Inglés Junior BBC Fascículo 80



curso ingles junior 80

Transcript of Inglés Junior BBC Fascículo 80

  • fu,Tffi8@ff i

    80/ rLo veremos en la historia ...Who are they talk ing about? And who is outside the tent?

  • DOVOI' ?:Mirad este dibu,o. Los personajes gue veis en l os recordarn las cosas que habis aprendido enla unidad anterior.


    $ t *!'J!"" {dr^ffng tner,o!i l \ tent, and I think I dd.v '\1,somthing wrong.p i\]r1tr777?-1. F---U- \


    What did



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  • III lrxe PoucErf,AN

    ...AND FrcMfuLLUX.

    Mr. Barrett was singing his song,Ernest was watching him,

    and so was lgor.Mr. Barrett was singing his song,Ernest was watching him,

    and so was lgor.He was singing his song,

    he was singing his song,And then he disappeared.




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    I uniere is iR. ARREfr? t6 t{E tN'iHE

    til{ffi $ He? WH1R* i4E |t.}At 6lN6iN6 i4i$ tohl6.." i

    ...AND ]HN Hg ir*PP*.E*p.

  • AZ DI6A??E ARED YEaIERDAV,\e6., f eA 6ft VoV'Re W,[email protected],

    HewAo tr,ltN6

    a,J6T A MtNUrE.|^JflERg6MV FooK?


    MV NAME' ocfr,J'M A COWN.ccco ilE CIOUJ.

  • \e6,kG-o-P,,

    \6.Ae u/A6 fN6lf'16UI6 OONG.RN67WA WAETII HII4.


    uJA UArA.{lN6

    $.|IIH tvlE.6ET lN MV CAR'



    ERNESTIIaORJ ERNE'TJMr. Barrett was singing his song,Ernest was watching him,

    and so was lgor.Mr. Barrett was singing his song,Ernest was watching him,

    and so was lgor.He was singing his song,

    he was singing his song,And then he disappeared.Itflltlil>


  • 'nt6 f60R.l{EMR.AARRflT WHEN IE



    HEWAA A6NG HI6&,AND I ujA6

    What happened to Mr. Barrett,When he was singing his song?He disappeared-

    but where did he go?What happened to Mr. Barrett,When he was singing his song?He disappeared-

    but where did he go?He disappeared-

    but where did he go?lgor doesn't know ...lgor doesn't know ...

    EftefAf\D i WERE tVATCllltK HlM,ANP_TI{EN A. .,. D!OA??aAREP .


    \ffi, it+1t6 6Et'tlltAf.l t6AfrLEtAAil.Heta L@K\NjFOR MR.B/RRET.

    w6,I6ArD 11{AT,DIDNIT f ? 1\liA6 UlAircfllN6fllrrl, AND 9

    ulA6 ERer.

  • ltMM.cAt'l vou ]ELLME AI{VfiING

    \.le6,Ae. aA??eARW.+'{ |jA6 6u.,tNG...


    n tF w lrd ttfplHEaKl\ou


    ON IN TI{ctRctJo,


    What happened to Mr. Barrett,When he was singing his song?He disappeared-

    but where did he go?What happened to Mr. Barrett,When he was singing his song?He disappeared-

    but where did he go?He disappeared-

    but where did he go?Where did he go?Where did he go?

    R6Hf.RGl{l.. tlOW,I EVERVONE

    v6, WANT 10 6e,EVERVONE IN]HEctK6, |{ERE.


    @@ HeReT

    oloMoN,ERNE6'T., MRIA..ARCHtMeDe,Cpgc.MR.tsARRETf?

  • T[,t,

  • o%o



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    '7,......::.::a. :..' :.,:.a.::l



    Did you l isten to the story about the pol iceman Barrett 's Circus?Can you answer these quest ions about i t? Saythe r ight answer.

    1. Who was everyone looking for? 4.a) Castor and Pol lux.b) Mr. Barrett .c) The white mouse.

    2. What was Mr. Barret t doing when he dis-appeared?

    ) te was singing his song.b) He was doing a magic t r ick.c) He was having lunch.

    What were Ernest and Maria doing whenMr. Barrett disappeared?

    a) They were singing a song.b) They were talk ing to a pol iceman,,c) They were watching him.

    Who was asking quest ions?a) A pi lot .b) A customs off icer.c) A pol iceman.

    What happened at the end of the story?a) Everyone sang.b) Everyone disappearedc) The pol iceman disappeared.

    Answers on page 16.




  • L IES-Who said th is?Did they remember exactlY?

    A algunas de estas personas se les pdi des-pus que descrberan lo que haban visto' Peroninguna pudo recordar la escena con exacttud'Mirad atentamente esta ilustracin. A continua-cin leed lo que diieron dferentes personaies'Podis contestar las Preguntas?

    "l was repair ing my bike. There were twocars in the street. One car was blue and theother car was green. The blue car was fromGermany. A man was si t t ing in the greencar. He was reading a newspaper. He waswearing a grey cap."

    O,uest ion:Who said this? What was wrong?

    "l was going into the Plaza Hotel . Therewas a man outside the hotel . He was talk ingto two women. He was tal l and thin andhe had dark hair . He was wearing a dark-blue raincoat and dark glasses. ' '

    Ouest ion:Who said this? What was wrong?



    3. "l was standing outside the Green Spooncaf. I was talk ing to a fr iend' There was aman outside the shop next to the caf. Hewas taking a photograph of a gir l . She hadlong, l ight-brown hair . She was wearihg ayel low blouse and a black skir t . The manwas wearing grey trousers and a red andwhite T-shir t ."

    Ouest ion:Who said this? Wnat was wrong?80/12

    Miss Mo-dn

  • .:==\

    Mart in Kent

    Answers on page 16.

  • This boy is Paul Jones. What did he do yester-day? Read the words. Can you go on? Write thesentences. You need these words, too (andothers).

    l isten watch footballtelephone f ish a planemake at televisionplay dinner lunchmeet music we

    Prestad atencin! Tenis gue poner los verbosen pasado.

    Paul Jones. Yesterday was Satur-

    I had breakfast at eight. Then I

    Hal lo!day.


  • ,:=_-:il\i *

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    {r swers on paEe i5

  • 'PACESong.

    Mr. Barrett wassinging his song

    0[-nT].I I t t t t 'l...."....'..#| | | t t " l-nT

    rnTnIJJ-]J_.1.f t I | ftT-rrf]


    Indicaciones roforontos a lae pginar de la prerente unidadPgina 1. Pgina de introduccin qu6 rememora la historia de la unidad

    anteror y adelanta los acontecmientos que s desarrollarnen la de la prosnto. Los nios deben responder a las dos pre-guntas, recordando la hstoria precedente y mirando la siluetadel policfa que aparece en la ilustracin.

    Pgina 2. El dibujo de eita pgina revisa las principales expresionesaparecidas en la unidad anterior. Como de costumbre, leausted

    n voz alta algunas de las frases que figuran en los boca-dillos para que los nios indiquen las ilustraciones a que co-rresponden. Pfdales despus que sean ellos los que lean dichasfrases en voz alta y cuide de que las pronuncn correcta-ment. si vacilan en algn punto, es convenent que repasenbrevemente la unidad 79.

    3-10. Versn en forma de comic de la hstora grabada en lacasset{6, Debe utilizarse de la manea habituai. No olvdeque la mejor forma de emplear la histoda es escuchal primerola cinta sin mirar las ilustraciones ni leer el texto: esto consti-tuye un excelnte ejercicio de comprensin oral y los nios vantomando confianza en sl mismos a medida que se dan cuentade que aqulla se desarrolla. A continuacin deben escucharla cinta mirando las ilustraciones y leyendo el texto. Fnal-mente, pueden reptir slgunas de las frases de los dilogos,cantar las canciones, e interpretar algunas escenas (por ejem-plo, la escena en que el policfa se dirige a Coco por primeravez) con avuda del.modelo de circo o del teatto plegable. Silo desean, pueden tambin escribir un texto y hacer un dibujoacerca de los acontecimientos que relata la hstoria. Al gualque en la unidad 79, los puntos ms importantes que se 6nse-an son el pretrito (What happenedT/He dirappeared, etc')y el pasado contnuo (What woro you doing .'.?/l waswatchng hm, etc.).

    Pgnasl - lIaIt.-

  • TEST rcURSELF : quEsroNs =Auto-test sobre algunas de las cosas que habis aprendido. Las respuestas estn en ta unidad 81.

    1, Ouestons about yourself :1. Where do you go to school?2. What size shoes do you take?3. What tme did you have breakfast today? '4. What were you wearing yesterday?

    Did you watch televison yesterday?Did you speak English yesterday?Did you see a giraffe yesterday?Did you meet a fr iend yesterday?


    2. Look at the picture. Then put some paper over i t andanswer the questions:

    1 . What colour hair d id the man have?2. What was he wearing?3. What colour hair d id the woman have? _.4. Was her hair long or short?5. What was she wearino? .r .

    THuRSDAY Hq twL willru Hr. l{rll.rntorv i,lrU^t^" +h drh^f.sATURDAY U]"t 1, +hs lns{balh^atrl" orrlel,U,o.I

    3. He aqu una pgina del diario gue Mr. tayror escribila semana pasada. Miradla y contgstad las siguientespreguntas.1. What did he do on Mondav?2. What did he do on Tuesday?3. What did he do on Wednesday?4. What did he do on Thursday?"5. What did he do on Fr iday?6. What did he do on Saturday,

    'L ; ( ?:./ >2J

    4. Look at,tne prcrure. ere are the arswers ro some questions about the picture..What were the questions?? l t was half past foui? l t was red. j j? They were in the car.

    5. Qu dirlais si ...'1 . ... quisierais gue alguien grosigueselo ele estaba

    diciendo?2. ... quisierais ofrecer ayuda a alguien?3. ... quisierais decir "hasta la vista"T

    ? He was outside the bank.. . . ? He was writng in his book.. . . ? They were watching the pol iceman.

    4. ... guisierais preguntar si alguien ms necesitabaalguna otra cosa?

    5. ... quisierais saber la fecha que era ayer?6. ... alguien estornudase?