iketo buy a boat.

    Read what they are saying and then say thesentences.

    The man would l ike to buy number . . ' .The woman would l ike to buy number . . " ' . . .The boy would like to buy number . . . .The girl would like to buy number . . . '


    t 'd t iketo buy a house.

    t 'd t iketo buy a piano.

    t 'd t iketo buy a motor-bike.

  • PRONUNCIAT|ON iEscuchad la cinta. La gente que habla est segura de lo que dce o no lo est? Decid sure o notsure despus de cada frase.


    Then l isten again and say the sentences


    , /


    Answers on page 16 and on tape

  • Song.Old MacDonaldhad a farm.

    Old MacDonald had a farm,E-t-E-t-o!And on this farm he had

    some Pigs,E-t-E-t-o!Witha ** here,Anda ** there,Here a *,There a t ,Everywhere a *,Old MacDonald had a farm,E-t-E- l -o!Old MacDonald had a farm,E-t-E-t-o!And on this farm he had

    some sheeP,E-t-E- l -o!With a 'Baa! Baa! 'here,And a 'Baa! Baa! ' there,Here a 'Baa! ' ,There a'Baal ' ,Everywhere a'Baa! Baal ' ,x * here,Anda **Here a x,There a *,Everywhere a * *,Old MacDonald had a farm,E-r-E-t-o!

    a farm una granjaa pg un cerdoE-l-E- l-O! No es ms que

    una tonada,no significanada.

    Allegretto {J:104}

    old Mac-Don- ald had

  • LAWE ES-postman carteroautograph autgrafoto land aterrizarprobabfy probablementeP.S. (postscript) P.S. (post scrptum)to join unir(se), juntar(se)to mention mencionar

    T{ERE,6 AWIT,ARD R2R, \bU.'Ittlffi 4eEL.11'6


    Read the words and listen to the tape. Then listen again and say the sentences.a9/8

  • Which countries would they like to go to? Answers on page 16.

    Read what they say, and listen. Can you guess the names of the countries?1. Hans Wolf: "l'd like to go to

    It's in Great Britain. There are a lotof castles and lakes in this country-Loch Ness is the name of one ofthe lakes."

    2. Marie-France Petit: "1'd like to go to . . . .It's in Great Britain, too. Peoplespeak English and Welsh there."



    Juan Romero: "l'd like to go toIt's near England. The capital of thiscountry is Dublin."

    Peter Miles: "l'd like to go toIt's a very big country. lt has got apresident. Columbus went therein 1492."


  • READINGReadingabout Canada.

    Canadian f lag


    The Rocky Mountains

    Here are some pictures of Canada and Ca-nadians.Canada is a very big country, next to theUnited States. lt has got forests, and biglakes and high mountains. These beaut i fulmountains are cal led 'The Rocky Moun-tains' , and there are bears there, and a lotof other animals.I t can be very cold in the mountains. Cana-dian pol icemen in the Rocky Mountainsoften ride horses.Canadians speak Engl ish or French' InOuebec, peoPle sPeak French, but inToronto they speak Engl ish' CanadianEngl ish is a l i t t le l ike American Engl ish'There are Indians in Canada too, and thereare Eskimos in the North.Canadians play footbal l , but their favouri tesport is ice hockeY.


    {.1: T.


  • lndians

    forest bosquebear osofavourite favorito/asport deporteice hockey hockey sobre helo


    lce hockey

  • fuAWWffi ffi&@



    Indian picturelanguage.The Indians in America and Canadawrote in picture language. Here aresorne of their pictures.

    wrote escriban


    filtcold and snowboy

    gir l

    Unew moon

    -I t L \ r

    - t

    - ,

    t , tt t f J l

    - t I a a I








    Fwil l te mar



    ^t sky

    pwman on a horse! t t . t ' . . ' . t t " t . i

    t t t i I




    l tI r t


    \ ^7vII


    a9/12tree under windy

  • nn^tWn{?xvevenng

    3 nights



    &+ ++++i

    f l -

    - - -

    - t





    t lR


    long hair


    sun talkMonths are cal led "moons" in theIndian language.

    Snow moon(January)

    dog day

    YIT, ,


    knife lake

    f i f t&




    ^t \at


    l -





    Long night moon(December)


    ?-665@gwoman a year 3 years


    --,' -.,

    l 'd l ike ( l would t ike)an ice-cream,please

    l 'd l ike to go toCanada

    would you l ike anapple?

    would you l ike a bgone or a smal l one?

    plain chocolatemilk chocolate89/14


    - u i : l +


    - s rr


    gutstera/qutero unhelado, por favor

    quisiera/ me gustara iral Canad

    queres una manzana?

    quieres una grandeo una pequea?

    chocafatechocolate con leche

    my favourite sport

    a bar of chocolatea postmana beara foresta sportmy favouri te sportan autographice hockeysun-creamP.S. (postscr ipt)hish

    una tableta de chocolateun carteroun osoun bosqueun deportemi deporte favoritoun autgrafohockey sobre hielocrema para el solP.S. {past scrptum)alto

  • l . *.'r:i ,-




    - ' .




    busysome watersome more waterprobablysel l (past: sold)jo in (past: jo ined)land (past: landed)mention (past:

    ment ioned)wri te (past: wrote)that 's al l

    ocupado/a/s(un poco de) aguaun poco ms de aguaprobablementevenderunir(se), juntar(se)aterrizarmencionar

    escribreso es todo

    :ll:' i;.

    illii, irirluilr


  • PANENTS'PACESong.Old MaGDonaldhad a farm.

    . lr.rd.* thrE^uG

    ffiffiffim'hrre a *, ilw

    ---D __\

    0. 1

    . , d-dt- t |E! a I 0|d filac- tlor - ld

    t -

    Indicaciones para padres y educadoregLa presente unidad tiene como principal obeto mostrar el empleo de la

    expresin would like ..., en especial en las frmulas de cortesa en formainterrogativa (Would you lika ...? Ouieres, quiere usted/queras, querriausted/qusieras, qusera usted/te gustara, le gustara ...?; What would yotlike ...? Ou quieres, qu quiere usted/qu querras, qu querra usted/ququisieras, qu quisera usted/qu te gustarla, qu le gustarfa ...?) o en formaafirmativa ll'd like ... Ouieo/querra/quisera/me gustara ...1 y en las frasesque expresan un deseo ll'd liks to go to Canada Ouisiera/me gustara ir alCanad1.

    Adems, s encuentran en esta unidad varios eiercicios dedicados a lasfrmulas empleadas al final de las frases inteogttivas y-como de css-tumbre, son objeto de revisin algunos puntos que han sido enseados enlas unidades anteriores (en especial, el vocabulario relativo a la compra deproductos alimenticiosl.

    Indicaciones roforontos a las pgims de la presente undadPgina 1- Pgina de ntroduccin que presenta el punto principal ense-

    ado en esta unidad (la frmula would likel. Puede indicar alos nios que el uso de esta expresin no es indispensable en eldilogo {A bar of chocolate, Please/Plain or milk?I.

    Pgina2. Repaso del empleo de la preposicin of en expresiones comothe from of ..., te back ol .... etc., que ha dado lugar a varoseiercicos en las unidades 87 y 88. Los nios leen las frases yaverguan el nombre del equipo de ftbol favorito de lgor (eladetivo favourte es nuevo; para saber como se pronuncia,los nos deben escuchar la grabacin correspondiente a laspginas 10-l I ).oilogo dedicado a las expresones Would you like ...? y I'd!!!e ... Los nios escuchan la cinta y. como de costumbre, re-pten las frases. Indqueles que, en la lengua hablada, la con-traccin usual del auxiliar would es'd, pero que sta no seemplea en las frases nterogatvas. Hgales notar tambin quewould like es una frmula ms corts que want.

    Pgina 4. Contnuacn del estudo de la frmula l'd lke '.., usada estavez en las expresiones empleadas para pedir lo que se deseacomer. Los nios averiguan qu dicen los pesonajes de laslustracones y despus repten las frases. Cuando hayan hechoesto, pregnteles What woutd you like to eat?' con el fin deque construyan ellos mismos una frase.

    Pgina 5. Otra pgina dedicada a la expresin would like. Los nosleen lo que quiere comprar cada personale, completan las

    89/1 6

    frases que se les dan y las repiten' Cuando hayan hecho este

    eiercicio, puede hacerles otra pregunta personal: What wouldyou lke to buYT

    Pgina 6. Eiercicio de pronuncacn. Al igual que en las unidades 81 y

    l-l 83, este eierccio muestra la entonacin que se da a las fr-

    !++l mulas emileadas al final de las frases nterrogativas' En esta

    ocasin las frases estn en pretrto, razn por la cual se utiliza

    el auxiliar did/didn't.Pgina 7. Otra cancin tradconal, muy popular entre los ivenes ingle-

    l-l ses. La versin que aparece aqu es muy corta' pero esta can-

    It +l cin puede prolongarse indefinidamente aadindole estrofas

    relatvas a distintos animales.Pgina 8- Dilogo que introduce varias expresiones que sern utltdas

    fff| en la historia de la unidad 90' Los nios escuchan la cnta v'll-l a continuacin, repiten las frases'Pgina 9. Ejercicio dedicado a la expresin Would lke {tol "' El texto sef.-l bas en la informacin sobre los pases de habla inglesa que

    iq=il ha aparecido en las Reading pages de las undades anterores'Indique a los nios que se dice leland (Eirel' Scotland yWales (sin el artculo definido thel' pero en cambio the U'S'A'(con el artculo).

    Pginas 10-1'1. Eerccio de lectura. El texto da una breve informacinl-l acerca de Canad. Como en anterores pginas de

    este tpo'

    l\-l se ntroducen varias palabras nuevas'Pginas l2 13. Revisin de algunas palabras que los nios-han aprendido

    en las unidades anteriores' La escritura ideogrfica empleadapor los ndos dar lugar a un eiercico en la prxima undad(ps. 14).

    Pginas 14-15- Las habituales pginas de vocabulario'

    ANSWER TO PAGE2: UVERPOOL.AIISWERS TO PAGE 4:2. fd fte a hamburger, pbre- 3- l'd likea bariaria, pk@- 4. l'd He a sasagp, pl@. 5. l'd l*e an'ce-cream, p&e.ANSWERS TO PAGE 5: The nran woud ke to hry rf,trer 3- Thewornan wrxH ilte to by nrmber 2. The boy mrld lite to buy:xrmber 1. The gil worH like lo buy rumber 1.ANSWERS TO PAGE 6: t- Sure- 2- ltlot srre- 3. Nd srre. 4' Sure'ANSWERS TO PAGE 9: l. Scotland. 2. W#- 3- hard lErel.4- The U.S-A.

    Pgina 3.


    arrslmo tJ:tol)