Ingles aula 6


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Transcript of Ingles aula 6

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GUESSING MEANING WITH MODALS Social Security Announces 4.1 Percent Benefit Increase for 2006 Monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits for more than 52 million Americans will increase 4.1 percent in 2006, the Social Security Administration announced today. Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits increase automatically each year based on the rise in the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), from the third quarter of the prior year to the corresponding period of the current year. This year’s increase in the CPI-W was 4.1 percent. The 4.1 percent Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) will begin with benefits that more than 48 million Social Security beneficiaries receive in January 2006. Increased payments to 7 million Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries will begin on December 30. Some other changes that take effect in January of each year are based on the increase in average wages. Based on that increase, the maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax (taxable maximum) will increase to $94,200 from $90,000. Of the estimated 161 million workers who will pay Social Security taxes in 2006, about 11.3 million will pay higher taxes as a result of the increase in the taxable maximum in 2006. It is important to note that no one’s Social Security benefit will decrease as a result of the 2006 Medicare Part B premium increase, announced last month. By law, the Part B premium increase cannot be larger than a beneficiary’s Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) increase. (Excerpt from News Release – o site oficial do governo dos EUA)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -2-

EXPLOITATION OF TEXT 1 Copie do texto inicial três exemplos de construções no futuro: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Translate the following fragments from text 1:

Social Security Benefit increase Consumer Price Index Urban Wage Earners Clerical Workers Cost-of-Living Adjustment average wages taxable maximum Social Security taxes premium increase

Take a look at a US Social Security card. (Na cultura Americana este cartão é tão importante quanto o nosso CIC com o nosso CPF.

From Wikipedia – the free encyclopedia

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -3-

WORD FORMS From Text 1: Desta vez não vou apresentar nenhum novo sufixo. Instead, vou pedir que você localize no texto 1 o maior número de palavras com formação sufixal que você puder: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

READING COMPREHENSION About Text 1: On Social Security Write (T) for true or (F) for false: 1. ( ) You can affirm that Social Security and Supplemental Security Income

benefits for many citizens in the US will tumble in 2006. 2. ( ) It is the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical

Workers (CPI-W) that could determine how much Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits vary every year.

3. ( ) Over 48 million Social Security beneficiaries might benefit from Cost-

of-Living Adjustment as of January 2006. 4. ( ) Approximately 7% of the workers will pay higher Social Security taxes

in 2006. 5. ( ) 2006 Medicare Part B premium increase may not be larger than a

beneficiary’s Cost-of-Living Adjustment increase.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -4-

MODAL VERBS Os principais modal verbs são can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, have to, ought to. São verbos auxiliares colocados diante do verbo principal para emprestam nuances de sentido. Podem indicar permissão, possibilidade, necessidade, obrigação, etc. Modal verbs apresentam certas peculiaridades: a) não se acrescenta ‘s’ ou ‘es a terceira pessoa do singular: Ex.: She can swim. Ela sabe nadar. He can speak Italian. Ele sabe falar italiano. It should arrive any minute now. . Deve chegar a qualquer momento. b) modal verbs não são seguidos de to + infinitive (com exceção dos

quase-modais como ‘ought to’, used to ...) Ex.: They should stay home. Elas devem ficar em casa. But: She ought to study more. Ela deve estudar mais. c) para formar-se a negativa coloca-se ‘not’ logo após o modal verb; para

formar perguntas inverte-se o modal verb com o sujeito. Exs.: You cannot enter that area. Você não pode entrar naquela área. Would you like to visit the farm? Você gostaria de visitar a fazenda? d) os chamados ‘perfect modals’ são assim formados:

modal verb + have (never has or had) + past participle of principal verb. Exs.: Sheila kept me waiting. She should have called me up much earlier. Sheila me deixou esperando. Devia ter-me telefonado muito antes.

I might have stayed longer if you had invited me. Podia ter ficado mais tempo se você tivesse me convidado.

They may have left for the airport already. Eles já devem ter ido pro aeroporto.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -5-

GUESSING MEANING WITH MODALS From Text 1 “…the Part B premium increase cannot be larger than a beneficiary’s Cost-of-Living Adjustment increase” (L-21/22) Os modal verbs permitem que você utilize uma outra reading strategy, qual seja, a de buscar o significado de trechos nos textos onde eles aparecem indicando, como já dissemos, permission, possbility, probability, necessity, obligation, etc. No exemplo do texto 1 o aumento dos prêmios não pode ser maior do que o ajuste do índice do custo de vida. Rapidamente, vamos analisar alguns exemplos com os verbos can / could: Ms. Lark’s boss said to her: ‘You can leave now.” O chefe da Ms. Lark lhe disse: - Você pode sair agora. (ou seja, ele lhe deu permissão) Se tivesse sido usado o verbo may, por exemplo, ficaria muito mais formal. Agora, se tivesse sido usado o verbo must. Mudaria tudo de figura. Ms. Lark’s boss told her: ‘You must leave now.” O chefe da Ms. Lark lhe disse: - Você tem que sair agora. (ou seja, por algum motivo ela tem que sair; está obrigada a fazê-lo agora) Mrs. Sorensen is busy now, but she can see you tomorrow afternoon. A Sra Sorensen está ocupada agora, mas poderá vê-lo amanhã à tarde. (claramente o verbo can está indicando possibilidade no futuro aqui) It can’t / couldn’t have been John you saw at the station, he’s been here with us all the time. Não pode / Não podia ter sido o John que você viu na estação, ele esteve conosco aqui o tempo todo. (já aqui os verbos can /could são usados para indicar uma probabilidade muito forte, quase certeza. É como se disséssemos: You must have seen somebody else)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -6-

IF CLAUSES Agora que já revisamos a maioria dos tempos verbais e começamos a enfatizar o estudo dos modal verbs, é hora de se introduzir essas famosas IF-CLAUSES, as orações condicionais geralmente introduzidas pela conjunção IF. Dê a sua tradução das frases na linhas abaixo: Há três estruturas principais: A. future in main clause // present simple in if-clauses Ex: I will visit you, if I have the money for the ticket. _________________________________________________________ If my boss promotes me, I will make more money. _________________________________________________________ B. conditional in main clause // past simple in if-clauses Ex: I would visit you, if I had the money for the ticket. _________________________________________________________ If my boss promoted me, I would make more money. _________________________________________________________ C. conditional perfect in main clause // past perfect in if-clauses Ex.: I would have visited you, if I had had the money for the ticket. _________________________________________________________ If my boss had promoted me, I would have made more money. _________________________________________________________ Estude também as estruturas em que aprecem os ‘if-equivalents’ I - Use of Unless (if ... not) Exs.: I wouldn’t go to the stadium unless I felt perfectly fine. _________________________________________________________ Unless he had been informed, how could he have been tailing us? _________________________________________________________ I won’t go to that nightclub unless Gilda goes with us. _________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -7- II - Provided (that) / Providing (that) Ex.: Provided that you follow my instructions, you may pass the test. (i.e. If you follow my instructions ...) _________________________________________________________ III - Supposing (that) Ex.: Supposing you had five minutes to spare, would you talk to me? (i.e. If you had 5 min to spare,....) _________________________________________________________ IV - So long as Ex.: So long as we have Barbara baby-sitting for our son, we can go to the

theater. (i.e. If we have ....) _________________________________________________________ V - On condition that Ex.: You can borrow my dictionary on condition that you return tomorrow. _________________________________________________________ EXERCISE Rewrite the sentences using the ‘if equivalents’ in bold: 1. If you need my help, you should see me at my office tomorrow. Supposing ________________________________________________ 2. If you had asked for Rose’s DVD, she might have lent it to you. Providing that _____________________________________________ 3. If you hand in your term papers in time you may start phase II of our

literature course. On condition that __________________________________________ 4. If Lisa does not go to the dance, I won’t go either. Unless _____________________________________________ 5. If she invites you to the baby shower, will you go? Provided that _____________________________________________ 6. If you stick to your old fashioned practices, you won’t be successful. So long as _____________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -8-


I - A MATTER OF I.Q. Albert Einstein arrives in heaven and is told that he’ll he rooming with four other men. So he introduces himself to the group. “Glad to meet you,” says the 1st roommate. “By the way, my I.Q. is 180.” “Good,” replies Einstein, “We'll be able to discuss quantum physics.” “I have an I.Q. of 159,” the second interjects. “Splendid - we can talk about the latest mathematical theories.” “As for me,” says the third man, “my I.Q. is 132.” “Delighted,” Einstein replies. “We can debate the current state of the arts.” “I’m honored to meet you,” the last man in the group says. “But my I.Q. is only 85.” “That's all right,” Einstein answers, shaking the man’s hand. “So tell me, where do you think interest rates are headed?” O que o modal verb ‘can’ está indicando na anedota acima em: a) can talk about __________________________________________ b) can debate __________________________________________

II – AT HIS FINGERTIPS George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), the great Irish dramatist, was celebrating his ninetieth birthday. Among the guests was Fabian, Scotland Yard's famous detective. At Fabian’s suggestion Shaw agreed to have his fingerprints recorded for posterity. To the amazement of both, Shaw's fingerprints were so faint that no impression could be obtained. “Well,” announced Shaw “if I had known this before I would certainly have chosen another profession.” (Adapted from The Little Brown Book of Anecdotes, edited by Clifton Fadiman) Traduza o exemplo de oração condicional (if-clause) na anedota acima: “if I had known this before I would certainly have chosen another profession…” _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -9-

VOCABULARY BUILD UP Mini-text 1: Fighting for a Level Playing Field

regional full overall productive foreign specific available opportunities

MAC's ___________ (1) objectives are to obtain market access for American firms and workers and to achieve ___________ (2) compliance by foreign nations with trade agreements they sign with our country. U.S businesses and workers are the most ___________ (3) in the world, but often find difficulties exporting their goods and services because of ___________ (4) barriers to trade. MAC can help. Once a problem is identified, MAC uses all ___________ (5) resources to assist American businesses and workers in finding a solution. To help U.S. companies and workers obtain the fullest market ____________ (6), the MAC team is divided into country and __________ (7) experts and staff specializing in _________ (8) trade agreements. Visit: (*) Market Access and Compliance (MAC) Mini-text 1: Free Trade Agreements

strengthen compete integral groundbreaking economic encourage easing manufacturing

Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) can help your company to enter and ___________ (1) more easily in the global marketplace. Trade agreements help level the international playing field and ___________ (2) foreign governments to adopt open and transparent rulemaking procedures, as well as non-discriminatory laws and regulations. FTAs help ___________ (3) business climates by eliminating or reducing tariff rates, improving intellectual property regulations, opening government procurement opportunities, ____________ (4), investment rules, and much more. International trade is an ____________ (5) part of the U.S. economy, accounting for more than one-quarter of U.S. gross domestic product and supporting more than 12 million U.S. jobs, including 1 in 5 ____________ (6) positions. FTAs can be a catalyst for accelerating ____________ (7), growth by allowing greater competition, encouraging the formation of international partnerships, and by greatly liberalizing many industries. Most FTAs include specific obligations in the areas of intellectual property, services, investment, and telecommunications. Many FTAs also provide for ____________ (8), cooperation in promoting labor rights and the environment. Visit:

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -10- Specialized vocabulary: Income Complete the text by using the following words:

cost differentials distribution salary rent inequality profits progressive earn standard income purchasing

Money paid, usually weekly and often in cash, to a worker for work done is called a wage (or wages). A (1) _____________ is a regular payment made to an employee, usually by a bank transfer or cheque at the end of the month. A real wage is an actual wage deflated (divided) by the consumer price index; this gives the (2) ____________ power of an hour’s work. Skilled work is usually rewarded by higher pay than unskilled work. Skills, knowledge and expertise acquired in education or special training are also known as human capital, and are usually remunerated. On the contrary, compensating (3) ______________ are often paid to persuade unskilled people to take dangerous, dirty, inconvenient or tedious jobs. Subsistence wages are the minimum amount needed to support a person’s life. Fortunately, most people in industrial and post-industrial countries (4) _____________ rather more than this. If higher wages tempt people to work longer hours, this is known as the substitution effect. But after a certain point, higher wages mean that workers can afford to work fewer hours; this is the (5) ____________ effect. The (6) ____________ of living is defined as the level of prosperity in terms of material or social benefits (which are related to income and wealth). The (7) ___________ of living is the amount of money that must be paid for food, housing, clothing, and so on. In economics, unlike in marketing, (8) ____________ concerns. the allocation of factors of production - land, which earns (9) ____________ , labour which earns wages and capital, which earns interest and/or profits and their market prices. Income is the flow of money earned or collected during a given period, including wages and salaries, interest payments, rental income, and (10) ____________ from business. (11) ____________ or redistributive taxation can reduce income (12) ____________. Wealth is the net stock of tangible and financial assets owned at any particular time. (From Financial English by Ian Mackenzie, page 106, LTP)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -11- Specialized vocabulary: collocations & technical terms Correlacione as colunas.

A B 1. real estate agent a. ( ) poder de compra 2. social welfare b. ( ) corretor imobiliário 3. securities analyst c. ( ) assistência social 4. power of attorney d. ( ) analista de valores imobiliários 5.purchasing power e. ( ) procuração

C D 1. common stock a. ( ) conhecimento de embarque 2. bill of exchange b. ( ) baixa rentabilidade 3. low yield c. ( ) letra de câmbio 4. taxable income d. ( ) ações ordinárias 5. bill of lading e. ( ) renda tributável

E F 1. interest bearing account a. ( ) armazém aduaneiro 2. customs warehouse b. ( ) empréstimo externo 3. foreign loan c. ( ) conta remunerada 4. book keeping d. ( ) evasão de capital 5. capital flight e. ( ) escrituração contábil

G H 1. mortgage a. ( ) inscrição da dívida 2. withholding tax b. ( ) receita arrecadada 3. registration of debt c. ( ) vara de fazenda 4. tax court d. ( ) hipoteca 5. revenue receipts e. ( ) imposto na fonte

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -12-

A LOOK AT PAST EXAMS Going for the Big Guy Silvio Berlusconi was dapper as ever last week - so sleek and smooth in his double-breasted suit, in fact, you could almost forget the Italian Prime Minister was in court facing bribery charges. He barely broke a sweat during 50 minutes of ‘spontaneous remarks’ in a stuffy, packed courtroom, as he became the first sitting Prime Minister ever to testify at his own criminal trial. Listening just a few feet from the billionaire leader was another cool - though far more casually clad - customer. For this historic court date, lead prosecutor Ilda Boccassini’s usual uniform of a light blue denim jacket and white tennis shoes could be seen peeking out from her black magistrate’s robe. Beyond her sartorial choices, there is noting casual about the 53-year-old prosecutor. Boccassini has busted Mafia killers and crooked judges and is now trying to reel in the biggest fish of all. Berlusconi is accused in an alleged 1980s plot to bribe judges but he has denied any wrongdoings, saying the charges amount to a political coup attempt by leftish magistrates looking to undo his success. Renato Schifani, Senate leader for the Prime Minister Italia party, told TIME that Boccassini is one of the key leaders of an “anti-Berlusconi crusade’ in the Milan magistrate's office. After helping unravel Mob connections in Milan in the 1980s, and later moving to Sicily to convict the killers of anti-Mafia magistrate Giovanni Falcone, Boccassini returned north to eventually team up with anti-corruption prosecutor Gherardo Colombo in the Prime Minister’s case. (FGV / 2005 Adapted from Going for the Big Guy in TIME, May 19, 2003) 61. From lines 1 to 5 we infer that Silvio Berlusconi is A) a member of the jury B) the accuser C) the plaintiff D) the defendant E) the convict 62. According to line 4, the courtroom is A) airy and bare. B) spacious and cool. C) crowded and badly ventilated. D) gloomy and damp. E) small and cramped.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -13- 63. According to paragraph 1, A) Berlusconi’s looks revealed his anxiety. B) Berlusconi was wet with sweat. C) Berlusconi was poorly dressed. D) Berlusconi looked so neat and smart that it was hard to see him as the

accused. E) Berlusconi seemed so concerned and troubled that one could almost

forget that he was the Prime Minister. 64. According to lines 4 to 7, Berlusconi A) is the former Prime Minister B) is the Prime Minister in office C) has been out of office due to a series of accusations D) is sitting on a jury. E) is the newly-appointed Prime Minister 65. Choose the one item which best completes the sentence.' Berlusconi was charged ____ bribery. (A) with (B) of (C) for (D) on (E) at 66. In the text, CLAD (L-7) can be replaced without any loss of meaning by A) chosen B) dressed C) overdressed D) unveiled E) found 67. In the text the phrase sartorial choices (line 12) is concerned with A) one's skill to make a careful choice. B) one's impartiality in giving judgment. C) one's ability to judge correctly. D) one's promptness to make up one’s mind. E) one's preference for clothes.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -14- 68. According to paragraph 2, Berlusconi A) felt Impotent before the accusation of bribery brought against him. B) crumbed under the pressure of bribery charges. C) showed his vulnerability at court. D) tried to rebut charges against him by spreading blame on others. E) brought evidence to court to refute the charges of bribery. 69. From the text as a whole we deduce that Ilda Boccassini is A) a tenacious professional. B) a tendentious prosecutor. C) a lenient investigator in her field. D) a biased leader E) a crusader with an inborn talent for fighting organised crime. 70. According to paragraphs 2 and 3. all the following statements can be

considered correct, EXCEPT A) Boccassini is likely to bring dawn Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi In the

long run B) Boccassini has had a very successful career as a prosecutor so far C) Berlusconi is bound to get away with his crimes D) Berlusconi refused to plead guilty to the charges of bribery E) Boccassini is ready to keep on fighting against the Italian Prime Minister

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -15-

ANSWERS 3 exemplos de construções no futuro: will increase (L-2/15), will begin (L-9/12), will decrease (L-19) Translate the following fragments from text 1:

Social Security Previdência social Benefit increase Aumento dos benefícios Consumer Price Index Índice de preço ao consumidor Urban Wage Earners Percebedores de salários nas cidades

Clerical Workers Trabalhadores em escritórios Cost-of-Living Adjustment Ajuste no custo de vida average wages salários médios taxable maximum Máximo tributável Social Security taxes Contribuições previdenciárias premium increase Aumento nos preços de seguridade

suffixes Monthly, Supplemental, Security, Americans, Administration, automatically. consumer, earners, workers, corresponding, adjustment, payments, beneficiaries, earnings, taxable, estimated, higher, important, … True or False ? 1. (F) ‘tumble ‘ é um dos verbos em inglês que indica queda brusca. O texto fala em increase (=incrementar) 2. (F) deve ser determine sem o modal verb. Could determine mudaria todo o sentido do texto para poderia determinar. 3. (F) will benefit é a idéia. Eles se beneficiarão. 4. (T) 5. (F) deve ser cannot be larger, ou seja, não ode ser maior que ...

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -16- IF CLAUSES I will visit you, if I have the money for the ticket. Eu visitarei você se tiver dinheiro para a passagem. If my boss promotes me, I will make more money. Se meu chefe me promover eu ganharei mais dinheiro. . I would visit you, if I had the money for the ticket. Eu visitaria você se tivesse dinheiro para a passagem. If my boss promoted me, I would make more money. Se meu chefe me promovesse eu ganharia mais dinheiro. . I would have visited you, if I had had the money for the ticket. Eu teria visitado você se tivesse tido dinheiro para a passagem. If my boss had promoted me, I would have made more money. Se meu chefe tivesse me promovido eu teria ganho mais dinheiro. I wouldn’t go to the stadium unless I felt perfectly fine. Eu não iria ao estádio se não me sentisse perfeitamente bem. Unless he had been informed, how could he have been tailing us? A menos que ele tivesse sido informado como poderia estar nos seguindo? I won’t go to that nightclub unless Gilda goes with us. Não irei àquela boate a não ser que a Gilda vá comigo. Provided that you follow my instructions, you may pass the test. (Com a condição que você siga) Se você seguir minhas instruções, você poderá passar no exame. Supposing you had five minutes to spare, would you talk to me? Supondo que você tivesse) Se você tivesse 5 min. Livres, falaria comigo? So long as we have Barbara baby-sitting for our son, we can go to the theater. (Desde que tenhamos a Bárbara cuidando das crianças poderemos ir ao teatro. . You can borrow my dictionary on condition that you return tomorrow. Você pode pegar meu dicionário emprestado com a condição de devolvê-lo amanhã

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -17- Using the ‘if equivalents’ in bold 1. If you need my help, you should see me at my office tomorrow. Supposing you need my help, you should see me at my office tomorrow 2. If you had asked for Rose’s DVD, she might have lent it to you. Providing that you had asked for Rose’s DVD, she might have lent it to you 3. If you hand in your term papers in time you may start phase II of our literature course. On condition that you hand in your term papers in time you may start phase II of our literature course. 4. If Lisa does not go to the dance, I won’t go either. Unless Lisa goes to the dance, I won’t go either. 5. If she invites you to the baby shower, will you go? Provided that she invites you to the baby shower, will you go 6. If you stick to your old fashioned practices, you won’t be successful. So long as you stick to your old fashioned practices, you won’t be successful 1. Einstein’s anecdote can talk about (= poderemos, seremos capazes de falar sobre …) // can debate (=poderemos, seremos capazes de debater) 2. Shaw’s anecdote Se eu tivesse sabido disto antes teria certamente escolhido outra profissão. Mini-text 1 1. overall // 2. full // 3. productive // 4. regional // 5. available // 6. opportunities // 7. foreign // 8. specific Mini-text 2 1. compete // 2. encourage // 3. strengthen // 4. easing // 5. integral // 6. manufacturing // 7. economic // 8. groundbreaking Specialized vocabulary: Income 1. salary // 2. purchasing // 3. differentials// 4. earn // 5. income // 6. standard // 7. cost // 8. distribution // 9. rent // 10. profits // 11. progressive // 12. inequality

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -18- Matching // Correlacione as colunas. A/B a. (5) // b. (1) // c. (2) // d. (3) // e. (4) C/ D a. (5) // b. (3) // c. (2) // d. (1) // e. (4) E/F a. (2) // b. (3) // c. (1) // d. (5) // e. (4) G/H a. (3) // b. (5) // c. (4) // d. (1) // e. (2) A LOOK AT PAST EXAMS FGV 2005 Silvio Berlusconi 61. D 62. C 63. D 64. B 65. A 66. B 67. E 68. D 69. A 70. C

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -19- AULA 6 Avalie se os seguintes objetivos desta aula foram alcançados.

TÓPICOS & OBJETIVOS Raise your awareness of: Despertar sua conscientização para: I – Reading Strategy (IV): guessing meanign with modal verbs Estratégia de Leitura (IV): adivinhando o significado com os verbos modais II – Study of text 1: Social Security Estudo do texto1: “Previdência Social ” III – Reading Comprehension: Social Security - True or False? Compreensão de Leitura: Previdência Social: Falso ou Verdadeiro? IV - Word Forms – The suffixes ensemble Formação de Palavras – Sufixos em conjunto V - Modal Verbs: characteristics / Can /Could in particular Características dos verbos modais: Verbos can /could em especial VI - Conditions // If-clauses Orações condicionais (orações com ‘IF’) VII– Lighten up! Einstein’s / Shaw’s stories Relaxe! Anedotas sobre Einstein e G.Bernard Shaw VIII – Vocabulary Build-up: Specialized vocabulary: International

Trade / Free Trade Agreements // Income / Matching columns: Technical terms

Construção de Vocabulário: Vocabulário técnico: comércio internacional / Acordos de Livre Comércio // Renda // Terminologia técnica (correlacionando colunas)

IX– Analysis of past exams: FGV – 2005 Text: “Going for the Big Guy” Análise de provas anteriores: FGV – 2005 Texto: “Em busca do Grande Chefão”

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