Infant Loss & Bereavement: A Journey for Families and Health …€¦ · Rabah, K. A. (2016)....

Wright State University Wright State University CORE Scholar CORE Scholar Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty Publications Obstetrics and Gynecology 2016 Infant Loss & Bereavement: A Journey for Families and Health Infant Loss & Bereavement: A Journey for Families and Health Care Professionals Care Professionals Kelly A. Rabah Wright State University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Medical Education Commons Repository Citation Repository Citation Rabah, K. A. (2016). Infant Loss & Bereavement: A Journey for Families and Health Care Professionals. . This Presentation is brought to you for free and open access by the Obstetrics and Gynecology at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Transcript of Infant Loss & Bereavement: A Journey for Families and Health …€¦ · Rabah, K. A. (2016)....

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Wright State University Wright State University

CORE Scholar CORE Scholar

Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty Publications Obstetrics and Gynecology


Infant Loss & Bereavement: A Journey for Families and Health Infant Loss & Bereavement: A Journey for Families and Health

Care Professionals Care Professionals

Kelly A. Rabah Wright State University, [email protected]

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Rabah, K. A. (2016). Infant Loss & Bereavement: A Journey for Families and Health Care Professionals. .

This Presentation is brought to you for free and open access by the Obstetrics and Gynecology at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Page 2: Infant Loss & Bereavement: A Journey for Families and Health …€¦ · Rabah, K. A. (2016). Infant Loss & Bereavement: A Journey for Families and Health Care Professionals. . This

Infant Loss & Bereavement- A

Journey for Families and Health Care

ProfessionalsKe lly Ra b a h, Dire c to r o f Pa tie nt Sa fe ty &

Qua lity Imp ro ve me nt fo r GME

Wrig ht Sta te Physic ia ns

Page 3: Infant Loss & Bereavement: A Journey for Families and Health …€¦ · Rabah, K. A. (2016). Infant Loss & Bereavement: A Journey for Families and Health Care Professionals. . This

Loss…• Pe rina ta l lo ss inc lud e s infe rtility d uring the

p re c o nc e p tio n p e rio d , fe ta l d e a th d uring

p re g na nc y a nd infa nt d e a th in the first ye a r o f life .

• Lo sing a wishe d -fo r c hild is sta rtling a nd

une xp e c te d .

• Re sp o nse s to this lo ss ra ng e fro m d isa p p o intme nt to

life -c ha ng ing a ng uish (Wo o d s & Wo o d s, 1997).

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Types of Loss• Ec topic pre g na nc y

• Ele c tive a bortion

• Fe ta l de a th

• Infe rtility

• Misc a rria g e (sponta ne ous a bortion)

• Ne ona ta l de a th

• Stillbirth

• Sudde n infa nt de a th syndrome (SIDS)

• Sudde n une xpla ine d de a th in infa nc y (SUID)

• The ra pe utic a bortion

Page 5: Infant Loss & Bereavement: A Journey for Families and Health …€¦ · Rabah, K. A. (2016). Infant Loss & Bereavement: A Journey for Families and Health Care Professionals. . This

Historical Perspective• Ame ric a ’ s p e rsp e c tive s o n d e a th a re e vo lving (SLOO WLY…)

• Altho ug h lo sse s in p re g na nc y a nd b irth we re se e n a s re a l p o ssib ilitie s in the 18th a nd 19th c e nturie s, fa milie s still mo urne d the se lo sse s (Ho ffe rt, 1989).

• Birth mo ve d fro m the ho me to the ho sp ita l in the e a rly 1900s.

• Pa in re lie f e ffo rts le ft wo me n una wa re o f the ir p a in a nd o f a c tua l b irth, whe the r stillb o rn o r live (Le a vitt, 1986).

• The sta g e wa s se t fo r hid ing d e a th fro m wo me n a nd the ir fa milie s; a shro ud o f sile nc e g re w a ro und p e rina ta l d e a th.

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• Ac kno wle d g e me nt a nd inte g ra tio n o f lo ss into c a re

b e g a n slo wly, b ut it ha s p e rse ve re d .

• The ne e d fo r this a p p ro a c h fo rms the b a sis fo r

tra ining fo r nurse s, b e re a ve me nt c o unse lo rs a nd

re se a rc h into b e st-c a re p ra c tic e s.

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Theories of Attachment• Kla us a nd Ke nne l (1976) d e sc rib e b e ha vio rs tha t

d e mo nstra te a b o nd b e twe e n mo the r a nd b a b y

b e fo re b irth.

• Pe p p e rs a nd Kna p p (1980) sho w tha t a tta c hme nt

b e g ins whe n p la nning a p re g na nc y.

• Bo wlb y (1969) wa s the first to id e ntify a nd d isc uss

huma n a tta c hme nt.

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Rubin’s Tasks of Pregnancy

• The mo the r: (Rub in, 1984)1. Ensure s sa fe p a ssa g e fo r se lf a nd b a b y

2. Ensure s so c ia l a c c e p ta nc e o f se lf a nd b a b y

3. Bind s-in to the b a b y

4. G ive s o f he rse lf

• Rub in’ s fra me wo rk he lp s nurse s id e ntify ho w

wo me n a re a ffe c te d whe n p re g na nc y ta sks

a re inc o mp le te .

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Pregnancy as a RITE of Passage

• Ea c h rite o f p a ssa g e ha s thre e sta g e s: 1. Se p a ra tio n

2. Tra nsitio n

3. Inc o rp o ra tio n

• A wo ma n se p a ra te s he rse lf fro m he r o ld

sta tus whe n she a nno unc e s he r p re g na nc y

• The tra nsitio n ta ke s p la c e d uring the 9

mo nths o f p re g na nc y

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Investment • Ultra so und

• Ge ne tic Te sting

• Fe ta l Mo nito ring

• Ele c tive te rmina tio n

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Swanson’s Theory of Caring

Thro ug h ind uc tive a na lyse s, Swa nso n (1991)

id e ntifie d five c a ring p ro c e sse s:1. Kno wing

2. Be ing with

3. Do ing fo r

4. Ena b ling

5. Ma inta ining b e lie f

The mo re we inve st the mo re we c a re ….

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The “Fetus” is a Person• The issue o f fe ta l p e rso nho o d is c o mp le x with so c ia l,

re lig io us, le g a l a nd e thic a l d ime nsio ns.

• Be re a ve d p a re nts ha ve a ssig ne d so me d e g re e o f

p e rso nho o d to the ir b a b y; the re fo re , the ir lo ss is re a l,

fo r a re a l p e rso n who wo uld ha ve b e e n a p a rt o f

the ir life a nd the ir fa mily (Cô té -Arse na ult &

Do mb e c k, 2001).

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Tentative Pregnancy Anticipatory Grief

• Ro thma n (1986) fo und tha t wo me n withhe ld the ir

e mo tio na l b o nd s fo r the p re g na nc y a nd b a b y until

a fte r the y re c e ive d te st re sults.

• Antic ip a to ry g rie f is the p re p a ra tio n fo r d e a th

d uring o r p rio r to a n ine vita b le lo ss (Hyna n, 1986;

Ra nd o , 1986), a s o p p o se d to g rie f a fte r a lo ss.

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Grief and Bereavement• Grie f is a n e mo tio na l re sp o nse to the lo ss o f

so me thing o r so me o ne he ld d e a r; it is the inte rna l

re sp o nse to lo ss.

• Mourning is a p ub lic o r e xte rna l re sp o nse to the

d e a th o f a lo ve d o ne .

• The p e rio d o f time d uring whic h g rie f a nd mourning

o c c ur a fte r a d e a th is c a lle d be re a ve me nt.

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Grief and Bereavement cont.…

• No two p e o p le re sp o nd to the sa me e ve nt o r lo ss in e xa c tly the sa me wa y; g rie f is ind ivid ua l a nd d e p e nd s o n ho w lo ss a ffe c ts e a c h p e rso n.

• Inte nse a nd c o ntinue d d istre ss symp to ms b e yo nd 6 mo nths to 1 ye a r tha t inte rfe re with o ne ’ s a b ility to func tio n a nd e njo y life sho uld b e e va lua te d b y a me nta l he a lth p ro fe ssio na l (Mo rro w, 2009).

• While se ve rity o f lo ss is o fte n re la te d to the sta g e o f p re g na nc y whe n lo ss is e xp e rie nc e d , this is no t a lwa ys the c a se .

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Normal Grief Reaction• Ang e r

• Sa d ne ss

• Numb ne ss

• Ac hing Arms

• Guilt/ “wha t if ? “

• Rumina ting

• Ba rg a ining

• Iso la tio n o r fe a r o f b e ing a lo ne

• Dre a ms

• Wa nting to e nd the e ve nt o r p ro lo ng it

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Be aware of• Ang e r, frustra tio n, o r re se ntme nt o f e xisting c hild re n

• Suic id a l id e a tio n

• Po o r o r no n- e xiste nt sup p o rt ne two rk

• Hig h- risk ho me e nviro nme nt

• Prio r histo ry o f lo ss

• **True la c k o f a c c e p ta nc e o f lo ss**

• Histo ry o f hig h risk b e ha vio rs

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How we handle the initial news is critical to

grief formation & bereavement

• Sha p e s p a re nt’ s e xp e rie nc e fo re ve r

• Ca n ha ve la sting imp a c t o n yo ung e r c hild re n

• No rma lizing a nd b e ing p re se nt is Imp o rta nt

• Be a wa re o f g e nd e r d iffe re nc e s in g rie f

• Ag e a p p ro p ria te fo r c hild re n

• Emp o we r p la nning , c o ntro l, a nd p a rtic ip a tio n

whe ne ve r p o ssib le

• He lp p a re nts a ntic ip a te wha t’ s c o ming

• Thing s to sa y a nd no t to sa y

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Readiness• Fo r g rie f ma te ria ls

• To d isc uss o p tio ns (kno w wha t the y a re )

• To ho ld the b a b y, o r no t

• To re c e ive visito rs & p ho ne c a lls

• Offe r c ha p la in/ p ra ye r/ b a p tism

• Pho to s & me me nto s

• Emp ha sis o n se lf- p re se rva tio n

• Enc o ura g e a c c e p ta nc e o f he lp

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Personal Awareness• Yo ur o wn histo ry with Lo ss

• Ho w c o mfo rta b le o r no t a re yo u with d isc ussing

• Pe rso na l e mo tio na l trig g e rs

• The a rt o f Pre se nc e

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Resources• www.b e re a ve me ntse rvic e s.o rg

• http :/ / www.c hild re nsd a yto n.o rg / c ms/ b e re a ve me nt

• http s:/ / wila yme d o wnto sle e p .o rg

• www.b a b ylo ssc o mfo rt.c o m/ g rie f-re so urc e s/ e -c a rd s

• Fa c e s o f Lo ss Sup p o rt Gro up (Se e ha nd o ut)

• Sha d e s o f Blue Sup p o rt Gro up ( MVH use s)